Grand Father

Published on Sep 24, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 12

"Koki, Alban go to bed. Jimmy get dressed."

"Master, what's happened?"

"Later, go to bed boys. I'll be back later."

Jimmy followed me down to the garage and I drove to the Juvenile Barracks.

"What's happened Sir?"

"A boy has been killed and another severely beaten."

"Oh no."

When we arrived at the barracks there were at least 6 vehicles parked at the main door, including a Ready Reaction Force Van. When we walked in I was met by the Security Force Commander.

"Okay what happened Allan? Short version."

"Short version four boys were beating another boy. Gary Olsen stepped in to try and stop the four boys. Mitchell the apparent leader stabbed Gary. We have him and three other involved in cells in the basement."

"This smacks of Gang related."

"I agree. WE are interrogating the other boys now."

"Find out how they got a weapon. Pull all the tapes video and audio. I want a complete record of this."

"The weapon was a sharpened spoon Sir. Don't know yet how they got it out of the Mess hall."

"Who was the boy they were beating on?"

"Josh Haver. The med techs are tending him now. The Doctor is drunk again Sir so we won't know all his injuries until he sobers up."

"Send the body to the morgue in the Clinic."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay let's go see these delinquents. Jimmy, go find Danny Anslow and stay with him."

Yes Sir."

"He's in cell 22. We haven't interviewed him yet Sir."

I walked to the steel door that lead to the basement cell block. Each cell held one boy. The first two held the boys who were slated to hang. The next four cells held the boys that had killed Gary. Allan pointed out the cell holding Mitchell.

"Well boy. Do you have anything to say?"

"You can't do shit to me. I'm only sixteen and this only my second strike. You got to send me to the Capitol for trial. My boss will spring me as soon as I get there. So fuck off."

"Is that how you think this is going to go? Best you think again boy."

"First I'm going charge you with Assault with Intent to kill. That will be your second strike. Then I'm going to charge you with Murder, a Capitol Offence. That will be your third strike. I don't need to send you anywhere. You don't have to be at your second or third strike trial. Your three friends will all be charged as accessories to Assault and Murder. That will be their second and third strikes. Lastly I'm going to ask if all of you can be charged as Adults. That means on conviction you will be executed immediately."

"You being part of a criminal gang, I don't think I'll have problems with any of my requests. Of course if you were to give me information on your gang I could change things. Who is your boss?"

I aren't telling you shit. So fuck off."

"Actually I think your going to sing like a bird. Cuff him spread eagle on the bed."

Being well used to handling Slaves, it took no time to cuff him to the bed frame.

He still had his G-string on so I ripped it off."

"Not bad boy." I said as I fondled his balls and jacked his cock.

"I ain't no fag." He yelled.

I took a pain inducer from one of the guards, turned it on and set it at 5000 volts. Then touched the boy on the end of his cock.

"The result was instantaneous. He shrieked in total terror and pain. His screams went on for a long time. He also blew his rocks and pissed himself.

When he finally got down to sniffles I walked closer to him. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the pain inducer. As I pointed it as his balls, he screamed.

"Please no. I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything."

Carry on Sgt. After you get everything from him do the other boys the same way."

Yes Sir"

I handed him the pain inducer and walked out and headed back upstairs.

I talked again to the lead Interrogator.

"All the boys knew of the Gang, but were too scared to say anything. A few were even roughed up. We didn't find anything on the tapes where they were exhorting the boys except to get extra fruits or drinks from the mess hall.'

"Okay, I'll be taking Danny Anslow back with me. You can place him on the no touch list."

As soon as you have all reports done, I want them sent to the DA in Seattle."

Consider it done Sir."

I walked down to cell 22. Danny and Jimmy were talking. As soon as Danny saw me he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I was so scared Sir. They was right outside my cell."

"Well nothing to worry about now. I'm taking to the house. Jimmy, help Danny dress and bring him up front."

"Okay Sir."

I left them and walked through the bathroom area. Nothing seemed amiss. I waited for the two boys.

I got the boys back to the house and took them to the adjacent bedroom to mine.

"You boys undress and hop into bed. I'll be back shortly."

I checked on Koki and Alban. Both were curled together fast asleep. Not wanting to bother the two boys went back to the second bedroom. I quickly stripped and climbed into bed with them. Almost I think on instinct they rolled over snuggling up against me.

I have no idea why I had brought Danny back to the house. Something inside wanted him to be safe.

I woke up to the most wonderful feelings. It took a bit for me to remember where I was and then remembered in a rush. I looked down the bed and could see a lump moving up and down. I peeled back the comforter and was confronted by two big brown eyes. Danny was sucking my cock and he stopped, just looking at me.

I reached down and apply light pressure to his head and he went back to sucking me. It didn't take him long to get me off. When he was finished I pulled him up and kissed him. Then turned and kissed Jimmy.

"Time to get up boys." I swung my legs up and sat on the edge of the bed.

Now if I had been in my bedroom either Koki or Alban would have drained my swollen bladder, but didn't know if either boys knew what to do.

I was about to stand up and head for the refresher when Jimmy knelt between my legs and took my soft cock into his mouth. I just let go.

When I looked at Danny, he had a very surprised look on his face.

"Okay boys, refresher."

After our morning ritual, I took both boys to breakfast. Danny was awed by all the food, but I just told to take what he wanted. I grabbed my usual toast and coffee and headed for the den/office.

A few minutes later the boys all trooped into my office.

"Jimmy you won't be going to the boys barracks today. All barracks are locked down today. For the information of You Koki and Alban, a boy was killed last night and another beaten up. One is in hospital. Four boys are being charged with murder and assault."

"For today you can all use the recreation room and pool. I'll call you if you are needed."

The four boys left smiling. I was pretty sure what they would be up too.

First order of business was a replacement for our drunken Doctor. I called Wolfgang Houser, a German National that had his licenses pulled by the AMA for using L drugs on niggers. That didn't matter to me because I planned on using them on Koki and Alban.

He agreed to come if he could bring his assistant with him. I arranged for his entry and pick up time.

I was about to call Security when Peter and Colin came in. Colin ran around my desk and hugged me.

"Good morning Master." He said.

"Colin, I am not your Master. You are a free white. There are no white slaves here."

"Bur Peter said it was okay to call you Master. You done so much for me."

"Okay Colin. You can call me Master. Now my two boys and two teens are in the Recreation room. Why don't you join them. Peter and I have a lot to discuss."

"That boy is going to be the death of me." Peter said.

"How so?"

"Alvin he is a whiz bang in bed and is totally insatiable."

"You getting old Pete?" I laughed.

"Feels like it with him in bed with me."

We then discussed last nights trouble. I also told him I was replacing our drunk Doctor.

"You are not just going to let him walk away?"


Nothing more was said. Peter knew I could be very ruthless at times.

"Weather is moderating. We should be able to start production tomorrow or the next. Their forecasting 0- 15 by Thursday."

Peter took off to find Colin and then head for the Mill.

I sat and pulled up Danny Anselon's records. Something about him didn't look right. On the very back page of his history was a note that he had been tested for black ancestry. It came back at less and 1 percent. That qualified him as White. I chuckled to myself. I very well could have more black blood in me than Danny."

When I looked at the picture of Danny I could see why he had been tested for black ancestry. He was very dark skinned and not all was tan. He did have tan lines, but with the straight black hair and very dark brown eyes he could pass as a native boy or nigger. However he had none of the other features associated with Blacks. No thicker lips and flat nose.

I wondered if he would be interested in helping out Jimmy in Barracks 1.

Something for later. I flipped on the camera for the pool area. All four boys were sitting on the edge of the pool talking.

With the weather moderating I decided to hold the Executions for noon tomorrow. It would be used as a demonstration for all slaves in training and the Juvenile boys.

I called Security and told them to move the three niggers and two condemned boys to the cells in the Training center. They would all hang tomorrow at Noon.

That done I headed down to the pool area.

I sat in one of the loungers and told them to come over and sit.

None of the boys were hard. Being around nude boys all the time made them very relaxed.

"Danny I'll be keeping you here at the house for a while. Would you be interested in helping out Jimmy?"

"Well Sir, Jimmy asked me the same thing. He told me what he was doing, but I never had a nigger dick in me and never sucked one."

"Would you like to Danny?"

He took along time to answer.

"Sir, I guess I better. I been thinking about what you said about the Whore House. I've heard some real bad stories about what happened to boy in one of them places. If I don't go there I might end up back here with a third strike. Jimmy says you got him working serving nigger boys so you could spare him from the noose. So I figure maybe you will let me stay here too, then I won't get a third strike."

If nothing else the boy was being logical.

"Very well Danny. Come on boys." I walked out of the pool area and up to the bedroom level. I stopped at Jason and Alex's room and told them to come along. Then walked to my bedroom.

"Jason sit on the bed with your back to the head board. Danny you said you have never sucked a black boy. Well get up on the bed on your knees and suck Jason."

Danny hesitated.

I slapped him on his ass. Get up there boy now."

Danny climbed on the bed and moved forward. Jason guided his head onto his cock. Once he had Jason's cock in his mouth he went right at it.

"Okay Koki, take him on his knees."

After Koki, Jimmy took him and then Alex. He screamed around Jason's cock as Alex entered him. I could see he also sucked off Jason from the white streaks on his lips.

"Koki, rim him. Don't want too much mess on my bed."

After Koki cleaned him up somewhat, I told Jason to take him on his back.

Jason was not quite as thick as Alban or myself, but was as long as me. Danny screamed when Jason rammed his cock into him. The boys knew not to be gentle when I ordered something. Jason fucked him in long hard strokes and blew a big load into the boys colon.

Alban knew I wanted him to almost rape Danny, but he refused and took him slowly. Didn't seem to matter to Danny, he just continued to cry. After Alban came I told the boys to get lost.

I picked Danny up and took him into the bathroom, sat him on the refresher. There was no blood in what was washed from boy pussy so I knew there was no real damage. After I took him in the shower and cleaned him up. After drying took him out to my bed.

I screwed him like I had Jimmy and like Jimmy after several deep slow strokes he asked to fuck him harder and faster. He got his wish as I hammered his hole. After cumming inside him a second time I pulled out. He rained my face with kisses, thanking me. Boys are a wonder sometimes. I have four or five boys practically rape him and he thanks me.

After he used the refresher and showered again I gave him a pair of white boxer briefs. We headed up to my office.

While Danny had been showering I called Sam and had him pick up Tony and Abe from Barracks 1. When he asked what they had done, I said nothing, but don't tell them that. He laughed and said Yes Master.

When I got to my office two very scared boys were waiting.

"SIT." Was all I said to them.

Then called the other boys to my office. Jason and Alex I told them to go back to Barrack 1. They just said Yes Master and were gone.

"Danny, by law I can't hold you after your time is up. As a Second Strike boy I have no other choice. Now it you were a third strike boy I could stop your execution by doing as I did with Jimmy, that is find a useful position you could do. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. I got to do something so you could make me a third strike boy."

"Yes. Danny, I'm going to send you back to your barracks. At lunch today I want you to try and steel a spoon from the mess hall. If you get away with it, put it under your mattress. A search this afternoon will find it and you will be arrested and interrogated. I can't stop either the arrest or interrogation, but after you will be returned to the house for me to pass sentence."

"Okay Sir." He didn't look happy.

I called Security and had Danny picked up. He had to take off the boxer briefs and put on a G-string. I think he looked better in a G than Briefs.

"Jimmy while you are here in the house you are a Master. When you are in the Barracks 1, you are a slave to these two boys. I think you already know both."

"Yes Sir."

At five everyday these boys will escort you back to the house. You will eat dinner with them and you all will sleep in the third bedroom. One or all three might be in my bed."

"Tony, you and Abe know this boy is there to service all boys. So act accordingly."

"Yes Master."

"Sam run all three to Barracks one."

"Yes Master."

"Okay you two come and sit beside me." I grabbed three beers from the fridge and sat on the leather couch. Both Alban and Koki sat beside me. Both smiled when I gave them a beer.

"What do you boys think of Danny?"

"Master, if you had not told us, I would think Danny is black." Alban said.

"I think he's real cute Master." Koki said.

"Koki you think all boys are cute." I laughed.

"Is that a bad thing Master?"

"Of course not Koki. And you are right, he is cute and Alban I thought he might be black too, but he was tested and only 1 percent of him is black. I think I have more black blood in me than he does."

I just sat enjoying both boys leaning against me. We sipped our beers. Having Koki close to me made me feel good. The boy could do wonders to my mood. Alban was the perfect slave, accepting anything I gave and doing without question anything I ordered him to.

I called Sam and asked him to find Gordon and have him come to the house for dinner. Then took my boys to lunch. After lunch I watched the interrogation of Danny. They had caught him at the door to the mess hall with a knife in his G-string. Security had taken him to the basement to interrogate him. An hour and half later two security guards brought Danny to my office. He was out cold.

"Put him on the couch."

"Short version Sgt."

Sir, he was doing what he was instructed to by you Sir. He has no knowledge of Gangs or weather there are other members in the boys now in the Juvenile Barracks."

"I also believe he is Black and should be hanged immediately."

Is that a Professional opinion Sgt, or your own opinion? You can just look at someone and say `He's Black hang him.'

"Sorry Sir."

Well write it up so the ADA in Seattle can understand and send it to me."

"Yes Sir."

"You are dismissed."

He hesitated and then turned and walked out. I went to Danny and picked him up.

Both my boys followed me as I took Danny to my bedroom. He came awake as I lay him on the big bed.

"Oh Sir, I'm so sorry. I told him everything. He just kept zapping me."

When I checked his cock and balls he groaned.

"They hurt real bad Sir."

"Alban you stay with Danny. Keep him company for the rest of the day. If he's feeling better bring him up for dinner."

"Yes Master."

I took Koki and headed back to my office. He climbed under my desk as I sat down.

I got down to work, catching up and getting things ready. I had decided that everything would go back to full production tomorrow regardless of the weather. I called all my foremen and ordered it. I knew they would contact their lead hands so everyone would be out and on production by 0800 tomorrow morning.

"Get me a drink Koki."

He bounded out from under my desk and was back with a bourbon and water almost instantly. He just moved back under my desk. I patted him on the head as I leaned back to think.

There was no doubt in my mind that I was infatuated by Danny. Hell I could so very easily fall in love with the boy. But that was the problem. He was still a boy. At not even 17 yet he was technically hands off. That was also the problem I had with a lot of the boys in Juvenile Barracks. Most were very good looking and I'd love to fuck a few. They'd been here for less than a week. God only knew what would happen after a month or year.

I slipped in the disc of Danny's interrogation. It was obvious right off that, that Sergeant was a very brutal man. He zapped Danny repeatedly for no reason other than to see the boy scream. Danny had passed out when the sergeant zapped him on his butt hole. Pissed off I called Allan and asked him to come to my office.

When he arrived I showed him the tape of Danny's interrogation. I could see him getting madder and madder.

"I'll take care of that SOB Sir."

He then watched as I pulled an instrument from my desk and turned it on. The instrument blocked all recording in my office.

"The Doctor and his two assistants are leaving tomorrow by Auto-Lifter. I want a fatal accident to occur."

"Consider it done Sir."

After some small talk the Security Commander left.

I knew first hand how brutal Allan could be. After that big buck had threatened me he had him interrogated. The three men he gave up were brought out, castrated and hanged on piano wire. Normally a 22 cal. Pistol is used for the coup`d gras. He used a 45, blowing out the back of their heads. It was a valuable lesson to all slaves that watched.

I wasn't a really brutal man myself. Slaves were just property. My property. If they did what they were told without question everything was fine. If they didn't they were punished. It wasn't that they were over worked either. They were fed and clothed, had all their medical problems fixed, could even be used to breed women if they qualified. As long as they remembered I owned them. Every part of them to use as I saw fit.

All their lives meant to me was how much work I could get out of them before they became useless and were put down.

"Come up here Koki."

Koki climbed on my lap with one leg on either side then leaned into me. I just put a arm around his back and held him.

"I love you Master so much."

"I love you too Koki. You bring such peace of mind to me Baby."

He moved up higher and whispered in my ear.

"WE can do that love. Why don't you go close the door?"

He was off my lap over and closed the door before I could even move. He took my hand and pulled me toward the big couch by the fireplace.

I sat down and he was unlacing my boots almost at once. After getting them off I stood and undid my pants. Koki was shaking in anticipation.

I knew exactly what Koki liked to do and after slipping off my boxer briefs I lay back on the couch.

"Come on Baby."

He straddled my waist and then lifted up. One of his hands centered my cock on his tight rosebud. Then he just sat down. He yelped when my thick cock punched through his rings. Then he just wiggled my cock completely in his snug canal.

"That feels so good Master."

"Feels good to me too Koki."

Then he started to bounce on my cock, moving back and forth and side to side so my cock pushed against all the sides of his love tunnel. His eyes rolled back in his head as he fucked himself on my cock. He knew exactly when I was ready to cumm and would sit down hard on my cock and grind his ass on it.

The first time I had fucked his cute ass he hadn't known what to do after I came inside him. Now as he pulled off he quickly turned around and pushed his ass into my face. I rimmed him as he cleaned up my cock.

He then turned around and snuggled up close to me. Totally contented.

After about 5 minutes he'd stand up. I'd always sit up and suck his spike. Being as horny as he was all the time he never took long to deposit a nice load of his sweet cumm in my mouth. Some times, but not often I'd also hold him in my mouth and he'd piss. Not today.

He helped me dress and then opened the office door before climbing under my desk. Invariably there would be someone waiting outside the door. This time it was Gordon my oldest Son.

"You sent for me Master."

"Yes Gordon. I want you and your two oldest Sons at dinner tonight."

"Yes Master."

"Gordon, off hand how many of my slaves have Military training?"

"There are a few Master. Why?"

"I've put together a tentative schedule to start training the labor slaves."

"First off they will do some warming up exercises in the training hall. Then take them on a run around the camp perimeter. All will be nude with out foot ware. That will toughen their feet. Also it will be before breakfast."

After Breakfast I want them trained like a basic Military training, Drill, Marching etc."

After lunch we'll give them strength training. Pulling stone boats, wagons and lifting and carrying logs. All training will be done nude. In all training you can look at possible candidates for sex training."

"I want you to recruit a training cadre. One of your sons can take over your primary duties as an assistant to you. You will be in charge of all training. Think you can handle it Son?"

"Yes Master."

"Good." I got up and walked to Gordon. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. A deep loving kiss. I could feel him getting hard.

"I'll also want you and your two sons in bed tonight."

"Mark is bigger than me Master. Longer and thicker. Luke is about the same as me."

Sounds like a fun night Son. See you for dinner."

"Master, can I ask a favor?"

"Of course you can Son."

Master, Jenna is now of breeding age. She want you to give her, her first Baby. She is also still a virgin Master. She says Grand Ma was a virgin when you took her. She wants the same Master."

"I'll think about it Gordon."

Thank you Master."

Koki might a small Japanese fuck toy, but he was also very smart. I could see the questions on his face as Gordon left the office.

"I'll tell you later Koki."

"Okay Master." He smiled.

"Let's go see how Danny's doing."

Danny and Alban were laying on the bed.

"How are you doing Danny?"

"My dick and balls are okay Sir. My bum still hurts real bad Sir."

"Well let's have a look Son. Lay over the edge of the bed."

I spread his ass cheeks. His entrance was red and puffy, not unlike a boys hole after he had been fucked the first time.

"Koki, grab the salve from the bathroom."

He was back in a flash.

"This might hurt a bit Son, but I will be as gentle as I can."

I had Koki hold his cheeks apart as I coated his entrance with the salve. He never said anything but tears were streaming down his face when I was done.

"When the new Doctor gets here tomorrow, I'll have him check you out Danny."

"I'm going to leave you with these two boys Danny. They'll take care of you tonight. Alban you can go down and bring dinner up for the three of you. You can also watch the Tri D."

Dinner was a pretty quiet affair. Mark and Luke were almost giddy. I presumed Gordon had told his Son's they would be sleeping with me. The boys were twins, at least from the waist up. Below the waist was a different matter.

After dinner we had drinks in my Den. Mark would be taking over most of Gordon's duties. Luke was already Lean Hand on the chipper, supplying the pulp mill. I gave all three a beer in my Den.

We talked about some of the antics the two boys got into earlier in life. We were all laughing at some stuff. Later we walked up to the guest bedroom. It was seldom used, but the house boys still built a fire in the fireplace. It was nice and warm when I walked in followed by Gordon and his boys.

My fetish to have big black cocks fuck my face was very dangerous to me. Anyone of these three could very easily choke me to death with their thick cocks. If I didn't have absolute trust in these boys it never would happen.

Gordon warned both boys that they would be severely punished if they didn't do exactly as he was going to do. Both boys promised.

Gordon's and Luke's cock were no problem, but as Mark approached the bed I was a little scared and in awe of his magnificent cock. Fully 11 inches and thick as a beer can, it drooped as he walked up to me.

"Grand Father, I don't want to hurt you."

"Come on boy. I'll let you know if I can't handle it."

Well it became readily apparent that I couldn't handle that monster cock. I could get five inches in my mouth and throat. I settled for slowly sucking his cock. I was actually in heaven even with just five inches of that smooth cock in my mouth. I jacked him as he fucked my face.

"I'm cumming." He said and the inside of my mouth and throat were coated with his thick sperm.

He'd thrust a little harder as he came and all of sudden his whole cock slammed into my throat. It was like a large stopped going into a small bottle. His cock was lodged in my throat.

It cut my breathing immediately and as he shot more of his cumm into my throat it gushed out my nose. When I tried to back off I couldn't. AS hard as I tried I couldn't get that monster out of my throat. Mark knew it too and I heard him scream. Several moments passed and then his cock was wrenched from my throat. I slumped almost faint to the floor of the bedroom.

When I finally got my breathing back in control I saw Mark first, sitting back crying. I wrapped my arms around him telling him I was okay.

"I'm sorry Master. So sorry." He cried.

"Easy Son. I'm okay. I'm okay."

After getting back near normal I lay back on the bed.

"Come on Luke. Fuck me."

He didn't need a second request. Very quickly I had him inside me pound my hole. 20 minutes later he unloaded inside me. Gordon went next and it felt even better having my Son inside me.

"Come on Mark. Fuck me boy."

"No Grand Pa. I just hurt you more."

"Fuck me Mark or I'll shove a pain enhancer up your black ass."

I think he thought I was bluffing until he saw Gordon pick up one and set it for 25000 volts. He had my legs on his shoulders almost instantly.

"Just go slow boy."

Slicked with Luke and Gordon's load he slowly entered me. It hurt like hell and I gritted my teeth as his beer can slowly opened me up. He had almost all in me when I pulled him down and kissed him.

"Make love to me Son."

Love me he did in slow easy strokes. As thick as he was every stroke pushed and massaged my prostrate. He was pushing me slowly to ejaculation. I hadn't got off since I had sucked the boys so when I came it was a flood shooting up between our bodies. My cumming squeezed his cock and he blasted into me. He collapsed on top of me and I kissed him.

"Thank you Mark that was the best yet."

Totally worn out I just fell asleep.

I was alone in bed when I woke up. I sat up and rang for a house boy. It was like he had been standing outside the door he was there so fast.

He without even a hello was on his knees draining me. After he waited as I used the refresher and then helped me shower.

I started to dress.

"Will I ever be as big as you Grand Pa?"

"You'll be a whole lot bigger Son. Now run along."

I grabbed a coffee and walked out onto deck. Going to be a beautiful day.

Back in my office I got down to work.

Toto had come and talked to me. He confessed that although he still love me he wasn't ready for a permanent relationship. To be honest I wasn't either and was already infatuated by Jimmy and Danny. He was now spending a lot of time with Kevin, one of Sam's sons in Barrack 3.

Toto definitely liked big black cocks.

It was close to 9 am before Alban, Koki and Danny made an appearance. All three had sheepish grins on their faces. I was pretty sure what they had been doing.

"How are you Danny?"

"I'm good Sir. Nothing hurts anymore."

"Okay. You boys make yourselves scarce this morning. I'll see you at lunch."

After two hours of changing thing around I knew I had a quarter of a million board feet shortage to make up.

I called Mark and told him to move 24 boys from the chipper line and put them to work on the second debarker. He just said Yes master.

I HAD Security move 12 from the Aspen Stand to the soft wood and hardwood logging.

After lunch I took Danny, Koki and Alban when I went on my daily inspection. Danny asked how come he got to wear long pants when Koki and Alban only had G-strings and t-shirts to wear.

"Simple. They are slaves. That's all slaves wear. You on the other hand are white."

Danny said he didn't think it was fair.

"Danny you need to understand one thing right from the Start. You are white and eventually you will be a white Master. Niggers are just property. My Property to do with as I see fit. If I want to tell as boy to suck me off or bend over so I can fuck him, I'll do it and there's nothing they can do about it. They either work or get punished."

"A boy once refused to suck my cock. I had him castrated."

Niggers work until they are either to old or too useless and then I have them put down. Then I buy more."

I stopped as I arrived at the Debarker.

"Koki, suck Danny off."

"Yes Master." Danny stepped out of the crew cab and Koki went to his knees and sucked Danny off.

"Thank you Master. You taste good Master." Koki stood up smiling.

"Do you want to fuck Alban Danny?"

"No Sir, not now Sir."

"Okay let's go."

After the inspection we were all back in the 4x4.

"Boy some of those boys was big." Danny said.

"Danny, anyone of them would have sucked you off if you asked."

I drove to the main Training building. All the slaves in training were lined up in a box square around a set of gallows.

Using a bull horn I spoke to them all.

"You were warned right from the Start that if you run from this camp, you will be found and brought back."

All running does is get you hanged."

The three runner were brought out forced up onto the gallows platform. I slip noose was put on them, the other end hooked to a beam.

I nodded at the Sergeant in charge. He hit the lever and they dropped about a foot.

All bounced in the noose. Their tongues thickened and all three ejaculated even though they were not hard. About ten minutes the bodies stopped twitching. After they were lowered a small caliber bullet was shot in their ear.

"Let's go boys."

I led three very subdued boys out the truck.

I then drove to the Juvenile Barracks. All the boys were lined up outside. Danny went over and hugged Jimmy. The two boys under warrant were brought out. The Warrant was read and then they were hanged. About half threw up watching the boys struggle in the noose. This time I took pictures. After they stopped moving they too were shot once in their ear.

I dismissed them back to their barracks.

I took Jimmy, Danny and the four boys back to the house. I gave them all a beer.

I pulled Danny and jimmy onto the couch beside me. Both just cried their eyes out. I knew what both were thinking.


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Next: Chapter 13

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