Graduation Exercises

Published on Jan 20, 2003


Graduation Exercise 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I had fucked Chuck and Cory before breakfast. That has to be a record in my life. Quite frankly, breakfast never tasted better. Everyone was feeling good. By now everyone knew the game plan by now. Over night, everyone must have been practicing and had either tried out fucking, or was ready for it. Most of the guys were supposed to be home by midday, so the clock was ticking.

Williams and Ron did the cooking for the hearty breakfast. Tim, Jay and I were talking with the guys. Jay came over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Let's go outside and talk privately for a minute." he said. We went to the pool. Jay signalled to Biff and Kip to join us.

"These boy came to me this morning with a proposition." Jay said. "Apparently the boys got together last night."

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"This has been great." Kip said. "Better than anything I could imagine."

"I don't think anyone guessed it could be this good." Biff added. "But it's a one shot deal."

"Those were the rules we set down at the start." I reminded them.

"We got no problem with that." Kip chimed in. "It's that some guys are kind of shy. They want to do some things, but are afraid to ask." I hadn't noticed shyness being a problem.

"Guys want to get fucked by their coach." Biff said. They want to feel their coach's cock in their ass. Actually, they want to try them all out." he paused. "Some are willing to take Mr. Mather's cock. They want to at least try. The guys figure they'll never have the opportunity again.

"How do the other coaches feel about this?" I asked. Jay laughed.

"Williams, Ron and Tim are game. You and I are the only guys not on board." Jay said. I looked at Biff and Kip.

"You guys want this?" I asked. "It's real pubic and doesn't sound intimate at all."

"We've been showering together and seeing each other naked for years." Biff said. "Most of us were never able to do anything, except look and dream. We dreamed and fantasized, but we did nothing. Most of us are comfortable with a group of naked guys."

I guess that makes sense." I agreed. "But, there's no way I can cum for all of you."

"The guys don't need cum. They want to feel the cock. After all these years of fantasizing about our coaches, the idea of having your cock head ramming our nut is all we need. You can shoot in anyone you want." Kip said.

"Hold on there." Jay said. "Don't get into the favorite shit. When I shoot, it's because my cock's ready, not because I'm in love. I shoot because a guy's ass is tight, not because I am in love." there was always a competition to be the Coach's favorite. Jay didn't want to open that snake pit again.

"We understand that." Kip said.

"You want fucking, not sucking" I asked.

"That's what we want." Biff answered. "It seems more personal."

"I'm not sure about lining up the guys and fucking them in a gangbang." I said. "It seems mechanical and I don't like sex to be like a drill. I don't mind a free-for-all." I had been to a few fuck-a-thons in Wilson's Hollow. They were family affairs, but the fucking was even handed. Fathers, sons, uncles and nephews as well as friends mixed it up randomly. Every hole was open, every cock a potential ass plug. I had to admit, I liked and enjoyed it.

"Free-for-all?" Biff asked. I could tell he liked the idea.

"You know I like guys who can pitch or catch. I don't have `Johnny one notes' on my teams. You've got to be able to do several things well." I replied. "I bet you boys noticed I've got no problem taking it in the ass." Jay smiled.

"It seems to me you kind of liked it." Jay said. "I've taken a few joy rides on a cock before."

"Ever taken a ride on one of your team member's cock?" Kip asked.

"Never have and never will." Jay replied. "Remember, you are here because you aren't my students anymore and you are not on my team."

"A free-for-all sounds good to me." Biff said. We returned to the house. Jay went and talked to the other coaches, Biff and Kip talked with the other guys. There was a lot of whispering and mumbling. It didn't surprise me everyone was willing. I knew how sexually driven my fellow coaches were. I remember how much I wanted sex as a teenager. This was a wet dream come true for all of us.

Williams' was excited and he slipped me a little blue pill with the orange juice. "You may need this." he whispered. As I looked around the room in the cabin, I saw no one was soft. Most cocks were at least at half-mast. Several were at attention. The day before, the boys would have been embarrassed, today it was accepted. An erection no longer caused comment.

After we finished breakfast, there was a lull in the conversation.

"Well, how do we get the ball rolling?" Ron asked. "I've got the feeling everyone has their engines running, but are waiting for the starting gun. Maybe that's not true of everyone, but it sure is true of me."

"From the looks of the cocks in this room, everyone is ready." I said. "It seems most sensible for everyone to grease up a friend's ass and your own cock and let's see what develops. Coach Williams has enough lubricant to take care of everyone."

"Let me make a little suggestion." Tim said. "I know most of you guys like to play the strong silent types, but unless we get to know each other a lot better, it's better if you let us know what feels good and what hurts. We've got some big meat here. Let it all hang out, there's no harm in letting a guy know what works. I know everyone is into it, but it's also nice to feel you're appreciated."

Standing next to Bruce, I put my arm around his shoulder. He had a tube of lubricant in his hand.

"You're ready aren't you?" I asked.

"I sure am." Bruce said. "I have a terrible itching in my ass." He looked at me. "Kind of deep. Can you scratch it?"

"Bend over and let me see if I can help." I said. Taking the lube, I squeezed some on my finger. Bruce bent over, opening his ass wide. His ass was covered in downy blond hair, with longer hairs around the asshole. A rosebud marked the center of his pink target. I flicked it with my finger and eased my finger into the pucker. There was brief resistance, then he relaxed. My finger slipped in deep and I felt for his prostate.

The minute I found it Bruce turned to jelly. I knew it would be an effortless fuck. He would offer no resistance.

"What in hell did you do?" Bruce asked. Pulling my finger out, I had lubricated my cock by now, so I nuzzled my cock head at his hole.

"Just exploring." I said. "Do you want it fast and deep, or slow and deep?" I was planning on being polite, but just as I asked him how he wanted it, I thrust. Instead of just popping my cock head through the sphincter, it slipped in until it couldn't penetrate any further.

"Damn!" Bruce cried.

"Are you okay?"

"Shit yes! But let me get use to it." he whispered. He was taking it doggy style. I was still, but leaned over him, holding his chest. With my other arm I cupped his balls. I then straightened up, so Bruce was sitting back on my cock. He moaned and my cock slipped a little deeper. He sighed, letting me know I had hit the right spot.

I was playing with his balls. They were pulled into a tight sac and I felt a warm liquid drip on them. I stroked his cock. It was rock hard and drooling. I would pump and Bruce would twitch his ass.

We weren't fucking in the normal sense. My cock was rubbing his prostate. It was a slow, but intensely pleasurable massage. His sphincter tightened up and acted as a muscle cock ring, trapping my cock at full erection in his ass.

The scene around us was hot and getting hotter. Ron was screwing Biff. Williams had Cory and Johnny in the doggy position and was fucking both of them. He would give Cory ten or twelve deep strokes, pull out and do the same thing to Johnny.

Jay, Kip and Don had found another way to spread the wealth. Jay was fucking Don, while Kip was fucking his coach. Don was on his back, with his legs on Jay's shoulders. Jay had a wide stance, allowing anal penetration. Wiley managed to get in between Jay and Kip's legs and lick their balls as they slow fucked.

Henderson joined Williams and his harem, sucking the guys' cocks while they took Williams' cock. Cameron joined us, licking up Bruce's cock drool.

Beau and Gus had gravitated to Tim. Everyone knew what they wanted, but didn't know if they would have enough nerve.

"Do you want to spell me awhile?" Bruce asked Cameron. Cameron nodded. I slowly pulled out of Bruce's ass. We had been fucking a good fifteen minutes and he needed a rest. Bruce lubricated Cameron's ass while Cameron recoated my cock. I was surprised and pleased my cock was still hard.

Cameron was a dark haired, muscular kid, tall and lanky looking in spite of his muscular development. He was uneasy.

"You don't need to do it if you don't want to." I whispered in his ear. "It's nor a required activity. He shook his head.

"I'm not sure, but I want to try it." he whispered. "Can you stop if it hurts?"

"Sure. This is supposed to be fun." I said. "If it isn't, just let me know." It took no time at all to realize Cameron wasn't a natural bottom. He may have had good attitude, but his ass would have nothing to do with it. He couldn't relax enough to easily take a finger, not to mention an entire cock. As my cock touched his hole, his erection vanished.

Wiley came over and volunteered to take my cock. Wiley was not shy at all. He was 5-6, thin and wiry. He was all determination and his determination made up for his small size. I was going to lube his ass, but he told me he was already greased up. I told him to get on his back and open wide.

On the second thrust my cock head popped through. I toyed with his sphincter, slipping my bloated cock head in and out a few times.

"Come on Coach, fuck me deep!" he begged. I shoved my cock in deep, almost violently. Wiley looked shocked for a second or two, then a look of deep satisfaction spread over his face. His ankles were on my shoulders, but I took them in my hands and spread them so his ass was spread wide.

When he said he was well lubed, Wiley was right. When I pulled my cock out it looked like it was glazed. Every vein and detail of my cock was emphasized by the coating of lubricant.

"That looks great!" Cameron said. He was sporting a first class erection now. His cock was thick and stubby. Bruce was watching, too, as was Kip who had left Jay's group and joined us. I was deep dicking Wiley and Wiley loved it. Wiley began to moan big time and then sprayed cum all over the place. I continued to slow fuck him until he calmed down. He was still contacting and twitching his ass and my cock felt great. When they stopped, I pulled out and was at a loss about what to do next.

Kip had a plan. He replaced Wiley in a quick movement that surprised me, given Kip's size. He too was already lubricated. I aimed my cock at his ass's bulls eye and thrust. Nothing happened.

"Force it in, Coach!" Kip demanded. "Ram it in!"

"I don't want to hurt you." I said.

"I want it bad. Make me take it! Shove it in deep!"

I added some lube to my cock and forced my finger into his hole, opening him up some. It took some doing, but after a concerted attack on his ass, I got in. I got it all in, with my pubic hair pressed on his ass cheeks. I held it there, perfectly still. I'm well equipped and to take the whole thing on the first fuck is a shock. Kip was winded and dazed. He couldn't talk, or even react. He had wanted to be raped and he got his wish.

I was worried. I don't like hurting people. Wanting something and liking it after you get it are not the same thing. After a minute of being still, Kip tightened his sphincter on my cock.

"Is it all in there?" he asked. I shifted a little, pulling out an inch or two, then shoved it in again.

"It sure is!" I replied. I began a series of short thrusts. Kip relaxed some. I pulled out further and thus, deeper thrusts. On one of these, Kip moaned. I retraced my steps and found the good spot again. I hit it again. Kip moaned again. My knob was massaging his prostate. I gave him four or five quick thrusts, hitting the good spot each time. Kip all but melted and turned into a quivering mass of jelly. He was in heaven, totally relaxed except for his rock hard cock.

Cameron and Bruce were watching, fascinated. I had to admit Kip's involvement was total and exciting. I looked at Bruce again. He had Cameron's cock up his ass and both were enjoying it. Kip was getting close to a climax and Bruce wasn't too far behind. It turned out to be a photo finish, I think some of their cum collided in mid air. I collapsed over Kip, kissing him, then licking Bruce's cock. It was still in range and still dribbling cum.

I felt something at my ass. I looked over and shoulder and saw it was Cameron. I smiled and went back to sucking and kissing. Cameron's cock slid into my ass effortlessly. It felt wonderful. Cameron had a big head and thin shaft and his knob hit all the good spots. My cock was still in Kip's ass. It was resting there, but as soon as Cameron began to pump, my cock burst back to life.

I was thinking how good it felt when I suddenly had an orgasm. I had been excited, but didn't think I was close, when it snuck up on me. I began to shiver as the pressure built in my balls. Cameron noticed this and began to thrust deep and hard. He moaned and I knew he was shooting. He pulled out and I felt the warm splatter of cum on my back. That was enough to pushed me over the edge.

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