Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 7, 2021


There was a timer on the table in front of dave , as he sat tied in the "testing chair." He could tell there were only five more minutes before Gabe would be in, and then the next part of tonight's game would start. That would be the clamps and twisting - not one of dave's favorites, but Gabe liked it a lot. dave's mind began to drift and he caught himself, pushing his chest back up in the air. Gabe would have seen it and added more time to his "punishment." When he began dating Gabe seriously, and after he had moved in, dave realized that whatever Ahmad, or Apollo or Marco had done when they were with him, it was NOT domination. Gabe dominated. PERIOD. The other guys may have been Tops, and amateur Doms. Gabe was the real thing. While he didn't make dave wear a leash and collar, it was fair to say that he kept dave on a very short leash. There were rules for everything: what he could wear, how long he could stay at the gym, what his jobs around that huge apartment were - and dave loved it. He felt, sometimes, like he were back in the army, taking orders from a stern, sexy platoon leader, who also could fuck like a machine.

One of the things that made Gabe so perfect for dave was that, unlike all the other men he had been with, dave did NOT have to pretend he was being overpowered by Gabe. Gabe spend a LOT of time at the gym, either with dave (keeping a very close eye on him), or by himself, and he knew enough about physiology that he was able to keep dave under control. dave realized this one day when Gabe had him pinned down in bed. For fun, dave pushed back. He expected to do what he had done so many times before and just pretend he couldn't break the grip of his top man. As he pushed against Gabe, he realized: he wasn't making ANY progress. Gabe had positioned his own body in such a way that dave really could NOT get free. Over time, it happened when Gabe surprised him and grabbed dave from behind, and would nibble his neck at "just the right spot," or press dave's weak spot between his shoulders (Gabe was the only one who had ever found it). Sometimes, dave thought it was pathetic: if he had a weak spot, Gabe found it. And he used them all. His thoughts broke up when he heard the sound of Gabe's shoes coming to the room. He saw that handsome man, taking off his tie, unbuttoning his banker shirt, and rolling up his sleeves.

"Getting better at this dave. Only six minutes of non compliance, so only 12 minutes of clamps." He smiled. "I'm gonna have to find another way to make sure my sexy boy... knows who's boss." Gabe ran his fingers over dave's nipples. His shirt was so snug that there was no space, and he felt the expert touch Gabe had. He didn't have to come up with anything else to let dave know who was Boss. dave knew. And now, as Gabe began opening dave's shirt, he was going to prove it again.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When Gabe had asked him to move in, dave didn't know what to do. He didn't want to lose Gabe again, but... what was he giving up? He went to Gillian first, since she knew Gabe. "Well, lovey, you know, I knew him a long time ago. I think the only thing that's the same is that we're all still gay," she chuckled. dave blushed "Well, no. There are other things that are still the same Gill" She laughed. "OH. He's still fucking good in bed?" dave smiled. "I think better." "GOOD BOY" she cried. "If there's anyone who deserves great sex it's you. " She paused. "Hmmm. When was the last time I had great sex? Oh, never mind. We're talking about YOU. So, you're going to stay in graduate school?" "Oh yes. I'm not becoming his houseboy or anything like that. He promised. " Gillian frowned. "dave, do you have your own money?" "Yes. I do. I'm far from poor. Ahmad used to tease me about how much I saved, but I put away enough money that I could live my style for 2 years." "TWO YEARS! Goodness! I think I have enough for 2 weeks. So if you HAD to leave, you could?" He paused. "Yes. " She smiled. "Then what are you waiting for? That apartment? Your own study? And you get to be a kept man! " She laughed. "TAKE THAT AHMAD." dave tried to smile. "Gill, can we not talk about him?" That's when Gillian saw that dave still had a thing for Ahmad. "Oh, I'm sorry. Of course. Now, who's going to take over your apartment?" "Well, I was going to ask Eric if he would move in. It's a bigger place than his, and ..." Gillian shook her head. "And they say DYKES network. HA! dave my love, I say go with it. Listen, if things ever got too bad, you could camp out on this old dyke's sofa until you got re-established." dave looked at her "Gill, can I hug you?" "OH OF COURSE. We gals like hugs from boys with muscles." While they embraced she asked "How are your classes going?" "Oh, fine. Greek survey is killing me but the rest are good." She laughed. "You think it's killing you now? Wait until next semester when you're getting a play a week. By the way, have you gotten the copies of the Urban papyrus yet?" "No. I think it has to go through school channels before I can get it." "Let me see what I can do, big boy. You should get to work on that MA thesis as soon as you can. " After he saw Gillian, he spoke to Eric and got everything squared away about the apartment. Then, he took a deep breath, and called Gabe. He reached his assistant Janice "Dr. Landfeld's office." "Hi, Janice, it's dave." "OH HI dave." dave had been by the office and had met Janice. She had a bit of a crush on him. She had a bit of a crush on both of them. "I think he's just finishing up a consult. Hang just a minute." It was about five and then he heard Gabe's resonant voice. "dave. What's up you sexy fucker?" dave had to assume Gabe's office was empty. "Sir.... I wanted to call you as soon as I can. Do you still want me to move in with you?" "Tomorrow. Tonight I want to celebrate. Come over. Let's have dinner. " "OK sir. " "Great. I'll meet you at the apartment. I have to go into my next appointment. I'll see you later." When he got off the phone, Gabe realized he had been so excited that he forgot to give dave a time. He'd have to make a later dinner reservation, because he wasn't gonna not have sex with dave tonight, and he liked sex on an empty stomach.

When dave finished his classes that day, he went back to the apartment and looked around. How many years? At least 7? Was it 8? Would he miss the place? Yes. He looked at the bed and laughed. The restraints hadn't been used in so long, they were getting covered with dust. Gabe had said that they'd have a mover come in on the weekend and move other stuff, but dave should pack what he needed for a few days - like a weekend stay (it was Wednesday). dave already had some clothes over at Gabe's, especially the stuff Gabe had bought when he ripped dave's shirt.

Earlier that day, dave had taken the bottle of Marco's cologne that he had left and moved it to his gym locker. He remembered how angry Gabe had gotten when he had smelled that cologne, and how he had smashed the first bottle. dave didn't think he'd ever sleep with Marco again, but he wanted the memory. He figured it would be safer in the gym locker. He packed up his books, took a few other items, the gym clothes and "school clothes" he needed, and closed the door behind him. He didn't look back.

"Hi Cyrus" dave greeted the doorman at Gabe's building. He had made it a point to know his name. It was too late today, but sometimes he would bring something from the deli when he came over, for whomever was working the front door. "MR DAVE! I hear you're gonna be a permanent resident of our glorious building, with the glorious Dr. Landfeld. Welcome aboard." dave began to laugh. "Thank you Cyrus, but please don't call me Mr. I hate it." Cyrus smiled. "Mr. Dave, it's the building rule. If I get caught NOT using a title, I'm outta here. So... he dropped his voice "I'll call you dave in my heart but in public, it's Mr dave. It's the best I can do. I promise not to call you Mr. King." He laughed. "Cause we all know that Dr. Landfeld is THE KING." dave laughed uncomfortably, not really knowing what he meant. "You go on up Mr. dave. I think I'm gonna see you this weekend. Dr. Landfeld hired a bunch of us to move you." Sighing, dave went up to the apartment, thinking "I can't really believe that I'm here." It was the first time he had been in the apartment without Gabe being there. It was sunny. Quiet. He walked over to the window to look out at the park. He held his breath. He dreamed of watching a sunset, in Gabe's arms, either before or after some great sex. He felt his cell phone buzzing in his pocket. It was Gabe. "Hello Sir. I'm at your place." "Did the phone ring twice dave?" "No. I only heard one ring. " "Hmmm. Felt like two at this end. No matter. I'll trust you. I'm gonna be outta here in half an hour, so I'll see you there." "I'm looking forward to it Sir." "GOOD . Me too. Now, for tonight, you're gonna wear a pink shirt. A long sleeved one. Probably need a tie. There's a green striped one. And olive pants. That's for later though. For now... you have clean gym clothes?" "Yes sir. " "Slip into some. I'm gonna have me some hot blond ass when I get home." dave knew that Gabe loved it when he wore pink, even though dave hated the color. When he wore it, he always felt like people were staring at him as if he were, well, meat. The only thing good about wearing pink was that something in the color, or something in the way people reacted to him when he wore it, or both, brought out an edge in Gabe. Their sex, when dave wore pink, felt just a little hotter, Gabe got just a little longer and thicker and just a little rougher. All of that meant that dave got just a little bit more aroused, and enjoyed the sex more. One time, Gabe was so pissed off that dave had looked back at someone who checked him out, that he left him tied up in the shirt for the whole weekend. He had caged him too, and every half a day, he'd move the cage size down a day. "FUCK THAT WAS HOT" dave thought to himself. Maybe it would happen again tonight.

When dave got off the phone, he adjusted the hard on Gabe had just given him. He was dripping already too - Gabe hated that. He'd have to try to get it all cleaned away. He went over to the closet that he and Gabe shared: Gabe's share was much larger, and so well organized. He had a different outfit planned for every day of the next two weeks: either a white shirt or a banker's blue with white collar, a dark blue or dark grey suit, and a somber tie. At work, he'd slip off the jacket and put on his lab coat. The first time dave saw him in doctor's whites, he nearly ejaculated in the waiting room. "GOD he's so HOT" he thought. He smiled at that memory, because it was the day Gabe had shut the office door, cleaned off his desk, put dave on his back and fucked him in between patients. He remembered Gabe saying half seriously, "I need to put restraints on the legs of the desk and have you over more often." He hadn't done that, but dave had been on his back on that desk a few times, and then there was the time Gabe had him sucking him under the desk, when a client brought her son in for a consultation. dave had tried to pull back, but Gabe had him grow his hair long enough so he could hold dave's head on his cock when he didn't want him to stop. He didn't that afternoon, even after he had shot a load down dave's throat. The memories were taking over dave, and he had to hurry to get into his tank top (a light yellow one), red shorts, and his gym shoes, before Gabe came in. "Hi Sir," dave stood in front of Gabe, his hands behind him, his head lowered. He didn't know whether or not Gabe wanted him to wear the lock pendant, but he'd find out soon enough. Gabe was wearing white that day: a shirt that showed off his muscles. He didn't wear an undershirt, so dave could see his hairy body too. "What're you waiting for dave? My cock needs lubricating" "Yes sir." dave came over and got on his knees, opening Gabe's zipper with his teeth the way Gabe liked. Gabe's cock popped out and dave went down on it right away. "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. MY PHD TO BE. GETTING HIS THROAT FUCKED. FACE FUCKED THE WAY CATULLUS WOULD SAY." Gabe's original plan had been to let dave suck him until he was right close to shooting and then to take dave's ass fast and hard. Now, though, as dave's talented tongue got to work, he thought he'd shoot now, and maybe again later that night. He knew dave was going to look irresistable in the outfit he picked: if dave had any idea how handsome he was, he might not be here right now: there were other gay doctors in NY, and lots of other wealthy gay men who'd give anything to have dave - but dave thought he was lucky to be with Gabe. That thought pushed Gabe right over the top. When he finished shooting down dave's throat, dave looked up, concerned. "I'm sorry Sir. I didn't ask if you wanted my ass. " I do dave. And I'll have it. When I want it. Now go rinse out your mouth and get changed."

When dave came back, he saw that Gabe had changed too. It would have been hard for a casual observer to know the difference, but dave did: Gabe did not like wearing "work clothes" to dinner or casual events. So many of his outfits looked the same that it was hard to see he had changed. dave noticed the sharper crease in his shirtsleeve though and the tighter knot in his tie.

As dave changed, Gabe watched. GOD. It was like candy, seeing this hot sub go from naked to half dressed to dressed. "Get over here. Now." "Yes sir." dave hadn't finished tying his tie, but Gabe wanted him. He took him from behind, and began rubbing his five o'clock shadow over dave's neck, whispering "You are just the hottest man on the face of this earth. And we are gonna celebrate you coming to live with me tonight in the style you deserve." dave wasn't used to this lavish lifestyle, and he never would have thought he deserved any of what Gabe was giving him; but he leaned back into the beard stubble. Gabe had begun rubbing "the spot," and dave was moaning, and whimpering. "Sir.. you're gonna make me leak. You hate that." "Heh heh. I like it when I do it to you. Not when anything else does it." "Sir you're the only one who does it to me. MMMPH" Gabe had put his hand over dave's mouth. "Stop talking. If you keep talking, you're gonna lie." He reached down with his other hand and took dave's cock and balls in it, through dave's pants. "You get drippy thinking about Ahmad? Apollo? MARCO?" dave struggled, but he knew he wasn't getting loose. Gabe was right. He had to forget these guys. Gabe tightened his grip. "At some point, you're gonna think of only ME when you think of hot sex dave. I'm gonna make sure of it. " Then he stopped scruffing and kissed dave's ear. "GOD, I just wanna throw you on the bed and fuck you with something." "sir...." dave got out in between moans. "sir... we don't need to go to dinner to celebrate. mmmmmmmmmm." sir, if you just want to get the dildo and.. fuck me... that's celebration enough." Gabe put his arms around dave, and pulled his arms back. This was one of the times dave realized: Gabe could handle him, no faking. The combination of "the spot" on his neck, and his base strength, was keeping dave under control. "I have a different idea. No, not the restaurant I picked . Another one." Gabe ran out of the bedroom to the living room to make calls.

Before he did, he turned to dave. "Open a second button on that shirt. You're not gonna need a tie where we're going."

Fifteen minutes later, Gabe's driver had pulled up in front of the building, and Gabe in his suit and tie, and dave, in his open collared pink shirt and a jacket, were driving... somewhere. "It's gonna take a while sweetie, but DAMN. I wanna celebrate. I wanna celebrate US." He had his arm around dave's shoulders. "You happy about moving in, dave? " "I am sir. I hope I make you happy." Gabe growled. "So far so good." dave didn't know they were driving into Brooklyn. He hadn't been to Brooklyn more than three times since he started school. When the driver stopped, he heard Gabe say "11:30" and then he stepped out and came around to take dave's arm out of the car. They were in what looked to be a residential neighborhood. dave didn't see anything looking like a restaurant around. Gabe, with his hand on dave's elbow, led him to the door of a very stately looking house. There was a bright light coming through some very heavily shaded windows. "This, dave... is a private supper club." An older , well dressed man came to the door. "Doctor Landfeld and guest. Welcome. The cocktail hour is drawing to an end, but it's ongoing. Please come in." "Thank you Pierre" Gabe smiled. "Come on sweetheart, let's go." He brought dave into a room that must have been a ballroom at one point, but now looked like a small dining room in a restaurant, with about 10, maybe 12 tables all around the perimeter. All of the guests were men. dave guessed that about half of them were younger than he and Gabe, and they seemed to be with men who were older than them. "What will you drink, dave? How about champagne?" Gabe snagged two glasses from an attractive server who walked by. "Thank you Sir. I haven't had much champagne. " Gabe smiled. "Easier to get you drunk and take advantage of you." He toasted with dave. "I'm so glad you said yes dave. You made me very happy." "HEY. What's this celebration?" One of the older men came over. "Gabe, you sneak. You haven't been here for ages, and then you come in with the handsomest man in the room. " He held out a hand. "I'm Joel. And you are." dave didn't get to answer, because Gabe answered for him. "Joel, this is dave king. He's my lover." "OH, and a LOVELY couple you make. " He smiled and looked at dave. "Seems some lovemaking may have happened before dinner," he smirked as he pointed to dave's neck where a red spot had developed, and Gabe snickered. Normally, dave would have blushed, but he wondered: did he hear right? Did Gabe just refer to him as his lover? He did. He introduced dave as his lover to three other people before they sat down . Gabe had a thing about sitting alongside each other instead of opposite each other, and he always sat on dave's left. "I'm right handed. It's easier for me to get my arms around you," is what he told dave. It also made it easier for him to get his hand down to dave's more sensitive nipple, his right one. "This is what they call table d'hote, dave" Gabe told him. "it's a French style. There's no menu, there's just one meal. I think they told me it's 8 courses tonight, but they'll be small." He leaned over to dave. "Unlike me, when I'm with you. DAMN you look GOOD tonight you sexy stud." dave tried to enjoy the meal, but he kept on feeling like people were looking at him. He was right. Most of the older men were people Gabe knew, either from medical associations, or from family acquaintances, etc. He had never been to a private dining room before, and when he looked around, he didn't know how he placed. All of the older men, Gabe included, were wearing ties. The younger guys were not, but they were MUCH younger than dave: the oldest one might have been 24. He and Gabe were certainly older than the "tricks" as he heard them called later, and younger than their "daddies" as he heard also. "So I guess you're the trick" one very drunk guest said as he staggered over to their table. "I'm sorry Sir. What's a trick? " The man gave him a look and Gabe stood up. "HOWARD. THAT WILL BE ENOUGH. YOU CAN'T INSULT MY LOVER LIKE THAT."

He sat down and put a hand on dave's thigh. "Are you ok?" "I am Sir. I just don't know what a trick is." "It's NOT a nice thing dave, and you're not one, so don't worry." dave was silent and then he volunteered. "I'm a little uncomfortable here Sir" That seemed to provoke a smile from Gabe. "You'll get used to it. I like these clubs. I have you with me. I want to introduce you to people. "Sir... did you call me your .... lover?" "Yeah, I did. You are, aren't you?" "I... I guess. I didn't think you thought of me that way. " "THIS dave. THIS is how I think of you." Gabe grabbed him and shoved his tongue down dave's throat, with the other guests watching. dave could hear the knocking of spoons on glasses, and he was embarrassed, but Gabe was also such a good kisser. "Please sir, don't let me go," he was thinking, and for a while, Gabe didn't. When he did, he was smiling. "I get to sleep with you every night. I'm gonna make you... oh fuck, I'm just gonna have you whenever I want. " Music started. "Dance with me dave." "Sir, I'll embarrass you. I'm not a very good dancer. "I SAID GET UP AND DANCE WITH ME." "yes sir," dave answered. They weren't the only couple on the dance floor, but there weren't many. Gabe slipped his hands down to dave's ass and squeezed it. dave didn't see any other couple doing that. Gabe whispered into his ear. "I wish I had gotten here first. I'll do with sloppy seconds." Dinner went on. dave tried to enjoy himself, but it wasn't happening. Many of the guys flirted with him, and Gabe either shooed them off or joined in the flirting, and if anyone tried to chat with dave, Gabe interrupted and took over the conversation. As dinner was ending, one of the men shook both of their hands and said to Gabe. "Well, Gabe, you always had a weakness for blonds, but this one is the handsomest one yet. Quiet too. " Gabe smiled. "He's learning who does the talking. " He took dave's hand and looked at him "ALL of my lovers have to learn that. You will." The car was waiting for them when they left the building. Gabe wanted to kiss and neck all the way home. The alcohol began to wear off on him when they were about 30 minutes from home. When they got in the door, dave wished a good night to the doorman. In the elevator, Gabe got obnoxious. "Yeah, you get to talk to doormen, people like that. Not to my doctor friends. NEVER. Not without my permission. Make that a rule, dave. Speak when I give you permission." All the good feelings from "my lover" left dave. He answered meekly "yes sir, I understand." When the elevator opened into the apartment, Gabe motioned to the bedroom. "Do you want me undressed, Sir?" "NO. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it nice and slow." Gabe doffed his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He climbed on top of dave and began unbuttoning dave's shirt. "Look at those luscious, delicious nipples." He bent down and kissed, then chewed , each one of them. Then he looked up, and he smiled at dave. "My big studly blond lover. Gimme your neck. I wasn't finished." He went back to scruffing the spot he had worked on before they left for that dinner. He had one hand on one of dave's nipples, and soon, dave was putty. Moaning putty. "Hand me the dildo, blondie" Gabe whispered to dave. "Yes sir," dave handed him one. "NO. The BIG one." "You've never used that one on me Sir." "Ha ha. First time for everything big man." Gabe pushed dave's legs apart, and he began slowly pushing the 10 inch dildo into dave. He had put a big thumbful of lube on dave's hole before he did, so the passage was easier, but it wasn't easy. dave was moaning, more from pain than pleasure, before something switched over, and he began to enjoy what Gabe was doing to him. "YES SIR. YES. OH GOD. YES. NOT AS BIG AS YOU BUT... FUCK.. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." Gabe hadn't let dave cum earlier that day, but now, he was jerking him to conclusion. "Who's my sub lover bottom? " Gabe asked . "Me sir. Me. dave. dave is your sub. Your bottom . Your lover.. AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii" he screamed as his orgasm started. Gabe smiled. "I love getting you off dave." "I love when you do Sir. MMMMMMM" Gabe was resting on top of dave and then, he was out like a light. dave was awake a little while longer before he fell asleep too. What a strange day! What a very strange day. He began wondering if he had made the right choice. He woke up in the middle of the night, screaming. For the first time in a long time, he had had the dream where he was the sacrificial victim.

Next: Chapter 24

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