Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 28, 2021


Ahmad moved dave into his house in Greenwich Village. That meant dave took the subway to his classes, but he also had a house to work in, including a study of his own, a "play room" as well as the downstairs "dungeon," and even more space than he had when he was living with Gabe.

There was a bit of a twist to his studies. Just as he was finishing up his MA thesis, which was an annotated translation of what were now called the "Glaucus papyri," (there had been 3), 9 more were discovered at the dig. When his advisor found out about it, he had a chat with dave: he could submit the translation he had, which would be fine, but if the 9 scrolls turned up anything that contradicted dave's conclusions, or raised questions, it might be problematic to use that work as the basis of a dissertation. They agreed that as soon as they received copies of the new discoveries, dave would get to work on those as well. He would put off his Master's thesis until he had completed work on all the scrolls. dave would check in with his advisor as the summer ended, to let him know about his progress.

The scrolls had also given him some "clarity," or at least he thought they did, on what had been going on in his life. He and Ahmad had settled into a sort of pattern, because for the most part, Ahmad worked from home. His company was in the Middle East, and in person meetings were just not possible. He would consult with the Middle Eastern end of the business in the morning, and then spend the afternoon working with the NY end.

Then he would head into dave's study and let him know, it was "time to play." When they had gotten back together, dave had told Ahmad about the hour or so that Gabe took after he came home from his practice to dominate dave, torment him, or to do whatever he wanted. "That is a capital idea dave king. We need to do that. " dave remembered how Ahmad had smiled. "Keep in mind, dave king, that fred slept with Dr. Gabe before they were reunited, so I learned much about what Gabe did to fred, and I'm sure I could do some of that to you as well. " They had also started watching more porn together. It was during one of those movies that Ahmad had seen something that he also saw make dave's eyes light up. And they had done it the day before.

At "playtime," Ahmad had stripped dave naked, and then tied him to a chair, wrists bound tight behind him, ankles spread and bound. A gag finished the job. When Ahmad took the chastity cage off, dave thought he was going to be edge. Ahmad had other ideas. He pulled out a medium sized length of string. "This is going to be fun: string for dave king. Ha ha." He ran several circles of rope around the base of dave's balls, and tied it fairly tight. Then he stepped behind dave and began to stroke dave's nipples with his whole hand. He whispered into dave's ear "see what happens, dave king? You can be released from the cage, and still...." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." dave was enjoying this more than he thought he should, especially when Ahmad picked up the length of string, and ran it to the doorknob of the room's door. He opened the door, and tied the end around it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" "Now what happens if I close the door dave king? Or there's a wind gust? Ho ho ho. Or you move too much." THAT was the thing dave feared the most: if he squirmed would the door move? Was there enough slack to give him "breathing room" if the door closed accidentally?" Ahmad wasn't finished yet. "Oh, here is a spot that we simply do not work on enough, dave king." He picked up a fly swatter paddle, and then with one hand, he lifted dave's balls. He began to smack the underside of them. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Ahmad had the string in one hand, and the paddle in the other. He finally began using the string to pull dave's balls up. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Ahmad smiled. "Oh, I think we have a new game to play dave king. Perhaps we can augment this with, oh, I don't know, nipple clamps?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" dave shook his head no, but he knew that would do no good. Ahmad didn't use clamps: he used clothes pins. He had seen these on another old school video, and he flicked them when he wasn't pulling the rope. "My beautiful dave king is back in my hands. My dave king who said I wasn't rough enough. That Gabe worked him harder. " He pulled the rope tight, and the doorknob became irrelevant. "Are we making too much noise dave king? Should I close the door? " dave's eyes got as wide as they could as he shook his head no. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Ha ha. I could take these, dip them in bronze, and make you wear THEM as a sub collar. But no... I like them too much. " He flicked the clothes pins. "Do you like these dave king?" When dave shook his head no, he knew it was a mistake. "GOOD. Then we will use them more often. Now... Here's what is to happen, dave king. I am going to untie your ankles, and you are going to get on the bed. I will be in momentarily. WITH your cage. Your freedom was only temporary." When Ahmad came into the room, he held a collar and leash in his hand, instead of the collar.

"GET ON YOUR KNEES DOG. GET ME WET." He ordered. The orders didn't sound the same coming out of Ahmad's mouth as they had from Gabe, but Ahmad used the leash better. dave felt WAY more under control in this type of scene when Ahmad was in charge, than with Gabe. And the difference in cock sizes and shapes, which we'll discuss some more, were evident in the face fuckings: Ahmad's cock was longer, and thinner, and he got much further down in dave's throat than Gabe's did. Gabe's cock would hurt dave's mouth, but it never choked him. After all the years of sucking Ahmad, dave still gagged when he deep throated Ahmad. He felt Ahmad's hands in his hair, pulling his head back. "I TOLD YOU TO GET ME WET, NOT GET ME OFF, DIDN'T I CUR?" dave nodded and whispered "yes sir." "Then take your place, dog." That was dave's clue to get on all fours, which he did. He felt Ahmad's long, think cock enter him. Here, Ahmad was trying something. When he and dave were still getting to know each other again, dave had told him "Well, Sir, you make love to me. Gabe fucked me." Ahmad smiled, thinking he knew the answer. "And which do you prefer, dave king?" dave blushed. "I'm being honest to you Sir. I like them both. But.... I like getting fucked more." Ahmad knew biology was what it was, and the best he could do on the physical front was to get dave a thick, fat dildo for play. When they had sex or made love, he would use the leash to pull dave's head back so he could get in even further, and he had added squats to his exercise routine so he could tighten his glutes and make dave feel like there was "more" in him than there was.

Truth of the matter, Ahmad felt very insecure. Once he was back together with dave, he realized how much he missed this man, and how much he loved him. He had asked dave, more than once, if he wanted more than a monthly session with Gabe? Did he want to try other men? dave, who blushed like a beet when he lied, insisted that he didn't, and he meant it. Now that Ahmad was back, he felt like he had the relationship he always wanted. There WAS a streak that longed for Gabe, or "Dr. Gabe," or "Sir Gabe," and he couldn't make that go away. Ahmad knowing it, made it better. Gabe flit across his mind, as he took Ahmad's thrusts, one after the other. He felt the tightening of Ahmad's glutes and moaned. "OH YES SIR. GIVE YOUR BITCH WHAT HE NEEDS. " "YOU NEED THIS EVERY DAY DAVE KING. AT LEAST ONCE. " "YES SIR. YES SIR YES SIR. " "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" with one push, Ahmad had shot a load into dave, and dave smiled. His man was back.

That had been yesterday. Now, as he sat there, paper and copies of the papyri in front of him, he felt Ahmad's warm hand on his shoulder, and then the little beard Ahmad was growing settle on his neck. He whispered. "You know today is orgy day dave king. Our first one. They will be here in an hour." He kissed dave's cheek. "Roll up your sleeves. I want them to see your tattoo." dave had gotten a tattoo, without Ahmad's permission, about a week before. He had it done on his forearm. It was intended to symbolize their relationship. There was a small letter "d" and, in the middle of the half circle of the "d" there was a capital letter "A". To dave, who lived in this world of ancient symbols, it showed that "A" was in him and was the TOP (because of the capital." When Ahmad saw it, it took him a few minutes to figure it out, and then he smiled. "You designed that dave king?" dave blushed. "I had some help from Eric." "I love it dave king. And it's where I can make you show it whenever I want." As dave rolled up the sleeves of his pink shirt (Gabe's request), he looked at Ahmad. "Sir, as these scrolls have been coming in, I've begun to piece things together. But first, I need to ask you something Sir. Do you still believe in reincarnation?" "OF COURSE I DO dave king. That never changed. Why do you ask?" "Well...." dave hesitated. "I think that you, Dr. Gabe, fred and I were all brought together and we're reincarnates of this period." He showed Ahmad the chart he had been building. "The scrolls proved that your story was right. There was an Ahmad. And now, that we have the story of marcellus, the captive of Glaucus, his slave, the man who no one thought was a sexual slave too." He blushed some more. "That's me." And then... Gabe... "G" "Glaucus." The man who first took Marcellus, and probably never lost his wish for him, and finally... the mysterious German, Fritz, or "fred." he was Glaucus' sexual slave too, in competition with Marcellus for 'top among bottoms'." Ahmad listened to all of this, and he was seriously engaged in it. "But.. in the tales... (dave had been keeping him filled in), Glaucus and Ahmad go off together, not Ahmad and Marcellus. " "I know. I know. But we know that Ahmad and Marcellus lived in Glaucus' sex slave group, and that after they left, Marcellus was never quite the same. That's all in the scrolls. " He looked up. "Ulrich/Urban couldn't write about what happened in the slave quarter..." Ahmad filled it in. "BECAUSE THE SLAVES WERE ILLITERATE AND THEY DIDN'T SPEAK OF WHAT THEY DID." he paused. "OH, AND YES. THEY WERE LOCKED UP LIKE YOU ARE. TO KEEP THEM FROM FOOLING AROUND, BUT..." Now dave was raising his voice. "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE SLAVES. WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY HAD FIGURED OUT." Ahmad smiled. "They day I underestimate you dave king is the day I start bottoming." dave laughed. "I hope that day never comes." Ahmad was silent. "GOD, I never should have agreed to his orgy thing. I DO miss fred's ass. But I have yours. " The doorbell rang. "They're here Sir. Do you want to cuff me?" "Turn around, boy. It's time my buddy got what he's here for."

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Of course, dave wasn't supposed to be looking up when Ahmad led him to the door to greet Gabe and fred, but he caught a quick glance. He knew the look: Gabe was either very angry, or very horny. Those were the only times he had that fake smile, and the quick, moving eyes. fred seemed to be in pretty good shape, so dave had to assume that Gabe was horny. He felt his dick bang up against his cage. "Gentlemen! Right on time. WELCOME" Ahmad was all smiles. He and Gabe shook hands, and then dave didn't hear anything else but the deep baritone from Gabe. "Hello dave. I've been looking forward to this." "good evening Sir," dave nearly whispered. "I hope I won't disappoint you." Gabe began to laugh. He pushed dave's face up, and he ran his fingers over his nipples. "You could never disappoint me dave. Look." He pointed to his crotch. There was a small wet spot. "See what just thinking about you does to me, handsome?" dave couldn't help it. That streak seemed to be growing wider. "yes sir. I see it. " He tried to bow his head so Gabe wouldn't see the slight smile. "FRED! You wore my favorite shirt. So nice of you." fred had put on a cream collared, heavy weight oxford which complimented his curly dark blond hair. How about one of your sweet, sweet kisses?" "if that's what you want, Sir." fred had missed Ahmad. He was more of a romantic than dave was, and Gabe, while a superb top and DOM, was never going to be in the top 10 of best lovers. He received Ahmad's tongue in front of Gabe, which pushed Gabe more to anger than lust. He could NOT understand why he couldn't have BOTH fred AND dave. fred would do whatever he said: why couldn't he convince dave to leave this... this AHMAD guy? " "Gents, we can all use the basement dungeon, but Sir Gabe, if you would prefer, you can take dave to our bedroom and have your privacy. It's completely up to you. " "Hmmmm. " His fingers stayed on dave's nipples through all of this . "If you show me the way to the dungeon, perhaps we'll join you at some point. For now, though, some privacy with our sexy former soldier would really be welcome." "So it shall be" Ahmad smiled. "Should you care to stay afterward, we can always order in dinner, or simply share a bottle of wine, or whatever you would like. " "I'd like to take dave home with me," Gabe thought, but kept it to himself. "davey... you know where the room is . Let's go." He put his arm on dave's, just at the spot that he knew drove dave crazy. dave winced as he answered. "oh yeah. yes sir." "And as for you my pretty. " Ahmad looked at fred. "Do you remember how we tried the dungeon out? " fred smiled. "I do Sir." "Time to try some other things."

Gabe uncuffed dave, and before dave could say "Thank you Sir," Gabe's big tongue was in his mouth, and he was pushing him back on the bed. dave's knees buckled. He remembered those kisses. He remembered how Gabe could manhandle him, no matter how much he worked out, no matter how his muscles developed. Nothing changed. Gabe had him pinned on the bed, and was nearly drooling. "You are one sexy mother fucking sub dave king. " He pinned dave's arms down as he slowly began opening his shirt. "thank you Sir. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" He felt the five o'clock shadow, and then the nibbles of Gabe's teeth all over his left tit. "Do I see a tattoo on your arm, boy?" "yes sir." dave answered meekly, trying to push up, and not getting anywhere. "HE FUCKING MADE YOU GET THAT DIDN'T HE?" "No Sir. I did it myself. Ahmad didn't know. I wanted it." "YOU WANTED IT? WHO THE FUCK LETS A SUB HAVE SOMETHING BECAUSE HE WANTS IT." And then, dave lied. "He punished me for it Sir. Believe me. My ass was so red I couldn't sit for two days. " "HE SHOULDA MADE YOU GET THE SAME FUCKING TATTOO ON YOUR ASS. AND YOU NEED ANOTHER ONE. A "d" WITH A BIG FUCKING G OVER IT. YOU WANT THAT?" dave felt trapped. He didn't know what to do. He could tell the horny was mixing with anger. "No sir." "NO? YOU'RE GONNA THROW ALL OF OUR TIME OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW BECAUSE YOUR COLLEGE FUCKING BOYFRIEND CAME BACK?" "Sir... you slept with someone else. " "HA HA. GOOD ONE. AND YOU DIDN'T? " "I did sir. I was wrong. That's why we're here. " dave moaned. "Sir.. I want your cock so bad. I want it.... SO BAD." Gabe got up and dropped his pants. Then he sat on dave's chest, as close to his face as he could get. He began "penis whipping " dave's face. "YEAH. I BET YOU WANT IT. A REAL COCK. NOT THAT PENCIL DICK YOUR BOYFRIEND HAS. " He saw dave's face. "fred told me all about the fucking asparagus cock he has. You want a big thick beer can, don't you fucktoi." dave's tongue was desperately trying to get a taste of Gabe's cock. He missed it. He missed it badly. "yes sir. I do. In both of my holes. "ggggggggggggglgggggggggggggggggg" was the next sound dave made, as Gabe shoved all of his cock into his throat all at once. Even Gabe had never deep throated him. As he fucked dave's face, he pawed his body. "Fucking top. WHAT THE FUCK KINDA TOP IS HE? YOU'VE GOT STUBBLE. YOU NEED TO BE SHAVED MORE OFTEN, STUD." dave agreed. Ahmad tended to forget, unless dave put the razor out where he could see it. Gabe had a schedule: every Tuesday night, 8pm, before dinner: first the torso, then the pits, and the pubes for last. Followed by a serious fucking. "He eat you out, fucktoi?" Gabe started pulling down dave's jeans, and then lifting his legs. "Yes sir. Nearly every time. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." He felt Gabe's tongue dig in, with a feeling not quite the same as that from Ahmad. Then... he felt it. the big, wide cockhead that showed no mercy when they were together, and showed no mercy now. "YOU TAKE IT YOU CUNT. SEE WHAT YOU LOST." Gabe was fucking dave so hard, that the bed was moving. "OH YESSIR YES. YESSIR. PLEASE FUCK MY WORTHLESS MANPUSSY. PLEASE GIVE ME WHAT I NEED. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH" Gabe had grabbed his balls and began twisting them. "Didn't even leave me a fucking souvenir. Maybe I'll take one, since I'm leaving YOU one..." There was a thrust, and then.. the cum, always hot, very hot, like it was heated before hand. "Oh shit Sir. Thank you Sir. " Gabe looked down at dave. "You coulda had it every night. Every fucking night." "Yes sir. " "And you still could. There'd be payback, but I'll take you back if you want . " He bent down and kissed dave. "You wanna come back?" "Share you with fred Sir?" "And anyone else I fucking want in MY bed." That was the answer dave expected, and he surprised himself with his answer. It wasn't whispered, it was strong. "NO SIR."

Down in the basement, Ahmad had strapped fred's arms over his head, in the middle of the room. He had locked his ankles to the floor, and then, he began teasing fred with a small crop. "If I hit you hard enough freddy, your buttons will come loose. And you'll need to spend the rest of the night, with an open shirt. You want that?" "No Sir.. I mean, yes sir. Whatever you want. Do whatever you want to me." "Oh, I will. You'd best believe. Your man is probably fucking the filth out of mine. I have to return the favor." He pulled out a second set of clothespins - he had gotten to like them. He stepped behind fred, and covered his mouth, while he attached them. fred screamed at the top of his lungs. Gabe heard it, while he was fucking dave, and it just made him harder. "DAMN. I could have one in pain while I fuck the other one."

Ahmad pulled a gag out of his pocket and shoved it into fred's mouth. "Curly, I'm gonna make more than your hair curl." Ahmad pushed fred's cheeks apart, and his long "lizard tongue" as fred called it, buried into fred's ass. "GOD THIS IS SO GOOD. I MISS IT." fred began to moan as Ahmad got deeper and deeper. He stopped and walked around to the front. "Oh you like it, don't you, HMMMMMMMMMMMMM?" He twisted the clothespins, and fred screamed into the gag again. "freddy, I wish I were interested in having two men, because... you'd leave Gabe for me wouldn't you." fred began to shake his head NO, but then... slowly, he showed assent. "Ha ha. And there's room in this house if you ever grow a set and leave that monster. But for now... Have a taste of what you gave up." Ahmad got behind fred, and began pushing his long "asparagus cock " into fred. fred had compared a fucking from Ahmad to unclogging a drain: a snake just went further, and further. He moaned. He felt Ahmad's arm around his neck just as they heard the footsteps from Gabe and dave. dave was still tied up, and Gabe whispered into his ear. "Look how much fun your lover is having with my boy. THAT the man you want?" dave fought against the ropes keeping his wrists tied. He was helpless. Gabe was nibbling his ear. "Come back to me, sub boy. Come back to Topman Gabe." Ahmad heard the last sentence, just as he shot into fred. He didn't say anything. He was confident. dave screwed up all his courage. "fred, are you going back with Gabe tonight? " Everyone else in the room was stunned when fred shook his head no. "WHAT THE FUCK? " Gabe yelled. He had planned to bring home TWO subs, and now he was leaving with none. "Ahmad, take his fucking gag off. I wanna hear what this is about." "Me too, Dr. Gabe." He took off the gag, and left fred tied in the middle of the room. "What's this about freddy? I thought you wanted to be with Gabe." "I thought I did too, Sir. But... He looked at Gabe and nearly screamed. "HOW MANY MEN DID YOU FUCK DURING YOUR BUSINESS TRIP, ENDING WITH THAT HOTTIE WHO KEEPS CALLING YOU." "jace?" Gabe laughed. "FUCKING JACE?" He's owned. I took him for amusement. His DOM isn't gonna give him up. I don't blame him. GOD he was a hot fuck that weekend. And when I go back to supervise the new lab, I'm calling him again. "HOW MANY OTHERS SIR GABE." Gabe shrugged his shoulders. "They're subs. How the fuck do I know. Six? Seven? Ten? I don't think about them when I'm done." "I'm done. Good statement. Cause I am too. Ahmad, Sir, please let me down. If you won't take me back, I need to find a room." Ahmad looked at dave. He was serious. "Are you going back with Gabe?" NOW Gabe dropped his head. "No sir. I'm sleeping with you tonight." He looked at fred. "And you're not." "WHOA. WHOA dave king" Ahmad interrupted. "You don't make those decisions." "Yes, Sir. On this one, I do. You sleep with someone else, we're done. Period. No more. No more bed swapping. No more orgy nights. It's me and no other." He showed Ahmad his tattoo "or I bail." "FUCK" was the only word Gabe could get out. He began to think: maybe if he DID move from NY, and supervise the new lab in person , he could "convince" that slut jace to move in with him as HIS sub. Wheels, within wheels, within wheels.

Folks, we'll wrap up all of these loose ends in our final chapter. Thirty installments. Curious? Come back.

Next: Chapter 30

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