Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 17, 2001


Last time on Grand Central High

"Have you, ya know, ever had sex?" Justin asked childishly.

"Yeah." Josh replied easily without thinking.

"With who?" Justin asked, again in a child like voice.

"Um, there was a girl in 9th grade, and this guy last year." Josh



"What about you? How far ya gone?" Josh asked, changing the subject away

from him.

"Right now, that was as far as I've ever gone. And it's only been with

you." Justin replied, his child like voice seeming to be an ever

constant at the moment.

"That's cool, I'll be your boyfriend and your teacher." Josh smiled.

"Thanks." Justin gained his normal voice back. "Now, be a nice boyfriend

and pick up my pants." Justin giggled as Josh did as he was asked.

"Here, we should probably be going anyways." Josh replied as he threw

Justin's jeans at him.

"All done." Justin jumped off the bed. "Let's go." Josh followed him

out, and they left heading towards Justin's house.

Josh and Justin stopped at Justin's house for him to change. Josh not

even getting out of the car, as Justin got dressed. Soon they were on

their way to meet the others at the movie theatre. Getting there they

could tell that they were the last to arrive, but Justin noticed a girl

he had never seen standing with them.

"Who's that?" Justin asked as they walked towards the doors.

"She's great, you'll see." Josh opened the door and let Justin walk in

before following him in. Rushing away from Justin at that point, he

walked straight to the girl, picking her up and giving her a hug. "How

long has it been?"

"Too many months Joshy."

"Ya know you ain't allowed to call me that." Josh said innocently

setting her down.

"Well, you always used to call me by my real name." The girl smiled at


"What was that again?" Josh asked, as if he was about to say it.

"Don't even think about it Josh."

"Alright, alright, how you been Pink?" Josh asked, ignoring the last


"Great, great. But what's this rumor I hear about my Josh dating some

little sophomore? That ain't true now is it?" Pink changed the topic,

giving Josh a friendly look. She had yet to notice that Josh had arrived

with some one, in particularly the little sophomore in her own words.

"Actually, it is. Justin, I want you to meet my best friend Pink. Pink,

this is my little sophomore Justin." Pink blushed at the introduction,

giving Justin an apologetic look, he just smiled and shook the hand in a

friendly gesture.

"So, um, anyways. Why are you guys here?" Pink asked, changing the

subject away from her embarrassing situation.

"What do you think? We're seeing a movie." Christina gave her a strange


"Thanks for the obvious Chrissy. I meant, what movie ya seeing?" Pink

asked again, clarifying to be more specific.

"Oh, Save the Last Dance." Britney answered enthusiastically.

"That's cool, hope ya have fun. I'm waiting for some friends from

school." Pink replied, to a question that had been inferred by Josh's

look towards her.

"You, you have friends now?" Chris asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, yeah I do Christopher. Um, I see you grew out of the dreadlocks

since I last saw you." Pink asked with a smirk that Chris didn't quite


"Yeah, why?" He asked confused.

"Oh, no reason, just didn't recognize you. The hair took all the

attention away from your face. I never noticed how ugly you were." Pink

answered with ease, smiling at her own comment. Everyone laughed except

for Chris, who was speechless.

"You still got it Pinky." Joey laughed, giving her five. "You would

still be queen of our school if you didn't move."

"That's the way the cookie crumbles Jo-Jo. Not much I can do 'bout it."

Pink replied as if the topic had been discussed many of times. Justin

was picking up that she had been good friends with the group. Josh had

introduced her as his bestfriend, and she seemed to be part of the group

easily. She was quick with her comebacks and quick at making quirks at

everything about the group.

"Well, I'll see you guys around, you probably have to be getting into

see the movie, and my friends should be her soon." Pink waved good bye

and walked off, but halfway down the theatre as she walked to the other

side, she stopped and hollered back. "He's a cutie Joshy. Keep him

around." Josh and Justin both blushed on impact of the words, as Pink

walked off laughing.

"Um, I think I'll go buy our tickets now." Josh smiled and walked to pay

at the booth. Justin stopped blushing, and turned to see that his new

group of friends were smiling at him.

"What?" Justin asked confused.

"He's paying for you?" They all asked in unison with goofy smiles on

their faces.

"Yep." Justin replied in an anxious tone. "He wouldn't have it any other


"What were you all talking about?" Josh asked as he came back and

wrapped and arm around Justin.

"Just how nice you are to Justin." Britney replied, with a smile on her


"Well, he's just so cute, how couldn't I be?" Josh asked giving Justin a

peck on the cheek. To which Justin replied with a blush. It was her

first real boyfriend, and he had never kissed a girl in public, let

alone a guy.

"Um, how about you guys go in and get us seats Me, Chrissy, and Justin

will grab some snacks." Britney suggested looking at them.

"Sure, heres some cash babe, get whatever you want." Josh handed Justin

a twenty, and walked off, Lance followed. Joey and Chris were being held

back by Britney and Christina.

"What?" Joey asked for the both of them, trying to pull at the arm that

held him.

"Well, we watched your asses last night at that party, and you can't

even buy us popcorn and drinks?" Christina answered the question in a

demanding voice.

"Um, fine here." Joey and Chris both pulled out twenties and handed one

to each of the girls. "See ya in there." They walked off leaving Britney

and Christina smiling, and Justin laughing at Joey and Chris for giving

in so easy.

"Well, I don't think we'll need 60 bucks, so lets  just not tell the

guys how much everything costed?" Britney asked, looking directly at

Justin for a reply.

"Something tells me thats how you guys do it every time." Justin smiled

and shook his head in agreement.

"You know us too well." Britney giggled, before ordering six drinks,

three large popcorns and a box of licorice. "Think this is enough?"

Britney asked as she turned around.

"Yep, but I think you forgot a drink. They're seven of us." Justin

informed her, as they walked back towards the theatre. Handing the man

their tickets the best they could, as all of them had handfuls with

drinks, they continued into the theatre.

"Don't think so, you and Josh get to share." Christina informed him, as

they spotted their friends.

"Oh." Justin smiled in realization, as they made their ways to the seats

that were saved for them. The movie still hadn't begun, the previews

were only beginning to play as they all sat down.

"Thanks." Josh said as he grabbed the bag of popcorn from Justin and

allowed Justin to slide into the seat next to him. The row went from

left to right, Lance, Chris, Britney, Joey, Christina, Justin, Josh.

Justin enjoyed the seating, because he figured either way that at least

Christina or Josh wouldn't be into the movie seriously, and would let

him talk.

"Shhh." Joey warned as the movie started up.

The theatre fell silent as the movie opened to Julie Stiles on a train.

And it stayed silent through out the movie. Not much noise penetrated

the silence, except for the occasional slurping from some one's drink,

or the swinging of the doors for people to get out of the theatre. And

of course the crying from the majority of girls in the theatre during

loving, or touching moments of the film.

As the lights flicked back on, the theatre that was full, was crowded

with people trying to get out. However, Justin's row sat still, all of

them allowing everyone else to fill out before they even stood. Josh

took the time, to plant small sensual kisses on Justin's lips, leaving

Justin moaning for more each time. Finally he allowed his tongue to

enter Justin's mouth, until they were revived to reality by Christina.

"I think we should be going now. You two can make out later." Christina

smiled, as they stood from their seats. Justin stretched, rubbing his

eyes. He stumbled forwards slightly still a little disoriented by the

lights, and bumped into Christina.

"Sorry." He managed to mumble as he filed out, all of them walking one

by one out of the movie theatre. The light startled all of them. Each of

them rubbed their eyes again, as they filed out of the theatre and

towards the cars they had arrived in. For some reason, Justin found

himself following the whole group towards Christina's car.

"Whose house do you want to meet at?" Joey asked as they stopped at the


"How about..." Chris couldn't think of an idea.

"Well, where ever we go, I want to be able to invite Nick." Lance

replied. "I'm in the mood to get it on tonight." Lance snickered at his

own comment.

"You all can come to my house if you want." Justin offered. "I mean, my

mom won't care if you all spend the night. She wanted to meet my friends

some time any ways."

"Then Justin's it is." Lance smiled. "I'll call Nick when we get there

and give him directions."

"Justin, I'll meet you in the car. I just saw Pinky, I'm gonna go ask

her if she wants to come. Is that okay?" Justin smiled a yes, and left

the group. He headed in the direction he remembered Josh's car to be in

and sat in it waiting.

He was startled out of his waiting about ten minutes later by Josh and

Pink. Josh jumped into the driver's side, and Pink leapt into the back,

tapping the seats as she sat back.

"Sorry baby, Pink had to wait for her friend's ride to show up." Josh

leaned over and kissed Justin quickly, before driving out of the parking


"It's cool, the guys are just gonna have to wait for us." Justin smiled,

and leaned back into the seat.

"So Justin, where ya from?" Pink started up a conversation as they drove


"Um, Tenessee." Justin replied.

"Ah, you a southerner. I use to live here, but then I moved about half

an hour away. Last year that is, it sucks. Leaving your friends and all.

But I still live by mine, so it ain't that bad. Wadda 'bout you? You

dealing wid it?" Pink asked.

"I guess, I've got good friends here already. And, well, Josh and all

makes for it." Justin replied, not really wanting to talk about his old

school. Moving was actually something he had looked forward to, but he

didn't want to tell everyone his past. He knew that they would just feel

pity for him because of it.

"Yeah, Josh is a great guy. Only problem is he's gay." Pink smiled and

sat back.

"I'm not gay, I'm bi. But at the time I am taken." Josh smiled back at


"Whatever, when was the last time you dated a girl? Sophomore year at

the latest. And even then it wasn't a long term thing. You don't like

the sex with them, you like guy's looks over them. You a 99% homo, 1%

hetero." Pink smiled back at him, sticking her tongue out.

"Okay miss know it all." Josh gave her a look like she had won, and

looked over to see Justin laughing. "I'm glad we're here, because now I

get to tickle you with out causing a wreck."

Justin jumped from the car at those words and rushed past his friends

who appeared to just being waiting in the car on the side of the road

for them. Josh and Pink followed him, while the rest of them strangled

behind in time. Once they were all inside the house, Justin called his

mother down from the upstairs rooms.

"Hi honey." She started, until she saw all the people in her house. "Who

are your friends?" She asked, pointing to the large group.

"Um, alright, let's see. That's Joey, Chris, Lance, Britney, and

Christina. The girl with the pink hair is Pink." Justin smiled at his

mom, who just laughed. "Um, and that guy over in the corner, is Josh."

"Oh, is that the Josh we were talking about over breakfast on Friday

morning?" Justin's mother asked with a hint of hope in her voice. Justin

blushed and shook his head.

"Yes Mrs. Timberlake, that's Joshua Chasez, Justin's boyfriend." Britney

replied, stepping forward to meet Justin's mother more formerly. "I'm


"I know, I remember. I only found out a few minutes ago." Britney

blushed at the words. "Now, Josh, if you wouldn't mind stepping forward

so I could see my son's first boyfriend more clearly." She asked in a

very motherly voice, but at the same time the voice rang clear with


Josh stepped forward cautiously, he hated meeting the parents of his

boyfriends or girlfriends. Mrs. Timberlake smiled at him, and he

returned it. He was always polite to the parents, it was just something

he didn't enjoy, meeting them that is.

"Well Josh, you meet my criteria. I'll allow you to date my son, if and

only if you are good to him." Everyone in the room cracked up except for

Josh and Justin, who both felt embarrassed to be put on the spot like

that. Josh soon started to laugh too though, and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I'll be good to him." Justin smiled at him, Justin's

mother looked back at Justin.

"Is everyone staying for dinner?" She asked, showing no real care in

whether the answer was yes or no.

"Um, well, actually, I was hoping they all, and um, Lance's friend Nick

could spend the night." Justin looked at her hopefully, and she turned

to find 7 other hopeful faces glancing at her.

"I don't see why not. But, where is this friend Nick?"

"Oh, I'm going to call him from here, if that is okay?" Lance asked


"Sure, Justin take your friends downstairs and let Lance use the phone."

Justin did as he was told, but he knew that only Pink was unfamiliar

with the house.

"Whoa, Josh, how'd you manage to bag yourself a rich kid?" Pink

exclaimed upon entering the basement, and looking at everything the

group had found so intriguing the first time they had been in the house


"I'm lucky. But, it ain't the cash, it's the kid I'm into." Justin

blushed, as he made his way to the couch. He sat down and flipped on the

tv. He made room for Josh, who pushed him down instead of sitting next

to him. "I want the armrest." Josh informed him, and smiled. Justin

moved down some, and was surprised to see that Josh was patting his lap.

Justin smiled, and laid his head down on Josh's lap. He made it that his

feet were resting on the other arm rest, so that he was in a very

comfortable situation.

"Thanks." Justin smiled up.

"Any time." Josh smiled back down.


This chapter entered a new character. Pink, I didn't know her real name,

so I didn't use it at all this chapter. If any one has it, I would like

to use it some times, so if you know her real name please send it to me.

I would appriciate that.

Send me what ever feedback you have. The next chatper will be out in a

day or two.

The e-mail is

Next: Chapter 6

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