Grandmas Bed and Breakfast

Published on Aug 29, 2022


Grandma's Bed & Breakfast

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

Grandma's Bed & Breakfast technically never existed. It had been the Smith Family B &B. The Smiths' either died or retired and the Bed and Breakfast was sold. The property was sold three times before the forth owner, William Dodson, renovated and expanded the building with additional buildings. These were essentially 1949 type tourist cabins. He added a pool and the cabins formed the fence. This meant that the cabin bedrooms had doors opening on the pool. The pool was completely private. No one could see it without renting a room. Mr Dodson died in a car crash. He was single and the property went to a distant cousin, who sold it to Mark Mallard.

Mark was the son of a wealthy, but suspect business man, Mark Mallard Sr. who died under suspicious circumstances. The F.B.I. is still trying to identify the poison.

Mark had been raised by his mother with minimal contact with his father. Mark inherited his father's businesses. He sold off all the questionable operations at a good price to suspicious operators. He was well off and the prices were low enough to please the new owners. There were no hard feelings between Mark and his father's problematic former associates.

Mark's mother was hoping he would find a nice girl and settle down. That was not going to happen. Mark had many friends, all male and all pleasant. They tended to be artists, performers, and musicians. Some might be best described as characters. His mother didn't know what her some saw in them, but of course, she had never seen them nude and erect. His mother moved to a retirement community in Florida. She remarried a nice gentleman and had a lovely life.

While Grandma's Bed & Breakfast never opened, it had been inspected and approved by the local code compliance officials. It was legal.

Mark let his friends live there when they were going through a rough patch. If you are a professional mime, or street musician, rough patches are normal. Their lives were interrupted by small interludes of solvency. There was one common denominator for Mark's friends. They were all gay, sexually active, and skilled in the erotic arts.

Grandma's B & B developed a specialized clientele of visitors. Most were quite regular. Mark had what might be called a frequent-flier program. This program was quite expensive, but the men who enrolled in it never seemed to complain. The program allowed then to stay at Grandma's for free. If the rooms were all filled, you could share the room with the other man in the room or one of Mark's friends.

This arrangement was popular, and sometimes guests could share a room with two or three men. The night might not be restful, but many seemed to find this arrangement to be satisfying.

The manager of Grandma's Bed & Breakfast was one of Mark' best friends Michael Angel Lowe. In spite of his name, Michael was a talented artist. His specialty was the nude male figure. He had a knack of painting nude inspired by Michelangelo. They were art and not porn. While they were not for everyone, you could display it in your house and not be embarrassed.

Four men worked with Michael. All were Mark's friends. Olmsted was a muscular gardener. Ludwig von Smith was an undiscovered composer. Albert Eisenburg was a conceptual physicist. His specialty was envisioning alternative worlds free from the constraints of natural laws. Atlas was a muscleman with a bad limp. While these men possessed specialized skills providing intimate services to needy men. They were friendly, attractive and insatiable.

I am Woodrow Dudley Wilson. My father believed that a good name gave you a good start in life. That may be true for some, but my nick name is Hardwood. Mark gave me that name for reasons that do not need to be explained. I am considered to be Mark's business manger.

Our first guest requiring full services was Rex. He had been the business manager for one of Mark's father's more questionable associates. He was the man who operated the legitimate parts of the business. Rex had never been arrested or even been investigated. Rex was an unimpressive man of average height and slightly above average weight.

Mark told Rex about Grandma's B & B and intimates it could meet some of his secret needs. He had been married to a difficult woman for thirty years. Her recent death from a heart attack freed Rex to make a new life. He made a trial visit to Grandma's, and Michael greatly impressed him. I asked if he would like to meet Michael privately.

He looked unsure. "Do you think he would laugh at me?" he asked in a whisper.

I told Rex that was not a problem at all. "Michael is the manager of Grandma's B & B. He is here to make your visit enjoyable. He wants to meet your needs as a guest and as a man." I said. I paused and added, "He had needs and desires too. Some men find it enjoyable to accommodate him. By the way, if you have needs he can't meet, we have other staff members might be able to help."

"Do you ever help?" Rex asked.

"Only when I am asked," I replied. We laughed. "By the way, there are no cameras here except for several kept in the safe. If you wish to have a souvenir of your visit, that is possible if you request it in person."

There was a knock on the door. It was Michael. I introduced them and left.

An hour later Rex called me and asked if I could come to his room. He said it wasn't a problem; it was an opportunity. I said that was not a problem at all. Michael opened the door. He was nude and semi erect. Rex was sitting on the bed. He too was naked if you didn't count his body hair as clothes.

"Rex and I are having a good time." Michael said, "Rex doesn't believe my cock will fit in normal man's ass. I was hoping you and I can prove him wrong."

Michael was a big boy and had never fucked me before. If my middle name hadn't been Dudley it would have been "Willing." I knew Michael was experienced, and I assumed he knew way to get his huge erect cock into a tight ass. I said I was willing, and I stripped. I look okay naked, but I am an average naked guy.

"Now Rex, I'm going to demonstrate how I fuck. Now I can do a simple penetration, or a penetration with and orgasm. When I fuck a man, my cock makes a direct connection between my balls and his ass. Filling a guy ass with your man seed is intimate and it bothers some men. I usually save orgasms for guests and special friends." He explained. "Hardwood can take and he loves it. If you are you interested in taking my load I can save it for you."?"

"I'm not sure," he replied. "It seems awfully personal. Can I fuck you later?"

"Let me tell you a secret; you can fuck me or Hardwood if you want," Michael said. "We aim to please."

"Can I make up my mind later?" Rex asked.

"Of course," Michael replied.

I knew Michael was friendly. I soon knew that Michael was gentle, careful, and insistent. I was on my back on the bed. He raised and spread my legs.

"Come closer Rex," Michael said. "Look at Hardwood pretty ass. It all pink a pretty with a little rose bud in the middle. He has a tube of lube. He push it against my hole and squirted if. He coated his own cock with it and then used his finger to push lube into my ass. I noticed he had short finger nails so he wouldn't scratch."

"It won't fit!" Rex exclaimed.

"Don't best he farm on that," Michael said as he poked his knob into my ass. "I'm going to take my time. I've never visited Hardwood's ass before."

"Is he okay?" Rex asked.

"Just look at his cock. Hardwood into it," Michael said. "He's not a virgin. Some men like to be the first. I'm not one of them. I like a guy who knows what is coming and opens wide to let me in."

Rex and Michael watched the over-sized cock slip into my behind. My ass shrink wrapped itself to his cock. It was erotic and educational. He had an objective but no fixed time to reach that objective. I knew what was going to happen. I'm not a virgin. Michael went deep and his orgasm was all I could hope.

When he pulled out he turned his attention to Rex. Rex was ultra-macho ugly. He had once been muscular, and some of that remained. He had a gut but it was firm. If you think body hair is macho, Rex was your kind of man.

Rex told us he had been married, but his wife was a beauty and she thought he was a caveman. They had three kids who were raised by his sister after his wife died in childbirth.

Rex had a few gay interludes at a local Turkish Bath. He enjoyed them, but he was afraid other members of his bosses' "family" would find out. Grandma's B & B was located in the middle of no where. There was no one find out about his sexual desires.

Michael was an artist and his fucking skills combined being both forceful and lyrical. His cock was his brush and your ass was his canvass. I felt as if his cock ejaculated a work of art into my behind. Oddly I didn't feel fucked when he pulled out. I felt as if my tight ass forced him to shoot off, and he thanked you by ejaculating a Jackson Pollock splatter painting in my ass. He told me later that I was unusually responsive and receptive. My Hardwood nickname was fitting.

Michael suggested that Rex fuck me. Rex had a beer can cock with a huge knob. He bonded with my prostate and it was intense. He shot off and was afraid that Michael would be mad. Michael smiled. "You've had an orgasm. I am sure Hardwood appreciates the gift.

Michael was a lover who fucked, not plain old fucker. He took his time and enjoyed himself on the path to an orgasm. For Rex a visit to Grandma's B & B extended the length of sexual interludes from a few minutes in the Y steam room to hours of sexual activities separated by short periods of rest. Rex loved it.

We soon discovered other under served clients. Over the next few months found a number of men. Many were sexually needy, but conservative politically and religiously. Mark said you can't change mother nature. You can pretend you aren't gay, but you are what you are. People are greatly varied and you can't fool mother nature. There are no single perfect humans other than religious frauds.

On Friday, we had three men from a small town to the west who rented two-room cottage. They tried to hide their identities, but one man was a state trooper, one was a preacher of some sort, and the third was a radio personality. They were sharing the cottage with Olmsted, the gardener and Atlas, the muscleman with the limp.

I came over to welcome the men. I also wanted to know if Olmsted and Atlas were the right men for them. Memphis, the cop, was muscular, and he seem to be interested in Atlas. Calvin, the preacher gravitated toward Olmsted. Calvin's family were farmers. The radio guy, Marty the Man, was shy. It turned out that he was outgoing on air, but shy in person. I talked with him. It was a warm weekday night and the other cabins were empty. I suggested we sit around the pool.

They agreed and most of us sat in the deck chairs. It was a warm night and Olmsted said he liked skinny dipping as a kid. He stripped and dove into the water. Calvin said he hadn't done that in years, so he also stripped and jumped in. Atlas was right behind him. Soon, we were all naked and swimming. Paddling around in the water broke the ice metaphorically speaking.

It seemed to me that the men had odd visions of their bodies. Marty the Man was shy and tried to conceal his most impressive cock. Calvin got hard immediately, and was obviously proud of his cock. Memphis was shy about his muscular body. I later found out he had once been a fat little boy, and he still saw all sex-feet-three-inches of his body as being fat.

While Atlas admired Memphis' muscles. Calvin and Olmsted discovered they had shared good times with friends in the barn on the farm. Calvin had an uncle who liked to play with the boys. Olmsted had learned somethings from a hired hand.

Marty had some fun with an equipment salesman who visited the radio station. That lasted for several years connecting once every few months. While the salesman had fucked Marty it was never the right time for Marty to fuck the salesman. I would have guessed that the salesman would have told some of his fellow salesmen about Marty's interest, but that apparently didn't happen. The sales man died in a car accident two years earlier, and there had been no sex since then.

Sometimes virgins or semi-virgins are shy and timid. While I knew the were at Grandma B & B for sex, wanting sex and having sex are not the same thing. Once we were naked, that was not a problem for our group. Soon, Memphis was sitting on the edge of the pool as Atlas licked his cock lolly-pop style. Calvin was sucking Olmsted's cock, and I was sucking Marty's uncut tool.

While Marty was the most timid and reserved of the trio, I surprised him when I wrapped my lips around his foreskin and used my tongue to probe for his cock head. Apparently Marty had to suck his salesman's cock for fifteen minutes before the salesman would even lick his cock. The salesman also crashed after he shot off in Marty's mouth or ass. Marty loved sperm since it gave him something to savor after the salesman left.

Marty was the man who broke the anal barrier when he fucked me. At that point the group changed from being three sexually engaged couples into six men sharing sex with whom ever was nearest. I had participated in group sex before. Usually they were okay, but not much different from one on one sex for me.

While Atlas, Olmsted and I were sexually experienced, Marty, Calvin and Memphis had limited sexual skills. They were eager to learn. With each sexual discovery they became more excited. It was no holes barred sex for all of us. Olmsted taught Memphis how to pound an ass to a climax. Before Memphis shot off, Olmsted asked how deep Memphis wanted to take his load. "As deep as you can go," he replied. As soon as Olmsted shot off, I skewered myself on Memphis's cock.

I got off his cock when he rear loaded my ass, Calvin refilled my ass. He was not only in my ass, but he was using Memphis's cum as lube. Atlas entered Calvin's ass and quickly shot off. Calvin deposited load on me.

I had a stew of Calvin and Memphis' sperm in my ass. Olmsted and Atlas coaxed the cum drool from my hole as Marty fucked Calvin. We had a nearly complete exchange of bodily sex fluids. I had never felt a more complete sense of affection with complete strangers before. By the time men began to doze off and go to bed were were all friends.

I went to my room in the big house and was surprised the next morning to find Calvin in bed with me. I had been tired and I couldn't remember if I invited him to sleep with me or if he just followed me home.

I was having a good dream, and was surprised when I felt sperm filling my ass in a forceful way. Calvin pulled out and I rolled over to ease my cock into his hole and toy with his prostate. I wasn't positive but I had a feeling the multiple cocks that massaged his prostate the night before had made it very sensitive.

During the night ten other guests arrived and we had a buffet type breakfast around the pool. Some of the men walked from their bedrooms dressed au naturel.

Michael gave a brief, Welcome to Grandma's B & B talk.

"Welcome To Grandma's. This is a mini resort for men," he said. "You may have noticed that the dress code here is relaxed. It is informal, but everything between Black Tie and Tails and our god-given birthday suits is acceptable. I might mention that we are all consenting adults. Consent opens all doors. It is required. It can open doors, minds and also can open an ass for sensual exploration." the men laughed,

After breakfast more men stripped. Inspired by the nudity the men mixed freely. While many of the men were shy, cocks have their own agenda. There is no need to ask a semi-erect nude man if he is interested in sexual play. Later, some men retired to their rooms for more intense activities. Others explored the potential of larger group play. We provided testing but I had thought that was a wasted effort. Our guests loved it. It meant sperm was edible and transferable and cock could be bare.

Our staff was mostly over thirty-five years old and had some mileage on them. Some were clearly used. Mark never told me why he preferred older men, but there was a rumor that he had some poor experiences with boys and with boy-toys. The pretty ones wanted to be admired and pleased. He told me he didn't like it when a guy complained about messing up his hair after a successful anal session.

In the early fall, we had a group called Grandpa's Playpen rent the entire Bed & Breakfast for a four day weekend. They were a club older gay men. They had monthly meetings. The president of the group was Wallace Simpson, a retired dentist. I met with him.

Wallace said their meetings were purely social, and had evolved to be sexual-social events. Many of the men didn't have much of a social life. They had a fancy Christmas Party, but for many of the men that was the only time to get together with distant family and friends. He said the had about twenty members. I told him that would mean many would need to share rooms. That didn't bother him.

I showed him around. Wallace knew about our dress code, so we made the tour nude. Wallace was a good looking man, over six feet tall, and he was a regular swimmer at the YMCA. He had also met one of our customers who told him about our services.

We met Atlas who was sitting with Dan, a retired gym teacher in front of Dan's room. We seemed to hit it off. None of us were shy. They all preferred the top, and I seemed to have developed an interest in gang bangs. Nature took it course. A friend was coming over to see me that evening and three loads in my ass would please him.

Next: Chapter 2

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