Grand Father

Published on Jul 17, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 6

What the fuck was I going to do with those three white boys? I sure as hell couldn't send them back to the Road Camp. The Warden running that camp would kill them in the most brutal way he could. By running from that camp those boys had brought Federal Law into the picture. They would be classified as a Danger to the Public and a shoot on site order would be posted on them.

I turned on the Video pickup for the cells in the basement. All three were talking. Their biggest worry was that they would be sent back.

"What about if they find out we're gay?" One of the twins said.

"Big deal. Being Gay isn't a crime."

That was true. The Federal Government didn't care who you slept with.

"Sam, are you about?"

"Yes Master."

"Go get those boys from the cells. Get them cleaned up and fed, then bring them here."

"Yes Master."

My problem was if I didn't send them back, what do I do with them. I couldn't put them to work with my crews; they wouldn't live out a day. I couldn't make them overseers or foremen either. They were too young for that.

When Sam brought the three into my office I noted they were pretty good looking boys. Sam had shaved them and trimmed their pubes. The twins were almost identical, except one had a four inch soft cut cock, while the other was a bit longer. At maybe 4 and a half. The other boy was uncut and about five inches.

"You boys have got yourselves into a real pickle. Don't worry I won't send you back as long as you cooperate. You are all Gay?"

"Yes Sir." Terry one of the twins said.

"ARE you tops, bottoms or versatile?"

They all looked at me not understanding

I'm presuming you all like to suck cocks. Do you all also like to get fucked and fuck?"

"I guess we're versatile Sir." Colin the other twin said.

Have any of you ever done a nigger?"

"No Sir. There was no niggers in the crew."

"Well there are lots of niggers here. In fact this is an all nigger crew here. Given a chance would you suck off a nigger or have a nigger fuck you?"

All three looked horrified.

"I take it from your expressions the answer is no."

I knew right off at least one of them was lying. Colin's cock started to get hard and he put his hand over it in an attempt to hide it. I chuckled to myself.

I figured all three given the chance would do exactly what I wanted.

"Here's what is going to happen. After I'm done with you today Sam will take you to the clinic for a check up. There you will be fitted with a slave collar. That collar has a homing beacon in it. You run from here I'll know exactly where you are. I won't come after you, I'll tell the butcher where you are. You already know what he'll do when he gets a hold of you."

"Yes Sir." All three said.

"After the Doctor is done with you, you will be placed in one of the Barracks. The Barrack you will be in has all black boys. All are between the age of 16 and 18. You will b servicing them. Meaning if they ask you will suck them or allow them to fuck you. They won't force you, but you will cooperate. These boys have been slaves since birth and will do anything you ask. But it works both ways. These boys mostly work by servicing the older slaves. So you three are going to help them out by giving them what they give the older Slaves."

"In effect until I say otherwise you three are just like any other slave I own. Refusal will get you punished. I don't use whips like the Butcher does. I use a strap. First offense rates 10 slaps to your ass and then 10 your cock. If you really screw up you will get the pain inducer used on you."

I picked up the one on my desk, set it on the minimum setting and walked to the boys and just touched the first on his cock. His howl of pain made the other too just stare. I zapped them too. All three were jumping around crying.

"That was the lowest setting. You don't want to piss me off ever."

"Sam, get Luke, Jason and Alex and bring them here."

"You three come with me." I walked out of my office and down a hall. I stopped at the first bedroom.

"I'm going to pair each of you up with a black boy. It will give you a chance to interact with each other in private. If a boy asked you will do as he wants. But only if he asks. You can ask him if you want as well. These boys have been slaves all their lives so are used to whites. That doesn't mean you can just order them. In effect you are now equal to them."

"Aaron you can use this bedroom. You will find everything you might need in there."

He looked scared, but just went in the bedroom. Terry I gave the second bedroom and followed Colin into the third bedroom.

"Colin, something tells me you are different than the other two."

"Master, Terry and Aaron are not really gay. I think they are more Bi. They'll fuck and get fucked and suck cock coz they have to, but won't like it. I like to suck dicks and love big cocks. I even dream of a big nigger shoving his dick so far down my throat he cumms in my stomach."

"Maybe I'll give you chance to do just that Colin."

I grabbed Colin's cock. Hard he had near 7 inches, but not very thick.

"The boy I am putting with you Colin is quite as bit bigger than you. Make sure you do anything he asks."

"Yes Master."

"You can call me Sir for now Colin."

"But I want You to be my Master. Please Master."

"Okay, for now you can call me Master."

"Now I suggest you get lots of cocks in that cute ass because when you come back here after spending a night in the boys barracks, I'm going to screw your white ass."

"Oh yes Master."

I rubbed his head and left him. Sam had the three niggers in my office.

I explained exactly what I want all three to do and also told them what Colin had told me.

"Make sure they know what a black cock feels like in their throats and ass."

"Yes Master." They all said smiling.

I sent Alex to Colin's room and the other two to the other boys.

"Give them three hours Sam and then take them to the clinic. Let me know when the Doc's finished and I'll take them to the barracks."

"Okay Master."

I went back to work running my Operation.

The first thing I noted was there had been no deaths at the logging camp. Usually there was one or two a week. Likewise there had been no problems on the new road to the Aspen Stand. Were things working that good. That was too good to be true.

I checked the security cameras in the three rooms. The first two appeared they were just talking, but in Colin's room he was already on his knees with the boys black cock in his mouth. From the sounds he was definitely enjoying having that black cock in his mouth and throat. He'd definitely work out well here.

I heard a light tap on my door. When I looked up, Izu was standing at the door.

"Master, can I speak to you?"

"Of course. Come in boy."

"Master, when I am not with Sam I have nothing to do. Is there something I could be doing?"

I was about to answer when I saw Jimmy running by the door.

"JIMMY!" I yelled.

Jimmy came in holding his cock. He was almost jumping from one foot to the other.

"What's your problem boy?"

"I got to pee Master."

"Izu, help Jimmy out."

Izu was on his knees instantly with Jimmy's cock in his mouth. The look of relief on Jimmy's face was priceless.

"Thank you Izu." Jimmy almost swooned.

"What are you supposed to be doing boy?"

"Master all the housework is done. I was going to shower Master."

"Well take Izu with you. Izu, Jimmy is only 14 so is you want to do more than just shower you have to ask Jimmy."

"Yes Master." Both boys had shit eating grins on their faces.

"I got work to do. Get out both of you."

Well I was going to go back to work when Peter walked in.

"Afternoon Pete. What's up?"

He mixed himself a drink and one for me and sat down.

"I was talking to Anna. When she asked about the accommodation trailers that just arrived, I told her about the 1200 construction slaves that were coming. She says she'll need more kitchen staff."

"I told her to use any girls not at present pregnant in the breeding barracks and said I'd talk to you."

"This might be a way of getting rid of those trouble makers and getting more breeders. The ratio still 5 to 1?" Pete asked.

I flipped my computer screen over to the list of older slaves. Most were over the age John liked as breeder studs. There were 6 that he might accept. I printed off the list of six studs and gave them to Peter.

"Pull those six and isolate them. I'll check them out before I talk to John."

"I asked the Construction Super how many more security he would be bringing in."

"He told me none. When I asked how he's control 1200 slaves he told me all construction slaves have explosive collars."

He explained that beacons were set up around the perimeter of the construction area and camp. If a slave wandered outside the range of any of the beacons his collar exploded and he was instantly decapitated."

He also said all the slaves know it too."

"Fuck. I guess that will work." I laughed.

"So what do you have planned for those white boys?"

"After the Doctor checks them out I'm going to stick them in the younger boys barracks. They can service them. I put them with black boys to get used to the idea." I switched the security cameras to the three rooms to the big screen in my office.

Terry and Colin were both getting fucked by a black boy. Aaron was on his knees sucking the other black boy.

"Looks like their getting it on okay."

I told Pete what Colin had told me.

"Well Gay or Bi, they will definitely be getting cocks."

"Where do you want those six?"

"Put them in cells here at the house. If they are acceptable I'll get John over for a day."

Peter left saying he would see me at dinner.

I checked all the cameras. I saw Chris. Damn hadn't been to see him. I headed for my bedroom.

Chris was laying with his eyes closed. Nothing covered him and I could see that very long cock laying in repose along one thigh. It really did reach almost to his knees. I also saw that all but one needle was still in him, but the bag feeding the needle was almost empty. I couldn't see where the needle was in him, but could see the tube snaking down under his huge balls. I figured it was in his prostrate.

I ran my hand down his cock. His eyes popped open.

"Oh Master."

"Hello baby. How are you doing boy?"

"Doctor says I get last needle out today. Then I can move around. I must be getting flabby Master."

"No flab on you babe. You look very edible."

He giggled knowing my meaning.

"Boys can only take a bit of me Master."

"Well we will see how much I can take real soon Chris."

I had been running my fingers up and down Chris' cock. I was real interested in how big he really got. I could feel the blood rushing into his shaft as I rubbed him.

"That feels real good Master."

Hard, Chris had I was sure very close to 20 inches and fairly thick. Not as thick as he was before he was enhanced, but very close. I knew it was going to be a real chore getting that whole cock down my throat. It was why I had Chris enhanced and I was determined to do it.

After the Doctor removes that needle, you can move into my bed Chris."

"Oh Thank You Master. I Missed you a lot Master."

"I missed you too Chris."

I pulled out my phone and called the Doctor, asking him when the last needle would be out of Chris. He said he'd be right over.

"Doctor is on his way to remove that needle Chris."

That got a mile wide grin from Chris.

"Okay Chris. After the Doctor has been here you get refreshed and use the hair remover. Then shower. After you are done come up to my office."

"Yes Master."

I left him and headed to the bedroom I had put Colin and Alex in. The two boys were sucking each other.

"When you boys are done, Alex you go back to your duties, Colin come to my office."

"Both stopped and said `Yes Master'.

I told the other two boys the same thing.

Colin was smiling, the other two not.

"Look boys. There is a reason why I did as I did. If I put you with one of my crews as a laborer, you'd probably end up dead. I'm trying to protect you. The boys I am putting you with are both younger and older than you but none are over 18."

"You might as well get used to it for time being."

"Sam, take them to the clinic. Bring Colin back here and put the other two in the boys barracks. Explain to the boys there what they can and can't do. Also show them where they eat."

"Yes Master. Come along boys."

A few minutes later Chris came in. His very long cock swinging.

"Are you okay with your cock swinging like that Chris?"

"Yes Master. Some of the young boys are really scared of it."

I chuckled at that.

"Well I have a white boy that wants a black boy to cumm in his stomach. He's going to get you in his throat when he comes back from the clinic."

"Oh wow Master."

"WE will show him how to do it."


"Grab yourself a coke Chris and relax."

"I called John Stevenson. He was the premier Breeder in the State. He agreed to come over the next day to look at the 6 studs I had for sale or trade.

Thirty more breeders would be great. Might come a day when I didn't have to buy slaves.

About 45 minutes later Colin came into my office.

"You sent for me Master."

"Yes Colin. Come in and close the door. Chris get Colin a coke."

When Chris stood up, Colin's mouth dropped open. His eyes followed Chris as he got him a coke.

"Wow! Are you ever big."

"You said you wanted a black boy to cumm in your stomach. I think Chris could do that for you Colin."

"I think he would choke me to death Master."

"Not with a bit of training Colin."

"I guess I'll try Master."

"You'll do more than try boy. Chris sit on the couch. Colin get on your knees and suck Chris' cock. He's no bigger than Alex and you sucked all of him."

I noticed Colin wasn't hard like he had been when sucking Alex.

"When Chris cumms you will need to swallow with his cock right at the base of your throat. When you do Chris' cock will be pulled into your throat. You will need to learn to breath through your nose. Now jack him to get him hard.

"Master, I'll cumm as soon as I get hard. I don't know why but it always happens now."

I knew why. Chris had been enhanced to produce more sperm. In effect he was horney all the time.

"That's good Chris. It will make things easier."

"Okay Colin take Chris' cock into your mouth and push it to the base."

Colin hesitated. I'm sure he was scared of what I was ordering.

"Colin if you don't do as I tell you, I'm going to shove the pain inducer up your butt and fire it."

Surprise, surprise. Colin got hard when I said that. This was almost too good. I think Colin might just be a Pain lover too. I'd pursue that angle later.

"Do it boy."

Colin took about 8 inches of Chris' cock into his mouth and throat. Then started to face fuck himself. Sliding out and in on Chris' cock.

"I'm cumming Master." Chris said.

Did he ever cumm. Chris had a massive load. So much that some even squirted out of Colin's nose.

"Swallow Colin."

Colin convulsed and then swallowed. I was totally shocked as I watched 2,3 and then four inches of Chris' cock slide into Colin. Colin's eyes were bugged out and his face took on a darker hue.

"Can you push more in Chris?"

"No Master."

"Pull out a bit and try again."

Chris tried but couldn't get more that four inches into Colin's gullet. By then Colin's face was turning blue.

"Okay pull out Chris."

Colin gulped air into his lungs after Chris pulled out about 6 inches.

Chris came again and I watched Colin's throat muscles work as he swallowed. He pulled off Chris' cock. He sat back breathing very hard.

"You did real good boy." I ruffled his hair. He looked at me with a look of pure lust.

He even surprised me.

"Can I try again Master? I really want all of his cock in me."

"Well we will rest for a bit. Don't want to hurt you boy. I think what we will do is let Chris take you to my bedroom. There you boys can practice."

The two boys, one white the other black sat side by side on my couch.

"How did it feel Colin? You took almost 13 inches of his cock into your throat.

"It was real weird Master. It really hurt when his cock first entered my throat, but then it didn't hurt. I tried to get more but it just wouldn't go."

"Well that tube that goes to your stomach is hard cartilage. It is flexible, but needs time to stretch. You need to learn to breath Colin then you can keep Chris' cock in your throat longer."

"I'll try Master."

Without waiting Colin was back on his knees with Chris' cock in his mouth. He pushed right to the base of Chris' throat. I heard a ragged breath from Colin.

"I'm cumming." Chris said.

When he did blow Colin again took almost 13 inches into his throat.

Colin's face turned darker, but more like he was flushed. I heard a ragged breath from Colin.

"Try fucking his face Chris."

Chris grabbed Colin's head, pulled back about four inches and slammed back in. He repeated it three or four times. Colin's face started to turn purple but I didn't care. Little by little Chris' cock was going down Colin's throat. All of a sudden Chris' cock slammed almost to his pubes. Colin's face was turning blue.

"Better pull out Chris."

Chris pulled back until Colin could breathe. Colin's face returned to almost normal.

"Can you cumm again Chris?"

"Yes Master."

"Well one more time. This time once you are all the way in I want you to fuck his throat until you cumm again."

At that point I really didn't care about Colin.

Chris didn't wait. He just grabbed Colin's head and drove his cock into Colin. Two things were readily apparent. One Chris had no problems shoving his 20 inch cock into Colin's throat and Colin was still getting some air in his lungs. His face remained red but not purple or blue.

Chris used long strokes to fuck Colin's face. He made five full strokes before he stopped with Colin's nose pushing into his pubes. I knew he was cumming in Colin's stomach.

"Enough Chris pull out."

Chris pulled off Colin. Colin slumped to the floor almost faint.

"Wow! Master. Colin took all of me."

"He sure did." You did real good Colin and got your wish."

"Yes Master." Colin said in a whisper.

I figured his vocal cords might be bruised. Not that I cared. I might even have the Doctor remove them. Colin was after all just a slave, even if he was white.

I gave both boys another coke. It soothed Colin's throat.

"That's better Master." Colin said.

"Well Colin from now on whenever Chris wants to get off you will let him fuck your face and throat. You are now his suck companion. I ever here of you refusing and I'll give 50 swats on your ass and 50 more on your cock."

"Yes Master."

"Chris you can take Colin to my bedroom."

"You two are house boys so will eat in the house boys mess."

"Yes Master. Come along Colin."

"Colin I'll talk to you again."

Both boys left.

If Colin could take all 20 inches of Chris' cock I was sure I could.

After the boys left I headed down to my cells in the basement. Each cell was just a concrete block room about 6 feet by 8 feet. Each had a shitter and basin and a single bed.

I unlocked and walked into the first cell. The slave sitting on the bed stood immediately.

"Relax boy."

"Why am I here Master?"

"Well if you cooperate I may trade you to become a Stud at a breeding Farm."

"You mean I get to do women Master?"


"Master I do anything you want."

While I had been talking I was also jacking his cock. Hard he was well above average at about 10 inches, although not as thick as I liked.

"I'm going to suck your cock. What I want you to do is fuck my face as hard as you can. When you are ready to cumm I want you to push your cock as far down my throat as you can."

"Master I might hurt you."

"I doubt it but don't worry. You do as I ask and I'll make sure you are fucking women."

Well I always get what I ask for but should have taken into consideration of how muscular that boy was. He definitely fucked my face for a long time. I really was almost faint when he blew into my throat. If his cock had been long it would have entered my gullet. It took me a bit to straighten out.

After doing all six niggers I was almost full of black boy sperm, but could have probably sucked them all again.

I left them and headed back to my office.

I ordered dinner to be sent to them and a blanket.

I invited the Doctor to join myself and Peter for dinner. He accepted.

WE agreed at dinner that a new and bigger clinic would be built along with two more barracks. One Barrack would hold the women we had for breeding, the other for Japanese boys. Peter and I agreed that the Japanese boys were very good workers with less hassle than black boys.

After dinner I asked the doctor to stay and join me for a drink.

I told the Doctor about Colin and what he had done.

"I'll be honest Sir. I didn't really think anyone could take a cock into their stomach. Colin must be almost mutant to do it."

"You know he has a twin brother here. Think that boy could do it too?"

"Well twins are very much alike. It might fit that he could do it."

"Thanks Doc."

"Good night Sir."


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Next: Chapter 7

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