Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 28, 2020


And now we'll jump forward a bit in time again, readers. Trust me: the two stories WILL converge, soon. And in the meanwhile, enjoy the two parallels.

Gabe was frustrated. NOT by his position as a resident. He was handling the stress, the work, and the attitudes of the doctors, better than most. Maybe his time as a graduate student had put him in a better position for dealing with all of this than others. But in medicine, as in anything else, when "those in charge" see someone who does better than everyone else, they gravitate toward him. That meant more work, more hours, more exhaustion for Gabe. And it meant less time to be with with dave.

He didn't expect dave to be available. Or so tractable. He had assumed that a handsome guy like dave, who not only bottomed, but loved to submit, would be serving some leather daddy somewhere by now. He knew of guys who would have killed to have a hot blond, former soldier, at their beck and call. That's what Gabe had wanted, that one night years ago, when he had bedded dave the first time. Now, he was in reach again - if only he could balance his sex life with his work life.

dave had managed to stay away from the "scene" for as long as he had, by working. He worked hard, trying to bury images of Ahmad that were locked in his head. Their time together had been so precious, and so wonderful. Sometimes, Ahmad could be difficult with his demands, and sometimes, he embarrassed dave in public, like that wedding they had performed at. But he was such a tender, attentive lover, and he had a flair for knowing exactly what dave was in the mood for, when they made love. It was unfair, he thought, and then balanced it with "life is unfair." He had lost that time to Ahmad when his father had gotten sick, but that was only two weeks. When Ahmad yielded to the pressure to give up studies, and come back to run the family business, that hurt. That hurt more than anything had ever hurt dave. He probably still wasn't over it. So, Gabe came along, at the right time. Ahmad had left less than six months before that party, and 6 months was far too little time to get over a relationship that had gone on for over four years.

"Maybe it was meant to be: Gabe shows up when Ahmad leaves. I don't get it." dave was beginning to believe, more and more , that his life was really out of his control: not just his sex life, where he willingly gave up control, but things happened that just ... well, didn't make sense. Like finding those papyri at the dig. He had spent the summer after he graduated on a dig in Italy - Ahmad had insisted that he work on THIS one, because it was possibly the ruins of the estate of Glaucus, where Ahmad's ancient ancestor was supposed to have been a sex slave, and then the consort, of Glaucus. There was so little known about Glaucus: his name appeared in a list of "governors of Sicily" , and occasionally he had appeared in commentaries by other Romans, but of Ahmad? All there was , was that fragment Gillian had shared with "my two favorite men" when they were undergrads. The graduate committee had told him that working on a dig would be invaluable for his further studies, so he went.

And one day, when he was doing the drudge work that the undergraduate volunteers were doing , he had found the papyri. It was total chance - at least it SEEMED that way at first. Everyone had been assigned to a different sector , to go through and clean the sector of large rocks, checking each one for anything "of interest," so that the senior scholars could then move in and take a look at what was there. It was hot, and dave was working shirtless, in just a pair of camouflage shorts. Marco , the dig supervisor, couldn't keep his eyes off of the handsome young blond man, and had to fight to keep his hands off his own cock.

"MARCO! SOMETHING HERE! SOMETHING. I DON'T WANT TO TOUCH IT." Marco knew that dave's work was careful and painstaking, so if he yelled like that, it meant it was worth following up. It was a papyrus scroll. It was NOT in great condition, but it was definitely a scroll. "Hmmm. Let's get our spoons out, dave." The soft, almost teaspoon sized tools that allowed for the careful work of going through the dirt, the sand, without damaging what might be there. Marco's theory was that if ONE papyrus was on the surface, there might be more buried close by . He was right. The entire team had stopped working elsewhere, to work on what was clearly the most important item they had found so far. It turned out to be a trove of 12 papyrus scrolls, most of which were in superb condition. Preservation of the finds took some time, and dave had to leave to return to school in the middle of the project, but late in his time, when he was in Marco's bed, Marco had made him a promise. "You've been so giving dave. You made this dig worth my being here. I know you won't be able to come back for a while, but, please." He kissed dave. "Let's keep in touch. For the sake of us, and for the sake of this project." Marco had always bottomed for his men, but there was "something " about dave that brought out a side in him he didn't know he had. He didn't become a permanent top, but now, could honestly say he was "versatile." When dave was leaving , he said to him "you know, I don't have much that I can share. But I want to give you something. Is there anything dave? ANYTHING I have that you want." dave was touched. And he had something decidedly in mind. "Marco, do you have an extra bottle of your cologne? I won't use it, but I'll be able to open it and think of our time together. " And now , when he needed a pick up, and wrapping himself in one of Ahmad's long scarves didn't do the trick, he'd open that bottle of cologne, and inhale deeply.

He followed the work on the dig, and knew: this had to be his Master's project, maybe his PhD if he got that far. But it was all secret now, and he couldn't tell Ahmad a word about it, much as he wanted to. And with Ahmad and Marco in his mind, both men who had loved him, in different ways, but had loved him, dave had found himself a very lonely graduate student.

Until Gabe had shown up again in his life. Yes, he was mad, and had the situation been different, he might have told Gabe to take a hike. But the situation was, what it was. He was lonely. Horny. And here was a man who was interested in him, and dave returned the feelings. The one thing he told himself, and he was disciplined about it, was "No, he's NOT going to get to hurt me by not returning my calls. I'm not calling this time." And then he'd turn back to the course that was the bane of his existence: Greek composition. The theory was that, by writing in the original language, you would get a better feel for the language. dave had done it in Latin - his major language - and loved it. Greek, though? He'd sit there, pondering: aorist? Dual? paraphrasis? Latin composition had had its issues, but not like Greek. He wished that Ahmad was around, or Marco: both were much better at Greek than he was. And he was afraid to ask Gabe for help. He'd figure it out. He always had.

He was in the middle of one of his teacher's typical brutal assignments: translating a hip hop song into attic Greek, when Gabe called. He was so lost in the translation that he answered in ancient Greek. "dave? It's Gabe. You ok?" dave laughed. "Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't even look at the caller. I'm doing Greek composition and.... it's driving me crazy." "That's what it's designed to do, sweetpea. So that anyone who takes it can look at their instructor and revere them forever. Who do you have? "Goldmann." "Ha ha. I had Goldmann. Do they still say he went to school with Homer?" "Oh yeah. The man is as old as dirt. Smart though. " "THAT he is. Hey, listen, bud. I know I've been silent for a while. It's this damn program. It'll come to an end before you know it, I promise, but... DAMN, I need to see you sexy. You have some time this Friday?" Again, dave laughed. "I was planning to spend Friday looking at articles on "implicit voice in Latin epigram," so yes, absolutely. Spending time with you -absolutely." "dave?" Gabe asked Somehow, dave knew that he needed to change his tone at that question. "Yes sir?" It wasn't what Gabe had intended, but that answer gave him the first erection he had had in about two weeks. "I wanna take you out to dinner. Take you home. Spend the night with you. Is that ok?" "If you want to spend your time that way Sir, yes." "Then I'm going to ask you something: this is an odd question, but I'll ask it. dave, you're so fucking hot in those white oxfords, I can barely keep my hands off you when I see you. If I picked something for you to wear, would you do it for me?" "Yes sir." Gabe smiled on the other end of the phone. "I'll send something over to your apartment. I think it'll fit. I stole one of your shirts the last time I was there, so I know your size. "THAT'S WHERE IT WENT! I NEARLY WENT BATTY. YOU TOOK ONE THAT WASN'T CLEAN." "I know dave, I know. " He paused. "If I told you I wear it when I go to bed (which was true), would you believe me?" "I don't know Sir, but I'm flattered. I don't smell that good." "You smell wonderful dave. How's this sound? The restaurant is closer to the hospital, so maybe you could meet me outside of the ward? 6:30? " "Yes sir. I'll be there. Do you want me to do anything else to get ready?" "Nope. Just be your normal, wonderful self. I'll see you then." "Ok Sir. Thank you." Before they got off the phone, Gabe threw a kiss into the receiver. dave heard it. Between the kiss, and the story about his shirt, and Gabe's sexy voice, he was able to come to climax five times before they had their date.

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A package arrived at dave's apartment building a couple of days before his date with Gabe. Hearing the doorman say "dave, there's a package for you" was enough to make him smile. He had been in class from 9 to 3 that day, one two hour class after the other, and a "working lunch" with the other Master's candidates. First term was rough. He had been at the top of the class as an undergrad. Now, his classes were filled with students who had been "top of the class," and there was mild competition; however, the tougher part of it, was the level of instruction. The assignments were longer, the criteria stricter. dave was doing his best, but there were times when he just felt overwhelmed. So having this break in his routine was more than welcome. He couldn't wait to see what Gabe had sent him. He hurried to his apartment, and opened the package. It was wrapped twice, and there was a note in between the wrappings:

"Dear Dave:

I just want to let you know how overjoyed I am that you agreed to see me. I didn't think you would, after the way I treated you. You don't have to believe me, but I thought of you all the time when I was in St. Louis. Even when I thought I wasn't thinking about you, I was (I'll explain at dinner). I hope we can make this work, dave. Thanks again.


dave was a bit stunned that Gabe still remembered him: a hot guy like that, wickedly good in the sack, a doctor: and he wants... ME? dave had not gotten over Ahmad yet either. He missed the frantic energy he had brought to their relationship, and his imagination, his crazy dances, and the way he very much kept dave completely satisfied. In the years they were together, dave had never even looked at another man. He laughed: had he done so around Ahmad, he would've paid for it, probably with a half hour of tickling, but Ahmad set such a high standard, he just wasn't interested. Gabe was a different kind of "lover." He wasn't as creative as Ahmad - at least not yet - but there was a depth to his passion, and his care. Maybe it was because he was bigger than Ahmad, but when he did something as simple as play with dave's hair, dave felt a sense of belonging deep at his core, which he hadn't felt with Ahmad. "Enough psychoanalysis" he said to himself as he opened the package. He found a beautiful middleweight shirt with tiny dark blue and dark red squares. It was something he NEVER would have bought himself. He tried it on. It was snugger than he usually liked his shirts and he smiled: Ahmad had insisted that he wear tighter fitting clothes, and it was only now that he was single that he was wearing the comfortable, loose fitting stuff he always wore. His boyfriends, though, wanted his body showing. This shirt did it discretely. It shaped dave's body, but it didn't show anything too much: except his biceps, and dave liked that. Gabe had put in a woolen tie - dark maroon , with a note "I think they require a tie. I'm not sure. You can always take it off. I will later anyway. " He suggested in the note, that dave wear dark pants and his blazer. So, dave put on the whole outfit, and gave himself a look.

"Hell..." he said, to no one in the apartment. "I'd do me." Some months ago, Eric had suggested that he get his pants tailored, to flatter his backside more. He had compromised and gotten half of them done. "Thank you Eric," he whispered. In fact, he took a selfie, and texted Eric, who had become one of his best friends. It didn't take long: Eric was on the phone in less than ten minutes. "HOLY SHIT DAVE, YOU LOOK HOT. DATE? " "Yup. That guy Gabe asked me out to a fancy restaurant." "WHICH ONE?" "Ha ha. I don't know. He's keeping a surprise." "Well, I think I know who's for dessert." "That'd be nice, Eric. It was good to see him again." "Just be careful dave. Don't fall for the wrong man." "I know Eric, I know. It's just that.... OH, sweetie. I have been SO lonely since Ahmad left." "It's understandable. None of us ever thought you'd work, but... Look, let's not talk about him. When's the date?" "Friday." "OK. Make sure you let me know how it went. Probably he'll stay over, so whenever you can." "I don't know Eric, he's a resident at the hospital,so..." Eric sighed "dave... if a resident takes the time to make a reservation and invite you to a good restaurant, he's not leaving after the coffee. Just let me know when you can. Have a good time, dave. You deserve it." "Thank you Red. Good luck with the presentation next week." (Eric was discussing his early research at grad student seminar). After he got off the phone, dave changed, put together a gym bag and went off. This was the only way he knew how to work off energy, and it couldn't hurt to be "pumped" when he met Gabe.

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It would be hard to choose who was more nervous that Friday night. Gabe, usually a very meticulous resident, dropped instruments three times (fortunately not when with patients), and moved with a jerky alacrity his fellow residents hadn't seen before. His mentor, the head of the endocrinology department, noticed, and kept an eye on him the whole day. This mentor, Dr. Fasser, thought that Gabe could succeed him one day, but he had to get his energy under control. He smiled when no one was looking, because he had figured out what was going on: Gabe was either in love, or infatuated, or in some way, obsessed with someone. Fasser didn't know, or care, whether it was a man, a woman, a goat, an inflatable doll. He was concerned with good medicine, and only good medicine. Gabe was a good doctor - one of the best he had trained - but he was clearly not so good at his personal life. It wasn't Fasser's business, but he made a note on his calendar to call in Gabe and speak with him the following week to see if there were some way he could help.

dave's attention in class was not what it normally was, and HIS teachers noticed. In classes that were based on translation, dave's work was generally razor sharp, even when the homework assignments were back breaking. Professors know when a student in classics turns to a translation for help: they've seen them all, they know them all. dave was the talk of the department for NOT using them. EVER. He could be stubborn about taking criticism for a translation he had done if it was a question of interpretation, but he always backed down if the evidence for one translation was stronger than another. For that week, his mind drifted and he was caught out in some really ghastly errors. His mental waywardness wasn't as evident in lecture classes, but after his seminar, on early Roman weaponry and tools, the Professor asked him to stay. THAT Professor, Ehrlmeyer, knew about dave and Ahmed, and dave's military past (he had been in the military himself). "soldier dave," dave always smiled when Ehrlmeyer called him that. Truth be told, dave had a mini crush on Ehrlmeyer. In his 60s, but with about 14% body fat, a gym routine that would shame members of the wrestling team, sharp green eyes and a classic military cut, he was the kind of man whom dave would have gladly gotten down and done 100 push ups before blowing him. "Yes Professor?" "soldier dave, there's something bothering you. Soldiers don't let their personal lives crowd their personal. Not the GOOD ones anyway, and you're a good one." "Well, thank you Professor. I apologize. I HAVE had something on my mind." "soldier, it's none of my business, but you can talk to me if you want." "Thank you Sir. I appreciate it. I promise it won't be an issue by next week." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry to unburden myself to you Sir, but... an old, I guess crush, has reappeared in my life, and we're going out this week. I think he wants to rekindle our relationship." "Well, do you soldier?" "I don't know Sir." "AH. Now we've identified the problem, haven't we? Well, now we have to figure out a solution. What are the issues as you see them?" Ehrlenmeyer, as befits his name, had studied science, so he approached ALL problems like a scientist. dave liked that. Ehrlenmeyer didn't let extraneous emotions factor into his work: when they analyzed material in class, he had the "ooh" and "aah" period for students to ogle the artifacts, and then , his mantra 'FACTS FACTS FACTS CLASS. FACTS FACTS FACTS. NO CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT FACTS" came up. There was a very good chance dave was going to ask Ehrlenmeyer to sponsor his work, he liked him that much. And Ehrlenmeyer liked dave: Ehrlenmeyer was happily married to his second wife: his first wife had died when he was overseas at battle, and he hadn't been there to say goodbye. Now he did every night. Stella, his first wife, had left him two daughters and his second wife, of 30 years, had given birth to 3 more. "First thing I did was add a bathroom to the house," he told people after his fifth daughter was born. He regretted not having a son. Sometimes, he thought dave would have been that son. "Let's go to mess, soldier. We'll talk it out there." dave smiled. Ehrlenmeyer knew he was overdoing it, but he was doing it to get a laugh out of dave, and it was working. At "mess," or "lunch," dave told Cyrus (now you know why he went by Ehrlenmeyer) about Gabe, about Ahmad, about being lonely, and not knowing what to do. Ehrlenmeyer sat back. "I'm no therapist dave, but I think you feel guilty. You feel like you're cheating on Ahmad. " "Maybe Sir." "Well, you have time. Why don't you use that zoom thing or face time or whatever and talk to him? I bet you he'll be glad you're dating again." dave looked up. "You think so Sir?" Ehrlenmeyer smiled. "dave, you told me a story about a man who loved you more than anyone ever had. Probably more than anyone he had ever loved too. He chose family honor. I bet he regrets it. I bet he wishes he hadn't left you. But if he still loves you, he wants you to be happy. Get in touch with him. Now, about this other guy: I'm not sure I like him from what you've told me. Are you willing to give him a chance?" dave looked at him sincerely. "Yes sir, I am. I don't know what it is about him, but... I get excited just thinking about him." Ehrlenmeyer sighed. "Many people have gone crazy trying to decipher the human heart. My understanding is, if you proceed on the Glaucus project, you'll see this big time. " He paused again. "A date can't hurt, dave. You're entitled to a little happiness. Just don't rush into anything." He smiled and put out his hand to shake dave's. "Soldier, you're dismissed, but see me if you need more advice." dave's full smile came out for the first time. "I will Sir. Thanks."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 'IS THAT DAVE KING? OH MY GOODNESS. IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOUR FACE "

Ahmad's exuberant personality came across the screen as if he were still living at the apartment. "It's me. And it's clearly you, bud. I feel like I could reach out and touch you." "And then blow me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. We had some good times dave king. Why you been so silent?" "I've missed you bud. I was afraid if I got in touch, I'd start bawling." "Well, I might anyway because I miss you too. SO MUCH. I always felt so safe with you. I wish you could've come with me." "DAMN IT AHMAD NOW I'M GONNA START CRYING." "Ha ha. Ok, ok. I'll get dirty instead. That spot on the inside of your left thigh? Still sensitive." dave blushed. "I don't know. No one's touched it since you ." "WELL HANDSOME DAVE KING, YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. DO NOT TELL ME YOU'RE BECOMING SOME PRIEST OF A GODDESS OR SOMETHING AND GIVING UP SEX?" "Not DELIBERATELY Ahmad." "Well get your booty out there and find a boy." "I think I did. That's why I got in touch with you. I need advice." "ADVICE? You don't need advice? You need COCK dave king. COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK. It's a date. ITS A FUCKING DATE DAVE KING. Seriously, it's not a proposal. " He paused. "Ha ha. Just make sure he promises to pay for any abortion you need afterward." dave blushed. Ahmad had teased him once over how many children he would have had from Ahmad if he could get pregnant. "So it's ok with you if I go out with him?" "dave king? Know what's NOT alright with me? You sitting home again when there's another man smart enough to see how hot you are. Just make sure you know: I was there first." dave laughed. "Your seed is in my earth." "OH GOD. REMEMBER THAT AWFUL POEM. GEEZ. EVEN GILLIAN WANTED TO PUKE." They chatted on face time for a good hour after that. Finally, Ahmad dropped his voice. "Listen... no one is around here, and I know you're alone. Drop your pants. I'll drop mine. Just avoid the screen when you get there." dave had never done this, but he knew what Ahmad was talking about. "yes sir. You'll take charge?" "DAMN RIGHT I WILL SUB BOI." Then, on the computer, they mutually masturbated, with Ahmad taking command. At the end, he smiled. "You're so easy to please dave king, you know that?" "I don't agree Sir." "Ha ha. Let's do this again. Next time though, you're putting one of the toys in your ass while I watch. "YES SIR." "sleep well dave king. Enjoy your date." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

dave could see Gabe standing in front of the residence hall before he got there. He looked nervous, and kept on pacing. When dave got close enough, he waved. Rather than embarrass Gabe in front of people he might know, he yelled "HEY GABES" That got Gabe's attention and he looked up and smiled. dave ran across the street before the light changed, his feet pinched in his dress shoes. "Hey. Am I late?" ""I'm the one who's late dave. WAY LATE." Gabe put his hands on dave's cheeks and kissed him. "MMMMM. MMMMMMM. I thought about that kiss all week, dave." "So did I sir. Do I look alright?" dave had brought his leather jacket with him too , in case the temperature dropped. His top button was opened, and the tie was loose. "I'm sorry Sir. I just couldn't get it to close. I know I have one of those extenders, but I couldn't find it." That's when Gabe kissed him again. "You look more than alright dave. You look absolutely gorgeous. DAMN am I lucky tonight. Shall we go?" "Sure. Where are we going , Sir?" "It's only about six blocks away. Have you ever heard of a restaurant called "Papageno?" "No Sir. " dave laughed. "I don't really get to go to restaurants anymore." "I hear you. It's supposed to be some of the best Italian food in New York. " He paused and looked at dave again. "GOD YOU ARE SO HOT DAVE." dave blushed. "I'm also hungry sir." "Me too. Like a wolf. Let's go." dave put his hands behind his back, and then Gabe put his hand through the space between dave's side and his arm. "I am not letting you go for the whole weekend, dave?" "You promise Sir?"

Gabe had asked for a booth where they would sit next to each other rather than opposite each other. dave looked around at all the parrot decorations. "WOW. Am I wrong? I think I heard someone say Papageno in Italy. Is it..parrot?" Gabe nodded. "Yes. You'll have to get a reading exam done eventually, but I don't think you'll need to know that word. When were you in Italy , dave?" "Oh, yeah, we have a lot to catch up on Sir. When I finished my BA, I volunteered on a dig. Turned out to be a great experience." "WAIT. OH SHIT. I hear about it, but I was so buried in anatomy, I didn't follow up: that's the one where they found the "Urban the Goth" scrolls?" "The very same Sir." "And you're the one who found them." dave blushed. "I did Sir. Total chance." "Chance favors the prepared mind, dave." "Well, I don't know if I was prepared or not, but, I found them. I think I may use them for my Master's essay." Gabe moved his hand to dave's thigh, and dave repositioned his leg so that it was more accessible. Gabe smiled, and moved his hand up a little higher. When he found dave to be hard. He smiled and moved his hand back. Their waiter came over and started to present Gabe with a wine book. Gabe shook his head and said "Champagne please." and then he ordered. The waiter smiled. "Is it a special occasion gentlemen?" "Sort of," Gabe smiled. dave squeezed his hand. He felt Gabe wrap his foot around his ankle. When the champagne came, and the glasses were poured, Gabe gave a toast. "To new beginnings, dave?" "to new beginnings Sir." They toasted and drank. The waiter came back with one menu. He handed it to Gabe. dave looked puzzled. "A fancy place like this and we have to share a menu Sir?" Gabe blushed. "You know, I should have asked, but I was afraid you'd say no. I'm in charge tonight dave. I thought you'd like that. But if you don't, I'll get us another menu." dave smiled. "I actually DO, Sir. I've never heard about that, but yeah, I like it. " He did. He felt his hard on growing. He could even be submissive with ordering food. Gabe looked at him. "GOD do I wish I had gotten into a NY med school dave. All that time we lost." "Can we start making it up over the weekend, Sir?" They had a very romantic dinner, ending with crepes suzette. dave never ate dessert, and he had never seen a flaming one before, so for this, he was like a kid at a circus. "Sir, none of my business but... was your family wealthy? You seem to know a lot about high end things." Gabe winced, and and then asked dave if he had ever heard of a particular name. "Yeah. They're the folks who manufactured napalm during.... oh..., you're from that family." "I am, dave. I don't agree with what their policy was, and the company is long closed. But all of the kids - I have three sisters and two brothers - did well. I didn't HAVE to pay my own medical school tuition, but I did. I don't HAVE to live in student housing, but I do... for now. That's one of the things I want to talk about with you this weekend. I'm getting my own apartment. I'd like you to move in with me." "Too fast Sir. Too fast. " Gabe looked at him. "I just don't want to fuck this up again and lose you by waiting." dave smiled and squeezed his hand again. "Well, I don't know if this will make you feel more secure about it Sir, but ... if I promise not to date anyone but you for the next six months, and then we revisit this, would that be good enough for you?" Gabe's eyes misted up. "I'd rather you moved in right away, but I get it. When we date, will you stay over?" "Of course I will. Now should we be going, Sir? I go to bed early, but I have a feeling you don't want me asleep yet." "hee hee. You've got that right."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Before he had left to meet Gabe, dave had left out all the sex toys he had from his days with Ahmad. He excused himself for a minute. he wanted to get out of his jacket and tie, and because he knew that Gabe loved his arms, he wanted to roll up his sleeves . He came back out in the living room and looked around. "Gabe? Gabe? Did you leave?" "I didn't leave fucker. But I just may." Gabe had grabbed him from behind. He had his hand on 'the spot' on dave's left rib cage, immobilizing him. "Not seeing anyone huh, you mendacious bastard." dave tried to squirm out of the grip. "SIR. I didn't lie. You're the one who once said I redden up like a beet. Did I do that tonight?" "You got better. You're seeing someone and you're gonna tell me about it." He pressed his finger into the spot. dave felt pain, and also arousal. "NO. NO. I'm not. Why are you saying this." "The house REEKS of cologne. You don't where cologne dave. WHO'S IS IT?" "oh shit.. dave thought. It was Marco's cologne. To remember him and Ahmad, he had pulled out the bottle Marco gave him, and Ahmad's scarves that afternoon. The cologne was intense. He had gotten used to it, but Gabe... " Gabe's hand had now moved to dave's nip and was teasing it. "WHO IS HE WHORE?" dave was able to keep his wits about him. He knew that if Gabe were playing with his tits, it wasn't that serious. But he DID have to nip this in the bud. "SIR. SIR. Please... No. That cologne... it was a gift from the director of the dig. His name was Marco. " The nip work was getting to dave. He was trying to bump his ass against Gabe's crotch, and Gabe kept moving it back. "YES YES. We did sleep together in Italy, we did. It was YEARS ago. And I liked how he smelled. So he gave me a bottle of his cologne. " "WHERE IS IT? I want his stench OUT OF HERE." "SIR, you smell it because I dropped it two days ago. I DID. It's gone. He's gone. There's only you. You and... oh shit Sir, those magic fingers." Gabe put his mouth around dave's ear. "Let me be as clear as I can dave. I'M your man. ME. NO ONE dates you, but me. CLEAR?" "Yes sir. Absolutely. Now sir, please... PLEASE... " dave began gasping "throw me on the bed and fuck me. PLEASE." "OH THAT's coming... GET ON YOUR BELLY FIRST." "Yes sir. " Laying down like that, dave could hear Gabe undressing, but he couldn't see him. "I'm gonna ream you so thoroughly you're not gonna sit for three fucking days, bitch boi." "YES YES YES" dave was thinking, smiling to himself as he pushed his ass up for Gabe to get acess to. He felt Gabe's finger, then his thumb, poking in. "This is MINE. YOUR MANPUSSY BELONGS TO ME CUNTBOI." "Yes sir. YES . It does. IT DOES." "Who's Marco" "NO ONE SIR. HE'S NO ONE. YOU'RE MY MAN. FUCK MY MANPUSSY. PLEASE. I NEED YOU SO BAD." Then he felt Gabe's cockhead at his ass. He moved his legs to try to make it easier, and got a SMACK across his buttocks. "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, SUB BOI. " "Yes sir. Sorry Sir.. " He felt Gabe easing in. OH, did it feel good. Better than their last one. And he could have this all weekend. Gabe plunged in. dave's hair was too short to grab, so he took the necktie dave had been wearing that night. He put it around dave's neck and pulled back gently , ever so gently, so he could arch his cock in further. "YES SIR. YES. TAKE ME. FEELS SO GOOD. FEELS LIKE HEAVEN. FUCK ME. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME.." dave was lost in the pounding. GOD this was GREAT. The taking charge in the restaurant. The jealousy over Marco. And now.. NOW. OH SHIT.. He felt Gabe shooting into him "Please Sir. Can I shoot? PLEASE? Gabe rolled dave on his back, and he grabbed both nipples. "You gotta shoot without touching yourself. CUNT" The word set him off. The nipple torture, the dirty talk, the domination, dave screamed even louder than he did earlier, and his cum shot out all over the place. Gabe fell on top of him. He was breathing hard. "I'm sorry dave. I'm sorry. I got carried away about that cologne. I'm possessive. I admit it. I want you. I want you all for myself. " dave smiled, and purred a little as he held Gabe. "Sir, if making you jealous gets that kind of beast behavior out of you, I'm gonna do it again. " He looked at Gabe. "Now, check my coloring. THERE IS NO OTHER MAN IN MY LIFE. I AM NOT SEEING ANYONE. I SLEPT WITH AHMAD, AND AT THE DIG, I SLEPT WITH MARCO. AND NOW WITH YOU. NO ONE ELSE. NO ONE. YOU'RE THE MAN IN MY LIFE. SIR. THE ONLY ONE." As he held dave, Gabe began to try to connect the dots: the cologne: it set him off because HE remembered it. That guy from the museum. His name was Marco too. And he left... TO SUPERVISE A DIG. So.... let's see. Gabe had fucked Marco, and Marco had fucked dave, and now Gabe was fucking dave. Were there only ten gay men in the world? Gabe wondered what Fred was doing. He had moved out of the apartment building before Gabe had come back to NY. He had been transferred by his company to somewhere in the middle east. In fact, at that moment, Fred was wrapped up in Ahmad's arms, after Ahmad had fucked him thoroughly. They had been dating for about four months. But Ahmad hadn't told dave that. Half asleep, dave said, somewhat deliriously, "do you have any specific plans for the weekend Sir?" Gabe smiled. "Oh yes, I do. And I saw the toys out there. Let's just say if anyone calls you this weekend, they're gonna get an answer like "I'm sorry, dave is all tied up right now." "I love that sir. good night. Can I have a kiss?" And as easily as that, dave spooned into Gabe and fell asleep. He slept soundly. He didn't here Gabe get up and look for a bottle of Marco's cologne. He didn't find it. So dave told the truth after all.

Next: Chapter 11

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