Grand Father

Published on May 31, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 4

"At least fifty Sir. The second line is now working, but I don't have enough boys to run both at once. So I run soft wood in the morning and hardwood in the afternoon. With fifty more I could run both lines. I also need another fork lift operator."

"Okay. When those Jap boys get here you can have the 25 now working the forestry. Also I was going to give the construction Super more boys, but you can have them. That will give you about 45 more. I'll see what's at auction when I'm in Eugene on Friday. I'll also check with Peter and see if he's got an extra operator."

"Anything else?" I asked.

"No Sir."

"See you again." He knew he was dismissed and left.

I checked the security camera in Toto's room. I was surprised to see Mitchell on his knees with Toto's cock buried right to the pubes in Mitchell's mouth. That was one way to get acquainted.

I finished my drink and headed to my bedroom. I walked over to the special bed Chris was in. He was dead to the world, no doubt with pain killers and antibiotics being pumped into his body from the mired lines of IV's.

I move the sheet aside and looked at Chris' cock. Soft it extended almost to his knees. The Doctor had said he'd have nearly 2 feet hard. I wondered if I could handle all 2 feet down my throat. I left him sleeping and walked down to the quarters of the house boys. One boy was standing drying himself off.

"Come with me boy."

He visibly jumped when I spoke, but dropped his towel and followed me. When I looked at his face he was terrified, no doubt from stories of other boys I took to my bed. I put my hand over his shoulder.

"Relax Son. I'll go easy."

"Master, I'm not scared of you fucking me. I'm sacred I won't please you."

Damn that was different.

"Master why you pick me? I not good looking. Master my jaw broke and it not heal right."

I walked to my bed and sat down.

"Come over here Son."

He walked over to me with his head down. I lifted his chin to look at him. His Jaw was canted to the left, way off center.

"Wow! That must hurt Son. How did it happen?"

"I get kicked by horse. Old Master just push my jaw back in place. I nearly passed out from pain, but he have no Doctor so I just had to go with it. Every time I ate or drank it pushes jaw sideways."

I grabbed my phone and called the Doctor and asked him to come to my Bedroom.

"I'm going to see if it can be fixed boy."

"How old are you boy?"

"I'm sixteen Master. Master Sam say I soon got to join other crews."

That was true, but I also knew for the most part he'd be a suck and fuck toy to the older boys. With his jaw like that there was no way he'd be able to suck cocks and it just might get him beat up.

"Well until we get you fixed boy you will be staying in the house."

"Thank you Master."

The Doctor came in and after checking out the boy said he could fix him up as good as new. He'd have to rebreak the jaw and probably use some pins, but after a month or so he would be just fine. I told him I'd bring him over in the morning.

"What's your name boy?"

"Gingo Master."

"Well Gingo, I can't use your mouth, but I can sure use your Butt."

"Master I like big cocks in me."

"On the bed boy, on your back."

I quickly undressed and climbed on the bed. On my knees I lifted his legs to my shoulders and moved close so my cock head was right at his hole.

There was plenty of precumm on my cock so when I pushed at his hole it just slid inside. He yelped when my cock entered him, but then moaned.

"Oh Master you feel so good. You fuck Gingo good?"

"Yes boy I will."

I grabbed his thighs and thrust into him. His moans went up a notch and his eyes rolled back into his head. I hammered his tight silky smooth chute. The harder I fucked him the louder his moans became. This boy was made to be fucked.

"Breed me good Master."

That was all it took. I rammed my cock deep inside him and blew my load.

After unloading inside his tight bottom, I slowly pulled out. He couldn't suck my cock clean, but did lick it all over. I pushed him onto his back again and sucked his 6inch cock. He came almost at once. A sweet fairly large load. He squealed as he came.

I lay down and pulled him into a spooning position beside me.

Sleep was easy.

I knew first thing in the morning I needed to pay more attention to the boys in the house. Gingo had been in the house for probably a few years yet that was first time I used him. He wasn't much to look at, but sure liked to get fucked.

Well we'd see after I got his jaw fixed.

After breakfast I ran Gingo down to the clinic and left him with the doctor. Then headed for the mill. Even this early it was getting hot. Inside the mill was even hotter and the boys were sweating already. Everything appeared to be running smoothly so just walked through to the planer mill. Here I put on ear protectors. As Mike had said in the morning they ran softwood. I watched for a while and headed out to the massive kilns. Heat from the burner speeded the drying process. It still took over 12 hours per lift of lumber to dry and be ready for shipping. After the lifts were removed from the kiln, they were wrapped before been loaded on the automatic trains.

I grabbed one of the ATV's and drove to the house. I grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchen and sat out on the deck. Everything was running smoothly for a change.

Sam came out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee and sat down.

"Master, Jap trailers will be ready by end of day. Mitchell and Toto are supervising. I am using forestry crew to get them ready."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Five transports are laid on for trip to Eugene as well as your Vehicle."


"Master you should talk to Green house boys. They worried they end up with other crews when Japs take over Forestry."

"I'll do that today." And maybe suck as few off I thought to myself.

When I thought about it the Green Houses were pretty independent. All the boys working there were trustees. All had been there for a long time. I had never had a problem with them. They were driven out and dropped off every morning and picked up at night. No one had ever run even though they were a couple of miles from the main camp.

"Don't know what I would do without you Sam."

"Thank you Master. I am happy here Master."

"So who are you using these days Sam?"

"Izu, Japanese boy like my cock Master."

"Damn! You mean that boy can handle that 11 inch snake." I laughed.

"Master, can I have him?"

I looked at Sam. He was a freeman. He opted to stay with me and was without a doubt my right hand. He'd never asked for anything over these last 15 years. Now he wanted a very small compared to him a Japanese boy.

"Go get him and bring him out here."

I think Izu was waiting just inside coz they came out very quickly.

"Take off your shift Izu."

I walked around him and just looked. He had a firm butt, and was lightly muscled. Completely blemish free. He had prominent tits that looked like almost girlish. His cock was about 4 inches and uncut. I knew he had about 6.5 inches hard. He also trimmed his pubes, very much like Sam did,

"Well I don't see what you see in this scrawny Jap, but if he's who you want, you can have him permanently. Izu if anything happens to Sam, I'll hang you up by your little balls."

"Now get out of my sight and take this boy and fuck his brains out."

I laughed as they quickly left.

I quite honestly would never have thought Sam would fall for a Japanese boy.

"I put them out of my mind and jumped in an ATV and headed for the greenhouse complex. Might just catch them at lunch.

Two transports were parked next to a loading dock. I walked in the main door. Malcolm the lead hand was so engrossed in his paper work he never noticed me.

"Hello Malcolm."

HE looked up and then jumped to his feet.

"I'm sorry Master I didn't hear you come in." He looked scared.

"Relax Malcolm. This is a friendly visit. Can you call all of your crew to the common room? I'll explain what's happening."

"Yes Master." He used an intercom to inform everyone. Then we walked down the short hall and entered their common room.

They came in ones and twos. AS soon as they saw me they got scared looks on their faces.

"Okay Boys, sit down and relax. None of you will be moved from here once the Japanese arrive."

They all visibly relaxed.

"There is no way I'm going to train Japanese boys to do what you boys do. However ten Japanese boys will be coming here. You will be responsible to train them."

"Now after lunch today I will be talking to each of you individually. Now eat your lunch. I'll call each of you in when you are done."

"Malcolm I'll use your office and start with you."

"Yes Master."

Malcolm and his boys all knew what I wanted. I had done the same thing before when I visited. Malcolm had about 8 inches uncut. He fucked my face exactly as I liked it. None were able to get into my gullet, but did get 13 loads of sperm in my stomach. I actually did Malcolm twice.

I headed back to camp full and satisfied.

I went to my office and brought up the website with the listing for those niggers that were up for auction on Friday. It showed a full frontal picture and head shot. Also height, weight and age. A sidebar listed any special attributes any of them had.

There were a lot of reserve bids on them. Most started at 750 dollars and went up from there. Figured I'd wait to see them in person.

I was seriously considering going down to the barracks and finding a big buck to ream my ass. I'd thought about getting Malcolm to do it, but the size queen in me changed my mind.

"Master. Can I come in?"

I looked up.

"Jason! The Doctor released you boy."

"Yes Master. He gave me these to give to you. I need to take one a day until they are done."

He handed me three small pill bottles with about 12 tablets in each.

"Come over here boy and let me look at you."

HE came and stood in front of me. He was definitely longer and thicker. He was also circumcised. I reached out and gripped his cock. I felt as the blood rushed into it. Hard he was almost 10 inches and real thick. Just what the doctor ordered. I stood up.

"Come along boy."

I took him into one of the empty bedrooms and led him to the bed. He watched as I undressed. He had a smile on his face.

"You going to fuck me Master?"

"No Jason. You are going to fuck me."

"Master, I never do that before."

I climbed on the big bed and lay on my back.

"First time for everything Jason. Come up here on your knees."

"Now lift and spread my legs. Let them rest on your shoulders. Now shuffle forward until the head of your cock is right on my hole."

"I don't think it will fit Master."

"It will fit. Trust me boy. Just push against the hole, slowly but don't stop."

I gritted my teeth as the huge head of his cock slowly forced it's way inside me. Once the head was in he stopped.

"Now grip my thighs real tight and push hard."

I yelped when he rammed his cock into me, but the feelings of having a thick cock filling my ass overrode all the pain. He bottomed out inside me and stopped.

"Master you are so warm inside."

"Now boy pull back until just the head is inside and then go in again."

For someone who had never fucked before he sure knew the basics. Pretty soon he was going in and out at a furious pace.

"Master I'm going to cumm."

"Go ahead boy just don't stop. It feels real good boy."

I felt his super heated sperm fill my upper bowel, but he didn't stop and now greased with his load he pile drived my hole. It went on for almost 30 minutes before he again unloaded into me. His cock wilted and slipped out. I sucked and licked his cock clean and then had him suck me off.

WE lay together coming down from the rush.

After a bit I went and used the refresher and showered. Jason helped me in the shower. I dressed and then took Jason back to my office.

I called Security and had them get Gary from the cell block. I'd decide the disposition of the nigger in cells after I talked to Gary.

"Well Gary. How did it go last night?"

"Master I don't think he tell the truth about boys sucking him. He likes it. Also he didn't mind when I fucked him. Even guard fucked him and he liked it."

"HE sucked me off this morning and thanked me."

"Okay Gary. This is Jason. I want you two to move into the West Bedroom together. As of now you are both house boys."

"Yes Master." They both said.

"You are dismissed." Both quickly left.

Sam came in as I was eating dinner.

"Master you have a very pissed off crew of black boys. Mitchell told them they would be moving to shipping after tomorrow."

"To fucking bad what they like or dislike. They are slaves and will do as their told or I'll hang a few."

"Where's Toto?"

"He's running the crew back to their barracks at the logging camp."

"Okay send him to me when he gets back."

"Also grab that nigger in cells and return him to his crew. He's off breeding for now. He lied about not liking boys sucking him and even allowed Gary and the guards to screw him."

Very well Master." He left me.

I grabbed a drink and went out on the deck. Another nice evening.

Toto arrived about 30 minutes later. I could tell just by looking at him he was pissed about something.

"What's the matter Toto?"

"Those nigger boys are real lazy. I had to use the prod twice today on same boy. He don't like working for me."

"Are the trailers ready for the Japanese boys?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. You will be coming with me when I pick up the slaves I have ordered. You can sleep with me tonight. Grab yourself something to drink."

"What was the name of the boy you had trouble with Toto?"

"Wilson Master. He big ugly buck."

I called Mike in shipping and told him to pick up the Forestry crew from the logging camp and put them to work in Shipping. I also told him if he had problems with Wilson, he had my permission to hang him.

I hung up. Toto's mouth was open.

"What's the matter Toto?"

"Master I don't think you need to hang Wilson."

"Listen carefully Toto. When I put someone in charge the orders he gives are the same as if I am giving the order to a slave. They all know that every overseer here is appointed by me. Slaves do exactly as they are told or get punished. Disobedience or outright defiance I will not stand for. That just breeds unrest with the other slaves. If I don't stomp on that I lose control. There are over two thousand slaves working for me. They could if they rebelled overpower me and the security in no time."

"I would never disobey you Master."

I just looked at Toto. He was a really good looking young man. All the good food and exercise he was getting had filled in his 6 foot frame. He was developing very nice pecs and his abs showed a visible 4 pack. Even his cock looked bigger, but knew it must be an illusion. Cocks really stopped growing about his age. Just looking at him got me hard.

"Come over here Toto."

He walked over and stood almost between my legs. I reached out and unsnapped the button of his cargo shorts. I ran the zipper down and they dropped to his ankles. Damn his cock really did look bigger, almost 6 inches soft. He was uncut and the head of his cock peeked out of the foreskin. A small bead of precumm glistened on the end of his cock.

Even as I just watched his cock started to thicken and the foreskin slid back off the heart shaped head.

"I'm sorry Master. I always get hard when I get close to you."

"Don't be sorry Toto."

I decided right then what I was going to do. I wondered what Toto would do.

"What would you do if I freed you Toto?"

His eyes got real big and his mouth dropped open.

"What do you mean Master?"

"I would make you a freeman Toto. The same as Sam. Free to do anything you wanted. Go where you please and no longer a slave."

"Master I would never go anywhere. I love you Master."

I pulled out a printed form, wrote Toto's name on the top and signed it. I'd fill in the other details later. I handed it to Toto.

He read the top and part of the form and then flung himself into my arms crying.

Right at that moment something changed inside me. Holding this young Japanese boy brought such peace to my heart I just didn't know what to do. I hugged him back.

"Make love to me Master."

"I'm not your Master anymore Toto."

"You will always be my Master. I will never leave you."

I'll do as you want Toto, if you do something for me."

"I want you to call me Alvin."

"But....." I put my finger to his lips.

"I won't have my lover and partner calling me anything but my name."

"Oh Alvin." It sounded like Ale Vin with his accent.

I took my finger away and kissed him. His pink tongue came out and he licked his lips, then mashed his lips on mine. We went into a long lip lock followed by a game of tongue tag.

When we broke apart I stood up and took Toto's hand.

"Come on Babe."

I led him to my bedroom. I undressed and headed into the bathroom. Toto helped me use the refresher and then into the shower. Toto was rock hard.

"Damn Toto you are getting bigger."

"Mas.....Alvin I ask Doctor anything make me bigger. He give me some pills and pump and tell me to use every day. I hope you are not mad at me Alvin."

"No Toto, I'm not mad. That just makes you better. I took his hand and led him to the bed. He climbed onto the bed, lay on his back and reached to pull his thighs up.

"Not yet Toto."

I climbed on the bed and straddled his body. Then leaned down and kissed him. WE went into another brief lip lock before I backed off and kissed his nose. That brought a giggle. He moaned louder when I briefly licked each of his nipples. I knew he was getting close to cumming so moved to his cock, licked the precumm from the head and took him right to his sweet smelling pubes.

"ALLLLVIINNN!" His cock throbbed in my mouth and the first shot of his sperm filled my throat. I backed off and received 3 more shots of his spicy cumm in my mouth.

I would have pushed his legs back and sucked his balls and then rimmed him , but I really didn't like hair. Instead I pushed his legs back. He grabbed his thighs and pulled them back exposing that pink grommet.

Normally I would not have used lube, I only used it on boys who had reached the legal age and wanted me to make them adult slaves. For Toto I used lube even though I had fucked him before, I wanted it to feel good. I slathered my cock with lube and brought my cock to his hole.

As the head touched his hole, he relaxed and my cock slid easily into him.

"Oh Alvin, you make me feel so good."

Japanese asses were just as smooth and silky feeling as Nigger's, but Togo had such control that his insides pulled and squeezed my cock as I went balls deep into him.

He tightened his hole on my cock as I pulled back and then loosened it as I went in. His moans just got louder the faster I entered him.

For more than 20 minutes I pounded his Jap ass. Then drove into him deep and unloaded my sperm into his upper bowel. His arms came around me and almost purred.

"Alvin you make me feel so good. I really love you now."

Toto had totally burned me out and I wilted. As I slipped out of him we rolled together on the big bed. AS we lay coming down I heard a small voice.

"Grand Pa can we sleep with you?"

I turned my head and looked. Two small houseboys stood beside the bed.

"Of course you can." Both smiled and climbed on the bed. One snuggled up to me and the other snuggled next to Toto.

With very warm boys on both sides of me, sleep came easy.

A touch on my shoulder brought me instantly awake.

"Four am Master."

"Thanks Sam." I rolled to a sitting position.

"Back to your bedroom boys." Sam said.

"Thank you Grand Pa." Both boys said as they ran from my room.

I knew Toto had questions just from the look on his face.

After the refresher and a shower, I gave Toto boxer briefs and cargo pants with boots and tan shirt. I dressed the same. We grabbed a coffee and headed outside. Five Slave Transports and my big RV were lined up waiting.

Peter met us as we stepped aboard. He made no comment about Toto, just leaned over and hugged him.

"Okay let's go driver."

The RV, being electric, just moved off and onto the logging road.

Toto sat down at my table, I slid in beside him. Peter joined us on the other side.

"You look happier than I have ever seen you Alvin. I guess this very handsome boy has something to do with it."

"I don't know how I've done without him this long Peter."

"Well good luck to you both."

"Why did those boys call you Grand Pa Alvin?" Toto asked.

Peter laughed.

"Well I used to go both ways Toto. So there are a few boys that were sired by me."

"Don't let him fool you Toto. There are about 200 boys and several girls that are his. He's got several Grand kids too. You met two last night I take it."

"Yeah, they looked Negro."

"They are mostly nigger. Only a small part of Alvin in them."

"Toto, if want a few boys running around from your sperm, I can set it up."

"I'm only into boys Alvin."

"Well I'm going to grab a nap." Peter said.

I leaned over and kissed Toto. He just moved closer.

"I guess I can't do boys now eh?"

"Why not Toto?"

"Well I don't want to make you mad at me."

"Toto you can suck or fuck as many boys as you want. As long as I can do the same. I can't change Babe and I don't expect you to either. Peter and I have a contest every time we get a new load of slaves. We see who can do the most in the first ten days."

"Can I do that too?"

"I don't see any reason why not."


We dozed the rest of the way into Eugene.

The Slave Center in Eugene covered almost a square mile. After over 100 years of slavery the sorting and disposal of slaves was down to a science. The place looked like a cattle yard I had visited with my Father.

I told Toto to wait on the RV while Peter and I headed inside the Control Center.

After signing for the 250 slaves I had paid for including the fifty Japs, I was about to leave.

"Alvin, do you have a minute?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Would be interested in taking 100 trouble makers?"

"Not a chance."

"How about fifty and at 500 each?"

"Okay, but all have to be under 25. Any older and their too hard to train and we end up putting them down."

At 500 each was a real steal. If nothing else they could become fuck toys for the other slaves.

Clean them up and put them in plastic cuffs. We'll put them on the same transport as the Japs."

I signed the bill of sale and I owned another 50 slaves.

I walked out and grabbed Toto from the RV.

"Let's go see your Japs."

The Japanese boys had a white covering for their cock and balls. They also wore sandals.

"Do you want them nude Alvin?"

"No, not now."

WE watched as the first of the Trouble makers were herded aboard.

"Those three are pretty young Alvin."

"Yes they are. Sergeant put those three in the RV. Go with them Toto. Make sure they know I'm not going to harm them."

When the sergeant pulled the three boys out of line, they started to cry.

"Relax boys. If Master wanted to hurt you he would have done it already."

Peter walked up.

"All loaded and locked. I'll be in tail end load."

"Sounds good Pete. Let's go."

I climbed on my RV and we headed home. Coming down from the Camp only took about 3 hours. Going back was up hill and a 4 and half hour trip.

"What are your names boys and how old are you?"

"My name is Abba, this is my brother Anka and that boy is Allan. I'm 17, my brother is 16 and Allan is 16 Master."

"I don't need to ask why you were in with the trouble makers. I will say there are several rules you must always follow. Number one is if you run or try to escape you will be brought back and hanged. Number two is if you force anyone to have sex, you will be castrated. As long as it is agreed by both then there is no problem. Obey all the rules or you will be whipped. We don't use a bull whip, we use a strap on your butt and on your front."

"Master, we don't mind doing stuff with boys, we're gay Master."

"That's good boys. You will get along good here. You three are old enough to join the crews here, but I'll make sure you are in the younger boys barracks."

"Abba, come over here."

Abba stood about 5 foot 7 inches and weighed around 150 lbs. He had smooth dull skin, a real bubble butt, about 6 inch uncut cock. The foreskin was really long. I reached between his legs and rolled his balls in my hand. He needed to shave. Even hard his foreskin still covered the head of his cock. He definitely would need to be cut.

"Have you been taught how to use a refresher Abba?"

"No Master."

"Come along then."

I took him into the refresher. Handed him a tube of cream.

"Smear that on your balls and up the crack of your ass and under your cock."

"It tingles Master."

"That means it's working Abba. Now sit on the bowl."

The refresher was a modified Bidet. It shot water mixed with a cleanser into the ass and washed everything out. Even as far in as the upper bowel. Sensors in the bowl controlled how much and how long the butt needed to be cleaned. As soon as only clear water was being ejected the washer stopped.

"That feels weird Master."

"You need to this twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. Failure to do it will get you 10 swats on your butt and ten swats on your cock. Now into the shower and wash off all that cream."

When he came out and dried off I checked him.

"That's better. Think you can teach your brother and the other boy how to do it."

"Yes Master."

"Master, what will we be doing?"

"Mostly clean up. You will also service anyone who asked."

He smiled at that. I doubted he'd be smiling when I shoved my 8 inch cock up his chute.

"Okay, get your brother and the other boy and show them what to do."

"Yes Master."

I just sat down. About 2 hours to go.

"Sam, when we get to the camp take those three boys to the Doctor and get them checked over. Make sure the Doctor cuts them. Then take them to the house, i'll decide what I do with them later."

Yes Master."

As we pulled into the Camp I saw everything was ready. About 20 armed guards were present and also noticed 5 cable nooses were set up. I walked with Peter to the raised platform. WE waited as the new Slaves were unloaded.

I was especially watching the so called bad boys. I knew there would be a few bad apples, but most would fall into line real quick or find themselves in a world of hurt.

I saw a big buck jostling his way to one end. He looked older than the 25 specified age range.

"Sergeant, keep an eye on the big buck on the end."

"Think he's going bolt Sir?"

"He might. If he does, wound him."

"Yes Sir."

After all the new slaves were lined up, I went through my usual speech to incoming Slaves. I had just finished warning them what would happen if they ran when that big buck took off at dead run.

He made about 100 meters down the road when two shots rang out. The big buck screamed and dropped to the pavement. The sergeant grabbed two slaves from the end of the line.

"Come with me."

The slaves picked him up and half dragged half walked him back. He was dragged up onto the hanging rail.

There was no doubt this buck was trouble. His back was criss crossed from multiple whippings. He was ugly as sin although he did have a long thick cock.

"Boy he's big Alvin." Toko said.

"Carry on Sergeant."

He was quickly cuffed with plastic cuff behind his back. The cable noose was slipped over his head.

"Did you think I was kidding Boy?"

The Sergeant just pushed the lever and the boy dropped about a foot.

As the noose tightened his face turned purple and his tongue hung out of his mouth. His legs jerked about. Unlike others that I had hanged he didn't get hard, but still came. The white sperm dribbled down on leg. AS he died his bladder let loose and his body stopped twitching.

I noticed several slaves vomiting and others turned away from the spectacle.

I told the overseers to carry on and then walked to the house with Peter. Toto took off to get his new slaves set up. All the slaves would be checked by the doctor, circumcised if necessary, collared and then assigned work crews and quarters.

"Well that went better than I expected."

"Yes, I expected more trouble from those bad boys." Peter said.

"I think it is time we fenced off some areas. Maybe top off the perimeter fence with wire."

"Do you really think it is necessary?"

"Well with this bunch we will have over 2500 slaves. That's more than we've ever had before. Then add in the construction Crew. That's another 1200. I'm also thinking about that proposal from the Slave Directorate."


Next: Chapter 5

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