Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Apr 1, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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Gotham Prep Episode 9: Son of the Bat Part 1

Damian was so proud of his Robin uniform that he never wanted to take it off, it represented an important milestone for the boy. To Damian's way of thinking, he'd earned the trust of his father and now he was following a trail that his brothers had blazed before him. He finally felt like a part of the Wayne Family.

So much had changed in the last few weeks, not only was Damian the new Robin, his brother, Tim Drake-Wayne had adopted the persona of Red Robin. In the fall, Tim would move in with his boyfriend, Conner Kent, and since he would be away from the Batcave, he'd decided it was time to venture out on his own, like his older brother, Dick Grayson-Wayne, had done as Nightwing. For now, Tim still patrolled the streets of Gotham alongside Batman, except on weekends, when Damian was home. When classes ended in a few weeks, Damian would say goodbye to the dorms, he'd be a day student next year so that he could fill in the gap left by Tim. Damian was excited about the future, the Joker was on the loose again and he felt ready to do his part to bring his family nemesis to justice.

As exciting as all this was for Damian, there was no time to think about it now, he had a race to win. Damian was one of only three freshmen to make the elite Gotham Prep varsity boys swim team, where he quickly proved himself as an expert in the 200 meter butterfly. The current world record was one minute, fifty one seconds and fifty one tenths of a second, set by Michael Phelps in 2009, Damian could do it in one minute fifty seven seconds flat, a blazing time for a boy in high school.

Damian shrugged off the overcoat the team wore between races and stretched his lean frame. He made sure his Speedo was pulled up tight to his body, to reduce drag, then looked around for his cheering section. Damian was supremely confident in his ability to win the race, but he was pleased to see Robbie, Colin and Lien, sitting in the bleachers with Alfred. He briefly wondered where his father was, he'd been out of the country on business, yet again, but he promised to try and be back for the race. Damian wasn't bothered by Bruce's absence, he understood that his father was a busy and powerful man.

It was time, Damian pulled his goggles down over his eyes, climbed up on the starting block and took his position. He quickly looked at the 7 boys he would be competing against, they looked nervous and that pleased him. When the pistol fired, Damian leapt out over the water, he kicked hard and barreled down the lane. He couldn't see the other boys, there was no time to be looking around, but he could sense that he was at least a body length ahead of the nearest competitor.

He reached the other end of the pool, then flipped around and kicked off the wall. He could feel his lead growing, he was focused like a laser beam, only one thing mattered right now, being first, being the best. One hundred meters down, one hundred to go, he kicked off again and charged up the lane. He could feel his body growing tired, his shoulders hurt, his heart was racing, his lungs screamed for oxygen and then, it was done, his hand touched the wall for the last time.

He knew he was first before he even pulled his head out of the water, he took off his goggles, looked at the score board and there it was, D. Wayne, Gotham Preparatory Academy, 200 M Butterfly, Lap Time: 1:56:51, First Place. Damian climbed out of the pool, the crowd cheered and he could hear Robbie's wolf-whistle from up in the stands. He was gracious in victory, he shook hands with his defeated competitors, then walked over to the bench, where he was congratulated by his coach.

"Great job Wayne, that's your best time yet, next week is the league tournament," said Coach Sanders.

"Thank you sir, I want that league title," Damian smiled, as he dried his hair with a towel.

"Another race like that and it's yours, kid," said Coach Sander's as he clapped the boy on the back.

Damian took his seat on the bench, then looked over at Robbie, when their eyes met, Robbie gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up, Damian winked his reply. Damian also noticed Alfred, reading a text message on his phone and thought how funny that was. Alfred, with all the technology of the Batcave, and for that matter, Wayne Enterprises, at his disposal, had only just learned that you could do that with a cell phone. For his part, Alfred was somewhat confused by the text conversation he was engaged in with Dick Grayson.

D. Grayson: Alfred, where is Damian?

A. Pennyworth: I'm at his swim meet, he just won his race, shall I convey your congratulations, sir?

D. Grayson: Is Robbie with him?

A. Pennyworth: Master Robert is sitting with me in the stands, is something the matter, Master Richard?

D. Grayson: Please bring Damian and Robbie back to the manor immediately.

A. Pennyworth: The swim meet isn't over yet, sir.

D. Grayson: Now, please.

A. Pennyworth: Understood sir, we're on our way.

D. Grayson: Alfred, don't turn on the radio in the car.

It was that last line that struck Alfred as particularly odd but he didn't dwell on it. He sent Robbie to collect Damian, while he fetched the car, and made sure the boy understood that haste was the order of the day. Damian was reluctant to leave while his teammates were still competing but when Robbie explained that Alfred was already getting the car, he didn't argue. He didn't have time to change so he threw on a t-shirt and a pair of track pants, slipped on his flip flops, then wished his teammates good luck and trotted out the door.

"This better be good, Pennyworth," said Damian, as he climbed into the back seat of the vintage Rolls Royce, "what's going on?"

"I'm afraid I don't know sir, I received a text message from Master Richard asking that I bring you home immediately," Alfred explained.

"I hope this isn't another of his attempts to bond," Damian groaned.

Since coming to Gotham City, Damian found himself continually at the mercy of his eldest brother who for whatever reason, felt the need to get to know him. Truth be told, Damian didn't really mind these incursions on his personal time, he rather enjoyed Grayson's company, but his timing wasn't always great and Damian felt that he belonged with his team just now.

"Hey, your brother likes you, consider yourself lucky," Robbie smiled.

"Do you want to spend the night tonight?" asked Damian, changing the subject.

"Can't, dad wants to go out tonight and spend some time with me," Robbie smiled, he often missed his dad, who like Bruce, traveled and worked late hours. In fact, Alan Matthews was with Bruce now, returning from Australia.

"Yes, I wonder what delayed their flight, father said he would try to make it to the meet," said Damian.

"I'm sure he wanted to be there sir," said Alfred.

"Hmmm, it matter's little, I still won," said Damian, smiling to himself at his latest victory.

When they pulled through the gates at Wayne Manor, Damian noted that Drake's car was there. That's odd, thought Damian, it was only two in the afternoon and he knew Drake had class until four on Fridays. Alfred parked the car and the boys followed him inside, they found Grayson and Drake in the library. Drake looked pensive, but that was nothing new for him, it was Grayson's face that gave Damian pause. Dick Grayson always wore a happy grin on his handsome face, he was, at least to Damian, annoyingly perky, but now he looked stricken, something was definitely wrong.

"What's the matter, Grayson?" asked Damian, then an awful thought struck him, "it's father, isn't it?"

"Damian, Tim, Robbie, all of you just sit down for a minute," said Dick.

The boys took seats on the supple leather sofas, Robbie and Damian on one, Tim on the other. As always, Alfred hovered in the background.

"As you know, Bruce and Alan were on their way home from Sydney, their plane was supposed to land about two hours ago," said Grayson, as he struggled to keep his composure, "earlier today, air traffic control lost track of the plane, shortly before I summoned you all home, the US Navy confirmed that one of their destroyers reported an explosion over the Pacific, they found the wreckage a short time later."

"Dick, what are you saying?" asked Tim.

"Master Richard?" said Alfred.

"I'm sorry, there were no survivors," said Dick, breaking into sobs.

"Oh my God," said Tim, as tears filled his eyes.

Alfred couldn't bear to see his boys in pain, he couldn't fathom the loss of Bruce Wayne who he had raised like his own son, after the death of his parents. He fled from the room, he needed to be alone.

Daman sat in stunned silence. He'd seen death many times, he'd been devoted to his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, and when he died, he felt pain in his heart. His mother told him that was weakness, that a warrior couldn't allow his feelings to control his life, she forbade him from crying she said that he wasn't a little boy anymore, he had to be strong. Damian bottled up the grief he felt and locked it away, as he sat there, hearing of his father's death, he felt numb. Death was a part of life, his only regret was that he hadn't had more time to spend with Bruce, who he was just starting to get close to. There were more complex things going on inside of the boy who was raised one way by his mother, and confronted with reality by his father, for the moment, he'd have to settle for feeling numb.

"I-I'm all alone now, I have no one," Robbie sobbed.

In the absence of any feelings of his own to express, Damian put his arms around Robbie and held him tight.

"It'll be alright," Damian soothed, Robbie just sobbed harder.

Damian rocked Robbie back and forth in his arms and wished he felt the same way. With all the crying men around him, he knew he should feel something but nothing was getting through the hard shell behind which he kept his emotions. Drake was wailing, he was almost on the verge of hyperventilating, Grayson was doing his best to comfort him but he was having trouble controlling his own emotions.

"Come on Timmy, why don't you sit down?" Grayson sniffled, then led Tim back to the sofa and sat next to him.

Grayson adopted the same manner as Damian, though he had tears running from his own eyes, he held Tim and rocked him back and forth. It was then that Grayson noticed that Damian was the only one not crying, his face was a mask of stoic calm.

"Dami, are you alright?" Grayson sniffled.

He wasn't sure. He felt fine and that felt wrong, his lack of feelings made him wonder just exactly what was wrong with him.

"I'm taking Robbie upstairs," Damian replied, then rose from his seat.

He turned to help Robbie up but before he could, Grayson left Drake on the other sofa, turned Damian around and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Damian, I promise everything is going to be ok," said Grayson.

"I have faith in you, Grayson," Damian replied, "I'm taking Robbie upstairs."

Grayson nodded acceptance of Damian's remark, then helped him get Robbie to his feet. He hugged the little blond then watched his brother lead him from the room.

"Damian," said Grayson, as they were about to leave the room.

"Yes Grayson?" Damian replied impassively.

"I need you down here at five, Mr. Garrison is coming with Bruce's will," said Grayson.

"Jesus Dick," said Tim, "we only just found out..."

"I know Timmy but it's what Bruce wanted, I'm following the instructions he left me in case something like this happened," Grayson explained.

"I'll be here at the appointed time," said Damian, then he led Robbie away, he wanted to get out of that room.

Titus followed his little master, and friend, up the stairs, when Damian put the blond boy on his bed, the dog climbed up next to him. Dogs are intuitive creatures, something told Titus that he needed to be with Robbie, when the boy wrapped his arms around the pups neck and buried his face against him, Titus knew he'd made the right choice. Damian spooned behind Robbie, his boyfriend was incapable of conversation at the moment, so Damian held him and stoked his hair softly, until both boys and the Great Dane were asleep. Hours later, Damian woke to Alfred shaking his arm.

"What is it?" asked Damian.

"It's 5 o'clock, Master Damian, the attorney is here, they're waiting for you in the study," said Alfred.

"Right," said Damian, "I don't want to leave Robbie."

"He's sound asleep sir, I'm sure Titus will keep watch while you're gone," Alfred whispered.

"Alright," Damian sighed, then climbed out of bed.

Alfred and Damian made their way downstairs and into the study, where they found Dick and Tim waiting with a man Damian assumed was the lawyer, Mr. Garrison.

"Guy's this is Clark Garrison, Bruce's family attorney," said Dick, making the introductions.

"Boy's I want to say how sorry I am to be here with you this evening, your father was a dear friend and I'm sure this must be terrible for you, I'll try to be as quick as possible," Mr. Garrison assured them, "shall we get started?"

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, Master Richard," said Alfred.

"Actually, if you would stay Mr. Pennyworth, what I have to say pertains to you as well," said the lawyer.

When Dick, Tim, Damian and Alfred were all seated, Mr. Garrison opened his briefcase and extracted a thick manila folder.

"As you can imagine, gentlemen, with an estate as complex as your father's there is a lot of work that must be done, the reason we're meeting so soon after his death is because there are measure's that must be put in place at once, not only for your benefit but also for that of Wayne Enterprises and its shareholders," said Mr. Garrison.

"We understand, Clark, please just do what you need to do," said Dick.

"I would but we're missing someone, where is Jason Todd?" asked the lawyer.

"I tried reaching him, I was unable to find him," said Dick.

"I see, in that case, I'll just get started," said Mr. Garrison, "I, Bruce Wayne, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following: to my four sons, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake and Damian Wayne, and my faithful friend, Alfred Pennyworth, I leave equal access to the Wayne Family Trust. Until such time as my minor sons, Timothy and Damian, reach age 21, their finances shall be managed by Richard Grayson. Until such time as he sees the error of his ways, all funds left to Jason Todd shall be managed by Richard Grayson. Everyone with me so far?" said Mr. Garrison.

There were nods around the room and then the attorney continued.

"I leave my shares and controlling interest in Wayne Enterprises to be equally divided among my sons, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake and Damian Wayne. Management of said shares shall be placed in the hands of Richard Grayson, in order to maintain the family's controlling interest, Richard Grayson shall succeed me as Chairman of the Board of Directors. All income from said shares shall be managed by Richard Grayson until such time as Timothy Drake and Damian Wayne reach the age of 21. Richard Grayson shall manage shares bequeathed to Jason Todd until such time as he sees fit."

"I bequeath my home, Wayne Manor, to my youngest son, Damian Wayne, as the sole surviving member of the Wayne Family. The following conditions apply, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake and Alfred Pennyworth may call Wayne Manor their home, in perpetuity. The home must remain in the family and must be passed on to any offspring of Damian Wayne in the event of his death. Should Damian Wayne die without issue, Wayne Manor should be turned over to the Gotham Historical Society."

"Most importantly, I leave sole custody of my minor sons, Timothy Drake and Damian Wayne to Richard Grayson. I trust Richard Grayson to look after their physical and mental well-being and to do his best to support them in all that they do," the lawyer concluded, "it looks like a lot of this falls on your shoulder's, Dick."

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," said Damian, quoting King Henry, without thinking.

"What's that Dami?" asked Dick.

"Nothing, sorry, I don't know why that came into my mind," said Damian.

"It's ok, I do feel uneasy, but I want you guys to know, Tim, Damian, that I take my responsibilities seriously, I'll do everything I can to keep us together, we're the only family we have now," said Dick.

Damian didn't feel like pointing out that wasn't exactly true, he had his mother but he didn't have any interest in going back to her now. He had a new life, a boyfriend and brother's he loved, he didn't want to go back to the life he'd left behind, with the League of Shadows.

"Is that all Mr. Garrison?" asked Alfred.

"I have one more item to discuss but that, I'm afraid, is between me and Dick," said the lawyer.

"In that case, may I be excused, Master Richard?"

"Of course Alfred, you never have to ask," said Dick.

"Old habit sir, after all, you are the master of the house now," said Alfred.

"I may be the head of the family but you heard the will, we're all living in Damian's house now," said Dick, he gave the boy a weak smile, he was worried about Damian.

Tim and Alfred were showing their grief, Damian still hadn't cried, he didn't seem fazed at all. Dick knew that his youngest brother had lived an extraordinary life and he understood how the League of Shadows had sought to deprive him of emotions, in order to make him a cold and efficient killer. He also knew that Damian was trying hard to change his life and he worried about the conflict that might be taking place within the boy, just now.

"As I said Dick, I have one more thing to speak with you about," said Mr. Garrison.

"Right," said Dick, "would you guys excuse us?"

Alfred was already gone, Tim stood up, hugged Dick and Damian, then went back to his room. Damian wandered into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, he found it strange that Alfred wasn't there. When he finished his drink, Damian decided he should check on Robbie, as he was walking up the stairs, he looked out the window and saw Alfred silhouetted against the setting sun, he was standing before the graves of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Damian hadn't been down to his grandparents graves since his father took him to the Monarch Theater, looking out at Alfred, he decided a second visit was in order.

The final resting place of Thomas and Martha Wayne was shrouded in night blooming flowers, there was a light breeze in the air and it carried with it a hint of Casablanca Lilly and Evening Primrose. When Damian reached the graveyard, Alfred was sitting on a marble bench, slumped over, his face in his hands. Damian approached quietly, he suddenly felt he was intruding on the old butler's privacy but at the same time, he was compelled to be present. Damian understood Grayson and Drake's grief, in a way he resented their ability to cry for their father when he, for whatever reason, couldn't. Alfred's tears intrigued him, he was an old man, surely he had lost friends and even loved ones before.

"I'm so sorry," Alfred wept, "I'm so sorry I failed you."

Damian heard the words and walked towards the butler, stepping deliberately, making his presence known. Alfred heard him approaching but he expected it would be Dick, he and the oldest Wayne boy had been together a long time, Alfred knew the young master would be hurting.

"I'm sorry Master Richard, can I..." Alfred began, but came up short when he turned and found Damian staring down at him, his blue eyes blazing like sapphires in the twilight, "Master Damian, it's you."

"Why are you crying?" asked Damian, as he extended a handkerchief to the butler. The question was almost childlike in its innocence.

"When your grandparents were killed, they made me responsible for raising your father, I promised to look after him, guide him, protect him, now I've failed him," said Alfred, blowing his nose.

"There wasn't anything you could have done, the plane exploded," said Damian.

"It's not just this final thing that's taken his life, there were so many times when I should have stepped in and tried to talk some sense into him," Alfred explained.

"This is about Batman, isn't it?" asked Damian.

"So many nights he came home hurt or haunted by the things he saw and all I did was patch him back together and send him out to do it all over again," said Alfred.

"You couldn't have stopped him," said Damian, "he was too dedicated to Gotham City, his path was set the day grandfather and grandmother died."

"I suppose your right, though it doesn't put my mind at ease, I raised him as if he were my own son, now he's gone, a father should never outlive his child," said Alfred.

Damian contemplated that as he sat next to the butler.

"We'll bury him here," said Damian.

"I'm afraid there won't be anything to bury," Alfred sniffled, "not with an explosion in mid-air."

"Then we'll place a memorial here, for father and Mr. Matthews, and that way it'll seem like part of them is still here with us," said Damian, "do you think they would approve?"

"I do, Master Damian, I think your father would appreciate that," said Alfred.

"Alfred, did father love me?" asked Damian, rather objectively.

"Of course he did, Master Damian, he loved all of you but you are the only one that carries his blood, I think he was particularly proud of you," said Alfred.

"He wasn't particularly affectionate though, was he?" asked Damian.

"No, he always had trouble getting close to the people he loved, almost as if he were afraid to love them least they be taken from him, never the less, your father did love you, Master Damian," said Alfred.

"What about Grayson, Todd and Drake, did he love them or did he take them in out of obligation?" asked Damian.

"It may have started out as an obligation but I watched your father build very special bonds with each of them and I know it hurt him the way things worked out with Master Jason, yes, I believe he loved them very much," said Alfred.

"I wanted to bring Todd and father back together but I wasn't sure how," Damian admitted.

"Really?" asked a surprised Alfred.

"I decided on Christmas, I went to see Todd after all of you went to sleep, it didn't seem right that we should all be together as a family without him," said Damian.

"That's quite compassionate, Master Damian, you've come so far from the day you arrived here," said Alfred.

"Yes, don't tell mother," Damian smiled weakly.

"Your father's relationship with Master Jason was complicated, but I don't think he ever gave up on him, you heard his will, he held out hope that Master Jason might change his ways," said Alfred.

"Alfred?" asked Damian.

"Yes sir?"

"Why can't I cry for him?" asked Damian.

"Grief is a complex thing, we all face it differently, I suspect that in time, you'll find the right feelings," Alfred assured him.

"You don't think it makes me cold and unfeeling, or, even, evil?" asked Damian.

"Not at all sir, not at all," said Alfred, as he hugged the boy, "you're a complicated man, young sir, give yourself time and you'll find your way."

"I better get back to the house, I need to check on Robbie," said Damian.

"I'll come with you, there's no use in sitting here," said Alfred.

"We need you Alfred, all of us, you know that, right?" asked Damian.

"Of course," said the butler, as he put his arm around Damian's shoulder.

While Alfred and Damian were outside, Dick sat down with Mr. Clarkson to go over the remaining business for the night. He hoped this wouldn't take long, he needed Barbara and he needed his brothers, now was a time for family.

"Dick, this won't take long," said Mr. Clarkson, as if reading his mind, "Bruce wrote a letter, I haven't seen it but I'm directed to give it to you on the event of his death."

The attorney opened his briefcase again, extracted the standard size envelope and slid it across the desk.

"You won't need me for this, I'll show myself out," said Mr. Clarkson.

Dick thanked him for his, kindness and discretion, he gave the attorney time to leave the room and then he tore the envelope open. Before he started reading, he noted the date, this letter was written the night the Wayne Family rescued Damian from his mother.

Dearest Dick,

If you're reading this, it means I'm not there to tell you in person just how proud I am of the man you've become. I know it was rough for you and I, at first, but you truly are the best thing to ever come into my life, that goes for all of you, Tim and Damian, even Jason.

You're the man of the house now; I'm counting on you to look after everyone. Tim is such a smart boy but he's so sensitive, he's almost grown up but he's still such a boy. Look out for his heart and his feelings, be there for him when he needs you, you'll know when the time comes.

I'm afraid that Damian is like me when I was a kid, he's headstrong and willful; he will test your patience and your sanity, greet his attitude with a sense of humor and hug him as often as you can, regardless of how much he complains. I was never able to do that with him, or any of you, I know I guarded my feelings closely, but I know you, you'll give the boys the love they need, you have it within you to be the father I never could be.

I need you to protect Damian; Talia harbors dreams of him taking his grandfather's place as the Demons Head, Ruler of the League of Shadows. He's come so far since he joined us, he's not meant for that life, now that I'm gone, it's up to you to keep him out of her hands; I've left you the resources to do whatever it takes to keep our family together.

Don't give up on Jason; he's not a lost cause. I failed Jason; I'm counting on you to find a way to bring him back into the fold. Never forget that you boys are family, together you are stronger then you are divided, tell him, I'm sorry.

As for Batman, I leave that up to you. Continue in my footsteps if you like but whatever you do, don't let it consume you like it consumed me. You are all entitled to a happy life; don't waste it fighting demons that can never be beaten.

All my love,


Dick folded the letter and placed it in his coat pocket. He sat there, at Bruce's desk and looked out across the lawn, he saw Damian and Alfred out by Thomas and Martha's gravesite and he knew that's where they would memorialize Bruce. He took his erstwhile father's words to heart, he would protect them all, Alfred, Tim, Damian, even Jason, Dick would give his life to keep them safe. As for Batman, he thought he knew what to do but despite what Bruce said in his letter, the decision wasn't his alone to make, Batman was a family business, he had to take his brothers thoughts and feelings into consideration. For the moment, all he wanted was to be with his family, that included his girlfriend, Barbara Gordon, he pulled out his cell phone and pressed speed dial one.

"Dick, oh my God, I'm so sorry, I just heard," said Barbara, "are you ok?"

"Can you come over?" he sniffled.

"Of course I will, you're at Wayne Manor?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to be moving back here for good, Damian and Tim need me," said Dick.

"Are they ok?" asked Barbara.

"Tim's real upset, Damian, I don't know, you know what he's like, so hard to read," said Dick, "can you come over now?"

"I'm leaving now, Dick?"


"I love you," said Barbara.

"I love you too honey, get here as quick as you can," said Dick.

The call ended just as Alfred and Damian returned to the house. Dick could see that Damian still appeared calm, maybe that was a good thing, he needed someone to undertake a special mission and it was one he knew Damian had undertaken before.

"Hey Damian, can you come in here for a minute?" called Dick.

"Yes Grayson?" said Damian, as he walked in.

"You seem to be holding up alright," said Dick.

"I envy you your emotions, I wish I could grieve like you are but tears just won't come," Damian confessed, he hoped to eliminate one of Grayson's lectures on feelings.

"That's ok, we all experience grief differently," said Dick.

"Yes, did you need something?" asked Damian.

"Barbara is coming over, I want you and Tim to be with us tonight, as a family," said Dick.

"I have to take care of Robbie, he's all alone now," said Damian.

"I know, I was including him, he's family too," said Dick.

"Very well, I'll check on him and bring him downstairs when he's ready," said Damian, as he turned to leave.

"Damian wait, there's one more thing," said Dick.

"Yes Grayson?"

"Tonight, after everyone goes to sleep, I need you to find Jason," said Dick.

"Why?" asked Damian.

"I want you to give him a message, we're having a meeting tomorrow at midnight, in the cave, there's something we all need to discuss," said Dick.

"Discuss what, you know he'll ask," said Damian.

"That," said Dick, just as the Bat Signal shot across the night sky and filled the study with its glow.

"What do we do?" asked Damian, on seeing the signal.

"Nothing, tonight Gotham is on its own," said Dick, "about Jason, do you think you can do it, do you think you can find him?"

"That shouldn't be much trouble, he's not as stealthy as he thinks," said Damian.

"Thanks Dami, I knew I could count on you," Dick smiled.

"Grayson, since were doing favors, there's something I need from you," said Damian.

"Sure kiddo, what's up?" asked Dick.

"It's Robbie, his mother died when he was a child, his father's gone now, he doesn't have any family, I want him to live here with us," said Damian.

"Damian, you heard the will, it's your house now, the rest of us are just your guests," Dick smiled.

"So you don't mind?" asked Damian.

"I meant what I said, Robbie is family, I'll watch over him and protect him as I would you or Tim, of course he can stay here," said Dick.

"Good, thank you Grayson, that will make things simpler," said Damian.

"Hey, I'm just confirming your wishes, you're the lord of the manor now," said Dick, patting Damian on the back.

"Right," said Damian, "that will take getting used to."

Robbie was still asleep when Damian crept into his room, Titus raised his head and growled protectively but whimpered when he discovered it was only "little master." Damian stroked the dog behind the ears then he kissed Robbie on the check.

"Hey," said Robbie, when his eyes fluttered open.

"How are you doing?" asked Damian.

"That depends, was that all a terrible nightmare or is my dad really..." Robbie sniffled.

Damian hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry," said Damian.

"What am I going to do now DW, I've got no one, I've got nowhere to go," said Robbie.

"Stop saying that, you're my family, you're staying with us," said Damian.

"But your brothers, what do they say?" said Robbie, he was very concerned about what would happen to him now, he'd heard to many horror stories about orphanages and foster homes from his friend Colin.

"It's my house, if I say you can stay, you can stay, but I spoke to Grayson about it anyway, he agrees with me," said Damian.

"Ok," Robbie acquiesced, but it did make him feel a little better.

"Grayson would like all of us downstairs, he thinks we need to be together as a family," said Damian, "we can stay here if you don't feel up to it."

"No, I want to go down, I think Dick's right, we should all be together tonight," said Robbie.

Titus followed Damian and Robbie downstairs and into the library, he didn't know what was happening in his home but he knew it was his duty to watch over the pups until big master came home. That night, each of the Wayne boys had someone to cling to and share their feelings with, not only was Barbara there for Dick, Conner had come to be with Tim. Tim seemed to be taking things the hardest, like Bruce said in his letter, he's a sensitive boy.

They sat around the library for hours, but the conversation was minimal, after all, what do you say in a situation like that? Dick did his best to assure the boys that they had nothing to worry about, that things would continue as they had, he just hoped he could deliver on that promise. If it weren't for Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson would probably be in a circus somewhere, performing daring acrobatic feats like his parents before him. Instead, he was a man of wealth and power with a damaged family that needed him to put things back together. When Dick closed his eyes, he prayed for the strength to live up to the task.

After a few hours of shared mourning, the family broke up and returned to their rooms for the night. Tim was exhausted, grief takes so much out of you, Dick had to be up early the next day, there were so many things he had to do, chief among them, arrange Bruce's memorial. Damian was tired, it had been a long day and he had his swim meet that afternoon but he knew how to push sleep aside, when there was work to be done, and he had a mission to undertake that night. When Damian got Robbie in bed, he kissed him on the cheek and pulled the blankets up around him.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" asked Robbie.

"Soon, I have to take care of something for Grayson," said Damian.

"Please, I need you," said Robbie.

"I won't be long, I promise, but this is important," said Damian, "close your eyes and get some sleep, I'll be right next to you when you wake up."

"Ok," said Robbie, resting his head on the pillow.

"Titus, stay," Damian ordered, then made his way to the Batcave.

In the deepest, darkest part of Gotham City, Jason Todd, The Red Hood, was seething with anger. Bruce Wayne's death was all over the news and Jason was grieving just as much as his brothers. Though he was estranged from the family, deep inside he harbored the hope that one day he'd be accepted for who he was and welcomed back into the fold. Jason didn't realize that he was always welcome, that it was his choices that were the cause of the separation. Bruce was the only father Jason had ever known and now he was gone, the rage was almost overwhelming.

The Red Hood took out his anger on the scum of Gotham. He started rounding up the usual suspects and interrogating them, he was looking for the Joker and if grief could fuel his rage, so much the better. His anger was almost savage, he gathered 4 of the Jokers known associates into an alley, beat them, tortured them for information, and when they gave him nothing, he killed them. His heart was racing and he was panting for breath when he was done, he hadn't gotten any answers but the beast inside of him was sated for now. He left the bodies in the alley, then climbed the nearest fire escape, he nearly fell when he reached the top and found a dark-haired boy in a Robin uniform, mere inches from his face.

"Jesus, Damian," said Jason.

"Nice to see you too, Todd," Damian acknowledged.

"How long have you been here?" asked Jason.

"A while, I was watching the show," said Damian, nodding down to the alley below.

"Oh, why didn't you come down, I could have used the help," Jason goaded.

"I would have but I'm afraid I would have killed them," Damian admitted.

"So?" said Jason, he killed them, he didn't care.

"I gave my word Todd, I know that doesn't mean anything to you but it does to me," said Damian.

"The Bat's dead, you don't owe him anything now," Jason argued.

"The point of this little visit," said Damian, changing the subject, "is we're having a meeting tomorrow night in the cave, your presence is expected."

"If it's for the reading of Bruce's will, count me out, I don't have time to waste, I'm not mentioned anyway," said Jason.

"We did that this evening," said Damian, "Grayson called this meeting, he said it has something to do with Batman. And not that it matters to me, but he left you an equal share of the family trust and of Wayne Enterprises."

"What?" said Jason, he was taken aback by that revelation.

"I'm not your secretary, if you want to know more, you should have come to the will reading, or you can talk to Grayson," said Damian, "I've done my part, I've given you the message, come or don't come, it's up to you."

"What time?" asked Jason, as Damian turned his back and walked away.

"Midnight," Damian replied, over his shoulder.

When Damian returned to the Batcave, he was exhausted, it was after two in the morning. He stripped out of his uniform, took the time to hang it, but didn't bother getting dressed. He staggered up to his room in a t-shirt, socks and his undies, then climbed into bed with Robbie. He held his boyfriend tight and slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. Damian woke with a start, the next morning, when he heard Robbie scream, he looked around for the blond boy, he wasn't in bed, then he heard another shout.

Damian shot out of bed and ran downstairs, he didn't even take the time to put pants on, Robbie was in trouble and he had to get to him. When he reached the foyer, he slid across the marble floor in his socks and found a social worker leading Robbie by the arm; Alfred was hot on their heels.

"I've told you, Master Robert is a guest in this home and you are not to remove him from these premises," said Alfred.

"And as I've told you, Mr. Pennyworth, the boy has no living relatives, that makes him a ward of the state and you are not a licensed foster parent," said the social worker.

"Alfred, what's happening," Damian demanded.

"Damian please, don't let him take me away," Robbie sobbed.

"Take your hands off of him," Damian ordered, then lunged for the man who had his boney fingers wrapped around Robbie's wrist.

"Easy, easy," said Tim, as he grabbed Damian by the waist and held him back. Tim had come downstairs after hearing the commotion, seconds behind Damian, "let Alfred handle it."

"You are not taking that boy," said Alfred, sternly.

"Mr. Pennyworth, I have a court order and I..." said the social worker.

"Not so fast," said Dick, coming in the front door, "I think you'll find that my court order supersedes yours."

When Dick woke up that morning, he realized that keeping Robbie would be a problem. He'd dealt with the county social service system when his parents were killed and they'd placed him in a juvenile detention center, "for his own good." Dick knew he couldn't allow that to happen to Robbie so first thing that morning, he called Mr. Clarkson and the two of them headed to the county courthouse.

"How did you get this?" asked the social worker.

"Never mind the how, read it, I am that boy's guardian and I'd appreciate it if you took your hands off of him," said Dick, threateningly.

The man held fast to Robbie's wrist while he examined the document, Robbie squirmed and cried, it was a pathetic scene. Dick couldn't stand the site, good natured as he was, his father just died, his family meant everything to him and Robbie was part of that now. Dick grabbed the social worker and squeezed his wrist until he let the boy go.

"The paperwork is in order, get out," Dick ordered, speaking in a cold and threatening voice.

When he was released, Robbie ran for Damian, Tim let his brother go and the two boys embraced. Damian was enraged, Robbie was shaking like a naked man in a blizzard, all Damian wanted to do was rip the social workers throat out. He held tight to Robbie, protecting him, daring anyone to try and take him away.

Grayson showed the social worker to the door and then returned to check on the boys. Damian still held Robbie and Tim had inserted himself between the boys and the foyer, just in case the social worker returned. Alfred put his hand on Damian's shoulder, as if to say, "I'm with you, we will not let them take him."

"Robbie, are you alright?" asked Dick.

He was to shaken to respond, all he could do was nod his head.

"Thank you Grayson, thank you," said Damian.

"It's alright, it's all over now," said Dick, as he put his hand on Robbie's back and rubbed it soothingly, "I took care of all the legal garbage, no one is going to take you away, ok?"

Robbie just nodded his head again.

"Damian, why don't you take him upstairs and get him calmed down?" said Dick.

"Yes, I think that would be best," said Damian.

It was hard to get Robbie up the stairs, he wouldn't let Damian go. Eventually he got him back in bed and shortly after, he was sound asleep. Damian spent the rest of the day tending to Robbie, making sure he ate and making sure he was included in plans for the memorial service. Damian reminded Grayson that Robbie lost his father too and his feelings needed to be taken into consideration. Grayson promised his little brother that he would make sure to include Robbie on any decisions and Damian trusted him, more then anyone he knew, to keep his word.

That evening, Lien and Colin came to visit and offer they're condolences. Damian remained calm and in total control of his emotions, Robbie was a wreck and Damian focused all of his attention on keeping him calm. Their friends visit was a nice distraction and when it was time for Damian to head to the cave for the meeting Grayson had called, he left Robbie in their care.

Everyone came in uniform, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Red Robin, Damian as Robin and Jason as The Red Hood. They sat around the large table Batman liked to spread his work around so he could take it all in. This was Dick's meeting and the others waited for him to get things started.

"I'm glad you made it," said Dick, addressing Jason.

"Yeah, well, I'm here, what's this all about?" asked Jason.

"Before I get to that, you should know, Bruce made arrangements for you, left you an equal share of the company and access to the family trust," Dick explained.

"Great, give me a million bucks," said Jason, sarcastically.

"It's not that simple, there are certain conditions that must be met, until such time, the executor of the will is responsible for managing your assets," said Dick.

"Would that be you Dicky?" asked Jason.

"It would," Dick replied.

"Let me guess, I have to come home and be a good boy like the rest of you?" said Jason.

"You're always welcome to call this your home, that was in the will too, as for the rest, you know what you need to do," said Dick.

"That's it, I'm out of here," said Jason, "he couldn't control me while he was alive, he's not going to control me now."

"Sure, just go, you turned your back on everything else he gave you, why not this too," said Dick.

"You don't know a damn thing, Dick, I died and..." Jason began.

"Yes, you died, poor pitiful you, that gives you the right to do anything you please, doesn't it?" said Dick.

"You son of a bitch," Jason spat and pulled a gun from behind his back.

Dick got right in his face daring Jason to pull the trigger. The standoff only lasted a minute, while Jason was perfectly capable of killing, he wasn't a cold blooded murderer, he had no justification for eliminating Dick. As for Dick, his Nightwing uniform was lined with Kevlar, still, he knew Jason wouldn't pull the trigger.

"If you two are done with the amateur theatrics, can we get to the point?" said Damian.

Jason holstered his gun and he and Dick both retook their seats.

"Look, the reason I called you all here is because we need to decide what to do about Batman," Dick began.

"What do you mean, Dick?" asked Tim.

"Bruce left me a letter and in it, among other things, he left it to me to decide whether or not we should continue or not," said Dick, "in essence, should one of us assume the role of Batman or should we let it die."

"We can't give up Batman," said Tim, "he's a symbol to the people of Gotham."

"There are four of us, each a symbol in his own right, we can carry on as we are now," said Dick.

"Don't be ridiculous, Batman is known and feared by criminals the world over, even the League of Shadows fears him," said Damian, "anyone else is just a sidekick."

"Jason, anything you want to say?" said Dick.

"I hate to admit it but Damian is right, fear is a powerful weapon, if we give up Batman we're giving up the fear he strikes in the hearts of the wicked," said Jason.

"Anyone particular you have in mind who needs to feel that fear?" asked Tim.

"The Joker for one," said Jason, "he's out there right now, if he thinks Batman is gone, it'll be open season on this city."

"What do you think Grayson, you haven't given us your opinion," said Damian.

"I don't think any of us is ready to step into Batman's shoes, I won't take the cowl and I don't think any of you should either," said Dick.

"If you won't do it, I will," said Jason, "someone has to take down the Joker once and for all."

"You mean kill him?" asked Tim.

"That's exactly what I mean," said Jason.

"That's the main reason it shouldn't be you, Batman doesn't kill," said Dick.

"It's a different world, Dick, if we did things my way, maybe you wouldn't waste so much time fighting the same bad guys over and over again, maybe it would send a message to the rest of those scumbags that it's time to get the hell out of Gotham," said Jason.

"No, we have to be better than that, we have to show the good people of Gotham that..." Tim began.

"I suppose you think you should be Batman?" Damian interrupted.

"I wouldn't say no to it, I'm the best investigator among us and..." Tim started.

"Already tired of fighting crime in the name of a burger restaurant?" said Damian, mocking Tim's Red Robin identity.

"Damian," said Dick, trying to defuse the situation.

"You can't possibly think you're ready to be Batman, not at 14 and after just two weeks as Robin," Tim challenged.

"I'll be 15 soon and you heard father's will, this is my house, my cave, I think his intentions were clear," said Damian, "we may be brothers but that's by act of law, I'm the only one here with Wayne blood flowing through his veins."

"Yeah and God knows what else," said Tim.

"Tim," said Dick, as he felt things getting out of control.

"Neither of you has what it takes," said Jason.

"Ok, ok, everyone shut up," said Dick, "I've made up my mind, for the time being, there will be no Batman."

"Who are you to make such a decision?" Jason demanded.

"Yes," Damian added, "I thought we were supposed to discuss this, we're discussing."

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes and we're tarring each other apart, there is no way this ends well for any of us," said Dick, "as for my right to make the decision, Bruce left it to me, I only involved the rest of you because I thought you would be mature about it. I won't let Batman destroy this family."

"Batman made us a family," said Tim.

"No Timmy, Bruce did that, not Batman," said Dick.

"Screw this, I'm out of here," said Jason, as he turned to storm out of the cave.

"The memorial service is in two days, can we put aside our differences long enough for you to make an appearance?" Dick shouted after him.

"I'll think about it," said Jason, keeping his back to the others.

"Can we talk about this?" asked Tim, once Jason was gone.

"My decision is final, for now," said Dick.

"This is the wrong decision," said Damian.

"You're free to think that, but I expect you to accept it," said Dick.

"Fine, it will be as you say but I will find a way to change your mind," said Damian.

Dick shook off Damian's comment, there was something he wanted to address before they went back upstairs.

"I want you two to hug," Dick said to Tim and Damian.

"What?" said Tim.

"You guys have been so much nicer to each other lately, it got nasty during that argument, I want you to hug and apologize," said Dick.

"You must be joking," Damian scoffed.

"I'm as serious as a taser prong in the butt," said Dick.

Damian automatically rubbed his rump, remembering where the taser prong had lodged itself the last time Dick broke up one of he and Drake's fights. The two stubborn boys hugged each other and both felt some of their anger subside.

"I'm sorry Damian."

"Yes Drake, so am I," Damian replied.

"Isn't that better?" Dick smiled.

Damian and Tim both rolled their eyes and followed Dick back into the main part of the house.

The memorial service for Bruce Wayne and Alan Matthews took place two days later, in the small graveyard that served as final resting place for Thomas and Martha Wayne. There was a large black marble obelisk placed among the flowers, Bruce's name was engraved on one side, Alan's on the other. The mourners were a who's who of Gotham's elite, there were also several other superhero's who had come to pay their respects. Conner Kent was there with his cousin, Clark Kent, Superman, Tim pointed out Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern and Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow. Damian wasn't impressed, he was too concerned about Robbie and kept his arm around the boys shoulder for the duration of the service. He also took comfort from the presence of his friends, Lien and Colin who offered their help in taking care of Robbie.

The Wayne's weren't particularly religious, but Bruce had been baptized at St. James Cathedral and so an Episcopal Priest presided over the service.

"I am the resurrection and the life, sayeth the Lord, he who beliveth in me, shall never die," the priest began, "I know that my redeemer livith, that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, and though this body be destroyed, yet shall I see God. Blessed are those who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors..."

What a load of rubbish, thought Damian. If there were some all powerful figure floating above us, why did bad things happen, why was his family devoted to protecting the people of Gotham City, wasn't that God's job? If there was a God, why did he let me grow up without a father, then give me a father, only to take him away, Damian brooded.

"...give rest, oh Christ, to thy servants with thy saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, as a sign of life everlasting. Thou only art immortal, creator and maker of mankind, and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and unto earth shall we return, for so thou hath ordained when thou created me, saying, "dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return." All go down to the dust, yet even at the grave, we make our song, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia."

"Give rest, oh Christ, where sorrow and pain are no more. Into thy hands, oh Lord, we commend thy servant Bruce and thy servant Alan, sheep of thine own fold, lambs of thine own flock, sinners of thine own redeeming. Receive them into the arms of thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of thy saints, Amen," the priest concluded.

With the service over, the family and their guests retired to the grand foyer of Wayne Manor, it was the only room big enough, even in the massive home, to accommodate everyone. There was food and refreshments but Damian didn't feel like eating, he still felt conflicted in his grief, part of him cried out to weep for his father but another part told him that was weak and weakness was dangerous. He couldn't afford to be weak now, he had to protect Robbie because he didn't have anyone else, Damian felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and though the thought hadn't fully formed in his mind yet, he was afraid he wouldn't be up to the task.

When the last guest had gone, Robbie went back to Damian's room and slept, it seemed all he was capable of doing lately was sleeping. Damian was concerned about this, so much so that he mentioned it to Alfred. The old butler assured him that Robbie was just trying to come to terms with the shocking change that had taken place in his life. As with so many things, Damian just had to give it time. Eventually, Damian retired for the night as well, he didn't want to go to school the next day but he had no choice, his final swim meet was set for the next afternoon. Damian sensed that his father wouldn't want him to sit around doing nothing while his team counted on him to compete, not to mention, he still wanted that league title.

Damian lie next to Robbie but sleep wouldn't come. He'd spent so much time in bed the last few days he was slept out. He tossed and turned and eventually kicked off the covers, deciding to go for a walk around the expansive house. As he ambled through the massive home, that was now his, Damian heard sobbing coming from the study. When he approached the room, he found Drake, sitting at his father's desk, his head was down and he wept uncontrollably.

"Drake, are you alright?" asked Damian.

"I miss him Damian, I can't help it," said Tim.

"It's ok," Damian assured him, "why don't I take you back to your room?"

"Yeah, I guess I should do this in private," said Tim.

Damian put his arm around his brother's waist and guided him upstairs. They entered Tim's room and Damian propped him against the wall while he turned down the bed.

"Don't you miss him?" asked Tim.

"I sense his absence, yes," said Damian.

"How can you be so cold about it?" asked Tim.

"I can't help it, I know I'm supposed to be crying like the rest of you, I don't know why I'm not," said Damian.

"You have his eyes, you know?" said Tim.

"Yes, I noticed that," Damian admitted, when he'd first come to Wayne Manor, he started keeping track of his similarities to Bruce.

"At least you have that, you'll always have something to remember him by," said Tim, he hugged Damian and held on to him, sobbing on his shoulder.

"If I could take away your pain, I promise I would," Damian whispered.

Tim pulled back and looked at his little brother for a moment, then did something that surprised them both, he kissed the boy on the lips. It was a soft kiss, it only lasted for a couple of seconds, then they broke apart. Tim stared at Damian, Damian stared at Tim, then they attacked each other. They threw their arms around each other, their tongues dueled for dominance and Tim pushed Damian back on his bed. Hands were moving everywhere, Damian's moved down Tim's back and clamped down on his rump, Tim's moved down Damian's chest, they went lower and lower until they found the drawstring in the younger boy's pajamas.

Tim pulled Damian's pajamas and underpants off with a swift yank, then he took the boy in his mouth. Damian lay back and stroked Tim's hair while he sucked him enthusiastically. Tim was overcome with lust, both boys were, it took their minds off their sorrow, Tim bobbed his head up and down on Damian's erection, savored the taste but it wasn't enough. Tim shed his own pajamas and underwear, then kissed his way back up to Damian's mouth. They kissed again, Damian could taste his own pre-cum on Tim's breath, their erections grinded against each other. Then, Damian did something he'd never done before, he rolled on top of Tim, pulled his legs up over his shoulders and thrust his cock into the older boy.

"Yes, Dami, oh God, don't stop," Tim panted.

He had no intention of stopping, he pounded into Tim, fucking him harder and faster with each thrust. Tim purred with delight, Damian knew how he was feeling, he loved it when Robbie did this to him. Both boys were moaning in pleasure, and then, when neither could hold back any longer, they shared their orgasm. Damian collapsed against Tim, they held each other tight and fell asleep, exhausted by their exertions. They slept soundly throughout the night but Damian woke up alone in the morning.

"Oh, you're up," said Tim, when Damian sat up and stretched, Tim was already getting dressed.

"Yeah," Damian blushed.

"Look, we need to talk about what happened," said Tim.

"Ok," said Damian.

"I want to tell you I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let that happen," said Tim.

"It wasn't all your choice, I contributed you know," said Damian.

"I know but I'm the older brother, I kissed you first, I shouldn't have done that," said Tim.

"I think we're equally at fault," said Damian.

"Regardless, I just want you to know, this was a mistake, I love Conner," said Tim.

"I know that, I love Robbie," said Damian.

"I'm sure you do, that's why we can't allow this to ever happen again," said Tim.

"I agree," said Damian, "Drake, do we tell them?"

"Being in a relationship means having no secrets from each other, that's the only way it works," said Tim, "I am going to tell Conner, what you decided to do is up to you, but I hope you'll do the right thing."

"I can't do it now, he's so upset about his dad," said Damian.

"I know, I'm so sorry about that, I feel so selfish, you should have been with him last night, I promise you I won't tell him anything, I'll leave it up to you, when you're ready," said Tim.

"Thanks," said Damian.

"Well, I gotta run," said Tim, he gave Damian a quick hug then left the room.

Damian found his underwear and pajama's, slipped them back on and then went back to his own room. Robbie was there, sitting up in bed, petting Titus.

"Oh, there you are," said Robbie.

"Yeah," Damian acknowledged, "I slept in the study."

"I'm sorry, was I keeping you up?" asked Robbie.

"No, no, I couldn't sleep, I went down there to read and nodded off on the couch," said Damian.

"Ok," said Robbie, "so, are you going to go to the swim meet?"

"I have to, I think father would want me to," said Damian.

"I think so too, you've worked really hard, he'd want you to go and get that league title," said Robbie.

"Yeah," Damian smiled weakly.

"Can I come with you?" asked Robbie.

"Sure, do you think you're ready for that?" said Damian.

"I don't know, but I can't stay in bed anymore," said Robbie.

"I'd really like it if you were there," said Damian.

"Cool, then I'm going," Robbie smiled.

Dick was still home when the boys went down for breakfast, when he heard about Damian's swim meet, he canceled his morning appointments so that he could attend. Bruce had challenged him to be the father he'd never been capable off, for Dick, that started now. When it was time to go, Dick, Damian and Robbie piled into the Rolls Royce, of course Alfred drove, he hadn't missed any of Damian's meets.

Damian sat patiently on the bench, waiting for his race, when the time came, he went through his usual ritual of psyching himself up, only to have it interrupted by a boy from a rival school.

"Hi, are you Damian Wayne?" said the boy.

"Yes," Damian acknowledged.

"My names Noah Phillips, I'm racing against you in the 200 butterfly," said Noah, extending his hand.

"Ok," said Damian.

"Right, well, I just wanted to say I read about your dad in the paper and I'm really sorry about what happened," said Noah, putting his hand back down, "I wanted to wish you good luck on the race."

"Thank you," said Damian, the usual scowl on his face.

"Yeah, uh, sure, well, see you in the water," said Noah, as he trotted off.

"What the hell was that all about?" Damian asked himself.

Damian went through the rest of his ritual but Noah's comment's bothered him. Yes he knew he should feel miserable like everyone else, he couldn't' help that he didn't and he didn't need strangers reminding him of that. None of the other boys Damian had swum against had ever come up to him like that before, he couldn't figure out what Noah's angle was. He doesn't know me, why would he care about my father? As Damian was asking himself that question, his eyes spotted Noah, getting a hug from a man who was obviously his father. Damian shook it off, then looked over to the stands, there they were, his family, such as it was, a big brother, a butler and his boyfriend but no father.

As he climbed up to the starting block, Damian couldn't stop thinking about Bruce, he was the thing that had been missing his entire life, now, after a bare year together, he was gone. When the starting pistol fired, Damian leapt into the water and powered through the first leg of the race, but his mind wasn't focused like he needed it to be. Instead, he thought about the time he asked Talia where his daddy was, only to be force feed the first of her many lies. His mother hadn't even called to see how he was doing in the wake of his father's death, he was torn between his anger at Talia and his desire for Bruce to come home. There, in the pool at Gotham Prep, in the middle of the most important race of his swimming career, the tears that eluded him, finally came.

Damian felt his pace slowing, he knew the race was lost as his goggles filled with tears. He finished in second place and watched as the crowds cheered the winner, Noah, the boy who had spoken to him before the race. Damian climbed out of the pool and stood alone on the deck, he turned his back to the crowd and took off his goggles, he didn't want anyone to see him cry. He never expected the hand that came down and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, I just wanted to say great race," said Noah.

"You son of a bitch," Damian whispered and balled up his fists.

That explained Noah's friendly attitude before the race, he was trying to get in my head and it worked, Damian thought. He never thought for a moment that the other boy might just be a genuinely friendly person. Dick was watching Damian closely from the stands, he saw the tension in his shoulders, saw the clenched fists, he bolted from his seat in the bleachers and tried to get to Damian before he did something stupid. He was too late. Damian rounded on Noah and buried his fist in his face.

"My nose, you broke my nose," Noah sputtered through the blood.

Damian was about to hit him again when Dick seized him about the waist and yanked him off his feet.

"Grayson, put me down at once," Damian shouted, as he kicked and swung at Noah like a wild animal.

"It's time to go home," said Dick.

"Jesus Wayne, what were you thinking?" asked his coach, as Dick dragged him away.

"He's sorry coach, he's just upset, our dad..." Dick began.

"Fuck you!" Damian shouted at the coach.

Robbie and Alfred joined Dick and together they were able to get Damian into the car and home. He was still fuming when they entered the house.

"Why did you stop me?" Damian demanded.

"Damian, you hit that boy, he didn't do anything to you," said Dick.

"He psyched me out before the race, he knew exactly what he was doing then he came over to gloat about it," said Damian.

"You, the great Damian Wayne, got psyched out by a common teenager?" said Dick.

"Don't be flippant," said Damian.

"Look Dami, I know you're upset but..." Dick started.

"I am not, I'm fine, just fine!" Damian shouted.

"That's obviously not the case," said Dick, "you're acting like a spoiled brat, I thought you were past that."

"You don't know anything about me you only think you do, you ridiculous buffoon," said Damian, the hurt on Grayson's face made him regret the words the moment they left his mouth.

"Damian, I'd like you to go up to your room please," said Dick.

"They're all my room's, it's my house, remember?" said Damian, "who are you to order me about?"

"Now!" Dick shouted.

Damian stuck his nose in the air and stormed up the stairs, Robbie and Alfred stood there, stunned at the exchange. Robbie gave Damian some time to calm down, then he followed him upstairs.

"Hey," said Robbie, when he entered the room, Damian was changing out of his Speedo.

"Hey," Damian replied, as he zipped up his pants.

"What was that all about?" asked Robbie.

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Damian, pulling a t-shirt over his head.

Robbie just rolled his eyes.

"Come on, you hit that guy and you were really mean to Dick," said Robbie.

"Oh so it was all my fault was it?" Damian snapped.

"No, I'm not saying that, I just want to know what's wrong with you," said Robbie.

"I'll tell you what's wrong with me," said Damian, "it's you, you and Grayson and Drake, all of you, you're making me weak."

"Excuse me?" Robbie exclaimed.

"Everyone wants to make me express myself, well here I am, expressing myself. Grayson with all his stupid hugs and goofy jokes and Drake with his head games, and you, turning me into some kind of..." Damian started.

"Damian, I love you," said Robbie, hoping that would snap him out of his rant.

"You love fucking me you mean, why is it that I've never fucked you, you use it to control me, to make me like you, a weak, sniveling faggot!" Damian shouted.

Robbie slapped him right across the face.

"How dare you say that, I only did that because you told me you liked it and I don't recall ever begging you for it by the way," Robbie retorted, "you can't say the same, can you?"

"I've had it, I can't handle this place, I'm out of here!" Damian shouted and stormed out the door.

Robbie didn't follow him, it would only make things worse. He didn't know what was the matter with Damian but he had to sort it out on his own. Damian went down to the Batcave and hid in a dark corner, he brooded throughout the day, blaming everyone for his problems when the truth was, he was an angry boy who wanted his daddy. Damian couldn't face that reality, in his mind, it was the others that made him weak, his mother was right, feelings were for suckers. When night fell, he donned his Robin uniform, he knew what he had to do, he had to get his old self back, he only hoped it wasn't too late.

Damian was the master of Wayne Manor now but he couldn't stay there, let the rest of them have the place, he thought. He approached the Batmobile, it was in the cave, the cave was in the manor, to his way of thinking it was his. He started the car and sped out into the night.

Damian patrolled for hours, he knew exactly what he was looking for and found it after midnight. There was a lonely boy walking along the streets of the narrows, a van pulled alongside him and two men pulled him inside before they sped off. Damian was focused, he trailed them carefully, they never saw him and they led him exactly where he wanted to go. When the van pulled up outside an abandoned warehouse, the two men in front never saw death bearing down on them. Damian approached the driver's door and rammed the blade of his katana through the thin sheet metal. He heard his victim scream, saw the blood running down the sword and watched it puddle at his feet. He quickly moved to the other side of the fan and repeated the process on the passenger.

"How many children are in this building?" Damian asked the passenger.

"None, Zsasz sent us to get him fresh meat," said the passenger, as he coughed up blood.

Damian shoved his blade into the man's chest, he twitched for a moment and when he was sure the man was dead, Damian moved to the side of the van where he slid open the door. Four boys looked at him with expressions of terror on their faces.

"Run," Damian instructed.

The boys looked at him, too scared to move.

"RUN!" Damian shouted, and this time the boys fled, screaming as they went.

It took Damian a moment to find the inner sanctum but when he did, there were 10 men waiting for him. He caught them off guard, they were playing cards when he entered and panicked when he turned the lights out. Damian activated the night vision feature of his Robin mask and took his time slicing Zsasz henchmen to ribbons. When he was finished, he was covered in blood but he still had one more thing to do.

On the far wall of the room he was standing in, Damian found a door he hadn't noticed at first, when he opened it, Victor Zsasz was sitting behind a desk.

"Well, if it isn't the boy wonder," said Zsasz, "I guess it's time to go back to jail."

Zsasz laughed, it had become a regular thing, Batman or the police would catch him and lock him up, then he'd simply escape again. Jason was right, the only way to put a stop to crime was to kill criminals, he'd learned that from the League of Shadows, Damian was wrong to turn his back on all he'd learned.

"Not this time Zsasz," said Damian.

He approached the desk and Zsasz stood to meet him, he towered over the boy. Damian raised his katana and in one swift motion, he inserted the blade under Zsasz chin. He forced the blade up, through the man's skull and twisted it into his brain. Zsasz last act was to look at Damian, his face a mask of stunned surprise.

Damian withdrew his sword and sheathed it back in its scabbard. He suddenly felt exhausted. He took Zsasz's seat behind the desk.

"Just a little rest, that's all I need," said Damian, as he placed his head on the desktop. He was asleep in seconds.

The Red Hood emerged from the ante-room, into the office, he'd spotted the Batmobile and trailed Robin to this location. He watched Robin slaughter Zsasz henchmen, then watched him eliminate the man himself.

"Awww, isn't that cute," said Jason, as he watched the sleeping boy, then he scooped him into his arms and the two disappeared into the night.


Next: Chapter 10

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