Grand Opening

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 5, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



That was the banner, "Grand Opening," and below that in smaller letters were the words "on September 15th." Just below that was the words "Bookstore" and the banner appeared to be covering up the first half of the name. This was only September 12th, so they weren't open for another three days.

I looked at the note in my hand, blinking (sunspots before my eyes, the sun had been just overhead of that banner, and the glare had been baleful) and then up at the store's numbers alongside one edge of the doorjamb. 8412 Jefferson Street, this was the right place. But they were closed. Why would Ronald want to meet me here?

I saw movement inside, decided I would ask them if they knew where Ronald was. He had been so enigmatic on the phone, just he needed to see me and this was the address, hurry up, I needed to be there by 3:30pm or it would be too late. Click--end of message.

The door opened to my hand and I poked first my head in. My eyes were blinded by the transition from outdoors to indoors, not a lot of light in the store. "Hello? Anyone here?"

A figure came toward me, and me still blinking and unable to see. "May I help you, sir?" it said to me.

"Yes, I'm looking for a guy named Ronald, said to meet him here." I said. "Do I have the right place?"

"Only if you're looking to give a guy one hell of a blowjob." came the answer. That first line had been courteous, very unlike the voice's owner, but that second one....

"Ronald!" I said to the figure, which was now resolving itself into my lover. "You got a job here!"

"Couldn't you tell?" Ronald said, grinning impishly at me. God, that smile of his was a killer, it turned his face into that of a mischievous young boy, almost...if the boy had been blessed with a body of a male swimsuit model and a coif of dark brown hair that begged you to run your fingers through it. "Forgetting about me already?"

I grinned sheepishly. "I was blinded by the sun, coming in here. Couldn't see a darned thing. Aren't bookstores supposed to be lit up enough to read by?" The only light came from the big picture window next to the door.

"It will when the lights are installed." Ronald said. "The lady who owns this place said they'd be here tomorrow."

"So why am I here?" I said. "I have a job already, remember?" I was working two afternoons a week at an accounting office several blocks from the campus. Lots of businesses catered to college kids like Ronald and me, minimum wage but willing to work with our school schedule...beggers can't be choosers!

"Didn't I tell you already?" Ronald frowned. Not a real frown, but a pretend frown, if you know what I mean.

I frowned myself, in concentration. "No, don't mean that joke about the blowjob?"

"Who said it was a joke?" Ronald said. "The lady had to go home, her son is sick. Been sick a lot, it's why she still hasn't opened this store yet. I'm stuck here until six o'clock with nothing to do but put books on shelves. I figured you could help me out...afterwards."

I looked at Ronald. We'd been together for about three months, we'd met during the summer and were still getting to know each other, quite a lot. I had moved into his apartment just two weeks ago. The summer had been a madcap, sexual adventure, sex in odd places and some days just spent entirely in bed. Ronald was a sexual dynamo, as you will have guessed by now, and he loved doing some strange things. So his asking us to have sex in this bookstore wasn't too off-the-wall. I mean, we'd done it behind some bushes just a month ago, and out on the balcony of his apartment two nights ago. Ronald had been fucking me and me leaning onto the balcony's edge, looking out over the street below (the balcony was solidly enclosed up to waist high, and the street was deserted that late, but the night air had been exhilarating and I had been so damned turned on. If anyone in the building across the street and higher than us had looked out the window, they would have seen us!

So I looked at Ronald, and I grinned. "Sounds good to me, tiger. Where to, in the back room?"

"Nuh-uh!" Ronald shook his head. "Right out here."

"Here?" I said, shocked.

"I cleared this area out so we'd have room." Ronald said.

"But...but...but...." I was stammering because while the bookstore was closed, the street outside was NOT deserted, it had a heck of a lot of college kids and a fair number of other people going back and forth. "What if someone looks inside?" I asked him.

"The window reflects back a lot of the light." Ronald pointed out. "Especially with the lights out inside here. And the shelf along the front wall blocks as high as the balcony did."

He was right about that, the bookshelf there had a display on the outside edge (to show passersby the books chosen, the inside was a set of regular shelves holding more of those same books. It came up to about waist high.

So what, you want to do like the balcony, with me leaning up against the shelves?" I said. "I might splatter the books when I shoot."

"Nuh-uh!" Ronald said again. "Right out here in the middle."

"Here?" I said, for he was pointing right where we were now. He had guided me inside slightly during our talk, I hadn't noticed that until just now, and then only because he was pointing down at this spot.

"Sure." Ronald said. "You saw yourself, nobody can see us inside here."

"I was blinded by the sun, and I saw you in here." I said.

"You didn't know who I was." Ronald said.

"I would have if I hadn't looked at the sun, then come right inside." I said. "What if somebody stops next to the window to look at the books there...and then looks up."

"That's what makes it exciting." Ronald said with that smile of his. "What's the matter, Gerry, losing your spirit of adventure?"

"" I said slowly. I looked at the window again. Nobody was paying the place any mind. A closed bookstore, it had been vacant the entire year before. So a new bookstore was moving in, there were two others not so far away from here. Not the most enticing of businesses to install here. The woman would have been smarter to put in a small coffee bar and tables and chairs to let people sit and read. But the store was pretty small for that. And with her missing the spurt of sale of textbooks at the semester's start suggested she wouldn't be in business for long.

I looked back at Ronald and I forgot about suggesting a coffee bar to him. Because he had taken my moment of reflection and used it to unzip his fly and take out his cock.

"Come on, Gerry." Ronald said, and he waggled it at me. God, he had a beautiful cock on him. Ronald may or may not be the guy I spend the rest of my life with, but God, he was a great guy to waste my college years with! "What have you got to lose?"

"My dignity if we are seen." I said. "My freedom if whoever sees us calls the police."

"Where's your sense of adventure?" teased Ronald. "Come on, you know you want to. Think about it, you sucking me, all those people right outside, any of them could see us if they looked inside. You could be seen sucking my dick. You could be seen...."

He knew me that well, at least. Damn it, it WAS turning me on, the risk of being seen. "Well, maybe nobody will bother looking inside." I said and I got down on my knees before Ronald. I reached up and caught hold of his cock and I said, "But if someone looks in here, I want you to warn me, okay?"

"Okay." Ronald said. "But scoot around a little bit more this way." He aimed us so we would be sideways to the potential viewers outside. If someone looked in, there'd be no doubt about what we were doing! I obeyed like a well-trained dog, heel, boy, heel! Now suck!

"Suck me." Ronald urged me when I quit moving. "A woman stopped and looked in the window at the books, but she kept on moving. God, that turns me on! Suck me, Gerry, suck me!"

I whimpered and lunged onto his cock. We had almost been seen! Seen, me down on my knees with my hand wrapped around Ronald's gorgeous cock attached to his gorgeous body! Seen! The tension drove me onto Ronald's pud with all the force of a hammer-blow! I hit the wall of his body, my nose deep into his pubic hairs and his glans shoved down my throat.

"Uhhhh!" Ronald groaned and threw his head back (I didn't see, but he always did when he made that noise, it was the noise of him being really excited by something I'd done). "Uhhh! Damn!" That was because I hadn't let go, I had kept him deep inside me. "God, suck me, Gerry, please, before I cream right down your fucking throat!"

That was the semi-pleading I was waiting for. If anyone saw us, they'd see me giving him the best blowjob he'd ever had, by God, his beautiful man moaning as I plied myself over his prick.

I pulled back, slowly, now my saliva coated his cock as I moved, now he was being milked by my lips as I let that moisture splay over his length, a little at a time. The glans was almost soggy with the mucus from my throat, I let it be and stopped there, his foreskin sloppily wrapped around that soaked glans, and then I began a slow cadence back and forth. Ronald moaned and I wondered if he would. Would he?

"Three people just went by, they all looked inside." Ronald gasped. "Now a guy on a bicycle, didn't look. Two girls, yes, they're stopping to see the calendars in the window."

Yes, he was doing it. Telling me the people coming by, what they were seeing of us. I couldn't suck his cock and see for myself, and he was giving me the stimulation. Would those girls see us? I got my pants unbuttoned and lowered them as I raised up on my knees briefly, never letting go of Ronald's luscious prod, keeping him held on tight, and when I got my briefs down to mid-thigh, I lowered myself, both leaning back on my heels and lowering onto Ronald's prick. Ronald let out a moan of delight and terror combined. "They looked up. No, they're moving on again." Ronald groaned. "A guy came up to join them and they all took off. Guh! Shit, that feels so fucking good!"

Tell me more, I thought at Ronald. Tell me of the people seeing us, seeing this shop. Would any of them notice? Would any of them guess?"

"Bunch of people in both directions." Ronald said as his hand caught my head just below the earlobe, partially on the neck. Tight enough to urge me, not enough to control me. "None of them looked. God, a guy is coming up to the store. Looking right in at us!"

Can he see us? Can he? God, I moved faster on Ronald's prick, milking that savory dong, wringing his pleasure out of him, Ronald gasping as he urged me to move faster, now, faster.

"He's at the window." Ronald said. "Looking down at the books. Oh, God, Gerry, I'm close to coming now! Uh!"

Was this guy going to see us? Was he?

"Other people going by." Ronald panted. "Have to walk around this guy, they're all looking at him. He's still looking at the books."

Ronald pud was hard as stone, and mine was humming nicely. This guy was all the aphrodisiac we needed, his oblivious looking at the books, not knowing we were just beyond them.

"He's looking up." Ronald gasped. "Oh, shit, Gerry, I'm going to come now, I'm going to come!"

What was the guy doing? I wanted to scream at Ronald. "What was he doing? Did he see us? What?

But Ronald was beyond talking, he groaned and released a torrent into my throat! "OH, GOD, YEAH, UHHHH, GUHHH, UHHHH, NUHH, NHH, UUHH, NNNHHH! NNHHH! NNNHH! UHHHH, UHHH, UHH!" he rumbled as his salty load unburdened itself into my mouth. I was gulping him down ardently, that thick, creamy sperm of Ronald's was better than any I'd ever tasted before. And I let those sticky packets of desire ignite my own flame, I had made Ronald come, right before a possible watcher at the window, and now it was my turn, mine!

With Ronald still hunching at me helplessly, his come dribbled out still, perhaps (or was that left-over jizz on my tongue I felt?), and I groaned around his dick and I sprayed his leg with my own spunk, sank my mouth deep over his spent, weakening but still firm dong and sank once again to the pubic-bone and held him while I gushed over his pants-leg and his shoe, hearing the muffled splats of jizz as they hit the denim pants, the brighter sound almost like a bell as they adorned the leather of his shoe. A meatier thunk as others hit the carpet underneath us.

Panting, I let go of him, sank my head against his wet dong and looked outside.

That guy...he had his hands up to his eyes, nose against the window, looking in at us! He had seen! We'd been seen! He was in his upper teens, college-age probably, and he was looking at me having just sucked off this handsome stud of a man. I looked right at him and smiled, and he grinned, and moved away.

"He saw us." I said to Ronald.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, he did." Ronald was still breathing heavy. So was I, some. "God, it was him seeing us that sent me off. I guess I'm an exhibitionist at heart. No wonder I got so hot on that balcony that other time."

"Yeah." I agreed with him. "I just hope he doesn't call the police or such."

"What time is it?" Ronald asked me. He didn't wear a watch but I did.

I looked. "Almost four o'clock now."

"We got to get moving." Ronald said. "I have to get those boxes of books packed out onto the shelves before six o'clock. You don't mind helping me, do you?"

"I guess not." I said.

"Can't let the boss lady know I goofed off for nearly a half hour." Ronald concluded. "She'll come back any minute now."

"I thought she wouldn't come back until six." I said.

"No, she was just gone for an hour or so to get her kid and take him to her mother's house." Ronald explained. "She said she'd be back by about four o'clock. That's why I specified you had to be here by 3:30."

"Oh." I said. "Uh, sure, I'll help you get those books on. But what if she comes in and sees me working in here with you."

"She won't care, she's been dragging in everyone she can find to help her set up." Ronald said. "I'll just say you dropped by and offered to pitch in."

"Okay." I said.

"But let's move, she hasn't been gone but an hour or so."

So I helped Ronald get the books out of the boxes and into piles on the floor. Ronald said that if we did that, it would confuse just how much work we'd done. I was putting books on the shelf when I heard the door open.

I looked, expecting to see the owner, but it was a guy. Specifically, the guy who had been looking in the window at us earlier. "Hello." I said. "Ronald, you have a customer here."

Ronald stood up. "Hello." he said. "We're closed until Thursday when we have our grand opening, sorry."

"I just wanted to know if you have a gay and Lesbian section." the guy said.

"We do." Ronald said. "Those stacks over there on the floor. You can look through them, but don't shuffle them, the books are in order already, so they can go on the shelves faster."

"That's okay." the guy said. "I'll come back when you're open. I came by earlier, but I could see you two were...busy."

Ronald just smiled beatifically. "Yeah, we were."

"Cool." the guy said. "See you at the grand opening, then. I'll tell all my friends, too."

And he left, a woman entering just as he left. She saw me and said to Ronald. "Customers already?"

"This is Gerald, my roommate." Ronald said. "He came by and I put him to helping me. The other guy will be a customer, and plans to tell his friends about the place, though."

"Terrific." she beamed. "Word of mouth is a store's best advertising. Let's hope he tells all his friends about what he's found here."

I don't think she understood why Ronald and I laughed. But I did tell her about the coffee bar idea, and she's going to put in a coffee-maker and a lounge area, and the coffee will be free to anyone who buys a monthly ticket and brings in a personal coffee mug to keep behind the bar with their name on it. That ought to go over well with the college crowd especially around exam time.

As for the sex, Ronald wants us to do it next time down at the mall. We're scoping out places there now. Something nice and private...but not too private. Personally, I can't wait!

Maybe Ronald and I were made for each other, after all!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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