Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 16, 2021


Smiling, Gabe pulled up a chair opposite dave. "dave. You're getting too good at this." He was smiling as he reached out and slowly, VERY slowly, twisted dave's nipples like they were radio dials. "I think I may want to hear your moans today. It'll be fun..." Gabe reached behind dave, and took off the gag. All the while, dave kept his chest pointed out the best he could. He knew that the "game" didn't move to its next phase, until Gabe put on the clamps.

"thank you Sir. Thank you.. I'm trying." Gabe's fingers went back to dave's nipples. "Well, yes, I can see that. You're trying hard on the EASY stuff. But on the stuff that's hard... you don't put in the effort." He pulled out clamps. These were not the ones he usually used on dave: they were more narrow, with what looked like a nastier bite.

"I don't understand Sir. " "Sure you do dave. I asked you to volunteer as a school crossing guard, and..." dave interrupted, just before the clamps went on his nips. "I said I'd do it Sir.. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" Gabe's smile had turned to a sneer. "Yes, yes you did. After I pointed out to you that I wasn't asking you, I was telling you." He pulled the chain. "OUUUUUUUCH. Yes sir. You're right. You're right. I was concerned. I was concerned about having time to do all my classwork." Gabe pulled a little harder. "What's your GPA so far davey?" He knew how much dave hated the nickname, and that's why he used it. "It's 4.1 Sir." "And who's the top student in the class." dave paused. "They say it's me Sir." Gabe laughed. "Well, you gotta be the top in SOMETHING." He pulled again, then he began twisting the clamps, and dave began sucking in breath from the pain. "So when the man who takes care of everything for you, asks you to do something, you aren't sure if you can handle it." "But Sir. I listened to you. You were right. I'll do it. I'll do it. PLEASE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Gabe began twisting the clamps more. "Maybe it isn't clear to you yet, sub boy. Your DOM doesn't ASK for things. He TELLS you to do things. A polite order may sound like a request. It's still an order." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNG. Thank you for explaining that Sir. I got too locked up inside my head. "

There's backstory here. Gabe's medical practice was flourishing. He had a good rapport with the parents - mostly mothers - who brought their children to see him. Gabe had also mastered the art of making the children feel comfortable, without breaching any questionable physical issues (he joked to a gay colleague that if a doctor had a hot sub like dave at home, he didn't need to think about anything else). Mothers seemed to love the fact that he had a handsome lover who's picture he kept on his desk, and his own dapper appearance. Since a lot of the work he did involved diagnostic tests that a physician's assistant took care of, he would spend time chatting with the mothers. One day, one of them told him that the private school some of his patients attended was about to lose their crossing guard, and they didn't know what they were going to do. "We're asking for volunteers to help, but so far.... we haven't gotten anyone interested." "Hmmm. And it's not possible to pay someone a little?" She shook her head. "We ran into Department of Education guidelines. Weirdest rules. We could use a volunteer if he or she were vetted, but without a budget line from the Board of Ed, we can't pay anyone a nickel." Gabe thought for a minute. Then he showed the woman the picture of himself and dave. "My arms are around my partner. He's a graduate student at the University." The mother smiled. "You're both very lucky." "Well, thank you Ms. Winston. I wonder.... dave spent some time in the army, he teaches at the university gym: a boot camp, and he's a solid A student. Do you think he'd pass vetting?" Ms. Winston's eyes got wide. "REALLY? You think so? Oh, it would be so great if he could do it. Not all of it. We're asking for people to do two hour shifts." "I think I could talk dave into two shifts, Ms. Winston. " "THANK YOU DR. LANDFELD. THANK YOU. " Gabe smiled. It was difficult to follow his reasoning , because he was so calculating, but his thoughts went like this: if parents knew that Dr. Landfeld's lover were volunteering, it would probably bring more patients. And, since dave would undoubtedly have to wear a crossing guard uniform, there were more fantasies ahead. He was always thinking of some new scenario where he could dominate dave: now, as a tied up security guard - well...

At dinner the night before the scene happened, Gabe had brought it up to dave. "So I told her I'd ask you if you were interested. It'd get you out of the books for a couple of hours a day, into the sunshine, I know you like kids, and it's an easy thing to do." dave TRULY thought it was a request. "I wish I felt comfortable doing it Sir. School is hard this semester." He saw Gabe's face, and he knew he had given the wrong answer. "I guess I forgot," Gabe said. "How many hours a week do you teach bootcamp?" dave swallowed what was in his mouth, and put down his fork. "Two one hour classes Sir. And yes, there is preparation before them." "You don't need the money you know." "I know Sir. I do it for fun, and for the exercise." "Hmmmm. And you can't help me out a bit. " Gabe threw down his napkin. "I'm full. Make sure the kitchen is spotless tonight. I don't want to find one stain." As he got up, dave called after him. "SIR. SIR. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't think it through. Of course I'll do it. Of course. PLEASE. Please tell the woman I'll go by the school tomorrow and fill out the paperwork." Gabe stopped at his home office door. "There's a uniform hanging in the hall closet. Try it on after you've cleaned up. " He didn't say thank you, or anything else. All dave heard was the door slam. "I fucked up again," was what he thought. He got up and cleared the dining room - it was the housekeeper's day off, so that meant the tasks fell to him - and then got things started in the kitchen. While he was scraping and soaping dishes, water splashed back on his shirt. "SHIT!" he thought. "If Gabe sees..." He took a deep breath. To say he was ambivalent about this relationship was an understatement. Nearly every day, dave ran through what he thought were the plusses and the minuses: on the plus sides: Gabe was the DOM he always fantasized about. He took total control, and kept it. Sex with him was, well, out of this world: Gabe could fuck for hours, he had figured out just about every one of dave's hot spots, and he had enough imagination to keep things interesting all the time. dave never had to worry about money - he didn't before, but now he didn't have to worry about money at a different level. He didn't have to budget: if he needed something, he didn't have to wait for "next week." Gabe took care of it right away. The apartment was like a palace. Being able to see the park through the picture window, while he had a drink with Gabe holding him, and telling him he was the handsomest man in the world before he fucked him thoroughly, was something he dreamed about. He had plenty of space for his studying in a very big, well lit room, and since Gabe had done Classics, he had easy access to someone who had some background. The minuses: jealous didn't begin to describe Gabe. Neither did possessive. Nor did controlling. If Gabe thought that dave even smiled at another man, he felt threatened, and he took it out on dave. dave couldn't leave the apartment without Gabe checking what he was wearing. "You're representing me out there, dave. It's not about you anymore," he would say. That meant that, rather than the comfortable, loose fitting white shirts and jeans he always wore, dave's clothes were much more contrictive, and many were pastels that were flattering, but made dave feel like a trophy boy . As he told Gillian one day "How can he expect me to look like a sex object and then get upset when people look at me ?" Gillian laughed. "Now you have an insight into what women have been feeling forever. Don't you remember that early sentence in Greek: 'HATEFUL IS THE WOMAN WHO IS THICK ABOUT THE ANKLE." dave laughed. "Yeah, I guess my ankles are a little thick." Gabe also liked to show off "his boy" to his wealthy gay friends. They spent a lot of times at social events - like the one at the club - where dave was horribly uncomfortable, but Gabe was in heaven. Then there was the drinking problem. Gabe drank. Gabe drank A LOT. And he couldn't always handle it. When he got too drunk, he'd call dave a whore, accuse him of affairs with other students, with other gym instructors, you name it. He insisted dave was carrying on secret correspondences with Marco and Ahmad (which was not true), and that was the start. The worst part of it, though, was that being drunk seemed to accent Gabe's sex drive, only he lost any sense of anything other than hurting dave. The poundings dave had taken when Gabe was drunk might have been fun if he were sober. When he was drunk, they just hurt. "I don't know what I'm going to do" he would say almost every day.

dave went to the closet, and got the uniform. Short sleeved. He laughed. It figured. Gabe was obsessed with dave's arms. And chest. He had developed a workout that would develop both of them, and it had been working. dave had popped buttons on his shirts, twice, and Gabe had his short sleeve shirts custom made, to account for his biceps. Khaki colored: like some of the uniforms in the service. He put it on. He knew, right away, it wasn't going to do for Gabe, but..." He knocked on the door of Gabe's office. "WHAT UNGRATEFUL CUR?" "Can I come in Sir? I want to show you the uniform." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" "Sorry sir." dave walked in and stood smiling, his hands clasped behind his back. Gabe looked up and whispered. "Oh, my. It won't do but... oh, my..." he came over and smiled at dave. "Look at you. Looking just like my private POW. Sent to Dr. Gabe for interrogation." "you'll never get me to talk!" dave was getting into the scene. "Heh heh. We'll see soldier King. We'll see. But that's for another day. Tomorrow, we're going to the tailor. This needs to fit you better." "Yes sir. " then dave ventured. "Sir... I'm sorry. I misunderstood the situation. I really did. I...." "SHHHH." said Gabe, moving closer, and pushing open dave's lips. "SHHHH, you sexy fucking stud. Get out of this ill fitting sheet, and get on the bed. I'll be in , in ten minutes. " dave could feel the pressure on his cock from the chastity cage. When Gabe did something like he just did, and what he was about to do, everything else went out the window.

With all of that behind them, Gabe was still twisting dave's nipples. He was about to take the clamps off. "Maybe I'll make you wear your armband the first day. See how many people understand what it means." "Yes sir. If that's what you want me to do." "Heh heh. We'll see. But now... you're gonna have to take a little more before you get your reward, blondie." Gabe reached for the hitachi vibrator. "Spread your legs studmuffin." dave stifled a sigh, and did what he was told. The hitachi was bad enough: in the cage, it was worse. "Tell ya what, handsome? I have to go and finish dictating one report. Maybe take me 15 minutes. If you can hold out that long, I'll uncage you tonight and edge you nice and slow... if you don't, oh well. another week isn't that bad." "No sir, it's not..." Gabe smiled, pushed the vibrator between dave's legs, set the timer, and walked out.

"I can handle this.. I. CAN. HANDLE. THIS!!!!" dave was saying to himself when he opened his eyes. Twelve minutes gone. He only had to last three more. ONLY THREE. He closed his eyes again, and this time, images of the sacrifice dream came back to him, only this time, he saw faces. Marco in the background, just barely out of shadow. Gabe, controlling the pendulum and grinning, and standing on the steps: Ahmad, begging him "dave, submit. Just submit. It's better to be alive than dead! SUBMIT TO HIM." dave's eyes popped open just as the alarm went off. It took Gabe about three minutes to get to him. "Good boy! You did it. I knew you could." "Thank you Sir. " He felt Gabe's hand caressing the side of his face, and then playing with his hair, which had grown longer, since Gabe liked to have something to grab when he was fucking Gabe from behind. "Let's get you uncaged. You earned it stud." Fifteen minutes later, dave was naked on their bed, with Gabe's hand holding down one wrist, his body lying on the other one, keeping dave immobilized as his hand slowly jerked dave. Gabe's after work stubble was digging into dave's neck as he whispered "There isn't another experience in the world quite like FUCKING you dave. It's... it's... UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH" dave bucked and he began shooting. Gabe smiled. "You're always tighter when your empty. This is gonna be fun..." dave saw him slip off his dress pants, his jock and felt his legs go in the air . "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR.... dave's head rolled back as his oversensitized crotch and ass felt Gabe enter him. "GOD SIR. It's like... It's like nothing I ever felt. SO GOOD. SO GOOD. MMMMMMMM" "You deserve the best dave. I hope I'm giving it to you." Gabe whispered into dave's ear before he kissed him and shot into him, deep.

The next day, before he went to the office, Gabe took dave to his tailor together with the uniform. He spent about a half an hour going over the changes he wanted made to it. "He's got to be SEXY, not Officer fucking Krupke, Matt," Gabe told the tailor. "I want the girls to fall in love with him, the mothers to want him to fuck them, the sons to be jealous, and I want them all to know that he's TAKEN!" He wrapped his arms around dave. "GRRRRRRRRR. You are the sexiest fucking man in the world, dave king." He kissed the side of his neck. "I have to get to my first appointment. dave I'll see you tonight." "Yes sir. Is there anything I should prepare for you." Gabe smiled. "It's all out already. I took care of it while you were showering." After he left, the tailor shook his head. "He's your lover?" dave laughed. "Yeah, he is." "What did you do wrong in your past life?" dave laughed some more. "Well, I'm not sure about that, but he's ok. He's just stressed from all the work he does. " The tailor shook his head. "You know, he used to be much worse. You're doing something to calm him down." "He used to be much worse. I can't imagine," dave thought.

He put his uniform on for that first day. Actually, he put it on for the second time, because Gabe made him model it when it was delivered. The fucking dave got proved that Gabe liked the tailoring job. dave laughed as he got dressed. One of the consequences of the tailoring was that there wasn't enough room for a cock cage, so on school crossing days, his dick was loose. It also meant he had to do SOMETHING, because he couldn't afford to be seen with a cum stain at the crotch, and if he were limp when Gabe came home, well... He was trying wrapping paper towel around his cock before going off to the task.

The job itself wasn't very hard. Kids took a liking to dave, and he liked them. These were also some pretty mild mannered kids, and they followed instructions. "HI. You must be Dave. I'm Maggie Winston. I'm the one who talked Doctor Gabe into having you do this." dave stuck out his hand. "How do you do Ms. Winston? Let me see: THAT boy over there: the blue eyes, the brown hair, the rosy cheeks. He's your son." "YES! How did you know?" dave smiled but now he had to be careful. Too much and he'd get in trouble, too clinical and he might too." "It's the aftermath of software we have to use in Classics now Ms. Winston. We map faces from object to object and you get used to looking at two of them for similarities. I knew you were a mom, so I just looked for the kid who had the most similar bone structure. " "OH WOW. That's so much more different than reading about Caesar and the Gauls." dave smiled. "I kind of miss that, to be honest, Ms. Winston. I guess I'm a classic classicist." "Ha ha. Doc Gabe didn't tell me you were funny. Listen. I have to take Prescott to his chess lesson, but let me talk to Gabe. You guys have to come over to dinner. And thank you for doing this!" She shook his hand again, and this time, she slid a 50 dollar bill into his hand. "Ms Winston. MS WINSTON!" she was gone, together with her kid. "Of course his name is Prescott" dave thought. He continued with the job for the rest of his stint. When the kids were all gone, he took off his uniform hat, and started walking home. "HEY. Any possibility I can take you out for a drink, handsome?" He heard Gabe's dark voice next to him. He smiled. "SIR. I didn't expect this. What a nice surprise!" "Here, gimme your hand, stud. Can't hurt my image to be seen with a military man. So, how did it go? By the way, you look FUCKING HOT." dave blushed. "It was great Sir. As usual, you were right. But Ms. Winston... she gave me ... this..." dave showed Gabe the 50 dollar bill and Gabe laughed. "OH, Maggie. You know, she's determined that she's gonna pay someone for this. So, what are you gonna do with it?" dave looked puzzled. "Well..... I was going to give it to a charity.. maybe leave it in a church box, but..... " He took the liberty of squeezing Gabe's hand. "If my Sir would say yes, I'd like to take HIM out for a drink." Gabe looked at him and smiled. "You mean that dave? You want to spend time with me?" "OF COURSE I do Sir. " He paused for a minute. Then he said something he hoped he wouldn't regret. "What can I do to prove that to you?" "I don't know dave. We'll talk about it. Gabe's voice was low. "I don't think you know this, but what you just said, made me feel better about myself than I have in a long time." "Sir... would it be forward if I kissed you on the street?" "No. And I'm going to take a raincheck on that drink because... I've got a POW at home I have to interrogate."

Twenty minutes later, dave was tied to the play chair, in his uniform, ungagged. "I don't have anything to tell you. " He squirmed at the cuffs Gabe had put on him, and he got ready for the second volley of paddles to his crotch. "Nothing to tell me huh? Hmmmm. We'll see about that." Gabe stroked dave's cock slowly. "One last time. And if you don't talk, you'll get 20 instead of 15" "THEN START SMACKING." Gabe brought back his hand and did. "OH FUCK. OH SHIT...." dave didn't smell any alcohol on Gabe, but he was beating him like he was drunk. " "Had enough, soldier boy? " Gabe grunted after ten. dave was reeling from the pain but he said "I got nothing to say." Then the second ten came, harder then the first. At 18, dave yelled. "OK. OK. YOU WIN YOU WIN. YOU'RE RIGHT. I'M IN LOVE. I'M IN LOVE WITH GABE LANDFELD" They hadn't discussed what the "info" was, and when dave blurted that out, Gabe looked at him stunned. He caught his breath. "And I'm in love with dave king. Marry me. " dave looked at him. "OH SHIT, what have I done? " he thought. "Yes sir. I do. But fuck me first. PLEASE." After Gabe had tied dave's wrists behind him, he pulled off his work shoes and socks. He bound dave's ankles and then... he took out one of the small spatulas he used at work, and began tickling dave's feet: something he hadn't done in a long time. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SIR. SIR... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "I'm not really fond of tickling dave, but the way your ass moves when you're tickled. DAMN. FUCK. I better get you nekkid, because otherwise..." He nearly tore dave's uniform pants off, and then dave felt Gabe's tongue going deep into him. "I'm eating my fiance's man pussy. FUCK YEA. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" He dove in deeper, probing, catching dave's nerve endings and driving dave crazy. When he reached underneath dave, and took his nipples, dave knew he was close too. To avoid shooting on the bed, he arched his ass up. Gabe took it as a sign. "OH YEAH. ON ALL FOUR. FUCK YEAH. " He untied dave's wrists so he could get in position and then he pierced dave like he was slicing through a melon. "DAMN THAT ASS IS HOT. FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. " "SIR. SIR. I"M GONNA SHOOT. I'M GONNA STAIN THE BED." "STAIN THE FUCKING BED. I'M GONNA BE YOUR HUSBAND. FOR FUCKING REAL."

Gabe pushed, HARD, and his jizz spilled into dave. When he finished, dave realized what had just happened. "OH SHIT . " He thought. "What am I gonna do now? WHAT have I gotten myself into?" Those were the exact same questions Gillian asked him when he saw her early the next week.

Next: Chapter 25

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