Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 22, 2021


dave couldn't remember when he had slept as well as he had: wrapped up in Apollo's arms, the music of the violin piece going on in his head.... but he had a girlfriend.

Apollo snored. He snored big time. He was still sleeping, and snoring, when dave woke up at his usual 5:30. He began to try to extricate himself from Apollo's grip. He wanted to do it without waking him. He seemed to be succeeding, but then Apollo let out one, HUGE snore, and dave started laughing. That woke Apollo, who tightened his grip.

"Where you going, handsome?" "It's my usual wake up time, Apollo. I was getting up. " "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" Apollo's mouth was right next to dave's ear. "I'm sorry Sir. I forgot. It's my usual wake up time, Sir." "You mean it's your usual wake up time when I'm not here. I'm here now. You're staying in bed. " "No, really, I need to get up." "WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU?" "That I was staying in bed Sir." "GOOD. Then my message was clear. Now here's another one. I want you. Roll over." "On my back Sir? " "YEAH. I wanna see that beautiful face of yours. " "Can I blow you Sir? I never had someone as big as you and.." "I SAID ROLL OVER. AND REACH IN AND GET ME A FUCKING CONDOM." "yes sir" dave whispered. There was something in Apollo's voice, and his commands, that was turning on dave more than he had been with anyone, including Ahmad. Yes, Ahmad had taken command in bed, but... this was different. Marco was just so low key, and so... well, Italian about everything. Apollo was getting dave hard, just with the tone of his voice. "ABOUT TIME, BOTTOM. SPREAD THOSE BIG LEGS OF YOURS. " dave did what he was told and Apollo grabbed his ankles pushing them further apart. "I SAID SPREAD THEM. WHAT THE FUCK, I'M SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU?" "where the hell was this man last night?" dave was thinking "I mean, the sex was great but.... " "NOW YOU LISTEN UP, BOI. THIS IS ABOUT WHAT I LIKE. AND I WANT YOUR ASS. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU'RE SORE. GRAB THOSE ANKLES." dave gulped and answered "yes sir." "You ever been fist fucked, davey?" dave hated that nickname. He just hated it. He was about to say "my name is dave, Sir" and the words "fist fucking" were freaking him out. But he said "no sir." "And it's not gonna be from me. Cause my fucking cock is as big as a fist. NOW TAKE IT." Apollo drove in and showed no mercy. dave had read some of the early myths of Apollo's cruelty: how he had flayed opponents, and how he had used his arrows to cause significant pain. Well, Apollo's "arrow" was causing some pain now, and dave bit his lip. He rocked back and forth, as Apollo took him for the second time in less than 12 hours. "This man is HUGE," dave thought, his mouth open as he moaned, and whined as that huge cock pushed into him. Ahmad was long and skinny: Apollo was long and thick. As he lay on top of dave, screwing him, dave felt the masses of chest hair and he got more and more aroused. Apollo saw it. "WHO THE FUCK EVER HEARD OF A BOTTOM CUMMING BEFORE HIS TOP MAN? BETTER NOT HAPPEN." "No sir. No... Let me make you happy. Please.. PLEASE SIR." "PUSH FORWARD . TAKE ME ALL THE WAY UP. "yes sir." " dave pushed down and then he felt Apollo's tongue begin to push into his mouth. He kept it in dave's mouth longer than anyone had, while he screwed him deep, but without an orgasm. GEEZ. dave's nerve endings had never felt this way before. Apollo pulled out his tongue . He smiled down at dave as he pushed dave's wrists into the bed. "How's THAT feel soldier? Feel like a POW to the TOPMAN of your nightmares?" "I'm a willing prisoner Sir. Please. PLEASE. OH GOD. " He saw Apollo smile as he began to gush into dave. "You wanna cum boi?" "Yes sir. Please. Please let me cum Sir." ' Apollo smiled. "You never shoot when you're with me until you have permission. GOT IT?" "yes sir. Yes... SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" dave's orgasm may have been as big as the first one he had with Gabe, all those years ago.


After they got cleaned up, and were sitting down at a local diner, eating waffles and sausages (for dave), and pancakes with fruit (for Apollo, who didn't touch meat), dave asked. "So, can you tell me about Sharon?" Apollo blushed and took a deep breath. "I owe you an apology. I should've said something when you invited me home." "There wasn't any need, Apollo Sir. I would've invited you home anyway." Apollo looked at him. "Really? You're into bi guys?" dave smiled. "I'm into you, what else matters." When Apollo was silent, dave continued. "I've never been with a guy who was bisexual. You were my first. All I know is: that was some of the best sex I've ever had." Apollo blushed a little. "You've got to get out more." "Now tell me about Sharon . Please?" Apollo took a swallow of coffee. "She and I have been dating for about six years. We're probably gonna get married. I love her. " "APOLLO, THAT'S GREAT. Do you have a date?" "Not yet. She's in the grad program in economics, and we're going to wait until we both finish. Probably two years. "Good. Not too close. " dave smiled. "Does this mean I get to see you again, Sir?" Apollo looked at him. "Do you want to?" "Well, YEAH, I do" dave smiled. "I mean, you're not asking me for anything permanent, or to be your lover or anything." Now, Apollo blushed again. "No, I'm not used to asking that dave. I'm telling you: if we see each other, I don't want you seeing anyone else." "Not even a Sharon?" "No dave, not even a Sharon." "But.." "dave. Don't argue with me. You've had topmen before. You told me about them. You never had a Dom. Now you do. If you want him. " dave was silent. "I want a Dom, Apollo, but..." "Look dave, it's all theater. What's gonna happen in two years? Hell, I don't know what's gonna happen in two hours. If we can make each other happy for a little while, is there anything wrong with that?" "No. I guess not, Sir. ..." He paused. He was about to say his men had always been monogamous to him, but did he know that? Did he know if he was the only one Marco slept with? Probably. Ahmad? He had wondered about Eric. He'd ask. There was Gabe, but that was just a one night stand, it didn't really count for this. "Can I think about it Sir?" "For 48 hours, dave. I have to be honest: Sharon knows about what I do, and, well, she doesn't expect to sleep with my boyfriend but she wants him to move in. And again, being honest dave, I liked sleeping with you better than any guy I've slept with over the year, but... there's another guy who's ready to move in." dave felt a pit in his stomach. "I really need to think about this Apollo Sir. I would hate to lose you, but... this is so new to me."


"OH FUCK THAT SHIT " Gillian yelled as dave was having lunch with her on Monday. "FUCK THIS BISEXUALITY NONSENSE. Well, not bisexuality. Lord knows I could use a cock once in a while that isn't polystyrene but. WHAT'S THIS SHIT? ARE YOU A COW THAT HE'S GUARDING FOR THE FUCKING GODS?" dave began to laugh. "Isn't there some kind of myth about Apollo's cattle?" Gillian looked up. "YES! YES THERE IS. That's perfect dave. Absolutely perfect. Look, let me ask you... How good was the sex?" dave blushed now. "It was... AMAZING. Don't tell him I said this: better than with Ahmad. Gillian grinned. "Ok, this is what I think dave. How often do you eat chicken?" "Oh, a few times a week. I'm eating it now." "Uh huh. And how often do you eat duck? No, better, squab." "Oh, in Italy we ate it all the time, but here... I don't think I ever have. Duck? Maybe 2 or 3 times." "Yes, darling. Apollo is your duck. Ahmad was your chicken. I bet if I had asked you about sex after the first time you and Ahmad bumped pussies, you'd be talking about it the way you're talking about Apollo." dave thought a minute. "I might have felt that way, yes, but... fidelity. Monogamy. He's told me he won't be." "Well neither was Ahmad." When Gillian looked at dave's face she realized: he didn't know. "Oh. OH. Momma Dyke just put her foot into it didn't she?" "Uh.. I don't know. I thought that it was possible he was doing something with Eric, but..." "dave, sex is easy. Love is hard. Relationships are even harder. You lucked out with Ahmad. You were perfect for each other. But david... you can't start mixing up sex and love. If the sex with Apollo is good, why don't you go for it? And honestly, if the sharing thing doesn't work out, what's he going to do? Hit you with his violin? " dave looked at his watch. "You've given me something to think about Gil. I appreciate it. " "dave, I'm sorry I said what I did about Ahmad. You shouldn't have heard it from me." "You're right. I should've heard it from him. But I'm going to hear it from Eric. Trust me. "


Eric's face was as red as his hair. "You didn't know? I mean, seriously, you never smelled the other guys on him?" "uh, no." "Ahmad thought it didn't count because, well, he was in love with you dave. The other guys, it was just... how did he put it.. getting something to eat that he couldn't get at home." "What didn't he get at home? Can you tell me, Eric?" dave was feeling very sad, and a bit depressed. "Well, he wanted a passive lover, but he told me that sometimes, you were just TOO passive. You gave in too easily. " Eric paused. "I'm pretty passive, and he said I was more of a challenge than you were." He looked at dave. "Yes, dave. Me too." "GOD WHEN DID THAT MAN EVER STUDY." That was not the reaction Eric expected. Coffee started coming out of his nose. "dave, look, you haven't asked me for my views, but here they are. Apollo doesn't have the right to lock you up like a maiden in a tower. No question about it. But.... why does he have to know if you sleep with someone else?" "Well, if he asks me." "Hmmm. Good point. You don't lie well." "THAT'S BECAUSE I DON'T LIE. IT'S TOO HARD." "Also true. It's one of the things Ahmad loves about you." "Loved." "No, LOVES. You may not be talking to him dave, but I am. " "Let's leave him out of this, ok?" "Ok dave, but..." "NO ERIC PLEASE. I can't think about him." Well, ok dave, here's what I would suggest. Sounds like you lucked out in the sex department with this one. There's no one else on the horizon is there?" "No, not now. " "Well then go for it. And if someone else DOES come along, tell him. He can't beat you up or anything, so... " dave smiled. "I'm not getting any younger. Thanks Eric."

Two weeks later, there was the retirement party for Grossfeder. And that's where dave saw Gabe again.


Next: Chapter 22

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