Gotta Jack Off

By Jon Himus

Published on Apr 14, 2003




When I write this stuff I work from pics I've found. If you wanna see the pics, pass on a comment etc. Please e-mail to:

The door to our room slams and I can hear Craig making his way down the hall swearing under his breath. Back from another date with Christina. He starts up as soon as he sees me sitting at my desk.

"Man tonight she fuckin' out did herself! 'I'm giving you my mind and my heart' she tells me. 'Babe, that's great' I tell her but fuckin' 'just put your hand on it at least'."

I laughed at that. Craig's funny when he doesn't mean to be and embarrassing when he thinks he is being funny.

"Well, you know Craig she's got her beliefs...." I let it slide.

"Yeah well back home that still meant ya' got a blow job for crissakes"

Craig and me have shared a dorm room for over a year now. At first we both thought it wasn't going to work seeing as he was sports orientated and I wasn't. I can watch a game of football and follow it but I only go to support the college team and I like that feeling you get when everyone in the stands is all yelling about the same thing.

"Man, look at this. She's gotta wan' it" Craig had taken off his shirt and was flexing his muscles in the windows reflection. Most of the time he does it on the sly but some days he gets so caught up in himself he can't hold back. He does have a good body which makes it all the more irritating.

I turned back to the computer and saved what I was writing.

"So Cain" He takes a shot for the waste paper basket with his shoes. "Watch been doin.' A' see your in your tighty whities. Handlin' the goods again are we?"

He's always making out that because I don't hang with sports people that I never get any sex. That's bullshit. I mean, I don't get any but that's not a sports thing.

"Not right now dude!"

Craig takes off his jeans and throws them over a chair. He didn't hear me.

Craig scratches his balls through his cotton boxers. For a second he cups his dick then raising his hand slaps his palms together.

"Dude, I gotta jack off."

He comes over to my desk and starts waving the mouse around. He closes down Word. "Cainy boy, where's the porno?"

"Fuck, leave it" I push his hand off the mouse. "I've been working. Jezuz."

"Relax man. I'm askin' that's all" He pulls off his boxers, balls them up and shoots for the bin again. Grabbing onto his dick he's got it fully erect after a couple of tugs.

"This is what tha' bitch is missin' out on" Again he looks at his reflection in the window as he pushes his cut cock through his fist.

He drops back onto his bed with one hand behind his head the other taking care of his dick.

"You done it tonight?" He asks.


"Didya' blow?"


"Well dude get it out n' start talkin'. Ya' gotta take care a' ya' buds."

I stood up and rolled my briefs down and kicked them off. Standing naked I soon had myself fully hard. The one thing that Craig really believes I've got that's better than him is my dick. I am proud of it. It's a good eight inches and thick, with a just right head. Woman love it. Not too many have seen it yet though.

Obviously I've never asked around college if any other guys do this. Two room mates whacking off together has got a faggy side to it I don't deny it. Me and Craig only started doing it together sometimes because there's only one computer in the room and me and him heard each other jerking off so many nights that we just decided to face facts and not piss around.

Back in high school me and this guy called Lachlan Wilson showed each other our hardons once when we were in his bedroom one afternoon. We jacked off together a few times just so we could get an idea about what other guys can do. We showed each other how far our jizz flew and compared amounts on CD covers. Once we saw what each other could do we could relax knowing that we were normal.

The only time I've ever seen another guys dick up real close was two years ago during summer holidays. I'd stayed the night on Dana Britz's couch and then in the morning I woke up and the first thing I see is this huge damn boner above my face, once I kind of focused I realized it was Dana's older brother. He was jerking off real fast and when he saw my eyes open he starts pointing his dick at my mouth. I was too shocked to say anything but I clamped my lips real tight to show that I don't blow guys. So he really casually stands up and keeps whacking off until he blows all over the carpet then he pulls on his track pants and leaves.

Dropping buck naked back onto my desk chair I look at the ceiling and start hammering. My minds gone blank. It probably seems weird but what we do when we both jack off is talk. He tells me some hot story from his past or goes into details about Christina's body and what he'd like to do with it, then when it's my turn I do the same. I haven't had quite as much experience as him but I'm better at the talking because I can blend real life with real hot porno.

"Well come on. You start." Craig already sounds like he's pacing blowing his load.

"I'm blank" Sliding my fist up my shaft I stare at the ceiling waiting for an idea.

"What about the chick up the Quays?"

I glance across at Craig. He's stopped jacking and holds his dick so it stands straight up in the dull light. He's waiting for inspiration. "I've done that one too much. You do one."

For a second Craig concentrates then looks blank aswell "Dude, I'm out."

We both start picking up the pace on our cocks. I'm dredging up porn shots from the net and I guess Craig's doing the same as the only sound is fists sliding on skin. I'm trying to get a good picture in my mind when Craig has a suggestion.

"Man, lifts your legs up."

"Huh. What do ya' mean?"

"Just lift em' up while you jack off. You know, move round like you're one a' those porn ho's."

I let out a small laugh at that one but Craig's sitting up on his bed and waiting, the speed on his dick picking up. The idea's out there but some of those woman are damn hot.

I slide back in my chair abit and slowly raise my legs, looking sideways across at Craig I can see he wants to go with this idea. I reach around and start hammering at my cock with my legs in the air. I let my head drop back a little - this is helping me get some hot porn pics in my head.

"Spread your legs some"

Opening my legs I feel thin sweat break out on my body. My balls start to tighten. Craig's bed starts to squeak which is the sign he's got something hot.

"Face me n' spread em' more"

I swivel the chair and open my legs wider. I feel my butt cheeks part and I know my actual asshole is on display. Still with my head back I remember the black woman who waited for guys like this. I kind of writhe my arse a little like she did. I'd fuck that like a maniac!

We both start picking up the pressure, the small coughs and ruddy faces shine slightly in the yellow lamp light. This is hot and it's working. Me and Craig are really hard at it.


He'd be seeing my ass hole by now. I'd suck her tits n' work down!

"Jus' like a bitches'. Craig's really hammering. I'm getting close too.

"I'd lick that ho's. It's twitchin' man, a' can see it. Pull tha' cheeks apart"

Taking my hand off my shaft I grab my butt cheeks and pull them apart. I feel cool air in my ass ring. Craig starts the grunts, the small grunts that mean he's close.

Still pulling at one cheek I keep my legs up high and start jerking real fast. "Ohharrgh. I'm gonna...."

"Ah...Huh....Farrrck!!!" Craig blows. His head flies back and I see the glint of jizz flying. Then"HUH" - I blow. Huge shots of jizz shoot up my chest as I rip at my cock, legs waiving in the air I hump my crotch and pour my load onto my body.



When I write this stuff I work from pics I've found. If you wanna see the pics, pass on a comment etc. Please e-mail to:

(if it's the pics you want please mention story title so I know what you're after)

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