Graduation Exercises

Published on Oct 28, 2002


Graduation Exercises 1

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I am the football and wrestling coach in a small, Southern town. I was in an odd position. I had winning teams, so I was popular with the townspeople and in the school. I was a good teacher too, but that never made anyone popular in small town America. Officially I was happily married, no one knew Ellen was a friend and by no stretch of the imagination a lover. We were both gay and the marriage was a way for us to be respectable and get the jobs we wanted. She had her life, I had mine.

I liked men, but never got involved with students. That wasn't too hard for me. I tend to like young guys, but I like them fully developed and mature. I realized I was attractive to many of the boys on my teams. I had a crush on my coach when I was 16 and I could recognize all the symptoms. I was careful about these. I didn't want to encourage the kids, but I didn't want to hurt their feelings either.

I didn't want them to grow up hating their sexual orientation either. I had been there and it wasn't until I was 35 that I finally was at peace with myself.

Coach Williams from a neighboring school shared my problems. He too was a winning Coach, although his sports were Basketball and Soccer. We shared the same sexual interests and had become friends and playmates on occasion.

Williams was 45 with a swimmer's build. He was over 6 feet tall, bald and blond. I was a massive 5'-9", about 230 pounds, all muscle. Williams said, it was all muscle and hair. We were physically about as different as two men could be.

Sex was odd, since we were so mismatched. Until he fucked me. He had a 7", curved cock which fit my ass like a hand in a glove and rang every sexual bell I possessed. I had what Williams called a 5x6 cock, a real beer can, thicker in diameter than it was long, shrouded in a 8" long skin. Williams was a skin lover. I could be fully erect and my dick covered in skin.

He could spend hours with his tongue inside the skin, licking my cock head and lapping up my pre cum. I leak badly and fortunately the skin holds it in so it doesn't drip onto my pants. Williams liked skin and precum, so I had the dream equipment for his preferences.

We were at an end of the year tournament and he came over to me to talk.

"You're doing well, as always." he said. "You win so often, I'm going to have to concede its skill and not just luck!" This was a running joke between us. We both had a problem with students who thought ability and luck was all you needed to win. Practice and team work wasn't necessary in their view.

"It has been a good season." I said, "You've been doing really well with the Swim team." This was a new team at his school. He had placed fourth in the league in the first season, a really good showing. Williams got closer to me and whispered.

"I had a little incident at school you might be interested in." he said. From the way he was looking at me, I knew it was a sexual incident. "Brother Dave picked up two of my students for sucking cock at the rest stop on the interstate. The attendant caught them and Dave brought them to me, rather than arresting them. He recognized them as Cory from my Soccer team and Johnny from the wrestling team."

Dave was a State Trooper and a mutual friend. Williams always referred to anyone who was a member of the gay fraternity as `brother".

"What did you do?"

"I gave them my standard talk about "a time and a place for everything". Poor Cory was blubbering about his father killing him if he ever found out. He said he was just a piece of faggot trash and he'd be better off dead. I told them I wasn't going to tell. I told them they were born gay and I didn't see anything wrong with it." Williams continued.

"I calmed them down and we had a nice long talk. I told them I was gay. Johnny got an erection the second I said that. He was smitten. He wasn't even on my teams, but he had been watching me in Biology class. I told them I never played with students and it could get me in a lot of trouble if I ever screwed with a underage student. They understood that.

"But you know, Coach Williams, I'll be 18 this summer, two weeks after Graduation." Johnny said. "Cory's already 18. We'd be legal and no longer your students."

"We had a nice long discussion. I told them to call me after graduation and we would talk about it more. They said were several kids who liked me a lot and were in their situation. Needless to say, I told them not to spread this information around. Johnny said, he knew two guys who would like it, and they were okay. First rate cock suckers." Williams said. "They are guys like us, regular guys."

"Much to my surprise, Cory came up to me this morning and told me he still wanted to play. He said, he had found several guys in your school, as well as mine and they would love a lesson from their coaches." Williams said.

"Who are they?" I asked. I am afraid my voice betrayed my interest.

"Henderson, Wiley and Cameron." he replied. As I said, I'm not turned on by younger guys, but I liked the three guys Williams listed. They all seemed older, were hard workers and never were a problem. Wiley was a star on the football team, the others were dependable guys you could count on. Cameron was on the football and wrestling teams.

Coach Williams noted my reaction. "Tempted?" he asked.

"It's too dangerous." I said.

"Cory and Johnny are dependable guys, they're not bull shitters. I trust them." he said.

"Actually, you can say the same thing about Henderson, Wiley and Cameron." I said. "They aren't braggers or bull shit artists. Solid and dependable."

We talked several times over the next few weeks about the possibility. I'm not sure I ever formally agreed to it. Williams owned a hunting cabin in the mountains. He asked me over for a weekend in July and told me some guys might drop in.

I wasn't going to do it, but I had an acute attack of lust the week before and decided to give it a try. It was a warm day when I drove through the mountains to Williams' cabin. There were two cars already there when I arrived. Williams came out to greet me, wearing only a Speedo.

"Glad you could make it." he called. "Some guys are already here, come on in and say hello." It seemed dark inside the cabin after the bright sunlight of the outside. Williams introduced me to Tim Mathers, who I didn't know and Jay Robins, a wrestling coach from a school in the next county.

Tim turned out to be a Scout leader who was deeply gay and deeply closeted. He was 6'4" and thin, with a wide smile and close cropped beard. Jay was a blond version of me, with a fire plug figure.

"Before the other guests arrive, I'd really like to know what you have told them." Jay asked. "Common sense says, I should avoid the whole thing, but my cock's running the show. Cock has triumphed over being sensible."

"I told Cory, anyone coming over had to be over 18 and out of school." Williams said. "They also had to be 100% dependable. I didn't promise anything. I told him it was going to be a nice pleasant get together and they couldn't count on anything more than that. If they wanted to do more, that was up to them and to us. It takes two to tango."

"There is one more thing." added Williams. "I told him, for me at least, they shouldn't start anything they didn't want to finish. Once I'm beyond the half way point, I can't stop. I told him, some things that feel real good aren't pretty or neat." He paused. "And I told him, this was a one shot only deal. There will be no repeats. I don't want any of them to be fantasizing about an ivy covered cottage and happiness for ever after."

"That sure covers the bases." I said.

Another man entered the room from the kitchen. Williams introduced him as Ron. He was an older man, maybe 60 and he had a bushy white beard. He was a retired assistant principal at Williams' school.

A van drove up. Cory, Wiley, Henderson and two guys I didn't know got out. They were introduced as Kip and Don. They were on Jay's wrestling team and had been in Tim's troop. They were officially on a camping trip as far as their parents knew.

It was a warm July day. We talked for awhile, but it was a bit uncomfortable. No one knew what was expected.

Coach Williams suggested we all go for a swim in the old swimming hole. Everyone thought this was a good idea. He led us out the back door. The old swimming hole turned our to be a brand new swimming pool with a built in Jacuzzi and hot tub. I was shocked, the cabin was rustic, but the pool was modern.

"I have trunks for everyone. You don't get to be a swimming coach without some perks." Williams proclaimed. "The company gave me these for free!" There was a cabana to the side of the pool with a shower and a mini locker room. There was a basket for each person's clothes and a tank suit in each. Williams and Jay changed first.

The trucks were thong type, made of a sheer white fabric and barely covered the cock and balls. Williams jumped in and seconds later we were all in the water. We all had a good time splashing around. When Williams got out, the reason for the companies generosity became obvious. When wet, the trunks became all but transparent and adhered to every detail of the cock and balls. They also seemed to shrink. Everyone pretended they didn't notice, but each guys cock was in full view. Nothing was left to the imagination.

Two cars drove up. The first had three guys from Williams' school. A second car arrived with the remainder of the younger guys. Cameron was driving and had Wilson and Beau, from my football team and Biff from my wrestling team. They all joined us in the water and pretended they weren't staring at our cocks.

I knew Williams' cock, but Jay and Tim were new to me. Jay looked as if he had a thick, uncut cock, like mine. He was blond, but his pubic hair and chest hair were a lot darker. I assumed he dyed his hair. Tim was furry, but well manicured with the hair on his chest and a treasure trail to his bush. He had huge balls and a monster cock. Even soft, I knew it would grow.

As the afternoon wore on, we all had a chance to have a good look at all the equipment. I had made it a point not to check out my students equipment in school. I had, of course seen all of them naked, but never had stopped to have a long look.

I sat on the side of the pool. The swimsuit was getting unbearably tight, so I took it off. I was heading to get my shorts when I stopped to talk to Biff. Biff was a very shy, muscular short kid, who always did well for me, even when overmatched. He didn't always win, but he always did respectably. Biff was sitting on the terrace around the pool and my cock was at eye height.

I lingered, since I figured he'd like a nice long view of my cock. I was shocked when he leaned over and sucked me. Biff was shy, but I knew this wasn't his first time sucking cock. He was good at it. I soon realized this was a good group.

No one made a fuss. Some guys watched, but no one commented. Wiley came over and talked to me as if Biff wasn't sucking me hard. When Biff came up for air, Wiley asked, "Can I try it out?" Biff said yes, and Wiley got on his knees. Biff's erect cock could barely be held by his trunks.

"You'd better take that off before it pops." I said. Biff looked down, smiled and striped the trunks.

"I guess you're right about that." Biff said. I reached over and stroked his meat. He had the perfect young man's cock, a solid and thick six inches, so hard it curved up to all but touch his navel. He had a strawberry cock head. He had clear white skin, but his cock head was a deep pink. I would bet his ass hole was pink too.

"I've dreamed of your cock for years." Biff said in a whisper. I smiled at him.

"Was it what you expected?' I asked. He beamed at me.

"Oh yes." he said, "Everything." I looked around the pool. Almost everyone had stripped naked and the younger guys were clustered around the older men. Apparently everyone was waiting for the starting gun before they got to suck a coach. That was fine with me. Wiley was a vigorous sucker. I was afraid I would shoot too fast. Kip had been all but drooling, so I motioned for him to come over and trade places with Kip.

Kip was one of Williams' team members. He was a big, linebacker type, beefy and already furry. He looked big, brawny and brash, but sucked as if my cock was a rare delicacy which needed to be savored. Oddly, I felt more comfortable being sucked by one of the guys I didn't know.

I was stroking Wiley's cock as well as Biff's. Wiley had a seven inch probe with a nice and big knob. He had low hangers and his balls and the knob were all about the same size. It looked as if the cock head was too big for the shaft, but Wiley had no problem keeping it up. Biff was oozing a lot of pre cum, so I took some and spread it on Wiley's head. Wiley liked that a lot.

"Have you boys been playing together before today?" I asked. They both looked embarrassed. "Come on guys! You've been sucking my cock for the last ten minutes. Don't worry about admitting you like cock! I've already guessed you like it."

"I guess you're right about that." Wiley admitted. "I've been with Cameron and Biff before. It's always been a quickie, never been naked together sexually. Lots of looks in the shower room, but never got naked for fun. This is great."

"I can't believe we're doing this in the open." Biff said. "Every other experience I've had has been sneaking into the equipment room at the gym. The goal was to shoot as fast as possible so we wouldn't get caught."

"The equipment room. I didn't know about that." I said. "I'm the only one who has the key." Biff looked as if he had spilled the beans by accident. I looked at him sternly. "It's going to take a lot of cock sucking to get me to forgive you for that." Biff looked at me and burst into a smile.

"If that's what it takes!" he replied. Biff traded places with Kip. He joined the conversation and grope session with me and Wiley. I had quickly glanced at his cock as he had taken his place at my cock. I could only see his cock lead into a thick pubic bush. I guessed he had a beer can cock and I was right. He was uncut, but the skin pulled all the way back from his head. The head was quite small, the slit wide. As I stroked it, I realized the shaft grew thicker as it vanished into his hairy groin. I was more use to guys with big head and thin shafts and wondered how it would feel in my ass.

I looked around the pool. All the younger guys were clustered around an older man, like puppies at their mother, competing for a place at the breast for milk. There was a cock sucking frenzy. Each of the guys wanted to get close enough to their coaches cock to suck, or at least, lick it. I wondered what the reaction would be when someone's balls would explode and drain. Would it be a lucky kid who loved the taste of man seed, or would the kid be shocked.

I remembered the first time I took a man load. I was older and it was a combination of shock and excitement. There is nothing more intimate than shooting your load into another guy's mouth. When you unload in an ass, the guy you are fucking may not know what you are doing. You always loose control during an orgasm, but in a mouth, your partner knows exactly what you are doing.

There's not much an ass can do compared to a mouth and tongue. When you are defenseless, ejaculating, the sucker has complete control of your cock. I looked at Kip. Our eyes met. I had a feeling he would know a lot more about my cum before the day was over.

"Guys, come over here for a minute." Tim said loudly. "Break it off and catch your breath. Gather around here. We need to set some ground rules." His cock could have been put on display at the Smithsonian. It was long, hard and thick, drooping down. I guessed this was due to it's weight. It was a genuine 11 incher.

"This isn't planned to be a Sunday School picnic. I'm not here to teach you about life or sex. I'm here to have some heavy duty man sex. You guys have been messing around for years. I know some of you thought I didn't know, but I did. You aren't boys anymore. I'm not interested in "messing around". If you don't want sex, real man to man sex, you had better leave." Ron stepped up next to Tim.

Ron was heavier, with pure white hair showing up against his tanned body. He was a polar bear. His cock was at half staff and looked small compared to Tim's monster. I bet it was a full size 6 inch, cut cock.

"I want to warn you about one thing. I've watched you all drool over Tim's fuck tool." Ron said. He looked around the assembled men. "As a mater of fact, there's a lot of big meat here. Remember your eyes may be bigger than your stomach. Tim's a first rate fucker, but his meat's not for every ass. If you've never been fucked before, think before you open your ass."

"Hey, Ron!" Tim said. "I'd be willing to bet it will be in someone's ass! And they'll be real happy they tried it!" Everyone laughed. "One more thing though and this is really hard. You've all been taught sex is bad and gay sex is as bad as it can get. That's simply untrue. We are all here because we want to be here and like man sex. No one is here to take advantage of you, but there is no reason you can't use another guys body to get off, as long as he's enjoying himself too."

"There is no reason not to let him use your cock or ass for fun, as long as it feels good. You may have stupid ideas about what a "real" man is supposed to do, top only or get sucked. Real men can admit they like the feel of a guy's cock in their ass or the taste of cum squirting from a swollen cock head." Tim continued. "Everyone has likes and preferences, but the goal is to enjoy ourselves and out buds, not to be macho, or prove something to ourselves."

"Well guys." Williams said. "I was hoping to find someone who genuinely want to suck my cock!" Everyone laughed again and the party started in earnest.

Next: Chapter 2

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