Grand Father

Published on Sep 17, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 11

"Not now Son. Koki, take Jimmy and get him dressed for outside. Include the parka."

"Yes Master. Come along Jimmy. Show me your bed."

"I'll be back tomorrow morning to explain all the rules and the punishments for breaking the rules."

"Koki lets go boy."

"Coming Master." He came running up with Jimmy in tow.

I just headed for the door. Even though I had left the ATV running, it was still cold inside. Both boys jumped in the small passenger seat while I jumped in the drivers seat, slammed it in gear and spun round headed for the house. As I approached the house I hit the switch for the garage door opener.

"Fuck." It didn't work so drove to the front door.

"Lets go boys."

I'm sure the wind was blowing at least 40-50 mph. I was chilled to the bone by the time we were inside.

"Take Jimmy to my room and you boys get a hot shower. Better use the refresher too. Come to my den when your done. Jimmy can wear his G-string."

"Yes Master."

I stripped off my pants and shirt. A boy was standing watching me. I tossed him my clothes.

"Put them in wash. Bring me pants and shirt to the den."

"Yes Master." He scurried away.

When I walked in the den I walked straight to the fire place and stood warming myself.

"Well Alban freeze anything important?"

"No Master, but it shrivel up pretty good. It back to normal now."

"So I see." I laughed.

"Amid, where did you learn to suck cock?"

"Master when I was thirteen my Father took me to the Chiefs hut. He told it was time I learned how to be a man. After feeding me a sweet drink the Chief raped me. After him my Father and two older brothers did me too. I went to live in young mans hut. I had to get fucked and suck for almost three years. Some cocks I had to suck were bigger than you Master."

"How did you end up here?"

"Master I was flying home for Christmas. Accra was closed for some reason and the plane was diverted to Cape Town. Even though I had a passport from Ghana when I landed at Cape Town I was arrested. They told me it was illegal for blacks to fly in or out of South Africa. I was given a choice Death or Slavery for life. I chose slavery. Now you are my Master."

"What were you taking in England Amid?"

"I was on a general program. Eventually I was going to take Anthropology."

"Well you have a few things working for you Amid. One you already know how to suck cocks and I also figure you would accept cocks in your butt. You are educated and also very pleasing to look at. You will eventually be sold at auction as a Domestic Sex Slave."

"I understand Master."

"Would you be willing to help train slaves?"

"Master most of those slaves are more like animals. They will only understand one thing. Pain."

"Amid, if you had again refused to suck my cock I would have had you castrated. I think that threat will make it easier to train those animals as you call them."

Amid almost on instinct grabbed his balls. I laughed.

"Master I would have done it when you asked the first time. I was scared that when I got into the barracks I would be attacked by others and forced to suck or get fucked. I saw many boys get raped in the pens in South Africa."

"Well it would not be exactly rape with you. You have had black cocks in your butt before."

"Master. The last time was when I was sixteen."

"No matter. Come over here and finish what you started in the training center."

With a resigned look Amid kneeled in front of me, pulled down my boxer briefs. He took my cock into his mouth and down his throat. I didn't need to force him. He really was a good cocksucker. His tongue worked my cock every time he pulled back. It didn't take long to get me close.

"Swallow it all Amid." A moment later I came. He swallowed every drop and licked my cock clean. He sat back on his haunches.

When I looked around after Amid had sucked me off I saw every one with a hard on including Jimmy. He showed a very nice basket in the G-string he had on.

I walked over and slid my hand into Jimmy's G.

"SIR!" I felt his warm cumm coat my hand.

I pulled my hand out.

"Take them off Jimmy."

Almost in a trance, he pushed his G down.

"Koki, clean up Jimmy."

Koki was on his knees with Jimmy's cock in his mouth instantly.

From the way Koki was swallowing I figure Jimmy had cumm again.

I was right.

"Boy you taste good and got lots Jimmy." Koki said as he sat back.

"What's going to happen to me Sir?" Jimmy asked.

"Well I'm definitely not going to hang you coz you stole a can of beans."

When that registered in his brain his whole body just went slack. If I had not grabbed him he would have hit the floor. I carried him to a couch as he started to wail. He bawled his head off in my arms. I just rubbed his back and said some soothing words.

He had such a tight grip on me it was almost hard to breathe.

That Three Strikes Law was the most unfair law ever added to the books. I knew why they had done it but it was still unfair to hand a sentence of death to a boy who stole a can of beans. I knew street crime in all major cities was almost out of hand and that was why the Law had been enacted. Niggers if caught were put to death almost instantly. That was fine, but why kids?"

He finally settled down. He lifted his head off my chest.

"Thank you Sir." He said softly.

"Don't thank me yet Son. I still have to find something useful a young white boy can do for me."

"I'll do anything you want Sir."

"Are you sure about that Jimmy? Anything gives me a lot of choices."

"I promise to do anything you want Sir."

"Very well Jimmy."

"You see those two boys over on the couch?"

"Yes Sir."

I want you to walk over to them and ask one of them if you can suck them off."

He opened his mouth to say something and I put a finger to his mouth.

"I'm not done yet Jimmy. After you suck off one of them you will ask the other to fuck you. Do it now Jimmy."

"But their niggers."

"Yes they are. Now do as I told you."

Very reluctantly Jimmy got up and walked over to the two boys. Both had heard me and started to get hard. Amid was or looked bigger than Alban. Figuring wrongly that Alban had a smaller cock to fuck him with, asked Amid if he could suck him off.

"Sure boy."

I could tell even though he was sucking a nigger cock he liked it. He was hard. It didn't take long for Amid to cumm.

"Better swallow it all or Master might whip you boy."

Jimmy tried but Amid had more than he could handle in his small mouth. Some ran out and down his chin and around his lips covering Amid's cock. When he pulled out he licked Amid's cock clean and wiped his face and licked his fingers. Then stood up.

Alban was rock hard and I knew nearly as big as me. Jimmy looked absolutely terrified. He stammered.

"Will, will you fuck me?"

"No Jimmy I won't. If I fuck you I hurt you real bad. I think I am too big for you."

Alban got up and walked to me.

"Master I won't fuck Jimmy. I hurt him real bad if I do."

I had expected Alban to do exactly as he had. WE both knew that if Alban had followed Jimmy's order Jimmy would be severely damaged.

"Assume the position Alban." I snarled.

Alban lay over the desk. I picked up the strap and gave him three hard swats across his ass. He then turned and put his hands on his head. The first swat I gave him on his hard cock. He yelped. The other two I hit both his cock and thighs. I dropped the strap on the desk.

"Why, why did you do that?" Jimmy asked.

Alban refused an order from his Master. "You may only be seventeen Jimmy, but you are white. Alban is a nigger and must obey even you."

"God won't help any of them that refuses one of my orders."

I picked up the pain inducer off my desk. Both Koki and Alban looked terrified. Amid didn't know what it was.

"Koki, take Jimmy on the couch."

"Yes Master. I'm sorry Jimmy. I got to do as my Master orders."

"It's okay. You won't the first time."

And Koki won't be the last tonight either I thought.

Jimmy yelped when Koki entered him, but was moaning almost instantly. Koki fucked in fast strokes. He came quick and pulled out. Jimmy looked relieved until he heard me say.

"Amid fuck Jimmy now."

"I'm sorry Jimmy. I go slow."

"Don't hold anything back boy or you will feel more pain than you ever had in your life." He saw me advancing across the room with the pain inducer. He didn't know what it was but he just said 'Sorry Jimmy' and rammed his cock into Jimmy's tender hole.

In no time Amid was going balls deep. He too didn't take long to cumm.

As he pulled out I saw no tell tale signs that his insides had been damaged.

"Alban take him now."

"NOOOOOOO! Jimmy screamed.

Alban didn't hold anything back and Jimmy was limp when Alban blew his massive load into him.

"You three stay here. I'll be back."

I picked Jimmy up and carried him to my bedroom. I took him into the bathroom and sat him on the refresher. After cleaning him out I took him to my bed. As I kneeled on the bed Jimmy pulled his legs back.

As I slowly entered him he opened his eyes.

Are you going to fuck me now Sir?"

"No Jimmy. I'm going to make love to you."

"Oh Sir." He sighed. His arms came up and he wrapped them around my back.

I screwed his snug ass in slow easy strokes. After about ten he spoke up.

"You can go faster and harder Sir."

Soon I was hammering his ass. He met every stroke and moaned and cried out for me to fuck. I finally stopped deep in his hole and unloaded.

MMMMM! That feels good Sir."

"Nobody ever make love to me Sir. All they want is to fuck."

"I'll make love to you anytime you want Son."

"I guess I love you Sir."

"You might not after I tell you what you will be doing from now on Jimmy."

"I'll do anything you want Sir."

"Good. Now lets get you cleaned out and we'll shower."

After we showered and dried I gave him a pair of boxer briefs to wear.

"How come I get to wear these Sir?"

"Because you are a white Master."


We went back to the den. I told Alban, Koki and Amid they could use the second bedroom and dismissed all three.

I got Jimmy a coke and me a drink. His eyes got big when he saw the coke, but I just told him to enjoy.

I honestly couldn't see what people saw in Coke. I knew why it was expensive, with only one plant in the whole Confederacy bottling it, but to me it just made a good mix for my whiskey.

Sam came in the den.

"Master all boys in barracks. Peter has skeleton crew working mill. Tunnel to mess hall has heat on."

"Very good Sam. Have maintenance come over tomorrow and fix the garage door. It's probably frozen. Then pick up a diesel crew cab from the shop and put it in the garage. It's too cold for the ATV's.

"Yes Master."

"Good night Sam."

"Good night Master."

"Boy is he ever big." Jimmy said.

I looked and saw Jimmy was pretty hard just from looking at Sam's big basket. Maybe he wasn't as innocent as he made out to be.

"Okay Jimmy. Tomorrow I'll take you down to the young mans barracks. Your primary job will be to keep the boys there satisfied. That means sucking their cocks and getting fucked by them. Now they won't force you and have to ask. You are white, therefore you are their Master. However while you are in their barracks you are also their slave."

"You will also keep the Bathroom area clean. That means cleaning the refresher and toilets as well as the shower area. Put the towels used in the washer and dryer as needed. They are responsible for washing and drying their G-strings."

Now Jerome is the older nigger assigned to the barracks. He won't ask for you to suck or fuck you. Except for me he prefers black cocks. He'll also help you and prevent any gang bangs by the boys."

"You like black cocks to Sir?"

"Yes Jimmy I do."

Jimmy, do you know what rimming is?"

"Yes Sir. That's licking a guys bottom."

"Well some of the boys like to have their bottoms licked after they get fucked. If they ask just do it."

"Won't I get shit in my mouth?"

"Jimmy that is what the refresher is for. It washes out everything. These boys are required to use the refresher twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. You won't get shit in your mouth."

"Okay Sir."

"I guess I'm going to be a boy toy for niggers."

I reached over and gripped his cock in his boxer briefs.

"Part of you likes the idea Jimmy."

"Yes Sir."

I walked to my intercom on the Desk and ordered Jason and Alex to my bedroom.

"Come Jimmy." I led him to my bedroom.

"Are you going to make love to me Sir?"

"No Jimmy. I'm going to have a few boys do you tonight. It will give you an idea of what I expect from you tomorrow."

"Okay Sir."

Jason and Alex were waiting in my bedroom. I explained to both what exactly I wanted.

"Remember he is a White Master, so treat him with respect even when you fuck him or he licks your butts or drinks your piss. If I hear of any complaints in the morning you two will end up with very sore butts."

I left them and went to the bedroom Alban, Amid and Koki were in. I told Alban and Amid the same thing and sent them to the master bedroom.

"Just you and me tonight Koki."

When I said that his smile would have lit up the darkest night.

Koki was almost a madman in bed, doing everything and wanting everything. Almost two hours of total love making beat us down. WE fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up totally refreshed. Best night sleep I had for a long time. I wondered what it was about this small Japanese boy that made him like he was. I know he worshipped the ground I walked on, but his other attributes were equally fulfilling. He took my eight inch cock like he was born to do it.

I rubbed his cute buns. He lifted his head off my chest.

"Good Morning Master."

"Good morning Koki. Time to get up boy."

He quickly kneeled beside the bed as I rolled up. He took my cock and drained me. Then ran for the bathroom. He waited while I used the refresher, then he used it. WE showered together and I always sucked him off.

Getting Koki enhanced was the best thing I had done for the small boy. Even though his balls weren't much bigger than before, they put out triple the volume of sweet sperm than he had before.

After showering I dressed. Then headed for the Master Bedroom. Jason and Alex had already left and the other three were in the shower.

Jimmy looked pretty green when he came out of the shower.

"I don't feel good Sir."

"Did you throw up Jimmy?"

"No Sir. I tried but couldn't get anything up."

"Well I know a secret way."

I poured about four tablespoons of salt into a glass and filled it with warm water. Stirred it up and had Jimmy drink it. Almost instantly he was puking in the toilet. After puking up a lot, I gave him another glass of salt water. It came almost as fast. Then I had him rinse his mouth with clear water. Then take two antacid pills. A few minutes later he let out a huge belch. The boys laughed.

"Better Jimmy."

"Yes Sir."

After he got a clean pair of Boxer briefs we went up for breakfast.

"Grab a plate Jimmy and pick what you want."

After breakfast I grabbed a carafe of coffee and head for my office/den. The four boys followed.

"Okay here's what's happening today. Jimmy you will be going to the young mans barracks. You already know what you will be doing. You will eat lunch with the boys, but be here in the house for breakfast and dinner. You will sleep here at the house."

"Yes Sir."

"Amid, you will be in the sex slave barracks. You will get them to suck each other off. You will have Overseer Gordon with you. He will be carrying one of these." I picked up the pain inducer.

"You don't know what this is, do you Amid?"

"No Master."

I turned it on, set it at 1000 volts and touched Amid on the end of his cock. The result was instantaneous. He screamed, grabbed his cock and tried to back away. He moved so fast his foot caught on the carpet in my office and he fell on his back. I walked up to him and put my foot on his chest, holding him down.

"That was on the lowest setting Amid. It can be set from 1000 volts to 25000 volts. Piss Gordon off and I'm not sure what setting he will use."

He looked absolutely terrified as I slid the control to 5000 volts.

"Please no Master."

I laughed and set it on my desk.

"Alban, you and Koki will be with me. I'll be talking to the Juveniles and starting the interviews this morning."

"Yes Master."

"G's and deck shoes both of you."

"Yes Master." They answered.

I sat down at my desk and checked the department heads for any overnight problems.

Three labor slaves had tried to run. They didn't get far. After climbing the fence they had tried to hide in the Maintenance building. Security picked them up at first light. They were now in cells awaiting the hangman.

"When the weather moderates we'll hang them along with the two Juveniles."

That done, I sat and had another coffee. The boys were very quiet.

"Jimmy, go put on long pants and snow boots and parka. Come back here."

"Yes Sir."

Alban and Koki put on their G's and deck shoes. Only Amid was nude as we walked down to the garage. I let the truck warm before opening the garage doors and driving out into the cold.

It was a short trip to Barracks 1.

"Come inside boys."

I showed Jimmy where he could put his clothes. Then introduced him to Jerome. Jerome promised to keep an eye on him. It only took Jimmy about five minutes before he was on his knees with a cock fucking his face and another in his butt. I did notice a boy jacking Jimmy as well.

"Okay let's go boys."

Once in the truck Koki piped up.

"Boy is he going to be tired. There are over 200 boys in the barracks today." HE giggled.

Koki was right. Normally there would only be 60-70 boys in barracks. The rest would be working. With this cold snap no one was working.

I ignored the remark and drove to the training area. Pulled up to the Barracks with the designated D/S (Domestic Sex) slaves were housed.

The Barracks was built in the shape of an `H' with one wing had 100 double beds and the other wing 50 double beds. The remaining leg had recreation and instructional material. So it was necessary for some of them to sleep with each other. There were 164 slaves here for training. There might be others joining them from both the Domestic and Labor slave barracks.

There were also 8 wide screen viewers in the barracks 6 on one side of the H. two on the other side and two in the recreation area. They played pornographic movies all day and all night.

When we walked into the Barracks, one of the Security Guards assigned to the barracks stepped up.

"Any problems?"

"No Sir." He laughed.

They sure love to fuck Sir."

Then we all heard.

"I ain't sucking your nigger dick?"

"Well most Sir. That's Uhura Sir. He won't do anything."

I walked over to where the commotion was. Uhura was laying in the middle of a bed. Two niggers were on either side, both slowly jacking their cocks.

When they saw me they started to move away.


"What's your problem boy?"

"I ain't no queer boy. I don't like sucking dicks or getting dick in my ass, I'd rather die."

"That can be arranged."

"I don't give a fuck what you like or dislike. You are a slave. You do exactly as I say or I'll hang your black ass. Now get on your knees. You boy fuck him."

I pointed to the other boy.

"Fuck his face."

He very slowly got his knees across the double bed. The boy I ordered to fuck him kneeled on the bed and just shoved his cock into Uhura.

Several things became readily apparent. One he didn't yell or cry when the boy shoved his cock into his ass. Two he started to get hard and when the other boy pushed his cock against his lips, he opened his mouth and took all the cock into his mouth and throat.

Koki said it.

"He likes it Master."

"Yes he does."

WE just stood and watched as the boy took both cocks without problem. I was tempted to take the boy when these two were finished, but didn't. I'd leave it to the rest to use him.

When both boys got off they backed away.

"Stand up boy."

"Amid, suck him off."

He hesitated until he saw Gordon adjusting the pain inducer. He was on his knees very fast. He just barely got the boys cock in his mouth when he came. Amid just swallowed. He then stood up.

"For lying to me just got you ten lashes boy."

When I said that two security guys grabbed him and dragged him back to the recreation area. They tied him to the whipping post. He cried when he got the ten strokes on his ass and screamed when they were laid over his cock and front.

"Any one else want to lie to me. You boys might just as well get used to the fact that you are being trained to be sex slaves. Refusal is not an option. If I have hang a few of you, I will."

"Amid, you are in charge here. Koki, Alban, let's go."

As soon as we were in the truck Koki was the first to speak.

"Boy he was hot Master. I'd let him fuck me anytime."

"Gee boy. I'm not enough for you?"

"No, no, no Master. I just meant like he's, he's....."

Koki put his head down. I lifted his chin and kissed him.

"I think he's hot too Koki."

I drove to the Juvenile Barracks. The outside was like all the other barracks, that is in the shape of an `H'. Inside there were 125 individual cells, /there wasn't doors on the cells. Each had two single beds and two night stands. Like the other Barracks the center connector had all the sinks, refreshers and showers.

The rest of the space was a large common room. That was where all the boys were when we walked in.

I had all the boys sit and get comfortable. Then went over all the rules, options to work or go back to school. How they would be paid while inside and what they would receive upon release.

"Now I know at you boys age you are probably horny almost all the time."

That got a lot of giggles and laughs.

"However if you ask a boy to have sex and he says no. It means no. All your rooms are covered by cameras with full audio. If any boy forces him self on another when he doesn't want it, you will be charged with Rape. The tapes will be sent to a federal DA in Seattle. If he decides it is rape, he will pass it to a panel of judges. If they decided it is rape, I'll be told. You will be held until you are eighteen and then hanged. There is no appeal."

"So if any boy says No. Keep it in your pants."

"Now I will be interviewing all of you over the next ten days. We'll go over your options here."

Any Questions?"

There were no questions.

"You will be called in alphabetical order for interviews."

"Would Danny Anslow please come up here?"

"Yes Sir."

He followed me and my two boys into the office I had set up. I had set it up to disarm the boys and make it easier for them to talk. There was a comfortable leather couch, two hard chairs where my boys would sit. A small refrigerator and a computer screen and keyboard on a moveable stand. The computer was wireless.

Danny sat down on one end of the couch, I sat on the other end.

I introduced Alban and Koki.

"They really your slaves?"

"Yes they are and will do anything I ask or tell them to."

"Would you like something to drink Danny?"

"Yes Sir."

Koki jumped out of his chair and went to the fridge and pulled out a Coke. I noticed Danny's eyes followed Koki as he walked to the fridge and back to him. Koki was hard and it showed in the G he was wearing.

"Danny are you Gay, Straight or Bi?"

"I'm Gay Sir. That's why I was on the street. When my Dad found out I was gay, he kicked me out."

"Tell me about the first strike Danny."

"I tried to steal a woman purse. She fought with me and cop grabbed me. I got 45 days in Juvies hall Sir."

"Were you raped while in the Hall?"

"No Sir. I had to suck lots, but I didn't get raped until I was picked up for a B&E. When the cops found out it was my second strike the put me in a cell. I was raped by three cops. Then screwed in the cell for almost a week. After they gave me shorts and a Judge sentenced me to two years in Juvies."

"Danny, if I asked you, would you suck off my two niggers?"

"Yes Sir. Sir I know what's going to happen to me. I'll be eighteen before my two years is up. I'll get released. Five hundred New dollars won't go far in Seattle or Eugene. I'll be in the same boat as I was before I got my second strike."

If I get caught doing anything wrong it will be my third strike. I'll get hanged." He then started to cry.

I moved over to him and held him as he cried. Once he settled down he apologized.

"No need to apologize Danny."

"Danny, you are going to be here for another 21 months. You will be 18 when you are released. If I could get you a job that paid about 1000 new dollars a week and make sure you had some place to live without worry from the police, what would you do for me?"

"You could do that Sir. What would I be doing?"

"You would be a male prostitute."

"You mean like work on the street?"

"No Danny. You would be in a house. There would be other boys and girls. Most of the boys and girls are niggers. They don't get paid. White boys make about 50 new dollars a trick. Four tricks a day, that's about 200 new bucks a day. You have to sign a contract for in your case 7 years. At the end of the contract you can resign for 5 years or go your own way."

"Can I think about it Sir?"

"Of course."

Of the 36 boys I talked to that day only one said he'd think about it. Sixteen said they were Gay, the rest said they were BI. None said they were straight and I figured most of those Bi boys would be gay before they were released.

We were in my Den after dinner. Jimmy, Koki and Alban. We were talking about the interviews.

"The best one was Danny. He was so cute." Koki said.

Alban agreed although he expressed an interest in Josh Haver.

"You only like Josh coz he had a big dick." Koki laughed.

"Who are Danny and Josh?" Jimmy asked.

"They were two Juvies Master interviewed today."

"Danny is a dark haired beauty, gay and a third strike boy."

"Oh yeah, I remember him from the train ride. Some of the niggers made us suck them. He told me he liked sucking their dicks. Sir maybe you should ask him if he'd like to do what I'm doing."

"Tired of doing it already Jimmy?"

"Oh no Sir. Those boys are real good to me. They even helped me puke after lunch and cleaned the bathrooms. I don't mind sucking them or getting screwed. Just wasn't expecting so many Sir."

"Yeah well normally there would only be 60 or 70 boys in barracks. With this cold snap no one is working so all the boys are in barracks."

"Okay, let's make an early night of it."

Before I even took a step the phone on my belt buzzed.


"Son of a bitch."


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Next: Chapter 12

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