Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 6, 2021


dave was standing in the waiting area of the airport. Ahmad had gotten back: he was waiting for him to come through those doors, so he could hold him, hug him, get him home... and maybe get the cage off his cock. AH, let's get up to speed. Ahmad's trip had been three weeks instead of two. His father needed more time to recover than anyone had expected, but at least for now , he was "out of the woods" as they say. In the last few days before Ahmad left for home, his stress manifested itself in horniness. He wanted dave constantly: he wanted him in the morning when they woke up, after classes, and at night. It was almost always anal fucking that he wanted, and he got it. It was at the end of one of them that he had locked dave up. It had been a particularly brutal fuck that he had thrown into dave. The neighbors could hear, and almost knocked on the walls, but.. well, dave's moans were so sexy they didn't want them to end. Ahmad hadn't tied dave up during that sex, but at the end, he rolled dave onto his back, smiling. "Now you're gonna get it big guy." He roped dave's wrists to the bed, and began to edge him. "OH YES AHMAD YES. GIVE ME SOMETHING TO REMEMBER.." At first, Ahmad's edging was standard stuff: he'd vary the speed, or he'd stop and he'd kiss dave, but about 15 minutes into it, he smiled, straddled dave's chest and began playing with his nipples. "How do I know you'll be faithful to me dave king?" The nipple play, while he was hard, was causing dave to buck wildly. "C'mon Ahmad! I'm gonna be in class 4 hours, doing homework for another four, teaching boot camp another two when I'm I gonna have a chance. "Well, I'm gonna make sure you don't" He smiled as he pulled out the chastity cage. "HEY. IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS? FUCK NO AHMAD. I'M NOT WEARING THAT." "Hee hee. Oh yes you are. Not quite yet, but you are..." He rolled to dave's side and began getting back to work on his cock. He whispered into dave's ear. "I bet you wanna cum you big sexy blond." "I DO. I REALLY DO. PLEASE FINISH ME." "You gonna wear this?" "NO. WHY CANT YOU TRUST ME AHMAD..." "Hmmmm. I wanna see you cum, but.... " Ahmad didn't stop edging him. He brought dave right to the point where he thought he was gonna shoot, three times. He would have done it a fourth, but dave couldn't help himself, screamed, and shot big time. He pulled at the wrist restraints. He was getting stronger from his workouts, but Ahmad knew how to tie a good knot. When he was finished, Ahmad began stroking dave's belly. "Know what, dave king? I could lock you up now, myself, and you couldn't do a thing." "PLEASE. DON'T DO THAT AHMAD. I'M NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING ANYWAY." "That's right, hee hee hee. Because I'm not gonna lock you up. YOU ARE." "SHIT THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. NO WAY. " Then Ahmad stuck his fingers into dave's ribs. "AHMAD YOU FUCK. THIS IS PLAYING DIRTY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "

dave squirmed as much as he could . Ahmad WAS a little concerned. He knew dave wasn't going to break the ropes, but would he break the bed? The wood frame WAS straining. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Ahmad had moved to his armpits. "It's not going to stop dave king, until you say you'll do it. And remember.... there are your feet, and of course, I COULD roll you over and get the back of your knees. MMMM. Maybe even with my tongue. "NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK, OK. I'LL DO IT. JUST STOP. PLEASE JUST STOP!!!!!" Ahmad looked at him. "You know I wouldn't do this if I weren't so insecure and jealous. But I am. " He came back with a warm wet rag and cleaned dave up. Then he untied him and handed him the cage . "Don't make me tie you up again dave. " dave looked at the cage. He wondered: could he overpower Ahmad and instead lock the cage on him. He thought about it, until he saw the almost lupine look on Ahmad's face. He sighed, put the thing on his cock and locked it. "Key, please.." Ahmad smiled as dave gave it to him. "Now, you better hope I don't lose this in the desert because... this is the only key." "Ahmad, you're a fuck." "And you're a cocksucker dave king." Then he hugged him. MY cocksucker. Hmmm. How am I gonna prevent you from bottoming? I'll have to figure something out with eric. " dave looked at him. He took a liberty and ran his finger around Ahmad's lips. "You should be able to trust me by now Ahmad. I'm not gonna cheat on you. No way." Ahmad smiled. His voice dropped. "You promises to facetime me every day? " "Every day love. " "If I ask you to do something during our sessions, will you do it?" "I will. Anything you ask. Just come home fast. Please. " Ahmad fell asleep on dave's big broad chest. He had hidden the key somewhere, and dave didn't see where. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Eric had stayed over for the time Ahmad was away. At first, dave was skeptical, but he got to really enjoy Eric being around the apartment, and in bed at night. "I'm a really good cuddler dave. Better than Ahmad. You can use that." Eric turned out to be more than a chemist: he was a psychologist too. And he told the truth. He seemed to know just when dave needed more, or when he needed release: after every zoom or facetime visit with Ahmad, he'd be ready with a drink of some kind, or a clean handkerchief if dave was sobbing. He did the laundry. He made sure the refrigerator was clean. And if dave didn't want to know he was around, he didn't. Eric spent most of his time at the lab anyway. He would come home, frequently smelling of whatever chemicals he had been working with that day, and immediately wash up. He was a better cook than dave was, and he made sure they ate well. "Ahmad told me that you like the thighs better than anything but the wings, but you won't eat the wings. I made you just one, dave. Don't eat it if you don't want to." dave did. He ate everything Eric cooked. He began to wonder: what would Ahmad think about taking Eric in as a third person in the apartment? He looked forward to his facetime sessions with Ahmad. They didn't happen every night, but most nights. Ahmad had to find privacy for them, because, well, he didn't intend them as just "chat sessions with a friend." For example, for their first one, once they had exchanged pleasantries, Ahmad said "Take off your shirt, dave king. And get the nipple clamps." When dave didn't move fast enough, Ahmad teased. "I'm going for a walk tomorrow. I'd best not take that key with me in case it gets lost. " "I have them Sir. Here they are." dave showed Ahmad the clamps. "Put them on your nipples. And then put your hands behind your back. As if you were being tortured." "I WILL be being tortured Sir." Ahmad laughed. "Oh, you have no idea." He aimed the camera down to his own cock, which was rock hard. "I'm just imagining what I'm gonna do to my dave king when I get back to New York. OH FUCK YEAH...." He played with himself while dave watched, licking his lips, not moving his hands because, well, caged, what could he do? They would laugh about that first time later, because when Ahmad climaxed, he didn't get out of the way of the camera, and it took a while for him to clean it up. dave sat there, enduring the clamps, until finally, he begged if he could take them off. It was the one time dave ever recalled Ahmad being embarrassed . "Could you live with him in his country dave?" "I thought I could, but... it's illegal there. Even Ahmad's family, who knows, doesn't want him doing things that could get him in trouble. That's why it's always a question if we can "chat." Ahmad likes playing on the edge." Eric laughed. "That he does. " dave was intrigued, but all Eric would say is "you'll have to ask him. But wait until he uncages you first. " Three weeks can pass quickly, and slowly, and they did both for dave. But now, here he was waiting for Ahmad. He had rented a car to take him back. They wouldn't need a van: Ahmad traveled light, and he told dave he only had one bag. dave dressed in the white shirt he knew Ahmad liked the best, faded jeans, and even though it was warm, he put on a thin black leather jacket he knew Ahmad loved. He saw passengers beginning to exit. "DAVE!!!!!! DAVE KING YOU'RE HERE!!!!!" The entire room heard Ahmad as he ran over to dave and threw himself in his arms. "OH DAVE KING I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. I MISSED THIS." He kissed dave deeply. "MMMMMM. MMMMMMM. dave king, let me tell you: I should have been wearing a cage too. I did nothing. I did nothing but think of you." dave was trying hard not to cry. He whispered into Ahmad's ear "Shall we go home, love? Get our lives back to normal? You have to tell me about your father, about everything. " "Yes. Yes let's do that. Can we go for pizza tonight? Just us. I miss pizza. And I have a present for you." "The key?" dave joked. "HA HA HA. I guess I should tell you... I lost it." "No you didn't" "No, I didn't, but...." Well, THAT gave dave a chance to scheme on the way home, and scheme he did.

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After they got in the car, Ahmad, smiling ear to ear, patted dave on the thigh. "DAVE KING YOU LOOK SO GOOD." He squeezed daves belly, right where it met his belt. "Eric's been feeding you well..." He squeezed, which tickled dave "C'mon stud, quit it! I gotta drive the car." "True, dave king. There's plenty of time for that. Did the two of you get on?" "Beautifully. I wanted to ask you Ahmad: we have room: could he move in with us?" Ahmad shrugged his shoulders. "You know we used to fuck?" "Ha ha. Of course I do. I stole you from him." Ahmad was quiet. "That you did. But I was stolen willingly. Seriously, dave, if it doesn't bother you, let's make it three of us. I promise: you're the only man for me. " "Then we'll invite him." "After we get reacquainted dave." Ahmad was jittery like a child. "GOD I MISSED YOU DAVE." "I missed you too. How is your father?" Ahmad sighed. "Well, his illness is fatal, that's all there is to say about it. It's a time question. I'll have to go back maybe, but we'll see. " He paused. "For now, I'm here with you..." He squeezed dave's bicep. "Are you doing anything but studying and the gym, dave king?" dave laughed. "That's pretty much my life. Eric was teaching me some card games, but that's all." "Well, we're going to have to go out, then! Your midterm is.. when? "End of next week." "OK!!! Then we'll celebrate that weekend. I'm going to take you out dancing. I will get you on the floor. I promise. " "Almost there Ahmad. So do you want to rest a little and then catch that pizza?" Ahmad smiled. "If you'll rest with me." "OH, that's my plan...."

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Eric was at the lab when they came in. It was Saturday, but Eric worked in the lab on weekends a lot. They were alone, and once Ahmad had put his bag on the floor, he jumped up in dave's arms, wrapping his legs around him. "Take me to bed you big stud..." dave was smiling internally. He knew what he was going to do. He walked off to the bedroom with Ahmad hugging him. But.. before he put Ahmad on the bed, he dug his hands into his ribs. "HEY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. DAVE KING. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "What does it feel like, Topman? You're gonna get a taste of your own medicine... Until I get the key." "I told you.. I lost it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "You're lying Ahmad. Your ears are getting red. "STOP DAVE KING STOP. I CAN'T BREATHE' "UH...............................UH..." Ahmad was on his back and dave was standing back just far enough so Ahmad couldn't get his hands on him. "You're gonna die king. you're gonna DIE. I'm gonna make you a QUEEN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's in my shirt pocket. Right over my tit. " dave was going to reach in, but he thought better of it. Instead, he leaned his elbow on Ahmad's crotch. "Pull it out. Give it to me." "OH MY GOD SOLDIER MAN. No wonder you were good at what you did. " Now, dave had the key in his hands. He just had to figure out how to keep Ahmad under control. "I'm gonna pay for this. I KNOW I'm gonna pay for this," he thought, as he yanked down the wrist restraints that Ahmad used on him , and tied Ahmad to the bed. He smiled. "Now you're gonna see what you created, Ahmad." He dropped his jeans, and uncaged himself. His cock, hard from three weeks of chastity, popped out. Ahmad just stared. "Soldier, you need that taken care of.." He opened his mouth. "C"mon dave king. Let me take care of you. Part of my welcome back. dave looked puzzled. "Are you sure, Ahmad?" "DAMN IT DAVE KING FUCK MY FACE." dave didn't need much more encouragement. He pulled Ahmad's head up so that he could get his mouth on dave's cock. Ahmad gave a superb blow job. dave was horny as hell, but this.. this was GOOD. dave hadn't been blown... since the time in the army. He began to pump. He was SO desperate for relief. He began to pull his cock out and Ahmad shook his head no, and tightened his lips. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" dave screamed, and his cum began shooting down Ahmad's mouth. He saw Ahmad smile as he pulled out. "Hard to get good blond cream where I was. Now untie me dave king. My needs have not been met. "Yes sir. " "Get on your belly." "Gosh it feels good to be back to normal," dave thought, as he felt Ahmad spit into his ass crack, and run his finger back and forth. dave responded by shoving his butt up in the air. It got a smack. "NOT YET. STAY FLAT." "Yes sir. " While he was on his belly, dave felt Ahmad putting something around his neck. It was a thin strand of a silver metal. Ahmad whispered into his ear. "It has my name on it in Arabic. You'll always remember: you're mine." That's when dave felt the smack. "NOW GET THAT ASS IN THE AIR BOI." He smiled as he felt the cockhead at his crack. GOD did he miss this. It was like a missile. It found its mark and began sliding into dave, back and forth. The first fuck he had had in nearly a month. "DAMN your ass is as fun as ever sweetcakes. " Ahmad began to thrust , faster and faster. "I FEEL LIKE I'M RIDING A CAMEL. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." dave felt the release of Ahmad's jizz into his asshole. He tried to count the thrusts . There were at least ten. They never got their clothes off as they fell asleep.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They slept for about two hours. dave woke up first. He was spooned into Ahmad, who was holding him much more loosely than he usually did, and dave was able to turn around, and face his lover, who had the little smile over his face he always did when he slept. He ran his hair through Ahmad's thick, dark hair, and the smile grew bigger. His eyes opened:

"Hello dave king. It's good to be back in bed with you." dave kissed him. "I hope I never wake up without you in bed with me Ahmad." Ahmad laughed just a little. "you Westerners have a much different concept of never and ever than Easterners do dave king. Perhaps we should hope only for tonight. " dave laughed. "For tonight, I hope only for pizza. You hungry, handsome?" "OH YEAH. Pizza. Shower and a pizza. Should we order in?" "No, let's go out. I want people to see my beautiful, handsome lover." After their showers, and dressing, they joined hands as they left out.

Remarkably, the pizza joint was not crowded. "Maybe we're getting the bluebird special?" dave laughed. "What is the bluebird special?" Ahmad asked, and dave explained it to him "Nah, we're not that old. Should we get our usual?" dave put down the menu. "It's your choice. You're back. Just let me order the wine. "YES. WINE! Something red, and festive." Ahmad leaned over the table and kissed him. dave ran his finger around his collar. "Thank you for this. I love it. "OH. Before I forget. Better now than never." Ahmad reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Open it. I will explain." dave did, and found a multicolored, jeweled bracelet. dave couldn't take his eyes off of it. "Ahmad, it's... it's beautiful." Ahmad smiled. He held out his wrist. "You've seen it before dave king." He was wearing the same bracelet. "Look at the inside of it." There was Arabic. "It means dave and Ahmad. I hope you'll wear it. I hope you'll never take it off. "Yes and yes," He held Ahmad's hand. He stared at him for a long time. "Now order your pizza. Whatever you like." Ahmad didn't eat pork, but he knew how much dave liked meat. He asked for a meatball pizza - they had already ascertained there was no pork in the meatballs - and mushrooms. As they ate, they didn't realize they were being watched by another couple. "They're so young," pete said to his boyfriend "They're so HOT" Doug answered him. "You know what we have to do ," pete said and Doug smiled. "Good boy." pete called over the waiter and arranged for dave and Ahmad's check to be brought to them. Ahmad and dave never knew who had paid for their check, as they walked, hand in hand back to their normal life.

Next: Chapter 12

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