Grand Father

Published on Aug 8, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 7

After the Doctor left I headed down to my bedroom. Chris and Colin were lying on my bed talking.

"Well how is it going boys? Did you try again?"

"Yes Master. I can take Chris' cock with no problem. I can even breathe better Master."

"Do you think your brother Terry could do what you can do now?"

"Yes Master. Terry likes to suck. He don't like to get fucked though. I think he is more of a top."

"What about Aaron?"

"You got to watch him Master. He'll do stuff if he is forced, but he don't like colored boys. Them boys might have trouble with him."

While I had been talking I had also been undressing. Colin got his first look at my cock. All 8 thick inches. Just from his looks he knew what was next.

"Master, I never had anyone so big."

I ignored what he said. Mattered not to me. He was seventeen so he was going to get fucked.

"Chris, sit up against the headboard. Colin suck Chris' cock. Want to see you swallow it all."

Colin knew what was coming, but he also knew he couldn't disobey me.

"He had taken Alex's cock, but Alex was longer than me but he was no where as thick as I was. No matter how I did it Colin was going to be in pain.

I watched in wonder as Colin slowly took all 22 inches of Chris into his mouth and down his throat. Could I really do what Colin did?

I normally don't lube boys I am going to fuck. Simple they were mine to do with as I pleased. In Colin's case he had been so cooperative I decided this once I'd use lube.

After lubing my cock and his ass, I pushed my cock as his tight hole. Even though he was impaled on Chris' cock he tried to move away from my cock. I held his thighs tightly and pushed. His back arched up as my cock slowly forced his tight rings apart. Once past his rings, my cock slid into him right to my pubes.

As I started to fuck his tight hole he was pushed onto Chris' cock. He was being spit roasted by Chris and myself. I didn't care at that point. This is what boys asses were made for. I fucked his for almost 20 minutes before I deposited my sperm into his ass. I slowly pulled out noting there was no blood so he hadn't been damaged except for the pain as his entrance.

He pulled off Chris' cock as well and dropped panting on the bed.

I moved between the two boys lay down and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up both boys were cuddled up close to me. I ran my hand down over Colin's scarred back. He had really been treated badly. It was the main reason I didn't use bull whips. Bull whips scarred and usually broke the skin. Boys would then need to be treated at the clinic. A strap didn't leave scars except inside. Most times boys could go right back to work.

Colin lifted his head and I pushed him down, He knew what I wanted and quickly took my soft cock into his mouth. I drained my bladder. Colin may not like it, but knew the consequences of refusal. Chris was awake and I told both to use the refresher.

After using the refresher and showering, I told both boys to come to my office after they had breakfast.

"Yes Master." Both answered.

I had breakfast with Toto and Peter. WE went over yesterday's production figures. Toto told me he had stayed in the Jap boys barracks last night as some of the boys were feeling homesick.

After going over the days work both took off.

Getting to my office Sam was waiting with Terry.

"Well Terry how was your night?"

"Master I guess I sort of lied to you. I don't mind sucking black boy's dicks and they feel good when they fucked me. I just never had a colored boy before."

"How did Aaron make out?"

"Master never saw Aaron all night. I guess he did okay."

"Well sit down. Your brother and another boy will be up shortly."

Sam came in and leaned over and whispered to me.

"Dispose of the body Sam."

"Yes Master."

A few minutes later Security called to tell me the same thing and also that they had identified one of the boys who did it. Did I want him arrested and interrogated?

"No leave him be. I'll deal with it."

I reviewed the Security Camera footage. I saw that four boys had dragged Aaron out to the Gallows. It had taken all four to get him on the rail and the wire noose on him. One of the boys had looked directly at the camera, even knowing he would be identified. Aaron didn't take long to strangle when they pushed him off the rail.

"Sam get Gerald and put him on the whipping post in the basement."

"Yes Master."

What Gerald had done could get him hanged. He'd been a party to the death of a white. Granted that white had probably brought his death on himself, never the less he had hanged the white boy.

I called Peter and explained what I knew.

He like me knew I had to do something. I couldn't let it pass. If I didn't punish Gerald other slaves might take it that it was alright to kill whites under certain circumstances.

Gerald had a spotless record. He had been with me for over 10 years. Do I forget those ten years?

While I was thinking Colin and Chris came in. Terry was fascinated by Chris' cock.

"Think you could take all of Chris Terry?"

"I think he choke me to death Master."

"Colin, suck Chris off."

Colin was on his knees in a flash. Terry watched with his mouth open in wonder as Colin slowly took all of Chris' cock down his throat. When Colin's nose was pressed into Chris' pubes he slowly pulled back and then in again. Chris throat fucked Colin for about 5 minutes before Chris slowly pulled out.

"Wow! I don't believe it Bro. You took him all."

"Yeah all it takes is practice. Do you want to try?"

"Well maybe."

"Chris, you and Colin go use the spare bedroom next to mine. Terry will be along in a few minutes. You can then teach Terry how to do it."

"Yes Master." Chris and Colin left.

"Well what do you know about last night Terry?"

He just stood not saying anything with his head down.

"WELL BOY! Answer me when I ask a question. And look at me."

When Terry lifted his head, tears were streaming down his face.

"Master, don't blame the other boys. I hanged Aaron. It was my idea. I pushed the rail out."

Terry broke down bawling his head off.

I got up and walked to him and then pulled him over to a couch. I put my arm around him. He just cried harder. After a few minutes he settled down.

"What's, what's going to happen to me?"

"Explain to me what happened Terry."

"Master Aaron was raping one of the younger boys. He was also choking him saying he was going to kill all the nigger queer boys. Gerald pulled him off the boy and Aaron beat up Gerald. Gerald had never hit a white before so didn't defend himself. Well I jumped Aaron and asked the boys to help me.

We got him tied but they didn't know what to do with him coz if he got lose he'd really go after us.

"I suggested we put him on the hanging rail. Then he'd not get free and we could tell you why we did it in the morning. Well it took four of us to get him on the rail. I put the noose on to quiet him down."

"I told him if he quieted down I'd let him loose. He said as soon as he got free he was going to kill me and every damn nigger he could."

I swore at him and kicked the rail to scare him. He lost his balance and fell off the rail. Then Gerald dragged me inside. He said he would take the blame coz it was his fault. He isn't to blame Master. I'm the one that kicked the rail."

I was pretty sure Terry was telling the truth. Aaron had accidentally been hanged. However both were guilty of putting him on the hanging rail. They had to answer to that.

"Who were the other two boys Terry?"

Terry opened his mouth and then closed it again not saying anything.

"Well boy. Answer me."

I knew he wouldn't willingly give up the boys names. He needed some prodding. I got up, walked to my desk, picked up the inducer, set it on 5,000 volts, walked to Terry and touched him on the end of his cock. His screech of pain could probably heard all over camp. He dropped to the floor holding his cock.

I forced him onto his stomach and lay the inducer in the crack of his ass.

"Well Terry. Names or do I have to shove this up your ass before I fire it?"

"Palin and Smitty Master." HE said very quietly.

"There now. That wasn't difficult. If you had told me right off you would have saved yourself some pain."

He just looked at me. I helped him up and sat him on the couch.

I sat down at my desk. I went back to work leaving Terry to stew.

About 30 minutes later Sam came in my office.

"Sam get Palin and Smitty and put them with Gerald."

"They are already there Master. When I went to get Gerald they both came to say they were the ones that hung Aaron. They said Terry had nothing to do with it."

"So I got three black boys trying to protect you Terry. Take Terry down and put him with the others."

"Yes Master. Come along Terry."

In my mind I had already decided to classify Aaron's death as a suicide. The boys would still get punished, but I wouldn't be hanging any of them.

I figured a hundred lashes would do it, but wouldn't be using black boys to punish them.

I called Toto and told him to pick out four of the strongest boys he had and send them to my office.

The four young men Toto sent were very well muscled young men. One had very elaborate tattoos all over his back. He reminded me of the Yakuza a criminal Gang from Japan. I had thought they had been wiped out, but probably was mistaken. All were shaved and trimmed. All had near 6 inch uncut cocks.

"You four will be staying here at the house for the next five days. You will be administering punishment to four boys who committed a crime that almost got them hung."

Each will be receiving 200 lashes. The White boy involved will be receiving double that. Each evening and morning you will be giving them 20 lashes. The white boy will receive 40 lashes. Pick one of you among yourselves who will do the white."

"Master, I will do the white boy." The one with tattoos said.

"Very well come with me."

I showed them two bedrooms they could use and told them I'd get a boy later to show them the house boy's mess where they could eat.

Then took them downstairs to the basement.

I explained to all four boys what was going to happen. Each would come to the house before breakfast in the morning and after dinner at night and receive 20 lashes. Terry because he was ring leader and the one that pushed the rail would receive double. Terry would also be staying at the house.

"Your first 20 lashes will happen starting after dinner tonight. You are dismissed for now. Be here before 1830 tonight. Terry you stay."

The three black boys left.

I told the three Japs they could use the house facilities and dismissed them. That left me, Terry and the Tattooed Jap.

I was surprised Terry didn't look scared.

"Come over here Terry."

He walked over, his head down.

"Do you think my punishment is too harsh?"

"No Master. I thought you were going to hang me."

"I might still hang you up by your balls."

When I said it, Terry started to get hard.

"Looks like you like the idea Terry."

"Master I don't know why it happens. Me and Colin got the same problem. It's why we got whipped lots in the road camp. The warden thought we liked it."

"Master if I whip the boy some of these old scars will break open and he might bleed."

"Very well give him the forty on his front. You can fuck him too if you want He got fucked okay by the black boys last night so he should be able to handle you."

"Put a bar in his mouth so he doesn't bite his tongue off."

The Jap was all business. He tied Terry tightly to the whipping posts. Arms pulled up and out along with his ankles. It left him totally exposed.

Tears were streaming down Terry's cheeks and he was shaking like a leaf.

The Japanese walked up to him and ran his hand over Terry's cock. It remained soft.

"Master, where can I strap him?"

I walked over to the whipping post.

"From his belly button to his thighs."

"Master, some of the strikes might hit his balls."

I turned and grabbed a parachute harness off a shelf, knelt down and fitted it to Terry. Then hooked a flat plate to the harness. It weighed about a pound and Terry groaned. He also started to get hard.

"I think he likes it Master."

The flat plate stretched his ball sack down.

"Add another plate."

The Jap slipped another 1 pound weight onto the plate dragging his balls down. He just groaned louder.

"Put another."

Terry yelled when the third plate was added, but remained rock hard.

"Give him five lashes, see how he likes it."

Up until that point I am sure Terry did not know what he could be in for. The Japanese was very good and the first swat across his front connected with his hard cock. The screech of pain from Terry was followed by four more swats, each one connected with Terry's cock. He was hoarse from screaming after only five lashes.

I walked in front of Terry.

"You see now what you got yourself into Boy. I could without even thinking about it have this boy give you another 35 lashes. I am very sure you'd pass out from the pain by then."

"Instead I am going to leave you down here with this boy. I'm going to allow him to use any instrument he can find down here to torture your cock and balls. He can also fuck you if he wishes."

I showed the boy what he could use.

"What's your name?"

Takuzaki Master."

"I will call you Taku. Later I will want to fuck you."

"Thank you Master."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Master, Toto said if we didn't please you he'd cut our balls off. I like my balls where they are."

I laughed.

"I'll be down in a couple of hours."

"Yes Master."

I only watched the Security Camera for a bit and had to turn down the audio. What I did see was that Taku had attached a large alligator clip to his cock. He had also found the Electro-torture machine and was attaching wires to Terry. That boy would be very sore after that session with Taku.

I shut it off and went back to work.

I was curious about Aaron and why he was at the Road Gang. I pulled his records and wondered even more of why he was on the road Gang. He had been convicted of raping and killing a young girl and her mother and had been sentenced to death. His sentence was under review.

If it had been a black boy who had been convicted he would have been hanged immediately. Simple Aaron was a white boy. So they would still have probably hanged him but had been shipped to the camp to do hard labor until the courts decided his fate.

Well he got what he deserved.

The Breeder called and told me he wouldn't make it until afternoon.

As I sat thinking one of the house boys came in.

"Would you like anything Master?"

"Yes boy. Come here."

He walked over and stood with his hands at his side. These boys were so used nudity it didn't bother him to stand in front of me.

"How old are you boy?"

"Fourteen Master."

"Are you still a virgin?"

"No Master. Izu did me."

"How did you like it?"

"It really hurt the first time. After a few of the other boys did me and it didn't hurt. I like it Master. Master will you fuck me? Izu says you like to fuck boys."

"He did, did he? Well I think I'll wait until you are older boy."

"That's what Master Sam said too. How come I got to wait?"

Good Question.

"Well there are lots of boys way bigger than you and I don't want you to get hurt. How about I send you to Alex and Jason. They are older boys but not as big as some of the boys on the crews."

"I already asked them Master, but they said I was too young."

"Well you go find one of them and tell them I said it was okay. If they say no, tell them to see me."

"Oh yes Master. Thank you Master."

He almost ran from my office. Just never know about some of these niggers. Hard that boy had about a 4.5 inch cock at 14. By the time he was 16 he'd have a good sized cock.

I flipped on the security camera for the basement. Terry was hanging limp on the whipping posts. It looked like Taku had removed all the stuff from him. I got up and headed down stairs.

"Master, I tried to revive him. The first time I just slapped him awake, but this time it didn't work. I was going to bring him up."

"Undo him from the posts."

As he did I picked Terry up in my arms. He couldn't have weighed more than a hundred pounds. I carried him up and into a spare bedroom. I lay him on the bed.

"In the bathroom there is a jar of salve in the medicine cabinet. Get it."

"Yes Master."

On occasion when I screwed a virgin boy in bed, they had passed out from the pain of my forced entry. I had ammonia capsules in the bed side cabinet. I grabbed one and broke it under Terry's nose.

He came awake screaming.

"Please no more. Please no more. I'll do anything." He tried to roll away, but I held him down.

"It's okay Terry. No one will ever hurt you again. I'm so sorry Terry."

He stayed still, still crying.

I gently coated his thighs and cock and balls with salve. Those five swats he got definitely left him almost purple in places. Add in the other things that was done to him made him a very sore boy.

I told Taku to go join his friends. Then quickly undressed and lay beside Terry, Pulling him into my arms. He snuggled in real close. I just held to let the salve work its magic.

"What's going to happen to me Master?"

Good question and not one I had an answer for.

"Nobody ever held me like this."

"Not even your Mom and Dad?"

"I don't have a Mom and Dad. Colin and me are orphans."

"Why did you boys break into that warehouse?"

"We was hungry Master."

"Well you will never be hungry again. AS to what is going to happen to you, I'm not sure Terry. You rest easy here. I'll send a boy to be with you."

I quickly dressed and headed for my office. I snagged a house boy and sent him to Terry's bedroom. Told him to comfort and help Terry with anything he wanted.

I had lunch alone in my office. Some things Terry and Colin had said didn't make sense. Both were juveniles. Both should have been sent to a boot camp, not a hard labor road gang. Things I had to figure out before I decided what I was going to do with the two boys.

I ordered Sam to bring up the 6 studs I had for trade.

Sam knew how to prepare niggers for sale. All six had been shaved, hair trimmed and their bodies oiled. All six looked real good and were the perfect age for studding.

Security called to say an RV and Slave Transport Bus had passed the entrance camera. So John would be here in five minutes or so. I got a house boy to bring some beer in a cooler to the front deck.

Then waited. John arrived and walked up to the deck. We embraced and then sat on the deck. A boy served beer.

Sam then brought out the six studs I had for him.

"Damn Alvin. You sure know how to pick them."

He got up and inspected the six stud males. Checking balls, cock, teeth and running his hands over their bodies. A visible hard cock I could see in his pants.

John was like me. He loved to fuck and get fucked by niggers. He didn't suck much but I know on occasion sucked off younger boys.

Sam had called Anna to come up to the house. John unloaded the females from the Slave Transport Bus. I left it to Anna to check out the girls.

John and I exchanged paperwork.

Looking I saw the females ranged in age from 16 to 22. Two of the older girls had already been breeded once. None were virgins. Anna said all were acceptable. I signed over the six studs to John and he signed the 30 girls to me. Anna took them away and John had the six studs loaded on the bus.

Business done we went to my office to talk.


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Next: Chapter 8

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