Governors Cabinet

By T.J. Boyce

Published on May 11, 2000


All standard disclaimers apply, don't break the rules, or atleast don't get caught... :-)

Thank you for reading and I hope that this part doesn't bore you too much. E-mail all comments to

Sunday, May 7th"Hello?" I spoke into the phone with question, and awaited a response from the mysterious caller.

"Hi, T.J. It's me, Randy. How was the trip for you?" I could've figured as much. After all, I had told him to call me when he got back. Why did I always get my hopes up so much? Usually they just come crashing down to Earth, like in this case. I was raised, however, to be a polite young man, and I don't think that Randy heard the dejection in my voice when I began to speak.

"Hey. The trip was okay, although the busride home was pretty dull, in my opinion." Six hours on a bus was not the way I wanted to spend a beautiful afternoon, especially when my secret 'crush' was flirting with a girl on that very same bus, right in front of me. What Randy said next, I should've known was coming, but it still didn't make it any easier to swallow.

"Not for me! That busride was the best!!! Me and Robin were....," normally I would be a good friend and listen, but this was different, atleast to me. I tuned myself out for the next part of the conversation, simply because he was not saying what I wanted to hear. Immature, aren't I? :-) As Randy finished up his story, I was having visions of what he and Robin were doing, only it wasn't Robin and Randy, it was myself and Rick. Now I tune back in, "....and that is all I am telling you." He finished.

"You are so lucky! Man, I would like a piece of that!" I hope he didn't sense my overacting with that last statement. Call waiting, it is a great invention. I began to speak when I was cut off by that BEEP!

"Randy? Can I call you back? I have another call." Randy agreed, and I accepted the other call. "Hello?" I was beginning to wonder who it could be now, but my question was soon answered.

"Hi, T.J.? This is Rick. I was just calling to see if you made it back okay." My heart was racing. I didn't expect to hear from Rick, but I was definitely very glad that he decided to give me a call. "Hello? Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here!" Again, I was caught drifting away. Rick had a way of doing that to me. "Thanks for calling. Yeah, I got home okay, the only problem was the busride. It was really boring," I started, and then I figured I was boring him so I stopped, "but I made it through it okay." Silence on the other end of the phone. Rick was going to tell me something, I think, so he had my full attention.

"T.J.? I have to tell you something," I was sweating now. What did he have to tell me? He began to speak, "you forgot one of your ties here." Well, that answers that question. CRASH!!!! Sorry about that, that was just my hopes coming back to earth. "If you don't mind, I could bring it up to you next weekend... I have nothing better to do, so I'll drive up there and deliver the tie, directly to you. Maybe we can do something else while I'm there."

Okay, now I know what you are thinking, you sick-minded people, but give me a little more credit than that. "Sure, sounds great!" Okay, I was thinking the same thing that you probably were just then. :-) "When can I expect you?" I asked, knowing that it would be an eternity, no matter when he said.

"Probably Saturday afternoon, if that's okay for you," and how could I say no? Well, you're right, I couldn't. Saturday would only be a lifetime away for me now. Rick and I talked for a few more minutes, but in the interest of art, I will spare you the conversation. We said 'goodbye' and hung up. This was unexpected. Trust me, though, I'm not complaining! What was I going to do until Saturday? Probably dream about Rick! So, I floated upstairs, and prepared to go to bed early, just because time would pass quicker that way. Once I was settled in, thoughts of Rick returned. I welcomed them, and I began to jack off to thoughts of.... this might be strange, but it's true.... Rick and Joel were both standing naked in front of me, and they walked towards me. They started kissing me all over my body. Rick was on my left, and Joel was on my right, laying on my bed. Rick leaned in and kissed me, as Joel started sucking my cock. I was in pure ecstasy. It continued for a few more minutes, before my balls exploded, all over Joel's hot body. Just as soon as they came, Joel and Rick left. The orgasm that I had that night, thinking of Joel and Rick is one I cannot compare with any other that I have had in my lifetime, and maybe ever will. I fell asleep shortly after that, only to dream about Joel and Randy... Don't ask me where Rick was.

Monday, May 8th

This day went pretty slow, and you know why. Monday's usually suck anyways, but in this case, it just kept dragging on. The highlight of the day was when Randy got all pissed off at me because I didn't call him back last night. I didn't even remember that we talked until he reminded me. To summarize my Monday: Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick. Oh yeah, and Rick.

Tuesday, May 9th

Well, I am writing this on Wednesday night, so this was last night. Randy and I played basketball for a while, and he described his trip with Robin. It took every ounce of my strength to refrain from hitting him... I don't know what it is. When he talks about Robin, I get so defensive. I know I should be happy for him, and I am.... but I'll come right out and say it. I'm bitter. I figured I should be on my best behavior though. Randy was leaving for a trip to Boston on Wednesday, so I didn't need him pissed at me for a week, when I couldn't even see him. Randy and I have had our fights, but we usually made up... no make-up sex, though... :-)

Wednesday, May 10th

Today. Today, I did nothing, well, almost nothing, I dreamed about Rick for a while, again. I decided that I should write some of this before I forget it. The days keep dragging on, the minutes seem like hours, and the hours seem like days at this point. I almost called Rick tonight, but I decided against it. My life is a soap opera. Rick, Joel and me, do I hear love triangle?? Right now I am running out of things to write, so I won't drag this out. Incase you haven't noticed, this has become a diary, of sorts, and I hope that this doesn't slow it down any.... I probably won't stick to this format if you start yelling at me for it. But it seems the most logical. I hope that it won't always be this dull between Rick and I. Hopefully, by next week, I'll have a picture of him, and I will put it up on the net, so you all can see what I am in love with. Hands off, he's mine. Here's a little more background info on Rick. He is on the swimming team, and he has a great body. He is very hot. He is intelligent, kind, sweet. He is really hot. He is smart, classy, polite. Oh, and did I mention he is soooo hot?? Well, he is. I think this might be the beginning of an obsession. Wednesday Night is drawing to a close. Tomorrow night I will probably call Rick, just because I miss his voice.

I will leave you with this little piece of advice, until I write next. If you love somebody, let them know it. This is a cruel world we live in, and they could be taken away from you. I already learned this with Randy, but I still have my Rick!! Listen to me, carrying on like this... it's a wonder you are still reading! So, I will end it now, for lack of things to write about. I hope that I will talk to Rick tomorrow night, and then I will cheer up a little.

********************* The End ***********************

Yep, that's it. I'm sorry, but I want this to remain as close to real life as possible. I want to thank all of you that have written me so far, I am really surprised about the amount of feedback I am getting. I appreciate it, and it makes me want to write more and more with each letter I read. I hope that I hear from all of you. Even if y'all just want to talk, I can talk. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, etc... about the story, send them to me and I will read them right away. is my address. I really do apoligize, but as I stated before, nothing is going on in my life. I'm just sitting and waiting for Rick, I mean, Saturday....

Thank you so much for reading, and getting bored to death. :-)

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