Grand Father

Published on Sep 30, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 13

Neither boy was interested in eating. So I sent my two and Abe and Tony to sleep in the second bedroom. I took Danny and Jimmy to bed. After using the refresher and showering I pulled both boys close to me. They snuggled up close. Sleep came easy even for them.

Both boys seemed to be back to normal. We met Abe and Tony for breakfast along with my two boys.

"Well Danny, think you would like to help out Jimmy today?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay. What I want today is for Jimmy and Tony go to Barracks 2. The boys are a little older, but you should have no problems. Danny you go with Abe to Barracks 1."

"Same as before. Have lunch in the mess hall and back here for dinner."

"Yes Sir." Both said.

Jimmy had told Alban after I screwed his butt that Jimmy told him I was the kind of dick he wanted. He wanted to feel a cock so far in him he could feel the end of the cock. He was a size queen very much like me. I wondered if I should set him up with a few bigger boys to see how he could handle them. Sending him to Barracks 2 would give him a chance to try a few bigger boys.

I took Koki and Alban to my office. Turned on the Tri-D to pick up the news. First item was report of an Auto Lifter Flying into Mount Baker at the 10,000 level and exploding. All Auto lifters Nation wide had been grounded pending an investigation by the FAA.

I knew then Allan had done what I wanted.

"Okay boys I want you come over here and listen to me."

Both came to the couch and sat beside me.

"Koki you have questions?"

"Master ifin Gordon is your Son, how come he looks older than you?"

The reason he looks older is that I get a special injection every year to keep me looking young. Do you remember when I said I wanted both you boys to be with me forever?"

"Yes Master."

"Well about 60 years ago a Lab out east developed a drug that would stop people from growing old. It's very expensive and not available to slaves. In fact it is against the law to give it to slaves."

Every year on the same date, I get an injection. It stops me from aging."

"So you will live forever Master?"

"Yes, if I want."

"However I don't want to live forever if I don't have you and Alban beside me forever."

"But how you going to do that Master?" Alban said.

When I looked at Koki it was if a light had gone on inside his head.

"You want to give us, me and Alban the injection."

"Yes my two loving boys I do."

"But you said you can't give it to slave's coz it was against the law."

"Koki, Master is going to break the law so we be together forever."


It took a while for both to understand what I was going to do and when they did I was smothered with kisses from both boys. Both were in tears too.

"Okay boys, pants and shirts. Time for my inspections."

Both knew not to argue, especially when they saw me put on my thick belt with my pistol and Pain inducer.

In a lot of cases parts of the line weren't working. The planer mill was shut down as there was no timber coming out of the kilns yet and wouldn't be working until the night shift. The Loading dock had all the boys clearing snow. Only the debarkers and saw mill were in full operation.

What I liked was everyone was doing something. No boys were standing around.

After we were back in the truck I told Alban and Koki to remove their shirts and pants. The rest of the inspections were all indoors.

I went first to the training hall. Gordon had divided up the niggers into 200 man groups and two instructors were teaching each group close order drill. I told Koki and Alban to just wait by the stage while I walked down the rows looking at the new slaves.

I stopped at one of them. He was only about 5 foot 5 inches tall. I doubted he weighed more than 130 lbs. I knew right off he'd make a terrible labor slave. He wasn't big enough or muscled enough. Although he was skinny to my eye he was hung pretty good with a five inch cut cock and low hanging balls.

"You see those two boys sitting by the Stage?"

"Yes Master."

"Go stand by them."

"Did I do something wrong Master?"

"No Son. I just think you better suited for other things. Now go boy."

He trotted over to Koki and Alban.

By the time I had looked at them all, six boys were standing by the Stage.

I walked over to Gordon. I'm taking those six to the domestic training group."

Thought you might Master. That boy on the end is only just turned seventeen Master."

"Did you do a barracks inspection today Gordon?"

"Yes Master and several were punished. I warned them that if it wasn't clean and tidy the next time I just might hang a few. I also warned them that refusing to work or learn could get them castrated."

"We'll see tomorrow if any of it sunk in."

"Do what ever it takes Gordon. You don't need my permission to either hang them or castrate them. WE do need 1000 castrated slaves every year. I'd suggest castration rather than hanging."

"Okay Master."

I took the six boys to the Domestic/sex training Barracks. I turned the five older slaves over to the lead in the barracks. After a brief inspection left and took the young slave with me. I headed for the Juvenile Barracks.

I set up the boys that wanted to continue school and those that wanted to work. Both would start the next day. The school boys would be in classes from 8-11 in the morning and 1-4 in the afternoon. The work crews would work from 8-4 with an hour off for lunch. Both were told to wear their long pants with G-strings underneath.

I then did ten more interviews with the young nigger sitting in watching.

The last boy, Kevin Nelson was obviously Gay, just by the way he sort of swished into the interview room. He was a first strike boy. I explained his options and asked him if he was Gay, straight or Bi.

"I'm Gay Sir."

"Getting enough in the barracks?" I chuckled.

"Pretty much Sir, cept some have never even been sucked before."

"You ever suck off a nigger?"

"No Sir."

"You see that boy sitting in the corner. Go suck him off."

"Sir I never......"

"I don't give a shit either way. Get on your knees and suck that nigger off. I won't tell you a second time."

He saw me pick up the pain enhancer and quickly was between the boys legs. He looked at the semi hard cock, then lifted it up and took it in his mouth. He was hooked as soon as it was in his mouth. He moaned deep in his throat. He also got hard pretty fast.

The nigger boy moaned too and brought his hand down on Kevin's head.

For his part the nigger didn't take long to get off. I figured it was his first Blow Job.

Kevin swallowed everything and sat back.

"Koki, suck Kevin off."

"Yes Master." He was on him like flies on shit. It didn't take Kevin long to get off.

"Kevin you are going to be here for almost two years. Next time I tell you to suck someone off you better for your sake just do it. Maybe next time I might have a nigger fuck you."

"Sir I never had a cock in my bum."

"Well maybe I'll have to remedy that. For now you can go Kevin."

"What's your name boy?"

"Moro Master."

"You'll be coming to the house Moro. That will keep the other niggers from fucking you."

For the first time he showed some emotion. He smiled.

Back at the house I told Koki to take Moro and use the refresher and shower. Then get him a G-string to wear. Bring him up when you're done and get him some lunch.

I grabbed a couple of Sandwiches and headed for my office. Alban went to get lunch too. Allan was waiting in my office.

"This came for you Sir. By Federal courier."

Also the new doctor arrived with his assistant. I've put them up in the old chefs quarters."


I set the thick package on my desk.

"Any other problems Allan?"

"Two of the niggers in Barracks four are over sixty five."

"Pull them out quietly and put them down."

"Yes Sir. They'll know what's happening as soon as we pull them out."

Allan left. Koki and Moro came in and sat down. Koki climbed under my desk.

"Master, why am I here?"

"Where would you rather be. In the labor barracks where you get fucked by half the men there, in the domestic Barracks learning to be a fuck toy slave for some rich bitch or here as my play thing."

"I guess here Master."

"Good, Alban you can keep Moro company for a while."

I opened the package from the Feds.

The first big file dealt with the Three Strikes Law.

Several Amendments had been made.

All property crimes where there was no violence involved were removed from the law. That meant I wouldn't have to hang anymore shoplifters.

That one provision would mean I could release almost 130 boys.

Secondly the age of Adulthood was lowered to seventeen from eighteen. Any boy convicted of a violent crime would be deemed an adult at seventeen and were to be given a choice Execution or Slavery for life.

Jesus Christ. They were going to start enslaving white boys. Not only that but if a boy refused to become a slave I had to execute him at seventeen. There were about 45 boys that fit that category.

Lastly, any first offence boy reaching seventeen while in custody were to be released to the Armed Services. In other words conscripted.

About 75 give or take boys fell into that category.

A revised Contract had been sent to me also.

I could if I wished buy any of the boys that chose slavery over death at 500.00 new dollars a head. Justice would also ensure I still had about 250 boys incarcerated here. Eventually they hoped I would hold nothing but first offence boys.

I called Peter, Allan and Sam to my office.

I let all three read the changes and the new contract.

Before anyone spoke up Peter got up and mixed himself a drink.

"You know Alvin there is a very good profit to be made here. Trained young Sex toys could be sold at auction for at least 5k each, especially them being white as well."

"It doesn't bother you that they are white boys?"

"Since when have you turned down a profit or for that matter a tight boy ass to fuck?"

That got a laugh from Sam and Allan.

"Okay. You all are in agreement I sign this new contract. I'm pretty sure Justice will be sending me a lot of 16 and 17 year old boys. They'll want to get down to all first offenders as quick as possible. So the 45 that fit the slave category will be supplemented pretty quickly."

"We'll have to open up another Barracks within the Slave training area Sam."

Consider it done Master."

Peter left chuckling. Allan stayed.

"Was there something else Allan?"

"Yes Sir. Would it be possible to buy one of those slave boys?"

"So you want a white fuck toy?"

"Yes Sir."

How many times have I told you to call me Alvin?"

"It wouldn't be right Sir."

"Jesus Christ. You are CEO of the Security Corporation."

"Yes Sir and you own the corporation so you are still my boss Sir."

"Okay pick out the boy you want and I'll buy him."

Thank you Sir." He turned and walked out smiling.

"Moro, come over here boy."

"Yes Master."

"How old are you Moro?"

"I'm 17 Master."

"Moro given a chance to change things, would you choose Slavery for life or Death?"

"Master when I was taken from my school in South Africa I thought I was going to be raped. I'd seen other boys taken and when they were brought back they mostly died from being ripped inside.

"They didn't do that Master. They gave me a hot shower, and an immunization shot in my arm, then loaded me on a ship. When I was put on a train here Master, I was raped by other niggers on the train. I thought it would be different here, but I was raped several times in Barracks. Then you took me and I thought you were going to do it too. Instead you made a white boy suck me. Then brought me here. You been real nice Master. Not like I had heard."

I guess I'd rather be a slave than Die."

"Your English is very good Moro. What grade did you make in school.?"

"I was in grade 11 Master."

"Well with your education I think you will be more than just a fuck toy Moro."

"Thank you Master."

"May I come in?"

I looked up and Wolfgang was standing at my door.

"Wolf! Of course. Come on in." I got up from my desk and walked around to greet him. Wolf was a huge man, easily six for six and near 200 lbs. He grabbed me in a bear hug. Damn near squeezed the air out of me.

We sat down and brought each other up to date. Then I took him and the boys on tour of the camps and operations. I left out the Juvenile barracks. Back at house in my office, I asked him if he'd like a drink.

A small one. I don't drink much."

"Koki, drinks boy."

Koki walked to Wolfgang.

"Master what can I get you?" He bowed.

"The same as your Master boy. You are very cute Koki."

"Thank you Master." He was back in a flash with two bourbon and water.

"He is very cute and I want him and Alban to remain cute for as long as I live."

"So that is why you brought me here." He laughed.

"Not entirely. I also need a competent Doctor who doesn't get drunk nearly every night. You fit that bill and I don't need to worry about the AMA. You will for the most part be treating Niggers."

"So how many are using the L Serum now?"

"Five. Myself, my partner, the Security Commander, my Operations Manager and My chef. My Operations Manager and my Chef are both free Negroes. I want my two boys and my Oldest Son to get the injections."

"Giving them the Serum is no problem, getting it is."

"Wolfgang, I have enough Serum to give every nigger I own the an injection."

"Jesus Christ. What did you do buy the company?"

"Only part of it. As a senior share holder I can order what I like."

"Of course what I have said to you stays in this office Wolfgang."

"What did you buy off the old doctor with? The information he has could cause you undo financial pain and even arrest Alvin."

"Him, his two assistants and a security officer were in that auto cab that plowed into Mount Baker."

If Wolfgang was shocked at my total disregard for the lives of those four, he never said a word.

"Wolf, eventfully I want every slave working for me to be slaves born here."

"That's a good policy Alvin. Slaves born to slavery make the best workers."

After Wolfgang finished his drink he excused himself to get settled in.

I went back to ponder how I was going to explain the new regulations to the violent offenders. I imagined they would all pick slavery, but wasn't even sure of that. I also knew some of those boys had very powerful Fathers. They would need to contact them to see if any could be released in their custody.

Except for the possible profits to be made I was beginning to regret taking on the Juveniles. As Peter said a tight white ass would be available to me or anyone I chose at any time and none could refuse.

Sam came in and reported that it would be about a week until the new barracks was ready. Like the Labor Slaves barracks it would have 125 individual cells on both sides of the H. Each cell had a bed bolted to the floor. A toilet and sink. A small table and chair would be in each cell. The cell doors would be shut and locked each night at 10.

Between the two sets of cells were the bathrooms, refreshers and showers. All slaves had to use the refresher twice a day and then shower. Hair removal cream was also supplied and slaves had to use it once a week on the cock, balls and ass. Failure to do any of the requirements got a slave punished.

It would be the same for the White Slave boys.

I down loaded and printed off the list of Boys that were up for release. 132 boys would be leaving as soon as I could process their release and give them the State required 500 new dollars plus clean and new clothes.

I would not be saying anything about the fate of the other boys until the new barracks was ready.

I reread the one instruction I had received with the other changes.

It was more of an order than an instruction.

`Any boy who chose execution over slavery was to be hanged in front of all delinquent boys and wire was to be used.

The methods of execution in the Confederated States of America were lethal injection or hanging. The Hanging done with 3/8 inch aircraft cable in a slip noose. It was a pretty gross way to hang someone. Slaves never dropped more than a foot and in effect strangled to death. Most slaves ejaculated and pissed. All received a bullet in the ear after they were dead or near dead.

Now I had to do it to boys.

I got up from behind my desk and headed for the door.

"Come along boys."

They followed me as I headed upstairs and into my bedroom.

"Take your G off Moro and get on the bed."

"Koki, you can fuck him first, Then Alban."

Moro didn't say anything until Koki was inside him. Then he stated to moan. Koki fucked in his usual way, in fast short strokes. He also got off inside Moro pretty quick. Alban was different. He entered Moro slowly until he was balls deep. Then he started to fuck the boy in long hard strokes. Even so Moro was moaning after just a few strokes. Alban took longer to get off, but did push as deep as he could before unloading in Moro's butt.

"On your knees boy."

I'm sure he thought I was going to do him doggy style but when my tongue pushed and licked his leaking hole he almost stood up.


I pushed his head back down and rimmed him. Then flipped him onto his back. I entered him real slow. I saw his eyes squeezed shut and he was breathing in short breathes. All of a sudden he exhaled, his hole relaxed and my cock slid in to the top of his silky canal.

I gave him a quick kiss and then slowly fucked his smooth canal. His eyes came open and he moaned.

"Breed me good Master." He whispered.

As I slow fucked him he started to move, meeting my strokes.

"Faster, harder please Master."

I slowly speeded up until I was pile driving his snug ass like a steam drill. He met my strokes and almost purred in contentment.

It took about 20 minutes, and then I pushed in hard and shot my load into his upper bowel. He cried out in pleasure.

"Koki." I said as I pulled out of him. Koki was on his hole sucking and licking the mixed cumm streaming from his hole. I sat on the edge of the bed. Alban dropped and sucked my cock clean.

"I think he love you now Master."

"You think so Alban? I guess we'll see. Clean him up and come down to the office."

"Yes Master."

I quickly dressed and head down stairs.

Feeling more relaxed, I got back to work.

I knew it was getting close to dinner when Jimmy and Danny came back to the house.

"Well how was your day boys?"

"It was okay Sir. Some of them boys got real big loads. I'm pretty full." He giggled.

"Well for the next while you can go each day."

"Yes Sir." They both answered.

At least they were two boys I wouldn't have to enslave. Both now worked for me.

After dinner I drove to the Juvenile Barracks. I had called ahead and all the boys were sitting in the common area.

I explained part of the changes and left a list of all the boys being released. I assured them I would talk to them before they left.

"Kevin could you come and talk to me please."

I took him down into the interview room.

I didn't do anything wrong Sir."

"Relax Kevin. I want to offer you a deal. You work for me and I'll give you your own room and all the boys you'd ever want to do. In effect though you would become my slave. Your almost 17. Very soon you will have to make another decision. I'm offering you a chance to make it now without strings. Simple you become my slave and no can touch you then."

"Are you going to fuck me Sir?"

"Eventually, but not today or tonight. Remember that Jap boy that sucked you off?"

"Yes Sir."

"He's the one that will take your cheery."

"Kevin before you sign yourself into slavery I need to tell you a few things. Primary is you can never refuse any order given you. You loose all rights you have now. You will be a slave for the rest of your life."

"Sir, I got no family. I just know if I'm released I'll end up doing something that will get me hanged. I don't want to die Sir."

With a shaking hand he signed himself into slavery.

I put his contract in my brief case.

"Okay, take off the G-string, t-shirt and runners."

"Yes Sir."

I grabbed his cock and gave it a vicious twist. He yelled.

"Don't ever call me Sir again. You are a slave and I am your master."

"Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master. I forgot Master."

"Go out and get in the 4x4 parked outside. I'll be out in a while."

"Yes Master."

I was about ten minutes answering a few questions. When I walked out of the barracks, Kevin was standing bouncing from one foot to the other.

"Why are you not in the truck boy?"

"It's locked Master."

Shit. I hit the key fob.

"Get in."

He was almost blue and his teeth were chattering. I spun the truck around and sped to the house, I ran around the cab and grabbed him before he could get out. I ran through the house to the spa at the back of the house. Without a thought about undressing just walked into the hot tub.

I started to rub him down all over. His chattering teeth slowly stopped and his shivering abated.

"Master you should undress."

"Yes I suppose boy. How are you feeling now?"

"Better Master."

I peeled off my shirt. I felt him undoing my belt. I unzipped my pants and sat down on the bench and Kevin pulled first one leg out and then the other along with my boots. I just threw them on the deck. AS I stood up I pushed down my boxer briefs. He just watched as my cock came into view.

"Wow Master. You got big cock."

"Yes I do."

I watched as his hand slowly reached out and wrapped around my cock.

As usual when someone grabbed my cock I got hard.

"Well you got it hard, what are you going to do with it?"

He looked long and hard at my thick cock. He then licked his lips. I thought he was going to suck my cock, instead his words kind of shocked me.

"Will you fuck me Master? Master I want to be your slave. It is your right that you be first."

"Are you sure boy. You are going to be in a world of hurt."

"Yes Master."

"Very well. Come on boy." I took his hand and pulled him up and then out of the hot tub. I almost dragged him down the hall and up the stairs. I walked into the first bedroom I came to and over to the bed.

I almost flung him onto the bed and climbed on.

He grabbed his own thighs and pulled his legs back. When I looked at his face there was no expression at all, almost a bored look. Well he wouldn't be bored for long.

Not waiting I moved up between his legs, lining up the head of my cock on his rosebud.

"Push boy, push like you got a big shit coming."

When his entrance dilated a bit I rammed my cock into him. He let out a keening wail as my cock punched through his tight rings. Not only did the head of my cock go in about 6 and half inches went in too.

My first thought was this boy wasn't a virgin.

I started to fuck his tight hole and he grunted every time the head of my cock battered the end of his canal. Try as I could, I could not get my cock more than 6 inches into him. After cumming inside him I flipped him onto his knees fucked him again. Slamming in and out of him. I was actually getting tired. Finally I rolled onto my side, lifting one of his legs and slowly shoved my cock into him.

"Oh Master you make me feel so good."

On my first slow thrust my cock went balls deep. I just stopped.

Please Master." He almost swooned.

I fucked him in slow even strokes and blew my second load. My cock wilted after I came and I slowly pulled out.

He snuggled up against me.

"Thank you Master. Now I am your slave Master."

Totally burned out after this day and night I just fell asleep.

When I woke up Kevin was draped over my chest. I slapped his ass.

"Time to get up boy."

He stood up as I rolled to a sitting position.

"Get on your knees and suck my cock. Don't miss any or you will be punished."

He made a face when he drained my bladder.

I took him in the bathroom and sat on the refresher. Told him to piss in the toilet and after I was done told him to use it. Then showered with him washing me. After he showered and dried I walked out of that bedroom and down to my own. He followed.

After feeding him breakfast I took him to my office. Jimmy and Danny had already left to go the barracks one and two.

When Sam came back I told him to take Kevin to the clinic and get him a physical and get registered and collared. Then take him to Barracks one.

"Master he is white."

"Yes he is and he is a slave as well. You can tell Danny he is to be treated as one."

"Very well Master. Come along boy."

I wanted to see how the black slaves treated a white slave put in their barracks. If it worked out I could use those two barracks for the other boys.

I checked the weather. Forecast high 35 with light winds. Time to visit the logging operations. I called the Doctor and told him after he was done with Kevin to come to my office with his bag. We would be going up to the logging operations today.

Mean while I took both boys to do a morning inspection of my mill operations.

I started from the end of the line and saw that lumber was finally coming out of the kilns. Pallets of lumber were moving through the plainer mill and out to inspection and wrapping. As we approached the Feeder a scream of absolute terror rent the air. We stood and watched as a nigger tumbled down off the log pile and into the debarker. He scream was cut short as the debarker shredded the body. Most of the boys stopped to look and a few even laughed. Then just went back to work as if nothing had happened.

I made a mental note to tell Mark to add another slave to the feeder.

Neither Koki or Alban batted an eye.

I never bothered with the Slaves in training. Just drove back to the house. A 3 ton stake truck sat at the main door. It was covered with a tarp. A Security officer stood by the truck.

"How many this time?" I asked.

"Only 5 Sir."

I hadn't been to the logging camp for several weeks. Sam made it up there about twice a week and Security were up and back daily. It basically ran on its own.

I told the boys to jump in back, then went in and collected the Doctor. The Security officer stayed in back with the boys. Wolf sat up front with me. The Electric drive hardly made a sound as we moved off.

The Doctor and I talked on the trip up to the logging camp. I found out his assistant was Moroccan and black. Immigration had told him he would remain listed as a free slave as long as he remained with Wolfgang.

The area that was being logged was mixed hard and soft wood. Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir and a few old growth Red Wood. We stopped and unloaded the new slaves and doctor. He'd check out the slaves working. I then drove to where the Slaves were working.

"Stay in the truck." I told the boys.

The lead hand walked up to me as soon as I got out of the truck. He looked very scared. I knew why. The old Lead I had shot when he caused the death of six slaves. I think this one thought he was about to get his head blown off.

"Tell me what happened."

"We were set to top a Douglas fir Sir. I moved the men away from the tree. Just before it came down it sort of exploded. Splinters and parts of the top dropped all over. Three men were crushed by a large section of the top. Two other were skewered by splinters.

I knew in winter sometimes trees shattered because they were frozen. This camp had got the same cold snap we had at lower altitudes. The tree was probably frozen when the slave was topping it and just shattered. You couldn't tell when or if a tree would go that way so I couldn't blame the Lead.

"I brought up five replacements. Try to be more careful."

"Yes Master."

I just turned and left him and drove back to the clinic.

The ground was frozen solid so they loaded the five bodies on the truck. After the Doctor had checked everyone we left. I drove to the pulp wood stand of timber.

Here every thing was done by Mechanized Tree fallers and loaders. The Slaves up here were only needed to chain loads. After a short stay we headed back to the main camp.

We were halfway back when Allan called me.

"What's up Allan?"

"You are not going to believe this Sir, but one of the Juvenile boys walked up to the house and said he wants to speak to you."

"How did he get out of the compound?"

"Don't know and he says he'll tell you. He's one of the boys slated for release. His name is Calum Marx."

"Okay hold him there. I'll be back in less than an hour."

Very strange I thought.

I dropped the Doctor at the clinic and then drove to the house. Security took off with the five bodies. They would be dropped on the belt to the burner.

As I walked in my office a boy sitting on the couch stood up. He didn't look taller or heavier than Koki. He had a mop of brown curly hair. He was holding himself like he was cold.

"Are you cold Son?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well come over by the fire." I put my hand on his shoulder and guided him over to the fire place.

He stood with his back to the fire. I reached up and undid his shirt and he just shrugged it off. He never moved as I undid his pants. They dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. He looked like he was hung about the same as Koki too.

"Here, sit beside me."

When he sat down I pulled the comforter over both of us.

"That better Son?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay. What did you want to talk about?"

Allan handed me a file.

"Sir do I have to be released? Why can't I just stay here? I got no friends in Seattle. The only friends I have are here. I just know I'll get picked on again if I go back."

By the time he stopped talking tears were streaming down his face.

When I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close, the dam burst and he bawled his head off.

His whole body shuddered as he cried. After a few minutes his crying dropped to a few sniffles. Then he took a hold of my hand and moved it down over the bulge in his G-string. I didn't stop him. He looked up at me.

"Please Sir. I'll do anything. Please don't send me back."

"I'll see what I can do Son."

I left his cock and picked up his file and quickly read it.

He just stayed snuggled up against me as I read.

He was sixteen. He had been charged with Vagrancy and given 6 months. His parents had died in a fire in old town Seattle. He had been placed in a group home. I suspect he was raped in that group home. That was his reference to being picked on again. He had run away from the Group Home and had been arrested for shop lifting. He was given a year and sent to me.

He had signed up for school classes. No other black marks.

When I set down the file I felt Calum's hand on my cock.

"Are you sure that's what you want Calum?"

"Please Sir. I'll do anything."

"I'm off Sir." Allan said.

"Koki, Alban. You boys make yourselves scarce and close the door on your way out."

"Yes Master." Both boys said.

I flipped off the comforter and stood up. Calum watched as I undressed in front of him. His eyes got real big when he saw my semi-hard cock, but he did lick his lips.

What had Peter said? Yeah a tight boy to shove my cock in anytime I wanted.

I just wasn't sure about Calum. He had a look that told me he trusted me. That trust just might be wrong.

"What do you want Calum?"

He reached up and grabbed my cock.

"This Sir. Inside me Sir."

Feeling his hand on my cock I got real hard real fast.

"Very well Calum. Remove your G and lay back on the couch."

His whole face changed and he started to cry. His hands shakily went down to undo his G. Seeing the boy crying my cock wilted. I sat down beside him and pulled him into my arms. That just made him cry harder.

After he got down to sniffles again I asked him why he had asked me to fuck him.

"Gary said if I got you to fuck me you might let me stay so you could do me again."

"Who is Gary?"

"He's the other boy in my cell. He's a second strike boy and he says he doubt he will ever leave here alive. We're kind of boy friends."

"Well Gary was wrong Calum. You don't have to give yourself to me. I'll do anything within my power to let you stay, but it is difficult. First off you are only sixteen. Technically you are free to do as you please. All the charges you received before have been dropped. You are free."

"If I'm free how come you can't hire me? I'll do anything you want."

That left me in a dilemma. Simple he was too young to hire as a Master. Being white I couldn't enslave him as I could those second year boys. Calum was a free young man.

Then I had another thought.

I grabbed my phone and called Allan.

Come to my office."

He knocked and walked I, closing the door behind him.

I explained everything to Allan.

"Would Calum do Allan?"

Allan had asked me to find him a fuck toy. Calum wasn't exactly that, but he had offered himself to me.

Allan looked at Calum.

"Come here Son."

Calum stood and walked to Allan. Allan leaned down and picked him up. Calum wrapped his arms around Allan and put his head on Allan's shoulder. He sighed. Allan was smitten by the boy instantly.

"Looks like a match made in heaven Allan."

I'll make out the paper work Allan"

"Go put your clothes on Calum." Allan said when he set him down.

Calum dressed and walked back to Allan.

"Anything else Sir?"

"Tell Koki and Alban to come in on your way out. Also find out how Calum got to the house."

A week later 127 boys boarded an automated Coach for the trip to Seattle. I'd know if any of the boys used the options I had given them by the one I got back later. Also the following day 2 military transports landed and picked up 70 boys. Most were happy they wouldn't end up back here with a third strike.

That left me with 47 boys to deal with.

There was still a few days left before the new barracks would be ready.

Allan had fitted Calum with a tailor made uniform and I almost laughed the first time I saw him. It was obvious that they were in love and I was happy for both.

I made a decision on those 47 boys.


Next: Chapter 14

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