Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 31, 2021


Dear Readers: if you felt like the last installment broke off suddenly, it did. My cat was at the computer and he decided the installment was ready, hit the send button, and there we are.

dave is sitting in what Gabe calls the "testing chair." His hands are tied behind his back, his ankles are secured with two leather restraints on the back legs of the chair, which leaves his crotch explosed. He's gagged with two large strips of silver duct tape. You can see the wet spot at his cock, staining his tan slacks (not jeans). He strains against the short sleeved white shirt he wears, because that's the test today: Gabe is going to clamp him before he fucks him, and how long he clamps him depends on how long dave can keep his tits pointed out. There's no cheating, because Gabe has a camera in the room, which sends a signal to his study, where he's dictating his notes on the charts he brought home after the day at the office and hospital. Every now and then, he looks at the photo of he and dave on his desk: his arms around dave, his chin resting on dave's neck, dave smiling and Gabe smiling in spite of trying to look stern, He feels his cock stir as he thinks of the amazing sex they had after the photo shoot. He looks at his watch: twenty more minutes, then he'll go in there and continue....

What happened since last time? Well, if you recall, dave met Gabe at his professor's retirement party. he and Gabe began seeing each other after that: sporadically, because Gabe was in the process of finishing up his internship and starting his own practice, and dave was buried in his first year classwork. Apollo would come by from time to time - sometimes not announced, and dave had thought about changing the locks on his apartment. He enjoyed being t topped by Apollo, but now that Gabe was back in the picture, the issues around Apollo's bisexuality, and his demands, were more important to resolve.

For dave, comparing his relationships with Gabe and Apollo to each other was not like comparing apples and oranges: it was more like comparing two different types of apples. Neither one of them was particularly good at making sure that his partner - dave - was sexually satisfied after they were done. Each fucked in a similar way: brutal and rough: the way dave liked it. And they were both dominant. The biggest difference was in HOW they expressed their dominance. Apollo barked orders. Gabe just quietly took command. Gabe was more imaginative, and unlike Apollo, he didn't "open his baggage" when they were making love, or playing.

To the casual observer, however, none of that mattered. When dave moved in with Gabe, dave's friends were shocked: all of a sudden, dave seemed to be a gold digger. Gabe was the only child of a wealthy couple. When they died, among the items Gabe inherited, was a huge apartment: it took up the entire floor of one of the "good" buildings on Park Avenue, and it had a keyed elevator. The first time dave went over to spend the night, he had been unprepared for this. He went to the doorman and asked for "Dr. Landfeld," the doorman had smiled. "Yes Mr. King, good evening. Dr. Landfeld told me to expect you. This way please." dave watched as the doorman put a key into a lock in the elevator, and smiled at dave. "No need to push a button, Mr. King. The elevator goes directly to the Landfeld apartment. He's expecting you." dave remembered his manners, and thanked the doorman. He heard the "wooosh" as he went up to the apartment, and when the door opened, Gabe was standing there, smiling, with a drink in his hand. He had changed to a V neck sweater in black, and some silk weave pants. "dave! I'm glad you came. C'mere sweetie." He put down the wine, collected dave in his arms, and kissed him. He kissed him a few times. "You didn't pack an overnight?" "Sir, you didn't invite me for anything more than tonight. I figured I could skulk out of here tomorrow morning wearing what I'm wearing tonight. Gabe laughed. "Oh no, that won't do at all dave. Not at all. We'll figure this out though. First though... let me show you the place. " Gabe put his arm around dave's waist and showed him from room to room. dave's feet froze at the panoramic view of Central Park. "OH MY. I can see the pond, the boathouse..." He felt Gabe behind him. "Good. Because all I can see... is you dave." He took dave's arms and held them behind his back. He whispered "I want you dave. NOW. I'll finish the tour later. For now.... we're going to the extra bedroom." dave learned that night that the "extra bedroom" was for play. They would sleep overnight in the "Master Bedroom." Both felt bigger to him than his whole apartment. "Get on the bed dave. NOW. I want that ass. ALL of it." Yes sir," dave moved over to the bed in the extra bedroom, and while his back was turned, he felt Gabe's arm surround him, and the hand of his second arm touch "the spot" that always immobilized him. "NNNNNNNNG. OH GOD." Gave was on top of him, pinning him down as he went for his ear. He whispered. "I don't just wanna FUCK you blond bitch. I want you in this fucking bed ALL THE TIME. I WANT YOU HERE WHERE I CAN GET YOU WHENEVER I WANT." Gabe had never been so, well, direct. It was getting dave harder and harder. He began to whine. "Please SIr. Please Sir Gabe. Take me NOW. Don't wait for ropes. My mouth is here. TAKE IT. TAKE MY ASS. TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT." The look on Gabe's face might have scared some other people, but dave begged for it. He wanted it desperately. He began to see Apollo as just wishy washy. Gabe was going to take him, without thought, without any remorse if he hurt him... he was USING him. He wanted it. And Gabe was like a cat who smelled blood. He RAMMED his cock down dave's throat. "I feel one tooth and I'll remove your balls, fuckbottom." "MMMMMMMMMMPH." dave pushed out some sound through his full mouth, and began to suck. He wanted to suck Gabe better than he had ever sucked him before. While he was doing so, he heard the rip, as Gabe tore apart his shirt. He heard the buttons fly, and then he felt Gabe's fingers take his tits, roughly. . "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" It was harder not to slip and have his teeth scrape Gabe's cock while his tits were being mauled, but dave tried. GOD did he try. Gabe never relented on the tits, until he stopped for a minute to tear off dave's jeans, and then get his legs over his shoulders. "GOD HAVE I WANTED TO FUCK YOU HERE, I'VE WANTED YOU HERE SO GODDAMN BAD...." "then take me SIR. TAKE ME." dave felt like he had never been treated the way he wanted to be treated, until now. Gabe was not shy about shoving his cock into dave hard, all at once, and with all the force he had. It even began to hurt a little, and dave hadn't felt any hurt down there since the first time. "OH SHIT SIR HARDER. MAKE ME CRY. PLEASE SIR. MAKE ME CRY." As Gabe pounded him, dave thought about the time in the army, of Ahmad, of Marco, of Apollo.... was it all training for this? Was there a future with Gabe.... For now, there was just the present, as Gabe began screaming. "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH YOU FUCKER. LOOK WHAT YOU DO TO ME..." Gabe pulled out and shot all over dave, showing him how excited he had been. Now, Gabe began to cry. "GEEZ. GEEZ DAVE. DO YOU GIVE THAT MUCH EVERY TIME?" "I don't know Sir. I don't know..." Through tears, Gabe spoke. "I'm sorry I destroyed your clothes. I just couldn't help myself." dave smiled. He ran his hand through Gabe's hair. "It was just a shirt, Sir. I got in on sale. " Gabe smiled. He kissed dave. "We're gonna replace it. One minute." Gabe left the room and he was on the intercom. He heard Gabe talking to the doorman and then he was back. "Give the overnight guy an hour or so...." He looked at dave who was sliding his hand up and down on his own hard cock. "What's this dave?" "I was jerking Sir" "Did I say you could?" "Uh, no Sir." "Take your hand away. NOW." dave gulped. "Yes sir." "I'm gonna take care of that for you. But in the future.... you don't shoot unless I say you can. UNDERSTAND?" dave hesitated for a minute before he said "yes sir." Gabe smiled. He reached under dave and found a small patch of skin, right over dave's prostate. He began to work it expertly. "OH SHIT SIR. NO ONE'S EVER DONE THAT." "That's cause you never had a doctor do you before." He smiled, and stopped. Then he went back again. He repeated this. By the fifth time, dave was moaning like a cat in heat. "Please Sir. I need to. I need to. I can't help it...." dave's hips pushed forward, and his own cum joined the cum from Gabe already on him. Gabe smiled. "Would you consider moving in with me, dave?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As he cleaned up in the shower, dave replayed that last sentence. "Would you consider moving in with me, dave?" He didn't know quite what to make of it. His lease ran for another six months, and in the back of his mind, he hadn't planned leaving the apartment until he had to, whenever that would be. He liked that apartment. The first "adult," non-military thing he had done, was to sign that lease. There was so much history there. And now Gabe wanted him to move in. There was much that was tempting here. The apartment itself, of course. And Gabe. Could he say that Gabe had been his first crush, even before Ahmad? Yes, he could. Gabe was giving him a level of domination unlike any he had experienced before, and he wanted more. He didn't want to lose Gabe. What should he do?

"Muffin, better hurry. We have a dinner reservation." "Yes sir. Sorry. I just got... kinda lost in my head." dave wrapped himself in the incredibly soft bath towel that was there, and when he was in the Master bedroom, he saw that the package had been delivered: not one shirt, but six. And everything he needed for the weekend . "Brooks Brothers, Sir? I never buy Brooks Brothers. I can't afford this stuff." "This is a gift dave. It's a 'starter pack'" Gabe smiled. "Because if we're gonna be a couple, you're gonna need some help in stepping up your game." "Well, thank you Sir. I never thought that I'd ever be able to wear this stuff." "Eventually, you won't dave. I get my shirts custom made. You will too. Like I say, this is just a bridge if..." "If I move in with you Sir? " Gabe only smiled. "Can I think about it Sir?" Gabe came over and put his hand on dave's shoulders. "Yes, you can, but not for long, dave. I'm really, really lonely here, and I need company. I feel like we'd be perfect together, but I hate being lonely, dave. I hate it more than anything else in the world. So I really want to know by the end of next week." His eyes stared into dave's and dave felt like a rabbit in the eyes of a big cat again. "I'll make a decision before that Sir. I won't make you wait. " "At dinner, dave, we'll talk some more. Because, I don't want you to come into this unprepared." He sighed. "I have rules. I'll expect you to follow them. Some will seem really basic: like no fucking around with anyone else." He smiled. "Unless it's a threesome I put together. Others are going to be more obscure. But I'll need you to follow them all." For a long time, dave had been thinking he liked languages because he liked rules. It was like the army: there were rules, you followed them. Somehow, the thought of choosing whether or not to accept the rules, seemed overwhelming. He wanted Gabe. If that meant rules, well..." "I promise Sir. I'll listen carefully. I'll ask questions, and then I'll tell you." Gabe smiled. "Now please get dressed. We'll be late." dave went over to the new clothes. He picked up a shirt. "Sir, I think they sent the wrong size. I'm a size bigger." Gabe smiled. "Now you've met the first odd rule. Not anymore. I want my partner to look sexy all the time. You'll look sexier in a snugger shirt. That's your new size from now on. Just try it on." dave's shirts were usually very loose: Ahmad used to kid him about how they could fit Eric inside him. This one, however, made him suck in his stomach to get it buttoned. "Look in the mirror dave." Gabe smiled. dave went over and looked. Other people had told him how good looking he was, but dave never felt that way before now. He heard Gabe whisper "See what I mean?" his hands were on the sides of dave's shoulders. "You are so fucking sexy dave." He wrapped his arms around dave, and dave just sort of rocked back and forth. "Could we stand like this forever Sir?" "Ha ha. No. Finish up getting dressed. I think you'll like dinner.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When they got into the elevator, dave, put his hands behind his back. He thought that Gabe would like that and he saw a smile play across his lips, and a very low "good boy" from Gabe. dave was getting used to the feel of the new fabric. It was true: he had never worn a shirt of this quality. And Gabe was talking about custom made shirts? What was that? Gave had changed to a dark blue, silk shirt before they left. When he pulled off his sweater, dave saw that Gabe was buff all over. He had clearly spent time in the gym when he was in medical school, and now that he was in practice. Before they had left, dave had looked at Gabe "Sir? Would it be ok if I put the sweater you were wearing over my shirt? It has your scent on it, and...." "Say no more dave. Of course you can. " He smiled as he looked at dave. He remembered back to smelling the cologne that Marco wore in dave's apartment. It'd be good to get THAT one's smell off of dave, figuratively speaking. Marco was just a bottom who took advantage. Gabe knew: still, he thought, if Marco came back to NY, a threesome with Gabe on top of marco and dave... that would be HOT. Gabe's driver pulled up and after a short ride, they stopped in front of a very discrete restaurant. dave made out the name "Le poisson" "It's French dave. Sort of a hole in the wall, but a favorite. Fish, of course, is their specialty." dave laughed. "I'm not used to much other than fish sticks," and Gabe laughed. "Many changes for you handsome. Many changes." That night, dave had his first oyster "It's an acquired taste," Gabe laughed when he saw dave's reaction. Shrimp cocktail. Gabe beamed when he saw dave's expression as the server boned the whole fish in front of him, and he smiled even more when he saw dave trying, somewhat successfully, to slow down to match Gabe's speed at eating. "Are you enjoying it dave?" "I am Sir. I don't think I've ever eaten something this good." Gabe made a face. "I mean anything COOKED that tasted this good Sir." He felt Gabe's foot graze against his. "What are you thinking about my proposal, dave? I'm not asking for a decision. I'm just wondering what questions you have already." "I don't have many yet Sir, but one came up. I can still go to graduate school, can't I?" Gabe looked at him. "OF COURSE. What made you think that you couldn't?" dave looked down "Well, I thought you were kinda looking for a houseboy." Gabe reached out and took dave's hand. "Let me tell you what I'm looking for dave. I'm looking for a partner, but I'm looking for a partner who will be a total sub to my total DOM. Someone who'll do what I say, no questions, but someone who I'll be proud to be seen with when I'm out. " He squeezed dave's hand tighter. "You have no idea how good it makes me feel when I'm with you, does it dave?" dave had to pause. "I wonder if it's as good as I feel when I'm with you, Sir. You remembered me. You looked for me. And now...." Gabe could see dave trying to hold back some tears. "Sir, I'm used to people leaving me. I'm not used to people trying to find me." "What can I say dave? Attraction never makes sense. It's not my place to wonder about what brought you and Ahmad together, just as it's not the waiter's place to wonder what brings us together. It just is. " He paused. "I did bad by you with that one nighter dave. But look: everything happens for a reason. If we had stuck together as a couple, you wouldn't have had your time with Ahmad. Would you give that up?" "No Sir. Not a bit of it. Even the hard parts." "Well, I think Ahmad made you ready for me. Ahmad, I suspect, was a good Dom, but not a great one." He smiled and flexed his arms like he was rowing. "I'm a better one, and I'm gonna make you a better sub if that's what you want to be." dave answered in a low voice. "yes sir. I want to be a better one for you. Dating you, I know that my level of submission isn't up to speed. I'll listen to you." Gabe smiled even more. "It's sounding like you're leaning toward moving in." "That's true Sir. I need to ask you one more question." "Sure dave. This is important. Go ahead." "My lease. It has six more months. I don't want to give up the apartment." He saw Gabe's face. "I'm afraid Sir, that on that one, it's a deal breaker. I'm a very insecure person, and you left me once. If you threw me out, I need a place to go." Gabe thought about that for a minute. "What if I throw you out in 8 months." "Sir, if you keep me around for six, I guarantee you'll never want to let me go." "HA HA. TOUCHE' DAVE, TOUCHE'. I can't argue with that. Keep the apartment. Your fellowship pays for it, but I'll cover it if you want." "I appreciate that Sir, but no. I want to be the best sub I can be, but... I need to know I can still take care of myself." "Understood, sweet cakes. Now, speaking of sweets, I always have the same thing for dessert, and I always eat too much of it, so now you can help me." The waiter brought over a Gran Marnier souffle'. It was another first for dave. That night, in Gabe's bed, with his head resting on Gabe's chest, feeling the little kisses Gabe was putting on his forehead, dave had a sense that this could go good, or bad, or both. He had a history of making decisions quickly, and he was about to make one, probably too soon. This time, he'd check with Gillian.

Next: Chapter 23

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