Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 2, 2021


Ahmad was sitting opposite Doug in the Hungarian Place - always packed, and always good. Ahmad had picked out a place early, and was on his third Turkish coffee when Doug came in. "Ahmad! I'm sorry I'm late. I just got caught up with, well... planning things for when I propose to pete, so... " Ahmad smiled. "You're going to propose to him? DOUG, that's GREAT. Any chance he'll say no?" Doug laughed. "Well, his mom likes me so I think I'm ahead of the game. And I promised him that if he gets a job outside of NY, I'll go with him, so I think that's in my favor." Doug saw the smile go out of Ahmad's face. Doug was concerned. "Ahmad? Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to hurt you. What did I do? What's wrong?" Ahmad still wasn't looking up. "No, no, you didn't say anything wrong, Doug. It's just.. well, without knowing it, I think you put your finger on the reason why I asked to meet. I need some advice." "Well, yeah, you said that when you called. About what? School? Job hunting? Relationships? " He laughed. "I think you have more experience with successful relationships than I do, but I'll try." Doug saw pain on Ahmad's face as he began to speak. "Doug... I have to leave NY. I can stay until graduation but... day after, I have to head home." "For how long?" He never thought he'd see Ahmad cry, but Doug saw him beginning to tear up "I don't know. But for a long time. At least a couple of years. Maybe forever." "Oh. Fuck. Family?" "Family and business. " He looked at Doug and laughed. "No, don't worry. It's not an arranged marriage or anything like that. My family knows. They're not keen about it but, they deal. They don't want to know anything about dave, they just want me to keep it quiet, especially since it's a capital offense ." "So, why are you going back?" "My father's dying Doug." "I'm sorry. I had no idea." "Thank you... No, if that were it, I could work it out. We've known my dad is terminal for at least two years. How he stayed alive amazes all of us. I think... I think he's holding on until I graduate and can come back to take over the business." "I'm starting to get this. So... you're the oldest one?" "I am. I'm the one dad trained to do this. My sister: she could do it better, but..." "But women don't have those rights." "No , they don't. ..." he gulped coffee. " I don't want the business Doug. I don't want any part of it. I hate oil refining. I want to sell the business, but... while my father was getting sicker, he didn't exactly run the business well and... someone's got to go back and bring it up to speed, because we have a potential buyer, but... they're not interested if our profit margin isn't higher." "NOW I understand some things. Faculty talked about how you switched from history and literature to business, and it got to me. I heard you gave up dance class, all that stuff, and all you were doing was.." "Crunching fucking numbers. That's what dave says." Doug paused. "You love him don't you?" Ahmad looked at him. "Does this make sense, Doug? When I first saw him, I thought 'I know that man' and then, before we started dating, I kept on having dreams where he'd appear only... only... he was on top of me. And I was LOVING it. I loved it. I was fucking other guys, but when I was with him, all he'd say is "on your back," and I'd do it. " "REALLY? You dreamt all that?" "YES, but... but the dreams... they weren't set in the present Doug... they were set in ancient Rome. " "Well that makes sense, you were studying ancient history and that's where you met dave." Ahmad shook his head. "I thought the same thing but... they were so real, SO REAL. And when I was growing up, there were stories about one of my ancestors: a slave, a dancer, and the consort of a rich Roman. A guy named Glaucus. " "Is there anything about it other than family legend?" "Maybe. When we were taking Latin, our teacher - she's here now - told us about a fragment of a work that mentioned an Ahmad. It was only about six lines, but... it's MY name, Doug. MY NAME. And now, dave is going to be working on a dig in Italy before he starts grad school. They think it's the estate of Glaucus. He's apparently mentioned occasionally in late literature because of the debauchery of his life?" Doug had to smile. "So, you think dave may have been Glaucus in a prior life, and you were... you were this Ahmad." "It's possible, Doug. I guess you don't believe in reincarnation." Doug laughed. "I'm sorry Ahmad. I try not to believe in anything. Helps me focus on the present. But if you are reincarnated: dave was a debauched Roman? " "Well, we don't know WHO wrote it, and the context, but that's all we have." "Fair point. We can't equate now and then either, at least with morals." Ahmad paused. "So Doug. These discussions of history are fun, but... I need help. How do I tell dave." "You haven't told him?" "No. I didn't want to hurt him." "But you're going to when you leave." "I KNOW THAT DOUG. " His voice was loud enough for people to stop talking and look over. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's my frustration. There's no way I can't hurt him. And I'm looking for help to minimize it." "Do you think he knows, even though you haven't told him?" Ahmad thought about it and was silent for a while. "When I facetime with my family, we speak Arabic. dave doesn't understand that one yet, but... I talk in my sleep, and he's a light sleeper from his time in the military. I don't know what I've said, or what he's heard." "But you haven't told him." "No." Now Doug sighed. "I guess you've figured out that if you asked dave to be faithful to you when you're gone, he would be." "I know that." "And you also know... that would be unfair." "DOUG. Everything about this is unfair." Doug grabbed Ahmad's hand. "I know. It's shit. It's really shit." He teared up a little with Ahmad. "But you've got to tell him. He's got to hear it from you. Or he'll hate you forever. And he'll blame himself." "I know. I just don't know when." Doug sighed. "I wish I had a perfect answer for you. I don't. I don't think you should tell him right away. It's senior year. You guys should be enjoying yourself a little. Grades don't matter anymore, passages, that whole bit. " "So , when? " "Hmmm. Don't drop it on him at graduation. Maybe you should wait until second semester. After holiday break. We can talk again and figure the details out." Doug took a deep, deep breath. "Now, how much do you do together that is stuff that HE likes?" Ahmad thought about it for a minute. "You know, that's a really good question Doug. I don't think we do anything" He shook his head. "GOD. I've been a pig. We go to art museums to see art I like, I drag him to dance performance because I like dance. And all he does is work, and study." "And have hot sex with you." Ahmad smiled. "I know that because I have a feeling you wouldn't be around him if it wasn't." "You know, that's the thing. That's why I love him. I knew the sex would be hot. But I didn't know... I really, really, really didn't know, that he'd hold me when we were done, that he'd play with my hair, tell me I was adorable, tell me how I'd saved him... Little by little. " He held up his arm to show Doug the bracelet. "This is something my mom put on me when I was 6 months old. After the period when superstition says I could die very easily." "It's beautiful. " Then he paused. "Wait. I saw that bracelet before. When I shook hands with dave." "I gave him a matching one. And I told him the story." "Oh SHIT. You really ARE in a mess Ahmad. " Now Ahmad began to cry softly. "I thought you'd help me Doug." "I'm gonna try. Look , a few things. First, I think you'd do well to talk to my pete: I'm sure he gave some thought to this, given his situation. I'm gonna have him call you." "Thank you." "Now, second. And I'm serious about this: you want to know what dave likes that you haven't thought about? Have you figured out his internet passwords yet?" Ahmad smiled. "Uh huh. It wasn't hard." "Well , go look at what he looks at on the internet." "It's not much, he's always studying." "DO IT FOR YOUR OLD TEACHER AHMAD. And we'll circle back. You, me, pete, and then the four of us for dinner. " "You cook? " Ahmad was teasing. Doug shot back. "Ever hear of seamless or grubhub Mr. Fancy Dancer?" Ahmad got up. "Thank you Doug. THANK YOU. I'm going to go and check.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And that's how, on a Saturday afternoon, Ahmad and dave were sitting in the bleachers of a college wrestling match. dave was smiling ear to ear. "Hammy " (it was a nickname Ahmed hated, but dave used it anyway), this is GREAT. How did you know?" Ahmad lied, squeezing dave's bicep. "You're getting so strong dave king. I wanted to trick you into watching so that I could learn some new ways to keep you in line." "I betcha I could take you at wrestling?" Ahmad smiled. "We can move the furniture, turn the living room into a wrestling square." "Well, we have to have stakes too." "Stakes are easy dave king. You win, I'll do anything sexual you want. I'll even spread my legs for you or your toy of choice. If I win..." He smiled. "You may not believe this, but there are a FEW things I'd like to do to you I haven't yet." "Ok, later. The bigger guys are coming out. " Ahmad snuggled closer to him. "You embarrassed to hold me dave?" dave didn't answer, but he felt that big strong blond arm around his shoulders. Ahmad didn't "see" much of the rest of the matches. He saw he and dave.

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After the matches were over, and they were heading home, dave was pretty silent. Ahmad laced his fingers through dave's and smiled. "When you get silent like that, it means you're in the mood. I know you....." dave smiled. "Some of those matched DID make me feel roused." "You wanna get pinned, big stud?" "Right now.... I just want you pounding me, however you do it. " Ahmad squeezed his hand. "You say the sweetest things dave king. But I'm still going to turn the living room into a wrestling ring. Next week. We'll take care of the immediate situation as soon as we get home." He let go of dave's hands. "Put 'em behind your back dave. And point out your chest. " "Yes sir," dave smiled. He loved it when Ahmad treated him like a prisoner. It meant that AHMAD was getting aroused too. And he was. Sitting next to dave during the match, Ahmad realized he had never noticed how well dave's thighs fit his pants. The way dave moved, shifted his weight, etc, was getting him excited: he could control those legs with ropes too. It didn't just have to be ankle restraints to hold him down. Or wrists. They had enough rope.

Back at home, Ahmad stopped dave in the small passageway from living room to bedroom, and began kissing him. They hadn't "necked" in a long time. Ahmad had dave pushed up against the wall, and he pecked, and pressed his lips harder, pushed in his tonge, smiling all the way. "One of the first things I noticed about you dave king is how sweet you tasted when I kissed you. That hasn't changed." dave was breathing faster. "And I noticed how your tongue felt like a slippery wet cock." "Ha ha. Then let me fuck those lips again." He dug in, and continued to kiss. This time, he began to move his hands over dave's body, "copping a feel" as they would say at high schools all over the country. His hands were under dave's shirt, and they were moving, slowly, up to dave's sensitive nipples. Ahmad broke his lips from dave's and moved to his ear. He nibbled on the lobe, just as his fingers found dave's nips, and dave began to gasp "fuck yes. FUCK YES!" Ahmad whispered "Get on the bed, handsome. Get naked first. " 'yes sir." dave went off , as Ahmad searched around the closet, until he found the supply of ropes. He got that and a scissor. New things coming up. His cock struggled to get out of his pants, and he smiled as he went into the bedroom.

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'what are you doing Ahmad? You haven't done this before. MMMMMPH." Ahmad had just ripped a big piece of black duct tape off the roll and gagged dave. Before that, he had restrainted his wrists and ankles with the bed cuffs, but then he had cut long strands of rope and had immobilized dave's upper arms, and his thighs. dave had almost no ability to move: as he found out when Ahmad slowly, VERY slowly, started moving his finger up and down dave's left armpit. dave tried to squirm and he couldn't. His laugh was muffled. Ahmad smiled. "This is even better than mummifying you dave king: it means you can't move, but I can get at ALL those juicy, tasty parts of you that drive me wild. Like those delicious nipples. MMMMM." Ahmad was sucking at one of them and squeezing the other. He had moved to the side so that there was nothing leaning on dave's cock - nothing for him to use for friction. He was hard: and frustrated. Ahmad stopped and smiled, as he stroked dave's torso. "Look at my big, strong , handsome man.. All tied up. All helpless. I bet you want my cock in you right now, huh? " dave shook his head yes, vigorously. "Well... I'm not ready ." He smiled. "You gonna wrestle me in the living room dave king? Not today, but next week." Again, there was vigorous head shaking in the affirmative. Ahmad stopped for a minute, and laid down beside dave. He was rubbing his earlobe with one hand, and his other hand cupped dave's balls. "Now, here's what's gonna happen when we wrestle. After I kick your ass." "MMMMMMMMMPH... dave started shaking his head no, because he was SURE he was going to win in hand to hand combat. " "Oh, I'm going to win dave, because I plan to fight dirty. I'm just warning you now." He squeezed dave's balls a little. "For example, if I get my hands on these eggs, well......................" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH... " "And be ready for lots, and LOTS of tickling. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH> MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" dave was trying to yell "THAT'S CHEATING!" but he couldn't get it out, especially since Ahmad had moved one hand to his side, and started running a finger up and down his rib cage. "So call a lawyer, ha ha ha." dave was whimpering from the tickling. His eyes locked with Ahmad's, and Ahmad smiled. "I need to take this gag off, dave king. I love hearing you muffled, but I love those lips. I want those lips. I want all of you." He pulled away the tape. dave gasped. "Thank you Sir. Thank you.." Ahmad pressed his lips to dave's. "I don't know what part of you I like the best. I think it might be your heart. No, I know it's your heart. My big heared dave." He paused and put his head on his bound lover's chest, and just snuggled for a minute. Then he looked up with a smile. "BUT... I haven't figured out how to fuck your heart, so... guess it'll have to be your ass." He formed his thumb and index finger into a slight pincer shape, and began to tweak the "taint" between dave's balls and ass. "OH SHIT AHMAD. You know what....." "Yeah, I do. It makes you want me, doesn't it?" "No Sir. It makes me want you MORE. I want you all the time." Ahmad smiled. "I wish sometimes I were a worm, dave king. So I could burrow into you, and never be away. Or I could shrink so I could be in your pocket, and go with you everywhere. Our time together... it's not enough.. I want more..." He spat into his hand to lube up his cock, even though the manipulating he had just done with his two fingers did a good job on getting dave nice and lubed for his long cock. He began sliding it in. "YES. YES. I was thinking about this through the whole wrestling match Ahmad. The whole damn thing. OH GOD YES. TAKE ME. TAKE YOUR MILITARY SUB." "I only think of you as my hot, sexy blond daveman... " Then he thrust. He thrust hard, and dave yelled. "OH GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU FUCKING SEXY TOPMAN YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" "Am I enough for you dave king?" "Oh God, yes sir. I hope I'm enough for you." Ahmad lay down on dave and whispered "I don't want to shoot. I don't want to come out of you. I want to lay here on top of you forever. " dave smiled. "you can do whatever you want Ahmad. I'm yours. But I need your jizz in me. BAD." He tried to constrict his muscles to squeeze the cum out of Ahmad, but the way he was tied, it was impossible, and Ahmad smiled. "See how I control you dave king? Completely. I know what you want to do, but you'll get my juice, WHEN . (he thrust) I (he thrust again)

WANT YOU TO HAVE IT YOU FUCKER...." He began to shoot into dave and dave just smiled. "OH YES. FILL ME WITH YOUR SEED YOU SEXY FUCKER. FILL ME. BREED ME. SHIT." Ahmad fell on top of him. "Damn, that was hot dave. I gotta take you to wrestling matches more often. " "I bet wrestling is gonna be hotter." "MMMM. And I have a surprise for you. Know what I found?" "No idea." "Hee hee. NYC has EVERYTHING. And I found a dungeon with playrooms for rent. I'm gonna rent one for us to play in. AFTER we wrestle. I'm gonna do SOME of the things I wanna do to you that I haven't. And you're gonna love them." dave was still tied up as Ahmad played with him. He smiled. "You decide what your prize is gonna be if you win at wrestling?" "WHEN I win at wrestling dave king. I did. It's very simple. First... I'm gonna fuck you twice a day for a week, but that's nothing. The FUN part is: I'm gonna make sure you don't wear a white shirt unless it's a t shirt for the week. I'm gonna dress you every day. You're gonna be a cowboy, you're gonna be a REAL preppy executive. " He bent down and kissed dave. "Maybe a football player, maybe a wrestler, I don't know. But I'm gonna have a shitload of fun. So are you, stud." dave actually found himself really interested in costume roleplay with Ahmad. "Hmmmm. If you add a superhero costume, maybe I'll throw the match." Ahmad grinned. "You throw that match dave king, and I'll lock up your cock and throw away the key. " He was untying him so they could cuddle. "But you know, I could get into the idea of being a villain who captures a superhero: like Lex Luthor and superman, but not those." "No.. I wanna be someone like Aquaman, or Green Lantern, someone like that, or maybe my own superhero: blond ninja or something like that." By now, Ahmad had untied him and dave had his arms wrapped around him. "you haven't cum yet dave king. Do you want to shoot?" "No. I just wanna hug my lover. " He smiled. "Thank you for taking me to the match today. And I can't wait for the dungeon.

Next: Chapter 16

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