Grand Father

Published on Aug 28, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 8

Business complete we went into my office to talk. IT was common knowledge that I had received the proposal from the North West Slave Directorate. I had already received two bids from other breeders to run the breeding program in the New Slave Training facility that I had been pondering.

John handed me another.

"I know Alvin you haven't signed that contract, but I'd like you to consider the proposal I have put together."

"I will John. Now enough business. Have you planned on staying the night? I'm sure I can find a big buck to satisfy you."

"Actually with those six I am sure I won't be lonely on the trip home."

I walked John out his RV, shook hands with him and watched as he drove away. The Slave transport had left empty earlier.

I went into the house and stopped at my bedroom. Chris and Colin were fast asleep on the bed, arms over each other. I headed for the bedroom Terry and the other boy, Brent were in. The boys were talking.

"How are you Terry?"

"I'm okay Master. The salve works real good. I don't hurt anymore."

"Okay. Go use the refresher. Brant you can go back to your regular duties."

Brent quickly left. I followed Terry into the bathroom. Before he showered I gave him the tub of Hair remover. Told him to rub it on his balls and ass.

A few minutes later he showered and I gave him a warmed towel to dry. I contemplated giving him boxer briefs, but decided he'd just be taking them off so left him nude.

"Come along Boy."

He followed as I led him up to my office.


I got a coke and a beer from the cooler in my office. He was astounded when I gave him the coke and opened his mouth to say something.

"Terry, when I give you something just accept without comment."

"Now listen carefully. I have decided that you will receive all the swats on your ass and front. You will get 5 per day, your choice. Also you will act as bedroom boy for the other three boys. After tomorrow morning they will be staying at the house over night. You will do anything for them they want, weather its to suck them off, let them fuck you or use you as a bathroom boy. Bathroom boys drink their piss or lick their butts clean after they crap. Everyone knows that every room here in the house is covered by cameras. If I ever hear you refuse I'll double the swats."

"As far as I'm concerned you owe me 395 swats on your front and 400 on your butt."

Yes Master."

"Master will the Japanese boy be giving me the swats?"

"No. I will. Before bed every night."

Okay Master"

I watched as kinds of emotion on Terry's face.

"Master can you give me 5 swats on my butt now and later you can give me 5 on my front and ten on my butt."

"Are you sure that's what you want Terry?"

"Master I don't want any, but I know I got to be punished. My butt might hurt more but I'll finish them faster Master."

"Very well. Stand up and lean over my desk."

When he did I cuffed him to the desk. Then put a rubber bar in his mouth and tied it behind his head.

"That's so you don't bite your tongue."

I then hit the intercom and ordered Chris and Colin to my office. Terry looked at me sharply.

"I always have witnesses to me whipping boys."

I think Terry had hoped it would all be private when I whipped him.

Colin and Chris came in and before Colin could speak, I ordered both boys to sit.

"For your benefit Colin I will explain why Terry is cuffed down to my desk."

"Terry along with three black boys were responsible for the hanging of Aaron. Now I know Aaron may have deserved what he got, but it should have been done by proper authorities. Terry made the suggestion and the three boys helped put Aaron on the hanging rail. Terry was the one that kicked the rail. If rope had been used Aaron might have lived, but Terry put a cable noose on him and when he fell off the rail he strangled to death."

"Under normal circumstances all three boys and Terry would have been hanged the same way Aaron was. However I decided that if they survive the punishment I have laid down they won't be hanged. Each of the black boys will receive 200 lashes. Terry because he was the ring leader will receive 400 lashes. Remember that's 200 front and back for the black boys and 400 front and back to Terry. You two will witness today's punishment."

I didn't wait, just picked up the strap. I'm sure Terry wasn't ready; his scream was loud and long. He was almost incoherent after five.

I could see that Colin had liked it when I whipped his brother. I could use that to my advantage but instead.

"Colin unhook your brother and you and Chris take him back to the bedroom. You can put some salve on his butt."

Colin and Chris almost had to carry Terry out of my office. Colin I was sure had enjoyed watching his brother take the swats on his butt. He was hard as a nail when I finished.

Punishing boys always made me horny. I decided I needed a black boy to satisfy my needs. I went out and jumped in an ATV and drove to the log line.

The forecast was for rain tomorrow, but today it was still clear and hot as hell out. The G's the boys wore were soaked in sweat which just emphasized the big baskets. I stood watching them work feeding the debarker. Then wandered over to the mill. I saw Jerome watching the mill workers. He was lead hand in here so didn't have much to do. I tapped him on the shoulder and indicated for him to come with me. He got a big smile on his face.

He climbed in the passenger seat as I got in drivers side. The close quarters inside meant his thick musk was almost overpowering. I was instantly hard. I didn't have to look to know that Jerome was hard as well.

I drove to the dry storage warehouse and he followed me inside. I went right into the small bedroom.

"You know what I want Jerome."

"Yes Master." He unhooked his G and let it drop. His semi hard cock straitened out as he stepped up close to me. I sat down on the bed and leaned into his thick bush. The thick sweet smell assailed my nostrils. As I licked his cock all the way to the head it hardened into a 10 inch thick tube of flesh.

As I took that cock into my mouth Jerome stepped forward. I felt a hand on my head. He held my head as he thrust his cock into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged as his cock hit the bottom of my throat. Knowing it was what I wanted he began to fuck my face as hard as he could.

I reached out and grabbed his muscled ass cheeks and pulled him into my mouth. That got him thrusting harder. I'm glad he came quick.


That was the only warning I got as his thick spunk shot across my tongue. Slick with his sperm he thrust deep and held me there as he drained his balls into my throat. He slowly pulled out as I lick and sucked his cock clean.

"Was that okay Master?"

"Best yet Jerome. Now on the bed on your back."

That got a mile wide grin on his face.

When I looked at Jerome he wasn't the greatest looking nigger. In fact he was ugly. But his body was to die for. He had very big nipples and that's where I started. Licking and biting them. Then I moved down to his belly button where the sweat and precumm streaming from his cock had pooled. After licking it up I slipped each of his smooth balls into my mouth. Then ran my tongue down and over that pink pucker. His body arched off the bed as I rimmed his hole.

The smell and taste of his sweat made me so horny. I knew I had to enter him quick or I'd cumm. I moved forward as Jerome pulled his thighs back. Covered in precumm my cock just slipped in and I pushed to the rend of his love tunnel.

"Oh Master. You make me feel so good."

Jerome was gay and by preference a bottom. He'd top if I told him to and he had fucked me a few times. I only made one thrust into his silk love canal before I blew my load in him. Still hard and now slicked with my sperm I hammered his ass. Jerome was very experienced and his ass pulled and squeezed my cock as I continued to screw him. I casually thought I might move him to the house so I could use him at will, but then decided not to. Jerome would have lost his lead hand status if I moved him.'

Sweat was pouring off me before I unloaded a second time. As I pulled out Jerome switched quickly around and licked and sucked my cock clean.

"Use the refresher boy and then go for lunch."

With my lust temporarily sated I drove back to the house. I had lunch alone while working.

I knew the forest around the camp was bone dry and hoped for a real good soaking. If it was real heavy rain outside operations would have to be curtailed. The last time it rained real heavy I had lost 6 boys to the debarker when the logs got real slippery. The Paper Mill would still work and logging. Planting would be stopped although the greenhouses would work.

I checked the map to see where Toto was working. Looked like they were done section 11 so would be moving soon. I decided to drive out and check on them.

I called Toto and told him to wait. I'd be out in a few minutes.

I could see as I walked out of the house the clouds were building in the west. The Storm was moving in faster than I figured. The short drive to the field was uneventful. Both trucks were ready to move.

I told Toto to shut down and send the boys back to their barracks. I walked over and told the green house boys to head back to the green houses.

One boy stepped close to me.

"Master, can I talk to you?"

"Of course. What's on your mind boy?"

"Can I like talk in private?"

I looked at Toto. He had a grin on his face. I figured he knew what the boy wanted.

"Go jump in the ATV."

The trucks quickly left. I sat in the ATV.

Okay. What's on your mind Son?"

"Master. I'm gay."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Master, I like to do stuff with the others, but no one will do stuff with me. They say I'm too small."

I looked at his package. Didn't look to small to me. In fact his whole body was well toned. Granted he was only maybe 5 foot, but he looked good.

"So what do you want me to do?" As if I didn't know.

"Will you fuck me Master? Master Toto says you are real big, but I like big cocks in me."

"Yeah, I'll fuck you." I chuckled.

I don't think this boy knew what he was getting himself into. But I'll screw his Jap ass.

I spun the ATV around and headed for the green houses. After telling the Lead to shut things down, I headed for the house. By the time I got to the house it was really coming down. A cold hard rain.

"Sam, Shut down the outside crews."

What's your name boy?"

Koki Master."

"Okay Koki. Go wait in my office."

Sam came and told me all outside work was shut down.

Easy to see or not see. You couldn't see more than 30 meters in the rain.

"Going to be bad Master."

"Yeah well we need the rain but you are right. This could be real bad. Better close the shutters on the house. Make sure the boys are okay. Tend to yours Sam."

"Yes Master."

I headed for my office. Stopped and flipped the air conditioner to heat. That would warm the house real fast. When I got to my office, I saw Koki standing with his back to the fire in the fireplace.

"ARE you cold Boy?"

"Yes Master."

I picked up a comforter from a chair and draped it over him.

"Take off your G-string Boy. It's probably damp from work."

His cock was shriveled up from the cold. He was uncut I could tell.

Once he warmed up it would no doubt look better.

I closed the door to my office. No one would disturb us while the door was closed. I took off my wet shirt and pants. Koki just sat and watched. Down to my underwear his eyes got bigger. I grabbed a drink from my bar and pulled out a beer and handed it to Koki.

"I never have beer before Master."

"Well first time for everything." I figured one beer would get him relaxed, make it easier for me to screw his tight bottom.

He opened the can and took a sip and smiled.

I sat down beside him. He moved closer to me.

I slipped off my underwear.

"Oh Master. You got nice cock." He wrapped one hand around it, but couldn't get his whole hand around my cock.

"So you want it on your knees, or back boy?"

"Master, can I sit on it, then you can do whatever."

"Good a way as any." I chuckled.

I lay back on the leather couch. Koki climbed on my crotch and moved forward. He went up on his knees and pushed my cock down his crack until it centered on his hole. He then slowly lowered himself onto my cock. He gritted his teeth and his eyes were shut tight. A low moan escaped his lips. He flung his head back and at the same time sat all the way down on my cock. I was so surprised I just lay there with my mouth open.

He bounced on my cock a few times.

"Master can you roll me over and fuck me now?"

I grabbed his ass cheeks and slowly sat up and then stood. He remained impaled on my cock. I gently lay him on the couch, his legs on my shoulders. I didn't wait then, just pulled back and slammed into his boy pussy. He still moaned even as I pummeled his hole.

"Harder Master. Fuck me, Breed me master."

For a boy so small he sure loved cocks in him. After only ten minutes I blew a big load into his. Still hard I fucked his like a Wildman. I stopped when I came a second time and slowly pulled out. His rings held my cock like he didn't want me out of him. When I did pull out there was audible pop.

When he tried to turn around to suck my cock I stopped him.

"On your knees boy."

Thinking I was going to fuck him again he was quick to get on his knees. He was super surprised when I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart. I dove in with my tongue and rimmed him. I could even get my tongue inside him. I sat back and pushed him to the floor between my legs.

"Suck it boy and if you miss any, I'll tan your bottom."

He looked at me then smiled. When he started to suck my cock I pissed. He didn't look surprised and took almost all of it. A few dribbles leaked out and down his chin.

"I warned you boy."

"I'm sorry Master. There was so much."

"No matter, lay over the couch."

I picked up the strap off my desk. I gave him two hard swats. He yelped and rubbed his bottom. When he stood up, I saw his 6 inch spike standing straight out. I swung the belt and his him right on his cock. He squealed and grabbed his cock at the base.

"Master, I'm going to cumm."

I dropped to one knee and took his cock into my mouth. He let go and shoved his cock into my throat and came like a cannon going off. His salty sweet cumm filled my mouth. I licked him clean and stood up.

"Well Koki. You did real good boy. From now on you are my personal Slave."

"Oh thank you Master."

"Don't thank me until you hear what your duties are."

"When I am in my office you will be under my desk. You will be in my bed whenever I require it. You will also travel with me where ever I go to take care of mine or others as I say."

"Yes Master."

I walked over to the couch pulling him with me. Then sat down and pulled him onto my lap. I handed him the beer and pulled the comforter over us both. He just snuggled into me.

"Koki, where did you learn to take cocks?"

"Master I was boy hooker in Japan. I get lots of white men with big cocks. I lied to recruiters when they ask me what I was doing."

"Well I'm glad you lied."

Sam knocked at the door and then entered.

"Yes Sam?"

"Master, three of the new breeders are refusing to lay."

"What the fuck do they think they are here for?"


Knew I had to nip this problem right away or I might have more refusals.

"Get Gordon, Jerome and Mikey and meet me at the female barracks."

Sam left. I started to get dressed.

"Put your G on boy."

I let him put on his wood sandals and contemplated giving him a t-shirt, then decided he might as well get used to wearing nothing but the G-string.

It was still raining, but not as hard as before. I led Koki out to an ATV.

"Get in boy."

I drove to the female Barracks. Got out and went inside. Koki on my heels.

Inside 6 security guards had three girls cuffed to one side.

"Well Anna. What's the problem?"

"These three ripe for breeding. I set up boys to do them and they refuse to lay down."

I turned to the three girls.

"What the fuck do you think you are here for. You are breeding slaves. Get used to it."

"Put her on the bed and cuff her. Gordon you can breed her. Put the other two down as well. Jerome, you and Mike can do them."

All three put up a fight, but the security long used to dealing with slaves had them cuffed in place in no time.

It didn't tale long for the three nigs to enter them. Watching got me hard.

I walked to a desk next to Anna's quarters.

"Koki, come over here."

"Get on your knees and suck me off."

"Here Master? They's people around."

"So what. Get down boy."

Very reluctantly Koki got on his knees unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock and sucked it. I held his head as he sucked. No doubt the boy was a good cock sucker. He got me off fairly quickly. I rubbed his head.

"Thanks boy. You did good."

That got a smile.

After watching for a few minutes.

"Carry on Anna. Any more trouble from them give them 5 lashes."

"Yes Boss."

"Come on Koki. We're done here."

I drove back to the house and went into my office.

"Take your G off and lean over the desk."

When he did I gave him two hard swats on his ass. He squealed and turned around. I gave him one swat on his cock. He screamed and backed away from me.

"Come over here Koki."

When he was close I pulled him to me.

In future you never hesitate to do anything I ask. You are a slave and must obey instantly."

"Yes Master."

I handed him a tube of slave.

"Put some of that on. It will stop the burning."

"Master is it okay if I don't. I will remember better."


I took him to the couch by the fire. Sat him down. Gave him another beer and covered him with the Comforter. Then went back to my desk and got some work done. The rain would let me catch up with the back log.

I decided it was time to make a decision on the new camp. I called Peter, my Security Chief and the Construction Super to my office. I also notified the Kitchen there would be four plus boys for Dinner.

I also instructed Koki.

I explained everything to the three men even though Peter already knew most.

There will need to be built 20 250 bunk barracks. The Outfit contracted for breeding will construct his own building. Priority first is for one 250 bunk barrack for the construction crew. How many more men will you need Allan?"

"I'd say 250 will do it. I'll need more operators and specialties like plumbing and Electrical."

"I guess first priority will be fencing." Allan said.

"No Fences. These Slaves will be trained to stay where they are told. All running will do for them is get themselves Hanged."

"While these Slaves are working to build barracks they might make good construction slaves, so you can decide that Allan. How soon could you have the first barracks built?"

"As soon as I have the man power, three weeks."

"Good. I'll fly to Eugene when the weather improves."

"Construction costs are being paid for by the Slave Directorate as soon as I sign the contract."

The Construction Super and my Security Chief both stayed at the house so I knew they would have boys to use in their rooms. I'd have Koki along with Chris, Colin and Terry. Might be a tiring night.

Peter had his own Jap boy after sending his other boy back to the crews.

Danny would get used to sucking different cocks real fast.

After dinner both the Security Chief and Super left. Pete and I sat sipping our drinks.

"So are we going to have to pick up these untrained slaves?"

"The first 250 we will pick up but after we are ready to handle the rest they will come from Richmond direct by rail. They will be shipped in 500 man lots."

"I'll set up the Slave transports. We'll get those first 250 asap."

"You can fly down with me when this weather moderates."

"Okay. I'm off to bed. Good night Alvin."

"Night Pete. See you in the morning."

Come on Koki, bed time."


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Next: Chapter 9

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