Grand Father

Published on May 14, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 3

"We'll see." Peter laughed.

After finishing our drinks we both headed off to our bedrooms. I didn't know who had been designated to sleep with me that night, but was pleasantly surprised to see Toto, the Japanese boy waiting.

He bowed as I walked in. He quickly took my soiled clothes as I removed them and put them in the laundry.

"Refresher Toto."

After I cleaned myself out and then showered, he dried me. I walked out of the refresher and over to bed. He just stood waiting.

"Come over here boy."

He walked over and stood between my legs.

"Toto are there still baths in Japan?"

"Yes Master, but very crowded. After quake in 92, millions are without homes or work Master. It is why I come to America Master."

"Toto, I'm thinking of bringing over 30 or 40 Japanese boys. What do you think of that idea?"

"Master, Japanese boys work very hard for you."

"Good. Now on the bed on your back."

I never used lube when I fucked slaves and Toto screamed as I shoved my eight inch cock into his tight hole. That didn't last long as he started to moan almost at once.

"Fuck me good Master." He said.

Fuck him I did, hammering my cock in and out of him. God how I loved the power I had. To be able to fuck any boy anytime was a dream come true. My first load filled his colon, but I just continued. For almost 30 minutes I reamed his ass. When my second load filled him, I wilted somewhat and pulled out. I grabbed him by the hair and dragged him onto my cock. He had no problems with licking my cock clean.

I rolled off him and onto my back.

"Come on Toto. Show me what you got."


"Fuck me Toto. Let's see how that nice looking cock feels."

He sure moved fast and In no time was pounding my butt. He'd go like a rabbit for several strokes, then slow for three or four strokes. Even though he was only 6.5 inches, it felt real good. It only took him about 10 minutes.

"I'm going to cumm Master."

"Go ahead boy."

I felt his hot sperm coating the inside of my ass. He sat back with an ear to ear grin.

"Started without me eh."

I looked and Peter and Jerry were standing by the bed. Peter's 9inch thick cock was at full mast.

"Well Toto got me ready for the main event." I chuckled.

Peter gave Jerry a slap on the butt.

"You boys play with each other."

Then he climbed on the bed and got between my legs. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and shuffled forward.

"It's been a while Alvin."

It had been and it hurt like hell as he slowly pushed that plum sized head into my tight hole. He leaned over and we went into a lip lock as he pushed into me. If he hadn't had his mouth over mine I would have screamed as his very thick cock opened me up. He stopped when he bottomed out.

"Are you ready for this Alvin?"

Even though Pete and I were very versatile, I was Peter's bottom. He was always the top.

I knew exactly how to goad him.

"Come on boy, show me what you got."

That was all it took. Pete pulled back and slammed back in. From then on it was like he was a mechanical machine as he reamed my ass. The slap slap as his balls hit my ass and the grunts and moans' from me was all you could hear. It went on forever it seemed, but I knew it was only 30 minutes. I did feel his hot sperm fill my upper bowel once but it never slowed him down. After cumming a second time he stopped and slowly pulled out.

Both boys had been watching.

"Come Jerry lick me clean. Toto clean up your Master."

Both boys were on the bed instantly.

If I hadn't been so tired, I'd gone down on Pete and sucked him off, but we just snuggled together and drifted off to sleep.

Both boys were gone when we got up in the morning. Pete and I kissed before he headed back to his quarters. I grabbed a household boy to help me shower. Then headed to my office and ordered breakfast.

My day was pretty much all taken care of. I had to fly to Eugene to pick up Chris. I also wanted to talk to the Slave Directorate about bringing in Japanese boys. That would take up over half the day.

Standing on my deck with a cup of coffee it looked like everything was running normally. I decided I'd take a run down to the mill.


"Yes Sam."

"Master, Overseer Gordon wishes to speak to you."

"OK. Bring him to my office."

"What's on your mind Gordon?"

"Master, boys very happy Motobo is dead. Boys tell me he was always talking about killing guards and you and then running. Boys know what would happen if any guards or you harmed, but Motobo warn them if they talk about what he says he kill them."

"So there are no hard feelings that I hanged that bastard?"

"No Master."

"Thank you Gordon for telling me. You are dismissed."

"Master. Can I talk about something else?"


"Master lots of boys big down below. Sometimes they come close to getting their stuff in machinery. Sometimes they get slivers and splinters and have to Doc to fix. Could bigger boys get G-String to hold their stuff? Production be better then Master."

I looked at Sam. He had a shit eating grin on his face.

"Your idea Sam?"

"Oh no Master."

"The way I see this Gordon is that if I give some boys G-strings, then I have to give all boys. I'll think on it Gordon."

"Thank you Master."

He bowed and left.

"Do we have enough to get them all in G's?"

"Yes Master."

"Make it happen Sam. Keeping everyone happy is a priority."

"Yes Master."

"Sam set up a single bed in my room. Chris will be coming back today. I want him comfortable."

"I'll be gone for the rest of the day."

Okay Master. It will be done."

Chris was set to be released at 1600. I told the lifter pilot to be on the pad at the Center at that time fitted as a medical evac. I had him drop me at the Slave Directorate.

I didn't have an appointment but the Director had me shown in almost immediately.

"What can I do for you today Alvin?"

"Well Jake. I'm looking to bring in some Japanese boys."

"Can't help you there. You need to speak to the Consul General at the Japanese Consulate. They'll probably cost you around 2 grand a head."

"Fuck that's expensive."

"Well the actual Slaves only cost about 500 dollars. You also have to pay for immunization and transport. They also have to be picked up in Seattle."

"I'll call the man you need to see and let him know you are coming."

His name is Aki Fugiyzo. He's the Consul General."

I took a ground cab to the consulate. It looked like a Fortress from the outside. Armed guards were at the gate and I saw several with dogs inside the Gate.

I handed over my Identification.

"I'm here to see the Consul General. I am expected."

"Very well Mr. Grand. You are indeed expected."

He handed me my ID and escorted me to the Main building. Inside I walked through a metal detector and then was escorted to the Consul General's office.

"Ah Mr. Grand. It is good to meet you." He formally bowed.

I understand you are looking to buy some Japanese boys. I will tell you that we require you take a minimum of fifty."

"That's okay as long as I can get what I want."

"Tell me your requirements and we'll see."

"Okay. All must be 16 to 18 and I prefer them in reasonable shape. Also well endowed."

He smiled at that last.

That can be arranged. I will not say they will all be virgins."

"Price?" I asked.

"The Japanese are all hard working and in the interest of maybe being able to sell you more in the future, I quote you 80 thousand dollars payable in advance."

"Normally you would need to pick them up in Seattle, but in the interest of speeding up their availability we will move them to Eugene. I understand you have a contingent coming from Africa."

"Yes, they are due in less than a week."

He printed off the contract. I called my Bank and had them transfer 80 grand to the Consulate Account. After signing the contract, we shook hands.

"I hope all your endeavors move as quickly as ours. Good luck to you Sir."

I was escorted back to the main gate and jumped into my ground cab.

"Enhancement Center."

I was shown into the Director's office upon my arrival.

"Well Alvin are you ready for this?"

"Did everything work out?"

"Oh yes indeed. I just wanted to explain things before you see your boy."

"First off, finding a donor with a foot long soft cock proved impossible. So we were only able to graft on a 9 inch insert. That still gives him about 15 inches soft and when erect with be close to 20 inches."

"WE have his new cock cradled in a sleeve along his left thigh. The dressings will need to be changed daily and in about ten days your doctor can remove the stitches. There will be no scaring.

In about two weeks his cock will need to be jacked slowly. This will speed up the nerves reconnecting and he will start to feel his cock after about 3 weeks. No sex for a month Alvin."

"Once he has all the feelings back, what you do is up to you. Also I was not able to get the operation classified as a Clinical study, so you will need to pay the full costs, including the special drugs that's 252 grand."

Fuck I am crazy.

"Okay. Can I see him?"

"Of Course. Come along."

Chris was in a bed, with one knee pulled back. That very long soft cock lay along the other thigh. He was smiling.

"Oh Master I got real big cock now."

"You sure do boy. How are you feeling?"

"Don't know Master. I can't feel anything."

"It will be about 2 weeks before he starts to feel anything." Jake said.

"You ready to go home Chris?"

"Yes Master."

The Nurses moved him onto a transport bed and after signing him out took him to the lifter. I sat beside him for the trip home.

I assigned two house boys to take care of all Chris' needs. The Doctor would change his dressings.

I finally got back to work.

Sam told me first thing that the slaves only wore their G-strings when they were working. They removed them, rinsed them out and went nude in their free time.

"AS long as the work is getting done, that is all that matters."

"Okay, we need two more accommodation trailers set up at the main logging camp. All slaves presently working in the reforestation will be moved to pulp production."

"They won't be happy about that Master."

"I don't give a shit what they like or dislike. They are slaves. They either do as their told or else."

"Master you have changed."

"Sam when those new slaves arrive I want the Chain to run 24/7. That means training more slaves to run it. Get the Overseers on that right away."

Sam took off and I sat thinking. With the fifty Japanese boys I could put them all to work at the plantation. Half of the new slaves would go to Peter along with the present plantation crew. The other half, I'd assign to the Construction Foremen.

Depending on what I got, the younger slaves that arrived would be become Service boys for the rest of the slaves and guards.

I'll probably like a few of them too.

This would be the last batch of untrained slaves. Peter was right. These niggers were for the most part dumb as posts. Nearly half had already felt the belt on their ass and dick. Didn't appear to motivate them. Maybe time to use the prod more.

I walked out and got into an ATV and drove to the Construction trailer. The Super was out instructing a slave on the proper way to mark stakes. I noticed one of his lead hands with a bull whip at his belt.

"WE don't use bull whips here."

"Really! What do you use then?"

"A strap. They get a minimum of ten swats on their ass and another ten on their front. Motivates them well enough. Have that Lead Hand go to the dry storage and draw a strap and prod."

"What's a prod?"

I grabbed the one in the ATV and showed him.

"Those two prongs on the end will put out up to 25,000 volts, no amps. You adjust it with this slide in increments of 5,000 volts. Trust me, get touched by those prongs and you never forget it."

"I'll bet." He laughed.

I left him and headed for the chain. Everyone, including the big nigger I had zapped were working.

"Any problems."

"No Master. Slaves work better now they have covers for their dick and balls."

I looked at a few. The heat of the day gave most a shinny coating of sweat. Their G-strings were soaked with sweat as well and you could see the outline of their cocks. The G's were snug enough to make them very enticing, almost better than nude.

I walked down to the lower level below the chain. Here the younger boys worked. Those 15-17 did the clean up around the machinery. Even though most of the heavy stuff from above was put on the belt to the burner above, stuff still dropped onto the ground below the machinery. These boys kept it clean.

I knew these boys had it rough. The other older slaves used them as their personal fuck toys. Hell even I used them. It was nice to sink my cock into their snug holes.

I watched one of the older boys. He was covered in dust and sweat. The bulge in his G was very nice. He'd do to sate my thirst for nigger cock. I walked over to him.

"Come with me boy."

"Yes Master." Saying no to me could get him killed.

I led him to my ATV. "Get in."

He was shaking as he climbed in the ATV.

"Are you scared of me boy?"

"Yes Master. Master I like doing it with boys, but others say you very big. I not have big ones."

I just chuckled. He'd get used to my 8 inch cock one way or the other.

I drove to the house and led him into one of the spare bedrooms. Chris was in my Bedroom and I didn't want to disturb him. I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Come over here boy." He walked up and between my spread thighs.

Up close he looked even better. I reached out and slid the G down. He stepped out of it. I was confronted with a very nice 7 inch soft cock. He was circumcised. The head of his cock was very light colored even though the shaft was pure dark black. His sparse pubes almost shone with the sweat that trickled down onto his balls.

I pulled him closer and leaned into his sparse pubes. The aroma of his sweat filled my nostrils. God how I loved how these niggers smelt?

"What's your name boy?"

"Gary Master."

"Well Gary, I'm going to suck your cock. When I start I want you to grab my head and face fuck me as hard as you can. Don't hold anything back. Do you understand Gary?"

"Yes Master."

"When you ready to cumm I want you to ram your cock as deep as you can into my throat. Don't worry if I choke on your cock. That's what I want."

"Okay Master. I fuck your face good."

As I had talked his cock had started to grow. Like Chris' cock it drooped and hung almost to his knees. He was far thicker than Chris so I knew it would be chore getting his cock into my throat.

I lifted his cock up and let it slide into my mouth. He took me as I asked, with one hand on my head and the other on the back of my neck. He thrust hard into my mouth and throat and I gagged. He never slowed. He kept pulling back and ramming it in. I realized that Gary was far thicker than Chris and each time he rammed it in he stretched my jaw muscles farther apart. It hurt like hell but was determined to take him all.

I saw that even as he bottomed out in my throat there was still almost 2 inches of his cock not in my mouth. He was using long strokes and I was able to get short breathes of air through my nose. After no more than twenty strokes he yelled.

"Master I'm cumming." With that shout he rammed his cock deep and blew. I choked and then swallowed.

I felt his cock being pulled right into my gullet. The hot sperm was going almost into my stomach. He held me on his cock until he finished and then slowly pulled out.

I jacked his long cock and licked off the beads of cumm that streamed out.

"Was I okay Master." He sounded worried.

"You did just fine Gary and I'm going to want you to do it again."

"I was so worried I hurt you Master."

"It hurt Gary, but it hurt like I wanted it too."

I stood up and then led him into the bathroom.

"Did you use the refresher this morning Gary?"

"Yes Master. Overseer use belt if we don't."

I laughed and led him into the shower. I washed him much to his protests.

"When I use a boy, I also wash him after, so stand still Gary."

After cleaning him up and washing myself, we dried each other and I led him back to the bedroom. I saw Gary was rock hard again.

"Ready to go again Gary?"

"Master. I take long time to cumm second time."

"Okay. We'll wait. Go rinse your G string."

When he came out I took him to my office. I pulled out a pair of tan shorts.

"Put those on. Do you know how to drive Gary?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. Take the ATV outside and go pick up Toto from his barracks and bring him here."

He had an ear to ear grin on his face as he almost ran from my office.

"So are you promoting him Master? Only overseers have tan shorts." Sam asked.

Only as I need him. He can do the running around I need done."

"Master it would better if you made him a lead hand. Then Overseers won't bother him."

"Master, Gary has 6 years schooling. He can read and write."

"In that case I'll make my number two boy. He can be number one while Chris is laid up."

"Okay Master."

Both boys arrived together.

I told Gary to take off the tan shorts and gave them to Toto. Then I handed him a pair of white boxer briefs.

"Gary, you are now number two boy. Chris is number one, but he is laid up for a while so you can take his place. Now both of you get in the ATV."

I knew from my reports that the forestry crew was working a section fairly close to the main camp. I drove out to the reforestation.

Three transports were pulled off the road. One had a water bowser behind it. When I pulled up, two boys came out of the shade.

I saw the sling carriers hanging from one truck, all were filled with saplings. I climbed out and walked over to the boys.

"I take it the crew is working."

"Yes Master. We are from greenhouse Master."

"Okay, how many rows planted so far this morning?"

"They still working first rows Master. Very slow."

"Dammed straight their slow. Where's the overseer?"

"Don't know Master."

I walked over to the cleared section along the road. The ground sloped gently away on one side. It was a section that had been clear cut. The crew should have been planting saplings, but I couldn't see the crew. What the fuck, they wouldn't have run.

I called security and asked them for the position of the forestry crew.

A screen with a map on it showed every slave and where he was. Well it showed his number.

"Forestry crew appear to be about 400 meters west of the forestry road. They are all together Sir."

"Do you have the red dot of the overseer?"

IT took him a while. There were lots of red dots, showing the position of all the overseers. He had to look up the number of the overseer and then find it on the map.

"It appears he is in Barracks 2 Sir."

"Get him, cuff him and bring him out here."

"Yes Sir."


"Yes Master."

"You are promoted to Overseer. Grab a belt and prod and go down the field and get those boys working."

I showed him how the prod worked. His eyes got real big.

"That really hurt Master."

"Yes it does." I smiled at him.

He disappeared onto the field.

The sign that he had found the crew was a blood curdling scream. Toto was asserting his authority.

"What will happen to other overseer Master?" Gary asked.

I just looked at him.


About 15 minutes later two security officers arrived with the overseer cuffed in the back of a pickup. They pulled him out and brought him to me.

"What the fuck were you doing in barracks while your crew was out here sitting on their asses."

"I was fucking."

"That is I was fucking Master."

"Yeah I guess.............ah Master."

His answer just pissed me off more. Not something any slave should do. Without a thought I pulled my Auto pistol, pointed it at him. His eyes got real wide and he opened his mouth. Before a word issued from it I pulled the trigger.

The report from the gun was very loud. The bullet entered his mouth and blew out the back of his head. He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Gary who was standing beside me turned and puked. The other two boys stood with their mouths open. Both looked absolutely terrified. I walked over to them.

"Easy boys. He only got what he deserved. You two are safe."

I knew what I just did would spread like wildfire. Every slave would know when you are told to work, you work or suffer the consequences.

"What do you want to do with body Sir?"

"Drag it up into the trees a hundred meters or so. The carnivores will get it."

I walked over to Gary.

"You okay boy?"

"Yes Master. I just never seen anyone get kilt like that Master."

"Get in the ATV Gary. We'll be leaving when the security gets back."

Killing that boy had really turned me on. I wondered if I was getting to be more like my father. He always took a boy after executing a slave. Well I had Gary and I was going to use him.

I grabbed two box lunches and gave one to Gary. After the Security boys got back and I had instructed them, I climbed in the ATV and took off up the forestry road.

About 2 miles along the road I turned off onto another road. This one led up the side of a small mountain. Near the top I pulled off and drove to chain link fence. I stopped got out and opened the gate. Drove in and closed the gate.

"Where are we Master?"

"You'll see in a moment Gary."

I never knew my Mother. She had died having me. My Father raised me with my Grand Fathers help. I had always thought my Father was a caring and loving man, at least to me. Later I found out different.

MY Father had built this compound for only one reason. To kill in the most brutal and sadistic way possible slaves that screwed up. Even the smallest mistake by his slaves could get them brought up here to die.

When my Father died, I still brought slaves here to die, but to die naturally. The last four slaves that had been with my Father were all that was left. All were over 80.

As I drove into the clear area in front of a large cabin, the old implements still stood in front of the house. The gallows where he hung slaves on piano wire, the rusted X frame and the fire pit where he roasted slaves alive. All for the entertainment of his guests.

As I drove up to the front entrance, four old Negros walked out onto the veranda.

"Come on boy."

I walked up the steps and shook their hands.

"Master Alvin. It is nice to see you." Edward the oldest of the Negros said.

"This is Gary, my number one boy."

They shook his hand and then the rest sort of shuffled away. Their eyes were dead looking and I knew these four would probably not live out another year.

"Edward was my Fathers number one slave." I said to Gary.

Gary looked at Edward and then looked at me. A lot of questions were in his eyes.

"Come along Gary and I will explain a few things to you."

I took him into the house and through the large living room. I stopped at a huge cooler and grabbed a beer and a coke. If I gave Gary a beer it would probably get him drunk and I wanted him sober. I wanted that cock of his in my throat again and I was also going to fuck him. I wanted him sober to experience exactly how I treated my slaves.

I walked out onto the back deck. A natural pool fed by a hot spring dominated the wide area at the back of the house. Another amenity for my Fathers guests when he had been alive.

I sat him down.

"I can tell you have questions Gary."

"What is this place Master? Who are those men?"

"Those four are the last living slaves from when my Father died. My Father ordered me to kill them when he died."

"This place was built to entertain my Fathers guests. He would bring slaves up here to torture and kill. You saw the gallows and steel X frame. Some would be hung with piano wire, some he skinned alive. Others he roasted over that fire pit."

"When my Father died, I could have carried on like my Father. I'll admit I watched my Father sometimes. I even laughed along with my Father as Slaves screamed their hearts out."

"I brought those four men up here to kill, but I couldn't do it. I told them they could live out their lives here. When they die, I'll change this place to be more like a hunting lodge."

"How come, if you were alive when your dad died you don't look old like Edward?"

"Gary, every year I get an injection that keeps me young. It is not available to slaves."

"Okay Master."

"That's it Gary? Just okay."

"Master, I was born a slave. My last Master made me become a slave from as soon as I could walk and talk. My Master's son made me suck him when I was six. He fucked me when I was 12. I liked it Master. Now I am your slave. I will be the best slave I can. I know someday you will kill me when I am no longer useful. I can't change it coz I am just a slave."

"Gary, you are only 17. There are a lot of years until you become useless to me."

He smiled at that.

"Now take your shorts off and come over here.

He stepped up close between my spread knees.

"You know what I want Gary. Fuck my face, make me choke on your cock and cumm in my throat."

I could almost tell what he was thinking as he rammed his cock into my mouth.

`My Master wants me to fuck his throat then I fuck him hard.'

I'm sure the first time he had been holding back. He sure didn't this time and if I could have I would have yelled when his thick cock was forced into my throat. He never slowed. In and out like a piston. It took him far longer to cumm, but he did pull out enough that I could grab brief shots of air through my nose. After almost 30 minutes he finally rammed it into my throat. His hot sperm blasted into my throat and as I swallowed all his cock was pulled into my gullet.

After draining his balls he slowly pulled out.

When he pulled out I jacked and sucked his cock clean. Then pulled him onto my lap.

"You did real good Boy. Maybe I'll get you enhanced."

"What's enhanced Master?"

"Going to make your cock longer and thicker and bigger balls."

"I'd like that Master."

"Now I want you to go to each of those old men and offer to suck them off."

"Yes Master."

He came back about 30 minutes later. He grabbed the coke and drank most of it.

"They taste terrible Master, but I sucked them all off. Edward said he wants to talk to you."

"Get dressed, we'll be leaving after I talk to Edward."

"Yes Master."

Well we wouldn't be leaving just yet. I called Security and told them to grab two of the older slaves and bring them to the Hunting Lodge. I drove down to the gate to wait. About 30 minutes later the two security guys arrived, with two slaves trussed up in the back of the pickup truck.

After giving the Security Guards instructions, loaded up Gary and headed back to the main camp.

"Master. Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask Gary. I might not answer you."

"How come sometimes when I watch boys getting whipped I get hard. I got hard when you hanged those boys for running. I almost came when one of them came."

"Maybe you're a sadist Gary."

"What's that Master?"

"That's someone who likes to inflict pain or see boys in pain."

"Oh." I just chuckled.

I might just explore that further. Having a nigger that liked to inflict pain might come in handy. I was sure there were others. Overseers beat boys for any mistakes.

I pulled up to the house and led Gary into my office. I never even got sat down before Sam walked in.

"Yes Sam?"

"A boy refused to do a woman in the Breeding Barracks. HE also beat up the boy assigned to him. Security put him in cells coz he beat the boy pretty badly."

"Seriously. He refused to fuck a woman. Maybe he's queer."

"Master he already did one woman."

"Okay. Let's go see this stupid nigger."

I'll admit that as soon as I saw him I wanted him. To say he was ugly was an understatement, at least his face. The rest of him was almost perfect to my mind. About 6 foot 2 and about 180 lbs. Nicely muscled, but not overly. Shinny skin down to a smooth belly about 5.5 inch soft cut cock. Heavy balls hung low between his legs. He was chained to the wall by his neck and had restraints on his hands that prevented him from touching himself.

He never uttered a word as I walked into his cell.

"Well, what have you to say for yourself boy?"

"Master. I don't like boys touching me. I not queer. I like woman Master."

"So you beat a boy coz you didn't like it and refused a woman."

"Master boy said he had to clean my cock before I do woman and when he suck my cock I pushed him away. He tried again and I hit him."

I say I not want woman if I have to get my cock sucked first."

I walked close to him, reached between his legs and gripped his balls.

"You like these boy? How would you like to lose them?"

"Please no Master."

"Well I'll tell you what you need to do to save them. This boy here is going to suck you off. Not only that he is going to suck you for the rest of the day and if I decided, all night too. I may even have you tied down and let him fuck you."

"I'm going to release you. You will let Gary do anything he wants, even screw your black ass. You harm one hair on his head and I'll have you castrated. You'll live out the rest of your life as a fuck toy for anyone who wants to use you."

"You Understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you understand Gary?"

"Oh yes Master. HE be my boy toy." He giggled.

"That's right."

Release him. Make sure there is at least one guard here. If Gary says it's okay that guard can use him too."

"Yes Sir."

I left Gary and headed back to my office.

As usual the work had piled up while I was out. The pictures and Bar codes of the slaves I was receiving had arrived. All slaves were tattooed under their left arm. It showed exactly who a particular slave belonged to and let slave control identify where that slave was supposed to be.

I didn't really worry about the bar codes. The Doctor when he examined them checked their bar codes before assigning a number to them. Then attached the collar with the homing beacon.

Around five pm Sam brought Toto to my office.

"Well boy, how did it go?"

"Master those slaves very lazy and slow. WE only got 15 rows done."

"Better than I expected. Go clean up and come back here."

"Yes Master."

"Sam, I have been rethinking my idea of putting the Japs in Barracks close to the logging Camp. I think I will place them in the area where the old house was. You can hook up sewage and water there. How long to set them up there?"

"Two Days Master."

"You can also start construction on a new barracks for them next to Number one Barracks. Eventually all none blacks will be in that new barracks. They can all eat in the main mess."

"When the Japanese boys arrive they will be taking over the Plantation except for the green houses."

"Toto will be in charge of the plantation."

"Master that is the position of Foremen."

"Do you think I should promote him?"

"Master there are no none white foremen."

"I'll have to make him a lead hand then. Any suggestions for Foreman?"

"Mitchell is Assistant to his Father Master. He could be promoted."

"Call them both in here. Wonder if Mitchell knows what I expect of him?"

"Master, he likes black boys in his bed."

"Like Father, like Son." I laughed.

"Yes Master."

Mike Sherman was foreman of the Shipping Department. His son was born here at the camp. He had been raised knowing exactly how to treat my slaves. I actually knew very little about the offspring on my staff. I knew Mitchell was just 19 and a well put together young man. I wondered if he was a virgin. His Father would know.

Mike came in.

"You sent for me Sir? My Son will be along shortly. He's off right now so I sent a boy to find him."

"Is he a virgin Mike?"

"No Sir. I took his cherry on his 17th birthday. He's been fucking and getting fucked by black boys ever since."

"It is my intention to promote him to foreman and put him in charge of the Plantation. The Plantation will be taken over by fifty Japanese boys I have coming."

"He'll be happy Sir."

"Think he will have any problem working with Japanese boys. Most will be between 16 and 18."

"I don't imagine Sir. A slave is a slave."

A few minutes later Mitchell walked in.

"You sent for me Sir."

"Yes Mitchell. I'm promoting you. You will be foreman of the Forest replanting. You will also control the green Houses. I'm bringing in 50 Japanese boys. They will work for you. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No Sir. Will I have a black lead hand and overseers?"

"No. You will have a Japanese Lead and between the two of you will have to pick the overseers."

Right then Toto walked in and stood by my desk.

"Mike, this Toto. He will be your Lead Hand. Toto this is Mitchell. He will be your new Boss."

"It is an honor to meet you Master." Toto bowed.

"Wow! You are really big. I thought all Asians were small."

"Mitchell some Japanese men are big or bigger than their western counter parts."

Mitchell walked over to Toto and stuck out his hand. They shook hands.

"Toto, why don't you take Mitchell and show him your room. Maybe get better acquainted."

"Yes Master." Both left.

Wouldn't mind being the fly on the wall when those two get together." Mike laughed.

"So what do you need Mike, slave wise."


Next: Chapter 4

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