Grand Podunkian Caper, Try #2

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 20, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was once again nearing time for the Great Race. I had told Mikros about the actions of his cousin Vlados, only to find out that he had known about it for quite some time.

"But what about our bets?" I had practically wailed when I heard that answer. I had put twenty doshas, nearly seventy American dollars, into Mikros' hands so that he could again parlay his unlikely athletic hero-cousin into a second hefty win at the betting offices. Podunkia lived for the Great Race not the least because the betting was the real event and every one of the three thousand or so inhabitants would take part in it. This tiny land, formed in an unclaimed area at the very nexus of Austria, Hungary and Slovenia, had remained free since the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire...somehow. And was proudly free and justly proud of being free because, to be blunt, nobody could find the place if they didn't know where it was!

The Great Race itself was only two kilometers long, a bit more than a mile. The average race time was a half hour. Think about it. The best runners couldn't manage two kilometers in a half hour on a track that was basically level. Why not?

The track went into a park off-limits during the race. A rule honored more in the breach than in the observance, the bushes were loaded with hunky men chosen by the bettors to waylay and delay the runners with sexual favors. The runners knew these men were there, they chose to run for that very reason.

Vlados had chosen to run for that reason last year. Only he was a pudgy, unattractive man and nobody had wanted him, leaving him to run the entire race, and win, unencumbered. You never saw a more downcast runner in your life!

I had returned some two months ago to Podunkia to write more about their tiny country, only to find that Vlados had been on a massive diet-and-exercise regimen and had turned himself from a pudgy out-of-shape winner into a hunkalicious, muscular loser! Leaving Mikros and me set to lose our bets along with him! The bets against Vlados the year before had been like 18-1 against him, so do the math and you'll feel my pain. And all Mikros had told me to do was show up two days before the race and be prepared to follow his lead!

I'd hoped when I went with Mikros to see Vlados that he had somehow brought Vlados off his diet and turned him flabby again. Instead, Vlados was...gorgeous! That face had never been that hideous even when he'd been a bloated hulk, but now it was taut-cheeked, square jawed, blue-eyed, sandy-tousled hair, atop a body that bulged with biceps, pulsed with pecs, abounded with abs. Damn! The guy I wouldn't have looked at twice last year was now a stud I couldn't take my eyes off of! Seeing him standing in the doorway of his house was like looking at a statue standing in the frame of an alcove!

"Vlados, my cousin!" Mikros said and hugged Vlados heartily.

"Mikros, cousin and friend!" Vlados said to him and those massive arms went around Mikros and as I saw them stroke Mikros' back languidly, I damned near creamed my pants!

"And this, Vlados, is my American friend," Mikros gave Vlados my name and said more about me, but I had stopped hearing because Vlados was stepping over to give me the same greeting he had given Mikros.

I took the opportunity of being held by this new-born hunk to press my cock against his (this was Podunkia, and male-male sex was simply a part of their life, an erection was a compliment of sorts!), and Vlados felt it, shifted, and let me feel his own sausage in his pants, still slack but stiffening nicely when he broke it off.

"You are American?" Vlados said to me when he let go of me.

"Yes, from Boston." I agreed.

"That is most interesting." Vlados' command of English was stilted but very understandable. "I am hoping to see America soon."


"Yes, I study the English so I can go. I win the race again this year, I make enough on my bet to buy a ticket to America." Vlados enthused.

"Yeah?" I suddenly felt discomfited. If Vlados expected to win....

"My American friend knows all this." Mikros intercepted smoothly. "And he wants to stay with you during his time here in Podunkia. So you can practice your English and learn more about his country?"

"You would do this?" Vlados asked me.

"Follow my lead." Mikros had said. "Sure." I agreed, nodding like an idiot.

"That would be...marvelous!" and Vlados showed his appreciation by grabbing me again and giving me a big mouth-on-mouth kiss! Enthusiastic, not passionate but I wasn't complaining.

"Come in, come in!" he gushed. "This is...marvelous! Very, very marvelous!"

"Yeah." I agreed, looking back at Mikros. Who had taken off, turning only to wave bye-bye to me!

I would have stood stock-still, baffled, but Vlados dragged me inside. "Come, come, my home, it is your home!" He was eager as any student of English would be at such a chance.

I looked around. Podunkia isn't the most technologically advanced country in the world (I swear, their electricity came through by an extension cord run in from Austria! Okay, two extension cords!), but this was peasant-poor. A table and chair, a simple kitchen with wood-burning stove for cooking, and a bed against another wall. That was it. A one-room home. I was staying here?

"You be comfortable here, yes?" Vlados said at my elbow.

"Yes, but, uh," I said. "There's only the one bed."

"It is big enough bed." Vlados said, and now his face was nearly at my ear. He was leaning over; I hadn't noticed last year how tall he was, more than six foot. "We both can sleep in it at one time."

"But it's only about four foot wide." I said. "To sleep in that, we'll have to sleep on top of each other."

"Yes, yes." And Vlados' arms went around me a third time, this time from behind and his chin rested on my shoulder and his hands cupped both my breasts at once and he squeezed them gently. "You Americans are so...exciting." he explained to me. "I am very...stimulated to have you here."

His word choice was odd, but when you add that to the hard shaft pressing against my buttocks, a better word would be hard to come up with, limited English or not! I just laid my own head back and turned my face and let him kiss me. I couldn't believe how much he had changed. Damn it, he DESERVED to win the race this year if anyone did! All those other hunks, running only to let themselves be sidetracked by a pretty face. Wanting to be sidetracked! Anyone who ran seriously could win it!

"You run that race and win it, Vlados!" I said when he let my mouth go. "And you can come to America and stay with me in Boston."

"I like that." Vlados said, as he let me turn in his arms to face him. "I like that very much." And our cocks clashed in our clothes as I hugged him to me and his hands went down to clutch my buttocks. Then lifted me up bodily, I wrapped my legs around his taut hips and he carried me over to the bed like that, lay me down underneath him and now the only impediment to making love with him was our clothes.

But Vlados turned it into a game, he was surprisingly adept at unbuttoning my shirt, undoing my pants and belt, lifting off my shoes and socks, all the while not releasing his hold on me. Everything but my pants he took off without even releasing his hold on me. For himself, he managed the entire menagerie of clothing without moving, though my hold on him was often the only thing keeping us together. I spent such times paying attention to that magnificent chest of his, planting kisses on each broad nipple, running my tongue over those big, bulging muscles, and playing with the dusting of hair at the midpoint of his breast.

And now Vlados was lifting my legs up so high I had to let go, and he peeled my pants off upside down, pulling their legs upwards so that his hands nearly hit the ceiling and then we were both nude. I couldn't believe how much he had changed, that chubby guy of last year was gone, so gone, this majestic god was in his place now, and he was enamored of me, adored me, wanted me.

He leaned over and our cocks, now bare and touching each other's sides, were between us and he was hunching back and forth, rubbing our cocks back and forth over each other's stomachs and pubic patches, I could feel the prickly thatch at his groin as it slid over my shaft, tickling and stroking me in ways that nothing else could have, it was like a feather with a hundred little feather-ettes working all at once over my dong.

"Oh, oh, oh!" I gasped. "Vlados, I can't believe how you've changed this last year, I am so fucking turned on by you, so fucking turned on!"

"I saw you at the Great Race last year." Vlados panted. "Watching the other runners, and I hoped, maybe he is the one they sent after me to stop me like the others, but no, you passed me by without a second glance."

"I know, and I'm sorry." I groaned. "Please, Vlados, let me please you now, let me be the trophy you gain from this year's Great Race. When you win, I will be there to give you everything you pass up at the race track. Let them throw many, many men at you, forget them, for there will be me, waiting at the end."

Vlados moaned and he skittered about like an enormous spider might, to turn himself around on the bed over me, and his thick dong was jutting down at me and his lips were capturing my own pud with velvet chains that he fastened with the silken moistness of his tongue. I keened out a moan of sheer ecstasy and grabbed his cock and shoved it into my mouth. His prick was soft, warm, and the head was tipped with a glob of precome as delicate as a cherry atop a sundae, it melted on my tongue in a pool of slimy goodness. I shuddered at its flavor, then began to slurp on his dong with a fervor I normally reserved for my career! I had a hot-as-hell stud in bed with me, he would follow me back to Boston like a faithful puppy and on top of that, when he won the Great Race, I'd garner a nice little wad of change to sweeten the pot. Twenty doshas at 18-1 odds times 3.37 to get conversion into dollars was.... Enough to stiffen my dick that little extra more!

Vlados groaned appreciatively, and I was matching him moan-for-moan and my organ was humming, when Vlados again broke away. "I do you now." He said, and I saw the light burning in his eyes and didn't argue. You don't argue when Hercules tells you he wants to bang your ass, you spread your legs and hope you can handle what's about to be rammed into you!

Vlados plunged into my ass with an adeptness that belied his chubby past, that or others had noticed his new-found hunk status before me. His strokes into me were sure and easy, designed to both thrust himself into me deeply while not injuring me and maximizing my own pleasure. His muscles were a finely tuned engine and they plied themselves in harmony to guide him in smooth liquid motions. I held onto his back, feeling the muscles rippling under my hands, my legs were holding his thighs, and they were flexing as he fucked me.

Again our climaxes built together, Vlados moaning huskily into my ear as he held me close to him now, we were one body, one soul, one life and the joy that built was the start of a union that would be everything, everything!

And Vlados groaned a soft low sound into my ear and I felt his cock spurt into my ass, and when he did, my own climax seized me instantly and forced me to join him, I moaned and sprayed both our stomachs with my hot seed and he pumped me full and I splattered us liberally and then he was done and slumped, lying on me heavily, sweat pouring from his body onto mine and we were like a human puddle of exhausted sexual tension.

"You and me, in America." Vlados said. "I win the Race tomorrow for sure."

"And I'll be at the finish line waiting for you." I promised. "I need to get back to my hotel to pick up my bags if I'm going to be staying with you tonight...."

The next day, I was standing in the town square, watching the runners getting ready. Most of the runners were the same as the year before, but two were new. One was the usual farm-fed hunk, but the other... He wasn't massive, he was whipcord lean and looked like he could run like a cheetah, and his name was Parlos!

My God! He might win over Vlados!

I did the only thing I could think of. I darted toward the other path, the one that would let me slip into the bushes of the track. I would waylay this thin Parlos and let my Vlados win!

Parlos was indeed in the lead, but before I got to him, I saw another move toward him, saw him smile and go to the side. And next in line was Vlados. "Go, Vlados, go!" I cheered when I saw him coming.

I watched him pass me with a wave and a smile, and then I went back to the finish line to watch him finish.

Waited a very long time. The winner of the Great Race was Parlos, who finished the race in twenty-seven minutes. Vlados didn't finish until nearly thirty-seven minutes, a poor fourth. Which meant....

Downcast, I turned and nearly ran into Mikros. "There you are!" he said to me cheerily. "We have won!"

"But...but Vlados lost!" I nearly wailed.

"As well he should, with three separate men out to make his race a long one. I doubt he dallied with more than one or two of those, especially with you wearing him out all day yesterday.

"But he lost! And so did we!"

"No, no, I knew he would lose. I put all our money on Parlos."


"Of course."

"But...but Parlos was taken aside." I stammered. "How did you know to bet on him instead of Vlados?"

"Everyone throws their kinfolk after the previous year's winner!" Mikros said almost scornfully. "I had to figure out who would be the one who would run fastest and yet attract the fewest suitors in the field. That was Parlos, and the odds on him were 8-1."

"Oh." I said. "So we won."

"Indeed we did."

"But what about Vlados?" I said. "He wanted to go to America, with me. He wanted the winnings of this year's race to pay for his plane ticket."

"Do you want him to come to America with you?"

"Yeah!" I said.

"So buy him a ticket." Mikros shrugged. "You have money now."

Twenty doshas times 8-1 odds times 3.37... "Yeah, I can afford a ticket for him." I agreed.

"So go tell him."

And I moved toward Vlados, who smiled at me ruefully. And it occurred to me that the real winner of the Great Race this year was me!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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