Grabbed by a Leather Glove

By gothguy

Published on Jul 2, 2016


Grabbed by a Leather Glove

This story is fiction! It is of a gay authoritarian nature and should not be read by anyone where it is not legal for them to do so. So stop now! There will be more chapters to follow. Comments if you wish.

Chapter Two

As I rolled around in the trunk of the car, silently moaning into the gag when the huge plug they shoved into me bounced down as they went over a hole, or when my balls and cock in the chasity device snagged on something sending shooting pains through my stomach, I knew nobody could hear anything through the leather hood and leather bag they had me folded up and bound into or over the car noises and sound of the tires on the road. I knew I was helpless.

My mouth and throat still was slick with their cum, and I struggled to breathe through the small nose slits in the hood around the gag in my mouth. But All I could feel was helpless as the smell of leather not only enevloped me, but by now was making me swoon with weakness by its overwhelming scent. My mind was so clouded, as to be almost numb, as I tried to fight to keep a sense of mental awareness, past the scent, as to how this happened to me??

It all began online, as do most things. As a joke, to me at least.

I'm a writer, and gained a merry band of followers. Some nice, some not so. Recently, I went on Facebaook, and now since people have my face to go along with my writings, I have a new band of followers: stalkers. For my looks, because I was born short, thin, long haired, feminine, and XXY. [which means, I don't produce any testosterone, I have weak muscles, a girly voice rest of my life, and I have no sex drive. I can't take Viagra because I have a weak heart, so basically, I was born to only be a bottom, I can't stay hard, nor do I cum nor orgasm.]

I kept getting asked about this, esp by dominate tops. Found out many of the Doms asking were also Masters.

I should have been worried, scared they may find my real name, address, etc... But, in my past, bfs have dropped me FOR being xxy, since most guys today want a switch at least, not JUST a bottom.

One guy told me "I was as useless to him as dating a girl".

I answered back, "But I have a dick and balls."

He said crushingly, "But you can't do anything with them but piss." And, left me.

I guess I should have stopped talking to the Doms then.

But, someone was wanting me. ME! And, even if they were stalkers, it was kind of a thrill.

Then, I accidentually let slip what leather does to me. "It effects me badly."

The Dom got quiet. Then he finally asked, "what do you mean, badly. EXPLAIN NOW!!!"

I had never had someone yell at me before, even if it was just capitol letters. And before I knew what I was doing, I was typing.

"IT effects my mind. Makes it mush. Like the longer I wear it, the stupider I get. I'm not talking pants, or shirt, or and jacket. I'm talking like that like gimp thing, where it's on him 24/7... hood too.. and the smell is there all the time.... I'd be a mess. I'm already weak, but with that, i'd be unable to open a door. And I'd be unable to think. My mind would slowly go. It's why I stay away from bars and clubs fall and winter."

"I was in one 5 years ago, and a guy with a leather jacket on liked me, and stood right next to me for awhile. my mind started going numb. I couldn't move to move away from him. Suddenly he says to me, jokingly, "You should buy me a drink." And a second later, I had money in my fist holding it out to him. He looked down, and back at my eyes. He then said slowly, "Lick my boots." Sigh. And I did, right in front of everyone. I had no control. I knew I was doing it. I couldn't stop myself. As I got back up, admist people laughing, he put his arm around me, and led me out of the bar to his car. I couldn't stop him. He kept me for the weekend, bound and gagged."

Suddenly about 8 or 9 Doms started talking to me at once. This Dom had invited all these others into his and my conversation, without me knowing it. I had just told all these people my leather secret.

Soon it was passed around. Even people I blocked, created new profiles, and were back.

"Hey Boy, Lick my boots!!"

"Boy, I have a leather gimp outfit in my basement, just for you!!"


I was a known gay writer, but I got afraid to go on Facebook. Daily, I was deleting not only anti gay comments from my page, but also leather loving gimp comments too.

I should have known they would track me down, through my IP address.

The car came to a stop. My last thoughts, as I heard the three guys walk to the back and open the trunk were, 'I should have never told about leather.'

The trunk came open, and hands gripped the bag. I was picked up and plopped on the ground outside the car. I heard the bag unzip and they pulled me out.

"You are able to move around too much in this bag back here. Don't worry", a hand patted my hooded head, "It's still night, and we're far into the woods."

"Yeah bitch. We're going to make sure you move less." The second voice said.

"But first..."

I was bent down into the trunk, face first, still hooded and gagged, my legs bound together. But one of them yanked out my buttplug. I moaned loudly into the gag.

"Aww, bitchy didn't like that."

"Probably misses the feeling of being filled dude."

"Well, then..."

And instantly, I felt the tip of a cock shove into my ass, and then it's body follow very fast. I was soon being raped, legs dangling down the bumper, by one of the guys.

"Don't break the bitch. She's got to last us for years."

They all laughed, and took turns. I only grunted, squealed, cried, beg.... but into my gag and hood. which made them howl with laughter and fuck me harder.

When they were done, the plug was shoved back in, trapping as much of their cum in my ass as it could, and then locked into place. Then I was laid into a leather sleepsack one of them had put out on the road, and they zipped it up. Then I was thrown into the trunk, and its lid slammed shut.

I heard them laughing as they walked back to they front, about how much they were looking forward to watching my mind go, and how cool it was to kidnap a semi famous person, and make him their leathered gimp, their bitch, their doggy, their leather maid and cook, their fuck toy and property.

Right before they got in, I heard one say, "How long we going to keep him?"

"Fuck, dude, we're making him disappear. I ain't ever giving him up. He's just going to be two holes and a leather pet!"

The doors closed, and the car started, and it drove on into the night.

Oh my god........ what have I done???? I thought.. only briefly..... as the leather smell... got to me.. and made me... zone out...

End of chapter two.

Next: Chapter 3

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