Graduation Exercises

Published on Dec 12, 2002


Graduation Exercise 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I wondered how the kids would react to Tim's fucking me. Heavy duty fucking isn't pretty. Cocks can be big and exciting, but ass holes are just holes, the door to the shit tunnel. It takes a big leap of the imagination for a guy to let another guy shove his piss spigot into your shit hole and enjoy it.

I wondered what they thought of me as I took Tim's monster cock. I figured they would all want to top, or maybe avoid it all together. That was a bad guess. Apparently they all could tell I was enjoying my self a lot, and I mean a lot. I also guessed Tim would have no takers. His cock was huge and was hard to believe it would fit in a normal guy's ass. I was wrong about that, too.

The kids saw things differently. It's hard to admit it, but I am no virgin. One or two cocks have spent some quality time in my ass, but I lost it when Tim rammed me. I like them big, but was caught off guard by Tim's meat. It hit me in places no one had ever been in before. I was out of control, moaning and twitching on Tim's pole. Tim was rather reserved and reticent. He was wildly enthusiastic about the climax, but his fucking technique was workmanlike rather than romantic or sensual.

None of the guys were experienced. What they saw here was the first time most had ever seen men fucking. They just assumed this was the way it was supposed to be. Years before, I had been shocked when a guy shot off in my mouth for the first time. Tim presented his cum as the food for the gods, and the kids were eager to suck it up. The kids weren't shocked. They thought that was the way it should be.

It took a while for me to recover from Tim's fucking. I thought I had shot a good pint or two of cum with Tim and I would be finished for the weekend. I needed to sleep.

It was six in the morning when Gus snuggled into bed with me. He wanted to be fucked badly. As usual, Bruce was with him. Gus always seemed to travel with his sidekick. I liked Bruce too. At first, I was annoyed being woken up. I was sure I wasn't going to be able to get hard enough after my session with Tim. It may not be scientifically provable, but I think a huge orgasm must spur your body to double its sperm production. That certainly was the case this morning.

I had one kid on each side. Gus was sucking me and Bruce and I were kissing. I was hard in thirty seconds. Bruce was good. It was clear he had practiced and cock sucking was a skill he had mastered. Gus and Bruce traded places a few times. I fondled Gus. He was hard as a rock. I worked my finger toward his ass. When I finally reached his hole, it had already been lubricated.

"Who greased you up?" I asked.

"I started, but Bruce worked the stuff in." Gus said.

"How was it?" I whispered. "Did you like it?

"Yes. It was great." he said. Gus was whispering so quietly, I could barely hear.

"Did he get in deep enough to hit your prostate? It was that good?" I asked. He didn't answer right away.

"It was that good."

"Did Bruce fuck you?"

"No. I wanted you to fuck me." Gus said.

"Let me make a deal with you." I said. "You let Bruce crack your nut and I'll fuck you silly." I paused. "Sperm is the best lube. Let him shoot his load." We were barely audible, but Bruce got the drift. I don't think they realized they were in love.

Bruce got up behind Gus and I knew his cock was in Gus' crack.

"Open up and let him in." I said. Gus did as he was told. He moved his leg so Bruce could ease into his ass.

"Just relax and let him in." I told Gus. I knew the Bruce would love to get in Gus' ass and his cock was just the right size to open up the tight Football Captain. However, I guessed Gus' desire to get fucked wouldn't relax his ass muscles. I was right. His hole was clenched tight. I stroked his cock as Bruce pressed. I then pinched Gus' nipple.

"Hot Damn!" Bruce said. Gus gasped. Gus' nipple was the button that opened his ass. I knew from the boys' reaction there had been total penetration. Gus was winded. Bruce was really happy.

"Just let him rest a minute and get used to it." I told Bruce. "You'll know when he's ready for you to start fucking." Gus was having a hard time so I pinched both of his tits. That relaxed him. Bruce started to pump. Only small thrusts at first, but as I continued to play with Gus' tits, poor Gus was powerless to resist.

Bruce got more bold as Gus relaxed. After three or four minutes they were really getting into it. Gus was a natural bottom. He was responsive, vigorous and appreciative. I lubricated my cock. Bruce could see me doing it. He winked at me.

Bruce pulled out and I went in. Gus was unaware of my preparation so it was a surprise. I'm quite a bit bigger than Bruce, so I hit new territory. He ass naturally closed up on my dick, but I was already in deep, so he grabbed the base of my cock acting like a muscle cock ring.

His tunnel was hot as hell, warmed up by Bruce. When you are well lubricated and have been fucked already, there is no way you can resist a hard cock, but the struggle is fun. I got Gus revved up big time. Bruce was looking at Gus with longing in his eye, so I let him back into Gus' love tunnel.

This time it was no hole barred, heavy duty fucking. Bruce lasted about twelve strokes and shot off. He pulled out and I was back in. Bruce's cum was as fresh as it could be and he had shot deep into Gus' ass. The whole tunnel was lubricated with Bruce's seed. Gus was moaning in pleasure.

I thought I would be able to fuck him for a while, but the sensation caused by his cum lined ass was too much for me. I popped and added my cum to the brew. We all collapsed on the bed. Gus hadn't cum yet.

"That was good." he whispered. "It didn't hurt much."

"How long before it started to feel good?" I asked.

"Ten maybe twenty seconds." he answered.

"Was it what you expected?"

"No." he said. "It was not what I thought it would be at all. Much better. It's really different, isn't it. Much more . . . Total?"

"Intense is the word I would use." I replied. "It's another level of sex. It's like moving from JV to Varsity."

"It felt like another kind of ball game to me." Gus said. He was quiet for a few seconds. "How did Tim's cock feel?"

"Talk about another ball game!" I said. "It was as close to being a new experience for me as you can get. That's a shock to a guy my age. I though I had done it all." Gus was quiet for a while, then spoke again.

"Do you think I could take it?" Gus asked.

"I don't know. You think you'd like it?"

"I've been kind of thinking I would." Gus replied.

"Desire is half the battle. I guess you can do anything you set your heart on." I said. "You really want it don't you?"

"Yes. I was never so turned on in my life when I watched you take Tim's horse cock." Gus said. I laughed.

"You know, when I saw it the first time, I had an idea it would be in my ass sometime this weekend." I said. "I didn't guess I would have the audience. I was embarrassed."

"It was hot!" Gus said. "Fucking hot!"

"I didn't know old guys could enjoy sex that much." Bruce said. Bruce didn't make any points with me with that comment. We were on a pull out bed in the living room. Gus went off to the bathroom and I rolled over to sleep. When I woke up, Gus hadn't returned and the guys were stirring. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Johnny and Cory came in the room and asked if they could join me. They were the kids who had been arrested by Brother Dave and turned over to Williams.

Johnny was a nice kid. Unfortunately his family was pure trailer trash. Cory was the son of the Mayor. They had been friends since kindergarten and acted like brothers. They didn't look like brothers. Cory was tall, had brown hair, a good tan and smooth body, except for a thick pubic bush. Johnny was shorter, heavier had pitch black hair. His body was already hairy. He worked at a garage and he had tanned arms and head, but the rest of his body was pale. His hands were clean, but oil impregnated.

"Doing okay?" I asked

"We sure are." Cory said. He usually did the talking. Johnny did the heavy lifting. "It's a wet dream come to life. That session with Mr. Mathers was hot."

"You liked that?" I asked. "You know him?"

"Shit yes! I liked it. Mr. Mathers was my scout master. I though he was a complete straight arrow." Cory said. "I did see his cock once. Showering at camp. I couldn't believe it was real. I never thought I would get this close to it, not to mention see it in action."

"Have you tried it out yourselves?"

"No." Johnny said. "We've never even tried fucking."


"We were thinking about it." Cory said. "We were having a hard time deciding who would do what to whom." I played with their cocks. After a stroke or two, both were hard. Cory looked really small when he was soft. Hard, he had an average cock, not too long and not too thick. Johnny had a long thin probe, with a big head on the end. He must have been eight inches long.

"Cory, if I was planning to take a cock for the first time, Johnny's would be my pick. Those long thin ones are easy to take and lots of fun." I said. Johnny looked pleased. He was a nice kid who didn't get much credit. He wasn't a star on the team, but he always did his bit.

I don't think Cory expected me to suggest he take Johnny's cock. I was the coach and he tended to do what he was told.

"I was thinking you might do it." Cory said. "You like to fuck?"

"You couldn't tell?" I asked.

"I mean top." he said. "I guessed you liked the bottom." He was smiling.

"I like it all." I said. "But I'm going to be a one shot fuck. If you and Johnny get it on, you've got a lifetime of fun ahead." I said. "You guys are pals." At that point I dropped the soap. I know it sounds stupid, but it was actually accidental. Johnny was fast. His cock was at my hole in a second. A second later, Johnny's cock head had popped through my hole.

Enough lube remained from the night before and the bloated cock head slipped in easily. I'm not too partial to being surprised and rear ended. I was going to complain, when I realized it felt really good. I'm pretty sure Johnny was surprised too, I think it was an impulse and wasn't planned in advance. As he started to pull out, I eased back, forcing Johnny's cock deeper into my ass.

That was all the encouragement he needed. We were ass-hole to pubic hair and both of us were enjoying it. Johnny's knob must have been designed for my ass. I had told Gus anal sex was intense. Sex with Johnny was pleasurable and fun but not intense. It was plain old enjoyable. I think I could have spent hours getting fucked by Johnny.

Cory was left out for a while. He was watching as his friend pumped his cock in my ass.

"Would you like to try it?" I asked. "I'm sure Johnny is willing." Cory answered by getting next to me in the shower and bending over. He hadn't been fucked the night before, so he didn't have the benefit of a lubricated ass. I looked around the shower compartment and found a bottle of oil. Williams had thought of everything.

I squirted some on my fingers and coated Johnny's cock, then went after Cory's hole. He jumped when I touched his ass.

"Relax Cory." I told him. "This will make it all a bit easier." I worked a finger into his hole and went searching for the prostate. It was in deep and was hard to find. I poked it a few times and Cory moaned.

"Are you ready?" Johnny asked, he was hot to trot. Cory nodded. I added more lubricant to Johnny's cock and then guided it to Cory's ass. I had a feeling Johnny wanted to go too fast, so I held his cock and guided it into position.

"You know it's not my finger at your ass, don't you?" I asked. I had a firm grip on Johnny's cock and was probing the cock head into the hole, but not letting it pop in. Cory said, "Yes."

"In a second, Johnny's going to pop your cherry and you're not going to be a virgin anymore. Are you ready?" I asked. I got down on the floor of the shower, holding Johnny's cock in one hand, and I stroked Cory's with the other. Cory was rock hard.

"I'm ready." Cory whispered. Johnny thrust.

"Hold back a little, you want Cory to have something to look forward too!" I said. Johnny was in 4-5 inches, deep enough to hit the prostate. Cory moaned, a ribbon of pre cum spewed for his cock. "So far so good." I told Johnny. "You might as well go for the gold." The remainder of the wrestler's cock vanished into Cory's willing ass. Cory let out a deep, guttural sound. I knew all was well.

Next: Chapter 4

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