Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 14, 2021


"Hello dave king it is good to hear from you." dave couldn't help smiling that morning when he called Ahmad. He had missed so much of Ahmad, and he hadn't realized that he missed even hearing that deep, syrupy voice that sounded tired and animated at the same time. "You still have my number on your phone. I'm honored." "Ha ha. You are unforgettable dave king. Why would one delete your number. So, can we see each other today?" "YES! I'd like that Ahmad. Gabe has left for work for the day, and he gave his ok, so... "So where shall we meet? Would you like to see the new house? It's a subway ride away: a long one, but only a ride." "I WOULD like to see it. Unless you want to come here, or go to the old apartment - I still keep it." Ahmad paused for a minute . He seemed to be weighing his words. "Let's not meet at Gabe's apartment. And I hope that I'll be able to see you at 'the scene of the crime' so to speak, so maybe you would like to come to Bedford Street?" "I can leave now if you want. No classes today. " "Yes I know. Summer term break. Those of us in the working class do not get that." "It sounds like YOU'RE taking the day off." "I am on vacation dave king. And I would take off a week to see you. So here is the address." It WAS summer break, but they were having a cool mid June, so dave threw a baseball jacket on over what he was wearing. Ahmad's directions were as clear as Ahmad's directions ALWAYS were, and he headed down to the village.

Seeing Ahmad in preppy Western clothes was a shocker. "DAMN he looks good," dave thought to himself. When Ahmad's face cracked into a big, wide smile, dave realized he had missed that too. "So are you going to just stand on the steps dave king, or are you going to get close enough so I can hug you." dave grabbed Ahmad who grabbed back. They were wrapped in each other's arms. dave began to cry, and Ahmad began to stroke his back. "Have I gotten THAT strong dave king, that I am hurting you?" That syrupy voice was right at dave's ear. dave laughed a little as he tried to quiet down his sobs. "I missed you so much buddy. SO MUCH." dave felt Ahmad's embrace tighten. "And I missed you too. Every single day. But right now, we're here. I don't plan to go back home. Would you like to come in?" "Yes Ahmad. Please. GOD, I never thought I'd see you in a button down shirt." "Ha ha. Zoom meetings and all that. And fred's tutelage." "You have to tell me about him. But show me the house first." "Come in old friend. " Ahmad laced his arm under dave's. "I have much to show you, and we have much to catch up on." "WOW. This house is amazing Ahmad" dave looked around gawking at the high ceilings, the wood floors, the space. "Two bathrooms dave king. So two queens can prepare for an event at the same time if they want to. It is all on one floor, which is unfortunate. I kind of like the idea of a 'secret room' on a separate floor. " He grinned. "This is the bedroom." dave's mouth dropped. It was HUGE. And while Ahmad didn't say anything, he didn't have to. He saw that the bed was equipped with restraints at the corners. "And in fact, there IS a secret room. It is said to have been a pantry once, and it is not very large, but ultimately, for its use, who needs much space?" dave saw the small room, which was equipped as a "play room." There was a chair in the middle of the room with a very high, very narrow back, and the seat was slightly smaller than usual, and the legs were shorter. "I saw something similar in a film, and I had it designed." He put his hand on dave's back. "fred and I use it. I do not think he would mind if you and I used it." dave felt a bit of a twinge in his crotch, and he didn't answer. He felt Ahmad's lips brushing against his ear, and then his breath, as he got closer. Now, Gabe knew how to work dave's ears, and he did. There was no secret that dave's ears were an Achilles' heel. But somehow, the cadence of Ahmad's breath, or the temperature, or the aroma, dusky and spicy, felt different. More appealing than when Gabe did it. Slowly, and gently, Ahmad began rubbing his scruff against dave's ear. "fred is not a big fan of scruff, but I didn't shave this morning because you were coming by dave king. I miss our sessions with scruffing you." dave had begun to breathe hard. "Ahmad, no. No. Please. We're both. We're both..." "We're both what dave king? My answer is 'we are both young men with healthy appetites who miss each other tremendously." dave felt himself sinking into Ahmad's embrace from behind. "It's... not.. right... OOOOOOOOOOOOH. " Ahmad had moved his hand to dave's left nipple. dave made a half hearted attempt to raise his hand to move it, and gave up. "Do you want me to stop, dave king?" "Yes. Yes. No. No......" "Would you rather go to the bedroom instead of staying here." "It's not right. It's not... Yes Sir. Yes. " "AH, dave king. I'm glad you still have practice in saying the correct words. I thought I was going to have to remind you who was your first Master." "I haven't forgotten Sir. " They moved to the bedroom. "No restraints now, dave. I don't think we need them." Ahmad unbuttoned his shirt, and then he unbuttoned dave's. He met dave's lips with his own, as he lowered his hairy chest on top of dave's shaved, smooth one. He pressed his knee in between dave's legs to open them. "Shall I undress you dave? Or would you prefer to do it yourself?" "You're in charge Sir. Whatever you want." "I want a kiss" dave had never forgotten his first kiss from Ahmad: how that long tongue had slipped down his throat, and how Ahmad had joked about how it would get dave ready for receiving his cock. He began to think back to Ahmad's cock. Then he didn't have to try to remember it anymore. He felt it at his hole, as that big, fat glans began to enter him. Ahmad had a huge mushroom head, and then a long, thin cock. It was very different from Gabe's , and different from any of his other tops. He had forgotten a lot about how Ahmad made love, but it all came back, as Ahmad's deliberate, joyous approach, smiling, kissing dave on the cheek, stopping in the middle of penetration to squeeze dave's nipples brought dave to the hardest erection he had had since, well, since the first time he had slept with Gabe in Gabe's apartment. "You feel so good dave. So good. My dick feels like it's wrapped in silk." "Deeper Sir. Please. DEEPER." "Ho ho. I thought you were a sub bottom. And you're giving orders?" dave smiled, because then, Ahmad pushed, and when he heard the sound of dave's wince, he smiled. "You are getting what you want dave king?" "Yes sir. I got what I want when... when I saw you." dave bit his lip. He didn't want to cry during sex. And it felt so good. It felt even better as Ahmad wrapped his long, warm fingers around his penis. "You didn't lock this up. How nice for me..." "OH GOD AHMAD. SIR AHMAD. I miss our love making. I miss ... the time in the wrestling ring, the time on the table in that living room, so much... so much." "What is it that your American poet, Eliot, writes : 'there will be time there will be time. But there is no time now. If you were ovulating dave king, I'd be about to make you pregnant." Sometimes, Ahmad's jokes weren't all that funny. This was one of them, but the spasm when he heaved and started shooting into dave made it irrelevant. dave was moaning and realizing he hadn't enjoyed sex as much as he was enjoying this in a long, long time. "Squeeze dave king's balls, and your face better be out of the way..." Ahmad smiled, as he put pressure on dave's scrota, and watched the thick white fluid shoot out of him. "Thank you for welcoming me home, dave king."

It didn't take much for Ahmad to convince dave to have lunch with him. "There's a little place, on Hudson Street. Mostly burgers and omelets, but there are other things if you wish to be abstemious, my handsome jock." dave blushed when Ahmad said that. He missed it. Ahmad had called him a handsome jock many times. He had never heard it from Gabe. As they left the house, Ahmad slipped his hand into dave's: again, something Gabe never did. dave didn't move his hand away, and he realized as he held onto Ahmad, that he didn't feel an engagement ring on his finger. He was SURE he had seen one on his hand when they had chatted via Zoom. "dave king, I know you are feeling stressed, and I am sorry for that. I'm afraid that.. I did many things wrong before I left. " Ahmad had changed their small talk with that line. He had changed before they left: he put on a red and white striped oxford in place of the blue one he had been wearing. dave kept on thinking "is there anything that doesn't make him look hot." dave didn't answer. He looked down. "I was so lonely Ahmad. SO lonely. " "I can't say I know, dave, because I don't. I will say this. Please look at me dave." dave looked up as Ahmad put down the cup of tea he was drinking. "On a very basic level, I did not treat you properly, but perhaps I should explain, because I don't want us to be mooshy about this. You were my sub: you surrendered to me. More than once." dave felt his desire growing again. He remembered all of them. "And as your DOM, I had the right to do anything I wanted to do. I should have locked you up until I came back." dave nearly spat out the coffee he was drinking. "How many years have you been gone?" "Yes, and it would have done you well. It would have made you a better sub, because dave king." He looked at dave seriously. "You have NOT been a good sub." dave looked at him hard. He didn't understand. "What do you mean I haven't been a good sub? " "dave, you are confusing being a good BOTTOM with being a good sub. Who gives the orders in a DOM/sub relationship?" "The Dom." "EXACTLY. And did I say you could sleep with other men?" dave blanched. "No sir. You didn't." "But you did. And THAT means... I wasn't dominant enough for you. I misjudged. I was inexperienced. I apologize for that." He reached out and took dave's hand. "But that does NOT mean you had permission and in my view, whatever you promised Gabe, is invalid. You still belong to me." "You still belong to me." dave felt a drop of precum wet his speedos. "I wish I still did," he thought. "But you're engaged Ahmad. You took someone else too." Now, Ahmad showed dave his hand. "I knew you were feeling at my fingers for the ring. I took it off. Engagements are promises. Promises are broken all the time." And now, Ahmad began to tear up. "If you tell me you wish to remain with Gabe, I'll put the ring back on. But if you want us to try it again, I will end the engagement tonight." dave's eyes got big. "Ahmad. I didn't expect this. I didn't." "Actually, dave king, you don't have anything to say about it and I'm being courteous. It IS my life, I have cheated on my fiancee this afternoon - I guess - and I want YOU. I want to talk about your degree with you, I want to drink the awful coffee you make, I want you underneath me every night.." Then he dropped his voice. "And I want you to come back to the house with me right now, because with that baseball jacket, you look like the handsomest baseball player I have ever seen: and I have ALWAYS wanted to dominate a baseball player. "

As Ahmad was tying dave to the torment chair, fred was walking through the doors of Gabe's medical office. He went to the receptionist. "Hi. Good Afternoon. I'm fred. I have an appointment with Dr. Gabe."

She looked at him skeptically, but checked the appointment book. "Oh yes. Dr. Gabe's last appointment of the day. Please sit ." fred had dressed the way Gabe had told him to dress that morning: a peach colored dress shirt, jeans, a light colored sweater. "fred." It wasn't a question, a greeting, just a declarative statement. fred stood up as Gabe walked out in his lab coat. "Hi. Gabe. It's been..." He didn't get to finish. "Give me five minutes. " It took him three. He whispered to fred: "when we walk, you keep your hands behind your back. Biggest problem in this city is you can't tie up your sub in public." As they left the building where Gabe had his office, fred had his hands behind his back. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again , Sir." Gabe stopped in his tracks, and looked fred directly in the eyes. "And you can either stop talking, or I can gag you, or you can go back to your pretty fiancee. YOU UNDERSTAND, BOTTOM ?" 'yes sir" fred said in a barely audible voice. He was quiet the rest of the way to Gabe's apartment. When they entered it, he couldn't help himself. "HOLY SHIT. YOU LIVE HERE?" "DID YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO SPEAK? " Gabe pointed to a chair. "SIT. I gotta take care of this right away." fred remembered all the times Gabe had tied him up in St. Louis. He thought that's what was happening now. It wasn't. Instead, Gabe grabbed a ball gag and shoved it in fred's mouth. "Subs need to know they're to be seen, and fucked, but not heard. NOW GET UP. The bedroom is that way. When I come in in ten minutes, I expect you naked, on your belly , and on the bed with your hips in the air. " He turned and smiled. "Nice to see you again, pretty boy."

Gabe had left the room to go to his study. He called dave's cell phone, which dave couldn't answer because, at the time, he was tied to Ahmad's torture chair, and while he felt his phone vibrate, he couldn't get to it. Gabe's message was direct. "I expect your ass back here in an hour so I can FUCK it. Bitchboy, you better not screw this up." Instead of answering the call, dave was making inarticulate sounds as Ahmad twisted his nipples. Ahmad had opened dave's shirt to get to them. "I haven't unpacked my clamps yet, jock boy, and I may have to buy new ones. For now... these evil nails will have to do." And they WERE evil. However western he had become in dressing, Ahmad's nails were still the long, pointed nails of a former dancer. And they still knew where to find dave's most sensitive places. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. " Ahmad's assault was not on dave's whole nipple: he picked and chose, and dave was as hard as he was when he got there in the morning. "Now you'll see why this chair is built the way it is, studmuffin." Ahmad smiled as he unzipped his pants. His dick was directly at the level of dave's mouth. "You know what to do. Get me wet. Cause I'm gonna take you again. And I'm gonna take you hard. " "YES SIR." If dave had a dollar for every time he had dreamed of the taste of Ahmad's cock, and then pretended he was thinking of Gabe, well, it would be a lot. He fell on Ahmad's cock hungrily, and when he did, Ahmad was smiling internally. "This will be easy. VERY easy. He's mine again." He grabbed dave's short hair, longer than when they were a couple, but still short. He shoved his mouth down on his cock. "ALL OF IT. Not what you want. Get it ALL wet, cause it's ALL going in you." After seven minutes of sucking, with Ahmad pulling it out, and slapping it around dave's face, and then face fucking him again, he moved dave to the bed. "GOD do I wanna tie you to that bed, dave king. But I want your ass more." This time, there was far less finesse, but the feel of Ahmad's cock was still something that dave relished. "OH OH. Ahmad Sir. My prince. My Arab prince. Fuck your slave. FUCK HIM." "My slave. My sub. My lover." Ahmad wanted to just take dave like a whore, but he wanted to kiss him: he loved this man. He THOUGHT he loved fred, but no. The man he loved was underneath him. "I'm gonna make you remember me, whether I see you or not, dave king." dave's ass still had the remains of the first fucking in him, so Ahmad's penis moved faster, and quicker from the lubrication, but he still used all the tricks that he knew drove dave crazy. The slickness of Ahmad's jizz meant that dave couldn't use his own favorite trick of trapping Ahmad's cock in his ass, and Ahmad knew it. "Ha ha. Totally helpless. Like a big blond beetle, about to be devoured... by a long, skinny wasp. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Ahmad went for dave's neck but he did it gently, almost tickling him. dave was so overwhelmed by sensation he barely felt it when Ahmad came in him again. "dave king, don't leave. Stay here. Please." dave swallowed hard. "fred will be back soon. Where is there a place for me? " That question stumped Ahmad. "I don't know dave king. We have to figure this out. But I'm not marrying fred." dave saw his cell phone that had fallen out of his pants, and saw there was a message from Gabe. "Oh shit. Let me listen." Ahmad saw dave's face go white. It was way more than an hour since Gabe had placed the call. "FUCK. It's Gabe. I was supposed to be home about an hour ago . Ahmad, where can I get a cab?" "The corner dave. Are you really gonna leave?" "Ahmad, I have to. You don't know how nasty he can be." "Gimme a kiss before you go. Promise me we'll see each other again." "We will, we will." He kissed Ahmad, pulled on his clothes, and ran to the corner. SHIT. How was he going to explain this. And why the FUCK did the cab catch every red light? "Good evening Mr. dave. I didn't see you all night." "Hi Ramon. Yeah, I was visiting a friend." "Oh, lots of friend visits today. Dr. Gabe has a friend visiting. " "He does?"' "Oh yes. Came home with Dr. Gabe from work." "Ok. I'll be quiet when I get upstairs. Thanks for telling me." The elevator went up to the apartment, and dave moved as quietly as he could. The lights in the living room were off, and he didn't want to disturb Gabe by turning them on. He thought he might be sleeping and Ramon made a mistake, but then he heard the sounds: the groans. "They sound like me. Like when he gags me," dave joked to himself, until he realized what this meant, and felt sick to his stomach. He walked into the bedroom and saw fred spread out and tied down, gagged, with Gabe on top of him, his tongue buried deep in fred's ass. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH," fred was trying to get Gabe's attention, and when the noise just got him eaten deeper, tried as best as he could to disturb him. It worked and Gabe smacked his balls. "WOULD YOU CALM DOWN, MANCUNT?" He saw fred's face looking at the side where dave was standing. He turned around. "Well it's about time you got here. Get your clothes off. Room for three." Gabe went back to what he was doing. He thought dave was undressing in the living room, until he heard the elevator door close, and dave didn't reappear. He looked at Gabe and smiled. "No worries. More for the two of us." "I've never taken this many cabs in a day in my life," dave said under his breath, trying not to break into tears. That man... he looked like... was that fred? He couldn't go back to Ahmad's, but he could go back to his old apartment. It would be dusty, and still, but.. it was refuge. When he got there, opened all the doors, and opened a window to let in air, he called Ahmad. "Hello dave king. I did not expect to hear from you so soon." "Ahmad... Ahmad.... I'm at my old apartment. I walked into Gabe's apartment and.." "Oh no. Tell me I'm not right. He was with someone else." dave didn't answer. He just started crying. "dave king I will be there as fast as I can. Have a drink or something. You won't be alone tonight. You'll never sleep alone again for the rest of your life. I promise."

Next: Chapter 28

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