Grand Father

Published on Apr 27, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.



I knew I was always taking a chance when I let boys fuck my face. They could very easily kill me with their cocks stuffed in my throat. I wondered why they didn't sometimes.

I screwed both black asses that night and again sucked off both boys. Alex's cock entered my gullet easier, but it still hurt like hell. I figured I would get used to it.

I slept with both boys beside me and they cuddled up close to me. It was almost like they loved me and made me wonder.

My love of black cock started when I was about 13. Then we only had about 400 slaves and lots of younger ones. I was always put in charge of the younger slaves. They mostly did the gardening and taking care of the lawns around the house.

One day when I walked into the tool shed I caught two boys sucking each other. Watching them I got real hard. They weren't bothered by me catching them. One asked if I wanted him to suck me. I'd never had a blow job before so said yes.

Well the feelings were so strong I came almost at once. I wondered what they tasted like and asked one of them if I could do him. Well their small cocks were so smooth and felt right in my mouth. When he came I thought his juice was like milk. From then on I sucked black cocks whenever I could. I screwed my first black boy when I was fifteen. He was the same boy I first sucked off. WE became almost a pair. I think my Dad found out coz he sold the boy. I cried when I found out.

Later I learned it wasn't because I fucking the boy, it was just business to my Dad. He even said I'd find other boys to fuck. So he knew but didn't care that I was using slaves.

I'd known Peter all my life and although we played together and even fucked blacks together on occasion, we never connected. It wasn't until after I took over for my Dad and Peter took over for his Dad that we decided to combine the two enterprises. After signing the papers together, we had retired. Peter came to my bed and we screwed each other's brains out. We became fast friends and occasionally we'd also sleep together.

In the morning I had Alex drop Hanson at the wood pile and then had him take me to the clinic.

The doctor told me he had to put three men down due to their wounds was too severe to spend the time fixing them. Four would be coming back with only broken bones.

After explaining what had happened with Alex, he only said to take it slow as I might damage my vocal cords.

"I want him enhanced too."

"A longer and thicker cock I presume. How long do you want him?"

"I don't care if it hangs to his knees as long as he can get hard. Enhance his balls too."

"Yes Sir.

I told him to get ready to move back to the main camp. I'd be back after having a look at the logging.

I watched as they fell a massive Hemlock. It had to be at least 12 feet thick at its base and over 150 feet high. It came down with booming `CRACK'. I figured it would produce enough lumber to build a whole house.

I had Alex drive over and picked up Hanson, then to the clinic. Both boys were ordered to remove their boots and G-Strings. Then they were cuffed in back of the 6x6 next to the boys going back. We left around 10 am and arrived back at the main camp around 11.

A stark reminder that you don't run or rape waited us. Five blacks hung from rope on the gallows. They'd remain there until sundown and then be dropped on the conveyor to the burner.

Alex and the four walking wounded were taken to the clinic. Sam took Hanson to the house. I headed for Peter's office.

I was surprised that Danny wasn't there. Well maybe out on an errand.

"We need to get back into pulp asap. I'm running through it faster than I had planned for." Peter said.

It was always a problem balancing taking timber for wood and trees for pulp. As well as staying inside the guide lines ordered by the Forestry Department.

"There's a large stand of Aspen and spruce about a mile west of the virgin timber stand. We can double the crews up there and just add to the main camp."

"That's going to cause more casualties" Peter said.

"Slaves are cheap. Machinery is not. Get them up there cutting a road."

"So where's your usual squeeze?"

Peter just looked at me, but didn't say anything. Obviously there had been some kind of problem.

"I'll get right on that road. There are enough lazy assholes working here."

"Tell the overseers not to spare the belt."

"You've changed Elvin. Usually you have more compassion for slaves."

"Well after watching them drop a massive Hemlock up in the virgin Timber I came to the conclusion that most of the slaves up there are just standing around doing nothing. I want more work out of them. You can pull all you need from the crew up there. Leave enough to continue. After the road is built you can move one of the mechanical fellers up to the Aspen stand."

"Sounds good Alvin."

I headed for the mill and climbed the catwalk over the log flume. Here slaves were feeding the debarker. This was one of the most dangerous places. Several slaves had fallen into the debarker. Their lives were damned short as they were crushed and shredded by the machine. One slip was all it took.

I watched younger slave move among the men, a bucket with water. He'd stop the slaves would drink and then he'd move on. I went into the saw room.

I watched the logs being cut up before heading into the control room. Here an overseer stood and watched the line.

"Everything running good Gordon?"

"Yes Master. No problems so far today."

I walked outside and felt the cool breeze. I watched as lifts of wet timber were strapped and then moved to the kiln.

"Would you like some water Master?"

I turned and the water boy was standing next to me. Damn up close he was good looking. About 5foot 11 and 160 lbs. Well toned, blemish free body. A very nice thick cock hung above fair sized balls. I definitely wanted him.

"What's your name boy?"

"Chris Master."

I called over the overseer.

"Get another water boy. I'm taking Chris."

"Yes Master." He said with a smile.

Come along Chris."

He followed me down a set of stairs and over to a line of ATV's.

"Get in Chris."

I drove up to the vantage point overlooking the loading area. Here massive forklifts loaded the automated lumber carriers. Once 6 were loaded they were sent to the coast. Six more empties were lined up. Every time one of those 6 car loads left put 150 grand in my pocket.

I left there and drove to the dry storage warehouse.

Chris followed me inside and into the office.

"I need a shower, you can help."

"Yes Master."

After washing each other and drying, I led him into the office proper.

"On your back on the couch."

He yelped when I rammed my thick cock into his hole, but soon after was moaning like crazy. He obviously loved to get fucked. Even though he had probably been screwed lots, his insides still pulled and squeezed my cock as I fucked him. Didn't take any time at all to get off in his snug hole. When I pulled out I told him to hold his legs back. He was shocked and amazed that I rimmed his open hole. After licking his ass clean I stood back and he dropped to his knees and sucked me clean.

After cleaning me he just stood. I grabbed his cock and pulled him over to the couch. His cock was rock hard but was so long it drooped down.

"I want you to fuck my face as hard as you can Chris. Don't hold anything back. When you start to cumm push it right to bottom."

"Okay Master,"

Not waiting he lifted his cock up and shoved it in my mouth. Putting one hand on my head and the other at beck of my head he thrust into my mouth and throat. It actually hurt as he battered at the entrance to my gullet. He was actually grunting at effort to ram his cock deeper. I felt his cock head swell and moment later his sperm gushed into my throat. He rammed his cock hard into my throat and I felt all his cock sliding into my gullet. I had to swallow and that just pulled my face into his crotch.

"Oh Master. Nobody ever do that."

I could feel his sperm pumping right into my gullet. Once he stopped cumming it took a real effort to pull back and out. I licked his cock clean then stood up. I wrapped my arms around and just held him.

"I love you Master." He said as I stepped back.

"Part of me loves you too Chris."

"Now come on we'll go for some lunch." I'd heard the siren while I had been fucking him.

I drove to the house and took Chris into my office. I ordered lunch for two and gave Chris a coke. He was kind of shocked. I just laughed. After lunch he just sat as I got some more work done. About 2 Sam came in.

"Yes Sam?"

"Hanson is in hospital. He apparently got a sliver in his lower leg. It happened several days ago and has become infected. The Doctor wants to talk to you."


I knew what the Doctor wanted. WE had lost several slaves to splinters. They never thought anything about minor wounds until they got infected. Then it was too late and most lost their legs or arms. In all cases I had them put down. One armed or one legged slaves were useless.

I called the doctor and told him to do what he had too.

Hanson was a loss, but Chris would make a better replacement. I pondered whether I wanted to see if I could make his cock longer. I'd wait and see how Jason and Alex ended up.

I had Izu and Mewa in my bed that night along with Chris. Izu was supposed to be in my bed the night before, but I had been held up at the logging camp. Mewa was picked for tonight, so I had both. I screwed both Asians boys and then sucked off Chris while he sucked me. His long cock slid easy into my gullet. I decided right then I would see if I could get him enhanced.

Both Asian boys were gone when I woke up. Chris was stretched out on the bed beside me. Gave me a chance to see him in repose. His smooth black cock only looked about 6 inches long, but I knew from experience it was quite a bit more.

After the morning ritual I took Chris to breakfast. He was again surprised that he sat at my table.

"Sam, Chris is now my number one boy. Get him a pair of white boxer briefs."

"Yes Master. Come along Chris."

As they walked away I heard Chris ask Sam why he called me Master. He was a freeman.

"I may be free but he will always be my Master." Sam answered him.

I headed for my office. Always more work to do.

I was more or less daydreaming when Sam brought Chris back. The White boxer briefs set off his coal black skin. I actually started to get hard looking at him. That boy had a strange effect on me.

"These are real nice Master. How come you give them to me Master?"

"They will show everyone else that you are a number one boy. No one will touch you now Chris, except me."

"Sit down and relax. You go where I go from now on."

Was I crazy wanting to take longer cocks down my throat. It was a fetish I had had since I was younger. Always looking for longer and thicker black cocks. Part of it was that I love the taste of black sperm. Alex had shown me what it felt like to actually get his cock into the gullet. Now I wanted more. It was why I was getting Alex enhanced.

Question was Chris had a longer cock than Alex had. Should I get Chris enhanced?"

"Chris, what would you say if I decided to have your cock and balls enhanced? Make your cock longer and your balls bigger."

"Master, I am your slave. You can do anything to me you want. Make my balls bigger. Make my dick drag on the floor. It won't change how I feel Master."

"Chris, get me a beer and one for yourself."

"Master I never have beer before."

"You mean the boys in the Barracks never shared any of their shine with you?"

His eyes got real big. "You know boys make shine Master."

I laughed. "Yes Chris I know. Now get us a beer before I smack that nice bottom."

"I never have belt before Master."

"Wow! You must have kept the overseers very happy." I chuckled.

"Master, many seers fuck me and I suck lots." He put his head down and I thought he might cry.

"Come over here Chris."

When he came close, I lifted his head up.

"Chris you need never worry about what happened before. All you need worry about is pleasing me in the future. Your new life starts now. Besides I wouldn't want to see marks on his nice bottom or that very nice cock."

As I ran my hand over his nice ass and then down his cock he got hard.

"I'm sorry Master. Every time I get close to you I get hard."

I had the same problem. I just had to think of Chris and I got hard. I wondered what was happening to me.

I pushed down his boxer briefs and lifted his hard cock up. It really was a nice looking cock. Not caring I slipped it into my mouth. Chris figuring correctly I wanted to suck him off put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me onto his cock.

He started to fuck my face like Alex had done. Pump hard into my mouth and throat for a couple of minutes and then stop and allow me to breathe, and then go again. He kept this method up for about 15 minutes.

"Master I'm going to cumm."

When he rammed his cock deep into my throat and came, I was shocked that I felt myself get off. When I swallowed, my face was pulled into his crotch. The head and about 2 inches of his cock entered my gullet. The feelings of lust and love for this boy just made me cumm again in my pants. It had never happened before.

After he pulled out and I licked him clean, I pulled him onto my lap. I had no words for what I was feeling so just held him.

I knew I loved the young slave, but did I love him for himself or was love of his long cock and sweet sperm. I wasn't sure, but I guess time would tell.

"Come on Chris. I need to change."

After changing we went out and climbed into an ATV. I headed for the mill.

Before entering I handed Chris a pair of ear protectors, showed him how to put them on and donned a pair. Three things about the Mill. It was hot, noisy and smelled bad..

I headed up to Peter's office.

"Damn Alvin, what brings you here?"

"Just showing Chris here the operation. He's my number one boy now."

"You sure know how to pick them Alvin. Chris you are a very good looking young man."

"Thank you Master."

"You asked me what happened to Randy. Last night he refused to suck me off. Said my sperm didn't taste good."

"He's wrong about that Pete. I think it tastes just fine."

"Well I sent him over to number 1 barracks for a week. He'll learn real quick what all kinds of sperm taste like."

"That's liable to get him killed. Some of them big bucks are really big. He refuses one of them and they just might beat him to death."

"Well I warned the Barracks Slave that he'd fuck and suck but no physical damage or I'd castrate the perp."

"Well he's your boy, so it's up to you."

"Well maybe it's time to get a new boy. Something more like Chris."

"Well maybe wait until that new load arrives. There is supposed be be a large contingent of 18 and under with it."

"Good idea. When are they due?"

"Two to Six weeks."

"I think we will move all the slaves from Number 4 barracks to the other three. Then put all the new ones, at least the under 18 boys in it. After we pick the best workers out of them, some of the rest can be sold at auction. Make some of what they cost us back."

"I'll get on that right away Alvin."

WE left the mill and I drove to the Dam my Father had built to supply water to both the pulp mill and lumber mill. It also supplied power to the whole operation and added to the power grid in the State.

After checking it out I drove back to the house. Figuring that Chris was my number one boy, I taught him how to drive the ATV. He was like a kid in a candy store. Now he could do the running around for me.

I spent a lot of time talking to a friend in the Enhancement Center in Eugene. He told me the maximum enhancement depended on a lot of Factors. Weight, height, bone density, blood pressure, etc. Best advice he had was to bring the boy to the clinic and he could test him and then I would know. I made an appointment for the next day.

I sent the final payment for the consignment of slaves I had coming from Africa. I was informed I would have them in less than a week. The Slave Carrier from Africa was two days out of Richmond.

I informed Peter of the change in schedule. He said he would be ready. I also ordered him to post signs on the doors. Stating that anyone over 18 caught in the Barrack would be castrated.

That usually worked. Slaves were very scared of getting castrated.

I told Chris I would be taking him to the Enhancement Center in Eugene the next day.

I sat at my desk pondering another problem that was to start soon. The Pulp Mill was going to be expanded. The orders for craft paper had gone up considerably. That was going to require a lot of slave labor. That also meant We'd have to expand the capacity of the barracks and other buildings. The Doctor had been asking for more space as well. And another rail link was needed. The two hundred Slaves I had coming were but a drop in the bucket for what I needed.

I boarded the Lifter the next morning with Chris in tow. The trip took about 30 minutes and we landed on the pad on the roof of the Enhancement Center. David Kalum an old friend from College was waiting for us. He led the way to his office.

He took Chris into a clinical room next to his office. For the next 45 minutes he gave Chris a very extensive examination. Then sat and made notes.

"Okay Elvin there are two ways we can do this. Using regular enhancement methods I can add about 3 inches to his cock and the usual increase in testicle size and output."

Chris was still in the clinic as we talked.

"Now the second method is expensive in the extreme. I hope you have deep pockets if you go this way. I could graft a 6 inches onto his present cock. Hard it would it would make it near 22 inches. Soft it would hang near his knees. It would cost you 250 thousand dollars."

I sat and thought about it. I must be crazy wanting a cock that long just so I could get it almost in my stomach. Two hundred and fifty grand. Fuck. I was crazy.

"Now you tell me why you want a boy with a 22 inch cock. By the way it is not unusual. There are lots of niggers with cocks that long or even longer."

"David you know everything about me. You know already I'm a size queen. I've always wondered what it would feel like to take a cock almost into my stomach. I asked Chris what he would say if I made his cock longer. He told me I could make it drag on the floor and he would still love me."

"You understand that if you let a slave shove a cock that long down your throat if he refused to pull it out you would choke to death in just a few minutes. You would need absolutely complete trust in that slave."

"Call Chris in here."

"Chris, the doctor can make your cock 22 inches long. That's 8 inches longer than it is now."

"Okay Master."

"Chris with a cock that long you would never be able to fuck a women." David said.

"Master I don't like to do women. I only like men. I like my master best. I do anything to please my Master. You can make my cock drag on the floor if he wants."

"Do you know why your Master wants you to have such a long cock?"

"My Master wants my cock in his gullet. Master do you have anything that would make it easier."

"You are a pretty smart young man Chris."

"Master others say I not too smart. I let slavers get me. I'm glad my Master bought me. I want to be his slave. I will do anything to make my Master happy."

"Very well Chris. Will you wait in the other room."

Yes Master"

"Alvin if you decided to ahead, I'm going to list this as a clinical study. It might reduce your costs. You will need to pay for the drugs used, but could save you a hundred grand at least. If you say go ahead the operation will take about 12 hours. He will be unable to get hard for about a month and be on anti rejection drugs and blood thinners for a few weeks. He will also need pain killers for a few weeks. Leave him now and pick him up in two days."

"That fast. Wow!"

"The operation itself is easy. The hard part is reconnecting the nerve endings so his cock is sensitive the full length of the new insert."

David printed off several sheets of paper and handed them to me.

"Just sign all copies Alvin and it's a done deal."

I sat and looked at the papers for a long time. What the fuck I thought.

"Is 8 inches the maximum you can graft?"

This time David laughed out loud.

"How long do you want him?"

"Add a foot." I signed all the papers.

I left Chris at the Center and told him I would pick him up in 48 hours. I then went to Matrix Construction. Settled on the number of slaves they would need at the construction site. Then went to the Slave Directorate. There I leased 1200 general purpose construction slaves. I would need to supply boots and gloves, plus accommodation and meals. The Directorate would replace any slaves that were killed on the job.

Call for my ride and flew back the Grand Lumber and Paper Company. A good days work.

Peter and I had dinner together that night. I explained everything I had done.

Peter and I both had particular fetishes. We knew what each of us liked so he made no comment about Chris.

"So what are you up to tonight?" He asked.

"Thought I might go barracks hopping."

"Looking to get screwed by a big buck." He laughed.

"Or suck a few off."

I went to my bedroom and used the refresher and showered. After drying slipped on a pair of cargo shorts with no underwear and a t-shirt. Then drove to number two barracks.

The lights were never off in the barracks, but were dimmed at night. I just walked down the center. There were quite as few empty beds, but knew most were at work or in the guards barracks. I stopped at fairly young niggers bunk. I just sat down on his bed, reached over and grabbed his cock. As it firmed up in my hand I leaned over and slipped it into my mouth. After sucking him for a while I stood up and dropped my shorts.

As I leaned over the bed I told him to fuck me.

Almost instantly he was ramming his thick cock into my hole. Damn it felt good to have a thick cock inside me. When I looked around there were three other boys watching, their hands slowly jacking their big cocks. This was going to be a night to remember.

I told the boy fucking me not to cumm inside me coz I would suck him off.

That was the start of a six or seven hour fuck and suck fest. I sucked off I don't know how many black cocks, fucked black asses, rimmed, drank piss and was fucked by black cocks.

I almost staggered out of the barracks very late. Drove home and used the refresher. Toto sucked me off as I sucked him and then slept.

I slept late the next morning.

Thinking about the previous night I knew I'd have to do it again soon. I'd never get my fill of black cocks.

Matrix had moved a Trailer on site. I headed for it first thing. This was just a survey crew. I saw all the slaves Matrix had brought with them wore shorts and boots. Once inside I talked to the General Foremen.

I laid down my rules for all slaves working on site. He agreed but said construction regulations required all slaves to have their cock and balls covered and wear boots on the actual construction site. He also said in winter the slaves had their own winter coveralls. He also agreed that the G-string was okay for all slaves in summer. They would supply the accommodation and ablution trailers. I had to supply food and first aid treatment.

His equipment operators and lead hands were all white. They would be supplied cubicles in the guard's barracks. WE also agreed any of the labor slaves coming in could be used for recreation purposes.

That done I left him to it and headed for the Lumber Mill.

The Temperature today had to be in the high eighties. It was oppressive. First thing I noticed was the chain was not working.

"What the fucks wrong now?"

"Chain broke Master. Crew is working on it now."

It was pretty common so I never said anything. I did notice all those not working to fix the chain sitting doing nothing.

"Get those boys cleaning up."

"You heard Boss man. Get to cleaning up those scraps. Put on burner belt."

There was a lot of grumbling and they were slow to move. I grabbed a belt off one of the overseers and slashed a big slave across his ass. He turned to look at me, his fists clinched at his side.

"You defying me boy? Fifty lashes."

The look of pure hate in his eyes gave me pause. I put my hand on the butt of my pistol.

Two security guards dragged him to a set of whipping posts and hung him up.

"Fifty." I told the Overseer.

I stood and watched. The big buck hardly grunted as the Overseer slashed his ass cheeks. I walked around front of the man. He had a very thick but not long cock and big balls. I looked at his face. The same look of hate was in his eyes.

"Someday I kill you." He said.

"Put him chains and cells when you are done."

"Those words just cost you your life boy." I turned and walked away.

I drove to the house.

"Sam, I want all slaves and staff on the parade ground at shift change."

"What has happened Master?"

"A slave threatened to kill me some day."

"I would have killed him with my bare hands Master."

I'm going to hang him."

"Yes Master."

I went to my office and poured myself a stiff drink. A security officer walked in and dropped the slave's neck chain on my desk. When I looked up his number on my computer I saw that he had come in on the last bunch of slaves I had brought in. Maybe Peter was right about getting untrained slaves.

I noted that another slave had slipped and fallen into the feeder last night. Another had been killed by a falling tree up in the virgin timber cut. So three in one day. They definitely wouldn't be the last to die either place. The big nigger would I hope be the last to threaten me.

I showered again at the house and dressed to impress. Tan pants, brown jump boats and white shirt. Peter came in dressed almost identical.

"Maybe you were right about bringing in untrained slaves Pete. This buck was in the last load."

"Well the rest seem to be working out fine. I think we will get a few bad apples no matter how well they are trained. If he had said the same to me he would be dead already."

"Well I want to reinforce the fact that threatening any white will cost them their lives. Not this way but on spot. They will end up on the end of a wire or die with a bullet in the back of the head. When construction starts there will be a lot more whites in camp."

I thought about Chris. I wondered how he was doing. I also thought about what I was doing. Was I really crazy to get him enhanced with a 26 inch cock just so I could feel what it was like to have a cock half way to my stomach?

My short speech was short and to the point.

"Harm or threaten to harm any white would cost the slave his life. You are living in a White Man's world and I own every part of you. Get used to it fast or die slow."

Bring him out."

Even with his hands cuffed behind his back it took two of my strongest guards to drag him out and onto the gallows. He quieted somewhat when the slip nose was placed around his neck. What surprised me was a lot of the lined up slaves cheered as the noose was put on him.

Everyone went quiet when I opened the trap. His body only dropped about 6 inches. This was one tough buck. Even as his body shook and gyrated his look of hate never changed. His cock started to harden, but then several streams of his pure white sperm shot from his cock. Several slaves laughed and pointed.

His weight did him in. Pulling him down and quickly strangling him. As his body relaxed in death his bladder let go and the yellow piss streamed down his legs.

"You are all dismissed."

"Get rid of the body Sam."

"Yes Master."

Peter and I walked off the gallows and back to the house. The slaves were moving to their jobs or back to barracks. They appeared to be in a good mood.

Peter and I went to my office. I mixed us both a drink and sat down"

"That went over rather well." I said.

"Yes, they appeared happy to see him hanged."

"So with Randy in the barracks, who are you fucking Pete?"

"One of the Asian boys. Jerry. He's from Indonesia. You know they volunteer to come over here."

"Yeah, one of the Japanese boys told me they are starving in Japan and slavery is better. I'm thinking of getting some more. They are damned good workers and cheap."

"Well you couldn't use them in the regular jobs. They are too small and not enough muscle."

"I was thinking of the replanting program."

"That's an idea. It would free up a couple dozen slaves. They could be put on pulp."

"Okay Peter, I'll call Slave Directorate tomorrow."

I turned to one of the young house boys.

"Get us another drink boy."

He looked at what both of us were drinking and then carefully poured two scotches. Added ice and brought them first to me and then Peter. Then just stood waiting.

The young slave was very cute. I put him at 13 as most of the house and garden boys were all too young to do anything else. They were also protected from the older slaves.

"Come over here boy."

Up close he really was good looking boy. Firm bubble butt, very small walnut sized balls. They had dropped so I knew he was well into puberty. He had a 3 inch uncut cock. When I gripped his cock he got hard real fast. Gave him a 4.5 inch cock with heart shaped head.

"Damn you are going to be big when you grow up boy."

He smiled.

About 70 percent of the slaves here were uncut. My Father had wanted all slaves circumcised. I changed that. Now all uncut slaves were shown how to clean their cocks. Failure to do it on a daily basis got them the belt. They learned quick.

"Thank you boy."

He moved away.

"So what are you up to later Alvin?"

"Well I was seriously considering inviting you to my bed. I really don't think it is a good idea to visit the barracks tonight."


Next: Chapter 3

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