Grand Father

Published on Nov 30, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 17

"Well James, what did you think?"

"Master I will try not to make any mistakes."

"Good plan." I laughed.

"Jimmy, is that you out side my door?"

"Yes Master. Master can I speak to you?"

"Of course Jimmy. Come in Son."

Jimmy came in. His eyes got real big when he saw James in the jock strap.

"Well boy?"

"Master, I turn 16 next month and was wondering if you would make me a man."

"Of course I will. When is your birthday?"

"On the tenth of the month Master."

"Okay come and see me a week before and I'll give you a time."

"Thank you Master." He bounded out of the office.

The original idea of my deflowering 16 year old boys was to prevent younger boys from being damaged from the big cocked niggers I had for slaves. I had made it a rule that boys under 16 could not be used by older boys. The first boy I had deflowered was my Son Gordon. He had lived at the house his whole life. When he turned 16 he asked me to deflower him. From then on it became the norm for boys who lived at the house as house boys could be deflowered by the one they chose.

Next to Sam, Gordon was senior slave and a lot of boys were deflowered by him.

I had done his Son Mark and his other Son Jerome. Jerome was one of my favorite boys to fuck.

All the overseers or those in a higher position were either Sons or grand or great grand sons of me. They all wanted me to screw them when they turned 16. It was to them an honor to be a slave of mine.

Koki and Timothy came in the office.

"Sit down Timothy. Koki, come over here."

Koki walked over with his head down. I picked him up onto my lap. He groaned as his sore butt connected with my lap.

"How are you feeling boy?"

"I'm okay Master. Master how come you didn't give me ten? I always thought that was the minimum."

"Koki, I only did it as a lesson for James and Timothy. I knew you probably would go farther with the ATV. It's not everyday you get to drive it."

"Master that was the first time."

"Well forget it Koki. I still love you Son and I'm sure that won't be the last time I warm your cute butt."

I kissed Koki and he kissed me back.

"Now we need to make a decision Koki. Alban fell or jumped into the feeder to the debarker today. He's dead. Who do you think would make a replacement for him?"

Koki leaned close and whispered to me.

"I think you are right Koki."

I called Sam on his phone.

"Sam who is barrack boss in three?"

"Jerome Master."

"Good appoint a temporary boss to barrack three and have Jerome come to the house. He'll be here a few days."

"James, you have never had a nigger in your bed. I'm going to change that. Jerome is coming to the house. He's black and about near your size. As you are both slaves you will live with him for next few days."

"Yes Master. Master does that mean he will be using me?"

"And you will be using him."

Okay Master." He didn't look very happy, but I didn't care.

I told Jerome the same thing.

"You both know what happens if you don't do anything I tell you. In your boys case I'll double it. Now you are dismissed. Use the third bedroom. Eat your meals here in the house."

"Yes Master." They both said and left.

I hoped this worked out. The last time it didn't.

"Timothy, you will help Koki in his duties to me."

"Does that mean I got to suck black dicks Master?"

"Timothy, you have a pair of black balls between your legs. Don't you think it would be fair to help them out as one helped you?"

"I guess so Master."

"Now both of you get dressed. Long pants and parkas."

I pulled on my Coat and led the boys to the garage.

"Four by four today boys."

"Koki, you keep your pants on today."

"Yes Master." He giggled.

I drove into the Training area. Gordon had the slaves in training outside exercising nude. It wasn't that cold today. When Gordon saw me he walked over to the truck.

"Good afternoon Master."

"Hi Gordon. How is it going Son?"

"Everything is good Father. They could be shipped now. WE have just over 900 that could be sent back. I took out all the ones that would make good domestic or sex slaves. About 200 have been castrated."

"Okay. I'll call the Slave Directorate and order another 1000. There should be more younger slaves in the next batch."

"You can ship out what we have trained on the cars that bring the new load."

"Okay Master."

"Also use some of the domestics to clean the barracks this first bunch were in."

"Yes Master. He turned and walked away.

How come he called you Father Master?"

"Well that's probably coz he is my Son."

"You mean you did a girl?"

"Yes Timothy I did a virgin girl. Would you like to have a black from your balls son?"

"I never been with a girl Master."

"Well we will see at another time. Now let's go see the Teen boys."

I stopped at the Security center for the barracks. Several television screens covered the whole barracks.

"Any problems?"

"No Sir. Jonah and John came over from the other teen barracks."

"That's good. They'll probably have half the boys sucking black dick in no time." I laughed.

"Can you get everyone down in the common area?"

WE walked in and I sat on the edge of a desk. The boys arrived in ones and twos.

Jonah and John sat down behind the desk. They had a list of all the boys.

"Okay the reason I came to see you is to find out if any of you have made up your minds as to what option they have chosen. If any of you have decided you want to spend ten years in Yuma I'll get a prisoner down from Yuma to explain what will happen to you if you chose prison."

"A few of you will need to make that decision soon as your 17th birthday is coming up."

"Now if you chose to be slaves, I would prefer you let us know as quickly as possible. You need to be trained in what your duties will be. That takes time. Just to let you know I will not be using the third option."

"I'll give you boys a couple more days and we'll talk again."

"Sir. Can I say something?"

"Yes Son. What's on your mind?"

"Well Sir. Me, Bobby and Erin talked to everyone and we all decided we want to be slaves. No one here wants to end up as a fuck toy for ten or more years in Yuma. None of us want to die. I know I would be hanged the moment I set foot in Yuma."

"You are Trane Williams."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay Trane you will be coming to house. I'll talk to you there."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay, I want a show of hands from everyone who has decided they want to be white slaves."

Some looked reluctant, but all the boys put up their hands.

"Good. Now I use a carrot and stick approach to training. Does any one of you know what that means?"

"I think I do Master."

"Go ahead and explain to everyone."

"Well I think it means if we do good we get rewarded and if we do badly we get punished Master."

"That's correct."

"First lesson. Regardless of who he is you will address any white or anyone placed in charge of you for training Master. That includes any nigger boys placed in charge of you."

"Second lesson and probably the most important lesson. You will do exactly as you are ordered to do immediately. You won't argue or refuse. You will do as ordered and when you are done you will thank the person who ordered you."

"Jonah, remove your G and stand out in front here."

"Yes Master."

"Erin, could you come up here please."

"Yes Master." He walked up beside me.

"Take off your G and t-shirt Erin."

It was very hard to tell a boys hair color because most were shaved almost bald while in the Juvenile Center. When Erin removed his G I was confronted by fiery red pubes.

"Looks like there is a bit of Irish in you Erin."

"Yes Master. My Dad was in the Irish National Army. He was killed in Morocco with his regiment."

"Very well Son. I want you to get on your knees in front of Jonah and suck him off. Do it now Erin."

Erin looked at me and then at Jonah's semi hard cock. He shrugged his shoulders, kneeled in front of Jonah and slipped his cock into his mouth.

I'm not sure who moaned first, but both boys were enjoying it. Jonah could hold out for a long time but I just nodded to him when he looked at me.

Using both hands, Jonah started to fuck Erin's face. Erin chocked the first few times Jonah rammed his cock into his mouth, but soon Erin let it happen. I watched as Erin's cheeks puffed out and then his throat muscles working as he swallowed Jonah's load. He swallowed several times and then sat back.

"Thank you Master. You taste good." Erin said.

"I'm not your Master Erin. I'm a slave like you. I should be the one thanking you. Can I suck you off?"

Erin turned to me.

"Go ahead Erin. You have earned it."

It didn't take Jonah long to get Erin off. Erin had a wonderful look on his face when he was done.

I turned to the boys that had just watched Erin suck off Jonah and Jonah suck off Erin.

"I see that some of you liked what you just saw and some didn't. Erin doesn't need any instruction to suck cocks, but I'm sure some of you do. Besides being trained as sex slaves, you will also be allowed to learn other trades as well Not everyone makes a good sex slave."

"Jonah and John have a list of all the trades you can be trained as. They will also satisfy any of your needs or let you feel what Erin felt when he sucked Jonah or as Jonah sucked him. I'll leave you boys now. We'll talk again tomorrow. Remember if a boy says no, it means No."

"Erin, you and Trane will be coming to the house."

"Get dressed Erin and go get your long pants and Parka."

"Yes Master."

"You too Trane."

The ride to the house was silent.

After parking inside the garage everyone got out.

"Koki, take the ATV and go to Barracks 2. Pick up Jason and Alex and bring them to the house. No side trips boy."

"Yes Master."

"Timothy, take Erin to the office. Trane, you come with me."

I took Trane to my bedroom.

"Undress Trane."

Trane was 5 foot ten inches and weighed about 160 lbs. He had a four and a half cut cock soft. Not bad sized balls. He was fairly toned.

"Trane the Courts found you guilty of Incest with a sibling and rape. Both are Capital offences. Now weather you are guilty or not doesn't matter to me. However if you accept Slavery for Life I have been ordered to have you castrated as per the Law."

"Are you guilty Trane?"

"No Master. Master I am gay. I can't even get hard seeing a naked girl."

I presume you are not a virgin. Who took your cherry Trane?"

"My Dad and my Uncle. I think they did my Sister too and had me charged to cover it up."

"Your Sister confirmed it was you who raped her. Why would she do that?"

"My Dad is running for Governor and there are a lot of people in Florida who hate queers as much as they hate niggers. He's running on the ticket to repeal the laws about same sex marriage and partnerships."

"Never work. It's federal law.

"Yeah well he can do it Florida."

"Last question Trane. Do you want to be a life time Slave, even knowing what's going to happen?"

"Master are you going to cut them off or use chemicals?"

"What if I said I was going to cut them off and put a set of Black balls in their place?"

"Would they work Master?"


He took a long time to answer.

"I guess nigger balls are better than no balls Master."

"Very well Trane. You can stay here. I'll send my Doctor up to see you."

"Okay Master."

I headed down to my office. I called the Doctor and told him there was another boy to get black balls. I also told him to make them the biggest he could find and enhance him as big as possible.

Jason and Alex were waiting in my office.

"Undress, all of you."

Alex and Jason could have been brothers, they were so much alike. Both had 5 inch uncut cocks. I knew both were almost eight inches hard and thick.

"Timothy, pick one of the boys."

Timothy looked at both and then pointed to Jason.

"Okay. Jason, you and Timothy are now partnered for the next five days. He, like you is a slave to me. You will teach him all there is to know about being a good sex and body slave. You will let him use you as you may use him."

"Erin you will be with Alex. Alex will do the same as Jason. After five days you Alex will change places with Jason, so both boys can experience more than one boy."

"You boys understand?"

"Yes Master." All said although Timothy didn't look too happy.

"You will live, eat and work together. Check with Harvey, he is my house Master. He'll put you to work. You boys can leave now."

The four trooped out of my office.

"Come here Koki." I walked over to the fireplace and sat down. I pulled Koki onto my lap. He just snuggled in close to me as I pulled a comforter over us.

"Master, I love you."

"I love you too Koki. Do you think Timothy would make a good replacement for Alban?"

"I don't think so Master. I did to start, but he is real scared of you Master. He likes his new balls and bigger cock, but is scared coz he knows you are going to fuck him."

"Who do you think would make a good replacement?"

"Koki leafed through the records and handed me one.

"Koki this is a first strike boy and only has two weeks left until I have to release him."

"Master. He told me he doesn't want to be released. He wants to stay here."

"I don't think I can hold him Koki. He's only a first strike Juvenile and don't have the right to keep him."

"Can't you make him a third strike boy? Then he'd have to become a slave or get Kilt."

I just sat and thought about what Koki said. Noah was a very good looking boy. About 2 inches taller than Koki at 5 foot 4 inches. He weighed in at just over 105 lbs. Very skinny, but good food and exercise would help.

I was surprised there wasn't any photos of him, either clothed or nude. There was only the head shot when he was booked. Vagrancy. Another lost boy.

I went and sat at my desk. Checking the weather I saw another very cold front coming in. I called Sam.

"Get the boys in from the outside work. After the inside boys get caught up, shut it all down."

"Yes Master."

The white boys in barracks were going to be busy. There would be a lot of horny black boys.

I thought about sending some of the boys in the Teen barracks.

"Koki, I want you to take the ATV down and pick up Noah Storm. Bring him in G-string and t-shirt only. Park at the front door and then have him strip outside. Explain to him the only way I can keep him here is if he becomes a third strike boy. Tell him to try and hit me and tell him to threaten me. That would be two more strikes."

"I'm going to be mad that you brought him in nude and you will get your bottom warmed."

"Master can you give me ten on my bottom and front?"

"If that's what you want. Now go."

I printed off a Slavery for Life Agreement. I wrote Noah Storm into the space on the sheet. Noah would have to read it before he signed.

When I tried to print off all the rest of Noah's records the computer came up with NO DATA. How was that possible. There was an arrest record, but no charge sheet, no finger prints and only the one picture.

When I looked at the Manifest of the load of boys he wasn't even listed. What that meant was Justice had no record Noah even existed.

I could do anything I wanted to him and no one could do anything.

When Koki brought Noah into my office, he was shaking so bad he could hardly talk. I got up and walked around my desk. He raised his fist and tried to hit me.

"You don't need to do that Son. Come on lets get you warmed up." Even though he struggled, I picked him up and carried him over the fire. sitting him down, I started to rub his body all over.

"Koki, get some hot chocolate."

The heat from the fire and my rubbing him slowly got him to relax.

"Koki said I got to make you mad at me."

"Well that you don't need to do Son. IF you don't want to go home, I guess I won't send you home. However I have a few questions."

Koki came back and handed Noah a cup of steaming hot Chocolate, then moved away out of ear shot.

"Can you tell me Son how you got arrested?"

"Well me and my boyfriend were kissing when my Dad came into my room. He never came home early Friday's so I figured we would be okay.

He started yelling at me and calling me all sorts of names. Then he told to get out of the house. Me and my boy friend ran out. All I had on was my board shorts and a t-shirt and my runners."

MY Dad came out and threw by back pack out and told me never to come back."

Just then a Police Van came around the corner. When my boy friend saw it, he took off running, just leaving me there. The Police van stopped beside me. Two big cops got out.

"Are you okay Son? They asked.

I told them my Dad just kicked me out of the house.

"Do you have anyplace you can go?" They asked.

"When I said no they put me in the van.

When they got to the Station, they asked my name and then searched me and my back pack. One cop told me I would be charged with Vagrancy, but because it was my first offence I would probably be released in the morning.

"Then another cop came in and told the cops with me to put me on the train. They said I hadn't been processed yet.

"No matter, put him on the train."

I ended up here Sir. Sir I'll be 17 in two weeks, but I don't want to go home coz I got no place to go."

"Did you two boys have sex Noah?"

"No Sir. I never had a dick in my bum and was scared. We sucked lots but I didn't want him to fuck me."

The cops had screwed up big time. They had put Noah on the transport without any paper work at all. Now I had him.

"What's going to happen to me Sir?"

"What would you like to happen to you Noah?"

"Well Koki said if I made you mad at me and threatened you, you could make me a third strike boy and I could become a slave."

"Do you want to be a slave Noah?"

"No Sir, but if I got to be one to stay, I will."

"I've got a better idea. Koki, take Noah up to my room. Have him use the refresher. Then get him into a pair of white boxer briefs. Treat him as you would me Koki because he is going to be your Master too."


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