Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 9, 2021


Ahmad and dave had a date for their wrestling match. When dave thought about it, he found himself getting more than a little bit excited. He loved physical contact sports: rugby, football, anything like that. They weren't Ahmad's cup of tea though, and he stayed away from them because, well, he was afraid that he would get TOO excited, and embarrass himself and piss off Ahmad. Pissing off Ahmad for fun was ok , but he had never seen Ahmad TRULY angry, and he didn't want to. Ahmad's games: tennis, swimming, etc, all accented his gracefulness and flow. A chance to wrestle with the man who seemed to be able to handle him in bed with no trouble at all, was going to be fun. "I am going to kick the shit out of you and then... maybe I'LL top" he whispered into Ahmad's ear one morning as they were getting up. Ahmad tried to shift but dave had anticipated it, and he had Ahmad on his belly , and he was on top of him. "You think so , dave king? You think your brute force is just going to take over. MMMMMM." dave had started to nibble Ahmad's ear. "It probably is . But if it doesn't... I have no problem with fighting dirty." He dug his fingers into Ahmad's ribs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA. dave STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. C'MON IT'S MORNING. i GOTTA PEE . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." "Oh, I'd love to see your face if you peed yourself Ahmad. Make up for all the times you kept me from jizzing. But ok.. I'm gonna let you up." "So fighting dirty is ok, dave king? Hmmmmm." "I shouldn't have said that. No. We're gonna have a fair match. " "You wanna oil up for it, big man?" "PLEASE! I'm not falling for that. You're slippery enough as it is." "Ha ha. Just trying to get a good position. Let's set up the living room- move the furniture out of the way. Tonight. BEFORE dinner.

When they both returned from classes, and had finished doing the odds and ends, they got ready. dave dropped his shirt, and had on a pair of the regulation army shorts he had worn during exercise period in the Service. Ahmad was wearing a very tiny pair of yellow shorts that he really liked. dave wasn't sure if he loved them or hated them. They were snug enough to show off Ahmad's cock, but they were so short they showed his long, almost ostrich like legs, stretching down to his unusually big feet. Ahmad kept his chest smooth too. dave loved to nestle against the smoothness.

"So we doing one fall, or two out of three dave?" "I think just one. Once I kick your ass, you'll see that nothing is gonna change after that." "Ha ha. dave king truly thinks he's gonna top tonight." dave smiled. "I didn't say what my reward is gonna be." "Oh, I'll TELL you what your reward is gonna be. It's right in these shorts."

They began circling each other. Ahmad had a smile on his face, and dave was very studious looking. "MMMMM . You're already sweating dave king. Sweat on your chest looks HOT.." They started play tussling in the middle of the room. dave actually had a plan: he knew that with his dancer training, and his long legs, Ahmad's strength was his lower body. If he got caught in a leg trap by Ahmad, or anything like that, he was doomed. On the other hand, dave had such superior upper body strength, he'd have to try to work that. Now, as they began grappling , dave positioned himself so that his legs were as far away from Ahmad's as possible. Ahmad had already broke the grapple once and dove for dave's legs. He missed, fell, but got up so fast, dave didn't have a chance to take advantage of the mistake. Ahmad knew he was not going to succeed if he didn't break the hand to hand grip that he had with dave. dave wasn't letting go. He began to think through the situation. He didn't smile externally, but he knew what he was going to do. Ahmad faked weakness in his hands, and dave rushed in. He had his arms around Ahmad's middle, in a tightwaist, and he began to lift him off the ground. This was EXACTLY what Ahmad wanted. dave wrestled Ahmad to the ground, and that's when Ahmad struck. He spun around, really quickly and dived for dave's legs. dave almost got away, but Ahmad got an ankle. "SHIT" he heard dave mutter, and he pressed forward. With his hand firmly around dave's ankle, he couldn't get away, and dave spent too much time trying to escape that hold. His efforts did him no good, and Ahmad was able to get his legs around dave's, and trap them in almost a scissor. "Not going anywhere dave king. Not at all. " "We'll see. " dave tried to spin to get Ahmad under him. It worked, but Ahmad kept spinning, and dave avoided being pinned only at the last minute. While he struggled to avoid the loss, Ahmad was able to pin his arms behind him too. "OH SHIT," dave grunted as Ahmad laughed. "Want me to play dirty dave?" "I want to get... OUT...." He flexed his arms as hard as he could. If Ahmad had pressed back, dave would have been free; Ahmad's dance and yoga training came into play though, and he just slid his arms down to the weaker part of dave's arms, and kept them pinned at the wrist. Slowly, he was crossing dave's wrists to make them easier to handle, and he was also putting more pressure on his leg press. Then he rolled on top of dave, which wouldn't have gotten him any wrestling points, but gave him total control over his opponent. Ahmad was breathing hard.

"I'll let you up if we start in referee's position dave king." He pushed dave's wrists up a bit, to cause some pain. "OK. OK. YEAH FINE." "And..... we have to declare that, oh, I have about 8 points and you have... 3 maybe?" "I thought we were playing for a pin?" Ahmad whispered "We are. I just want you to know how totally I'm dominating you. ASSUME THE POSITION." dave sighed, and got on his hands and knees. He felt Ahmad's warm body on top of him and he felt Ahmad's left hand circle his left wrist, while he wrapped his right arm around dave's middle. "READY!" dave tried to get up, but here's where Ahmad's longer, more trained legs took over. As dave tried to scuttle like a crab, Ahmad kicked out his right foot. He did it a second time and dave got frustrated. He tried to get out of the wrist hold and when that didn't work, he fell forward, trying to pull Ahmad's arm from around his middle. "I am like a cobra dave king.. like a cobra." Ahmad tightened the hold and dave screamed. Now, Ahmad began to strategize. He knew dave wasn't as fast as he was, so he released the holds and went for BOTH of dave's ankles, and he had them. dave knew he was in trouble, and tried as hard as he could to hug the mat, to avoid a roll over and a pin. Ahmad wasn't having it. He ratcheted dave's ankles' up so that his legs were bent at a 90 degree angle, and then he got his arm around dave's neck. There were illegal choke holds, but there were also legal ones: a cradle. "Rock a bye baby, dave king" Ahmad laughed. "I got a cradle on you." "FUCK YEAH. You DO!!!!." Now dave got sloppy, and Ahmad just paid attention, keeping pressure on his bent legs with his own leg, and maintaining the cradle. He could feel dave weakening. Little by little the position became more dire. dave tried one desperation move, and it cost him. His shoulders were down. Ahmad had won. "TOLD YOU DAVE KING." Ahmad laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What do I do now? In professional wrestling, don't I put my foot on your chest and flex? "no... What you do is help your opponent up, shake hands, and that's it. " "Oh, I can help you up." He pulled up dave. "But if you think you're getting away with a hand shake, you're wrong..." He kissed dave, and pushed open his lips. "MMMMMM. MMMMMMMM.. " dave felt Ahmad's hands behind him, massaging his butt cheeks. "I'm gonna take that ass, dave king, but first... I saw this on some wrestling too. " He dropped his little yellow shorts. "Get to work bitch." dave had seen the same videos. He got his mouth around Ahmad's wand, and began sucking. Ahmad pushed dave's head forward. He held it there, and dave nearly choked - something he hadn't done in months of blowing Ahmad. When Ahmad put his hands on dave's head, he noticed that his bracelet - the one he always wore, was not on his wrist. "Maybe he took it off to wrestle? I should've done that too" dave thought. Then he got back to paying attention to Ahmad's balls. "This is where I get you up and put you on all fours and FUCK you dave. " "Yes sir. If that's what you want." "It's what I want. GET THOSE SHORTS OFF." "Yes sir " dave was on the floor, naked, back in referee's position, only this time, Ahmad was truly the referee. "Eat my shorts, dave." He balled up the little yellow ones he was wearing, and he shoved them in dave's mouth. Ahmad's funk came through, magnified by the sweat from the match. He felt Ahmad's very round cockhead sliding into his sweaty ass. "OH MAN. Being able to stand up while I fuck you. DAMN THIS IS PRICELESS DAVE KING." It WAS a different sensation, for dave too. The geometry seemed to allow Ahmad to get even deeper than he usually did. He also seemed to be exceptionally stimulated by the wrestling match. dave was getting more and more stimulated too, especially as he breathed in his lover's aroma. He could hear the noise of the wet cock plunging back and forth in him, and he could certainly feel it. "May I Sir? PLEASE?" dave asked as he got pounded. "May you WHAT, job boy?" "May I cum? PLEASE." "ONLY IF YOU CLEAN IT UP ACCORDING TO MY INSTRUCTIONS." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir.." dave began to jerk himself as Ahmad pumped, faster and faster. "OH DARK LORD. OH FUCK. OH FUCK. MY ARAB PRINCE, RIDING ME, FUCKING ME. MAKING ME SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM." jizz shot out of dave all over their living room floor, as Ahmad crested, and shot deep into him. He fell onto dave, with dave lying right in his own cum. Ahmad kissed his ear. "That was so much fun, dave king.... Let me ask you... Are you sorry you lost?" dave laughed. "No Sir. I got your dick. That's what I wanted." Ahmad rolled him over to look at him. "You can have my dick anytime you want dave. I want to give it to you. Over and over. " He dropped and held dave. He held him tight as he began thinking of what he was going to do. He had no idea.

Then Ahmad, who was always so careful, slipped. Two days after their match, when they were getting dressed in the morning, dave remarked. "Hey, Hammy Ammy, what happened to your bracelet?" Ahmad answered without thinking. "Oh, it cracked badly. Not a problem. I'll have it fixed when I'm back home." He couldn't take the words back and he realized "Oh shit," when he saw dave's face. "You're going home Ahmad? I didn't know." dave assumed it was just going to be a short trip, until he saw the color drain from Ahmad's face. Ahmad was silent, and dave continued. "You're going to be gone for a long time, aren't you?" He saw Ahmad begin to tear up. "Yes dave. For at least two years. Maybe more." dave felt sick to his stomach. "Two years? Longer? You didn't tell me." "I know. I know. I'm sorry. I've been trying to figure out how because... I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you." "Then why are you?" Ahmad sat down next to dave on the bed. He tried to grab dave's hand, and dave pulled it away. "dave... it's.. how do I say this. It's family. It's our income. For ALL of us. For me, for my sisters, for my mother, for the cousins my father agreed to take care of. I HAVE to get the business in shape. " "It would take two years?" "Yes, it would. How can I put this? What we found out when my father got sick, is that he basically did nothing for nearly ten years. The entire corporate structure has rotted. There's no money, people didn't get paid, equipment needs repair." "But... you don't know how to do any of this." "I'm learning . Listen, one of the things I did, as soon as I knew what was going on, was to hire a consulting firm. They're sending a team this summer. I'll work with them and..." "This summer?" dave breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, now I know that I should stop putting off accepting the dig appointment." "dave.. you were gonna NOT go on the dig to stay with me?" "Yeah, I was. I wanted to wait until I had enough money to take you with me. There'll be a lot of digs. " Now he stretched out his hand and took Ahmad's. He squeezed it. "This bracelet... this broken bracelet... It's identical to the one that you gave me. You told me that... that it was something that your mom and dad gave you when you were born. Do you want to wear mine?" "No dave. I want you to keep it. I want it to remind you that... remember what we said that fourth of July weekend?" "Yeah, I do... I just didn't know..." "DAVE... " Ahmad said nothing, he just leaned in and kissed dave. No tongue, no sex behind it, just a passionate kiss from one lover to another. "Don't abandon me dave. Please say you won't." "Not unless you abandon me Ahmad. I'm not going to be a doormat for anyone." Ahmad had his doubts. dave was a pushover. He had no sense of how desirable he was. He smiled at dave. "That's an easy one dave king, because I'm not going to abandon you. EVER. I'll be coming back... I just don't know when." dave looked down. "That's an awfully long time to wear a chastity belt Ahmad. " Ahmad began to laugh. "Who said anything about a chastity belt dave." He ran his finger down dave's nose. "Listen. When we had sex the first time, were you in love with me?" dave had to think about it for a while. "I guess I wasn't. Infatuated that someone like you was interested in me, yes. I guess... I guess little by little, I fell in love with you." "It's the same for me, dave. But we had sex. It was recreation. It was just like playing tennis, or jogging together, or something like that." "Ahmad, what's your point?" "My point dave, is that when I'm away, I don't want you to give up sex... I just want you to promise not to fall in love with anyone." dave sighed. "I don't think I could." "Me either. And just remember, you'll have many more opportunities than I will." Then he paused. "dave, do you want me to move out?" "ARE YOU NUTS? You may be about to become a major oil magnate, but you're not leaving. And I WILL chain you to the wall to make sure you don't." "Ha ha. And back up on my cock twice a day." Now dave stared into Ahmad's eyes. "I don't think I'll have to do that." "You won't. " They cried together for a good while after that. Then dave, always the practical one, sighed. "I guess we have to start making plans don't we? We'll both be away this summer, and we need to decide what to do with the apartment, when to get the tickets, all that administrative stuff. " He smiled weakly. "Let me go and call the department and accept the appointment. I'll find out when the team is leaving. Then we can plan better." He started to get up, and Ahmad pulled him back. "dave. I love you. I have much more experience than you do, but I've never been in love before. I love you dave."

Next: Chapter 17

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