Grand Father

Published on Jun 20, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


"So you are actually considering turning the entire operation here into a training center.

Peter got up, mixed himself a drink and then walked over to a side door in the Den Office. Using a key he opened the door. I followed him into the room.

He turned on the lights. Two tables held two very different 3D models. One was our present operation. The other was a much enlarged area with 20 500 man barracks, a huge mess hall, 20 bed hospital, bigger clinic and a massive storage building. It was all surrounded by a 12 foot chain link fence topped with razor wire. What it was, was a Slave Training Center.

The Slave Directorate wanted to contract out their entire slave training to the Grand Forestry and Pulp Mill.

WE would receive the slaves at no cost and after training them would receive 500 dollars for each trained slave. They would be trained in different categories. Primary would be labor slaves, but also specialties, like household, sex, Gardening, kitchen and General purpose.

There would also be a much larger Breeding Center built. It would cost us several million dollars to build, but had assurances that our taxes would be cut while under construction. Also the Directorate would supply construction slaves.

It really was a win, win situation for us.

"You have really changed over the years Alvin. When we first became partners you almost stopped using slaves and now you want to train them. Even you know that about 12 percent of all slaves can't or won't accept training. What had you planned for them?"

"What do we do with slaves that won't work?"

"Alvin we can't just execute 1200 slaves. We'd have a revolt on our hands."

"I was thinking with right incentive we'd get them working in the old Granite Quarry. Say hang four or five on wire with the threat that if they don't work they could end up the same way. Plus we'd get granite slabs to ship too."

"Might work, but we'd need another burner built."

"Already in the plans for the addition to the pulp mill."

"Well let's see how this last batch works out."

"Yeah we can worry about it at another time."

We left and locked the door.

Toto and Sam were waiting in the office.

"Well I'm off Alvin, see you in the morning,"

Yeah, he was off, more than likely was going to get off. He'd be heading for the barracks of the younger men.

Peter walked out.

"Well Toto. Everything set up?"

"Yes Alvin. They are very well behaved."

"First thing in the morning run ten down to the green houses. They will be there to learn. Make sure they know the dress is nude. The other 40 will be divided into two twenty man planting crews. Did you find likely candidates for overseers?"

"Yes Alvin. I brought two up from their barracks."

"Well get them in here."

To say I was impressed with his choices was an understatement. Both were very close to six foot. Both were also very well muscled, not the kind of boys I would have expected for street boys. Their skin was a dark brown, almost almond. Not the Negro brown. Walking around them both had a nice rounded butt. It looked like they shaved. Their cocks were impressive too. About 5.5 inches soft and uncut. I put my hand between one of their legs and gripped his balls. They were firm and a good size. When I grabbed his cock I could feel the heat as the blood pumped into it. Hard he had a solid 8 inches and almost the same girth as my own cock. I'd definitely suck both.

"What happens to you next is not punishment. It's a demonstration."

I walked the desk and picked up a strap.

"What's your name boy?"

"Jimmie Master."

"Well Jimmie step over here and put your hands on your head."

He walked to where I indicated and stood with his hands on his head.

I never hesitated just swung the belt at his muscled ass cheeks. The very loud `WHACK' as the first strike hit his ass caused him to yelp, more in surprise than pain. The other four just caused him to moan loudly. I handed the strap to Toto.

"Give him five on the front Toto."

Toto's mouth dropped open and he hesitated. Then just stepped up to the boy and swung the belt. Jimmie's cock had gone soft and when that strap was laid over his cock he screamed and grabbed for his cock.

"Get you goddamned hands back on your head." Toto yelled.

Very reluctantly he put his hands on his head. He screamed his head off as Toto gave him four more straps. He was bawling his head off when Toto was done.

Toto dropped the belt on the desk.

One thing I did notice was Toto was hard in his shorts. He had enjoyed whipping that boy.

I called to the other boy.

"What's your name boy?"

"Kaki Master."

He walked to where Jimmie had stood, put his hands on his head.

I picked up the pain inducer.

"Do you know what this is Kaki?"

"No Master."

"It's called a pain inducer."

I set it on 5,000 volts, slipped it up between his legs and rested it on his ball sack. Then keyed the button. The result was instantaneous. He screamed, grabbed his balls as he jumped back. I was sort of surprised he hadn't fallen down.

Come over here Kaki."

He walked closer to me.

"This how it works. You set the voltage with this slide. Five Thousand is the lowest setting with 25,000 volts as the highest."

I handed it to him. He looked at it closely.

"Set it to 10,000 volts, push it into Jimmie's balls and push the button."

"Master? Master Jimmie's my friend. I' I......I'm sorry Jimmie."

Kaki advanced on Jimmie. Jimmie was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.

"STOP!" I said.

I took the pain inducer away from Kaki and handed it to Jimmie.

"Jimmie zap Kaki."

"Yes Master." Without even a brief hesitation he shoved the inducer between Kaki's legs and keyed the button.

The shriek from Kaki could probably be heard in the barracks a half mile away. He dropped to the floor holding his balls. Jimmie moved closer to him.

"Kaki you must understand. I came to America to be a slave. This is my Master. I will always do as my Master says."

He handed me the inducer and then went to his knees in front of me and put his head at my feet.

"Get up Jimmie and help Kaki up."

I noticed both boys hugged each other and Kaki said something I couldn't hear. I pretty much figured both boys loved each other.

That did not make them immune.

"Toto take Kaki on the couch."

"Come over here Jimmie." I sat down after dropping my shorts.

"Suck my cock Jimmie. Get me hard and wet coz I'm going to screw your Jap ass."

Once I was hard I pushed Jimmie down over my desk.

"Master, I never have cock so big."

I never even commented, just lined up my cock and rammed it into his hole. He screamed a blue streak as my cock forced its way into his ass. Once in all the way I stopped. God I loved tight slave ass.

Even though I had stopped inside him, his insides started to squeeze my cock, not to try and elect me, but more to massage my cock.

"What were you before you came to America Jimmie and if you say you were a street boy you are lying."

"Master I was hotel Call boy. Me and Kaki serviced guests of hotel."

"Thought that might be the case."

I fucked Jimmie hard for all of fifteen minutes. Then pulled out and had Jimmie suck me off. He turned out to be a good cocksucker too.

When I looked at Toto and Kaki, Toto was fucking Kaki on his knees. He had a hold of Kaki's balls and instead of pushing his cock into Kaki, he was using Kaki's balls to pull him into him. Kaki none the less was moaning as Toto fucked him.

Interesting way to fuck I thought.

After they were finished, I had both stand in front of my desk. Both looked scared.

"On recommendation from Toto, you are both promoted Overseers."

"Not just overseers to the Japanese boys but overseers over all ordinary slaves. If I see any boy you are in charge of not working to my satisfaction I will punish you because you didn't punish him. Do you both understand?"

"Yes Master." They both said together.

"You can return to your barracks now. Toto will get you proper dress in the morning."

After the two boys left I took Toto out onto the deck. It was another nice evening.

"So what would you like to do now Babe?"

"Well I really like black dicks. Could we pick a couple tonight to fuck?"

"Got one in mind Babe"

"Gordon's got a real nice cock."

"Okay, let's go." I didn't tell Toto that Gordon was one of my sons.

I knew he was in barrack three and that was also where Jubal was as well. He had wanted me to fuck him. Maybe I`d suck him off first.

Gordon was Senior overseer and sort of spokesman for the rest of the slaves. He was my eldest Son. He had two sons of his own. Gordon like his sons had been trained from birth to be slaves. The two small boys that had slept with us were sons of one of Gordon's Sons.

Gordon was about as big as me in the cock department. Toto would get a good ride.

All the slaves in this barrack were between the ages of 25 and 35. Barrack four held the oldest. Barrack one the youngest and barrack two usually the newest slaves I owned.

The particular slave I wanted was working night shift so went looking for another. All the slaves knew what I wanted and several even asked. Getting fucked by the owner sometimes led to extra amenities.

The boy I picked was about 5 inches soft, but when I grabbed his cock he grew to an impressive 10 inches. I noticed other slaves looking on very envious.

"More of you will get your turn." I said as I took the boys cock into my mouth.

Knowing exactly what I liked the boy grabbed my head and rammed his cock into my throat. I gagged at first but then let him fuck my face. I pushed two fingers into his ass and he became even more aggressive as he fucked my face. It didn't take him long to cumm and my throat was filled with his sweet cumm.

I pulled out and licked his cock clean. Then stood and removed my t-shirt and shorts. Then climbed back on the bed pushing his legs back. He squealed when I shoved my cock into him and then moaned. I stopped and indicated for another boy to straddle the slave I had my cock buried in. He started to fuck my face. Soon after I felt a cock pushing into my hole.

What a night. I'm sure I sucked off three or four boys, fucked two and was fucked a more than two. When I finally stopped I staggered into the bathroom to shower. Had several boys washing me.

I hadn't seen or heard from Toto all night and walked back to the main house alone.

I headed straight to the refresher in my room. After washing out several loads of black sperm from my ass I showered. When I stepped from the shower a young slave was waiting.

"You need help Master?"

"What are you doing up boy?"

"Master I couldn't sleep. I'm scared coz I'm sixteen now and Sam says I got to move to a regular barracks."

"So why are you scared?"

"Master, I don't mind sucking boys dicks and like to fuck boys, but don't like it when boys put their dicks in me."

"Guess that means you are a top boy."

What means that Master?"

"What's your name boy and who is your Father?"

"My name is Stanley and my Dad is Malcolm."

"Well Stanley there are three types of people. Some like to fuck but not get fucked. They are called tops. Some like to get fucked but not fuck. Those are called bottoms. Some like it both ways. They are called versatile. I think you are a top."

I reached out and grabbed his cock. It grew quickly to a nice 7 inch cut cock. Not too thick.

"You keep growing the way you are Stanley and you are going to be bigger than your Father."

He smiled at that.

"Stanley when you get into barracks all you need say is that you are a top and don't like to get fucked. No one will force you. Everyone knows the consequences of forcing any boy to do what he doesn't want."

"Thank you Master." He turned to head back to his room.

"Where are you going boy? Get on the bed. I'm going to suck you off as you suck me. You say you like it so I'll see how good your are."

That got a real smile from him.

His cock was like all other nigger cocks, smooth like silk. His load was not large but tasted like honey. I'd never tire of nigger sperm. He took a while to get me off, but was a passable cocksucker. I slept with my nose buried in his small crinkly bush.

After morning ablutions I sent him back to his room.

I met Toto for breakfast. He was walking a little slow.

"Rough night Toto?" I laughed.

"Gordon sure likes to fuck. He did me three times. I could only do him once."

"Well Gordon is a pretty big boy and has lots of practice."

Where did you want the crews to start?"

"Take one crew and finish that area you were on before. Finish it up, then move to sector 12. There's a full section there to replant. The other crew can start on sector 11. That one should take three days easy. The driver's assigned to you will know where and inform the greenhouse where you will be. They will have a crew with saplings."

"Okay Alvin. See you later."

I grabbed the Pain Inducer off my desk and headed for the Security Center.

The Security at my Home and Camp was not done by staff I had hired. The Security Force was contracted by Global Security Corp. They specialized in handling slaves. My Father had built the original Security Center, but the Security Force had enlarged it and changed several things.

Now it was a fortress within a Fortress. The main building was a 25 meter by 25 meter block house with one door. It was surrounded by a 10 foot high chain link fence with 30,000 volts running through it. To get in you had to stand in front of a camera and push a call button. They opened the gate from inside. After I was allowed in I walked to the entrance door. It opened at my approach.

In side I greeted the lone officer. He indicated the other door and I just walked to it. It opened as I approached. Inside was a hallway with three doors on one side and one on the other. I ignored them and walked to the last door. It led to a stairs going down. I walked down one flight and then past 3 cells and an interrogation center. Last door was technical Services. That was what I was after.

"Good morning John." I greeted the Officer inside.

"Good morning Sir. Don't see you down here often. What can I get you?"

I handed him my pain inducer and told him what I wanted. He chuckled, got up and walked to a shelf and pulled out a long box. He opened the box and handed me exactly what I had described to him.

"We carry them in stock Sir. They are an improvement over the older pain inducers. We don't have enough to equip everyone so just issue the older model."

"Have half a dozen sent to the house. I'll take one with me."

"Very well Sir."

I was about to leave when we heard a commotion in the hall outside of his work room.

When I opened the door three security officers were trying subdue a huge nigger. The three security officers were having a bitch of a problem to get the boy to move. I pulled out the Pain Inducer and turned it on. I stuck it on the end of his huge cock and pressed the button.

The nigger screamed like a wounded buffalo and grabbed for his cock. That gave the Security an opening to get the steel collar on him. Soon after they had him completely restrained.

"What the fuck did he do?"

"He attacked an overseer and tossed him in the debarker. Lucky for the overseer it wasn't running. Then when we grabbed him it took six of us to hold him down. Two security are in hospital now with compacted balls."

"Tough mother fucker eh?"

"Yes Sir."

Put him on the table in interrogation. I'll be over later to talk to him."

"Yes Sir." They dragged him down the short hall.

I left and headed for the Clinic. First I checked on the two security officers. Both would be fine although off duty a few days with their ruptured balls.

The Doctor told me the overseer would be okay as well, although he had several lacerations and was heavily bruised would as well be okay in a few days. He had sent him back to his barracks.

I headed over to Barracks Three.

Gordon was on his bed about a quarter of the way down the Barracks. When I walked up he tried to get up, but I sat down and held him down.

"Relax Gordon. No need to get up for me in your condition."

"Tell me what started the problem?"

"Well the maintenance guys had the chain shut down to fix one of the big links. I told the boys to clean up. That big nigger told me to fuck off, he wasn't working for no black cocksucker. Well I went to pull out my strap, but he charged at me and pushed me back. I fell over the railing and into the feeder. I'm lucky it wasn't running or I'd be dead now."

Several boys helped me out of the feeder and took me to the clinic. I don't know what happened to the big nig."

"You need not worry about him. I'll take care of him."

All the time Gordon had been talking I had been jacking his cock. It was a good eight inch thick cock. As I leaned over to suck it, Gordon again tried to get up.

"Lie still Gordon. Let me do the work for a change."

I had no problem swallowing Gordon's cock. It wasn't long enough to get as deep as my gullet, but I loved to just suck his silky smooth cock. It never took him long to get off and this time was no exception. I felt his cock swell in my mouth and the several ropes of his salty/sweet cumm filled my mouth and throat. I licked his cock clean and sat back. Gordon had a dreamy look on his face.

"Rest up Gordon. I need you back in good shape."

I left him and headed for Peter's office.

Pete was on the phone when I walked in. I heard him say `Well hold them for now.'

"That was Security. Three boys were caught trying to get into the Dry Storage warehouse."

"What the fuck would three of our boys want in the dry storage?"

"They weren't our boys. Their white. Juveniles from a work camp working on Old Larson Road."

I waited for him to continue.

"Two brothers, twins according to their barcodes doing 2 less a day for B&E. The other is 17 year old also doing 2 less a day. When was the last time you fucked a white boy?"

I laughed.

"Fuck probably not since my Dad died."

"Well those boys are going to be between a rock and a hard place. We send them back and you can be sure they won't live to the end of their sentence. I've heard about Warden Benson. He won't show them any mercy."

"Now they might just work out to be good to have around, if even for a change. Hell I haven't had a white boy for ages as well. A little strange ass is good."

"Have Security move them to the cells in the house. Strip them naked too. Then we'll see."

"So I presume you are going to hang that cocksucker that beat up the Security Guys?

"Yeah after I shove a pain inducer up his ass. Want to know what other bad apples we have."

I left Peter and headed for the Feeder to the mill. Everything was running smoothly so just observed as I walked to the saw mill. After a quick look headed back to the house.

After a good lunch headed back to the Security Center. I met with Donald and we headed down to the interrogation room.

The big nigger was strapped down tight to the interrogation Table.

"So what do you want to know Sir?"

"If there are anymore trouble makers. He must have known the consequences or does he just have a death wish. If you have to shove a pain inducer up his ass."

I walked to his head.

"You want to talk to me or should I just let these gentlemen do their stuff."

"I see you in hell first."

"After you have all that he might or might not know Sergeant, you can castrate him and hang him in the main yard."

"Very good Sir."

I just left then and headed for the house.


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Next: Chapter 6

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