Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 16, 2021


Anyone who recalls his senior year at college as being just a joyful, happy, party every day time, is not remembering correctly, or they're lying. It's a melancholy time to begin with, and for Ahmad and dave, it was moreso. The wheels were in motion, they couldn't be stopped, and before you knew it, theses were handed in (dave got a grade of A+ summa cum laude), and airline tickets were purchased. Actually, the department bought dave's tickets for him. He would be traveling with the group. Ahmad had left the week before. They had planned to make their departures as close as possible, but Ahmad's sister had sent him an urgent text telling him "Dad won't last long. Please hurry."

Eric came over early and stayed with dave. He would be watching the apartment while dave was away in Italy, so he just moved up his move in time. The first night he was there, he crawled into bed with dave. "Eric, no offense. I need to be alone. You can have the bed the whole time I'm gone, but for now... the sofa bed please." Eric looked at him through his big green eyes. "Are you sure Dave? This wasn't sexual. I thought you needed company." Dave laughed. "I've got plenty of company Eric. I just wish some of them would leave my fucking head." So that's how it was for the last week. dave had been spending time with his new friends Doug and pete, and also with Gillian. Gillian was trying to give him as much support as she could. "Dave, being an undergrad on this dig means more than one person really appreciates your work. Dr. Marco Foglietti is one of the rising stars - no, he IS a s star - in classical archeology. You name the language - he knows it. Remembers dates, names, people, as if it were all engraved somewhere in his soul." She paused and smiled. "And if you happen to like dark haired men, with black eyes, well... This bloody dyke has found her juices flowing, more than once. " dave laughed. "He sounds like something special. Is he single?" "Ha ha. Ahmad's gone a week, and you're hunting. " dave blushed at that. "Just joking love. Seriously. As far as I know, he's not. I think his attitude is that he never knows where his work is going to take him, and he works nightmarish hours, so he doesn't have time." She sighed. "Too bad. When he sweats through that white shirt, as you'll see, early one, all you want to do is get lost in his chest hair. Or his hair. Or his beard." "He has a beard?" "Ha ha. Well, not really. Let's just say he gets 5 o'clock shadow at 9 in the morning. NEVER ask him if he shaved: he did. I don't know where it comes from, but it's ALWAYS there." "Gillian, I really wanna thank you for everything you've done for me. When I think about how the last four years have gone, the one thing that I can always look at, and say "PERFECT" is you. "AWWWW dave." She reached out and grabbed his hand. "You're gonna make this cold dyke heart melt, right before I start plowing into someone's godawful dissertation about sexism in Athens. " She sighed. "WHY do they assign the one woman in the department to every committee dealing with sexuality?" "Can I get a hug, Gillian? And would you mind if I checked in with you while I'm away?" "YES. And NO. But don't be surprised if you have far less time to check in with people than you thought. Digs are hard work, dave, even for a guy in good shape. There's the dig, during the day, then there's the meetings to go over what you found, and then... somewhere in there, you find room to sleep. " She got up and hugged him. "You've had a rough ride of it my friend. But this will be good for you. You'll learn so much. You'll come back a different person. Wait and see."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dave had gotten an email from Marco shortly before their departure date. It was directed to all of them - all 24. He called them "My entourage." It was information on where to meet, how much they could take with them, how to get their airline tickets, and reminders about passports, insect spray, light clothing, etc. dave read it closely, and he had no problem. In fact, he had an extra suitcase, so he wrote to Marco "Dear Dr. Foglietti: Thank you for your email. I just wanted to put this out there: I have an extra empty suitcase I'm not using if anyone wants the space. He got an answer: "Dear Dave: I laughed when I read your email. Rule Number 1: with these digs, NEVER volunteer help to anyone else with luggage. I'm serious. You will regret it. Bring the empty suitcase if you want, and fill it with souvenirs if you like, or just don't bring it. Trust me sir, if I let the group know this, it would start a fight the likes of which you can't imagine. Nothing you read about Roman history will prepare you for two grad students fighting for empty space. See you on Saturday P.S. I'm Marco. NEVER Dr. Foglietti P.P.S. I'm told you don't know any Italian. Buy a grammar . You're going to learn. " There was something about the email that made dave smile. He felt like he was working with an adult: it was like hanging out with pete and Doug. He envied what they had, but both of them were very clear how hard they had worked to get to each other, and then to get where they were. "My advise dave," came from Doug. "Don't mistake chance for opportunity. If you have a chance to do 'something', do it. In a lot of ways, you're a tourist. Tourists get to do that. " "You mean seeing places?" "I MEAN GETTING LAID PUMPKIN. If you get the opportunity to spread your legs or split an ass, do it. JUST DO IT. You'll be back in 2 months" And he was thinking about that as he got into the van that was taking the dig crew to the airport. Everyone seemed to know each other. There were no singletons: just groups and cliques, and no one seemed at all interested in meeting him. He held his head as high as he could and got into the bus, finding a seat toward the back. "It's like grade school" he laughed. "No one sitting with me." "CIAO. Buona sera. Mi chiamo Marco" a dark haired, late 30s guy plopped into the seat next to him. "Professor?" "NO. MARCO. I told you that already Dave." He smiled. "I always try to spend time with the newbies on these digs. It's a hard fraternity to get into , that's for sure. And your being a new grad student isn't helping." Dave laughed. "How long have you been leading these, Marco?" "Oh, this is dig number 7 for me. I took over when my supervisor died. He was 96. Went to the dig every year. Didn't do much digging, but no one knew the stuff more than he did." He paused. "You studied with Grossfeder didn't you?" "Oh yes. One of my faves." "My mentor taught Grossfeder. We used to say that we thought he knew Cicero personally. He never denied it." He laughed. "So, dave, this isn't the foreign legion and it's not devil's island. You look like you're going under duress. Aren't you excited." dave smiled. "I'm sorry Marco. I'm just missing someone." Marco smiled back. "I know. I spoke to Gillian. She told me you'd be fragile for a little while. But she told me you have a steel spine. Caro dave, ascolta." "Listen Dave. Just before I came back to NY, I found out that someone had fucked me over really grandly . Great in bed, a first class shit out of them. I didn't even know it, but I was the "other woman" so to speak. I felt like shit, I felt betrayed, and .. well, you get the picture. " Dave looked at him. "His loss." "ESATTAMENTE!" "And Dave, you're gonna need to learn Italian sooner or later, so I'm gonna do my best to ONLY speak with you in Italian. And we're gonna meet every day to study for one hour. You bought the grammar?" "I did. It's in one of my bags." Marco lowered his voice. "Tell me you put it in the extra suitcase so you can say you needed it." "I did." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You ARE Gillian's fag." Dave blushed. "Caro, ascolta. Everyone in the field knows that Gillian is the biggest fag hag since Agrippina. And that's ok, because she's selective. If you're one of her boys, you're special. " He looked up. "Hey, we're at the airport already. "ATTENZIONE TUTTI. There IS someone here who will take your luggage on, assuming you labeled it correctly. DID YOU?" There was some grumbling and he laughed. "Sempre, Sempre. Always someone. Ok, go check your luggage, then meet in the lobby of the airport. He looked at Dave. "Do you have to check?" "Dave grinned as he pulled out his phone and showed Marco three photos of his luggage. "BRAVISSIMO. You know, this a GOOD idea. I'm going to steal it and put it on the list of instructions so that there's something else they can ignore. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"I'm sorry ma'am, but this must be a mistake. This ticket has me in business class, " dave looked at his ticket and saw the seat: 3C and the marking "priority booking." "Let me check.... No Mr King, it's correct. It's true: you DID have a seat in economy, but late last night, the reservation maker changed it. So the seat is correct." "Well, thank you. " Dave turned around and saw Marco smiling at him. "Did you do this Marco?" "Do what?" "Change my seat." "Ha ha. Yes, I did. For a couple of reasons. Primo, these people will NOT be friendly. It's a long flight, everyone is pursuing their own agenda, and you're alone. " "But I still will be and now everyone will know that I'm the one in Business class." "Davide, ascolta. " Marco put his hand on dave's shoulder. "You're not going to be alone. You're flying with me. I'm in seat 3D, see?" He showed dave his ticket. "Secondo, as leader, I get to put ANYONE I want in B class with me. And if there's someone who's new to the dig, and new to the crowd, I take them. I need to get to know you, I need to let you know what the 'mores' of the group are, etc etc. It'll be ok, Dave. " He laughed. "I don't even snore when I sleep. It'll be fine. " "Ok. I've never flown in Business Class before. Thank you." Marco looked at him. "Have you ever flown before Dave?" "To and back from deployment, but that was it." Marco shook his head. "Yes, you need to be in business class with me. This is NOT like the military flights. They even serve food." "You know military flights?" "Davide... Italians fought in the mideast too. We have an army. I spent my time. We can talk about that if you like, but if your experience was like mine, I don't think you'll want to." "Well, that's right. No military stuff." "Not on the flight anyway. We'll have to talk military stuff at the dig." Marco knew a LITTLE about Dave: Gillian had called him and asked if they could have tea before the trip to Italy. She wanted him to know that Dave was especially "brittle" as she put it. She told him about the "not a break up but a break up" with Ahmad, about his lack of experience and how the one nighter with Gabe had so damaged him. Marco recognized who Gabe was right away. Yes, Gabe could do that kind of damage. And then the situation with Ahmad. "I'll make sure he's alright Gillian. I promise. " "Thank you Marco. I really appreciate it. Dave is very special to me"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Marco insisted that Dave indulge in the free drinks in business class and they had their effect. Soon, dave was asleep, and dreaming. The dreams, however, were not pleasant. He had the same dream he had been having over and over again: he was in what looked like a dungeon, and he was chained down to a stone altar, naked. There was a pendulum swinging above him. Standing in the corner was someone who - was it Ahmad - was in a thick, grey cowl. "It's very simple . Make your choice. Be mine, or die." In the dream, Dave pulled against the leather thongs holding him down, and couldn't do anything. He heard "Ahmad" laugh "You're enjoying yourself, slave." In the dream, Dave had an erection and he couldn't do anything to control it. He could see, out of the corner of his eye, another man: he couldn't make out his features, but he was in a cowl similar to "Ahmad," but a different , dark color. The blade was moving closer, and closer, and in the dream, Dave yelled. "I SURRENDER. I SURRENDER" He must have yelled it in his sleep, because when he woke up, Marco and three neighbors were looking at him with concern. "Davide. Tranquilo, tranquilo. What happened?" Dave was shaking "Oh, Marco it... it's just a bad dream I've been having from time to time. I just don't understand it, but... God.." Marco chuckled. "Was it really that bad of a dream, Dave?" "Huh?" Marco exaggerated a look down to Dave's crotch, where there was an expanding wet spot. "Oh, shit." dave muttered. Marco patted his arm. "Tell you what? Why don't you go into the bathroom, get as cleaned up as you can. It should dry, but if it doesn't, we'll just tell people that you spilled some coffee at breakfast." "I'm so embarrassed Marco." "Non preoccuparti . Don't worry. Don't worry. What do you say: water under the bridge?" "That Ahmad had an effect on him, that's for sure" Marco thought, and went back to sleep again. He knew he could get dave into bed: he just couldn't figure out yet: top or bottom? He had been too uncertain to ask Gillian, although he thought for certain she knew."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So the plane landed safely and on time at Rome airport. Disembarking, getting luggage, clearing customs, took a while. There was another bus waiting for them, and Marco called the group together. "Ben venuto a Roma, amici. Welcome to Rome, friends. We won't be spending any time here, today, but we'll make periodic trips. Now, the bus ride to the dig is going to take several hours - more than we think if Italian traffic is what it always is, so take your bathroom breaks and we'll reconnoiter here in... ten minutes." "You dried up quite fine Davide" he smiled, and patted Dave's thigh as they rode to the dig site. There would be shared rooms- 4 to a room - and things would be Spartan. They were all aware of that. Marco leaned over to Dave and lowered his voice. "do you have plans for dinner tonight, Sir? Because if you don't, I wonder if you would dine with me." Dave looked at him. "Me? With all these grad students? All these senior people?" "Davide, you're a grad student now, remember that. And yes, with you. " He gave dave a look and dave understood EXACTLY what dinner meant. "That would be nice Marco. What time?" "Oh, you'll need a nap, and then to clean up and it's Italy, so... shall we say 9:30?" Dave laughed. Most nights, he was in bed at 9:30, trying to sleep while Ahmad was tickling him or nibbling his ear or something like that. Eating dinner at 9:30, and... " "Ok. I'll see you then."

Dave was sharing a room with three other guys: Giorgio was in the Art History department, Marcus was further along in ancient history than Dave was, and someone in classics, Calvin. Calvin seemed to be the nicest one of the bunch: very quiet, very gentle. Giorgio and Marcus almost seemed like older versions of frat boys. Still, long distance travel is long distance travel, and they were all sleeping soon after. When he woke up, Dave found a free shower (it was barracks style), got as clean as he could, and looked for something he might wear to dinner with Marco. He hadn't brought much in the way of good clothes, and pulled on a powder blue polo shirt and some chinos. "OOOOOH. Someone already scored a date. Score one for the kid" Marcus joked as Dave got set to go. "Extra hankies in my suitcase if you need them, guys," was his retort.

How Marco looked so clean, so relaxed, so.... HOT, bewildered Dave. Was it doing this regularly, was it the "Italian way," or was it a combination? In any event, Marco was the first man he thought attractive since Ahmad. He was wearing a white linen shirt that fit snugly, untucked and with sleeves pushed back, and three buttons opened, over a pair of snugly fitting jeans. "Davide, what is it they say, you clean up good?" "Not like an Italian I think Marco." Marco laughed. "Not all of us. Just when we want to impress someone." "Who do you want to impress? Not me, I hope." "Oh, but I do Dave. Ascolta, per favore. I think you are a very attractive man, and the more I study the ancient world, the more I realize, we do not get much time. And we will not get much time together in Italy." He paused. "The chances for satisfaction are slim. The Italians know who we are, and as they say, every man has his price. Usually, they are not worth it." He smiled. "For our months together Dave, I am free. And you can say no whenever you like. But tonight, at least for tonight, if you would share my bed with me, I would be the happiest man in the country." Dave looked at him and blushed. "I guess I should clear something up Marco. " He turned to see if anyone could hear him. "I promised Ahmad I'd belong to him, and I did. Maybe I still do, I don't know. He gave me permission to have fun while he was gone, and he took my collar off, but... I don't know what you're looking for." "So, now Marco knew. Bravo." "I'm looking for whatever you'll give me Dave." "I think that's fair."

When they got to Marco's room - much nicer than Dave's shared room - Dave began to undress, and Marco pushed his hand away from his shirt. "No Davide. No. You Americans. You are always in a rush. Learn more than Italian language. Learn 'la romanza' . He kissed Dave, gently. Dave opened his mouth, but Marco didn't put his tongue in. Instead, he moved to Dave's neck and his ear, and Dave moaned. "Oh, that is a sweet spot for you?" "Yes sir," dave whimpered. "Sir." Marco thought. "I can do SOME of this , but the rest..." He stepped behind dave, and pressed up against his back. "Do you feel me, davide? I want to be your man tonight." dave smelled the cologne Marco wore. It was as intoxicating as all of this happening with just one candelight. "Raise your arms, sweet dave. I want to see what I think is a beautiful chest." "yes sir," dave squeaked out again, trying hard not to lose all composure. He felt wonderful, as Marco got his shirt off, and began running his hands oer dave's body. "Sensitivo?" He squeezed dave's nipples. He had a different technique than Ahmad did, but it had the same effect. "Si amore. Molto sensitivo" Marco laughed as he kissed dave's ear. "Bravo. We will teach you Italian officially, and unofficially." He began opening dave's pants. "I hope you like unofficial better." He took dave's penis in his mouth. That night he repeated each thing he did to dave , in Italian before he did it. "Ti scopero'" "I'm going to fuck you," he said , before he pressed his penis to dave's butt. dave would have liked to be made wet first, but he'd learn how to say that, and he'd ask Marco in the future. "Per favore. Per favore. " then dave threw back his head and he couldn't speak. Marco had taken control and it felt wonderful. Different but the same. And wonderful. "You are such a beautiful man Davide. Ahmad was very lucky. VERY lucky. " He kissed the part of dave's neck that had gotten dave excited before. dave began to moan. "YES MARCO YES. RIGHT THERE. RIGHT THERE." "No Davide. Right here." Marco leered as he pushed into dave's canal even further, and dave moaned more. "What's the word for sausage in Italian, Marco?" dave was struggling for breath. "Salsice caro. Salsice." "MAKE A FUCKING PANINI WITH MY BUNS MARCO. FUCK ME. FUCK ME. HOW DO YOU SAY THAT IN ITALIAN MARCO???" "Fuck me davide. Only we don't say it so loud...." He smiled. NOW open your mouth." "Yes sir." dave received Marco's tongue. It was warm, and soft, and as Marco got closer to him, he smelled more and more of that cologne. When Marco came, he almost seemed to bite his tongue so he didn't yell. He covered dave's mouth with one hand as he finished dave off with his other one too.

As they lay there, dave stirred. "I should get up Marco. Maybe it's not a good idea for people to see me leave here tomorrow morning. " "You're staying right here davide. The first morning? No one wakes up on time. I'll be the first one awake. I'll get you awake, and it will be fine. We'll work out the rest after that. For now...." He lay his curly hair on dave's chest. "You have SUCH a beautiful chest davide." He traced his finger over it. "It's firm, but it's soft. I could lay here for a long long time." "Go ahead Marco. Go ahead." dave smiled. Maybe there was a good spirit watching him now.

Next: Chapter 18

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