Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 15, 2021


As the second semester of their third year began, dave had to start making decisions about what to do. Odd, because it seemed too soon, but did he want to commit to graduate school? He wasn't sure. His grades, overall, were good, but he did best in classes in ancient history, ancient art, and mostly, Latin. One of his teachers had remarked that "you seem to have been born knowing this language. All we have to do is wake it up." He never got a grade less than A+ in those classes, and even in the very challenging "Latin Composition," where students would translate English into Latin, rather than the other way around, dave was sailing. Professor Grossfeder was still around, mentoring graduate students and serving on PhD committees. That, writing a book, and speaking engagements, kept him very busy. That's why dave was very surprised when Claudia, his assistant of over 40 years, called him one day. "Mr King, this is Professor Grossfeder's office, Claudia speaking." "Hi Claudia. Please call me dave unless you'd like me to call you by your surname." That took Claudia by surprise. She wasn't used to students showing her respect. "Ok. dave. Professor Grossfeder and Professor Spelling wondered if you could have lunch with them this week. Wednesday perhaps?" dave was flabergasted. "Is this a joke?" Claudia laughed. "No dave, it's not. Professor Grossfeder remembers your freshman year paper, and Professor Spelling remembers your work in his classes. They've spoken to your other teachers, and they wonder if you'd talk to them about perhaps joining our department as a graduate student." Now, dave had thought about that, but he had never thought the department would be asking HIM. "Uh, sure. What time and where?" Claudia gave him the information and then, bashfully, dave asked "Claudia, before I do something stupid, can you tell me how I should be dressed for this lunch?" Again, Claudia was impressed "dave, may I just say you have more common sense than any other student I've worked with in a long, LONG time. That graduate student who's coming back - Gillian - yes, she had that sense. You shouldn't wear jeans. A tie isn't necessary, but a jacket would be nice. Think of it as your uncles taking you out for a meal." dave was silent. He had almost stopped listening after "that graduate student who's coming back" and mention of Gillian. He HAD to do this. "Ok. Thank you for inviting me. I will be there on time." Claudia laughed. "dave, one of the things Professor Spelling told me was "you don't have to worry about telling him to be on time. He hasn't been late in 3 years of school." A bit after the call, Ahmad came home. He had been tight lipped about it, but he had changed his major from classics to economics. He and dave didn't have any classes together, but if either one of them had some free time, they'd show up outside of each other's lectures, perhaps to have lunch, or just to walk back home together, a quick coffee , something like that. "Hello dave king. I can see from your face that you have something good to tell me. " Ahmad came over and kissed him before he could speak. "Well, I THINK it is. I got a call from Grossfeder's secretary. They want to talk to me about graduate school. "OH. That IS exciting. " "Well, there's more. Claudia let slip that Gillian is coming back to teach here." Ahmad's look was a mix of joy, and also sorrow, and dave couldn't read it. "That is WONDERFUL. Will she be back before we graduate?" "That I don't know, but I'll try to find out during the lunch. Ahmad walked over and kissed him again, putting his arms around dave and whispering to him "turn around. Back that beautiful ass into my crotch." "Yes sir," dave never knew when Ahmad was going to be in the mood, and since he was ALWAYS wanting Ahmad's cock, he waited for moments like this. Ahmad began to nibble dave's ear, and whispered. "I want to talk to you about doing something special, but first.... " His voice dropped. "I'm going to fuck you. But only after I've had some fun. Get naked dave king." Ahmad's tongue was snaking around dave's ear, as he gasped. "yes sir."

He got out of his clothes as fast as he could and Ahmad pointed to a chair. "Sit. I'm going to make you a rope harness tonight, my stud." dave didn't know what he meant, and then Ahmad pulled out a large supply of red, stretchy rope. "I have been reading about this, and I think you're going to be so hot." He began weaving what felt to dave like a spider web around his torso, and then down around his pelvis area, tying it all together behind dave.

He had wound rope around dave's pectoral muscles, so that his nipples stood out even more, and then his biceps, so his strong guns were immoblized, and his cock stood out rigid in front of him, surrounded on all sides by more rope. Then he commanded "open your mouth dave" and shoved in a penis gag - something he didn't use often. "Let me see you struggle soldier. Let me see you fight those ropes as I make this... hah hah... interesting..." Ahmad reached down and, with a lubed hand, began to stroke dave, while his second hand played with one, then the other nipple. dave quivered at the touch . He didn't know what to do. If he struggled, Ahmad would tighten the grip on his cock, and if he didn't, he'd reach in and bite his nips - HARD. "MY GOD DAVE KING. LOOK HOW HARD YOU ARE. I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU THAT HARD. " Ahmad smiled. "You want your man to fuck you?" dave shook his head up and down vigorously. "I like how this looks. We're gonna do it more. Maybe ever day." dave groaned. "EVERY DAY?" he thought Would he survive? "You know, tied up like this, if I were stronger I could just lift you up and carry you off to the bedroom, dave king. And since there's so little on your legs, well. HMMMM. OH YES. I forgot that." When he led dave into the bedroom, he got more rope. Then he folded dave's legs back, and tied his shin to this thigh on each leg. dave had never been that helpless before, and Ahmad was drooling, waiting to take advantage. "MMMPH. MMMPH . GGIFPIFFPFP" dave was begging for Ahmad to just fuck him, but Ahmad had other ideas, as he came back with the hitachi, and turned it low. "I can fit this right under one of these ropes. It'll JUST touch your balls, dave king. And I'm going to watch. Well, more than watch." He dropped his pants and began to masturbate in front of dave. "Well, you're gagged, so I can't make you suck me..." with his free hand, Ahmad began to circle dave's butt hole. "Know what you look like, soldier stud? You look like a big, blond frog. Ha ha ha ha ha. My sexy sub frog. I'll have to ask Eric: are there bottoms and tops in frogs? "MMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. dave was getting more insistent, and the look in his eyes was begging. Ahmad smiled. "Ok. I think that you earned this, handsome man..." He rubbed some spit on his cock and plunged into dave. No matter how many times Ahmad had fucked him, dave always looked forward to that sense of being taken. He closed his eyes and he was somewhere else: it was always a different place. Tonight, Ahmad was a pirate and he was a captured sailor, claimed by the pirate as his own. "I wonder how many blond slaves my ancestors had dave king. I know one like you would sell for a lot of money. " He began to claim dave's ass. "But I don't have to pay. I get the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful man on campus in my bed every night... And I get to do whatever I want to him. " He leaned into dave's side and whispered "bottom bitch boi." The phrase set dave off, he moaned, and almost cried, as he blew his wad. He blew so hard, he almost caught Ahmad in the eye. "AH. dave king is trying to blind his topman. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That would do you no good dave king. I can SMELL you. A mile away. And I can find your ass. Just like I'm finding the sweet spot in you right.... NOW... He screamed, and dave filled with Ahmad's cum. Ahmad leaned down and whispered "why do you put up with me dave king? " Why do you let me abuse you so?" dave indicated as best he could that he wanted the gag off. When Ahmad did, almost through tears, dave whispered "because I love you Ahmad." Ahmad smiled. "And I love you too, dave king. Now let me untie you, but you're not leaving this bed." dave had no intention of leaving the bed. And in five minutes, he was lying there, holding Ahmad to his chest. Ahmad had his hand on dave's belly, which he was stroking gently. "How long have we been together dave? Do you know?" "No. I didn't think it would be for long, so I didn't mark a calendar or anything. " Ahmad smiled. "Since June 14 of freshman year. That makes it nearly 2 years. And June 14 is soon. We need to celebrate our anniversary, dave king. Are you staying in NY over the summer?" I am Sir. No good digs to go to, no summer classes for me. I figured I'd pick up more shifts at the gym. "Well..." he traced a finger around dave's nipple. "I think we have to take some short trips away from this apartment. And.... on the 14th, I'm going to dress you up, and take you out for our anniversary. We're going to drink champagne, eat caviar, and dance. " "I don't like caviar Ahmad." "Then I'll eat yours. " He laughed. "And you can eat mine after. HAHAHAHAHAHA." Ahmad's face clouded for a second, and then his smile came back. "Seriously dave , we need to celebrate two years of putting up with each other. You and those ridiculous white shirts, and me and those silly billowy yellow pants I favor. " He saw dave's face. "NO dave king. I will NOT wear my harem pants to a fancy dinner. Wait until you see how I clean up. You will be amazed. People may even look at me instead of you." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"dave, we've been more impressed with your work than any other undergraduate the university has seen in a long time," Professor Grossfeder was speaking at the lunch with Professor Spelling and dave. "Well, thank you Sir . I just tried to do my best." "Yes, we see that in the classes on Greek, dave. You work hard, you do well. In Latin, well.. it's hard to explain, but it seems like you were there. For you, it's current events. It's like Latin was your first language." Professor Spelling laughed. "If we checked the museums, are we going to find a sarcophagus empty." dave laughed. One fantasy he had had when he was VERY young, was being held prisoner in one of those: transported across the world, to become a slave of some powerful, handsome man. His mind drifted: he certainly WAS the slave of a handsome man. (He was actually the slave of a powerful man too, but that is something he didn't know yet). "Our point dave, is that we would really love to have you join us at the graduate department. Professor Spelling and I have already discussed it and, if your grades remain as strong as they have as an undergraduate, you'd have... I guess the students call it, a "free ride" until you finished your doctorate." dave looked up. "That's very generous of you Professor. I'm sure I don't deserve it. " Spelling smiled. "You do dave. It will help you with your studies, because it's better to not have to worry about rent when you're learning German. "Learning German Sir?" "Oh yes. We'll have to talk more. If you're going to do graduate work in ancient studies, Greek and Latin are the starters. Now, the modern languages: German is essential, probably Italian, maybe French, but if you do Latin, I'm not sure. But German: definitely. It is something you should think about starting." He smiled. "We know you've very much cleaned up the summer program, and there's very little left at the undergrad level for your senior year, so maybe you should drop one grad class and add German." "And what about Italian Professor?" Grossfeder smiled. "We both learned Italian 'on site.' It's a little too soon, but when you graduate, in that time in between undergrad and grad work, we would recommend you work on a dig. There are always new ones starting up and... well... I know you spoke, when Gabe and Gillian were here - about the mythos of Glaucus." "Yes, Sir. That's correct. We did because, well, my friend..." "You mean your lover dave. It's ok. Relax." dave stopped blushing. "Yes, ok, my lover Ahmad had heard of a legend of a relationship between Glaucus and his ancestor, also named Ahmad. Then Gillian showed us the fragment." Grossfeder smiled. "Ah yes, the Urban/Ulrich fragment." "Well," Spelling added. There is some evidence that they have uncovered the site of his Roman villa - where he lived, maybe with Ahmad, before he became governor of Sicily. If you'd be interested in working on that dig... you wouldn't be the youngest member, but the one with the least experience." "WOW Professor. This is all.. this is a lot." "It is dave. Finish up your lunch, and have some discussions with Ahmad. This is serious because, unfortunately, the funding for the dig only extends to one person. Since Ahmad changed his major, we cannot include him in the proposal. dave's heart sank a little. A WHOLE summer away from Ahmad? The two weeks they were apart when Ahmad went home, nearly killed him. "I do believe it is time for a nap" Grossfeder smiled. "When you're teaching by choice and not by need, you get to admit how you spend your afternoons." "I will say nothing," added Spelling. "Think about it dave," Grossfeder said as they rose. He shook dave's hand, as did Spelling. "If this is appealing, Claudia will help you fill out the application forms. But please think about it quickly. The closure date for applications is in six weeks."

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That night, after classes, and supper, dave didn't go to study. Rather, he parked himself on the sofa. Ahmad saw the look on his face, and put a smile on his own. He hopped onto the couch and lay down, resting his head on dave's belly. "You're not studying dave king. What's on your mind." Ahmad moved dave's arm to his neck, so it rested across it. He did that to show dave that he was DAVE'S. In that position, if dave got pissed, he could choke Ahmad in a second, and they both knew it. For the DOM in Ahmad to take a subservient position like that, he was concerned. dave took a deep sigh and then told Ahmad about the whole conversation, including the dig. "Well, CONGRATULATIONS SUPERSTAR DAVE KING." Ahmad jumped up and hugged dave, kissing him. "I knew I was sleeping with a stud, now I know I'm sleeping with an INTELLECTUAL stud. So why are you so sad looking?" "The dig. Four months of being away from you." For a second, a look of sadness flitted over Ahmad's face, and then it was gone. "Don't be a golden goose, dave king. Look, this is easy. If you don't apply, and get accepted, then you can't say no. And it's a long time off." "Ahmad, it's really only about a semester." "HOW LONG did you say it felt when I was away for two weeks, dave king?" "Forever." "And a semester will feel like forever times seven. So, apply for it. Get accepted. Then make a decision. " He leaned his hand on dave's cock. "If you don't say you'll do that, you're gonna get locked up for at least three days. " dave laughed, and also winced. "OK SIR. OK. You win. You win. I'll fill out the papers." Ahmad gave him a big smile. "You are going to be SUCH A STUD. OOOOH. You're gonna have to send me pictures of you, shirtless, digging through stones. I can't wait to see you sweaty, dusty, muscles bulging..." He grinned. "Speaking of bulging,..." he looked down at his own crotch. "If you're not gonna get to your desk, you're gonna get onyour knees." dave got on his knees.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We're going to jump back to St Louis now, where someone else was looking at filling out applications too. That was Gabe. Nearly three years out of medical school, and he was doing well. He had been drawn, especially , to endocrinology, in particular to working with children. He had spent a semester working in the children's clinic. The kids loved him, and so did their moms. "Doc Gabe" as he went by, or sometimes "DG" could talk about football with the young boys, and he could talk about fashion with the young girls. And he'd flash his smile at the mothers, and they'd melt. "No ring," they'd think "No mention of a girlfriend.. Hmmmm." It didn't dawn on anyone that Gabe could be gay. He left them thinking that. In fact, for the last six months or so, he could hardly say he was "gay." He and Fred had soured some time ago, and since then, he had been so buried in his medical studies, he barely knew it when Fred moved out. One of the other tenants told him that a position in the Middle East had opened up at Fred's firm, and he had applied for it. Four intensive months of Arabic, and he was gone. So, while there were lots of soiled handkerchiefs, there was no physical contact. No reason to stay in St. Louis. And every reason to go back to NY , which was why he applied to three NY hospitals in his selection choices. Gabe didn't make much of it, but he was the child of a wealthy family - the ONLY child. His mom had died when he was very young - maybe 12 - and his father had died just before he had finished the PhD. Gabe had received a full scholarship to study, and his father made him decline it. "Son, you can afford to pay. WE can afford to pay. Let someone less fortunate have the money." Gabe's father was like that. He insisted on self reliance, and on having strong opinions. He knew Gabe was gay. Back when Gabe was a teenager, a maid had found the magazines under his bed, and turned them into his father. Sometimes, Gabe recalled that conversation. "Gabriel, Muriel found these today. I assume they're yours." Blushing, the young Gabe could only answer "Yes sir. they're mine." His father flipped through them in front of Gabe, mortifying him. The question he asked next, mortified him even more. "These images... they're strong. Leather. Ropes. Punishment. Do you imagine yourself in these positions?" The teenager blushed more. "Uh, yes sir. I do." His father had gray eyes - like Athena - and he stared at him as he asked the next question. "Do you imagine yourself giving, or receiving?" Gabe took a deep breath and told the truth. "Giving Sir." His father smiled and handed the magazines back. "GOOD. This family is in charge. ALWAYS. There's ALWAYS an alpha male. Right now it's me, one day it will be you. Carry on." He turned, and never said anything else about it. Now, with his father's death, Gabe WAS in fact, the alpha male of what was left of the family. With no brothers or sisters, when Gabe's father died, after his charitable bequests, Gabe received an estate of 15 million dollars, as well as the apartment on Park Avenue. Of course, the apartment didn't do him any good in St. Louis, and the intern programs all required the doctors to live in student housing for the first year. It was there, when he was ready for it. He handed in his applications, crossed his fingers, and said a prayer to his father - the only god he had ever known. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Back in NY, dave couldn't sleep. He had a feeling that something was wrong. Something just did not feel "right." When that happened, he would turn the bracelet Ahmed gave him. It always made him feel better. That night/that morning, it didn't. The "senses" he had developed as a soldier told him that it wasn't him, but something else. Ahmad? Was something wrong with Ahmad? He knew he'd have to wait to find out.

"OK. Good translation." Professor Williams had just commented on another student's work in dave's class on post Imperial literature. Who's next? Mr King, can you give us your rendition of lines 40-55?" They were reading a novel, interspersed with poetry, written at just about the time that Rome fell. Latin was changing at that time, and it was challenging. It certainly wasn't CLASSICAL Latin. dave took a breath. He wasn't as well prepared as he liked to be, but he got started. He went through the prose passage, with no trouble, and Professor Williams smiled. "Very good Mr King. Now, perhaps this very knotty bit of poesy." dave paused. It was an erotic epigram, but there was a word that was not common. He had checked several dictionaries, and found several commentaries, but no one cared to venture a guess at a meaning. So he did. He approached the line, and translated:

"And then Marcus pierced his boy, making them both smile."

When he finished, Professor Williams was silent, thinking. "Interesting translation, Mr King. Can you tell us why you chose pierced for that difficult word?" dave, in fact, couldn't. It had come to him as he was translating. He thought about it. "Well, Sir, we know from the novel that Marcus was an expert swordsman in the army. We also know from the etymology of the word that it has to do with, how shall I put this, anal penetration. But it's not the standard word for that, and in fact it's not one of the five most common words. I could find no connection to anything in Latin, so I just guessed that, if he were a swordsmen, "piercing" or "stabbing" would be best." "I see. Why did you choose piercing instead of stabbing?" "Because stabbing carries the air of violence. And we know Marcus loves this boy." Professor Williams smiled. "Would anyone care to challenge Mr King's translation, or offer comment?" The other seven students in the class were silent. "I agree with Mr King's interpretation. In fact, as a point of useless information - except for your final - the root of the word is in Gothic. Which makes sense because the Goths were at the gates of Rome, so it makes sense that our writer would have heard some of the more 'crass' words." dave remembered the discussions of piercing with Gillian. He wondered why that had come back to him. Again, he talked about it with Ahmad at dinner that night. Ahmad smiled. "My dave is horny. That's the problem. A blow job is fine, but there ain't nothing like the real thing, isn't that how the song goes, dave king?" dave smiled. "I guess." "I think we may have to test that tonight. My little man is very eager to practice. "Yes sir. I'll be ready." It was a night when Ahmad used the overhead handcuffs, locking them over dave's head. He licked his body, from the waist down to his feet, wetting the webbing between dave's toes and making him squawk and struggle. Ahmad clearly had this in mind, because he had locked up dave's ankles too. "Shall I tickle your feet, big man? " dave knew that a question like that had already been answered, and he braced himself. "No... I think I just want to feel the insides of my lover. " He undid the ankle restraints, and hoisted dave's legs over his shoulders. His little man was, indeed, eager, and he plunged into dave "I'm piercing you, lover boi." he said, and dave laughed. His laugh turned to moans as Ahmad took charge. Ahmad had had a lecture similar to the one that Gabe had gotten, when he was younger. And he knew: soon he would be the alpha in HIS family, and he would be expected to take his place at the head of the corporation his father had built. That meant moving back to the Mid East. He hadn't told dave. He didn't know HOW he was going to tell him. That's why he had pushed the dig in Italy: he began to think about sneaking away when dave was in Europe. "I have feet of clay," he thought, not realizing he had blurted that out, right after he shot into dave. "Feet of clay, Sir? I'd say your feet are tougher than that." Ahmad realized what he had done, and kissed dave. "I was just recalling lines from a play we're reading in one of my classes dave king. Let's get you off. I'm tired. If you want to study, fine, but I'm going to go to sleep." "Not tonight for me Ahmad. I want to save it for a good one, later in the week. Right now, Sir.. if you could just hold me and we could sleep?" Ahmad was never more grateful for dave's gentleness than he was right then.

Next: Chapter 13

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