Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 25, 2001


Last time on Chapter 7 of Grand Central High....


Jessica's point of view....

I've been such a bitch. I don't deserve to have these friends, if they even consider me friends. Here I am, worrying about where Justin was, and I bet I didn't even sound worried or even a slight bit scared for him. And now, now the gun's fired. I don't know who shot, I don't know if anyone's hurt, and I'm more worried about getting out of this school, more worried about getting myself to safety. I really don't deserve all these friends, I need to fix this.

Chris's point of view....

Oh my god! I feel so bad for Josh, he's standing there with a confused look on his face. I haven't been able to read him all day, and now, now he's just lost. I don't think he really comprehends what is going down. His boyfriend is in the room that gun shots just went off in. Two, which could mean something good, they could have shot him. Or it could be bad, he could have shot two people. I hope Justin's okay, I don't know how Josh would handle it. He just met the kid, and he's head over heels. But Josh get's like that. He gets to emotionally involved in something. I just hope, I hope for everyone that Justin is okay.

Christina's point of view....

This is bad, this is really bad. I never should have left. I could have stayed, I shouldn't have left. I should have let some one else go. I don't deserve to be the one he let go. The only one he let free without any questions. What if Justin just got shot, what if I could have been with him? I'm a horrible friend, I hope he's okay. I'm sorry, I'm so stupid I never should have left.

Nick's point of view....

I should really be worried about Justin, I know Lance is. I can see it in his eyes. But I'm just so happy. Lance is actually returning love, not lust. He gave me the same stares I gave him only seconds ago. Well, he stopped when he heard the gun shots. But, here I am, still so happy that Lance returns my feelings now. Although I am worried for Justin, I can see the fear in Josh's eyes. I feel bad for him, I really do.

Joey's point of view....

I shouldn't have been fighting with Josh. I should have just dropped it. If he was scared in that classroom, he's even worse now. He's pounding at the auditorium door, and we still don't know what is going on. I've been friends with him since elementary school, and he's so hard to read. I don't think he was ever bisexual. I always think he was looking for the right guy. He seems to think it's Justin. And he's sure as hell showing it now. He's gonna bust through this door. And what the fuck is taking them so long to tell us what happened?

Britney's point of view....

I don't know what's going on. We're huddled together right now, me, Chrissy and Jessica that is. I'm worried, I'm scared, I just want to go home. For the first time in 8 years, I've felt like I was a little kid.Joey and Chris are too busy containing Josh to even notice us, and Lance is with Nick. I'm not jealous, not jealous. Yes I am, I should be happy, I am, I'm happy for the two of them. But right now, I just want one of my guy friend's to hold me. I want strong arms, not shaking ones from my girlfriends who are just as scared as me. I need something comforting, and these aren't it.

Josh's point of view....

He's dead. He's dead. No he's not. Yes he is. No he's not. What if he is? What am I going to do? I'm scared, I'm scared. I never get scared. I never get scared. He's so cute. He's so handsome, so defined, so muscular, so, so, so mine. I like that, he is mine. What if he's gone though? He'd still be mine, I'd still think of him. But, but, no, don't think about it. He isn't dead. He's fine, they probably shot Sean. The police, that's it. The police are here, they shot him. I'm sure of it, they shot Sean. Everything is okay. So then why haven't they opened the doors? They're probably taking care of Sean first. I wanna see Justin. I don't care, I need to hold him, to let him know everything's okay. I need him to be okay, I need to be okay. Joey and Chris won't get the fuck off me. Christina and Britney are crying, more like sobbing into each other, and Jessica, for once she's human. She's crying too. I can't see Nick, I can't see Lance. Fuckers. They're making out, they're making out. Assholes, I can't even hold my boyfriend right now and they are making the fuck out. No, I can't be mad at them, they need each other. But, I need Justin, he needs me. We'll have each other, we really will. I know we will, I know we will.

Justin's point of view....

The shots just went off. The shots just went off. They hit him, and he hit me. But I'm fine, it doesn't hurt. Yes it does, who the hell am I kidding, my arm hurts like a bitch. I want Josh, I want Josh.

"Are you okay?" Someone's talking to me. I can't really see them. I can't really look up at them, I want to answer, but I can't. I just want Josh.

"Son, you okay?

"fine." I answered back, I answered. Did he hear me? Did he hear me?

"What's your name?" Why can't he just leave me alone?


"Justin what son? I need to know your last name." He won't leave me alone, I just wanna relax.

"Timberlake." I reply again, I just want him to leave me alone. I just wanna sleep, see Josh. I wanna sleep with Josh. Not like that, but it would be nice, if he could hold me and please me. Right now I just want him to hold me though, I just wanna be in his arms.

"Alright, we're gonna get you to the hospital Justin. Anyone you want us to call?"

"Josh..." I can't even say his full name. They aren't going to know who it is. "Chasez." There I said it, I got it out. They have to find him, I need him.

Josh's point of view....

They're opening the doors, they are opening the doors, from the stage. They're sneaking in with out us getting out.

"Everyone, please, please calm down." At least it isn't Mr. Pearlman, he wouldn't know how to handle this situation. I'm happy that it's Ms. Fatima. "The situation is over. We have two students down, including the gunman. I need to speak to Joshua Chasez though."

She just said my name. She just said my name. It's Justin, he's the other student, he's dead.

Josh took off for a run to the stage, and his friends followed. He was surprised to see more then just the friends that followed him though. When he got there, he found his brother, sister, Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Howie all waiting there.

"I'm Josh."

"Josh, a Justin Timberlake wanted us to find you quickly. He was shot."

"Is he okay? Please say he's okay." Josh was practically begging for an answer.

"He's fine, he was shot in the arm though. He wants you, you have to hurry, they're taking him to the hospital. The rest of you will have to follow in cars if you have them." Fatima answered the question, and took all of them out of the auditorium.

"Justin!" Josh practically exploded when he saw Justin, and Justin's arm wrapped with a now red shirt. "I love you Justin."

"mhmhm." Justin mumbled, keeping his eyes shut as Josh rubbed his uninjured arm.

"Guys, follow me. Lance, here's my keys." Josh threw the keys backwards and rushed out of the building.

"How is he?" The large group rushed into the hospital quickly, running straight to where they saw Josh standing.

"He's getting bandaged up, he'll be fine." Josh replied, looking at his friends. "Why'd you all come? I mean, no offense, but I don't think he's going to want to be mobbed by all of you just to see how he is." Josh looked at them with concern.

He searched all of them, looking at all the friends in the room. He knew that Britney, Lance, Nick, Christina, Joey, and Chris should have been there. Kevin and Brian really had no reason to be there, after how they had treated Justin only days earlier. Jessica was an indifference her being there was a surprise, but Josh didn't really mind. But Justin didn't even know Howie and AJ, Josh vaguely remember introducing them to Justin at the party, but he didn't think they should have been there.

"We're here to see how you are Josh." AJ looked at him with friendly eyes, having almost read Josh's mind of what he had been thinking.

"I'm fine, I'm holding up, I mean Justin will be fine. It's just his arm, and they said it wasn't even a bad shot. He's gonna get stitched up and they're gonna bandage it, but that's it. And he can go home and everything, just as long as he doesn't do any lifting or anything with his right arm, the one he got shot on." Josh explained.

"Well, we all came in different cars, so I guess some of us can leave." AJ looked around. "I'll drive me, Howie, Bri, Kev, and Nick home if that's cool."

"Alright, we'll see you guys later." Nick waved, getting a good bye kiss from Lance before the five were gone out of those halls.

"So, um, how long is it going to take?" Britney asked hesitantly. "I mean, when can we leave."

"I don't know, they said not much longer. I called Justin's mom though, and she said she would meet me at Justin's house. I don't know if I'm going home tonight though. I want to stay with him as long as he wants me there." Josh explained. "You all should probably just go home, I mean, I'm sure one of you drove."

"I drove my van, I can take everyone home." Jessica offered.

"Really, you'd let us drive with you?' Joey asked with fake happiness.

"Seriously, I would, now come on big boy, or do I have to lure you with some burgers and fries?" Jessica teased, and surprisngly it wasn't her usual bitchy attitude, but a more laid back attitude.

"We're coming girl." Joey smiled and followed his friends out of the hospital.

"Why are they leaving? Don't they like me?" Justin asked with a smile on his face as he was wheeled out of the room.

"How come your in that?" Josh asked confused, looking at the nurse behind Justin first and then Justin.

"Because they made me." Justin replied. "Didn't anyone come and visit besides them? Like my mom?" Justin asked hopefully.

"She's gonna meet us at your house. Come on." Josh helped Justin out of his wheelchair and the walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

"Justin, oh my god! My baby." Lynn Harless rushed of her house, and pulled Justin into a hug, being careful not to hit his arm. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine mom. It still hurts, but I'm fine. I'll be fine." Justin replied.

"Good, I'm glad. Now come on, I want you to get some rest, a nap." Lynn pulled him into the house, as Josh followed behind. "Go upstairs and sleep. Josh, why don't you go with him?" Lynn looked at Josh thoughtfully, and Josh smiled and shook his head.

Justin started up the steps and Josh started to follow but was stopped shortly. "Thanks for being there Josh. I don't know what I would have done if Justin had to go to the hospital by himself. Thank you." Lynn left Josh with that and let him follow her son up the steps and towards Justin's bedroom.

"Are you sure your fine? You don't want any water or food? Anything?" Josh asked as he watched Justin lay down under his covers.

"I could use you in this bed with me. You help me sleep a lot better." Justin smiled and Josh slid into the bed with him. "I was really scared today." Justin started conversation with Josh.

"I know, I wish I was there, I wish it was me who was there, I wish it wasn't you." Josh kissed him on the forehead.

"I, I just wanted to crawl out the door. I wanted to be so far out of there." Justin was beginning to cry, but Josh holding him tightly was comforting him quite well. "I needed some one there for me, I wanted you there."

"I wish I was there baby, I wish I was there to hold you, I'm sorry, I wasn't. You're okay now though, you don't even have to think about again, just remember that I love you, I'm here for me." Josh kissed Justin again on the forehead.

"I love you too." Justin replied, snuggling tightly to his body.


Sorry this is so short. I know that it should have been longer, but I really wanted to get this one out before the weekend, because I know the other one won't be out until the beginning of next week. I have a busy weekend, so I needed to get a chapter out now to make up for that.

The next chapter will dwelve more on Justin and Josh's relationship after the shooting. And the chapters after that will revolve around some of the other character's and how the shooting changed them.

See ya in about a week or so.

Next: Chapter 9

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