Grand Father

Published on Sep 7, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 9

"Koki, come up here boy."

I pulled him onto my lap.

"Koki do you think my punishment is fair, was I fair to you?"

"Master, when you peed in my mouth I purposely let some leak. I like it when I get my bottom spanked."

I chuckled.

"Koki normally when a boy makes a mistake he gets ten swats on his ass. And it's doubled each time he makes a mistake. Boys don't often get it twice."

He sat and looked at me for a few minutes.

"Master, I messed up twice. I should have got 10 swats the first time and 20 swats the second time. You only gave me two each time. You need to give me 26 more."

"Koki when I award swats, it is on both the front and back."

His eyes got real big and then he put his head down.

"I guess you need to punish me lots Master."

"Is that what you want Koki?"

"Master, Master Toto said if we mess up we get swats. I messed up Master so you need to punish me. It wouldn't be fair if you don't."

"Besides the fact that you like to get your ass spanked."

I knew deep inside I could be very sadistic. They were after all just slaves. I could do anything I wished without consequences. Even thinking about it I was hard in my pants. I knew Koki could feel it sitting on my lap.

I pushed him to the floor.

"Get my cock out and suck me off boy."

I knew Koki could deep throat my cock, but also knew he didn't know how I liked a blow job.

I let him take me once and then grabbed his head and rammed my cock into his throat. He gagged and chocked on it.

"This is how I like a Blow Job boy. So just take it."

I just slammed it in and back out, hardly giving anytime to breath. Lucky for him I came pretty quick.

"Miss any Koki and you really will know the meaning of pain."

The little Jap surprised me again. As I started to cumm he swallowed and the head of my cock was pulled into his gullet. He took my whole load. As I pulled out he licked me clean and then slumped to the floor breathing hard.

I pulled him up onto my lap as he got his lungs refilled with air.

"Did.....Did I do okay Master?"

"Yes Koki. You did just fine. Can you stand boy?"

He stood in front of me. I pulled a leather belt with attachments from my desk drawer.

I had him step into the belt and then tightened it. I reached between his legs and grabbed his balls. When I pulled them he yelped. Ignoring him I attached a strap around his balls and attached them to the belt with a short leather strap. A similar strap held his cock out straight. He never spoke.

"Turn around boy."

I moved the two straps at the back into the crack of his ass and pulled both tight, pulling his ass cheeks apart. These were already attached to the belt and I pulled them snug.

"Does it hurt anywhere Koki?"

"No Master. What's it for?"

"I'll show you in a minute."

"Now remember. You will always wear this. You will never remove it. You can shower and use the refresher, piss or even jack off although that you won't do unless you ask first. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

He ran his hands over the belt and attachments. When he got to his ass he smiled.

"Makes it easy to fuck me Master."

"Yes it does among other things."

"Do you know what this belt is for Koki?"

"Master it is used to torture boys. Are you going to hurt me Master?"

I led him over to the couch and sat down putting him on my lap.

"Koki earlier you said I didn't give you enough swats. You missed the swats on your front. So that means I owe you 28 on your front. Now with that belt on all you will get them on is your cock."

"Master, I was hurt lots by white men in Japan. You can do anything Master."

"Very well. I'll think on it. Now lets go to bed. Got a long day tomorrow."

He smiled as I led him to my bedroom.

Chris, Colin and Terry were all sitting on my bed when we walked in. As soon as Terry saw me, he started to shake.

"Relax Terry. I'm not going to warm your behind. You and Colin go use the second bedroom. Colin can give you the swats you owe me."

Both boys stood with their mouths open.


"Yes Master." They both said and grabbed a strap and left.

"Those boys like stuff done to them Master." Chris said.

"Yeah I expect they are both going to get the Strap tonight."

I screwed both Koki and Chris, much too both boys delight. I doubted there was a cock in my whole camp that could satisfy Koki. Even with two boys snuggled up beside me, I had a troubled sleep.

What to do with the two white boys I still had not figured out.

I wasn't in a particularly good mood when I got up. Both boys helped me in the bathroom and I sent Chris to breakfast with the house boys. Colin and Terry were both sore after giving each other swats on their asses and cocks. I sent them to breakfast too.

Koki and I had Breakfast in my office.

"Master, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead boy."

"How come there are two white boys here? You got nothing but niggers and Nipponese boys here."

"They ran from a road gang and my Security caught them. Not sure yet what I am going to do with them."

"They make good fuck toys master." He giggled.

"Like you eh?" I laughed.

"Master, I fuck, suck and pain boy for many years. I was called a pleasure boy. Work for Yakuza. When men looking for volunteers to be slaves in America I run from Yakuza and come here. I'm glad you are my Master. I love you Master."

Sam stepped into my office.

"We got trouble Master. Boys say to slippery on wood pile."

"I don't care if it's covered in Ice. They'll work or else."

I always had this problem some time in the year, but usually not until after the first snow. This was late August, no fucking reason other than their lazy fucking niggers.

"Let's go. Come along boy."

As we stepped outside I saw a bit of frost on some of the trees. So I knew the temperature had dropped below freezing at least briefly. Koki wrapped his arms around himself.

"Brrrrr....."Cold Master."

"You'll get used to it. Get in." Sam jumped in back.

I drove down to the wood pile next to the debarker. About 15 or 20 niggers were standing around. I climbed out.

"Get the fuck to work. Get that debarker working."

"Master too dangerous. Boy already slip and fall in debarker."

"That's not what is dangerous. I'm the one that's dangerous."

I pulled my sidearm, pointed it at the speaker and pulled the trigger. The report was very loud and the niggers head exploded spraying blood and brains on the two niggers standing next to him.


There was dead silence for perhaps 10 seconds and then a mad scramble to get to work.

"Throw the body on the belt to the burner."

"We're done here Koki."

Koki got into the ATV and I drove to the dry storage.

For some reason I always got hard after killing a nigger. Not that they were anything other than slaves. According to the Feds they weren't even human. More like animals to be used and discarded. The niggers in the barracks mostly fucked doggy style, just like most animals.

If killing one gets the rest working it works for me.

What was interesting when I looked at Koki he was smiling and hard.

WE went into the warehouse and I led him right into the bedroom.

I sat down and gestured for him to come closer.

I started to remove the belt.

"Are you not going to punish me more Master?"

"Oh I'm still going to warm your cute butt and beat on that cock, but I want something else now."

After explaining what I wanted, he went at it like it was the last time he'd ever get me to suck him. After blowing a good sized load I tossed him on the bed and quickly undressed and mounted him. I screwed his Jap ass for almost an hour, flipping him over and doing him doggy style. After blowing a second time Koki was like a wet rag. I pulled out.

"Clean me up boy."

After he licked me clean I dressed.

Come along boy. You can clean up at the house." My cumm was running down his legs.

Koki took off to use a refresher and shower. I went to my office to wade through more of the piled up paper work.

Koki came back and climbed under my desk. I rubbed his head.

"Good Boy."

A few minutes later Chris came to my office.

"Master, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Chris. What's on your mind?"

"Master I am so bored. I can't do anything. I can't play with boys coz I'm too long. Only Terry and Colin can suck me, but even they only want it once in a while."

"I could see tears forming at his eyes.

"Come over here son."

"Chris, would like me get you fixed so you are more normal?"

"Master I want what you want."

"Well I want you happy Chris. So I'll take you to the clinic and have doctors fix you. Howe big do you want to be?"

"Ten to twelve inches would be good Master. Then all boys be able to do me."

"Perfect size for you boy. Tomorrow or when this storm breaks I'll take you to the clinic."

"Oh thank you Master."

"Run along now. Got lots of work to do."

I really had been crazy to get Chris enhanced just so I could see if I could swallow all of his 22 inch cock. More money, but what the hell it was an experiment that didn't work.

I called Justice in Seattle and talked to one of the Federal DA's.

I explained what happened to Aaron and had disposed of his body. Then asked why two teenage boys had been sent to a road gang and not a boot camp.

After talking to him for over and hour, we came to an arrangement. I'd have to talk to my partner but thought it could be a very lucrative sideline. I hung up.

At least I knew what Terry and Colin's status was now. As escaped prisoners I could do anything I wanted with them.

"Koki, would you like to be bigger, as in bigger cock, bigger load of cumm?"

"Not as big as Chris Master."

"No not that big."

"Okay Master." He smiled.

"Sam take Koki down to the clinic. Have the doctor give him a standard enhancement."

I drove to the Paper Mill.

"Must be important Alvin. You never come down here." Pete laughed.

"Fucking smell gets to me."

"You get used to it."

I explained the proposal from Justice.

"Bottom line is 62 grand a month. They can work at the landscaping and cutting wood for the winter. We'll put them in their own barracks and fence it."

"You are not telling me everything Alvin."

"Any boys shipped here who are under Capital Crimes are to be executed when they reach 18. WE can spare them if they are filling a meaningful role and are never released."

"I know that you are thinking Alvin and I wholeheartedly agree. By the way Colin and Terry are real good in bed."

"Their both living with a death sentence hanging over their heads. Escaping lawful custody is a Capitol offence."

"Well I could use one of them here. Start teaching him the whole operation."

"Okay. I'll send Colin over here. I think I'll put Terry in the young nigger's barracks. They can fuck him all night if they want. He's still getting punished for hanging Aaron. So he can stay at the house during the day."

As I left the Mill I saw the clouds were starting to break up. Even the sun was showing through in places. I'd order a lifter for pickup in the morning.

The Super was waiting when I got to my office. He suggested we bring in another 500 construction slaves. That would make it easier to build barracks faster. I agreed. He said he'd order them in.

I called Colin and Terry to my office.

"Terry take off your G. From now on until I say otherwise you will go everywhere nude, just like the niggers here."

"Colin you can go up to the mill. Peter will be your boss from now on."

"You can go now Colin."

"Yes Master."

"Terry come over here beside me."

Terry walked over with his head down.

I knew I was going pardon him. I shouldn't be punishing him at all. I was doing it for my own enjoyment. Aaron would have died one way or the other. Hell I should have had him hanged the moment I read his trial transcript. He deserved to die for what he did.

"What am I going to do with you boy?"

"Master I"

"Don't talk until I'm done."

"Until Koki is out of the clinic you will be my personal body boy. That means if I am working here in the office you will be under my desk. You will help me shower and clean me when necessary. Sometimes I might not be near a refresher and if I crap I expect you to lick my ass clean. At night you will spend your time in the young boys barracks. You will take all your meals here in the house."

"Tomorrow I'm going to Seattle and Eugene. While I'm away you will be in the barracks."

"I won't be giving you anymore swats on your butt or cock."

When I said that Terry sighed. Almost like I had lifted a 10 ton weight from his shoulders.

"If you screw up in any way I'll be using the pain enhancer on you."

"Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

"Good, get under my desk."

As soon as he was under my desk I pulled out my soft cock. Terry was on it right away. He drained my bladder and I thought I heard him smack his lips. I knew most of the stuff Terry would accept. He liked to suck and get fucked by black boys, so knew his time in the barracks would not be detrimental to him.

I called and ordered a lifter for 8 AM the next day. Then worked the rest of the day, stopping only for lunch. Terry ate with me.

Sam came in and said things were back to normal.

"I think the message got through and all the boys know what happened. Master you need to go to tree line. They lost 6 boys yesterday. All were hit by snag coming down from bad falling."

"SIX! Who the fuck is the lead up there?"

"Charlie. He old Nigger should have known better."

"Have Security run another six replacements up. Who have we got to replace Charlie?"

"Mumba. He second on Aspen stand."

"Okay. After I'm back from my trip tomorrow I'll run up take care of it."

Sam knew Charlie had outlived his usefulness and would be put down when I got back.

AS Sam had been talking two boys came in with arm loads of logs. They quickly cleaned out the fire place and set up new logs for burning. Once they were done they lit the fire. Then stood waiting.

"Come over here boys."

I knew both were just 13 or 14, but both had pretty fair sized cocks. Both would get bigger still. I patted both boys on the butt.

"You two are going to pretty big when you get older."

"Thank you Grand Pa."

They almost ran from my office giggling.

"Grab your runners and let's go boy."

WE went out and climbed into an ATV. I drove off as soon as Terry was in. I drove down to the first Barracks. A boy was lounging outside in the sun. As soon as he saw me he walked over to the ATV.

"You want me Master?"

"Not right now boy. Maybe later. After dinner come to the house."

"Yes Master." He smiled.

"Have you seen Gordon?"

"Master he go to Loading dock."

I just spun the ATV around and headed for the loading area.

Gordon was talking to two boys when I drove up. He said something to them and then both put down the shovels and headed for the lunch room. Gordon walked over to me.

"They missed lunch so I told them to take an hour."

"Terry go help those boys out. I'll be back to pick you up."

Terry got out and trotted after the two nigs. Gordon got in the ATV.

"So what have you heard?" I asked as I drove toward the house.

"Well that boy that got killed in the feeder slipped as a log was being fed into the debarker. The log landed on him, so he was probably dead before the debarker shredded him."

"The word spread pretty fast when you killed that boy, but I doubt there will be problems."

Gordon was my number one Son. On an urge one day I had brought a virgin girl up to the house. I'd taken her virginity and continued to use her until she was pregnant. Gordon was the result of that mating. He was now number one boy in the whole camp and god help anyone who crossed him.

I pulled up to the house and got out. Gordon followed me inside. I walked to one of the vacant bedrooms. I stood by the bed and undressed. By the time I was naked Gordon was standing nude his 11 inch cock semi hard.

Gordon didn't need to ask what I wanted as I sat down on the bed. He stepped forward between my legs and fed his cock into my mouth. He let me take him slowly down my throat a couple of times. I felt his hands at the side of my head. On my third stroke he used both hand to pull me onto his cock. From then on he fucked my face hard. Using his hard muscled legs he hammered my throat. In less than a couple of minutes I was running out of air. He knew and held his cock deep and unloaded his thick sperm. I swallowed and felt his cock being pulled deeper. As he pulled out I licked his cock clean. Then lay back on the bed.

I pulled my legs back.

"Fuck me you cock sucking Nigger slave boy."

Gordon never hesitated, just stepped forward, grabbed my thighs, lined up on my hole and using his thick hard leg muscles hammered his cock into me. The pain was so great I screamed as his cock went balls deep into.

As he started to fuck me his cock rubbed my prostrate on ever stroke. I saw stars in my eyes as the feelings overtook my over loaded brain.

"Fuck me, breed me boy." I grunted out.

Gordon fucked me hard for perhaps ten minutes. Then slowed as fucked in slow even strokes. That almost drove me crazy as he made love to me. I pulled his head down and kissed him. We went into a lip lock as he fucked.

Gordon was the only black I kissed. Simple I loved him. He was my Son but so much more than that.

He stopped and I felt his over heated black sperm filling my cavity. Then slowly pulled out.

He helped me up and into the bathroom. I sat on the refresher. After getting cleaned out we showered together.

"Thank you Father."

"Not at all Son. Thank you."

WE dressed and I drove back to the loading area. Terry was waiting. The two black boys were doing clean up along the tracks.

Gordon got out and Terry climbed in.

"Did you help out the boys Terry?"

"Yes Master. Master I like black boy cocks in me and I love to suck, but don't like to fuck boys. Colin is a top boy and I'm a bottom boy. We been doing each other since we was thirteen Master. Boys in barracks want me to fuck them."

"Well I'll pass the word that you are only a bottom boy."

"Thank you Master."

I drove back to the house. Sent Terry to use the refresher and shower and come to the office. We ate dinner together and then Told Sam to take Terry to the Boys barracks and explain his status.

Peter hadn't been at dinner so knew he was probably screwing Colin's head off. I took Chris to bed with me and screwed him almost all night. We were both tired when we got up. After our morning ritual, we had breakfast. By the time we were done the lifter was on the pad.

"Take care of the Camp Sam. Be back early afternoon."

I dropped Chris at the Clinic. Told I could pick him up in two days. Then had the lifter drop me at the Slave Directorate in Seattle. Told the pilot to pick me up at Justice at 1 PM.

Arriving at the Slave Directorate, I was ushered into the Directors Office. He came around his desk and shook my hand.

"It is very good to see you Mr. Grand. Your operation is the best operated in the country. Some of your innovations are being copied all over the Confederacy."

Coffee was served by a magnificent black. Fully six feet tall and very well muscled. The bulge in his boxer briefs told me he was very well hung too.

The Director noticed my interest.

"Do you want him Alvin?"

When I looked at the Director, he laughed.

"As a gift Alvin. We'll be doing a lot of business together."

He hit his intercom.

"Have Alban come to my office."

When the Negro walked in he bowed to the director.

"You sent for me Master?"

"Alban you now belong to Master Grand."

"Oh thank you Master." He turned to me.

"It is an honor Master." He moved over behind my chair.

The Director handed me the Contract I was going to sign. I sat back to read.

The Contract specified that I would be shipped up to 10,000 slaves a year. I knew from experience that it took from 3-5 months to train labor slaves. Domestics took longer because they would be put in a position of trust. Domestics included sex slaves so none could be virgin and all acceptable to any kind of sex.

I was also required to supply up to 1,000 castrated slaves. More if possible but at least 1000.

The Slaves would cost me nothing and I would be paid 500 New Dollars for every slave trained I shipped to Seattle.

All slaves I received would be immunized and bar coded.

The bar code was a small insert placed in the left thigh of all slaves. It told me everything about a slave with a simple reader.

None would be enhanced.

There was also no expiry date on the Contract. After reading it completely I signed the bottom. The Director signed as well. After copies were made I was done.

I told the Director I hoped to be able to accept the first 1000 slaves by the first of January the next year. He was satisfied.

Next stop Justice. I left the Slave Directorate with Alban in tow.

The Confederacy had a Three Strikes Law in place. Not that you were given an indefinite sentence if convicted of a third crime, you were hanged. The crime rate in the Confederacy was very low except among juveniles.

The Contract I signed was for me to hold until their 18th birthday any convicted juveniles. Any of those that had been convicted under the three strikes law were to be executed when they reached their 18th birthday. Also any boys convicted of a Capital offence were also to be executed. I could if they were useful to me have their execution stayed.

I would hold a maximum of 250 boys. The boys would range in age from 13 to 17.

I signed the Contract. I told Justice I could handle the first 250 by January one.

WE shook hands and walked out to the lifter pad where my ride was waiting. I was back in camp by 2 PM.

I told Sam to take Alban down and get him registered and collared.

When Sam brought Alban back we climbed into a truck and drove to the Forestry Camp.

Alban, where did you come from?"

"Master, I born slave. Trained to please my Master all ways."

"Very good."

When we arrived at the Forestry Camp everything was ready. As soon as the Security saw me arrive they brought Charlie out of his barracks. They walked him down to a freshly dug grave. Had him kneel. I just walked over behind him. Pulled my automatic out, pointed it at the back of his head and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun echoed off the hills. His body just fell into the open grave. As I turned away two boys started to shovel dirt on top of the body.

I walked over to Mumba.

"You are the new Lead here. You fuck up and you will join Charlie."

"Yes Master."

I just walked back to my truck and drove to the house.

"Come on Alban." He followed me into the house and into the bedroom.

"Undress boy." I stripped as he slipped off his boxer briefs and t-shirt.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and told Alban to come close. Hard he had nine inches of fairly thick meat. The head was an almost perfect heart shape, slightly smaller than his shaft.

I explained exactly what I wanted.

"Master, I can go a long time and not cumm. You tell me how long."

Well at least 10 minutes. Stop after every 10 to 12 strokes so I can breath."

"Yes Master."

Well getting face fucked by Alban was an ordeal. He didn't go fast but was relentless in the continued strokes into my mouth and throat. My jaw finally couldn't take anymore and I held him in my throat. He took it I wanted him to cumm and he almost drowned me in his thick sweet cumm. He had the biggest load I had ever had from a Negro. When he pulled out of my mouth he licked my face clean before standing straight. His cock was still hard. I knew I was going to get him to fuck me, but that would be another day.

After settling down I dressed.

"Leave your boxer briefs off Alban. Slaves don't where anything unless they are working."

He followed me out to my truck and we drove back to the main camp. Charlie forgotten.

A lot of changes took place over the next four months.

I never did get Chris back. He died from complications of the second operation. An autopsy showed he died of a heart attack.

Alban and Koki were totally devoted to me. Even when I whipped Koki for his errors he always came back and still loved me. Alban also loved me but I think for different reasons. He was always in my bed along with Koki. Both boys got screwed lots.

The Construction Super decided to prepare and pour all the floors for the buildings as well as continue construction of the Mill Expansion. It seemed like everyday something new was going up as I toured the site.

Peter and Colin were getting very close. I suggested one day Peter marry the young man. His change of name would take him off the Execution list.

Terry on the other hand was getting more erratic. He decided one day that boys in younger barracks were not big enough for him and started sleeping or staying in one of the older men's barracks. I no longer cared. As long as he followed the rules he could do as he liked. It didn't stop him from getting whipped on occasion, but even that seemed to no longer bother him.

I knew eventually I would have to have him put down.

The first snowfall caused the inevitable accidents. The wood pile next to the feeder became extremely dangerous to work on. Several boys the first week slipped and fell into the debarker. In the end I had to order another 100 trained slaves to fill the positions. I also lost slaves at the tree line.

Flannel pants and shirts were issued to all slaves with the first snowfall, but like in past years the boys mostly worked in just G-strings. Saying the pants got in the way. They did wear them off duty and when going to the mess hall.

At the insistence of my Security Chief the entire compound including the mill would be fenced. It was either that or he'd have to double the Security force. Considering what I was paying now I agreed. The fence would be wired with sensors and lights.

All the barracks and buildings were insulated and heated in winter. There was also three wood fired stoves in each barracks. All year long boys were put to work chopping wood to feed these stoves. With the snow, planting stopped. The Japanese slaves were put to work clearing walkways and roads as well as chopping wood. They too opted to wear just g's when chopping wood.

Gordon and some of my other Sons or Grandsons were frequent visitors to the house. All got to either suck me off or I had their great cocks in my throat or in my ass. I even had great Grandsons, but all were too young.

All except one. One of Gordon's offspring was coming of age this Christmas. Gordon had named him Alvin after me.

But young Alvin was different than most boys coming of age. Alvin had never been fucked by other boys in the house. He'd sucked boys cock and screwed other boys, but had decided that I was the one that would not only take his cherry, but would make him a man on his 16th birthday. That birthday was the 25th, just two weeks away. He hadn't asked me to yet, but was sure he would one day soon.

During the early years of Confederate Rule incest was a huge problem. Some of basbies born of from incestuous unions were grotesque in the extreme had hadvto be put down. Research found that a simple injection could stop the recessive jean that caused these deformed births. Now it was very common to have brothers screwing sisters.

Here in my camp all babies born to date were offspring of relatives. And it would continue. Slaves born to be slaves thought it was an honor to be a slave and never resented that fact. To them it was a badge of honor to be a slave, all overseers, with a few exceptions were offspring of me in some way and all were totally loyal.

By the 15th of December, nine of the barracks were ready. The huge new mess hall, the training center with new attached clinic and the Juvenile compound were ready for occupancy.

The Doctor had brought in three slave med-techs. These would help him in the clinic. Anna had brought in three free women, all black to cook in the huge new mess hall. They would be supplemented by black slaves assigned to the kitchen.

I always gave all my slaves 2 days off at Christmas. They got turkey dinner in the mess hall along with two low alcohol beers. For most even the low alcohol beer would be enough to get them tipsy.

I'd have all my offspring at the house spread over those two days. It usually turned out to one huge orgy of sucking and fucking. This year it also mean Alvin would lose his virginity.

Even though he hadn't asked me yet, I had set up a surprise for him. Not only would I take his virgin butt, after me his Father would do him along with two of his older brothers. Then I would do him again. He'd be one sore boy after that night.

I informed the Slave Directorate and Justice department that I would take 1000 untrained slaves and the 250 juveniles on the second of January.

I was as ready as I could be.


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