Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 27, 2021


Dave learned that no one on the dig seemed to really care that he was sleeping with Marco. One of the members, who had been on the dig a few times, summed it up for him. "Marco's a whore. He picks someone on every dig. The dig ends, and they never see each other again."

dave's inexperience with relationships led him to feel somewhat stung by that. Yes, Marco DID say it was a "summer fling" , but dave didn't want to believe him. He found some time and some space to skype with Gillian, and her response was not what he expected either. After he told her, she smiled and clapped her hands.

"BRAVO DAVE. IT TOOK AN ITALIAN TO BRING OUT YOUR INNER WHORE." "Gillian, you think I'm a whore ?" "Hahahahahahahaha. Dave, you're way more a nun than a whore - NOT that you can't be both, by the way. But seriously, I'm teasing. What I'm trying to say is : good for you for finding some fun. You've had it a little rough relationship wise. Maybe you'll learn that sex is supposed to be fun." She paused when she got no response. "You ARE having fun with him aren't you?" "Oh yes, absolutely. He's great. He's amazing. I don't think I'll ever get the smell of his cologne out of my nose." "MMMM. That's a good sign dave. So.... how does it feel to have your Top Man boots on. Do they fit well?" "Huh? I don't understand Gillian. Marco's the top." "MARCO'S THE TOP? OH GOOD ONE. NO, SERIOUSLY DAVE." "Gillian, I AM being serious. " He blushed, even though it was Gillian. "HE'S fucking ME" "Oh, my. Well, you DO have a fine ass. I mean, if I had a cock." "GILLIAN!!!!" "No, no, dave. Please. Stop being so serious. You're so deadly attractive, I bet every man and woman on that dig is jealous of Marco.

They're probably jealous of you, too. But you have to know: Marco has a reputation: give him a chance to spread his legs and he will. " She paused again. "Why don't you give it a try?" "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO" "Ok, ok. Fine. Whatever. At least tell me this: does he have a big dick." When dave was silent, Gillian continued. "HE DOES. I knew it." "Listen dave, I just think you know, the thing you should think about is: are you curious about topping at all? If you are, Marco is the perfect man for you. He's an experienced bottom, he loves sex, he's hot as hell... " "I'll think about it Gillian. How are things going on at the university?" "Boring as shit. They have me teaching Greek survey this summer. dave: you cannot imagine how hard it is to get people to read 1000 lines of Greek every day during a beautiful summer." "Fail em all, Gil. They're my future competition." "You have no competition dave. You're special. Now, listen up. Your fairy dykemother needs to get back to her work. I really am glad to hear from you. Call again, ok? I miss you." "I miss you too Gil." He began to feel tears in the back of his eyes. "I miss everyone." "You'll be home soon, love. Very soon. Kisses." When the screen went blank, dave sat there, thinking. He was trying to catch his breath because, since he was in front of one of the few non work related computers on the site, he was thinking: should I or shouldn't I? He did. He skyped Ahmad. "IS THAT DAVE KING? " He saw the bright smile on the familiar face. Ahmad was in his bedroom at home, shirtless. "AHMAD. How are you ? How are things going?" "Oh dave king, this is crazy. This is totally totally crazy. The business was such a mess, and my family is a mess, and I'm a mess, but... GOD YOU LOOK HOT DAVE KING. How come you didn't wear wife beaters around me?" Now dave was feeling distinctly aroused. "Because I had enough trouble keeping you off me." "HA HA. You loved it. So, are you getting any nookie?" "Well... a little. " "GOOD FOR YOU. I told you I didn't want you to become a nun over me." "Ahmad, do I come across that way? I just spoke to Gillian and she told me the same thing." "dave king, you are never ever gonna be truly loosened up, but yes, you are. You know, I NEVER saw you even look at another man when we were together." "When we WERE together." dave thought. He kept his thoughts to himself. "Because I didn't want to. I thought you were the most attractive man in the world." Ahmad smiled. "You still think that?" dave paused before he answered "yes." Even more than your nookie man? "He's different. And we're gonna be done when the summer is over." "DAVE KING I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. YOU'RE FUCKING THE TEACHER. GOOD FOR YOU.!" "HE'S NOT THE TEACHER. HE'S THE DIG LEADER. AND HE CAME ON TO ME." "As they all will, dave king. I'm not the most attractive man in the world, YOU ARE. Know why no one ever came onto you when we were out?" "Uh, no. I wondered about that." "Because I gave them all a look that said 'keep away from what's mine." dave noticed that Ahmad wasn't wearing the bracelet corresponding to his. "Hey, you never fixed the bracelet." Ahmad's smile disappeared for a minute. "It's been difficult to find time to get to a jeweler dave. I feel like I'm working 24 hours a day." "Any nookie for you?" Now the smile completely disappeared from Ahmad's face. "Didn't we agree that we were both free for the time being?" "Of course we did. " dave laughed. "I told you mine, now you tell me yours." Before Ahmad could answer, dave saw a hand come into the frame, resting on his shoulder. He heard the voice ask "Hey. You coming to bed, stud? I'm ready." "dave, I want to introduce you to fred." A curly haired strawberry blond, also shirtless, came into the frame. "Hey dave. Nice to meet you." He saw fred put both of his hands on Ahmad's shoulders. "Nice to meet you too. You don't look like you're from the Middle East though." "Ha ha. I'm not. I'm from St. Louis. I'm here to consult on Ahmad's company and, well... " Ahmad came back on the mike. "Look, dave, I think we probably need to talk, but not just now." "Sure. I understand. I do. I should go too. We have a lecture tonight on the proper way to sift sand o

r something like that, I don't know. Be well my friend. " "Take care dave king. I miss you."

When he got off the computer, dave went to Marco's room. Marco was out, probably on the dig somewhere. His cologne lingered everywhere, and dave missed him. He missed him desperately. He looked at his wrist, and reached down. He took off the bracelet and put it in his bag. He went out walking, looking for Marco. He hadn't gotten more than 100 yards when he saw him, heading back to the room. He ditched the cigarette he was smoking, and smiled at dave. "Hey. How was your call." "It was okay. Kiss me Marco. Please." "Let me rinse out my mouth, dave. I know how much you hate tobacco." "NO. NOW. NOW. PLEASE." "Something's wrong dave, isn't it?" "JUST KISS ME ." Marco leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. Then he kissed him again, before pushing open dave's mouth and shoving his tongue in. "MMMMM. Oh, you Italian. You Italian fucker." Marco pulled back and looked at him. "Tell me dave. Just tell me. What can I do?" dave began to cry. "You can make love to me. Maybe fuck me later, but make love to me." Marco understood exactly what he meant. "Venga, caro. Venga. A letto." Come dear, come. To bed."

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dave had learned enough about proper archeological technique that he had begun work on the laborious chore of sifting. Most of them - all but the most senior - would spend hours on the site with whatever degree of sifter they needed going through handful after handful of dirt and sand, looking for anything that stayed behind. That would go into a box, a divider put between it and the rest of the space, like Christmas ornaments, and then when a spot had been cleared, they would brush it with a soft horsehair brush, going down another level. The years that dave had spent working out were invaluable. He could get into "archeologist crouch" and spend hours that way. He couldn't do anything about the sun, so he would put on a screen, and then head to the field, shirtless, to do his work. He was almost completely unaware of what the sight of this big, young, blond muscular shirtless guy was doing to just about everyone on the dig. He got some sense one day, when two of the women were working near enough to him that, when the wind shifted, their voices were carried over to him.

"DAMN he's hot. Is he available?" "GAY sister. Bats for the other team." "Well, is he spoken for? Matt is horny as hell." The second girl seemed to have a sense that dave was hearing them, so she dropped her voice. "He's sleeping with Marco." "FUCK . NO WAY. Can we sneak a camera in Marco's room? " They began to titter, just as dave's brush hit... something. He had been trained: when the 'feel' was different, slow down. Get someone senior. "Hey, girls.." He called over. "I found a big piece." "I bet you did." one laughed. dave huffed. "YES, MARCO IS FUCKING ME. NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE PICTURES. NOW CAN YOU GET OVER HERE GENTLY AND TAKE A LOOK." The two women laughed and then stopped. "I'm sorry. No, we're sorry. It's just... we're away from our boyfriends." "So am I. If I still have one." They looked at each other, puzzled. "Summer romance ladies. You know my name. What's yours." "I'm Stephanie, and this is Lisa." "Nice to meet you. Now help me. Any idea what I have here?" Stephanie and Lisa were both Art Historians , and had been on the dig for 3 years. They were experienced enough to know that most "discoveries," especially by rookies , were nothing. But they came over. The closer they could get to this hunk, the better." Stephanie looked at Lisa. They were silent." "HOLY FUCK. dave. You found a papyrus roll?" "I did? Is that good?" "dave, we think this is the library . You may have just proven it." Lisa got up, she was running off to get Marco and some of the other senior people. Stephanie continued. "dave, the theory is that if we knew where ONE room in the house was, we could use an old plan of a typical Roman estate to get a feel for the whole design. If you found a book... SHIT. This is MAJOR. "What have we got here? " Marco and Lisa were back, with two Italian antiquarians. Marco put his hand on dave's shoulder as he got down into "the crouch." "MADONNA. davide. You found a book" "I did? What book is it?" "That doesn't matter right now. Now we know... we have the library." "But what's the book? MARCO, COME ON. Don't tease me." Marco sighed, and brushed some more of the dirt off very, very carefully. "Hmmm. It's closed. That's good and bad news. But there's a big inscribed letter on the frame. It's a 'U'. He paused. "There is a theory that an important part of the household was a slave named Urban. His original name was supposed to be Ulrich. His father was Glaucus' bed slave. At least that's the story. " "And what do we know about Ulrich?" Marco smiled. "Almost nothing." He smiled again. "You discovered it dave. I think we now know what your Master's thesis is going to be." What happened next was a whirlwind for dave. The papyrus roll was closed tight, but undamaged. Years of being buried had sapped the moisture out of it, so it was very, very fragile. "We'll have to go to Rome, and rehydrate it. Hopefully we can open it then." "Can you tell me when you do?" Marco looked at him quizically "davide, you found it. You're coming. You're going to be there." They left the next day. Two antiquarians, Marco, an "all but dissertation" graduate student, and dave. They didn't completely avoid the traffic into Rome, so they were delayed. The Archeological Institute was closed. "We'll take hotel rooms. We'll come back tomorrow." dave was looking around, his mouth opened like a turkey in a rainstorm. THIS WAS ROME. THIS WAS WHERE IT ALL HAPPENED. "Marco, can we..." "Yes, before we leave. For now. Let's get into our room. Let's get cleaned up and get some dinner. And then..." He smiled at dave. Marco seemed to know everyone. He knew the hotel staff. He knew the trattoria, so even though there were no seats, they put up a table for them. As they were sitting at the tiny table, dave felt Marco's foot rubbing up against his. dave smiled, and moved his hand over Marco's. Marco had a glass of wine in the other one. "Would you mind if I toasted the handsomest archeologist in the world on his new discovery?" "Only if you don't mind ME toasting the handsomest archeologist in the world, for making me feel happy." "BRINDIAMO!" "Let's toast" Marco yelled. After they had a sip of their wine, dave looked at Marco. "This is an embarrassing question, Marco, but I need to ask. Am I giving you what you want?" Marco looked at him stunned. "OF COURSE YOU ARE CARO. You're giving me your body, you're giving me your heart, your soul. What could you not be giving me." "My cock." Marco laughed so hard some wine came out of his mouth. He turned before it could get the linen shirt he was wearing. "So you heard the stories? Who told you?" Now dave was embarrassed. "Gillian. She wanted to know if I was fucking you and when I told her, she..." Marco began to laugh so hard that other tables looked. "I LOVE GILLIAN. SHE IS SUCH A PERFECT DEN MOTHER AND FAG HAG." He squeezed dave's hand. "Yes, she's right. For all the time she's known me, all she's heard me talk about is cock. How I loved cock. How I wanted that one's cock. How I had had that one's cock. How one of her old colleagues was fucking me. So the answer is, yes, usually, I take it. But..." he looked at dave. "Carissimo, from the minute I saw you, all I wanted to do was shove my dick into you. Non domandarmi a spiegarlo. Don't ask me to explain it. I can't. All I know is... when I'm on top of you, when I'm in you... " He looked directly at dave. "It's the best sex I've ever had." "How one of her old colleagues was fucking me." dave was putting things together: Marco had worked in St Louis. Where Gabe went to school. Could it be? dave tried to turn it into a joke. He took a glass and put it to his head. "I am going to look into the heavens and see if I can tell you who it was." Marco laughed at the parlor game. "Ok. Dimmi. Tell me." "His name was..... Gabe." He saw the smile leave Marco's face. "This isn't funny dave. How did you know?" I put it together. dave then explained the way he had pieced things together, to conclude the way he did. When he was finished, Marco squeezed his hand again. "Two things. First, if you put together parchments the way you put that together, you're going to be the greatest ancient historian ever. Second... I hope that he was nicer to you than he was to me. " "he wasn't" dave lowered his voice. "Well, then ok. I have a third thing to say. Finish your cheese. Then let me show you how it's done." dave smiled. "I'd like that."

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Back in the hotel room, dave stripped down. Holding hands with Marco - which drew not a single glance in Rome - had made him even harder than he was. Marco dropped his clothes. The sun had bronzed him, and he was even more stunning to dave than he was the first night. He was bronze all over - ALL over. "You're skinny dipping." dave said , as Marco lay on top of him. Marco smiled as he gently bit dave's lower lip. "Come skinny dip with me. I do it not far from the dig." His beard rubbed against dave's neck, the way he knew dave liked it. "OH FUCK WHAT A DAY..." "SHHH. Marco whispered into his ear. "I want to listen to your heart when I kiss you." dave could hear his heart too. It was beating faster and faster. "Permesso." Marco's deep baritone whispered, as he slid down and took dave's cock in his mouth. "OH GOD YES. YES MARCO SI. SI. Marco bobbed up and down on dave's cock, giving him a far superior blowjob than Ahmad had ever given him.

"I'm not going to finish you caro. I want you to finish yourself. Now, I want to taste more of you." dave felt Marco's tongue enter him. He had done this before, but never with such passion. dave felt like a cat's tongue were lapping up milk inside of him. "FUCK YES MARCO. YES! YES! DON'T STOP... DON'T...." But Marco did. He rested his hands on dave's wrists. He knew how much dave liked the feeling of being pinned. "I'm going to fuck you, you handsome blond American. I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before." Marco slid in. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH it feels so good," dave sighed. He felt Marco pumping back and forth, very very gently, as his tongue took each of dave's nips, and as he reached up and began kissing dave's ear. Then his lips. "I'm pulling out. Roll over davide. It'll feel REALLY good right now." "yes sir," dave answered, and Marco reacted to the Sir in a way he didn't expect. dave's hair had grown during the summer, and there was enough of it to grab. He pulled dave's head back as he went back in. "THAT'S RIGHT BLOND BOY CUNT. TAKE YOUR SIR'S COCK. ALL OF IT." He rammed in "OOOOOOOOOOOH MARCO. OH GOD. I don't want you to ever stop. " Marco responded by smacking dave's ass. "SHUT UP BITCH. YOU TAKE WHAT YOU GET." He saw the drop of precum fall from dave's dick. Marco had no idea. NONE. He pulled out again, and shoved his tongue back in. He stopped for a minute. DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR FUCKING BITCH HAND ON YOUR COCK. I'LL TELL YOU WHEN YOU CAN. His tongue went back into dave, and dave moaned a "yes sir." Marco was pounding him, trying to decide... face to face or from the back. "ROLL OVER. I WANNA SEE YOU WHEN I CUM IN YOU MANCUNT." dave smiled. "OH GOD YESSIR. YESSIR." He rolled over again, and this time, Marco sat up a little. His fingers took dave's nipples, and dave groaned loudly. Loudly enough so that the room next door banged on the wall. "DISPIACE." Sorry Marco yelled, and an answer came back. "What did they say?" Marco was laughing. "They said make more noise. It's making them horny." dave laughed, and he took the "filter" off his moaning. So did Marco. He was getting closer. So close... so close. He didn't have a rubber, so he pulled out and shot all over dave. "PLEASE SIR LET ME TASTE YOU. PLEASE." Marco took a bit of it and put it on dave's lips. "Jerk off, stud. Jerk off for your topman. " "OH GOD YES... YES... dave began to pump. He screamed when he climaxed. They both heard clapping in the next room. Next morning, when they woke up, there was a note under the door. "Look at it with me davide. We have to take any opportunity to teach you some Italian we can. " With his arm around dave's shoulders, he pointed out the words. "Thank you for the entertainment last night. Look for the two chubby Germans in the breakfast room. We'd love to meet you." Marco smiled at dave. "Your European adventure continues. Ever done a foursome? Cause that's what this is. An invitation." "I'll do what you tell me to do Sir." "Then get cleaned up. We'll eat before we head off. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Apparently, the Germans chickened out. They didn't find anyone like that in the room. As they sat down with pastry and cappuccino, dave spoke. "I'm going to get SO FAT here in Italy." "No you're not. I hear you working out every morning when you think I'm sleeping. " dave blushed. "You can hear me? I can go outside." "You'll do no such thing. Sometimes you even work out naked. I live for those days." dave smiled. "Yes, I'll exercise nude from now on." He felt Marco run his foot up his leg. "My heart may not be able to take it. But let's try."

They were on their way to the Institute in the next hour. They met Hermes - yes, that was his name - who was the director of the Institute. He would be conducting the hydration himself. "Davide," Hermes said to him. "This could be one of the most important finds in a long, LONG time. Say an Ave Maria that the hydration works. It doesn't always." As they walked to the laboratory, Marco whispered "nostri." "ours," meaning that Hermes was gay, too. They had to put on protective clothing, and in the non air conditioned lab, dave began to sweat. The Italians had no trouble with it. Hermes increased humidity in the chamber little by little. For nearly two hours, nothing happened. Then he smiled. "ECCCOLA. It's opening." It was. The scroll began to open like a clam. "Pray it doesn't split when it opens completely. " dave stopped sweating. In fact, he began to feel cold. It was nerves. They saw the scroll open completely. "NO CRACK. Let's get it out before it gets too hydrated." Hermes opened the chamber and took out the scroll, as if he were carrying a newborn baby. He put it down on a table. The marks of the stylus could be seen. Marco looked at dave. "Can you read manuscript Latin?" "I've never done it before." "Take it this fall. Carmela is teaching it. She's excellent, and you're gonna need it. Now look. No spaces in the letters. Just one, long, run on word. "THAT'S RIGHT. WOW. HOW CAN YOU READ IT? ' Marco smiled. "There are conventions, but why don't you give it a try?" Trembling, dave looked at the page. He knew the vocabulary. The letters were stylized, but he began. "I, Ulrich of the Goths, known as Urban the Roman, slave of Glaucus, son of Flavius, consort of Glaucus. " He stopped. "Am I reading what I think I'm reading?" Marco shook his head. "Keep going. We're all fascinated. "write this account of the house of Glaucus. This is what I know, this is what I remember. " He stopped. "I can't. I can't read the rest." "Sure you can dave. Go ahead. " "No Marco, NO. Ok, I CAN read it, I won't read it." Marco looked down. He looked at the manuscript. "Ok. Hermes, why don't you read it, please? Hermes looked at them cryptically, but shrugged his shoulders and read. "what I do not remember, Ahmad, my fellow slave, and now consort of Glaucus, has told me, following the death of his Glaucus." "Marco, I'm going to be ill. I need to leave. " "Down the hall dave. I'll come and find you when we're finished here."

Next: Chapter 19

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