Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 13, 2020


Dave King stood in front of the mirror, and put on what called the officer's hat. He was heading out for his part time job as a security guard at an elementary school. It was, essentially, an elevated crossing guard position, but it got him out of the house and kept him busy for a few hours a day: something he needed to break up the tedium of study, and the feeling of uselessness that came over him now that he was living with Gabriel.

He had been living with Gabriel for about 7 months now, and "on paper," there was nothing to complain about. The apartment, all 8 rooms of it, was paid for, and Gabriel took care of all of the expenses with maintaining it. Dave lacked for nothing. Gabriel took care of all of the bills. When the grad school expenses came in, minimal though they were, Gabriel brought them with him to his office, had his assistant Janine write a check, and that was that. Dave didn't need this minimum wage job, and at first, Gabriel was very reluctant to let him take it

He thought it would look bad if "his boi" were working for minimum wage.

"Sir, I can only spend so much time a day in the gym. I'm already studying about 10 hours a day. Please Sir. Just a few hours getting vitamin D." "A light skinned guy like you doesn't need as much vitamin D as a guy like me," Gabriel had joked: he was hairy, dark, and stocky. And he would know: his medical practice flourished, and part of it was diagnosing deficiencies in vitamins. "But I get it , david. A few hours a day. No more."

"Thank you Sir," dave had responded when Gabriel approved it. "Let me see the uniform they want you to wear. They always make a man look like a schlub. I won't have that in my boi." Dave lowered his voice. "Yes sir" He knew what Gabriel's comment meant. It meant his uniform would be form fitted. Every part of him exposed through the cloth. Dressed like the fantasy of every gay man who walked down the street , Gabriel included : a blond, blue eyed guy, 6'3", in a tight police type uniform, standing on the street, smiling at kids. Of course, he COULD turn down the job. Indeed, when Gabriel made him model the uniforms, they had all gone to his tailor for "taking in" as Gabriel put it.

Dr. Gabriel Landfeld was one of the most respected doctors in New York. His practice had a waiting list of 4 months. What were his specialties? Endocrine disorders, especially pediatric. Children loved him. So did their moms, even if there WAS a big picture of Dave, in a heart shaped frame, on his desk. Just as Dave had his two hours to himself every day, all of these women had their fantasy of either being swept up by the handsome Dr. Landfeld, or his gorgeous hunk of a " boyfriend" who was actually Gabriel's husband, and had been for four months. But they had their fantasy. And in a life where they had a child who needed replacement hormone therapy, and where there was frequently a fee left after insurance, it was easier to fansize about a sexy, dark haired man, who had a boyfriend, than one who was married.

How Gabriel and dave met is one of those stories that's convoluted, but where one says, at the end "of course." We have to go back to dave in high school. He had come into his height early, and by the time he was a sophomore, stood at 6'1" The blond hair, the blue eyes, and the solid, muscular build, were all there already. So, too, were his feelings that somehow, he was "different." He excelled at PE classes, but didn't go out for any sports. He flirted back when the girls flirted with him, but never did more than that. More than once, he caught himself staring at another boy at school: always someone dark, hairy, with some "heft" to his body, rather than an athletic build. Once or twice, he got caught, and the line WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT, FAG? cut him like a blade. He had to look up what a "fag" was and, since he wasn't a cigarette butt, he knew. And the definition was right. When other boys in school probably went home and dreamed about what was underneath a particular girl's dress, Dave was trying to figure out how to linger at the locker room. He knew he couldn't tell his parents. Neither one of them were particularly impressed by the grades he got, nor were they inclined to see him go away to college.

"Lots of perfectly good ways to learn around a job, son" was his father's standard line. So, after giving it a great deal of thought, Dave went off to a recruiter's office. He would turn 18 in 3 months, and the recruiter was more than happy to speak to "such a fine specimen" as he told his supervisor after Dave had enlisted. If Dave thought that joining the army was going to make his feelings go away, he was mistaken. It may have been the worse choice he could have made. Surrounded, every day, by man after man after man, many of them the type he fantasized about, he was constantly looking for a place to jerk off in private. And as anyone who has worked with the army knows, privacy is not that easy to find. He was horny and frustrated a lot. Dave had been in the army for about 5 months when another soldier approached him. He offered to blow Dave, if dave blew him back. It was the first time that dave had ever had sex, period, and it was as awkward as you might think it was. The soldier disappeared into the platoon, and two weeks later, he was blown up by a land mine. Dave took it hard: REALLY hard. Apart from his first chance to enjoy sex, his new friend was dead. He went to see his C.O., and then the chaplain for help. The chaplain had the idea: "My son, you need to find some job within the platoon that requires ALL of your concentration. Most of your fellow soldiers take to exercise, or running, but you..." he looked at Dave. "you could probably exercise for five hours and get no change in your mindset . (That was true. Dave had already tried that). He and the chaplain went to the C.O, who had a solution. "Private King, we need a sharpshooter. It's a difficult job, and very few people turn out to have the skills to do it. You want to give it a try." "SIR YES SIR" he barked out, and a day later, Dave was in sharpshooter training, where he excelled. After the training ended, he was an invaluable part of squads who went out on skirmishes. They'd find a high place for Dave to position himself, and then, as needed, Dave got to work.

He would never speak of those years to anyone.

As his term in the army ended, people started talking about what was next. Dave had no idea. He figured he would go home and see if he could find work in town. "Hey, have you thought about college DK?" One of his buddies asked him. "No, I didn't. Should I?" "Well, you told me you never got a chance to go, and you wanted to. Now's your chance." "Nah. I could never swing the money." "Dude. You're now a veteran. They take care of us. Go speak to chaplain He'll know." So, Dave went back to the chaplain who remembered him. "Dave, " he smiled. "So, what's on your mind now?" "Well, Chaplain, I was wondering what to do after the army." "No girlfriend or wife to go back to Dave?" he asked , a bit unctuously. "No, no. Nothing like that." Dave blushed, and the Chaplain knew. "But some of the guys had suggested that I think about college." "College would be a great idea for you Dave. You're what? 21? 22? "Twenty two sir." "Not that much older than the kids coming in , and that much wiser. You'll be done by 26, and ready for a lot of life in front of you. Let me get some paperwork together, and tomorrow, we'll fill out the forms. " "I don't know, Sir.. " "You can always say No after they accept you." Dave paused. "You think there's a chance?" "I think it's almost guaranteed." "Thank you Sir. Now I'm excited." "So am I Dave." The Chaplain stood up, and dave could see a bulge in his pants. "Sir, but you're a ... chaplain." "And I'm a man.. In the same position you are. For now. In a few minutes, those positions are going to change. Strip soldier. Get on the floor." The only thing dave was worried about was getting caught. "Yes sir." And he lost his virginity to the chaplain. Almost a classic story, huh? The next day, Dave went back, and they filled out the papers. Dave looked at the chaplain. "Sir, could we...." and he was on the floor again. Dave would be leaving the army with good memories.

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He visited home for a short while after he came back. Nothing had really changed. His high school classmates had gotten a little fatter, and a little grayer, both the men and women, and his parents hadn't really changed. It was time to move on. It was certainly time to move on when he got the letter of acceptance from the big university three towns over. Chaplain had put him in contact with some friends of his who could "grease some wheels" to get things done quicker. Soon, Dave was a freshman at the university, sitting with an advisor, planning out a curriculum. "I think I'm interested in history" he told the advisor. "AH. Then I have a suggestion for a class for you. Professor Grossfeder is retiring at the end of the year. He's been teaching "Greek and Roman History: The Beginnings" for over 40 years. He's a legend on campus. You should get into his class. The man is amazing. " And so, in addition to his other classes, Dave was enrolled in what they called "Sword and Sandal 101" . When Dave had gotten to the campus, and walked around, he noticed something right away. Growing up as he had, and then going directly into the army, he had no sense of how to dress on campus. Yes, it really wasn't necessary to wear anything fancy: it was a state school, no uniform code or anything. But the army had its rules, and he felt out of place a bit already, being a bit older than everyone. He called his mother for help. "Oh, Dave, well, I don't know. I didn't go to college, but.. you know, a white shirt is always right. Yes. A white shirt, a good pair of pants, loafers or sneakers. You'll have every girl on campus after you." Well, the last part wasn't ideal, but white shirts? He could do that. That weekend, he headed out, using some of the money he had saved up while in the army, and bought himself two dozen white button down shirts, six or seven pair of genes and chinos , a leather jacket, and a few other items. White shirts and jeans were to become Dave's trademark through college. The blond guy with the piercing eyes, a little taller than everyone else, with the biceps from God, sitting quietly, and taking notes.

He enjoyed Professor Grossfeder's class. The subject matter was interesting, and the images in the textbooks: all those barechested men in the statues, and tales of captives and slaves, and prisoners. Not many students would have admitted to jerking off to their ancient history textbook, but Dave did. The class was huge. It seemed that anyone who hadn't taken Grossfeder's class was taking it that semester. That meant graduate student assistants: a cadre of them. You would see them at the back of the classroom, taking note, for the discussion sessions they would lead with the students. Dave found himself in a section led by a very brisk young woman from England: Gillian List was her name. In talking about Dave with fellow Teaching Assistants, she described dave as "very well prepared, never misses a question, but very passive. Never volunteers, never joins discussions. But ask him a question, and yes, he's got the correct answer. " Gillian was a lesbian, but she found her eye drawn to him nonetheless. She wondered what he'd look like, dressed as an ancient Roman. Quizzes were a part of recitation. Ten points. There were twelve of them. Dave scored 120.

One of the requirements of the class was a short research paper - no more than 10 pages . You had to clear the topic with the Teaching Assistant, and then it would be graded by a different one, to eliminate bias. The class had featured a few lectures on imprisonment, and interrogation during wars, and the techniques the Romans developed. Dave found himself coming back to the idea of bondage, prison, and these areas. Shamefacedly, he went to Gillian to see if she'd approve the paper. "OH YES! Good choice Dave! It's an area where there hasn't been a lot of work. I hope you find enough material. Here are the sources I know." She wrote down a list and then looked at him. "There are more works, but they haven't been translated yet. I think this will be enough." "Thank you Ms List. I mean Gillian." She smiled. She had told all the students to use her first name, which wasn't usually a problem. Dave still carried the air of military discipline about him, and from him, it didn't make her feel old. It was endearing.

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"All of the papers have been graded, and you'll find them in the pigeon holes, corresponding to your last name. We'll take ten minutes so that you can fetch them, then we'll continue." It was getting toward the end of the semester, and there was a sense of joy and sadness as things were coming to an end. Grossfeder would be staying on to advise his graduate students, of whom he had many, but he would stop teaching. The next semester of the course would be given by one of his former students, Professor Spelling. Dave was planning to take it. His adviser was right: he thoroughly enjoyed the class, and writing his paper. Apparently the grader had enjoyed READING his paper. There was a big "A+" on the front, and the note. "Terrific job. Please see me after class. G.L. " The teaching assistants used their initials and "G.L" stood for Gabriel Landfeld, a TA who was a notoriously tough grader. He was in his last year of studies, and would be defending his dissertation in about 4 months. His field was ancient medicine. He had been studying potions and homeopathic remedies used by Greeks and Romans.

At the end of class, Dave went to the back with his paper, and found Landfeld. "Mr. Landfeld, you wanted to see me?" Dave showed him the paper, and Gabriel smiled. "DAVE. What a SUPERB paper. I've been reading papers for Grossfeder's class for 3 years, and this was the best one I've ever read. Thank you for that." Dave was blushing "Wow. I don't know what to say. I mean, I've , I've... " "You were a soldier, Dave. You didn't think you'd be a good student?" "Yes sir. That's it." "Dave, please call me Gabe. None of this Sir stuff." Dave laughed "Ok Gabe. Understood. " Gabriel rolled his eyes. "you know, I've been writing this damned dissertation for 8 years. It's gonna be good to get it done." "What's next for you Gabe?" Dave asked. He HAD noticed the dark, dreamy looks Gabe had, the big smile, the arms that showed he worked out. Gabe lowered his voice. "Don't tell anyone. I've been accepted to medical school. No future in this field. Medicine's where to go." "Oh wow. That's a great thing. Congratulations." "Thanks. I think that's why I pulled out your paper. Part of what I'm studying is how much Romans knew about just where to torment a body to cause the maximum pain. You know, sort of an accelerated approach to pressure points." Dave laughed. "I guess I shouldn't cross you." Gabe gave him a wink. "Well, then you know the correct answer. You want to get coffee after the class is over? I can't "fraternize" with students while I'm a TA, but in two more weeks.." "Yes, in two more weeks, I will lose my favorite student" Professor Grossfeder came over. "You must be Mr King. It's a pleasure to meet you." "Professor, I'm honored. I'm really enjoying your class." "Well, it showed. You know, Mr. King, the graduate students cannot grade higher than an "A". the plus grade must come from me. I cannot remember the last time I gave one. But when Mr. Landfeld asks, I listen. " "You know, you're all making me blush." "Well, I'll stop. I should get to some stupid meeting. " He looked at Gabe. "Getting out of this profession is the smartest thing you could ever do . Take the degree and run. " Gabe blushed "I guess he knows." Dave smiled. "So you haven't answered my question. Coffee after class is done?" "Maybe. " Dave had learned enough about the flirting dance. "How about showing me some of those magic Roman touches?" Gabe smiled, and put two fingers on Dave's elbow. A shot of something in between pain and arousal went through Dave. Gabe smiled. "I know a lot more."

Classes ended in three weeks and Dave went on his coffee date with Gabriel. Half way through their coffee, Gabe looked at him with piercing eyes. "You may be the most beautiful man I've ever met David King. And I would like to take you home and show you some more of what I know, and then show you how good a kisser I am." That was their first date. It was to be their only date, for a long time.

Next: Chapter 2

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