Grand Father

Published on Apr 17, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.



"Not a bad lot Sam."

"Yes Master. They were taken less than two weeks ago."

"Well let's go see what my boys have for us."

Sam quickly downed the beer I had bought him and stood waiting.

Sam was my number one boy. I had had him for almost 15 years now. He was excellent in controlling slaves and was good in bed too. Standing just over 6 foot tall and weighing close to 200 lbs, it was all muscle. Including that 11 inch snake hidden in the G he was wearing.

Slaves had to be covered inside cities.

The South had won the second Civil War and slavery was the norm all over the US. Here in Oregon I ran the largest Timber operation in the State. I owned it all and had almost 2000 slaves working for me.

Sam followed me as I headed for the slave pens. These Slaves had come from South Africa. They had been loaded at Cape Town and unloaded onto trains at Richmond. The fast freight had delivered these slaves just two short weeks after they were loaded in South Africa.

"Well Peter. How did you do?"

Peter was my partner and Senior White at the Camp.

"Very Good Alvin, even some I'm sure you will enjoy."

I walked to the entrance to pens. Most Slave Owners would leave it up to their overseers to select, register and transport their slaves. I preferred to look at mine close up. Sam followed me as I entered the pen.

The first thing you noticed was the smell of a hundred unwashed bodies. To others it was a stench. To me it was like the first sniff of fine wine and if I had not had very tight underwear on everyone would have seen my very hard cock.

None of the slaves moved as I moved among them. Sam kept a close watch as I fingered balls or rolled back foreskins and ran my hands over their sweaty bodies. There were a fair number of well endowed men, plus a few average and some even small. All would work out one way or another. I made my way over to the pen of the Teens.

One was outstanding. 5 foot 3 inches, about 140 lbs. His body was like it had been polished.

"He's very nice Sam. Have him moved to my coach."

"Yes Master."

Finishing my inspection, I ordered them registered and Washed and loaded on transports. It was a long 4 hour drive to my main Camp.

I sat and sipped ice cold beer while we waited. The young man I had picked out was ushered aboard my coach. He looked even better now that he was washed.

"How old are you boy and why were you sold?"

"I am 18 standard Master and was a rent boy. I refused a customer request. He ordered me hanged, but my Master sold me instead."

"Well you ever refuse a request from me and you won't sit for a month."

"I will never disobey you Master."

"Good. Now come over here and undress me. You can suck me off."

He was a very good cocksucker and even though he choked on my cock when I unloaded into his mouth, he never missed a drop. He licked my cock clean when he was done and stood back.

"You taste very good Master." He said.

I noticed his 7 inch cock was rock hard and the shinny tip was covered in precumm.

"Step closer boy."

When he did I grabbed the cheeks of his firm ass and pulled him into my mouth.

"NO MASTER!" He screamed.

I ignored his plea and sucked his cock right to the base. He howled as he came. A good sweet load. As I sat back he stood in front of me and cried.

"Are you alright Boy? Did I hurt you?"

"Master is going to kill me now."

Why on earth would I kill you?"

"A slave must never on point of death let his stuff in Masters mouth."

I burst out laughing a long with Sam.

"Never fear boy. I won't kill you because you cumm in my mouth. I love the taste of black boy semen. I'll be sucking that fine cock many more times. Now I need some sleep. On the bed boy."

He lay down and I cuddled up next to him. His body still trembled. I wrapped a hand around his cock and drifted off to sleep.

A touch on my shoulder brought me instantly awake. AS I rolled to a sitting position the boy dropped between my legs. He knew without asking what to do. Another good mark for him. After draining me I stepped into the refresher on my bus. The boy waited until I was done before drying me off.

"Sam, get a pair of shorts for him. What's your name boy?"

"Jason Master."

"Well Jason, you stay with Sam. He'll show you what I expect."

I put Jason out of my mind as I stepped down off the bus. I walked to the short podium and stood waiting for my new slaves to be unloaded. After they were lined up in straight lines I addressed them.

"Welcome to your new home for the rest of your lives. The work here is not overly hard and if you apply yourselves rewards come faster. Some of you will never accept what you now are. That is a Slave. My Slave to do with as I please."

"English is the only language spoken here. If you don't know it, you must learn it fast. Most rules are posted on the boards outside your barracks. There are three rules I will enforce to the letter."

"Run from here and you will brought back and hanged. Weather it is by a rope or wire is up to me."

"Rape another slave. There are no women here for you to use. You can use each other to satisfy yourselves, but if you force yourself on another you will be castrated."

"Refuse an order from any of my overseers and you will be strapped. I don't use a whip here but you will never forget or disobey again."

"You will work a six day week, twelve hours a day and you will be paid one dollar a day. This will give you money to spend at the Slave Store. There you can buy extra amenities."

"All slaves go nude here except in winter. You will all shower and groom yourselves at least once per day. Failure to do so means you will be punished."

"Accept what you are and we will get along just fine."

"Sort them out Jimmy."

"Yes Master."

I turned and headed for my house. Sam and Jason followed.

A house boy came out with a cold beer as I sat down in one of the many chairs on the wide deck.

"Thank you Boy." The boy scurried back into the house. Peter joined us on the deck.

"Well they look good, but I'm sure we will get some runners."

"Well object lessons work."

"I suppose, but I'm not sure getting untrained slaves is the way to go. We have no control over who or what we will get."

"Saved us nearly 20 grand this way and they'll learn quickly."

The same boy ran out and handed Peter a beer. He stood waiting.

"I'll see you later Danny." Peter said.

"Yes Master." The boy smiled.

"Keep the teen boys separate until they have been tested. After that we can decide if we want to sell them or keep them." I said.

"Well there are as few I might like." Peter said.

Peter, like me considered all nigger slaves to be nothing more than objects to be used. When they became useless at either working or pleasure were simply put down and another picked to take their place. Some like Sam were granted their freedom. However there were very few that gained that much trust.

"Sam, take Jason and show him where he will be stationed. Also show him how to clean himself out. Then he won't be eating his own shit after I fuck him."

"Yes Master. Come along Jason."

"So going to keep him around for a while?"

"He's a good cocksucker. I'll find out what his ass is like tonight. He's not as young as Danny, but might work out. Said he was a rent boy so should know what I expect."

Danny had been bought at Auction in Seattle. Peter had paid almost 500 new dollars for him. He had taken his virgin ass when he was just 15. The age of consent in the New Union was 16, but for slaves those rules didn't apply.

Peter had had Danny for a year now. They got along very good. Peters thick cut cock had a lot to do with it.

A very small Asian boy came out to the deck.

"Dinner is ready Masters."

"We'll be in, in a bit boy." He almost ran back into the house.

"You fucked any of the kitchen boys yet Peter?"

"They belong to the Chef."

"And the Chef belongs to me. They are all legal's."

Peter and I enjoyed a quiet dinner.

We both went different ways after dinner. I went to my office to review my operation. Sitting and thinking I could not fathom a world without slave labor. I had been born after the war was over so didn't know much about the world before that.

If you weren't white in the US, then you were either a visitor or a slave.

MY Father and Grand Father had built the Grand Forestry and Paper Corporation. I had inherited it from my Father. Now it was the largest operation of its type in the West and possibly the whole US.

Everything was running smoothly except the Log Line into the mill and I knew what the problem was. I thought it would settle down , but knew now I'd have to fix it. That would wait until tomorrow.

I got up and headed out onto the deck. It was still quite warm even up here in the mountains. I could see several slaves down by their barracks out enjoying the evening air. I hadn't visited their barracks in a while and made a mental note to remedy that. Might find a good buck to ream my ass.

I loved the feel of a big black cock plowing my ass. Other Slave owners would never accept a black cock inside them, even if they fucked their slaves.

"Do you wish anything Master?"

I turned at the question. One of the Kitchen slaves stood near. I could tell he was a kitchen slave by the shift he wore. It was like a long t-shirt coming down to mid thigh. He was very cute.

"Come closer boy." I sat down in one of the deep leather chairs. He came and stood between my legs.

His eyes got real big as I slid a hand up under his shift and gripped his balls then cock. I could feel it harden in my hand.

"Take your shift off boy." He slipped it over his head.

Damn, he was very well toned. Not overly so, but smooth without a blemish.

"You are very good looking boy. What's your name?"

"Mewa Master."

I stood up and pushed my jeans and underwear down. Then sat down again.

"Come up here boy."

He seemed to know exactly what I wanted. He climbed on my lower body, lifted up and used one hand to aim my cock at his hole. The slowly sat down on my cock. A look of real pain crossed his face as my thick cock punched its way into his tight hole. Once I was fully inside him he put one leg on either side and started to bounce on my cock.

His eyes rolled back and he made almost purring sounds as he fucked himself on my cock. The feeling of his smooth insides were like nigger boy asses, smooth and elastic.

"He knew when I was ready to cumm and sat down hard on my cock, grinding his ass on my cock. He growled as my load filled his colon. He grabbed his shift as he lifted off, shoving it into his open hole. Then bent down and sucked my cock clean.

"Thank you Master for your gift."

"Sam." He was never far away.

"Yes Master."

"Take Mewa down and show him how to clean himself out. He can join Jason as one of my bedroom boys."

"Yes Master. Come along Mewa."

Mewa had put a burr under my saddle. Why had he thanked me for fucking him? I pulled up my jeans and headed back inside my office. I brought up the security cameras for the kitchen. I watched for about an hour. From the looks of things the Chef was a very brutal man. He punched and hit the young Asian boys for almost nothing. I noticed that he didn't strike them anywhere that would be visible. Needing more answers I headed for my bed chamber.

Jason jumped to his feet as I walked in.

"Where is Mewa?"

"In the refresher Master."

I walked into the refresher. Mewa was in the shower his back to me. I could see sharp lines criss crossing his back and buttocks. As he stepped out of the shower he saw me and stopped in his tracks.

"Where did you get those marks on your back Mewa?"

"It's okay Master."

"It's not okay. Where did you get them boy?"

"I broke a plate Master and the chef punished me."

"No one gets punished like that." Whipped out my phone and called my Doctor.

I ordered him to my bedroom.

I then ordered two of my Security guards to the chef's quarters.

When the Doctor arrived I told him to take care of Mewa and I would see him later. Then headed for the chef's quarters.

I just walked in, followed by the two security men. The chef had another Asian boy tied to his bed. The boy was gagged and from the looks of his back had been whipped repeatedly.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled.

"I am punishing this boy because he screwed up."

"Not that way you asshole." I grabbed the riding crop he had been using and slashed him across his bare chest.

"You can't do that. I am protected Chinese Citizen."

"Like hell you are. Put him in chains and throw him in a cell."

He squealed like a pig as the Security dragged him out of his quarters. I turned to the boy on the bed. He was obviously in a lot of pain. Again I called my Doctor and told him about this boy. He said he would have both moved the Infirmary.

"Might have a few more. I'm going to check the other Asian Kitchen boys."

I headed for the Staff Barracks. The kitchen boys had their own cubicle. They had to be up early so they had their own bedroom. I noticed several staff using niggers for their enjoyment. That was allowed.

Forgetting the Asians, I went into the Woman's barracks. There were woman in camp, but they were almost all breeders. Unlike other places, I didn't use artificial means to get women pregnant. I used impregnating females as a reward for some of the Blacks. All in here were nude like the males. Only clothes were issued in Winter.

Anna the cook for the camp was another free person. After freeing her she had decided to work for me instead of moving.

"Anna, got a minute?" She was the only one dressed in the barracks.

"Sure Alvin. What's on your mind?"

"I need a replacement for the Chef."

"Bout time Alvin. You know he beats the kitchen boys."

"Yes and that's why I am replacing him."

"Halley good cook. Almost as good as me."

"Okay. Have her take over my kitchen."

"Okay Boss." She stepped closer to me and reached out and gripped my cock in my jeans.

"Sure would like this Boss."

"Yeah, but I'm into boys Anna."

"One can dream." She laughed and headed into the barracks.

She would never change. I headed back to the staff barracks and walked into the kitchen boy's room. They all jumped to their feet.

"Relax boys. I just want to talk to you. I need you to tell me the truth."

"Okay Master."

"Was the Chef beating you boys too?"

"No Master. He only beat Mewa and Jimmy. China Man doesn't like Thai boys."

"You are not Thai then?"

"No Master. Ifdal and I are from Indonesia. Toto and Izu are Japanese."

It was then I noticed that the Japanese boys were quite a bit bigger than the others. Bigger cocks as well.

"Master, China man never use us either. Can we use black boys?"

Well that explained why Mewa thanked me.

"When you finish your kitchen duties each day one of you will come to my bed chamber. Decide who among yourselves. "Toto, you can go there now."

"Oh yes Master."

The other boys had big grins on their faces. They might not be after taking my cock down their throats or up their tight asses. I turned and left.

I then headed for Peter's office.

Randy was bouncing on Peter's cock when I walked in.

"Sorry Peter."

Randy never missed a beat.

"No problem. What's up?"

"How many are awaiting punishment?"

"Two only. Both are going to be hanged. They killed a boy."

There may be a third. I replaced the Chef. He was beating boys for his own enjoyment."

"I'll rig a third noose."

"Good. See you in the morning." I left Peter and Randy to enjoy.

I had a fantastic night with both boys in my bed. Jason was definitely experienced and Toto although he screamed when I rammed my cock into his tight hole was mewing like a kitten before I blew inside him.

Only Jason was in my bed when I woke up.

I had enjoyed sucking Jason's cock, but wanted it bigger and decided he would be enhanced. The drugs used had been developed for just that to use on Niggers only. However now anyone could get enhanced and a lot of White Masters did just that. I was lucky I guess, my 8 inch cock was quite big enough for me.

"Peter reported that three slaves had run during the night. He said they'd all be in the bag before lunch.

What slaves didn't know was the chain with their number that had been soldered around their necks had a homing beacon in it. It would lead the search teams right to them. I told Peter to postpone the hangings until the following day in the morning before work shift started.

I went to my office with Jason in tow.

I called the Slave Directorate in Seattle. First question was why or was the Chinaman protected. The answer was not unless he was under written contract to me. Well that settled that, I hadn't signed that contract yet. I'd hang him along with the rest.

Then I ordered another 200 untrained slaves, with at least half being under 18. Younger slaves were easier to train and could also be sold at auction. I could make back my investment. I sent by money transfer the needed 60 grand deposit. Hung up and sat back.

"Come on boy. Time for you to get enhanced."

"What is enhanced Master?"

"Going to make your cock bigger and longer and make your balls make more sperm."

"Does it hurt Master?"

"Only a little bit." I lied.

It was a falsehood that Nigger cocks were bigger than whites. Most were average. There were exceptions. I had niggers here that had monster sized cocks, but most were like whites. The enhancement drugs were first developed to make slaves stronger. Later they were modified to make them produce more sperm. The logical step after was to make their sex organs bigger.

The one being enhanced was strapped to a bed. Needles were placed in his balls, prostrate and at the base of his cock. Different drugs were used in each. The needles remained in each organ throughout the whole process. It became very painful after a couple of days and the slave was put to sleep. After all the needles were connected to bags of drugs, a vacuum tube was placed over the cock. This vacuum stretched and pulled at the cock. Whenever the slave ejaculated his sperm was sucked off, tested and frozen for later use or sale to other slave owners. All the sperm I collected was sold.

It took on average 10 days to enhance a slave.

I left Jason with the Doctor.

I headed for the log line. There was a slave who refused to follow instructions and sometimes refused to work. He'd either work or die. I didn't care which at this point. He was a disruption and could breed revolt.

I told one of my overseers to grab him and put him in shackles and bring him to my office. I said I would be there in a while.

I headed for the barracks. There were four barracks for the male slaves and a smaller one for staff and women. The huge mess hall was in the center.

I walked into the nearest barracks. A slave was working just inside. When he saw me he stopped and waited.

The first thing I noticed was he was shaved all over including his head. I wondered whose boy he was. No matter, they were all mine.

"What's your name boy?"

"Jubal Master. I am in charge of this barracks Master."

"You are very good looking Jubal."

"Dose Master want something?"

"Yes I do." I stepped closer and gripped his balls, rolling them in my hand. Then I gripped his cock, pulling back the foreskin. He had a lighter heart shaped head with a large piss slit. I could feel his cock getting hard.

"Very nice Jubal. Very nice."

Using his cock as a handle I pulled him into the guards room and closed the door. Then I led him to the bed and sat down.

"Jubal, I'm going to suck you off. When I start sucking I want you to put both hands on my head and ram your cock into my mouth and throat. When you start to cumm I want you to ram your cock deep in my throat and hold it there until you finish cumming. Do you understand Boy?"

"I do not want to hurt you Master."

"If you don't do as I say Jubal, I might cut off those nice balls and feed them to you."

"I will do as Master asked."

He stepped closer to me and I opened my mouth and let his cock slide across my tongue and into my throat. God I loved these cocks, so smooth and almost silky feeling. As I bottomed out I felt his hands on my head. Then using my head to hold onto started to fuck my face. He wasn't gentle and rammed his cock into my mouth with each stroke. He used his hips to thrust in and out of my mouth almost like a piston. I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him into me. That made him ram harder. I loved it but was fast running out of air. After barely a couple of minutes I felt the head of his cock swelling.

"Master!" He yelled and held his cock still in my throat. The first thick shot caused me to gag, but then I swallowed. I could feel his cock being pulled deeper as I swallowed his thick sweet sperm. He finally pulled back. I sucked and licked his cock clean.

"Thank you Jubal. I really enjoyed that. Might be back to do it again."

"Will Master fuck me now?"

"Maybe after lunch Jubal."

"Carry on Jubal." I got up, adjusted myself and left Jubal.

When I walked into my office I was confronted by the biggest Nigger I had ever seen. He had to be at least 6 foot 8 and weigh over 240 lbs of pure muscle. When I walked around front his cock matched his size hanging almost half way down his muscled thighs. His huge balls pushed it forward. God it would be a waste to put this nigger down.

"Remove the neck shackle. Leave the rest."

The neck shackle kept him slightly bent over. Once it was removed he could stand straight. I estimate of his height was off a little.

"You three can leave us and close the door."

I set a pain inducer on my desk. He noticed too.

"What am I going to do with you boy?"

"I don't understand." He said.

"That is you don't understand Master."

"I am not a slave. I am a freeman. My Father is Chief. I was not supposed to be taken by the Slavers."

"Well you were taken and I bought you. So now you belong to me. I can do anything I wish with you."

He just stood looking at me.

I picked up the pain inducer. It was a thick rod about two feet long. One end had two prongs about 3 inches apart. The other end had a sliding control that could put up to 25,000 volts into the prongs. It was like an old fashioned cattle prod.

"You know what this can do boy?"

He just nodded his head.

I adjusted the inducer to 5,000 volts, stepped up to him, slid the prongs up until the rested on his balls and pushed the button.

The bellow he emitted could probably be heard all over the camp.

"You will address me properly or I'll set this on 25,000 volts." He watched as I adjusted the Inducer.

He had a look of defiance in his eyes. I lifted the Inducer up.

"Please no...........Master"

I shut the Inducer off.

"Was that so difficult?"

He just stood for a moment, then licked his lips.

"No Master."

"If you ever defy me again I will have you tied down and I will fry your balls until they are useless and then have them cut off. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

I set the Inducer on my desk and then walked up to him. I reached out and grabbed his cock. I doubted very much that even soft I could not get more than a few inches in my mouth. I could feel it start to get hard and jacked him. Hard he was very close to 14 inches and so thick I could close my hand around his cock. The head of his cock was the size of a large plumb. I figured I might get the head and an inch or more in my mouth.

"Do you like what I am doing boy?"

"Yes Master."

"What is your name?"

"Henry Master."

"If I release you Henry, will you do everything I ask without question? Failure to do as I ask will get you castrated."

"I will do as you ask Master."

"GUARDS!" They came in the door.

"Release him."

"Are you sure Sir?"

They didn't wait for an answer, just removed the shackles and stood back.

"Leave us." Shrugging they both left and closed the door again. Henry stood rubbing his wrists.

Now I would see.

"Get on your knees, pull out my cock and suck me off Henry."

He did exactly as I asked him. What surprised me was he smiled before he took my cock in his mouth and right to my pubes. He proved to be a good cocksucker and I vowed I'd suck him off just to prove I could. When he got me off he cleaned my cock and stood back. His cock was rock hard.

"You enjoyed that Henry?"

"Yes Master. Will Master fuck me now?"

"Not now Henry." I called the guards back.

"Take him back to the log line. If he refuses any order given him, have him taken to the clinic and castrated."

"Yes Sir. Come on boy."

They left.

With Peter out of camp rounding up the runners, I called the kitchen and told them I'd have lunch in my office. It was delivered by Izu, one of the Japanese boys.

I noticed from his record that he and Toto had volunteered to come to the US even knowing they would be enslaved. I wondered why?

"Why did you boys volunteer to come here?"

"Master there is no work in Japan and hundreds of street boys. It is better to be a slave than starve."

"So who was picked for tonight"

"I am Master. Master it has been long time since the last time. China man never use us."

"Well I'll be gentle Izu." I lied.

From his expression he knew I wasn't telling the truth. I'm sure the other Asian boys knew it too.

"I'll see you later Izu."

"Yes Master."

My first visitor after lunch was my Doctor.

"Those two Thai boys can go back to work. The muscles will heal with a little exercise. Not sure how the mind will do."

"You need to talk to the Teen boys. All of them are scared shitless with what happened to the other one. There are no other virgins in the lot. All are free of any diseases."

"Jason I put to sleep. It's a lot easier if he doesn't move around and he won't feel any pain."

"Good, you can accompany me to the logging camp. Meet me at the Teens barracks."

"Okay Sir."

When I entered the boys barracks, all of them jumped to their feet. I knew almost all of these young slaves were still minors in the eyes of the Slave Directorate. That means under 17. Only one was legal.

"Which one of you is Luke?"

"I am Luke Master."

The young slave that stepped forward was not bad to look at. He was about 5 foot 9 inches, I'd say close to 140 lbs. He had a definite muscle tone to his body, but overall he was skinny. Good food and exercise and he'd look better. He was hung a little above average and looked like he was cut.

He never moved as I walked around him, running my hands over his smooth body. When I ran my fingers up the crack of his ass his body pushed back on my fingers. So this boy liked his ass played with. I wondered if he liked to get fucked too.

I knew already none of the boys in here were virgins, but I wondered how many were Gay. Well I'd find out eventually and it really didn't matter one way or the other.

"Did you use the refresher this morning Luke?" He knew just from his change of expression why I asked the question.

"Yes Master."

"Good, I'm going to move you to the house. You will be part of my household staff."

"Come along boy." I turned and headed outside.

The Loud "SMACK" of a heavy belt hitting flesh greeted us. I walked around the end of the building. A slave was spread eagle on whipping posts. One of my overseers was swinging the belt. Another stood close by, a heavy belt in his hands.

"What did he do?"

"It's not what he did Master. It's what he wouldn't do. He was being lazy Master and slowing down the feeder."

All my overseers were black trustees.

"Very well."

The slave hardly grunted with each slash across his ass. WE stood and watched it. When he had received 20 strokes on his ass, the other overseer moved to his front. A scream of pain accompanied the first slash across his front. That first one hit his cock. The screams continued as he received 20 strokes across his front from the thighs to his belly button. A few even connected with his balls.

"He'll probably be ruptured after this." My Doctor said.

"Come along boy." I headed for my house. The Doctor followed. The slave being punished forgotten.

When I got up to the house, a large 6X6 crew cab was sitting. I could see several slaves under the canvas in the back of the truck.

"How many this week?"

"Eight Sir. Two replacements and six injured."

"Very well. Into the back seat boy."

Luke climbed into the back of the crew cab. A security guard got in on either side of him. The Doctor climbed in the passenger seat and I jumped behind the wheel. All vehicles were electric and there was hardly a sound as I drove off.

The one hour drive to the logging camp was pretty uneventful. WE saw several loaded trucks heading for the mill and we followed an empty truck with one behind us all the way. I pulled into a pullout at the camp. The trucks carried on the loading area. An overseer and a young black male were waiting for us.

The eight niggers in back were taken in hand by the overseer. The Black boy stood and waited. The Doctor headed to clinic.

"How was your week Stanley?"

"It was okay Master. Them black boys sure are horny lots Master."

"This is Luke. He's your replacement. Take him and show him his duties and explain exactly what he will be doing."

"Yes Master. Come along Luke. I show you."

A small 4x4 ATV pulled up, driven by a slave. I climbed in the passenger side. The smell of his sweat covered body assailed my nose and I was instantly hard. Why I loved how they smelled was beyond me.

"Where to Master?"

"Loading area first, then the tree line."

Working at the logging camp was the most dangerous of all my operations. I lost on average 6 slaves a week up here. To be a trustee like the boy driving the ATV ensured he wouldn't be hurt. WE stopped and watched the loading of several haulers. Here everything was done by machinery. The only hand work was chaining the loads.

The only concession allowed up here were boots and G-strings to cover their ample baskets.

"How old are you boy?"

"Nineteen Master."

"Head for the tree line."

As he drove I looked around at the operation. We came to a pull off with a slave splitting wood.

"Pull in there."

He stopped and I got out.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Hanson. He's 19 like me Master."


He turned and saw me, dropped his axe and trotted over to me.

"Yes Master."

The sweat was running off him. The G he had on was soaked right through. His cock was very visible inside. I stepped closer to him and ran my hand over his chest. The muscles were very firm from hard work. I slid my hand inside the G and gripped his cock. I could feel the blood start to fill it.

"Hanson, I'm going to suck you off. When I do I want you to put both hands on my head and face fuck me. When you ready to cumm I want you to force your cock into my throat and cumm."

"Yes Master."

AS I knelt down I pulled his sweaty G down. God I'd love to have this boy in my bed right now. I'd be able to suck those sweaty balls and rim his firm ass.

Fuck it I thought. I stood up.

"Pull your G up boy and get in back of the ATV."

Take me to the house." I said after Hanson was in.

"Yes Master."

My house at the Logging camp was a double wide trailer, with large living room, bedroom, kitchen and refresher. I led both boys inside.

I told Hanson to remove his G and boots and lay on his back on the couch.

"Pull your legs back boy."

As soon as he did, I had his sweaty balls in my mouth. They were too big to do both at once, so sucked and licked one at a time. I pushed his legs back further and dove into the crack of his ass with my tongue. His moans got louder as I rimmed his sweaty ass.

"Master I'm getting close."

I rocked back on my heels. In almost a fluid motion he rolled up, stood and rammed his cock into my mouth. He only made 4 or 5 strokes before he just held his cock deep in my throat. I could feel the sperm being pumped out of his cock and I momentarily gagged, then swallowed. As I swallowed his cock was pulled deeper. He held me on his cock for about a minute before pulling back out. I sucked and licked his cock clean.

"Was I okay Master."

"More than okay Hanson. You will be coming back with me to be one of my house boys."

"Oh thank you Master." He was almost in tears.

I turned to the driver and pulled down the G. I just took his cock straight into my mouth. I noticed right off that almost 2 inches of his cock was not in my mouth when he bottomed out deep in my throat. That didn't faze him. He started to ream my mouth and throat with his cock. He was way longer than Hanson, but not as thick and his cock slid easy into me. He would fuck my face hard for a couple of minutes then pull back and stop. It allowed me a few breathes before he started again. It went on like this for almost ten minutes before he just held me deep. The throbbing of his cock signaled his cumm coming.

AS I swallowed his cumm I watched as the last two inches was pulled into my throat and into my gullet. There was acute pain when his cock entered my gullet, but I was so surprised I just ignored it. It was a chore pulling off his cock and then noticed the pain.

I had to steady myself as I gulped down air.

"Are you okay Master? Did I hurt you Master?" The boy asked.

"More than okay. You too will be coming to my house."

I had always wondered what it would feel like to take a cock into my gullet. I'm sure his cock got almost to my vocal cords. With enhancement I might get him in further. Having him at the house would save him and Hanson from injury up here and both boys cocks were worth saving.

"What's your name?"

"Alex Master."

"Well Alex, you and Hanson will be staying with me to night. Maybe I'll get you to fuck me later. Now both go use the refresher."


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