Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 3, 2020


So the second semester started for dave and Ahmad, while Gabe started his new jobs, and his relationship with fred. We're going to read about the boys at school first. Both of them had taken ambitious schedules, and they met in three classes: the second semester of ancient history, Roman art, and in their required General Chemistry class. They were able to work out a "shared" relationship with tutoring. Ahmad had no head for chemistry, and dave had learned so much of it on the job, that it was a breeze. On the other hand, while dave could tell you what he thought about art objects, he didn't have the critical skills that Ahmad had, and that he would need for graduate school. So they would study together, pushing each other in those classes. There was no need for them to push each other in ancient history. It happened naturally. Ahmad had made up his mind that if there was an A+ to be had that semester, he'd get it: and he'd do what he had to, to get it. He and dave had become lovers, in everything but name. Ahmad kept his apartment with his roommate, but he was at dave's place almost every night. dave woke up every morning, wrapped in Ahmad's arms and, as he woke up earlier than Ahmad, there was usually a wrestling match to get out of bed. dave always lost: Ahmad was too fast, and too tricky. One morning, as Ahmad had him pinned down in bed, refusing to let him go until he got his cock sucked, he mused "You know dave, I would LOVE to wrestle you in a real wrestling ring. Kick the shit out of you, Tie you up. Make love to you right in the ring." He changed his arm positions so he could play with dave's nip. "Sound good to you?" Through moans, dave answered. "it does Sir. It really does. OOOOH. Especially the part about you fucking me.. " Ahmad climbed back on top and shoved his cock into dave's mouth. He wanted the blow job, but they both ALSO had to get to class, so he began pumping. dave had become a much better cocksucker, and almost never scraped Ahmad's cock with his teeth. Ahmad would pretend he did, so he had an excuse to tickle him in punishment. He didn't this morning, though, as dave began to swallow Ahmad's seed as he shot... Ahmad then reached down to jerk off dave. He knew just how to handle his lover, so that he was in between pleasure and agony, from Ahmad's touch. "Sir... I think I know how we can do that wrestling thing." Ahmad smiled. "Do tell dave king." "Jerk me off first." "Nah. I think I'll tickle you until you tell me." He let go of dave's cock and dove into his pits. "HHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. AHMED. THIS IS UNFAIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Oh, I think it's very fair dave king. You're so much bigger than me, and so much stronger than me. I need a way to handle you." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I THINK YOU HAVE PLENTY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK, OK. WILL YOU JERK ME AFTER I TELL YOU?" "Let's put it this way handsome. I won't stop tickling you until you do. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Ahmad had moved down to his ribs. dave knew that meant his feet were next. "OK. OK.... Let me breathe. I'll tell you." Ahmad stopped the tickling, and put his hand around dave's cock and moved it up and down very, very slowly. "I'll check what the gym schedule is. It's not opened 24 hours. Maybe I can get a pass and sneak us in. There's a wrestling mat in there for the team... OOOOOH. OH AHMAD. You jerk me better than I jerk myself. " "Kiss me sweet dave. Kiss me. Kiss me while I get you off." Their lips were locked as dave shot. They were late. They both hoped they didn't smell too much as they ran off for class.

That was the semester that Ahmad also introduced dave to sex with bondage, outside of the bedroom. One day, dave came home and he saw one of their living room chairs in the middle of the room. He saw rope, a gag, and a set of nipple clamps on the table. He didn't see Ahmad. Then he felt his soft hand, and long fingers on his ass. He felt his tongue - his LONG tongue- lapping at his ear. "If you're gonna be my lover, dave king, you have to learn about bondage in other places. Sit." dave had fantasized about being tied up in chairs, or being treated like the handsome prisoners he had seen in tv shows. He had thought maybe he'd bring it up to Ahmad one day, but Ahmad didn't like dave taking any role in their sex lives at all. So as the ropes went around his wrists, he found himself getting very, very hard. Ahmad smiled too. dave was wearing a tighter pair of jeans than he usually did, and the bulge was clear. With a smile on his face, Ahmad began dancing. "So dave king.. How about I strip for you? Get you even harder? It'll be so much more fun playing with you when you're rigid.' "OH GOD AHMAD. I'm so hard now... I..." "Open your mouth blond boy." Ahmad liked using a rope gag: just a strip of rope that forced dave's lips apart. He could make more sounds, and Ahmad could tease his tongue. It was effective. After he had dave gagged, he moved to the front. He put one of the pieces of music that came from his country on. "We all had to learn this for temple. So it's a sacred dance. We'll make it sacred.... and profane." Ahmad's darker body, so sinewy, so beautiful always made dave smile. Once, when he was drying off after a shower, Ahmad saw dave just looking at him, so happy. Ahmad turned. "You like my body, dave king, don't you?" "I do. I feel like I want to be wrapped in it all the time." Ahmad came over and fell on top of him. "And you're so hot. Figuratively but also... you generate so much heat dave king. I don't need a blanket with you. And you respond to each touch. And it encourages me to do more. You're like a beautiful slab of alabaster, just waiting for the artist to do... nothing." That day, however, the artist DID do something. He danced, bouncing his cock up and down. He came closer to dave, and gave him a sort of lap dance. Then he rubbed his cock all over dave's lips. dave wanted it. He wanted it BADLY. The gag stopped him, even as Ahmad pushed his knee into his hard cock. "You want my dick dave king? You want it?" dave shook his head vigorously, up and down." "Then.... you're gonna have to wear these..." Ahmad put the clamps on. "I'll lead you to the bedroom. And once we get there.... hee hee, I'll leave them on. But I'll give you what you want." He did. dave loved seeing Ahmad's face when he fucked him, and Ahmad took him with dave laying on his back. He didn't lift up dave's legs, but he spread them, and slid in. "Remember when you couldn't take my cock, big man?" "GAAMAMAMAA MAMAMAAAM" dave was still gaged, and Ahmad laughed. "Now you take it like your ass was born for it. Maybe it was... You think another cock could go in there?" dave shook his head no, and Ahmad smiled. "That's the right answer dave king. I don't mind if you kiss anyone else, but your manpussy... that belongs to me. " He proved it by shooting , hot and deep, into his handsome lover. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

In St. Louis, Gabe and fred had settled into a steady relationship. Living a few apartments apart from each other, neither one was inclined to move in with the other. especially with leases: Gabe's new one and the one fred had just re-signed. Still, they spent most nights together, either at home, or having dinner, seeing a movie, or any of the things that couples do. In restrospect, some of the features of Gabe's character that he hadn't really expressed in New York, because he was so busy with his grad work, and would again suppress in medical school, began to come out. One weekend, after he and fred had just finished a long, romantic session of making out, and making love, that left them both spent, Gabe smiled, and looked at fred. "You've got all that curly blond hair on your chest... Ever think of shaving it?" fred laughed. "Actually, no. I'm not a boy, Gabe. I'm a man. What made you think of that?" He kissed fred. "Because I kinda like my guys smooth. It would really get me off if I could shave you." "GABE. NO! It's not happening." Gabe smiled. He leaned into fred, pinning him down. "Sweetcakes. You know I'm stronger than you. I could get a clipper right now, and get it done faster than you could say haircut." fred pushed against Gabe. "I DON'T WANT TO DO IT. If you do it to me, it'll grow back. But you'll never see me again." Gabe laughed. "Really fred? You'd give up my awesome dick over something like shaving your chest? " He leaned down and nibbled one of fred's nipples. "I don't think you'd do that." fred didn't answer. This was not an easy question for him to answer. Gabe knew: he was a superb Top: there wasn't a night that they spent together, where fred didn't think "THAT was the best sex I ever had." It hadn't taken Gabe long to figure out what drove fred wild sexually: and not just obvious things. For example, if Gabe rested his leg a certain way on fred, it just made fred horny as hell. A lot of guys have sensitive ears and earlobes, but Gabe had found a spot on ONE of fred's ears, that he just used to rub between his fingers, and fred was done. If Gabe wanted his legs in the air, they went up. If he wanted fred to roll over, he rolled over. And then there was the matter of the handcuffs. When Gabe pulled them out, fred had balked. "NO, I'm not doing that. NO. Hold me down, but no restraints. NO." Gabe's throaty baritone had answered "Just try it once. Just once.." Then he rubbed his perpetual 5 o'clock shadown against fred's neck, and fred whimpered "ok.ok. Gabe. Just once. But let me go if I ask. Please." He didn't ask. He had the biggest orgasm he could remember. And Gabe didn't fuck him. THAT time.

Laying there, as Gabe toyed with his body, fred began thinking "Maybe it won't be too bad to be shaved. Just once. Someone told me it makes you feel more sensitive. He closed his eyes, and gathered himself. Then he opened them and spoke. "ok, Topman. If you want to turn me into a boy, go ahead. " Gabe smiled. "You're not gonna be a boy. You're just gonna think about me all the time." "Just do it Gabe. Just do it. Use the handcuffs so I don't squirm too much." Gabe had no problem with that, and after he locked fred down, he got to work. There was a LOT more hair than either one of them thought, and the touch of the steel clipper on his chest was both frightening fred, and turning him on. Gabe smiled. "Now the pubes. " "NO! I didn't agree to that!" "Shhhh. Relax fred. If you twist too much... you may become a TRUE bottom." fred cried a little while his pubes were shaved. He didn't know this was part of it. Now he REALLY felt like a boy. Except he felt like a boy who was really, REALLY horny. Gabe asked, in a low voice. "How are you doing, sexy?" All fred could get out was "You got enough juice to fuck me? Or to fuck my face? Don't take the cuffs off yet.. Sir.." Gabe didn't think he did. Then he heard the Sir. And all his blood rushed to his cock, after which his cock pushed into fred another time. "OOOH. Gabe. Gabe my man. Gabe my Top. " fred smiled, almost like a cat who had drunk a bowl of cream. Gabe undid the cuffs, and pulled him into a hug. "What did you just call me fred?" "I called you Sir. I was gonna call you something else. I don't know why, but..." "What were you gonna call me fred?" "Master." "Ha ha. Save that for another time. Sir is great now." He ran his hand through fred's hair. "We good , you handsome man." "Yes sir. I think I need a nap now." He slept with his newly shorn torso, up against Gabe's hairy one. As he drifted off, Gabe began to think: where did the shaved chest thing come from? It had never been something he thought about. He realized that all of the men in Greek art were smooth, but he didn't think of it as particularly erotic. He remembered dave. That's right. dave was smooth. He didn't shave. But he had so little hair, that if he shaved once a week, it was enough. His hair seemed to grow very slowly, and he remembered that night with dave. That smooth, blond body that drove him nuts. And now, there was fred. Wrapped in his arms, breathing softly, shaved because Gabe had wanted it. "What else did he want?" He thought. Then he smiled. Yes. A night at the leather club, showing off his beautiful bottom boy. All in time, all in time ."

Next: Chapter 7

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