Grand Father

Published on Sep 12, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 10

I knew the slaves and Juvies would arrive by slave transport at my rail yard. They also would not be dressed for the cold. All would be marched to the Training Center.

The Juveniles would be handled first. All would be issued flannel pants, shirts and deck shoes. All would be collared. Then moved to their barracks. They would be under close supervision until I could give them their orientation lecture.

The Slaves would be stripped and inspected before being registered and collared. They would be marked as L' labor or D' domestic with some of the younger better looking slaves marked `DS' for Domestic/sex slaves. After that was done I would give my speech with the basic rules. They would then be assigned barracks based on age.

Training would start a few days later.

All slaves would be issued flannel pants and shirts. They would not be issued shoes.

But that would happen when they arrived.

Christmas was four days away when young Alvin came to my office.

"Master, can I speak to you?"

"Of course Alvin. Come on in Son."

Alvin was very light skinned for a Negro. I think he got that from me. The rest of him was all Black. I figured when he got older he would be bigger than his Father.

"You are definitely going to be big when you get older Alvin."

"Master will you be first to make me a man?"

"Are you sure Alvin? I'm not very kind to virgin boys. You may very well hate me after I screw your virgin butt."

"Oh no Master. You are my Grand Father. I could never hate you."

"Very well Alvin. Come to my bedroom at 6 on Christmas day. Make sure you use the refresher and shower and shave before you arrive."

"Yes Master."

"You are dismissed boy."

I chuckled as he left my office. That boy was in for a big surprise.

I was reviewing the records of the boys that were coming. I noted all but three were 16 or 17. The three under warrants turned 18 in less than a month and wondered why they were even sent here. I figured the Justice department did as a test.

Two of the boys were under Capitol punishment warrants. The other was a three strikes warrant. All three were slated to be hanged on their eighteenth birthday or before or after. Meant I could do all three boys the same time. The rest of the Juveniles would watch the executions as a lesson.

The only thing that bothered me was that I was going to hang a young man because he stole a can of beans. His third strike had been shoplifting.

I would definitely have a look at him before his execution date.

"Okay you two. Pants, shirts and boots."

"We're okay Master."

"Do as your told or I'll warm your butts."

Both giggled but did dress for outside. I put on my Wool Jacket and led the two boys out to my ATV. The side walls had been put in and the heater worked good.

I thought back to the first time I'd whipped Alban. I don't even remember why. He had not said a word when I strapped his ass with 10 strokes. It kind of peeved me off.

After giving him 10 on his front, he still hadn't said a word I got really pissed.

I yelled at him to scream and called him a shitty slave or something and hit him right on his cock. As I wound up to hit him again Koki jumped in front yelling that Alban couldn't scream coz he had been trained not to.

I had dropped the strap and grabbed him and cried.

Nothing was ever said about the incident again.

Both knew I was very fond of both and both still on occasion got a slap on the ass or cock. They were more love taps than punishment.

I drove first into the new camp. All the walks and roads had been cleared of snow. I saw a mixed bunch of black and Japanese slaves chopping wood. They seemed to get along okay. Maybe I was wrong in separating them to different barracks. If they could be integrated I`d have an extra barracks. I'd discuss it with Sam and Toto later.

I then drove to feeder line and climbed out. Both boys followed me. When I looked up at the feeder wood pile I could only count four boys. There should have been eight. I saw why when I walked into the feeder shack.

Four boys were warning around a big pot bellied stove.

"Good idea boys. How long between change offs?"

"Thirty Minutes Master. Jerome's idea Master."

Those boys in their sweaty G's turned me on but I just ignored the urges. I walked through to the saw mill. Alban and Koki just followed. I didn't linger long, just checked that everything was working okay.

Then on to the sorting racks and kiln. These boys had it best. Out of the wind and the heat from the kilns kept everything pretty warm.

After looking at everything just walked back to my ATV. Both boys jumped. I drove back to the house.

As soon as I entered my office both boys stripped. Koki climbed under my desk and Alban sat at my feet.

I called Toto and asked him to come to my office.

Toto and I were in reality life partners. I loved the young Japanese boy and knew he loved me with same love I got from Alban and Koki. He was totally devoted to me.

When he came he walked right over to me and sat on my lap. We went into a long passionate kiss.

After he grabbed a beer and sat on one of the couches.

What's on your mind Alvin?"

"I want to move all the Japanese boys into Barracks one. Do you think there will be a problem with blacks and japs together?"

"Shouldn't be. They do work well together. Imagine they will love those black cocks as much as I do."

"What have you planned for the extra barracks"

"Well that Barrack is right next to the juvenile compound. If having these Juveniles here works out, I might double the number I take."

"Does the government pay that well?"

Sixty Two grand a month for the 250. Doubled that would put more money in my account. I'm sure my bank would love to see me started paying some on my loans. Also building this new camp is cutting my shipments overseas."

"Okay Elvin. I'll have them moved to day. Anything else?"

"Not off hand. Would like you in my bed tonight."

Consider it a date," he kissed me on the cheek and almost bounced out of my office.

"You love Master Toto?" Alban asked

"As much as I love you two."

"Master I was taught never to use love word with my Master, but I love you Master like Koki."

I got up, walked to my bar and mixed a drink, then grabbed two beers from the fridge.

"Come on boys. Sit beside me." I sat down by the fireplace.

They sat down on either side of me. I handed both a beer. Koki smiled. He knew what it was; Alban just looked at the can.

"Try it Alban. It is good." Koki said.

Alban took a sip and smiled.

Sitting with these two loving boys beside me I knew what I had to do.

"Koki, go close the door."

Koki almost shot off the couch. He knew no one would bother me with the door closed. I'm sure he thought something else was going to happen.

Both boys were actually shaking as I undressed. I lay on the couch.

"Come on Koki make love to me."

His eyes got real big.


"Come on Koki. I want that nice cock inside me."

When Koki had been enhanced he had gained about an inch and a half in length and the same in girth. He also had a bigger sweet load in those small balls.

He was shaking like a leaf as he kneeled on the couch.

"Master I never....."

"Koki I have seen you do other boys. I'm no different."

"But you are my Master."

"No matter boy. Come on. Just like the other boys.

Well he had no problem entering me and he stopped a look of wonder on his face.

"Master you are so hot inside."

"Breed me boy. Fuck me good."

Well I had seen Koki screw other boys and he always rabbit fucked them. Going real fast. When he started to fuck me he did real slow. He only made about ten strokes.

"Master I'm going ta come."

"Breed me boy. Make a baby in there."

He came as he giggled.

"Boys cant have babies Master."

Koki pulled out and stood up.

"Come on Alban. Your turn."

Alban was different than Koki. He climbed on the couch and pushed my legs way back. I thought he was going enter vertical, but instead went down and rimmed me, licking up Koki's leaking load.

He lowered my legs, moved forward and slowly entered me. He went balls deep on the first stroke.

"It feels real good Master. I love you long time okay."

"AS long as you want my loving boy."

Well he fucked me long even strokes. Each stroke was like a heated rod inside me. God he could go forever if he wanted. He did fuck me for almost 30 minutes.

"I come now Master." With that said he pushed in real deep and unloaded his massive load.

"You clean Master when I pull out Koki."

Koki didn't need to be asked. He was licking me up almost before Alban got out of me.

After they were done I sucked both boys off.

"You two boys will now be with me forever. You will both always be at my side."

"I love you both very much."

That got me mobbed by both boys. We lay and cuddled on the couch.

I finally sat up. I looked at the clock. It was almost dinner time.

"Okay. Put your G's on. Dinner time."

Both boys looked at me as if I was crazy. They never wore anything in the house. They did put them on. I figured they both looked better but wouldn't tell them.

Izu stepped in the door.

"Dinner is ready Master."

"Thank you Izu. Come over here boy."

Izu walked up to me.

"So how are you and Sam getting along?"

"Oh Master he is so good to me. I think I love him Master."

"Well I know he loves you Izu. You treat him good you here."

"Yes Master." He smiled at that.

I patted him on the bottom as he scurried out the door.

"Let's go boys."

Dinner was a pretty noisy affair this close to Christmas. Almost all the house boys were at dinner. I saw that everyone was congratulating Alvin. I also knew there were two other boys getting close to manhood. Both I was sure would come to me in the coming days to ask if I would make them men. All being relatives of me I could never turn them down.

After dinner, Peter, Colin and my two boys and Toto retired to the den for after dinner drinks. I gave the boys a beer and drinks to Toto and Peter.

"So Colin, is Peter teaching you anything or are you two just screwing around?"

"Master, Peter teach me lots."

Colin I am not your Master, nor are you a slave. Whites are in charge here. No whites can be slaves either.

"Terry on the other hand is different and getting to be a pain."

"Maybe whites can't be slaves, but you will always be my Master." Colin said.

"Master, Terry really changed when we were in road gang. He asked the guards to fuck him. He got gang banged by them. He even wanted the boss to fist him. If it wasn't for Aaron I think Terry would have died in that camp."

He real crazy inside Master."

That doesn't tell me what I am going to do with him."

Master, you shoot rabid dogs."

What! I thought. Did Colin just say I could execute Terry and he wouldn't care? That thought had never even entered my mind before he said it.

Terry had asked me if he could eat in the mess hall instead of the house. I had no problem with it. I had not seen him since and in reality he wasn't on my mind. Too much other stuff was going on to worry about one white fuck toy.

"Sam, where is Terry right now?"

"In barracks three Master."

I knew that barracks was for the older slaves and also the biggest boys. Some had cocks a foot long and beer can thick. If he was getting screwed by them, he really was crazy.

"Well if it happens Colin you will be there to watch."

"Master, he is no longer my Brother. He never speaks to me. I think he is going insane Master."

"Now. Peter when are you and Colin going to get hitched?"

Colin looked at me and then looked at Peter.

"What did he mean Master Peter."

I knew right away Peter had not mentioned it to Colin.

"Guess I spoke to soon."

"No but you did make up my mind. Colin, come over here Son."

Peter pulled Colin onto his lap.

"Colin would you like to be my permanent boy and partner for life?'

Colin started to cry instantly and hugged Peter.

"Guess that answers that question." I laughed.

I signed the paper I had printed off earlier. I got up and walked over to Peter and Colin.

"Congratulations both of you. Now if you two would sign the bottom of this paper, I'll make it permanent."

Peter signed and Colin signed. I leaned down and kissed both. Then went back to my desk.

I'll see you tomorrow Alvin." Peter said.

"Not too early I hope."

Peter laughed, picked up Colin and left.

It was four way love fest in my bed that night and we got up much later than usual. Toto was off right away to see how the integration of his Japanese boys got along with the black boys.

I went out with two boys in tow for my morning inspection. It had snowed again over night and crews were out clearing lanes and walks. Even though it was only about 20 degrees all those working wore only their G's. Figured it would slow them down once they got inside. All the shriveled cocks and tight balls.

I was happy everything was going smoothly.

Back at the house, Peter and Colin finally made an appearance about 11.

Security called me and said Terry had caused another fight in Barracks three.

Terry was pushing my resolve.

"Colon you are now a Master. You can call me Sir or Alvin. Your brother caused another fight in barracks three last night. Deal with it. I can't have unrest in the barracks. Your brother is causing the problem. Fix the problem."

"Yes Sir. I'll deal with him."

Fighting in Barracks was a strapping offence. I knew that would just add coals to the simmering fire. Simple to me. Terry had to go. I wondered what Colin's solution would be. Would he come to the same conclusion I had. I knew Colin was a very smart young man.

About three Colin came to my office.

"Well Colin?"

"I tried to talk to him Master, but he wouldn't listen. When I insisted he come with me back to the house, he told me to fuck off and leave him alone. I said I had to take him to the house. He said if I didn't leave him alone he was going to kill me. When he said that the two security guys cuffed him. They said him saying that was a death sentence for him. The Security Chief gave me this for you to sign coz he's white."

Colin handed me a warrant.

"I couldn't sign it coz he's my brother." Colin started to cry.

I picked him up and carried him to the couch and just held him as he cried his eyes out.

After he got down to sniffles.

"Colin you need not worry about it. I'll take care of the problem."

Colin looked at me for perhaps 10 seconds.

"No Master. No Sir. Terry is my responsibility. I will handle it." He got off my lap and signed the Warrant.

"Okay Colin. Come with me."

Instead of the Security Center, I led him to my bedroom. AS soon as we walked in he started to get hard.

"Down boy." I laughed as I gripped his cock in the boxer briefs he had on.

"You are a Master now. You need to dress like one."

I went to one of the big wardrobes. Sort through the clothes and pulled out a pair of light brown Pants.

"Put them on."

They were a bit loose, but otherwise fit good. After a shirt and boots he looked almost like Peter and I did.

I gave him an overcoat.

"Now you look like you supposed to be in charge."

WE went back to my office. I told Alban and Koki to stay in the office until I got back. Colin picked up the warrant. We walked over to the Security Center and after admittance stepped into the Security Chiefs office.

Colin handed him the Warrant.

"Very well Sir. When would you like the execution to take place?"

"Now." Colin said.

"Very well. Follow me."

He walked out of his office, down the hall and then down the stairs to the cell block level. Two security guards stood by a cell. The boy in the cell did not look like the young boy I had met just a few of months before.

His eyes were wild looking and he was drooling. I was sure he was totally insane. He never moved or said anything when the Security chief read the warrant.

The two guards guided him out of the cell and down to the Execution chamber. The execution chamber was different than the ones used outside. A long thick rod stretched along the room. Hooks were fastened to the Rod.

Up until he was actually in the chamber Terry had done nothing. When he saw where he was he started to struggle. The guards well practiced in executing prisoners dragged him under one of the hooks on the rod. Slipped the cable noose over his head and hooked the other end to a hook on the rod.

"When ever you are ready Sir." The chief said to Colin.

I indicated the switch on the wall next to the window we were looking through.

"Can he see me?" Colin asked.

"No Colin. It's a two way mirrored window."

"Too bad." Then he hit the switch.

It took perhaps 30 seconds for the noose to tighten around Terry's throat and he was lifted off the floor. He did ejaculate and then piss as his body shook. Less than five minutes and body went slack. The Security chief walked into the chamber, pulled a silenced pistol out, placed it close to the boy's ear and pulled the trigger. The body jerked once. There was no exit wound.

"Dispose of the Body." I said.

"Come on Colin." I led him out and into the air.

"Can I ask you something Alvin?"

"Anything you want Son."

"Well I think you will think I'm crazy but I got so hard when Terry was struggling. I almost came when he shot him."

"I'll tell you a secret Colin. I do too all the time."

"Will you take me to the house and fuck me."

"That I will too." I laughed.

WE spent almost three hours in bed, sucking, fucking and rimming each other. Terry all but forgotten.

I sent pictures and a DNA sample of Terry to the Justice Department. I said he had been found in an old line shack near the Road Gang. I figured he had been helped by someone in the Road Gang to survive this long. I also said I had no idea about his brother, but noted without help no one could survive up here in winter.

Colin I registered as Colin Winter, Life partner of my business partner Peter Winter. Never even received a comment from Justice.

Homo sexual Lifestyles were legal in the Confederation.

If I had not gagged him, Young Alvin's screams would have been heard all over the camp. After I took his cheery ass, his Father and two older brothers screwed him. Then I had Alban and Koki do him before I did him a second time. He was one sore puppy in the morning. He did come to my office and thank me.

Later that day Sam took him to the younger boy barracks.

The Second of January was clear and very cold. The temperature hovered near 0 degrees F. The slaves were mostly dressed in dirty shorts or nothing at all. All were barefoot too. The Juvenile boys were all in brown shorts, t-shirts and runners. Didn't matter all were very chilled when they arrived in the huge Training center.

Security troops lined the walls of the Center hall where all of them were brought from the train. They were armed with the new stun pistol that had been issued. It was like the old Taser, except there were no wires.

The boys were done first. They were lined up in single file and walked into a room. Three barbers quickly shaved their heads. Then they were ordered to use the refreshers. After their cock, balls and ass were smeared with hair remover. After a hot shower they were checked by a med tech. He photographed each boy and fixed a collar on them.

Lastly the Doctor checked them out. They were all very well behaved which surprised me. When all 250 were done they were given long pants and shirts and marched under guard to their barracks. They were told to pick a bed and stay there until I had spoken to them. It took about 3 hours.

Then we started on the Slaves.

The rest of Slaves were divided up by age. 20 and over one group. Eighteen and nineteen in another and sixteen and Seventeen in a third group. All the younger ones had been designated as Domestic Sex slaves. Most of the second group were Domestic and the larger group Labor slaves.

After outlining the basic rules and why they were in a particular group I told them at anytime if they were told do anything they were to do it or face punishment.

"We don't use bull whips here. If you screw up you will be whipped with a belt. The first offence 10 lashes. It's doubled to a maximum of 40 lashes for subsequent screw ups."

Needing a demonstration I walked along the line of 18 and 19 year olds. I spotted one that had been designated DS. He was about 5 foot 11 inches and about 150 lbs. He was well toned and had a 6 inch cut cock. Most of the new slaves had been circumcised as a requirement and had tape on their cocks.

Step out here boy."

I led him out in front of all the waiting slaves. Speaking loud enough for them all to hear.

"Get down on your knees, pull out my cock and suck it."

His mouth dropped open and he stepped back.

"Do it boy." He never moved.

Ten Lashes." I said.

Two guards grabbed him and dragged him to a set of whipping posts. These ones were on wheels. After tying him to the posts they wheeled the posts out in front of the Slaves.

A slave overseer stepped forward and laid then lashes on the boys ass. He was totally lost blubbering by the time ten were given. Thinking it was all over, he just slumped in the bindings.

The guards moved forward and spun the posts around.

The lash across his exposed cock caused him to scream in pain and terror. After ten he was just a limp whimpering boy.

The guards untied him and dragged him over to me, dropping him at my feet.

"Well boy?"

He looked up at me and then with shaking hands reached out and undid my zipper. He pulled out my cock and sucked it. I knew right off this boy had sucked before. He took more than half my cock down his throat. He used his tongue as he pulled back, and then deep throated my cock. He was damned good. I let him suck for a minute, and then stepped back.


"What's your name boy?"

"Amid Master."


Alban ran over to me. All he had on was his G.

"Where's your pants and shirt boy?"

"Master I take off to be more like young new slaves."

"Well take off your G. Give to Amid here. He can wear your pants and shirt. Give him your shoes too."

"Take him to the house and put some salve in his sore parts. Then wait in the den for me."

"Yes Master. Come on Amid."

"Okay, sort the rest out. Get them fed and into barracks."

As I walked toward the door I called Koki. He bounded over to me. At least he had his pants and shirt on.

"It's really cold out Master."

I looked at the diminutive boy. He was neither dressed or built to handle the cold. I pulled off my Sheep skin overcoat and put it on Koki.

"Master you will get cold."

I'll be fine boy.

Outside we jumped into the ATV. The ATV's were really good in most winter conditions. But the small engine in ATV took a long time to warm up. It was close to zero outside with a strong NW wind. Not waiting for it to warm I drove to the Juvenile Barracks. I left the ATV running as we went inside. Koki went right to one of the stoves to warm up.

I walked down the full length of the barracks just looking at the boys. All they had on per instructions was the G-String underwear. Most looked pretty good in them. I knew there would be no virgin boys in here. Simple they had come through the Juvenile System. More than likely if they hadn't been fucked on the street they were once in cells. Either by the guards or their fellow inmates.

I had the guards move all the boys to the end so I didn't have to yell. I gave them the basic rules. Told them I would be back in the morning.

"Would Jimmy Watson please come up here."

A young man not much bigger than Koki walked up to me. Tears were streaming down his face.

"You are going to kill me." He blubbered.


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Next: Chapter 11

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