Grand Father

Published on Nov 18, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 16

The next few days things appeared to be running smoothly. Mark had taken me at my word and had several white boys doing cleanup below the Feeder to the debarker.

He also I saw had a couple of White boys following him around as he explained exactly what they would learn to do.

Axel and Danny still came with me when I did inspections. Koki acted like their instructor, showing them what was going on and what each nigger was doing. They were becoming more acceptable to what they were. That was of course white slaves.

The three were always in my bed at night as well.

With the rail line now complete the boys would be dropped right at their new home for the next year or so. Of the 250 coming fully 185 of them would be eligible for release in a year. The rest would have to choose Prison or Slavery.

Yuma always sent a lifer to explain to the boys what would happen to them if they chose Prison. In the first contingent 15 boys still picked prison.

Those that had chosen slavery were now all spread among the nigger barracks.

Like the Japanese boys they seemed to be okay mixed in with nigger boys.

If things worked out I might never have to buy slaves again.

I received a note from Justice that I could expect a visit from Olaf's Father. He was the purported head of the Russian Mafia in the Pacific Northwest. I'd cross that bridge when I came to it.

The Building Super informed me the perimeter fence was complete with cameras and now electrified. Thirty thousand Volts now ran through that fence. All slaves were informed. Touch that fence and they would be fried on the spot.

At one time there had been no fences at all, but now with 1000 untrained slaves coming and another 2500 already here working we needed the fence to keep them in.

The day before the new load of Juveniles arrived I went to see how Timothy was doing.

The operation was a success with a minor exceptions. The ball sack he had originally was too small to accept the bigger balls so they had used the sack from the nigger they had castrated. Also he would only be enhanced 60%. Any bigger would not have looked right. He was sedated as the enhancement went on. The Doctor's told me he would be on antirejection drugs for a few months, although he could have sex almost immediately after his release from hospital in about a week.

There's no doubt I was infatuated by the boy.

The night before the arrival of the Juvenile's I had Sam and Gordon in my office.

"First question is how many nigger slaves do we need?"

"About 250 would do Master. Unless you plan on opening up another pulp wood stand. That would add about 50 more Master."

"Gordon the first 300 we train from the next load we will buy. The rest unless they are over 50 can be if necessary castrated and sent back. I want to get the training cycle down to two months tops."

That means you are going to have to push them. We'll pull any sex or domestic material from each contingent."

"Now how many Whites in Barracks 1 and 2?"

There is 23 in Barracks 1 and 18 in Barracks 2 Master."

"Danny, you and Axel can go to Barracks 2 tomorrow morning."

"Yes Master." Both boys grinned.

It was really weird. Once white boys had to suck or get screwed by blacks, that's all they wanted. No white boy ever arrived a virgin here so all had been fucked or had to suck in the Juvenile detention center either by the guards or other boys. A few of the White boys had to be forced to suck black cocks or have black cocks in their butt, but all eventually enjoyed getting screwed or sucking black cocks.

Best part was I didn't have to pay for the white slave boys. I was being paid to keep them locked up.

I took all three boys to bed that night and screwed all three. Danny and Axel were gone when I woke up. Koki was draped over me.

I rubbed his brown butt and he opened his eyes.

"Time to get up boy."

He quickly kneeled by the bed as I rolled to a sitting position. After draining me we did our morning routine. Koki went for breakfast as I grabbed a coffee and headed to my office.

Allan was waiting.

"Prison train will be early. It left Seattle about 30 minutes ago."

"Guess they want to get rid of the misfits quick." I laughed.

"We'll be ready. Car will stop at the Juvenile Barracks."

"I want Olaf Minsk moved immediately to a high security cell. His sentence is under appeal and we'll need to hold him until it is resolved."

"Okay Sir."

"There are sixty five boys that are all second strike. They will be separated immediately and put in the second barracks. The rest can go in the first barracks."

"Nice day for it Alvin. It's almost 40 out."

For mid February that was nice weather.

The prison train arrived 30 minutes earlier than it was scheduled. The Security was in place and as soon as the car stopped two security entered each end. They walked down the isle removing the cuffs that had held the boys in their seats for the trip.

I stepped on board with Koki.

"Okay boys, I'm going to make this as quick as I can. First off who is Olaf Minsk?"

Dead silence.

"Who is Olaf Minsk? If I have to walk down this car to find you are going to be in as heap of trouble."

Several boys pointed him out. Two Security guards pulled him up and hand cuffed him.

"Olaf your sentence is under appeal. Until that appeal has been heard you will be held here."

"My Father said he was going to bail me out."

"Not going to happen. Take him out."

He bellowed like an enraged bull when I said that and started to struggle. One of the Security officers punched him in the stomach almost folding him double. Then they dragged him off the car. I heard a collective sigh of relief as he was removed from the car.

"Okay, when I call your names I want you to line up outside the car in two rows."

I read off the names of the second strike boys.

"The rest of you will walk to the building and wait inside."

As soon as the prison car was empty it was programmed to return to justice. I headed inside the barracks.

"Welcome to your new home for the next year."

"This Barracks is equipped with 125 cells. There are 165 of you so some of you will have to double up. Before you pick a cell you will all use the refresher and shower. Inside each cell are two beds. On each bed you will find a G-String. That is what you will all wear. Once you are showered and dressed you can put on the long pants and parka. You will be taken for lunch. I suggest you get it done quickly. I will be back after you have eaten. Go now."

I left and walked to the second barracks.

I told the boys in the second barrack the same thing except there was only one bed per cell.

I left them and drove to the house.

"There's some hot looking boys there Master." Koki said.

"Which did you like best Koki?"

"That boy with the real dark tan. He was real cute Master."

"Well I think that boy is Native Koki."

"What's that mean Master?"

"He belongs to a Native tribe. Not sure why we got him but we will have to see."

The Confederacy treated Native Americans the same way they treated blacks. Either accept slavery or die. The difference was that Native Americans mostly lived on one of about 30 Reservations around the country. They rebelled. It wasn't until the Confederate Army moved in with an order to just eliminate everyone that they stopped rebelling and were forced into three huge Reservations. One was in Arizona, another in Montana and the third in the North East. The one in Montana and the North east bordered on Canada. The Arizona Reservation bordered on Mexico.

A kill on sight order had been issued to all the Reservations. Get caught off reservation and end up impaled on the fence and left to die. So why I had got a Native boy was beyond me.

I'd find out when I interviewed him. He was a second strike boy.

Koki and I had lunch in my office. About 2 we headed back to the Juvenile Barracks.

I explained everything I expected the boys to do and not do. I also told them they could work or go back to school.

"Everyone will follow my rules here or be punished. I see several of you didn't like the G-Strings you were told to put on. Do it now."

None of the boys with shorts on moved. I walked through the rows of the boys and up to one of them.

"Get those shorts off now boy."

"I don't got to do anything for you. I only got 2 months to go until you have to release me."

"Your thinking is flawed boy. If you think I am going to bring a prison transfer car up here for one person you are very much mistaken. I can hold you for up to a year and during that time you will do exactly what I say."

He just sat and looked at me.

I shook my head and pulled the pain inducer from my belt. I set it at 1000 volts and just pushed it into his crotch. The result was instantaneous. He shrieked in pain and tried to move away. I followed him as he scrabbled back away from me.

"Either you follow my rules or get punished. You want it again boy?"

He very quickly removed his shorts. He had the G on under them. When I looked around all the boys who had had shorts on had removed them. I walked back up to the front of them.

I then told them I would be interviewing all of them to give them more options when they were released.

Lastly I explained what would happen if they forced themselves on another boy. Sex was okay but don't force anyone.

I left them and went to the second strike Barracks.

The boys in the barracks were a lot more laid back. Moro, Jonah and John were already here and talking to the boys.

I had one of the Security get all the boys into the large common area.

I had not planned to offer all three options to the boys, but now with the Native boy they had sent me I decided I would.

"All of you are with a few exceptions second strike boys. All of you know what happens if you get a third strike. I'm going to give you your options.

"Under an agreement I have with the Attorney General of the Confederate States I can offer you three options."

"The first is Prison. All of you have been convicted of a serious enough crime to receive time in Prison. However the Minimum sentence to Yuma Federal Prison is ten years. If you chose Prison you will be incarcerated for a minimum of Ten years with no chance of Parole. A lifer will be brought here to explain exactly what will happen to you if you chose Prison."

"Your second option is Slavery for ten years. I'll explain more about that option later."

The last option is Death by Strangulation. I don't think I need to explain that option to you.

"You don't have to choose any of these options until you reach your seventeenth Birthday."

"Now there are no women or girls here. If you want to have sex with any of your fellow inmates be my guest, however if you force yourself on anyone you will be charged with rape and when convicted you will be hanged."

"So NO, means NO."

"I will be talking to each of you over the next couple of weeks. The interviews will be in my office. You needn't worry if you are brought to my office."

"Would Brian Lightfeather please stand up? I'll be talking to you today."

"Yes Sir."

"Koki take him and get him in long pants and parka."

"Yes Master."

"These three boys here will explain anything you want to know. They, all three are slaves."

"The Doctor here at this camp will be doing medicals for you all. I suggest you cooperate. While you are here you all will be wearing a collar. In that collar is a homing beacon. If you run you will be brought back, charged with escaping legal custody and then hanged."

I'll leave you now. Koki lets go."

"Coming Master,"

Brian never said a word all the way to the house. We all went in and into my office.

"Undress Brian. Right down to your skin."

He didn't say a word as he undressed. Nudity obviously didn't bother him.

Without even looking at him close up I knew he was a breed. Probably either mother or father were black.

"Which was it Brian. Was your Mother or Father that was black?"

"You know Sir?" He started to shake.

"Yes I know. Relax Brian nothing is going to happen to you. So which was it?"

"My Mom was Native Sir."

"That happened on the reservation?"

"Yes Sir. Niggers hang out on the reservation waiting to get smuggled across into Canada."

Yeah well that fit. Federal troops never entered the reservations. Negroes could hide on the reservation.

"You can let your hair grow in your pits and above your cock. Keep your balls and ass shaved."

"Yes Sir."

"So given a choice, which would it be Brian? Slavery or Death. I already think you don't want to spend ten years in that hell hole Yuma."

"I will be one of your slaves Master. Are you going to castrate me?"

"Why in the world would I castrate you?"

"All slaves are castrated Master."

"What's your real name?"

"Chaco Master."

"Well Chaco we don't castrate slaves here unless they refuse to work.

A look of relief came over his face.

"I'm going presume you are not a virgin."

"No Master. I was raped by my two brothers when I was 13. After that any boy or man used me. My Mother was considered a loose woman and I had no status. I was just a fuck and suck toy to every one."

"How did you end up here?"

"When I was 14 I ran away from the Reserve. The Police brought me back twice. The third time they caught me the put me in the Juvenile Center in Spokane. They send me here."

"Well running from here will get you hanged."

"I will not run Master."

I walked around my desk and up to him. I reached out and gripped his cock. I instantly felt it harden in my hand. Hard he had a good 7 inch cut cock. It was thicker at the base than at the head. Might feel nice in my ass. I reached between his legs and rolled his nice balls in my hand. He never said a word as I fondled him. I walked around him and ran my fingers up his ass crack. That got a moan out of him.

"You like getting fucked Chaco?"

"Yes Master."

"Koki, come over here and suck him off and then you can fuck him on the couch."

Koki lead Chaco to the couch and was on his cock instantly. Koki was a very good cocksucker, probably the best as far as I was concerned. It wasn't long before Chaco was moaning and moving in and out of Koki's mouth. I watched as Chaco thrust into Koki's mouth while he pushed down on Koki's head. I saw Koki's throat muscles working. Koki sat back.

"Yuck Master. He's real bitter."

"Well grab a coke to wash it down and then take him."

After Koki fucked him I sent both to get cleaned out. I called Security to pick up Aaron Guzman from the second strike barracks and bring him to the house. Aaron stood near 6 foot and weighed close to 160 lbs. he was very well toned boy. What brought him to my attention was the almost 7 inch soft cock.

Aaron had beat up a couple of kids in school. One he put in hospital for several weeks. It had got him three years in federal Custody. Now I had him.

The problem with Aaron was he was only a first strike boy. I had to hold him until he was 17 and then if he wanted ship him to Washington State Pen.

There was a good chance he would be paroled from the State Penitentiary.

Aaron was a Jew. His Father was fairly high up in the Government. When Aaron had come out to his Father he had him shipped to a private school. Something had happened in that school. Aaron had beat senseless one of the students and put the other in hospital. It didn't say anywhere why he had attacked the two boys. He had not shown any remorse for what he had done so they gave him a three year sentence in State.

The Security officer came in with Aaron. I told him to take Chaco to the clinic and have the Doctor give him a couple of injections to sweeten his sperm. Then return him to the barracks.

Aaron had just stood waiting until Koki walked up to him and said something. He then quickly stripped naked.

Surprisingly that 7 inch cut cock did not look out of place on his 5 foot five inch frame. He was also very toned.

"Aaron have you made any decision on what you want to do for the next year?"

"Can I ask you a question Sir?"

I'll answer as many questions as you want Son.

"Well I got to tell you I can't get my dick hard so I'll only be able to suck cocks and have them in my butt. Some boys in school beat my dick with a baseball bat coz I liked to suck black boys we had for servants at the school. Would I get to suck black boys and get them to fuck me?"

"Are you Gay Aaron?"

"Yes Sir. Sir I like black boys dicks."

"Aaron you are unique. Even though you were tried in Federal Court you were sentenced to a State Institution. It means you will be eligible for parole after only 6 months in custody. I suspect your Father arranged that."

"I have to hold you until you are 17. Then ship you to Washington State Prison."

"But what I am going to do first is see if we can get that nice cock working."

"Thank you Sir. Sir does that mean I am going to be a slave? Do you want me to call you Master?"

"Sir is good for now."

I keyed the intercom and asked if Sam was in the house. He walked in shortly after.

"Yes Master."

"Sam, take Aaron to the clinic. Have the Doc check and see why he can't get hard. If it can be fixed immediately, wait and bring him back here. Then go to the second Juvenile barracks and get James Watson and bring him here."

"Yes Master. Aaron get dressed boy."

James was another anomaly. He was 17 and a third strike boy. I wondered if this was another boy sent to check my resolve. If he didn't accept slavery for life I had to execute him.

The other thing about James was he was at 17 huge, everywhere. Standing at near 6'6" and over 200 lbs, he was the biggest kid I had ever seen. He was also hung like the proverbial horse, with a near 8 inch thick soft cut cock. I'd hate to have to hang the boy.

When they brought James in all he had on was runners, t-shirt and G String.

"Where the hell is his long pants and Parka?"

"Sorry Sir. WE couldn't find any to fit him."

I walked to him, grabbed him by the arm and led him over to the fire place. I wrapped a comforter over him and sat him down. He was shaking like a leaf.

"Koki go get some hot chocolate from the kitchen."

He ran from my office.

"You men are dismissed."

I could see unshed tears in his eyes when he looked at me.

"Are...are you going to hang me? I don't want to die."

"Not on my watch son. You are going to be just fine. Just relax and get warmed up."

Koki came back with the pot of hot chocolate. He poured a cup and handed it to James. As James reached for the cup the comforter slipped off him.

"Holy, holy James are you ever big."

"He's big all over Koki. Sit here and help him warm up."

I left him and walked to my desk and printed off James Watson's charge sheet. I was shocked when a single page came off the printer.

IT had his name at the top and sentence at the bottom, signed by a judge. No charge sheet, no trial record no anything. What the fuck was going on in Seattle. You can't hang someone without a warrant and there was no death warrant. Even niggers arrested had to have a death warrant before they hanged them, even if they didn't get a trial.

I picked up my phone and speed dialed the DA's office in Seattle.

After talking to him for a while I hung up.

James had been railroaded into jail. Someone wanted him dead and the DA's office wanted to know who. So rather than hold him where some one could possibly get to him and silence him he had been shipped here.

The DA wanted me to see if James knew why and who?"

"Koki, do you know how to drive?"

"Yes Master. Toto taught me."

"Okay. Take an ATV and go to the clinic. Timothy can come home. There's a bed in my room. Put him there and you can take care of him for the rest of the day. I'll be up later to see him.

"Yes Master."

"Close the door on your way out."

"Are you feeling better James?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well come over here and sit down."

As he stood up he tried to adjust his massive cock in the tight G.

"Are those uncomfortable James?"

"Yes Sir. They are too small."

"Well take them off."

Well the size queen in me kicked in as he removed that G. This boy was not only a big kid, he also had a real nice cock. I was instantly hard in my pants.

When he sat down next to me his huge balls pushed his cock forward. I'm sure he had near 11 inches with a plum shaped head.

He noticed my interest.

"It gets bigger Sir."

"No doubt." I laughed.

"James you need to answer some questions. Be as truthful as you can. It's one of the ways I can save you."

"Okay Sir."

James told me he was an orphan and never knew who his mom and dad was. He had been in a group home for young boys until his 13th birthday. Then he was moved to a foster home. The first night he was in the Foster home his foster dad raped him. After that he was made to suck cocks and get screwed almost daily.

Then one night another man picked me up and I was taken to another house. He was again abused for several months. Then moved again.

He finally ended up at Gooseberry Farms. He was more or less left alone. He did get whipped lots if I made mistake or screwed up, but they never touched me. There was a lot of young kids working at the farm too.

One day he was cleaning out an apple bin when he heard voices coming from near the back of the big shed. Wondering who it was he walked quietly to where the voices were coming from.

Two guys had a kid, I don't think older than 10 or 11 tied down to some kind of horse affair. They were fucking him and making him suck their dicks.

I was kind of in awe with what they were doing and wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me. I couldn't take my eyes off that boy.

All at once someone grabbed me from behind. Even though I struggled I was forced into the lights where they were fucking the boy.

"Look at what I found." The guy holding me said.

"Shit." Another guy said and then I was knocked out cold.

When I woke up I was tied to that horse. A guy had his dick in my mouth and someone else was fucking me. I don't know how long they did it for.

I guess I passed out again.

When I woke the second time I heard them talking about me.

They said they would call the SP and have me disappear. The next ting I remember was them putting me on the train car. Then you got me."

I took the tape of his statement and put it in the printer. It downloaded his statement and printed a copy. I had James sign it.

I then sent it by secure line to the DA's office in Seattle.

"Okay James I want you to read this carefully and then if you agree sign it."

He read it twice and then picked up the pen from the desk.

"James, do you understand what you will become when you sign that paper?"

"Yes Master. I will become another of your slaves. I will no longer own my own body coz you will own me all."

He signed it.

I stood up and pulled him up out of the chair, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm very glad you signed that Son. Now no one has any control of you except me. You will never be hanged."

When I said that he hugged me and cried.

James was a head taller than me and I'm sure had several pounds on my too. Even with all that strength he was gentle as he hugged me. He knew I was hard and I could feel hit cock slowly inflating.

"You are a real big boy James."

"You are too Master. Do you want me to suck your cock Master?"

"Do you want to James?"

"Master it doesn't matter what I want. You are my Master. I must do everything you want coz I am just a slave. I have no rights."

"Well you can suck me off later. Now lets go see if we can find something that will fit you."

As usual when I opened my office door, someone was waiting. This time it was Sam.

Master did you give Koki permission to use an ATV?"

"Yes Sam. I sent him to pickup Timothy."

"Okay Master. He was driving it down by the Feeder."

"Well that will cost him a few swats on his nice butt." I laughed.

Master Alban is dead. He fell into feeder. Some of the boys say he jumped. Mark was there so you could ask him."

"Guess he was gone in his head."

"Yes Master."

Damn Alban had been an almost perfect slave.

I led James up to my bedroom. Koki was talking to Timothy.

I couldn't find a G big enough for him so gave him one of my Jock Straps.

"Better James?"

"Yes Master."

WE both walked over to where Timothy and Koki were. Timothy was sitting on the side of the hospital bed I had got for Chris.

"How are you Timothy?"

"I'm good Sir. Doctor told me not to play with my balls for a few weeks. He said I could do everything else."

"Good. From now on Timothy you are a slave. Call me Master and don't forget."

He had been smiling until I said that, but that quickly changed.

"But I thought......Master."

"Accept it Timothy. Your life here will be a whole lot easier."

"Yes Master."

"Koki, what did I tell you to do?"

"Pickup Timothy and bring him here Master."

"Then tell me why you were down by the feeder line?"

"Master I wanted to show Timmy where he might be working and with who."

"That is not your decision Koki. I make such decisions boy."

"I guess I messed up Master."

"Get your G off Koki and lie on the bed."

"I'm sorry Master." He just turned and removed his G and lay on my bed on his stomach.

"You two boys listen up. When I tell you to do something, you do it without question. You are both slaves. I own every part of you. Koki knew better. He should have just picked up you Timothy and brought you here. I didn't give him permission to make any side trips."

"Master, it is partly my fault. I asked him to show me where I might be working."

"Don't matter Timothy."

I picked up the belt from my dresser.

"Both of you can watch and learn."

I just swung the belt and gave Koki three hard smacks with the belt.

"On your back boy."

He yelled when his very sore buns touched the bed as he rolled over. I stood and watched as his cock got hard and lay along his stomach.

I walked to the end of the bed, lined up and hit him just on his cock. He screamed and almost bent double. After two more he was almost hoarse from screaming.

"James, there is some salve in a blue bottle in the bathroom. Get it."

James ran in and out and handed me the bottle.

"Timothy, you can put salve on his cock and butt. When you two are done come to my office. Come along James."


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Next: Chapter 17

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