Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 25, 2021


The rest of that June was a busy month - maybe the busiest one dave had ever had. Ahmad had filled their calendar with events, places, things dave had never done before. The weekend after their anniversary dinner, they were on a ferry, on their way to a weekend on Fire Island. They were at the front of the boat, watching their destination get closer, and closer. Ahmad had draped his arm around dave. "I can't believe you've never been here dave king." dave smiled. "I"ve known about it, but I've never had anyone to go with me." Ahmad smiled and kissed him. "you do now." He felt the water from wake of the boat on dave's slave chain - he had made dave wear it because they were going to be bare chested or, as now, open shirted for most of the weekend. Ahmad was taking them out into places where there were MANY more gay men, and Ahmad's possessive side was coming out, big time. His arm around dave's shoulder was mostly about love and lust, but it was also to let everyone else on the boat know: "this one is MINE."

dave was used to being cruised: how could he not be? He was NOT used to the overt, aggressive cruising he got during that weekend on the Island. People didn't just look: they asked. They groped. He and Ahmad were dancing one night at one of the many dances, and he felt one guy feeling up his ass, and then a second time, he felt arms that were unfamiliar circle his waist, and someone started fake banging him from behind. It was kind of funny to him, but not to Ahmad.

"Let's go. We can have much more fun at the hotel." He grabbed dave by the wrist and pulled him along. As they were leaving Ahmad saw someone he knew.

"HEY. Professor Doug! What a surprise!" That was a weekend for Doug's share, and he and pete had come out in part to give pete a break from the fun of dissertation writing "HEY. AHMAD! I've actually been seeing you a few times this summer " He looked at dave. "Hey, I've seen you too. Keeping Ahmad honest. I'm Doug. " "Nice to meet you," dave smiled. He had a good feeling about this guy. Looked honest, had a boyfriend with him. "And let me introduce my lover pete." "Hey guys, good to meet you. " Ahmad was smiling. "I did my interpretive dance for Professor Doug's class." "He got an A" Doug added "So, listen, it looks like you guys are leaving, and I don't blame you. This place is a meat market tonight. Are you here long?" "Just until Monday Doug." "Well, Ahmad, can I still reach you at the old cell number?" "Sure. Drinks or something ? The four of us?" Sounds good. " He turned to dave "Again, nice to meet you dave. Hope to talk soon." On the way back to the hotel, Ahmad grabbed dave's hand. "I shouldn't have taken you here. You must feel like you're on display." "Well, yeah, I do, but I always feel that way Ahmad. And..." He pulled Ahmad so he would have to stop "Know what? I don't care who looks at me." He held up his wrist, with the bracelet Ahmad had given him . "I've got this. I'm promised to the man who gave it to me. And I'm gonna kiss him right now, And I may not let him go."

Back in the hotel room, Ahmad was in a randy mood . He had taken some of their bondage toys with him, and he had dave on his belly, his wrists tied to the corners of the bed. He had shoved a gag in dave's mouth, and now, he was teasing his ass. He had left dave's speedos on him. His voice was low, and dark, as he ran a dildo up and down the imprint of an ass crack in the briefs. "Oh, stud... You have SUCH a fucking beautiful ass." He slid the speedos down, and ran the dildo back and forth on dave's crack, before replacing it with his long fingers. He firmly spread dave's cheeks, and dave began to whimper. "My boi likes that, doesn't he ? Boi dave likes it when I play with his ass." "MMMPPH. " dave was trying to agree. He heard Ahmad suck one of this fingers, before he began to insert it into dave. dave immediately pushed his ass up, trying to get as much of Ahmad's finger as he could. He hoped a second one would follow, and he got his wish. He felt Ahmad's tongue on his ear. "Know what you are, dave king? You're my fucking mancunt." Hearing those words made dave crazy. He pulled at the retraints that Ahmad had tied so tightly he was going nowhere. "Ha ha. Fire Island, Manhattan, everywhere. A little rope, a few fingers, and I've got my big stud helpless. Look at those sides. Just.... BEGGING for me to dig in with my fingers. " Then Ahmad stopped. "What am I saying? I don't get such a good view of the back of your knees very often, dave king. " dave felt Ahmad's finger tracing across them, and then his tongue. He wanted desperately to laugh, but the gag stopped him. He convulsed from the feelings. And after Ahmad had played with him that way, for about ten minutes, he lay on top of him. "I LOVE exploring your body dave king. There's always something new to learn. But now, a review." He paused and whispered. "I'm going to fuck you my captive blond bottom." dave shook his head, yes, vigorously. He had wanted Ahmad inside of him since the train ride out. Now, as he felt Ahmad teasing him, holding his cockhead just at a point where he touched dave's ass, and teased dave into pushing back to get it, he grew harder and harder. He couldn't very well see Ahmad the way he was bound, so he felt, rather than saw, when Ahmad plunged into him, and took his measure, over and over. "I want to finish you seeing your beautiful eyes. " He loosened the bonds and turned dave on his back. He slide back in to finish. dave moaned, more and more. He saw Ahmad's smile . GOD, he loved this man.

He loved the way Ahmad let out a sigh, smiled, and then pushed one last time before he shot into him. He moved to embrace Ahmad, but Ahmad pinned down his wrists and shoved his tongue into dave's mouth. He lay there for a few minutes before he smiled, and whispered to dave. "I want to try to remember every time we make love, dave king. It'll be a lot, but.. I memorize well.

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Busy June continued, just a week later, with dave's first gay pride parade. Of course, he knew when it was happening, but he never went. This year, Ahmad was not taking NO for an answer. "dave king, you HAVE to see it at least once. We don't have to march. Let's just watch." When they left for the parade, dave felt like he WAS in it. Ahmad made him wear the tightest t shirt he had: a simple white one, and a short, SHORT p pair of blue shorts. Also, he put dave's arm strap on his right bicep, and his slave necklace with the bigger lock. "There are going to be hundreds of thousands of homosexuals here, dave king. I'm not losing my pretty man." There was no question of that. Ahmad had his arm around dave's middle for most of the five hours they spent. Occasionally, he would slip his hands to dave's wrists and pull them behind him and whisper something like "All these homos. I'm fucking the prettiest one," or "If you knew how sore your ass is gonna be." It was all more than a little overwhelming for dave. He had never been around so many gay men before. The joy was infectious, and seeing couples who reminded him of Ahmad and himself. He thought what each and every one of us thinks at our first. "I'm not alone. We're not alone. We're everywhere." dave didn't ask much of Ahmad, but today, five hours was enough. "Ahmad, I really need to go home. I'm... well, I'm overwhelmed. I need to sleep. " "Good idea dave king. Let's go have a nap. There will be more parades" "We can go next year?" dave asked, and he saw an odd smile on Ahmad's face. "We'll see more parades together dave." Later, he'd remember that comment. It was the first... hint. He forgot it in the short term though. He lay down on top of the covers and Ahmad flopped down behind him, spooning him. "A Sunday afternoon nap with my baby sounds pretty good to me." Feeling Ahmad's hands on his chest sounded pretty good to dave too. He didn't realize how tired he was, or how deeply he slept. He slept so deeply, he didn't even feel Ahmad roll him on his back, and tie his ankles and wrists. When he woke up, he laughed. "YOU BASTARD. Now let me go!" "Uh uh dave king. I think we have to celebrate gay pride with a whole lot of fun.. Let's start... here." Ahmad began nibbling at dave's right tit. He hadn't shaved that morning, and the bristles stimulated the skin around the nipple. Ahmad hadn't gagged him, so dave knew a blow job was in his future. For now, though, Ahmad seemed content to nibble one tit and squeeze the other. He had tied dave down so tight that he couldn't buck his body up in the air. "OH GOD AHMAD. Show some mercy! " Instead, he got lots of tongue. Ahmad stretched out his long, long body on dave's, and his tongue and teeth found every corner. "You taste so good dave king. All that sweat from the parade. OH, MY. You're making me so HOT. So FUCKING HOT FOR YOU. " He sat up on dave's chest and went back to his tits. "Who's your Daddy?" "You are Sir?" "And who's my boi? My SLAVE boi?" "I am. I am Sir." "You want Daddy's cock?" "YES SIR. YES SIR PLEASE. MMMMPH.' It was in his mouth. All the way. dave hadn't experienced a gag reflex in a LONG time, but Ahmad was so forceful, and so demanding, he had a small one now. Ahmad showed no mercy. "TAKE IT YOU FUCKING STUD. TAKE IT. TAKE YOUR MASTER'S COCK." He slid, back and forth. dave worried that if it went on for too long, Ahmad would spend himself, and he wouldn't take dave's ass. He was certain that was gonna happen as Ahmad pumped, faster and faster, and then, yelled something in Arabic as the cum started flowing down dave's throat. As Ahmad caught his breath, he smiled. "No, you're not getting loose yet, dave king. I need to take your ass." "But... But Sir... You just shot..." Ahmad smiled. "And that babycakes, is why God invented electric vibrators." He pulled out the one that he had bought a few weeks ago, covered it with lube, and began sliding it into dave. "Lowest level. Just enough to keep my babe stimulated." He smiled and said to dave "I've been talking to Doug. He uses one on pete." "pete's a lucky man," dave thought, as the vibrations began to wake up any nerves that still slept. OH GOD it was potent. He could feel his cock getting bigger, and bigger, and harder. Ahmad was playing with it, which stimulated it even more. "PLEASE SIR. CAN I SHOOT. DO I HAVE PERMISSION? PLEASE....." "Shoot sweetcakes. Shoot big." dave needed no more encouragement. And he didn't want to be untied. He just wanted Ahmad on him, in him." He found out that Ahmad and Doug had been talking and they had a dinner date coming up. "How about the pizza place? That's the first time we saw you guys together?" Doug had asked. That's when Ahmad put it together. "WAIT. You're the guys who paid for dinner for us!" Doug started laughing. "Yeah, that was us. I remembered you from class, and I saw two young guys on a date: something I didn't do when I was your age. Let's do it again." "OH, that sounds like fun. " And they would have something to talk about. The day after Pride, dave got two letters. One was an invitation to join the ancient studies department in the fall after his graduation . The second was an acceptance of his application to work on the dig in Italy after senior year. Ahmad wrapped his arms around him. "OH DAVE! This is so great. ITALY! You've never been to Italy. You're going to love it." dave looked at him. "How can I love it? You can't come with me. It's just a student trip." Ahmad smiled. "You'll have a lovely time. And there's zoom. And facetime. OOOH. I can't wait to see you tanned, and even blonder, from the Italian sun. Promise me you'll work shirtless some days. Make the other boys jealous as hell. dave blushed. "Ahmad! " "I'm not going to apologize for thinking my lover is the most handsome man in the world. " dave tried to get serious. "So Ahmad, really. What are you going to do after graduation? I know you didn't apply to school. ?" Ahmad's face darkened. "Still trying to figure that out dave king. I'll know soon. I'll tell you, I promise." In fact, Ahmad knew what he'd be doing. That had been decided when he went home at the break. He just hadn't figured out how to tell dave. He needed to move back home. His father was dying. That they knew. When he went home, he learned that no one wanted to take over his father's company. As the eldest son, it was his job to do so. Ahmad had been studying economics, and taking business courses. And he had had a number of long distance sessions with the company's accountants. They all agreed that it was time to sell the business, if they could find a buyer who would make a serious offer. That was part of the problem. Information got around quickly in that business sector, and the "suitors" were flying like vultures. They thought that they would find an easy target in Ahmad. In fact, had it been Ahmad and only Ahmad, they may have been right. Ahmad's mother, his father's third wife, was still young. He loved his mother: if there were one person he loved more than dave, it was Rym. His sisters Reem and Naama were up there too. He had to provide for them, and he feared (and was right), that it was going to take a while. He'd have to leave the US after school, and leave for a significant amount of time . He had no idea how he was going to tell dave this. His napping during the day was because he couldn't sleep at night. He turned and twisted, thinking of what he'd say. He sighed, as he tried to drink in dave's success. He really , TRULY had thought dave was just going to be a quick fun affair, for maybe a few weeks at most. He had no idea... NO idea. And now, he had no idea how to do what he had to do. "Allah provides," he told himself. Doug and pete had shown up in his life. They were both older, both wiser. Maybe he could pick their brains for help When he called Doug to accept the dinner invitation he added. "And Doug: can we meet for coffee or something? I need your help in figuring out something. "

Next: Chapter 15

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