Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 27, 2020


dave was an early riser, and Ahmad was not. So, when dave woke up, and tried to get up, he found that he couldn't. Ahmad had him wrapped up pretty securely in his long arms. When dave tried to move, he felt Ahmad's hand slide down to his balls and squeeze. "You trying to leave me sexy? You think I'm gonna let you? Hmmm? " Ahmad squeezed dave's balls a little "Hi, uh, oh, no. I uh.. I just get up early." "Not this morning sweetheart. Today... " he tickled dave quickly on the side, and when he bolted, Ahmad flipped him on his back. "Today, you have a guest. And your job, as host, is to make your guest as comfortable as possible. " Ahmad pressed his lips to dave's. There was no question, dave was stronger, but the way Ahmad had positioned them, with dave stretched out under him, and Ahmad's knee now pressing against his balls, dave was quite helpless." "What can I do to make my guest happy, then?" dave smiled. Ahmad moved his mouth to dave's ear. "Let me try to fuck you dave king. I'll stop if I'm hurting you, ok? I really want you. REALLY REALLY REALLY" "I want you too Ahmad. Let's try it. " "Kiss me first, you big sexy blond." dave felt Ahmad's tongue moving inside his mouth. It felt so good. His own cock was getting harder, and he was so filled with the stimuli that, he didn't realize Ahmad was entering him. Until he was halfway in. "OH FUCK. It's beginning to hurt. Please. Please take it out. " Ahmad looked at him. "Do you really want me to come out dave king? Or do you want me to OWN your sweet ass?" dave sucked in his breath. He had done basic training. He had been in the service. He could do this. "Take me Ahmad. Fuck me. Fuck me all the way. " He saw Ahmad smile, and he felt his lips on his ear. "You're sweet dave. But you've got more in you now than you've ever had. I'm gonna stop. And next time, we'll go further. Ok?" dave just shook his head yes. When Ahmad came out, he hugged dave, hard. "You know, you try to give the impression that you're such a hard ass. Such a hard boiled soldier. Know what you are dave king? a teddy bear. The golden lab I told you about. And more. You're last name is king, but you're a prince. Here. Let me teach you something I know how to do REAL well. " Ahmad slid down and put his lips over dave's cock. dave gasped at how good it felt. It was almost as if Ahmad's tongue were just slightly ridged. It felt so good, and he began to buck. He bucked so hard he almost knocked Ahmad off the bed. Ahmad stopped. "Ok, sexy. I'll go back, but first... you gotta prove your commitment. My mouth was just on your cock. Kiss me now. " It was sort of a "now or never" moment for dave. He didn't want to lose Ahmad, but the thought was making him a little nauseous. He opened his mouth . Ahmad smiled. "Good. I think you're a keeper. Now, instead of doing that, I'm gonna do something no one has EVER done to you. I guarantee it." He pulled dave's legs up in the air , and his head disappeared. "FUUCCCCCCCK" dave yelled, as he felt Ahmad's tongue working around inside of him. "HOLY SHIT. I haven't felt that. EVER . EVER. AHMAD WATCH OUT. WATCH OUT. " The cum started shooting out of dave. Ahmad grabbed his balls, and smiled as he shot. "See, dave king? I probably know a million ways to get you off without fucking you all the way. We're gonna have so much fun. "But how about you, Ahmad? I'm the host. I should be MMMMMPH. " Ahmad had surprised him and hand gagged him. "How's about you just be quiet, while I take care of myself? Seeing you struggling... it does me good." Ahmad proceeded to play with his cock, eyes closed, whispering "OH MY. I'm in bed with the sexiest man on campus. The one everybody dreams of. And he's mine. Are you mine dave? Are you mine?" "Yes. I am. " Ahmad gave that scream that both scared dave and turned him on, and then he shot all over dave's body. "You know, dave king, I have big climaxes. Always have. The two I've had with you, have been probably the two biggest. " "Which one was bigger?" dave teased. "Know which one is gonna be bigger? The one I have when I'm all the way inside you." He began tickling dave. "Go ahead big military man. Try to get up. Geez. If the other side had just tickled you guys, they would have won. "STOP. STOP. I can't breathe. Whaddya want, my surrender, Ahmad? I give. I give. Fuck me again. Fuck my face again. ANYTHING. I give." Ahmad stopped, he ran his hand through dave's sweaty hair. "Just tell me you won't leave me dave king. Just tell me that. But don't tell me that if you don't mean it." "I'm not leaving you Ahmad. As long as you don't leave me." They hugged in silence for a few minutes. Then Ahmad whispered. "You want to get up. I want to sleep. Go for it big boy. Don't wake me up. I take my coffee very strong, with sugar and milk."

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So what happened in St. Louis? Well, it wasn't just Gabe. Fred went back to his apartment, feeling like he had met Gabe somewhere. Where, he just didn't know. Why did his face look so familiar? When he went to bed that night, he had a dream. Gabe was on top of him, screwing him mightily. He was growling something like "TAKE MY SWORD YOU FUCKING GOTH, " and Fred was loving it. He woke up in a cold sweat, and covered in his own cum. That night he went by Gabe's place with two cold beers. "Med school hasn't started yet. I can still impair your judgement." He smiled. Gabe invited him in. After the beers, they began kissing.

Fred asked Gabe "you top or bottom ? or are you versatile." "Top. How about you?" "Versatile. But for med students, I give up my ass." Gabe smiled. He had just jerked off an hour ago. He had remembered dave, and that night. He needed to call him. Maybe Gillian had his number? "I'll take it. Just not tonight Fred." He kissed vigorously. I..." "I understand. Recovery time, night time, sleep time, beer time. I'm down the hall. You come get me when you want me. " He looked at Gabe. His look was sincere. He didn't usually fall for guys like this, and he usually negotiated to top at least a little in the relationship. This man... what WAS it about him? So when Gabe knocked on his door a couple nights later and said "Hey. I'm up for a burger. I'm buying. You coming?" Fred pulled on his shoes, and headed out. He stuck his hands in his pockets, but then he shyly, cautiously, reached out and touched Gabe's hand. Gabe grabbed it and stopped. He stared into Fred's eyes. "You sure you want damaged goods?" Fred looked at him. "Show me a man who isn't damaged, Gabe. It's not damaged or undamaged. It's you. I want you. " It was another night that Gabe didn't call Gillian, and he forgot about dave again.

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So after their first night together, dave had to go to an appointment. One of the coaches at the gym had seen him working out, and asked if they could talk. He thought he had a job that dave might be interested in. An hour later, dave was an adjunct at the gym, teaching a boot camp class three days a week. "If anyone is going to know boot camp, it's gonna be a soldier," he smiled at Dave. "Thanks Coach Stilson. I hope that I don't disappoint you. " Again, we're jumping ahead of our story, but he didn't. After 2 months, dave's class had expanded to more people than he could accommodate in a boot camp. "Know any other soldiers, dave?" "Not near school Coach?" "And you're not interested in taking on another class." "I can't. I'm gonna be taking six this semester. I'm gonna give up sleep." But that came later. For now, after he had the interview, Ahmad was waiting for him, with Eric. "HEY GUYS. GUESS WHO'S TEACHING BOOTCAMP?" They hi fived him. Ahmad had to add "HEY GUYS. GUESS WHO'S FUCKING THE BOOTCAMP TEACHER? " For some reason, dave found that hysterically funny and couldn't stop laughing. Ahmad smiled . He moved to the middle between dave and Eric, took each of their hands and started singing, at the top of his lungs "WE ARE FAMILY." They ate dinner together that night . And Ahmad told dave. "you have to experience it all. Tonight, eric is gonna blow you, while you blow me. And you're gonna take it all. The little red head took dave's cock in his mouth and proved to be a better cocksucker than Ahmad was, but dave never told Ahmad that. Meanwhile, dave learned about gag reflexes, and letting go of them, and how to swallow gracefully. There was room in the bed for the three of them, and they slept together that night. The next morning, dave was running a hand through each of their hair: Ahmad's, thick and black and almost like an overgrown forest: Eric's: red and fine, almost like a doll. "Are you guys planning to go to the gay dance on Friday?" he asked. There was no answer. "Hmmm. Did I say something wrong?" Eric answered. "No, no you didn't stud. It's just not something we ever did." Eric's finger was circling one of dave's nipples. He smiled. Ahmad saw what was happening and started doing the same on the other side. "OH FUCK. dave laughed. "You guys. Why don't you just get the handcuffs too? " "You mean these golden boy?" Ahmad had them in his hand. He threw a pair to Eric. "I WAS KIDDING. I WAS KIDDING. I WAS.... kidding... " He heard the clink as they locked to the bed. "What should we do? Eric asked. Ahmad smiled. "Nothing. Just get his jock. Let's gag him and leave him there. Let's watch TV. 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. dave was trying to be angry, but he couldn't get there. He was enjoying the sensation too much. A couple days later, the three of them met up with Gillian to go to the dance. Ahmad didn't know about the outfit Gillian had let dave through , because he kept it in a bag at the back of his closet. When he dressed, Ahmad smiled. "DAVE KING IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHITE! AND LOOKING QUITE FINE TOO."

dave blushed. He blushed again when Gillian told him the same thing. She had had a drink at dinner, and was laughing as they walked off. "The horsiest looking dyke in New York, with three of NY's finest homosexuals. LIFE IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" And wouldn't you know it? The last piece they played at the dance, was "We are Family," and the four of them hit the floor. As they left, laughing, and falling into each other's arms, Gillian smiled. "I'm so glad you boys found each other. I'm going to bid you good night." "No you're not Gillian. We may be homos, but we're GENTLEMEN" dave said. "A gentleman always walks a lady home." "Even if she's a bloody bull dyke?" "Especially then. You can be Dorothy. " "I WANT TO BE DOROTHY " Eric yelled. Ahmad smiled. "I think he's talking about the Golden Girls. " "Oh, then I'll be Blanch" Gillian added. dave looked confused. "Who are the Golden Girls?" "Oh dear. This boy needs massive homo education Ahmad. Do me a favor. Teach him more than how to take cock." She began howling as dave reddened. But they walked her to her building and dave took her hands. "Gillian, thank you for everything you've done so far. And I have a feeling you have more in store. " "Indeed I do Mr. King. And just remember: sign up for the summer session deadline, is March 15." She kissed them all before going up to her apartment. Eric begged off coming home with them. "I'm tired, and I'll spend too much time fucking around with you guys tomorrow. " Ahmad laughed. "That means his big black boyfriend is in from Philadelphia and he doesn't want to get caught cheating. " Eric blushed almost the color of his hair. It was just Ahmad and dave now. "Am I invited over, dave king?" dave looked at him. "You know, if you want a key, you can have it. That way it's not an invitation. But here's one now. You can stay as long as you like." "My place first dave. I want more toys for the weekend. " "You mean you have more than the handcuffs?" "WAY MORE. I'm a wicked boy, dave king. WAY more."

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Gabe and fred had finished their supper and were holding hands on their way back to their building. "Gabe, did you leave a boyfriend behind in New York," fred asked. "No. Why? " He stopped walking. " I just don't want to be anyone's 'he'll do until' if you know what I mean." Gabe kissed him. "That's not what you are fred. Not at all. Please come home with me. Please let me show you." "ok. Topman." Gabe growled at him. He dropped his voice. "I am gonna REAM your strawberry blond ass until my cum is leaving your ears. " They got back to Gabe's apartment, and he asked fred if maybe he wanted a night cap. He didn't get an answer. What he got was fred opening his zipper, pulling out his cock, and beginning to suck it. "OH MAN. OH MAN... I did not expect St. Louis to be so friendly." He pulled fred off his cock. "Kiss me stud." "You want me to brush my teeth?" "I SAID KISS ME STUD." "Yes sir." Gabe picked up fred and carried him to the bed. He dropped him down, and then he began to savage his neck. "FUCK GABE. I gotta go to work tomorrow. OH. never mind..." He began breathing hard, as Gabe methodically began undressing him. His legs were in the air, and Gabe's cock was in him pumping hard. "GOD I CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I FUCKED SOMEONE" he whispered to the room, forgetting dave again. He pinched fred's nipples, and when fred tried to get his, he smiled and pulled just out of reach. "Another time, handsome stud. Tonight.. I do the work." He pounded fred, provoking little moans of pain and pleasure. "PIERCE ME DADDY PIERCE ME!" fred yelled as Gabe came in him. Gabe grabbed fred's cock and began to work it , faster and faster, until fred shot all over himself. As fred lay in Gabe's arms, drifting off to sleep, Gabe asked. "fred, you yelled "PIERCE ME." Where did that come from?" fred shook his head. "Wish I could answer that, Gabe stud. It just came out of me as you fucked me." Gabe shook his head. "We don't know a lot about gay sex in Rome, but we do know that whenever someone was talking about being taken anally, they used 'to pierce'. fred laughed. "Well isn't that funny? Should I yell "HAIL CAESAR when I see your cock from now on?" Gabe laughed. "I want it will do." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

dave lay in his bed, with his hands tied above him, from a leather strap Ahmad had brought with him from his apartment. He also had a large piece of golden duct tape across his lips. "I have it in ten colors " Ahmad said before he ripped a piece off to gag dave. dave was gagged because, Ahmad was playing with the nipple clamps he had put on him, after he had tied dave to the bed. "You see dave king? If you focus on how THESE feel, you won't notice what's happening." dave moaned out of a combination of pleasure, and pain, as Ahmad separated his legs. His long tongue got to work again. He was eating dave for a while. Then , he looked up and pulled at the clamps gently. "Ready sexy? " dave shook his head yes. Ahmad begin driving his cock into dave. dave just breathed harder, until Ahmad was 2/3 of the way in. Then he began to really feel it. "Relax dave king. You can do this... " Ahmad got another two inches in, and dave began to moan seriously. Ahmad looked at him. "Believe me dave. It'll hurt more if I take these off now. Just. Relax." He pushed, and he was in completely. "OH, my sweet dave . You're my boi now." Ahmad began sliding back and forth. He was sweating, but smiling. "Now I'm gonna take them off. You'll feel it. It's good for you." The release of the clamps, and the rush of blood back to dave's nips, almost made him faint. He was paying too much attention to how good it felt, as Ahmad drove in and out of him. "I'm not taking off the gag. You look too sexy in it, dave. But boy, do I wanna kiss those lips now.." Ahmad was probing, going slower and faster, paying attention to dave's body, making notes of what he REALLY liked - and it was hard to tell. Screwing this boy was like feeding a starving puppy. "All those people, all those men, who missed their chance at you dave. How unfortunate for them, and how lucky for me. " Ahmad stretched out, and nibbled dave's ear. He whispered "I am SO LUCKY YOU CHOSE ME." It puzzled dave. He thought Ahmad had chosen him. But he stopped thinking. Ahmad had told him to "just pay attention to what you like and don't like. And tell me." "I'm going to shoot into you now, dave. And it's gonna be the best one you ever had." He pushed, once, and dave felt the warm liquid entering him. Unlike with the pastor, this felt... like gold. It felt like sex with Gabe. He wondered what Gabe was doing right now. And then he turned back to Ahmad, who had taken off the tape gag, but left him tied up. "How's my dave doing?" "I'm fine. I'm fine. I feel like I should be calling you something other than Ahmad when we're in bed." "Like what dave?" "I was thinking Sir, since you take command so easily, and so well." "Heh heh. I like that. SURE Call me Sir. It's only one syllable. " " And you... you dave king, will be called MINE. Because you are." "Yes sir. I am." Ahmad kissed him again. "You wanna sleep tied up or not?" "It's up to you Sir." "Then I'm gonna untie you. I like feeling you try to get out of bed while I'm holding you. My conquered boot camp boi." "Let me go to the bathroom first then, Sir. "Yeah, good idea." For the first time , in a long time, dave fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 6

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