Governors Cabinet

By T.J. Boyce

Published on May 9, 2000


This is not a work of fiction, this actually happened to me just this weekend. Please read throughly, because I will be calling on you at the end of this part to ask you something. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy. All standard disclaimers apply to this piece of work, and have fun reading what my life was like for a weekend. Send all comments to

The Governor's Cabinet

Part I

Friday, May 5th

It was a beautiful day outside, especially for this early in the season. Unfortunately, I was stuck on a bus. Model State had come up again. For those of you who don't know what Model State is, it is a place where high-schoolers get together and pretty much, they pretend to be the State's government for a weekend. It is a great experience if any of you get the chance to go. The bus ride from where I live to Augusta, the capital of my state was about 6 hours of nothing but highway. Normally I would have been excited to be on a bus for 6 hours, because of my best friend, Randy. Randy is about 6 feet tall and 160 pounds. He has dirty blond hair and the sweetest blue eyes you could imagine. Although I hoped that Randy was gay like me, it unfortunately looked otherwise. Randy started going out with a girl about a week ago. We'll call her Robin.

As I boarded the bus, fully expecting Randy to have a seat saved with him, I saw Robin to his right. This was going to be a fun bus ride. So I ended up sitting as far away from Randy as possible on the ride down to Augusta. There were plenty of dirty looks going around as we started on our way. After six hours of neglect from Randy, we arrived in Augusta. I was just happy to get off the bus. The whole time, all he did was sit there and hold Robin and kiss her. I felt so jealous. I wanted to be the one who got to touch Randy's lips with my own. We all decided to change on the bus, to save time, so after the girls got done changing, we loaded the bus one more time. I happened to be standing next to Randy when he started changing. Although he was "taken", I couldn't help but look over that great body of his. If I had one wish, it would be that Randy would love me just a little. We used to be great friends, nearly brothers, but since he met Robin, we have drifted apart, despite living next to each other.

To make a long story just a little shorter, Randy was in the House of Representatives all weekend, near Robin, by the way. I was in the Governor's Cabinet. For the weekend, my host family was going to be the Model State Governor himself. After I got registered, I was directed into the Governor's office. By this time, I was really feeling depressed, but my spirits were about to change. The Governor went by the name Rick Blackwell. As I walked into his "office for the weekend", he stood up and extended his hand to me. I did the same, and as our flesh met for the first time, I felt a jolt of electricity, and my head begin to spin.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Rick Blackwell, the Governor this year," he said with a smile that could melt your heart. I found myself lost looking into his eyes, and realized that I was staring. Rick looked a little worried. "Is everything ok?" he asked.

"Uhm.... yeah, great!" I smiled back at Rick and everything continued as planned for us, for a while anyways. That night, we wrapped up our legislation and went to get our luggage. Rick greeted me there. (I was staying with Randy as well, if I forgot to mention that) Randy and I gathered up our luggage, and headed outside to Rick's truck. Interestingly enough, there was barely enough room for three people in his truck, so we put the luggage in the back and crammed in as best we could. I got the middle seat, while Rick drove, and Randy was on the other side of me. The good thing about that truck was how close you had to sit together to get 3 people in it. Rick started the truck up and put it into gear. When he went to shift, he didn't have enough room, and he 'accidentally' brushed my leg with his. I was in heaven. Rick Blackwell was probably the hottest guy that I had ever met, and all of the girls in my class agreed. I was the envy of them for getting the chance to stay with him. He looked down and noticed that he had brushed my leg while trying to shift.

"Sorry about that" he said, and began to blush. We continued our drive on, Rick occassionally brushed my leg a few more times before we arrived back at his house, while I got a boner quite easily. Randy never noticed, however. I don't think that Randy ever thought that I was gay, in all the years he knew me. That is a good thing in this case, because he probably would've told everyone in school, and I wasn't ready for that kind of thing. Rick got us home and introduced Randy and I to his family. To my surprise, and delight, Rick had a brother who looked like a clone of Leo DiCaprio, and I'm not joking when I say that. So after introductions, Rick took us upstairs to the room where we were going to stay the night. We sat down on the bed, well, Rick and I did anyways. Randy was relegated to the floor. Rick brought in an album of pictures of his life. As I was looking through, I noticed a few 'different' pictures. They looked as if he were a model, which he was definitely hot enough for! I pointed them out to Rick.

"Yeah, well, that was back in my modeling days" he said with another smile, and I continued looking through the albums. They were pictures of everywhere he had been. Rick was just 17, yet he had been to Disneyland several times, as well as Spain, England, Greece and other places like the Grand Canyon. I looked through the rest of the pictures, taking note of several of Rick at the beach, with his shirt off...

Soon, it was after midnight, and Rick said good night and went to his room, and to bed. I would have given anything to be able to share a bed with him, although it is probably better that I didn't, because I would have been on top of him for the majority of the night. So I went to bed with Randy, who stripped to his boxers, sleeping on the floor below me. I was lucky enough to get the bed, but I wanted it to be with Rick. As I admired Randy's body once more, I turned out the lights and began to form an opinion that Rick might be gay. I mean, I had real evidence... well, kind of.

Saturday, May 6th

I continued to think about Rick well after midnight. It turns out that he was a member of the swim team in high school, and he had a lisp, which I hoped meant he was gay. After all, he had winked at me earlier in the day, I didn't know if it was a friendly wink or more... and he also brushed my leg several times in the truck. No longer was I depressed. As the sun rose, Rick woke up and walked into my room, while I was half-asleep, as well as half-naked. I noticed that Rick was wearing nothing, and he had a boner. He stood still for a moment, and then came towards the bed.

"Wake up, sunshine" he said as he stripped my boxers off me, revealing a fully erect cock. "I guess somebody is already up," he grinned as he stared at my body. Before I knew what was going on, he took my member into his mouth and began to suck on it. I was still surprised at what was going on, but I wasn't going to interupt.

"Oh yes! Oh Rick, you are so hot! Don't stop, Rick, don't stop!" I shouted as I could feel my balls ready to explode. Just before they did, I woke up. "Damn!" I yelled, realizing that it was all a dream. I looked down at my dick, which was erect from the dream. Seconds later, Rick walked into the room, with his boxers on. I studied his body as much as I could without it looking obvious. He had a firm body that I wanted to explore even further, with more than just my eyes.

"We have to hit the showers if we want to make it to the Capital building on time" he said, and I acted like I was really listening too. The truth is, I was looking all over his body, and imagining me with Rick. He had a trail of light brown pubic hair on his stomach below his naval, and a firm 6-pack. He was in great shape, considering he was a swimmer and all, I guess he should be. He also had a pool at his house, but being May in Maine, it wasn't quite ready yet. Damn. I agreed, and he walked out of the room, and of course, I watched his ass on the way out, just for good measure.

As I was getting dressed, I realized that I had never taken the time to learn how to tie a tie. Rick, fortunately knew, and he practically had his arms around me when he was doing it. I loved every second of it. His brother, Joel, the Leo look-alike, was also there. I am almost sure that he winked at me when Rick had his back to him. There was some kind of charm, that came with Joel. He was funny, cute, and had a great personality. I was wondering if he were gay...

So we loaded into Rick's truck again, and off we were to the Capital building. Rick had another "hard" time shifting, and once again, my leg was more or less subject to his hands. Which I was more than happy to have happen. After another grueling day at the Capital, we went to the banquet at 6 pm. We ended going to the wrong place and were late, but nobody cared because we were with the governor. The dance followed and I am not sure about this, but I think Rick touched my ass while he was walking by. He just looked back and smiled at me. Again, it isn't like I cared. Randy was off having a great time with Robin, so I started bumming again, but fortunately the dance ended soon. The dj sucked anyways. We went back to Rick's house in that oh-so-familiar truck and headed to bed pretty early, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Rick. What was I going to do? Well, it was the last night that I got to stay at their house for Model State, so naturally, I fell asleep. :-)

Sunday, May 7th

When I awoke this time, there were no dreams that I could remember, but the morning went pretty much the same way. I got to know Joel a little bit better, and I was glad, because he seems like a really nice guy. Randy starting acting like more of a friend again, being away from Robin has that effect on him. One more ride in that truck that I have now come to love, and we were back in the Capital building. I spent the whole morning in the Governor's office, and from time to time he would wink at me, making my heart jump. On Sunday, it was only a half a day of Model State, and then I would be leaving. Rick really didn't get to say goodbye when I left, because I had to jump on the bus before they left without me. But I left my number with Joel, and Rick, and told Randy to call me once he got back home.

The busride back was nothing short of a personal hell. At least on the way down I had something to look forward too. For some reason, I kept seeing Joel in my head, and I thought that maybe I was falling in love with him. But I knew that I still had feelings for Randy, as well as the overwhelming ideas of me and Rick. So the busride home had Robin and Randy all over each other, and I was in my own self-hell, and couldn't have been happier when the bus finally arrived at home, some 6 hours later. That night, I was getting ready for bed, when the phone rang. I rushed to the phone remembering that I had given my number to Rick and Joel. I picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone with question, and awaited the response from the mysterious caller.

"Hi, T.J.!! It's me...."


Well, that is the end of the first part. It was totally true, it just happened to me this weekend and I wanted to get it down on paper when I could.

What I need from everyone who reads this is, I need you to e-mail me and tell me who you think should be on the other end of the phone. Please send your vote, along with any comments, question, etc... to

I hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you.

Next: Chapter 2

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