Graduation Exercises

Published on Nov 29, 2002


Graduation Exercise 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I have to admit Tim's little speech had turned everyone on. He had made it clear he wanted to fuck and there were no training wheels for teenage bottoms. They liked to be thought of as adults and I guessed none would object to having a cock in their ass.

Ron had called out for anyone who had never sucked a cock or tasted pre cum to gather around him. He was a heavy duty leaker and he invited the boys to sample his cock drool. Ron looked a bit like Santa and was so friendly looking and affable he seemed to collect the boys who were less experienced. He offered a more gentle introduction to the world of man sex.

It didn't take long to realize the kids were made up of two groups. One group was led by Wiley. Wiley and Kip were experienced. They sure were a lot more experienced than I was at that age. They had cock sucking down solid. The second group was interested but had little experience other than a quick blow job or grope. This worried me, but it was soon obvious all the guys shared an interest and enthusiasm.

Ron's cock was a smooth shaft with a good sized, pink-purple head. He was cut and it was a neat cock. It wasn't covered in veins and hairy like mine or a monster like Tim's. It looked like a cock you could easily suck and lick. As I said, he was neat, except for the ooze. He had a wide slit which was open and seemed to have a ribbon of pre cum dripping from it. Ron told them he was an oozer and his cock drool was as sweet as any they would ever taste. The kids had the impression it was a special treat and he spent the next hour being sucked by a succession of boys. All seemed to enjoy it.

I was soon in the middle of a cluster guys. Kip was sucking my cock, Cory was at my balls and I had Biff's cock in my mouth. Wiley was filling in for anyone who had to take a breath.

I like to suck and have no problem with young meat. This seemed to shock and please the guys. They hadn't anticipated this. They must have thought they would spend the day serving the coaches and hadn't thought they would be served too. I have to admit, I hate the idea of one way sex. I have met men who only wanted to be sucked or only wanted to suck. These encounters haven't been too successful.

I don't require sex be completely 50/50, but it seems more exciting to me to share, rather than having a one way relationship. I'm versatile sexually and understand guys who are more limited. This doesn't bother me, but it's good to trade places sometimes. I've had friends who were tops and who had visited my prostate many times and given it a sperm bath. Most guys let me in their hole once or twice, just to show they are willing.

The only problem with the boys this afternoon was hair triggers. It didn't take Biff long to pop. He was rock hard when I first started to suck. He had a good cock and it was so hard it looked as if it hurt. He shot a big load and sprayed me and Kip who was licking my dick.

"I sorry!" Biff said. "I didn't mean to do that!"

"Biff, I don't want to say the obvious, but shooting is what this is all about." I said.

"I came so fast." he said, with a tone of disappointment in his voice. "I kind of loose interest after I've shot off."

"Don't worry about that either. Jump in the pool and relax." I suggested. "Once you've shot off once, the next orgasm will be a lot slower. And the third will be still slower. You'll get a lot more hard cock time between climaxes as the day advances."

Tim was the first adult to shoot. He had mentioned he shoots with plenty of warning, so he asked if anyone wanted to take his load. It was clear from the way he spoke, this was a big honor. Several of the kids volunteered to take it. Wilson took most of it in his mouth. The rest Tim shot on Wilson's face. Wilson was dripping with the creamy goo.

Tim wasn't a silent type. Everyone knew he was shooting and how much he was enjoying it. Most of us were use to keeping everything hidden, so it was a turn on to be able to enjoy sex, not trying to hide it or get done as quickly as possible so you wouldn't get caught.

Wilson was at Tim's cock in a second. Wilson was a big red-haired tackle, very macho and a real country boy. I was surprised he took the load and more surprised with what he did next. Wilson went over to his friend Beau and they kissed. Wilson hadn't swallowed Tim's cum, so they both got it.

I remembered how uneasy I had been about cum in my first gay experiences. After Wilson's display, no one seemed to hesitate at the thought of sucking cum. He treated it as treat and every one seemed to believe it.

Dinner was ready so we broke off our play and went inside for sandwiches. Williams had a deli-tray and that hit the spot for everyone. I sat in on the couch and ate my sandwich and noticed two kids standing near me sneaking glances at my cock. Everyone was still naked and everyone was gay, so there was no real reason to sneak, but old habits die hard. I motioned for the boys to come over and sit next to me.

They were from Williams' school, so I didn't know either. They introduced themselves as Chuck and Bruce. Church was a body builder, with massive upper body development and a bull neck. He was handsome and butch. A dusting of hair covered his chest with a treasure trail to his cock. Low hangers framed a good sized, uncut cock. He was a classic high school "Captain of the Football Team" type. In fact, he was the captain and he let me know that in the first minute of conversation.

Bruce was blond, moderately muscular. He was medium height and solid and was already well on the way to being bald, with a thick pelt of hair covering his chest, gut and back. Bruce was 18 but could pass for being 40 if you didn't look to close. His cock was uncut too. His skin enshrouded head sat on his plum sized balls. All three orbs were the same size.

We talked and finished our sandwiches. Chuck was out going and use to being the center of attention. Bruce was a sidekick, shy and quiet. I slowly steered the conversation toward sex. Both guys were uneasy. I asked Chuck to get me a Coke from the kitchen and got Bruce alone.

"Have you boys been playing ion the wild side for long?" I asked.

"Not really." Bruce replied. "We've sucked a few times, that's all."

"Did you like it?" I asked. Bruce blushed.

"We kind of got drunk. I sucked him on a dare." Bruce said. "I liked it a lot, but Chuck loved it. I mean, Chuck really loved it. I didn't expect either."

"Did he suck you?"

"I got him to take me, finally. It took some doing." Bruce smiled as he said this. "When he finally got my cock in his mouth, he went crazy. I told him I was going to shoot, but he kept on sucking. He took my hole load."

"Have you had many repeat engagements?" I asked.

"No, it's hard to get away. Chuck knew some guys were messing around, so we sort of hitched a ride." explained Bruce.

"Is it a lot more than you expected?" I asked.

"Damn right." he said. "I don't believe what we've been doing."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh yes. It does take some getting use to, though. I thought it would be disgusting. It felt so good, I don't really care." Bruce said. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "Chuck is worried. He's the Captain of the football team. We don't have much experience at this. He wants it in the ass, bad, but he doesn't want to look like a fool." Bruce paused. "Does fucking hurt?"

"Done the wrong way, it can. If the fucker's cock is too big and the fuckee's ass is too small, it hurts too." I said. Chuck was a young, macho guy. He was afraid he would be hurt and lose status in front of his friends. Poor Chuck must have had some pretty strong inklings he would like to have a cock in his ass, but was afraid. He wanted to practice. "You want me to give you guys a private lesson?" Bruce nodded.

Chuck returned with the cokes. I said I would do what I could to give them a lesson. Tim and Williams were huddled in a corner and signaled to me to come over to them.

"It seems I have a problem here." Tim said. "I have a real urge to fuck and no takers. I'm afraid I oversold difficulties of fucking and no one had come up to the plate."

"I seem to recall you have a warm spot for the bottom." Williams said. "It seems to me you have no problem with size either. I recall you have an interest in big meat. We were thinking an educational demonstration might be in order." Tim was close to me and his cock brushed against my hand. I stroked it.

"Do you think you could take it?" Tim asked. "Guys who like big meat tell me it's the best fuck they've ever had. It isn't easy meat, but there's nothing else is like it."

"I don't know if I want to make an exhibition of myself." I said.

"You were a star in college, you never minded showing off, as I recall." Williams whispered. "You know I'm not much of a bottom. You love it. I've fucked a lot of guys. No one likes it as much as you." I had continued to stroke Tim's monster. It grew and grew. As it grew, I was all but hypnotized by the monster dick. It made up my mind. I wanted it in my ass.

"You can almost feel it probe deep inside you, can't you?" Tim whispered. "They tell me, it's a whole new world of feeling. It's almost not like sex, they told me. Almost a religious experience." By now, Tim's cock was fully erect. I knew I had to have it in my ass. I had to feel it, experience it.

Chuck and Bruce were close enough to hear the conversation. Their cocks responded. Bruce's cock head was three fourths of the way out of the skin. His piss slit glistened with precum. Chuck was fully erect and his cock head was free of the skin. He had a good seven-inch cock with a mushroom head. Williams looked at them.

"Come over here boys. Coach and Tim and going to put on a little demonstration." Williams called to them. They joined us. I don't know if hard cocks have a magnetic attraction, but it sure seemed that way. Biff and Wiley appeared, as did Kip. We went to a bed room and I got on the bed.

Tim had a tube of lubricant. "Who wants to lube Coach up?" he asked. Bruce volunteered and squirted some of the slippery cream on his fingers. "Lube up that hole. Don't be shy!" Tim instructed. "The more you put in there the better it will be for Coach." Bruce touched my asshole and began to lubricate it.

"Push it in the hole!" demanded Tim. Bruce worked a finger in.

"Damn Bruce! I've never seen you so hard." Chuck said.

"Hell. It looks to me as if all of us are pretty hard." Biff said.

"Well let's not waste them!" Tim said. Tim took some lube and spread it on Bruce's cock. "Poke your joy stick into that hole. There's no better way to lube the tunnel."

Bruce looked me in the eye. I winked. A second later his cock was at my ass pucker and another second later his cock was in my ass. Bruce had one of those average sized cocks that just happened to hit all the good spots. It felt great. I made a mental note to get together with Bruce later.

"Pump him!" Tim demanded.

"I'll shoot if I do that!" Bruce replied.

"Go ahead! Cum's the best lube!" Williams said. Bruce hadn't waited for instructions. He had a spectacular climax. Bruce would have been a terrible poker player. Every emotion and feeling he had was clearly expressed on his face. You knew he was shooting and you knew exactly how much relief he felt as his ball juice was pumped in my ass. He must have ejaculated a dozen times. He rammed me on each spurt and everyone knew what he was doing. He pulled out slowly.

"Is anyone else ripe?" Tim asked. "Another load of man seed up Coach's ass would be great." Kip stepped up to the plate. He had a beer can style cock, as thick and meaty as his body. Tim coated the thick tube with lube and Bif pressed his massive cock head into my ass. He stretched me. It wasn't as enjoyable as Bruce's cock, but it was good preparation for Tim's monster.

Kip was a lot slower to shoot than Bruce, so I was getting really open. I was also getting much more receptive and willing to take Tim. Kip was ramming my prostate on every thrust. It felt good, but not good enough to make me shoot. I sensed a buildup of cum, but there was no prospect of release with Kip in my ass.

Kip stood still, ridged as a board. He showed no emotion at all, but I actually could feel his cock throbbing as he climaxed. It may have been my imagination, but I think his cum shot out so forcefully, I could feel it tickle the inside of my ass. We were in the middle of a growing cluster of men, but no one, except Kip and I knew he was having an orgasm. Our eyes met for a moment. He mouthed the words thank you, then slowly pulled out.

Tim told me later he hadn't realized Kip had shot off until he saw the cum drooling from Kip's cock slit as he pulled out. Tim was ready by now. If I had seen his cock as hard as it was now earlier, I might have reconsidered my off to take it. Bruce and Kip had revved me up, and I would have been willing to seriously considered getting fucked by the Washington Monument.

Tim's dick was a real specimen. It was long, wide and thick. The shaft tapered toward the head. It was a purple-pink mushroom with a wide slit.

"Watch me boys!" he said as he poked his cock head into my hole. He held my legs open and had only the tip of the cock head probing my hole. "I don't think you are really fucked until the cock head clears the sphincter. The edge of my mushroom is really sensitive and it feels good to pop it through the ass muscle and let the ass massage it." Tim pushed the head in. I winced but it felt good once it had popped through.

"If you're new to fucking, I like to stop here and play a while." Tim said. "I like to toy with a guy's hole. Get him really open." Tim thrust forward and suddenly I was fully impaled. Chuck gasped as he watched the cock slide in my ass effortlessly. I could hardly breathe. Tim had gone deeper than anyone before and parts of me were feeling cock for the first time.

Tim's cock head rammed deeply into my ass and it was almost he was punching the inside of my rectum. I was confused, unable to think clearly.

"Coach is a real pro at this." Tim explained. He began to slowly withdraw. He pulled out a few inches, then pushed back. He was actually gentle, but there was nothing gentle about his cock at all. I was fully occupied by his cock. As he began to stroke, the sexual sensations began to overwhelm the strange feeling generated by the size of the meat.

There was a crowd watching, everyone with a rock hard erection. I have to admit, a ring of erections added to my enthusiasm. A hot load splattered me. It was Wiley. He had shot off. That was all Tim and I needed. We fucked like dogs in heat. No holes barred, nothing delicate, just throbbing cock in quivering ass.

Williams later told me it was a good show. I didn't know what happened. Tim kept on thrusting and forcing his monster deeper. I shot off, but the orgasm merged into the fucking. Tim suddenly stopped and slowly pumped. Each time he pushed in deep, he ejaculated. He then slowly withdrew and then rammed me again, inducing another ejaculation.

He was still spewing when he finally pulled out. I was wiped out. The crowd left. Biff stayed and licked my cock and my cum covered chest. He then spread my legs and I thought he was going to fuck me. Instead he began rimming my ravaged hole.

"Let me eat that man cum." Biff said. "Relax your ass and let it dribble out. I want the cream." I was still stretched after the fucking and he had me wide open, there was no way I could keep his tongue out of my ass. Bruce, Kip and Tim's cum all mingled in my tunnel. Biff lapped it up as if It was the food of the Gods.

Next: Chapter 3

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