Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 7, 2020


Gentle readers: just some information if you don't know this already. This story is connected to one I just finished "Glaucus and Marcellus," a bit of historical fiction. This one is , maybe, based on all of those characters being reincarnated over 2000 years later. So, if you feel a little lost, or you'd like to play the "who's this?" game, take a look at that one. Hope you enjoy both stories.


Let's move up through the spring semester, during which both Ahmad and dave did very well, scoring high GPAs, both near a perfect 4. Ahmad had pretty much moved into dave's apartment. He certainly spent most nights there Occasionally, he'd find himself with eric, or even less frequently, someone else. He always came back to dave, though. dave, on the other hand, slept with no one else. He remembered Gillian's recommendations, and thought about them often, especially since he was about to start her intensive summer Latin class, with Ahmad. "Intensive" didn't begin to do justice to the speed at which the class went. They were going to cover a year of classical Latin, in 12 weeks. Classical Latin is hard enough. To do it on, as dave would put it via "Magnum iter" (forced march: one of the first idioms they learned), was a nightmare. They were in class, four days a week, for four hours. Then there was homework. His apartment was covered with index cards of vocabulary, from both he and Ahmad. It left them very little time.


"you horny dave king?" Ahmad would ask. The first time dave had said "no," he learned that what that question really meant was "I'm horny, let's fuck." He had gotten up, maybe to get a drink of water or something, and came back from the kitchen. It was a Saturday, and they had so much homework he hadn't changed out of his morning t shirt: a blue henley t shirt, and some old white shorts. The henley barely covered his body, it had shrunk in the wash so much. As he came out of the kitchen, Ahmad grabbed him around the middle, and began tickling him right at the navel.

"AHMAD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP IT. STOP IT. PLEASE.." Then he felt Ahmad's small teeth on his ear. "I'm not gonna stop until your legs are in the air and my cock is inside of you blondie." Ahmad had called him "blondie" one night, and neither one of them understood why, but it just got dave very excited, and "ready," as Ahmad put it. It got him ready now. If he wasn't horny when Ahmad had asked, he was by the time he was on his back. Ahmad certainly was. He had "the look" as dave put it. When he had "the look," he was too horny to look for ropes, or cuffs, or nipple clamps. He didn't want play: he wanted penetration. NOW. Usually oral sex wasn't enough, and it wasn't that Saturday morning. In less time than you could conjugate a verb in the present tense, they were naked, and Ahmad was deep inside dave's ass, pounding him, and pounding him hard.


Ahmad pushed hard. He LOVED controlling dave, and his juice filled dave. He fell on top of him. "Oh man, dave king, that felt good. I needed that so bad. Thank you." dave laughed. "You're thanking me? You didn't give me much of a chance." "Ha ha. That's true. You don't get a chance, dave king. Remember that." He kissed dave. "DAMN YOU'RE HANDSOME. Everyone in that class is jealous because they know I'm fucking you." "WHAT? HOW DO THEY KNOW?" "Sweetie, I tell them Anytime anyone says anything about how sexy you are, or wonders what you're like in bed... I tell them." dave tried to get up, and Ahmad grabbed his nipples and pushed him back down. "You're not serious are you?" Ahmad just smiled "You ARE serious . " "dave, when are you gonna understand that everybody wants you? " "Well, I only want you, Ahmad man. Now kiss me again." "First, sweetstuff, tell me something: you said some strange things just now. "Pierce me? Slice me open?" dave looked puzzled. "I did? I remember screaming FUCK ME, but nothing else. " He paused. "Wait a minute. Didn't we read some old play or something in Ancient Hist? Some section about how that was the way they begged to get fucked? " Ahmad thought for a minute. "Well, I'd hate to think you were channeling any of those old baboons. " "Didn't you tell me your ancestors were probably in Rome? Were they old babboons too? " Ahmad smiled, and dug his fingers into dave's ribs until he was squirming and laughing helplessly. "MY ancestors were NOT Romans dave king. They were elegant, refined Arabs. It's why they, like me, were desirable. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. OK OK. I GIVE I GIVE. " Ahmad stopped. "And you ARE desirable Ahmad. If they were half as desirable as you.. " "Say nothing more dave king. Say nothing. Just hold me." As they cuddled, dave said "you know, we COULD ask Gillian if we're not pissed off at her at the end of a class." Ahmad laughed. "Good luck with THAT happening."

Gillian had warned them: the class was going to be tough. She didn't warn them how tough SHE would be. She caught EVERY error. Also, dave and Ahmad thought that they were feeling paranoid, when it seemed she was harder on them than the rest of the class; however, when their classmates agreed, they knew they were right. Maybe it was because she saw them as future grad students in her field, or perhaps she expected more of them as the best students in the class, but she WAS tougher on them. For example, in addition to the regular assignments, there were always "optional" supplementary materials, like tapes on how scholars think Latin was pronounced. These were NOT optional for dave and Ahmad, and she would call them out in class if they didn't do them. Still, her grading was more than fair, and her criticisms were valid. None of that matters at the point where it happens, however, and it happened at every class. So, they had to get up their courage to ask a question not dealing directly with the class. One day , a day after dave had given a REALLY good boot camp class, Ahmad had taken a dance class where he was praised by the teacher, and they had cuddled at night for two hours, they finally went to her.

"Gillian? Would you mind if we asked you a question about something not in class?" She looked up, smiling. "DAVE! AHMAD! Two of my favorite people in the world! You probably think I'm a bitch from hell don't you?" Ahmad started laughing. "Well, we actually had stronger words, but that'll do." Now she was laughing with them. "Look, let's all go out for drinks when this class is over. My defense has been scheduled, so in addition to teaching, I'm getting ready for that and I'm really nervous. " She paused. "You can't stay for the examination part, but maybe you could come to my presentation? I'll give you the date." "I think we'd love to Gil. Maybe our combined brain forces will make them ask easy questions." She laughed. "I could use that. Professor Franklin is coming in from the classical languages department and she is NOT a fan of my theories. Professor Foley is coming in too. She's nice, but she knows EVERYTHING. At one defense, she asked someone about a particular LINE from a play. But enough about this. What was your question?" They both reddened, but Ahmad was the one who was less shy and he asked. "Well, we both seem to remember a colloquial use of the verb "to pierce," but we weren't sure." "Oh yes, of course. That's easy. It was very colloquial. Roman men who were what we would call gay now, used to refer to fucking as piercing. They called their dicks swords too. So there was a lot of military imagery, gladiatorship, all that kind of thing. " She paused. "Maybe one of you should write your dissertation on that." "Well, we have to pass Latin first, Gil." "AND Greek. You think Latin's hard. Oh boy. WAIT. Just hope you don't get Schwartz as your teacher." "OH AHMAD. How could I forget this? There's an article that just came out about a new find of papyri fragments. I wouldn't bring it up, but, well, let me pull it out of my sack." She dumped out a very dusty looking paperback, called "Archeologica" . I know you talked about your ancestors, and this made me think you should see the fragment. She opened the journal, and pointed to it with a red enameled finger. "Can you read it?" Ahmad scanned it, and then did: "And his loyal ...Ahmad this word I don't know... in an expression of love, opened his wrists and died with his same word. Glaucus." "VERY GOOD . That word, the one you don't know, is 'consort," so yes, it reads "And his loyal consort Ahmad, in an expression of love, opened his wrist and died with his consort Glaucus." There was silence, and Ahmad whitened. "Then my family stories are true." Gillian waved a finger. "Now, Ahmad, we don't draw conclusions on one fragment" "NO. NO. That's been the family story. It's been the story for as long as I can remember: our ancestor was brought to Rome as a slave, married a rich Roman man, and they died together. That's what we were taught." "Hmmmm. You know, there's a new dig happening in Italy - just outside of Rome. There are some suggestions that this is the estate of the mysterious Glaucus - who IS mentioned occasionally in literature, but of whom we know nothing. Finish your degrees. They'd never take you, even as volunteer sweepers, without more training. But go. Go help. You may just find something with your fresh eyes. And by the time you're finished, the truly hard stuff will be done. " She smiled. "Let the people being paid to do that, do it. Get good grades. The competition will be fierce. Some recommendations and some really strong grades, will get you in."

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Some would say that to experience a St. Louis summer is to experience hell. Hot, muggy, so still that air conditioners don't seem to help. It was Gabe's first. What particularly seemed to bother him, were the Mississippi River mosquitoes. They were making a feast of him, and nothing seemed to help. Fred would sit up, every night, dabbing calamine lotion on new bites.

"How come they don't bite you Fred?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe they only like top men, or hairy guys." Gabe wasn't amused. "You know, I should start biting you for every mosquito that bites me." "That would be different how?" Gabe took the bottle of lotion out of fred's hand. "You know, you may just be the sexiest man in the world. Shirtless, pretending to be Florence Nightingale while you feel me up. Making me..." "Horny? " "DAMN RIGHT." He kissed fred and pushed him down on his back. "You know, other people borrow a cup of sugar from their neighbor. I, on the other hand, didn't borrow, I just took, my neighbor's ass." "Take it again stud. I think about you all day at work." Gabe was about to say something, but he thought better. He didn't like well, and there was a handsome blonde guy who was in his department who was occupying his thoughts a lot of the time. As he fucked fred that night, it wasn't the first time he imagined he was fucking Marco. Marco. From Italy. Blond. But not from the north. A white shirt every day like - like that guy dave - only Marco always had two, sometimes three, buttons unopened, and no one objected. "Don't say his name Gabe. Don't say his name. " "TAKE IT FRED. TAKE IT YOU SEXY FUCKER. TAKE MY SWORD. TAKE IT!!!!" When they were done, fred looked at him. "Gabe, you said it again." "I know. I know. It's... weird. I don't quite know what is happening, but... when I'm in bed with you, I feel like, well, I feel like we're in Italy, ancient Italy, lovers, hiding from the world. " fred kissed him. "No need to hide anymore babe. But if you want to bury yourself in my arms, I'm here. Med school isn't far off. You're gonna need your support group." Gabe returned the kiss. "You know, you're really my rock freddy. " He smiled. "And that hair is growing back. Tomorrow, sweetcakes, out comes the razor. " fred smiled. "Yes sir" "GOD I LOVE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME THAT. "

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Back in NY, it was late on a Sunday night. The gym was closed, but dave had a key. He told Ahmad "You know, if we get caught, I'm gonna lose my job and we may both get suspended. This better be worth it." "It WILL be dave king. I saw a video where this happened, only the blond guy was the top. " They were about to play out the wrestling fantasy they had discussed. It was the period just between first and second summer session, and the campus would never be more empty. The gym was closed on Sunday, and dave knew how to disable the video camera. Ahmad was carrying a bag of "toys" as he called it. They looked around, like cat burglars, trying not to laugh. dave got the door opened. "This way Ahmad. The wrestling area is downstairs." He led Ahmad down one long flight, and turned on the light. "WOW. JUST WOW dave king. OH, the things I could do to you. Let's pick this one. " He walked over to a practice mat. It was warm - hot - outside, so they didn't have many clothes on. Stripping down to shorts was easy. "Lay down dave. Stretch out. Just like on the bed. " "Yes sir." dave did what Ahmad said, and then Ahmad found supports where he attached ropes. Then he stretched dave out, extending him really far. Once he was done, he told dave to see if he could get free. dave pulled. He couldn't. "FUCK. " he yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME." "Heh heh. Anything I want dave. ANYTHING. You're not getting away from me again." Ahmad stretched his body out on top of dave, and kissed his forehead, his chin, his adam's apple. Whenever dave tried to resist, he tweaked a nipple. "You know, dave, this is how you should be. ALWAYS. AWAYS.. He moved to the top of the mat, behind dave's head. The shape of his cock was evident to dave. He wanted it in his mouth. Now. Instead, Ahmad slid his hands down dave's torso. "No use to fight me dave. None at all. " He ran a finger around dave's navel, and then he moved to kiss it. He climbed on top of dave. "Gimme that neck please" "FUCK YOU" dave yelled, and that got a crotch squeeze. "Ok, Ok. You win.." dave moved his head aside, and Ahmad went at it like a calf at a salt lick. Then he licked dave's body down to his nipples, smiling as dave whimpered. "I'm gonna fuck you dave. I'm gonna fuck you HARD. " "NO. Please come on. You beat me. Don't fuck me. " Then he was quiet, as Ahmad began working on his nipples, before he took out the clamps. He slid them over dave's sweating body. "Ready for these sexy. "NO. NO. PLEASE NOT THOSE. PLEASE . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGGGGGGGG" They were on his nips, and Ahmad lifted the chain up to his mouth. "OPEN. AND PULL." mmmmph... MMMMPH... " "Now, I've got some other things to pull. Better yet..." Ahmad smiled as he reached into the bag, and pulled out a scissor. He got to work on dave's shorts, and then his jock. dave was buck naked, cock high in the air. "Don't drop that chain boi. Remember..." "mmmph.. mmmmmph... " "OH, what I'd give to tickle those feet. I'll save that, dave king. For now.... " he untied the ankle restraints and held dave's legs high in the air. "Never fucked you with the tit clamps. This'll be fun. "mmmmmmph. mmmmmmph." dave could do nothing as he felt Ahmad's cockhead at his ass. "OH, that ass feels so soft. So comforting. Like a cock cocoon. " Ahmad's "worm" began to bury in the comfort of dave's ass. He reached up and took the chain from dave's mouth. "I want you focused on my cock, not the chain." dave WAS focused. It was hard not to be, as Ahmad moved at about the speed of a well fed caterpillar, slowly making his way inside of him. The wrestling ring WAS inspiring him. This was NOTHING like the way he usually took him. "How's my big sexy boi? How's big handsome dave? " He smiled, and slid down. "No answer. I wonder how many people think you're the top in our relationship" He SLAMMED in harder. "WHO'S THE TOP DAVE KING? " "You are. You are SIr. " "You love my cock? " "Yes sir. I do. I love when you fuck me. I love when you fuck me HARD. OH SHIT OH GOD." Ahmad was filling him so deep, and so hard. dave wanted to grab him and hug him, but he also loved this feeling of being restrained. His cock was getting stiffer, and stiffer. "You cum before me dave, and I may leave you here overnight, hah hah. " That wasn't going to happen though, because Ahmad began sliding, faster and faster. "You're my lover, dave. My sweet, sweet, lover. The man my sword takes every time it wants. " He got faster, and the sweat poured off him. When it hit dave's lips, dave just drank it up.. "YES SIR. YES LORD AHMAD. FUCK ME. FUCK ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN. PIERCE ME. PIERCE ME. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" He felt Ahmad's jizz pulse into him. There were more then ten of them before Ahmad pulled out smiling. "That was FUN dave king. You want some release?" "Yes sir. Please. " dave was right handed, so Ahmad untied that hand. He slid behind dave, so he could kiss his ears, his neck, his shoulder. "I wanna see you cum dave. I wanna see you cum so hard you hit the fucking ceiling." dave got to work, as Ahmad's skilled hands got to his nipples. "OH SHIT. THAT'S GONNA SET ME OFF. " It did. He didn't quite reach the ceiling, but he pulsed 11 times. Ahmad noticed. "Oh, bottom boi, you can't cum more than your top. "Sorry Sir. I should've controlled myself. " "Well, I'll just add it to the list of infractions for which you'll be punished later this week. " He untied dave's other wrist. "We gotta clean up Ahmad. " "Well, get to work boi. Tops don't clean up." dave sighed, and looked for a rag. There wasn't any. His shorts had been cut to pieces, so he used them. "GOOD. I can cut those into gags for you, dog boi." "You brought me a change of clothes, didn't you Ahmad?" Ahmad made a face. "OH SHIT. I forgot." "No seriously, I need clothes." "And I'm serious dave king. I forgot." dave was turning red with embarrassment. "How am I gonna get home now, buck naked? Ahmad laughed. "Maybe I can fashion a leash and we can make a statement of some kind?" "AHMAD THIS ISN'T FUNNY. Wait.. Maybe... maybe... The laundry room.

Stay here." dave ran off to see if he could find some gym uniforms that would fit him. As he sat there, Ahmad laughed and pulled out the change of clothes he had brought. When dave came back, with some smelly gym clothes, he saw his change of clothes. "You FUCK. You fucking bastard. " He attacked Ahmad and whether because he was so angry, or because Ahmad let him, for the first time, he had Ahmad pinned under him. "Ok dave king, you got me. Now what are you gonna do?" dave looked at him. "you know, I'm gonna let you up. This feels too wrong. Too ... weird." "See dave king? I told you... I've got you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." a look had crossed dave's face, and he dug his fingers into Ahmad's ribs. "No one to hear you Ahmad. The way you wanted it. "LET ME UP YOU FUCKING BOTTOM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "You gonna let me tie YOU up, sweet boy?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK. YOU CAN TIE ME UP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." dave stopped. He looked down. "I think I'm in love with you Ahmad." "Took you long enough to get there dave king. I've been in love with you since our first night." dave got dressed. They cleaned everything up as best as they could. Then they snuck out. When they were clear of the gym, they began walking hand in hand. "Hey, look up dave king. It's a full moon. " "It's beautiful Ahmad. It's probably the same moon the first Ahmad saw. I wonder if he kissed Glaucus under the moon." "I bet he did, dave king. There's an old belief where I'm from: if you kiss under a full moon, you'll never be apart. " "Well?" dave said. They locked lips. When they finished, Ahmad looked at dave. "forever."

Next: Chapter 8

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