Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Mar 31, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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Gotham Prep Episode 8: Bird of Prey

"Are you sure there's no other way?" asked Bruce.

"I'm sure there are lots of different things we could try but this is the most expedient," said Tim.

"I'm just not sure he's ready yet," said Bruce.

"Look, we both know I'm planning on going my own way when I move in with Conner in the fall, if Damian's going to replace me, you need to see what he can do," Tim reasoned.

"I think his capabilities are rather obvious," said Bruce.

"Sure, he's a little ass kicker, but there's more to it than that, you need to see if he can think on his feet," said Tim.

"Do you think he can do it?"

"I'm sure he can do it," said Tim, "we haven't always gotten along but I have no doubt about his abilities."

"Alright then, wanna ride over to the school with me?" asked Bruce.

"Sure," Tim smiled.

Spring was in the air and the boys of Gotham Preparatory Academy were spending their Saturday on the quad. Despite being kicked off the football team, Damian loved to toss the ball, he and Colin were playing catch while Robbie sat under a shade tree, chewing on a blade of grass. Damian and Colin played for a couple of hours and then dropped down next to Robbie. Damian didn't think anything of resting his head against Robbie's shoulder while he relaxed. While he wasn't ready to shout it from the rooftops, Damian was pretty sure he loved Robbie and he didn't really care who knew. To his way of thinking, he could handle anything, in fact, he pitied any student foolish enough to disparage his relationship with the blond.

Damian rested against Robbie and watched the clouds pass overhead, he was on the verge of falling asleep when Robbie and Colin started talking about movies. Both boys had been raised on Disney cartoons and at the moment, they were arguing which was superior, Aladdin or the Lion King.

"Not again," Damian yawned.

"What?" his peers replied in unison.

"You two and your cartoons," said Damian.

"Those are some of the best movies ever," said Colin.

"Yes, right up there with Citizen Kane," said Damian, sarcastically.

"You've obviously never seen them or you wouldn't be so mean," Colin pouted, but he winked at Robbie and the boys traded knowing grins, Damian was playing right into their hands.

"It's not mean to prefer serious film to musical street rats and effeminate genies," Damian retorted.

"You showed him Aladdin?" Colin asked Robbie.

"I thought he might be related to Jafar," Robbie giggled.

"I don't know any Jafar," Damian replied seriously, "but my mother has a second cousin called Ahmed."

Colin rolled his eyes while Robbie face-palmed and shook his head.

"Ok, what about the Lion King, that's a classic," said Colin.

"Yawn," Damian replied, and stretched theatrically.

"Oh you did not just yawn the Lion King," said Colin.

"That's what he does when I'm talking about cool stuff and he wants to dismiss me," said Robbie.

"But you gotta see it," Colin exclaimed.

"I do have a copy in our room," said Robbie.

"Come on, let's go," said Colin, jumping excitedly to his feet, Robbie got up to and together they dragged a reluctant Damian along with them.

"Oh bother," Damian groaned.

"Come on Winnie the Pooh, you'll like this one," said Robbie.

"I don't have to pooh," said Damian.

"Hopeless," Robbie shook his head.

"Unbelievable," Colin agreed.

An hour later, the boys were sprawled out in Damian and Robbie's dorm room. Colin and Robbie sat on the floor with their backs propped against Damian's bed, Damian lie on the bed propped up on his elbows, while he critiqued the film.

"You know, I've been to Africa, lion's don't burst into song," he stated.

"Yes DW, we're aware of that," said Robbie, rolling his eyes.

"Then what's the point if..." Damian started.

"Damian, sometimes you have to suspend belief in order to enjoy things, this isn't supposed to be real, it's just fun," said Colin.

Damian tried to see the film as his friend described it. He could see how the film might appeal to children with its bright colors and catchy tunes, but his friends should have grown out of that by now. He couldn't see what they liked so much. Damian was quiet until they got to Scar's song about plotting to kill Mufasa.

"You know, that's not a bad strategy, finding a disenfranchised segment of society and stirring them to rebellion," said Damian.

"Huh?" said Colin.

"He's talking about the hyenas," said Robbie, his eyes glued on the TV.

"Oh, right, being literal again," said Colin.

When Mufasa died and Scar manipulated Simba into running away, Colin was sniffling and Robbie's eyes were glassy with tears. Damian rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, just when I was starting to respect this Scar fellow," said Damian, "he should have killed that cub, now I assume the rest of the movie will be devoted to his growing up an outcast loaner who comes back to retake the throne?"

"That's it, I give up," Colin snorted.

"Dami, you're so weird," said Robbie, he got up on his knees and kissed Damian on the cheek.

Damian blushed a little and Robbie thought that was cute, for all his tough talk, a simple kiss could cow the raven haired boy. Colin just smiled at his friends, he was the only one who knew the true nature of their relationship and he was happy they could be themselves around him. He was about to make an excuse to leave, so the young lovers could have their privacy, when there was a knock at the door.

"Expecting anyone?" Damian and Robbie asked each other, both shook their heads.

"I'll get it, I was going to get going anyway," said Colin, he made his way to the door and all three boys were surprised at the visitors.

"Father, Drake, what are you doing here?" asked Damian, jumping to his feet.

"It's nice to see you too, son," Bruce smirked.

"Sorry, father, I just didn't expect to see you this weekend," said Damian.

"I know, but something's come up and I wanted to speak with you," said Bruce.

"I was just leaving," said Colin.

"Yeah, uh, I'll come with you," said Robbie, rising to his feet, so that Damian could have the room to himself.

"No, no, boys, please stay," said Bruce.

He decided on the way over to the campus that Damian would probably enlist the help of his friends and he didn't think that was such a bad idea. Bruce knew that Robbie and Colin helped to keep Damian grounded. He waited for them to take their seats before he continued.

"Damian, there's something that's come up that we need your help with," said Bruce, "for about a month now, we've been tracking a Chinese research scientist that's been taking some rather curious meetings," said Bruce.

"His name is Chang-Gong Wang," said Tim, speaking for the first time and laying down a photograph of a middle aged Asian man, "lately he's been seen in the company of various Middle-Eastern officials known to have ties to terrorist organizations."

"Wang's specialty is nuclear power, we believe he's trying to sell blueprints for a reactor system that would produce weapons grade plutonium. The people he's meeting with represent some of the worst terror groups operating today, if this kind of information fell into their hands, it would be a disaster," said Bruce.

"So you want me to torture him until he hands over the blueprints?" asked a puzzled Damian, it wasn't how Batman and Robin normally operated but he couldn't figure out how else he could help.

"Uh, no son, I had something else in mind," said Bruce, then he looked to Tim.

"This is Wang's daughter, Lien," said Tim, setting down another picture, this one was of a pretty Asian girl in a school uniform, she looked familiar to the three boys, "she's a student here at Gotham Prep."

"I thought she looked familiar," said Robbie.

"Yes, I think I've seen her in the dining hall at lunch but never at breakfast or dinner," said Damian.

"She's a day student, not a boarder," said Tim.

"What I'm hoping, Damian, is that you might befriend Lien, see what she knows, maybe get into her house and see what you can dig up," said Bruce, "we want to either find out who Wang plans to sell to and disrupt the meeting, or find and steal the blueprints."

"Wouldn't it be easier to torture her?" said Damian, he didn't know what to do with girls.

"I thought you might use some of the old Wayne charm on her," Bruce smiled.

"What if some of the old al Ghul charm comes out instead," Robbie giggled, Damian shot him a dirty look.

"That's where you boys come in," said Bruce, "I was thinking it might be easier if the three of you worked on this together, I don't want you to do anything dangerous, just make a new friend, see what she knows."

"This shouldn't be that hard," said Tim, "we expect that Wang is close to making a deal, if you can befriend his daughter, get in his house, it should be simple to find out when the meeting is to take place."

"Sounds like snooping," said Colin, who was a very ethical boy and didn't like the idea of sneaking around.

"In that case, Damian should just pretend it's my room," said Tim, shooting his brother a smirk.

"If that crack was about the snake I couldn't find, I'm sure it's dead by now...probably," said Damian.

"Getting back to business, Damian, guys, do you think you can handle this?" asked Bruce.

"Yes father, I won't let you down," said Damian, seeing this as an opportunity to prove his worth.

"I know you won't, son," said Bruce, as he gave the boy a fatherly hug, "right, well, Tim and I have to get back, stay in touch and let me know how things are progressing. Thanks boys."

When Bruce and Tim were gone, Damian and Robbie set out a plan, Colin was a little reluctant but agreed to help because his friends were asking and he'd never turn his back on them. It was agreed that the boys would first get to know Lien Wang by watching her carefully over the next few days, seeing what she liked, what she did with her time, who her friends were. Damian assured his friends that the key to victory was knowing your enemy better than your enemy knew themselves.

Robbie immediately hacked into the school's computer network and downloaded Lien's class schedule. The first thing that stuck out was that she was in Robbie and Damian's French class but they'd never noticed her. After that, the boys divided up her schedule and devised a surveillance plan, they'd take turns shadowing her through the halls, least she become suspicious. They gave themselves three days to gather the intelligence they needed before approaching their subject, they further agreed to meet in Robbie and Damian's room and plan their next move then.

Robbie picked up Lien's trail the next morning when she was dropped off at school in a chauffeur driven Mercedes. He followed her to her first period class, which was just across the hall from his own, then he handed her off to Colin for second and third period. At break, the boys gathered at their usual place, under a tree near the snack-bar, where they watched Lien read on the main lawn. Damian was her shadow as she went to fourth period and then lunch, Robbie got her again for firth period and he and Damian both had her in sixth period French. At the end of the day, Damian tailed her to the pool but lost her when they both had to go to separate locker rooms. Damian was on the swim team and had never realized that Lien was a diver.

The next two days were exactly the same, she arrived at school just before the first bell, she attended classes, read her book at break and lunch, then had diving and went home. They hadn't noticed any friends she might have, they couldn't get close enough to see what she was reading and there was no way to get into the girls locker room to see if she interacted with her team mates, which Damian suspected she didn't.

"This girl is an absolute cipher, I don't know how we're supposed to approach her, if I was going to kill her that would be easy enough but..." Damian began.

"I think you should flirt with her," Robbie interrupted.

"I beg your pardon?" said Damian.

"The things she doesn't do have told us as much as the things she does," said Robbie, "she doesn't have any friends, never talks to anyone, I think if a cute boy chatted her up, she might open like a lotus blossom."

"I don't know the first thing about flirting," said Damian.

"Sure you do, you flirt with me all the time," said Robbie.

"I do?" asked Damian, he had no idea.

"It doesn't seem like flirting because it comes naturally to you, you're just being yourself, I think that's what you need to do with her," said Robbie.

"What if I say the wrong thing and scare her off?" said Damian.

"Then you try again, worst case, you'll come off as a little awkward..." Robbie started.

"There's an understatement," Colin snorted.

"Girls like awkward, it could work for you, you have a reputation for being well, how do I put this, um, an asshole," Robbie giggled.

"Oh thank you ever so much for that news flash," said Damian, rolling his eyes.

"What I'm getting at is, if she saw you a little flustered, she'd find that endearing, she'd be flattered that she had that effect on you," said Robbie.

"I don't know, what do you think?" said Damian, looking to Colin.

"I think this has disaster written all over it," said Colin, "but, what else do we have, like you said, this girl is a zero."

"Come on DW, act as if you have faith and faith will be given to you," Robbie smiled.

"Alright, I guess it's the best plan we have," said Damian, "oh, and Robbie?"

"Hmmm?" said Robbie.

"Don't try to sell me with West Wing quotes," Damian grinned.

"Sorkin is a genius!" Robbie giggled.

The first opportunity for the boys to put their plan into action, came at lunch the next day. As usual, Lien was sitting by herself, Damian actually felt nervous as he picked up his lunch tray.

"Well what are you waiting for?" said Robbie, while Damian hovered over their usual lunch table.

"I'm nervous, if you must know, I don't want to let father down," said Damian.

"Don't worry, if you screw it up, we'll try again tomorrow, just be yourself and get over there," said Robbie.

Right, be myself, Damian thought, as he crossed the lunch room. He thought about himself for a moment and all his training, none of it had prepared him for this, he resented his mother for keeping him away from other kids, if he'd been raised around other children, maybe he'd have been more comfortable talking to them. As it was, he searched his brain for an opening line he might use, as he approached the table. All he really knew about Lien was that she liked to read and swim, and that her father was suspected of dealing with terrorists, that gave him an idea that he regretted the moment the words left his mouth.

"I learned how to field strip an AK-47 when I was 4," said Damian, holding his tray and looking awkwardly at his feet.

"Excuse me?" asked Lien, looking up from her book.

"Uh, what I mean is, may I sit with you?" asked Damian.

"Don't you usually sit with those boys over there," said Lien, nodding her head at Robbie and Colin.

Robbie and Colin were both watching their friend intently, and had to quickly turn away when they saw Lien looking in their direction.

"Well, yes, usually," said Damian.

"Why break such an established tradition?" said Lien, turning back to her food.

"Please?" said Damian, humbly.

"It's a free country," said Lien.

This was not going well, Damian felt like he was making a fool out of himself but at least she'd agreed to let him sit down. Now he just had to think of something to talk about. Girls were attracted to money and power, weren't they? His mother seemed to be.

"My name's Damian Wayne, my father's Bruce Wayne," said Damian, relying on his bank account to break the ice.

"Wow, really?" Lien gushed, sarcastically.

"I, uh," Damian spluttered.

"Aren't you the boy who disrupted my French lesson last fall?" said Lien.

"Uh, I guess, if you want to call what Madame Higginbotham teaches, French," Damian retorted.

Lien ignored his flip remark and took another bite of her lunch, Damian looked over to Robbie for encouragement. Robbie had told Damian, on multiple occasion's, what beautiful eyes he had, and he sat there, gesturing for Damian to use them to his advantage now. Damian's mother was half Chinese, it accounted for some of her exotic beauty, and he knew enough about the culture to know that boys were the dominate half of most relationships. Damian decided that his best weapon would be to turn convention on its head, he sat down, folded his arms and rested his chin on top of them. He made sure his eyes were big and bright for her to see, he also saw Robbie smiling and giving him a thumbs up from across the dining hall. Damian sat still and watched Lien, waiting for her to make the next move.

For her part, Lien was annoyed. She went out of her way to be anonymous at school, it's how she preferred things and she didn't need this American boy with his reputation for brash behavior, disrupting the sense of serenity she carried with her. Still, he did have beautiful eyes, it's one thing she lamented about the men of her culture, none of them had eyes of frosty blue like Damian Wayne.

"For what it's worth, your Mandarin was excellent for a Gwai-lo," said Lien, referencing the event in French class.

"I'm not a ghost person," said Damian, bristling at the slang term Chinese applied to white people.

"No?" asked Lien.

"I'm part Chinese," said Damian.

"What part?" asked Lien sarcastically.

"A small part," Damian grinned.

Lien just rolled her eyes.

"My grandmother was Chinese," said Damian.

"It doesn't show," said Lien, she stared dubiously at his blue eyes and alabaster skin.

"My grandmother was Chinese, my grandfather was an Arab, that's on my mother's side," Damian explained, "My father's family are Anglo European's, I guess I get my feature's from him."

"Hmpf," Lien replied dismissively, then went back to her food, before surprising him, "for what it's worth, you have very beautiful eyes."

"Thank you," Damian smiled.

"Don't get cocky about it, it just so happens that blue is my favorite color," she informed him.

"Right, sorry," he blushed, playing up the awkward card without really trying.

"Why did you come over here?" asked Lien.

"Quite obviously, I wanted to sit with you," said Damian, slipping into his usual haughty response to a dumb question, before shaking it off and remembering the role he was playing, "I mean, you looked lonely."

"I've been sitting by myself all year, it never bothered you before," said Lien.

"Well, I, uh," Damian spluttered, "I'm shy."

Lien burst out laughing at that.

"I'm sorry," she laughed, "you have to understand that from my point of you..."

"I know, everyone thinks I'm an asshole," said Damian, using Robbie's words.

"It's not that, it's just..." Lien tried to back pedal.

"Save it," said Damian, as he got up to leave, with a downcast expression, "I'm sorry I bothered you."

"Damian, wait," said Lien, "sit back down, please?"

Damian grinned to himself, he couldn't have planned that better. Yes, she'd actually hurt his feelings but when he realized that only helped him in his mission, he was delighted at the insult. He put the sad expression back on his face, and resumed his seat.

"I didn't mean to insult you," Lien explained, "but you do have a reputation."

"I know and it's deserved," Damian sighed, "I grew up with my mother, she's a very imperious woman and it rubbed off on me."

"I understand that, it's just father and I now, I suppose much of his personality has rubbed off on me as well," said Lien.

"I'm with my father now, I'm trying to be better but it takes time to correct every instinct one knows," Damian admitted, he wasn't sure why he chose to be so open with this girl.

"Where's your mother?" asked Lien.

"Who knows, she's always traveling, she didn't want me anymore," said Damian, putting his head down.

Lien couldn't help but feel empathy for the boy at her table. She knew his reputation, she'd seen him in action in her French class, but here, with his emotions on display, not hidden behind his bluster, she found him kind of sweet, in a weird sort of way.

"My mother died," said Lien.

"I'm sorry," said Damian, and he meant it.

Just then, the bell rang, interrupting their conversation.

"Well, I guess I better go," said Damian.

"Wait," said Lien, putting her hand on top of his, "would you like to join me again tomorrow?"

"Really?" Damian gushed, his eyes open wide.

"I mean, if you want," said Lien.

"Ok, see you then," said Damian, he flashed her a brilliant smile, also out of character, then ran off towards his class.

Robbie watched the entire exchange and even though it had been his idea for Damian to flirt with the girl and it was he who encouraged him from across the room, he couldn't help but feel jealous. For all his brilliance and for as handsome as he was, Robbie wasn't very confident. He loved Damian, of that he was sure and it pained him to see his love interact that way with anyone else, even if he knew it was an act. The question that nagged at Robbie was simple, was it really an act? Damian was so naïve in the ways of love and sex, maybe he was only with Robbie because he didn't know there was more out there? Robbie's worst fear was that Damian would leave him when something better came along.

In French class that afternoon, Damian got in trouble for not paying attention. He kept glancing at Lien, smiling his best shy smile and blushing as if on cue. Robbie had to watch every minute of it and it turned his stomach. Later, at swimming practice, Damian stood there beside the pool in his Speedo, he caught Lien's eye as she climbed to the top of the diving platform and he gave her a little wave. This time she smiled and blushed back.

When Damian returned to his room that afternoon, he was brimming with pride and confidence. Robbie was lying on his stomach, reading something on his iPad and pouting.

"Did you see me at lunch today, I was amazing!" Damian exclaimed.

"Uh huh," Robbie grumped.

"It was just like you said, all I had to do was act like an idiot and she fell for it," Damian gushed.

"Yeah, you were very convincing," said Robbie, remembering every cute expression and shy smile, that he wished was directed at him not some stupid girl.

"Are you mad at me?" asked Damian.

"Nope," Robbie pouted, but he wouldn't turn around.

Damian had come to know Robbie's moods by now and he knew that whether he said it or not, something was bothering his boyfriend. Damian also knew that if Robbie didn't want to talk about something, that's just how it would be, it was as if he'd been taught counter interrogation techniques by the KGB. Still, Damian knew one thing that made them both happy and was sure to bring Robbie out of his funk.

"Roooobbie," said Damian, in a lyrical voice.

"Hmmm?" said Robbie.

Damian didn't answer him, while he'd been going on about his day, Damian had been changing out of the track pants and t-shirt he'd put on after swimming. When he was down to nothing but his socks and tighty whities, he shucked off his briefs and tossed them at Robbie, they landed on his iPad. Robbie grinned and when he turned around, Damian was on his bed, on all fours, wagging his butt at his blond lover.

"Can Wobbie come out and play?" Damian grinned.

Robbie got up from his bed and walked over to Damian, then kissed the raven haired boy on the top of his head.

"I'm sorry I'm being grumpy," said Robbie.

"It's ok," said Damian, while he undid the boy's belt.

"I just love you so much, DW," said Robbie, while Damian pulled his pants down.

"I know, I love you to," said Damian, when he was finished.

Damian was looking up at him with those big blue eyes and Robbie's heart melted, he loved it when Damian looked at him like that, it made him feel special, that he really mattered to his partner. Robbie held Damian's face in his hands and kissed his lips. Damian completely submitted to Robbie and opened his mouth just enough for the blond boy's tongue to probe inside. The kissed briefly, then Robbie stood up to take off his shirt, when he did so, Damian pulled down his boxerbriefs and immediately began to suck his pink headed erection.

It never ceased to amaze Robbie how submissive Damian was when it came to their love making. They'd been having sex for a few months now and Damian had never once asked to fuck Robbie, he was always so eager to have Robbie take him. Not that Robbie was complaining, in his mind, Damian was perfect and he reveled in having direct access to his beautiful body. Damian lapped at the head of Robbie's dick for a moment, then he sucked it like a greedy piglet, he knew that was the quickest way to get Robbie ready to impale his bottom.

Damian was just as amazed as Robbie, he couldn't believe that he let the smaller, less aggressive boy take such control of him. He also couldn't deny the incredible feelings he felt every time Robbie entered him. It wasn't just the sex though, the kissing, the sucking and all the fucking was very nice but what Damian enjoyed most was the after time, when Robbie would snuggle close to him and they were just...together.

Robbie held Damian's head in his hands and lightly pumped his hips, feeding his cock to his greedy lover. When he was ready, he got behind Damian and lined his cock up with the boy's eager hole. Damian winced when Robbie's head popped into him but as always, Robbie gave him a reassuring pat on the back and slipped in further. Robbie knew he was in all the way when he felt the head of his cock brush Damian's prostate and his lover shudder with pleasure.

Robbie laid on top of Damian, his chest pressed against Damian's back, he kissed and nibbled on Damian's ears while he rocked his hips, slowly fucking him. Damian let out little grunts and moans of satisfaction, each little sound driving Robbie to a frenzy. When the passion grew to great, Robbie sat up on his knees and pumped Damian's bottom, he also reached under the boy and stroked his erection so that when they came, they came together. When it was over, they lie there, each feeling satisfied and content.

"You're not going to be weird about this are you?" asked Damian.

"You mean with Lien?" asked Robbie.

"She's just a stupid girl Robbie, I'm just doing what we planned, using her to get information, that's all," Damian assured him.

"I know," Robbie sighed, "I just hate watching it, you were so cute with her today."

"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything, I don't care about her, I care about you," said Damian.

Robbie leaned close and kissed him on the cheek.

"I know, why don't we go grab Colin, have dinner and watch the rest of your Lion movie," said Damian.

"Even though you know what's going to happen?" asked Robbie.

"Yeah, I'll try suspending belief like Colin suggested and pretend that lions are capable of planning a coup de ta," Damian giggled, earning himself another kiss.

While the boys ate dinner, Chang-Gong Wang sat in the back of his limousine, waiting nervously for his client to arrive. These meetings always made him nervous, they met at a secluded dock in a crappy part of town and Wang was never sure if he'd be going home after the meetings or not. He didn't want to be here, didn't want to be doing the work he was doing but he had to protect his Lien, he'd already lost his wife, he couldn't bear to lose his daughter. Wang cringed when his client entered the back seat and sat close to him, so close that he could feel the man's breath stinging his nostrils.

"Batman and Robin are on to you," said the client.

"That is as you desired, is it not?" asked Wang.

"It is, you've done well, Wang," the client complimented.

"Then perhaps you might let me and my daughter go?" asked Wang.

"Patience, the job's not done yet. When Batman and Robin are dead, you'll be a free man, provided you keep your end of the deal," said the client.

"I don't want to know about any violence," said Wang.

"Relax, I'm not counting on you to get your hands dirty, just keep going as planned, let them find the clues," said the client, "they'll probably try to infiltrate your home soon, let them find what they're looking for."

"It will be as you say," said Wang.

"Good, because it would be a shame for that pretty little daughter of yours to meet the same fate as her mother."

"Please, it will be as you say, just leave Lien alone," Wang pleaded.

The two men talked for a few more minutes, then the client left and Wang urged his driver to make haste in departing. In another part of Gotham City, a part hidden from prying eyes, Batman and Robin were preparing to go out on patrol. They were quiet as that changed into their uniforms and climbed into the Batmobile.

"Have you heard from Damian yet?" asked Batman.

"Talked to him when I got out of class today," Robin confirmed.

"And?" asked Batman.

"He's got a plan, he's moving forward with it," said Robin.

"That's good, has he made any progress?"

"He had lunch with her today," said Robin.

"I guess that's a start."

"You should have heard him on the phone, he was excited, it was kind of cute," said Robin.

"I didn't think Damian did cute," said Batman.

"I think you need to stop underestimating him, he's a lot different than when he got here," said Robin.

"Am I really that bad?" asked Batman.

"You act like you're waiting for his parole hearing," said Robin.

"I don't mean to, it's just that I know his mother and his grandfather and as much as I want to trust him..." Batman started.

"He's not his mom or his grandpa, frankly, it must be very disheartening for him to be trying so hard and you to still keep your distance from him," said Robin.

"Robin, I love Damian," Batman assured him.

"Of course you do, and I'm sure he knows, well, at least suspects that, but he wants your trust," said Robin.

"I'm trying," said Batman.

"Yes, I think he knows that to, that's why he hasn't given up," said Robin.

"What's with you two anyway, a few months ago you hated each other and now you're standing up for him," said Batman.

"People grow up, people change," said Robin.

"Yes, that's true," said Batman.

"For what it's worth, I trust him, so do Nightwing and Alfred," said Robin.

"That's worth a lot, I value all of your opinions," said Batman.

Over the next few days, Damian worked his charms on Lien Wang. By the end of the week, she found his bluster to be a disguise that hid the sensitive boy underneath. Damian was getting close to the girl but he also kept his distance, he involved his friends in their activities and Lien quickly became a regular part of his lunch circle. Robbie tried hard not to be jealous but it just wasn't in his nature, he hated every giggle she made, every playful slap in the arm she gave Damian, and mostly, every smile he gave her. Robbie always thought that Damian's smile was something special, something reserved just for him, he didn't understand how Damian could share that with anyone else, let alone a girl.

On the other end of the spectrum, Damian was quite pleased, he was getting close to Lien and he felt that he was on the verge of an invitation to her home. He knew that if he got the access he needed, it would be simple to get the information his father needed. Damian wasn't surprised when she pulled him aside on Friday, the surprising part came with her request.

"So Damian, I've had a really great time with you and your friends over the past few days," said Lien.

"I'm so glad," Damian smiled, "we've had fun with you too."

"Listen, I know it's soon but I was wondering if maybe you'd go to the dance with me next week?" said Lien.

"Oh, uh, well, I," Damian spluttered.

"I know, it's really soon for me to be asking this but I've never been to a high school dance before and I just think it would be fun to go, maybe we can find dates for Robbie and Colin, we could all go," said Lien.

"Well, uh, yeah I guess it might be fun," said Damian.

This wasn't part of the plan, he didn't want to go to a dance, he didn't even know how to dance, and he knew that Robbie was going to be upset.

"Great, oh I'm so excited," Lien gushed, it was so out of character for her, the thing that Damian liked about her was that she was like him, kind of serious and aloof.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a blast," Damian agreed.

"Hey, do you want to come over this weekend, you can meet my father, maybe we can go swimming or something," said Lien.

Finally, some good news.

"Sure, that would be great," Damian smiled.

"Ok, here's my address," said Lien, scribbling a note on the palm of his hand, "I'll see you tomorrow, about 1pm."

"Sure, bye," Damian waved, as she hopped into her chauffeured car.

"Hi Dami, how's it going?" asked Robbie, when Damian walked into their room.

"Uh, good, Lien invited me over tomorrow," said Damian.

"Great, you'll get the information your dad needs and we'll be rid of her," said Robbie, feeling relieved.

"Uh, yeah, about that..." Damian hesitated, he wasn't good at breaking bad news.

"What is it now?" asked Robbie, he could read Damian's moods and knew that something was up.

"Well, Lien thought it would be fun if all of us went to the dance next week," said Damian.

"You mean all of us in a group or you and her with me and Colin tagging along?" asked Robbie.

"She uh, thought maybe you guys could get dates," said Damian.

"Ok, so you told her no, right?" asked Robbie.

"Robbie, it's not that easy, I have to get the information we need or this has all been a waste of time," said Damian.

"That girl sure moves fast, you haven't even known her for a week," Robbie huffed.

"I don't want to go with her, I didn't ask her you know?" said Damian.

"This really hurts, I wish I could go to the dance with my boyfriend but now, I have to watch him go with some girl instead," said Robbie.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't like her, I'm just doing my job!" Damian snapped, he was tired of Robbie's jealousy.

Robbie jumped, Damian had never yelled at him before. He was going to cry but he didn't want Damian to see him do it, he got out of his chair and stormed out of the room.

"Shit," Damian swore under his breath, he didn't mean to shout, "Robbie please come back."

But I was too late, Robbie had already disappeared down the hall. Damian thought about going after him but decided against it, thinking that Robbie needed his space. It was hard for Damian, he didn't know what more he could do to prove himself to Robbie, he was tired of people not trusting him and he was starting to resent being put in this position. It was hard to blame his father though, he didn't know about his relationship with Robbie, he didn't know this was hurting anyone. Damian needed advice, he decided that it was time to turn to the one person he thought might understand his feelings. Damian pulled out his iPhone and dialed number 3 on his speed dial.

"Hello?" Tim answered on the third ring.

"Uh, hi, Drake, what are you doing?" asked Damian.

"I just got out of class, I was going to head home," said Tim.

"Can you come pick me up?" asked Damian.

"Uh, sure, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just, well, I need some advice," said Damian.

"You want advice? From me?" said Tim, he was kind of shocked.

"Yeah, I think you might understand better than anyone else," said Damian.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Tim assured him.

"Thanks Drake, I'll wait out front," said Damian, as he ended the call.

Tim was a little concerned when he pulled up to Damian's dorm and found him sitting on the front steps. He was wearing jeans and a hoddie, pulled tight around his body, and he was looking down at his shoes, Tim had seen a wide range of his little brother's emotions, but never sadness. He honked his horn and Damian darted toward the black BMW.

"Hi," said Tim.

"Good evening Drake," said Damian.

"So what's up?" asked Tim.

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" asked Damian.

"Sure, I know a place," said Tim.

A few minutes later, the brothers strode into Tim's favorite coffee shop. It was close enough to the university to be convenient for him, yet far enough that it wasn't crowded with students, you could always find a quiet table. The boys stepped up to the counter to order their drinks.

"I'll have a double espresso," said Tim, "and what do you want, Dami?"

"I don't know," said Damian, "I don't drink coffee."

"How about a hot chocolate?" asked Tim.

"Is it good?" said Damian.

"You've never had hot chocolate?" Tim asked, incredulously.

Damian shot him a look that clearly said, "if I'd tried it before, would I be asking if it was good?"

"Right," said Tim, then he turned to the barista, "and a hot chocolate, please."

The boys found a quiet table and a moment after they sat down, a waiter brought their drinks. Damian stared at the steaming mug, topped with whipped cream, that was set before him. He picked it up with both hands and took a tiny sip. Tim watched as a small smile broke across Damian's lips and he let out a tiny, bemused, giggle.

"Good, huh?" said Tim.

"It's delicious," Damian agreed.

It was moments like this that Tim enjoyed being Damian's brother. Damian was raised on a strict diet and had never had sweets before coming to Gotham City. Tim delighted in watching his little brother take off his perma-scowl and just be a child once in a while. Damian's little smile and childish giggle, warmed Tim's heart.

"So do you wanna tell me what this is all about?" asked Tim, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Is Conner Kent your boyfriend?" asked Damian, bluntly.

Tim nearly choked and spit his coffee all over the table.

"Damian!" Tim exclaimed.

"Well, is he?"

"That's not really something I feel comfortable discussing," said Tim, evasively.

"So that's a yes," said Damian.

Tim took another sip of his coffee, then let out a sigh.

"How did you know?" asked Tim.

"I wasn't sure but it seemed logical, he's handsome and I've never seen you with any other friends," Damian explained.

"No, I mean, how did you know I was gay?" asked Tim.

"I didn't, I figured it out that night at the opera," said Damian, "the chemical that Poison Ivy used to turn all those men into blithering idiots, it didn't work on gay man, men who aren't attracted to women."

"Wait a minute, it didn't affect you either," said Tim.

"I know," said Damian, looking into his mug.

"You and Robbie?" asked Tim.

"Yes," Damian nodded.

"I thought so," Tim smiled.

"Did you really or are you just saying that because I figured you out?" asked Damian.

"Oh Dami, you're so competitive," said Tim, rolling his eyes, "I just noticed how differently you act when he's around, you aren't so moody. And, he was in a panic the night your mom took you, he was desperate to get you back."

"Really?" asked Damian.

"He loves you, Dami," said Tim.

"I know," Damian sighed.

"Do you love him?" asked Tim.

"I think I do, I like it when he puts his penis in me and..." Damian began, but had to stop due to Tim's laughing.

"Drake, you know how I feel about being laughed at," Damian scowled.

"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, just the blunt way you put that," said Tim, "and I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about feelings, what do you feel like when you think about him?"

Damian cocked his head to one side and thought for a moment.

"Warm," Damian replied, "and happy, he makes me feel...I don't know the right words."

"Well, it sounds like love to me," said Tim.

"Yes," Damian agreed.

"So what's the problem, you're evidently having sex so he must know you're into him," said Tim.

"It's this business with Lien, we couldn't figure out a way to get close to her so Robbie suggested I flirt with her and it worked. She's been hanging out with us and we've become friends, then this afternoon, she asked me to the dance with her next week and Robbie got so mad," said Damian.

"How does the prince of darkness flirt?" Tim teased.

"Drake, please, I need help," Damian pleaded.

"Right, I'm sorry," said Tim, "he's probably just jealous because he'd love to go to the dance with you but that's not possible and he doesn't want to see you go with her."

"But this was his idea and I can't help that she asked me to the dance, I'm just doing this for the mission," Damian spluttered.

"I know, but that doesn't make it feel any better for him," said Tim.

"What do I do?" asked Damian.

"Do something to make him feel special," said Tim.

"Hmmm, he bout me this ridiculous thong at Christmas, I could put it on for him and then..."Damian began.

"No, no, no, Jesus Dami, not sex, I'm talking about the feelings, do something that shows him you care," Tim explained.

"Like what?" asked Damian.

"I don't know, he's your, uh, boyfriend, you'll have to figure out what he needs," said Tim.

"Ok, I'll have to think about it," said Damian, "thank you Drake."

"You're welcome Dami, and don't worry, this will all stay our little secret," Tim assured him.

"I appreciate that," said Damian.

The boys talked for a few more minutes, Damian made arrangements for Tim to drive him to Lien's house the next day, he'd also be able to hand over any information he gathered, when Tim picked him up. After that, they left the café and Tim dropped Damian back at his dorm. Damian was grateful to Drake for his advice and counsel, he thought he knew how to show him, and did so when they got back to the school.

"Drake, in your closet, the top shelf, towards the back, the box marked climbing equipment," said Damian.

"Yeah, what about it?" asked Tim.

"If one were looking for an elusive snake that one's brother may or may not have planted in one's room, one might find said reptile in that box," said Damian, formally.

"Any suggestions on how I get rid of it, if somehow, it's still alive?" asked Tim.

"Well, what did you do with the mongoose?" asked Damian.

"Sent it back to the zoo," said Tim.

"In that case, you could whack it with a shovel or something," said Damian.

"Got it, thanks," Tim laughed.

It was still kind of early when Damian got back to his room but the lights were off and Robbie was already in bed. Damian really did love him, he wanted to show it he was just so clueless about feelings, he didn't know what to do. He thought about waking Robbie and explaining, again, how he didn't have any real feelings for Lien, but he felt like he'd said that until he was blue in the face. For lack of a better idea, he kicked off his sneakers and climbed into bed next to his boyfriend. He put his arms around Robbie and kissed him on the top of his head.

"I love you," Damian whispered.

When Robbie stormed out of the room, earlier that evening, he just wanted to get away from Damian. He knew, deep down, that his boyfriend didn't care about the Chinese girl, but it hurt so much to see them together and he didn't want to see Damian, making that sweet, confused face, looking at him with those big blue eyes, when he wanted to be mad. He walked around the campus for a while and when he calmed down, he went back to apologize for acting like a jerk, but Damian wasn't there. Robbie didn't see him at dinner and when he wasn't back by 9:00pm, Robbie decided to go to bed, where he cried himself to sleep, thinking he'd really blown it and scared Damian off.

He was relieved when he woke up, early the next morning, and found Damian snuggled around him. Robbie lie there for over an hour, enjoying the warm embrace, but eventually nature called and he extracted himself from the bed and went down to the bathroom. When he came back, Damian was sitting up and stretching, Robbie decided not to mention the previous night, nothing good could come from rehashing the issue.

"Morning," said Robbie.

Damian just groaned, as was his custom, he was not a morning person. Robbie walked over to his boyfriend and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks for getting in bed with me, that was a nice way to wake up," Robbie smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome," Damian blushed.

The boys ended up stripping off their clothes, putting on their robes and trekking to the communal bathroom for a shower. There were a couple of other early risers present but that didn't stop Robbie from sneaking the occasional glance at Damian's body. When they finished washing, they returned to their room and Damian changed into his usual Saturday uniform, jeans, t-shirt and a hoddie.

"You're going to wear that?" asked Robbie, crinkling his nose.

"What's wrong with it?" said Damian.

"You're going to meet Lien's dad, right?"

"Yes," Damian acknowledged.

"Ok, you can't dress like some kind of punk, his little girl likes you and if you ever want to be invited back, you should wear something nice and be polite," said Robbie.

"Why would I want to be invited back?" said Damian, more importantly, he thought, why would you want me to be invited back.

"Because, it could jeopardize the mission, what if you can't find anything and you need a second shot at it, if the old man think's you're some kind of thug, you can kiss it goodbye," said Robbie.

"Ok, I see your point, what should I wear then?" asked Damian.

"Lemme see," said Robbie, as he started digging through Damian's closet.

When Robbie was done, Damian put on a light blue button-down with a pair of pressed khakis and some casual penny loafers. He looked every bit the proper son of a respected billionaire. Plus, the shirt really made his eyes stand out and Robbie loved that.

"I feel like a dork," said Damian.

"Nonsense, you dress like that all the time," Robbie retorted.

"Yes, for school," said Damian.

"Look DW, I know your taste is usually limited to what you can find in black or dark grey, but you should be more comfortable with color, you look nice," said Robbie.

Damian accepted the compliment, then he got a text on his phone. It was Drake letting him know that he was waiting out front. Damian hugged Robbie, told him he'd be back as soon as he could, then he grabbed his bag and headed out the door. Drake was smiling at him when he slipped into the beamer's passenger seat.

"Is there a reason you're grinning like an imbecile?" asked Damian.

"You look nice today," said Tim.

"Drake, don't be such a fag," said Damian.

"I'm going to let it go this time because we're playing on the same team, but don't use that word, Dami," Tim admonished, "it makes you sound like a cretin."

"Boy's at school say it all the time," said Damian, matter-of-factly.

"Precisely," said Tim.

"Very well, I apologize," said Damian.

Tim just reached over and patted him on the back. Before long, they pulled up to the Wang estate and passed through the iron gate. It reminded Damian of homes he'd seen in Hong Kong, the building itself looked like it belonged in the English countryside but the grounds had a decidedly Asian feel to them. Tim stopped the car, told Damian to call when he was ready to leave, and sent the boy on his way. When Damian knocked, he was greeted by Lien.

"Hi Damian," the girl gushed, then she hugged him.

"Hi," he blushed.

"Lien, is someone here?" said a man with a heavy Asian accent.

"Yes father, this is my friend, Damian Wayne," she replied, as her father came into the foyer.

"Ah, the Gwai-lo boy," said Mr. Wang, in Chinese.

"Father," the girl replied, she was embarrassed but then Damian stunned her father.

"Ni zenme ban Xiansheng Wang," said Damian.

"You speak Mandarin?" Wang replied.

"Yes sir, my mother is half Chinese, I learned from her," said Damian, continuing to speak in the Wang's native tongue.

"Ah yes, Lien has told me about you, your father is Bruce Wayne?" asked Mr. Wang.

"Yes sir," Damian nodded.

"A respected businessman, very good," said Wang, "I understand you and my daughter are going to a dance next Friday?"

"Yes sir, I understand it's a tradition, a formal dance as the term beings to wind down," said Damian.

"You understand? Is it not a tradition you are accustomed to?" said Wang.

"This is my first year in an American school, my mother raised me, we traveled rather extensively," said Damian.

"Have you been to China?" asked Wang.

"Never the mainland but I lived in Hong Kong for 6 months," said Damian, leaving out the part about he and his mother being there, on orders from his grandfather, to eliminate the leader of a triad.

"Excellent, welcome to my home, please enjoy your visit," said Wang, "Lien, I must go to my office, have fun with your friend, I will see you this evening."

"Goodbye father," she said, then they watched him depart.

"So what would you like to do, are you hungry, we could find something to eat," said Lien.

"You mentioned swimming, I haven't done my laps today," said Damian.

"Ok, let me show you where to change," said Lien, then she led him upstairs.

Damian paid close attention to the rooms they passed along the way. One particularly ornate door, caught his interest, it was obviously added after the house had been built and the Asian carvings suggested it had been installed for the Wang's.

"What's through there?" asked Damian, pointing at the door.

"Oh, nothing special, just father's study," said Lien, "come on, you can change down here."

She showed him to a room three doors down. It was a simple guest room and when she left, Damian threw his backpack on the bed and started extracting his tools. First, he stripped off his clothes and folded them neatly, it wouldn't do to get them dirty, that would be a dead giveaway that he was up to something, so he slipped into his Speedo. Next, he put on a pair of black nylon gloves, then pulled a rope and grappling hook from his bag, before moving to the window. There was no ledge under the window, so he had to swing his hook while leaning out. It took three tries before the hook latched into an opening that would hold the boys weight. Damian was annoyed, normally he'd work with a gas powered grapple gun and be done with it, every time he missed, cost him precious seconds. With the grapple securely in place, Damian used the rope to swing himself over to a window, three over from his own.

Damian was fortunate for his upper body strength, he had to hang from the rope while he worked to open the window. Once inside, Damian went to the computer and found that though it was on, it was password protected. In this case, Robbie came to his aide. When Damian was preparing to leave, Robbie reminded him that he'd placed an app on his iPhone, all Damian had to do was plug his phone into the USB port and it instantly worked to crack the ten digit code. It took a minute for the app to process all the computations but once it finished, Damian entered the code into the computer and the desktop opened for him.

There was no time to snoop through files, Damian pulled a thumb drive from his backpack and started to download everything. It seemed to take forever but Damian sat patiently as he waited for the files to load. When the download was 90% complete, he heard Lien knocking on his door, down the hall, and calling his name. He started to get nervous and kicked himself for the mistake he made, he hadn't looked the bedroom door when he went inside, if Lien opened it, she'd find he wasn't there. The files downloaded just in time, Damian yanked the flash drive out, logged off the computer and made a mad dash for the window.

He didn't have time to get back to his room, instead, he stuffed the rope and grappling hook into his backpack with his iPhone and the thumb drive, then he dropped the bag into the bushes below. He was only on the second floor so Damian hooked his leg over the window sill and dropped the 15 feet to the ground below. He landed like a cat, seized his bag, then trotted over to the pool, he put the bag on a lounge chair then dove into the water. Lien heard the splash, and just as he planned, she came down after him.

"Come on in, the water's fine," Damian smiled.

"I thought you were still changing, I didn't hear you come downstairs," said Lien.

"I thought you said to meet you down here," Damian replied.

"Oh, oh well," Lien smiled.

She jumped in and when she came up for air, she was right at his side. The girl looked into his eyes and smiled, she seemed to be fascinated by them. Damian stood there, the water coming up to his shoulders, and he froze, he wasn't sure what he should do but Lien made the next move for him, she leaned close and kissed him gently on the lips.

It wasn't like when he kissed Robbie, his lips stayed tight, his mouth didn't part and he didn't let her slip her tongue inside. Damian knew something was wrong the moment Lien pulled away from him, she had a hurt expression on her face.

"You, you don't like me," said Lien.

"What?" said Damian, he didn't know what was wrong but he hadn't expected it to a comment like that.

"You didn't kiss me back, and your lips, the whole kiss, it was so, cold," said Lien.

"Lien, it's not that, of course I like you," Damian blushed.

"But you're not attracted to me, Damian I could tell, your body language said so much," said Lien.

"You're right," Damian sighed, "I'm not attracted to you but that doesn't mean I don't like you."

"Is there another girl?" she asked, on the verge of tears.

Damian didn't know what the fuss was about, they'd only known each other for two weeks. What he didn't know was that a teenage girls heart is a fickle thing and Lien, who had spent so much time alone, was enamored with the strange, but handsome boy. She'd fallen for him and as anyone can attest, it hurts when those feelings aren't returned.

"It's not another girl," said Damian, with a sigh, "Lien, can I confess something to you?"

"Ok," she nodded.

"Lien, I'm gay," Damian admitted.

"No way!" she exclaimed.

"I'm afraid it's true," he nodded.

"But then, why have you been flirting with me?" she asked.

"Because, I thought if maybe I tried to like girls, it would just go away," said Damian, "and I saw you and you're like me, something of a loner and, well, you're pretty, I thought maybe we'd hit it off."

"You think I'm pretty?" said Lien.

"Of course I do, you're beautiful, if I was into girls, I'd be so lucky to be with you," said Damian.

"You mean that, you're not just saying it?" said Lien.

"I always say what I mean," said Damian.

"Thank you," said Lien, then she kissed him again, a friendly gesture this time, right on the cheek, "wow, I can't believe you're gay."

"Yeah, I'm a big old homo," Damian smiled.

That broke the tension and made Lien laugh. Damian didn't know why he'd chosen to be so open with a girl he was just using for information. Maybe that was it, maybe he'd really started to think of her as a friend and it was nice to have someone to tell his secrets to. Of course he confided in Robbie but that was his lover, he had to be able to talk about things with other people, especially when the subject was Robbie himself, like when he'd met with Drake the day before. Damian felt very confused but at least Lien was taking things well, and he was glad of that, he wanted to stay her friend.

"Will you still go to the dance with me?" asked Lien, "you know, as my friend?"

"Of course I will," Damian smiled.

"Well, then let's enjoy our swim," Lien smiled, then swam off.

The two athletic teens spent the rest of the afternoon in the water, when their swim was finished, Lien made them lunch and they ate by the pool. Lien was disappointed that Damian wouldn't be her boyfriend but she admired his courage in telling her the truth, especially such a painful and embarrassing truth. When it was time to go, Damian called Drake to pick him up, when his horn honked out front, Lien showed Damian to the door, then hugged him tight. They said their goodbyes and Damian trotted out to the BMW.

"Hi," Damian smiled, as he slipped into the passenger seat, he was feeling unbelievably upbeat.

"Find anything?" asked Drake.

"Here you go," said Damian, handing over the thumb drive.

"What's this?" asked Drake.

"Only the entire contents of Mr. Wang's computer," Damian grinned.

"Way to go little brother," said Drake, excitedly, as he reached over and ruffled Damian's hair.

"Drake, watch the hair," said Damian, slapping his hand away.

Tim just laughed and tried to focus on the road. He was so proud of Damian for coming through for him, little did he know that the fate of Batman and Robin was in that thumb drive and the hands of the diminutive boy at his side. Drake dropped Damian off at his dorm then sped back to the Batcave, it could take hours to search through all the files, he couldn't wait to get started. When Damian walked into his room, he found Robbie, sitting at his computer with Colin, they were watching a video on YouTube.

"Hi," said Damian, as he walked over to his boyfriend and hugged him, then kissed him.

"Hey, glad you're back," said Robbie, as he returned the kiss.

"What, no kiss for me?" Colin teased.

Damian gave him a playful slap across the face.

"Funny, that didn't feel as good as I hoped," Colin laughed.

"Dork," said Damian, rolling his eyes, "so, good news, I think I got everything we needed. That app you put on my phone came in handy, I used it to get into Mr. Wang's computer and I was able to download all his files, there has to be something there that Drake and father can use."

"So we're all done?" asked Robbie.

"Yes, it looks that way," said Damian.

"That poor girl, I feel like we've used her," said Colin.

"Yes, we did, but we can't let her dad sell his blueprints to terrorists and besides, she's pretty cool, we can still be friends with her," said Damian.

"But she likes you, I heard you were going to the dance with her," said Colin.

"Well, not anymore, you don't have to now," said Robbie.

"Uh, yeah, about that..." Damian started.

"You mean you're still going with her?" said Robbie, the green eyed monster of jealousy creeping into his voice.

"I promised her Robbie, you know I keep my promises, and besides, aren't you the one that said I had to look nice and kiss up to her father in case we needed to get back into the house?" Damian reminded him.

"That was different," said Robbie.

"How is it different, you and I can't go to the dance together , a girl I'm friends with wants me to go, I want you and Colin to ask girls and come with us, how in the hell is that a bad thing?" Damian demanded.

Damian was angry, he didn't know what more he could do to prove to Robbie that he didn't have feelings for Lien and he was starting not to care. He thought about telling him that he'd come out to Lien, but he didn't want to, he was angry and the angrier he got, the less he cared about easing Robbie's mind. The point, to Damian, was that Robbie should trust him, he shouldn't have to prove himself, again.

"I don't want to go with some stupid girl, I want to go with you!" Robbie shouted.

"You know we can't do that," said Damian.

"Why, because we're a couple of fags?" Robbie demanded.

"Don't use that word, it makes you sound like a cretin," said Damian, echoing Drake's voice.

"That's it, I'm out of here, come on Colin, I'm staying the night in your room," said Robbie, as he stormed out the door.

Colin stood there for a minute, his mouth hung open in shock and he felt horrible for Damian, who looked like he might cry.

"Dami, I'm sure he's just upset," said Colin.

"Yeah," Damian sniffled, "you better get going, don't let him get into any trouble, ok?"

"I won't," said Colin, he hugged his friend, then went after Robbie.

When Colin left, Damian fought back the urge to cry, he suppressed it, deep inside, al Ghul men didn't cry, especially over something so foolish as love. Instead, he changed into running clothes, he hoped that he could use his anger and hurt to get in a good run and that Robbie would be there when he returned. Sadly, that wasn't the case, Robbie stayed in Colin's room all night.

Across town, Bruce Wayne paced around the Batcave while Tim poured over the files form Wang's computer.

"Got anything yet?" asked Bruce.

"Patience Batman," said Tim, "there's a lot of stuff here."

"Can't you go any faster?" said Bruce.

"Nope," Tim replied, "Damian really came through, there is a ton of information here."

"Yeah, he did a great job," Bruce acknowledged.

"You should be proud of him," said Tim.

"I am proud of him, I'm proud of all you boys," said Bruce.

"Well, you should say it more often," Tim reminded him.

"Tim, you know it's not easy for me, I..." Bruce began.

"GOT IT!" shouted Tim, Bruce raced to his side.

"Gotham Harbor, Friday not 9:00pm, final meeting, then the next entry on the calendar reads Gotham City International, Nipon Airlines, flight 334," said Tim.

"He's making his deal then bugging out," said Bruce.

"We got the bastard," Tim agreed, "this will be one party worth crashing."

"You said it," Bruce smiled, clapping the boy on the back.

It's hard to say who had a worse week, Damian, Robbie, or Colin. Damian and Robbie were both being stubborn, Robbie virtually moved into Colin's room and anytime he had to go back to his room, he made sure it was at a time Damian wouldn't be there. Damian resented Robbie for staying away, he thought he was being completely unfair and refused to make the first move. Colin had to put up with both of them, his room was meant for one student, not two, so it was incredibly cramped, and Damian walked away from him, anytime he mentioned Robbie's name. At lunch time, Damian ate with Lien and Robbie ate with Colin, they both looked miserable and at dinner, Damian ate alone. By the night of the school dance, it looked like it might be over between the young lovers.

Lien met Damian outside of the academy alumni center, where the spring formal was taking place, she complimented him on his tuxedo and he told her she looked pretty in her dress. They went inside and Damian was surprised when Colin showed up, by himself and shocked when Robbie showed up with Florence Higginbotham, the hideous niece of their French teacher. Florence was without a doubt, the most awful person at Gotham Prep, she had terrible acne, outweighed Robbie by 80 pounds and was known to be as mean as a junkyard dog. Damian's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Robbie with her, the pair looked more like hostage and hostage taker, then a couple.

"Oh, that's so sad," said Lien.

"What's that?" asked Damian.

"Robbie came with Flo, she's so mean," said Lien.

"Yeah, I've heard," said Damian, then changed the subject, "would you like to dance?"

"Sure," Lien smiled.

Damian led his date onto the dance floor, he took one of her hands in his, then placed his other on her hip and guided her through a simple box step to the slow beat of the music, in Robbie's absence, he'd taught himself to dance via YouTube. Damian started to feel a pain in his chest, he saw Robbie on the dance floor with his date, she was leading their dance and he looked like he wanted to cry. Their eyes met across the dance floor and just as Damian was about to turn away, Robbie gave him a pathetic little wave. Damian's heart dropped, he wanted to rush over to Robbie, hug him and tell him he was sorry for being so pig-headed, but he couldn't just ditch Lien, especially in front of all these people. He let out a disappointed sigh.

"Damian, what's the matter with you and Robbie?" asked Lien.

"Huh, what?" asked Damian.

"You two haven't talked all week, he's your roommate, did you guys have a fight or something?" she asked.

"Something like that," Damian grumped.

Lien may have only known Damian for a few weeks but she'd learned to read him well. Whether he liked it or not, his eyes spoke volumes and when she was with him, Lien was always gazing at those shimmering pools of blue.

"He's your boyfriend, isn't he?" asked Lien.

Damian was too upset to even deny it, he just nodded his head.

"Then what are you doing here with me?" asked Lien.

"What do you mean?" asked Damian, "I promised I'd take you to the dance."

"Damian, go be with Robbie, it's what you both want," said Lien.

He looked into her eyes and she was smiling.

"You mean it?" asked Damian.

"Yeah, I've danced enough, my drivers waiting, I'll head home," said Lien.

Damian grabbed her and hugged her tight, Robbie watched them embrace from across the hall. He didn't know what they were talking about but both Damian and Lien looked happy, his heart sank, he broke away from Flo and headed to the bathroom where he hid in a stall.

"Thank you Lien, you're such a good friend," said Damian, and he meant it.

"Go on, go," she smiled.

Damian went to the last place he saw Robbie but he wasn't there. He saw Flo guzzling punch and when he asked her where Robbie went, she simply belched in his face. Lucky for Flo, she was, technically, a girl, otherwise Damian might have killed her for the rude gesture. Damian found Colin, alone on the dance floor, doing the robot and after pausing to roll his eyes, Damian approached his friend.

"Colin, if you've finished your seizure, I need to ask you something," said Damian.

"Can't stop now, I'm on a roll," Colin panted.

"I can't find Robbie, do you know where he is?" asked Damian, as he dodged one of Colin's arms.

"Yeah, he went to the bathroom, are you guys finally going to hug it out?" asked Colin.

"Colin, how many times must I tell you, master assassins don't..." Damian started.

"I know, tough guys don't hug, whatever," Colin grinned, "go get Robbie before you have to wrestle Flo."

"I could take here," said Damian.

"Not if you fought fair, she'd squash you."

"Who said I'd fight fair?" Damian, winked, then trotted off to the bathroom.

When Damian got to the bathroom, he glanced under the stalls but didn't see any feet, little did he know that Robbie had curled himself up on the toilet so no one would bother him. The only other person in the room was a junior named Nolan Johnson, who Damian knew form his brief stint on the football team last fall.

"Johnson, have you seen my roommate?" asked Damian.

"That little blond faggot?" said Nolan, as he washed his hands.

"Excuse me?" asked Damian, his blood pressure starting to rise.

"Man Wayne, you must have drawn the short stick when they were passing out roommates to get stuck with that homo," said Nolan, "I can't believe he showed up with a date tonight, of course Florence Higginb..."

Nolan didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, Damian punched him in the kidney. When Nolan spun around, Damian wrapped his fingers around the older boy's windpipe, like it was a handle, and shoved him against the tile wall.

"Wayne, Wayne I can't breathe," Nolan choked.

"Yes Johnson, that's because I'm strangling you," said Damian, with an ice cold glare.

"P-P-Please," Nolan spluttered, "can't breathe."

"I know, if I keep up the pressure, it'll take about 45 seconds for you to asphyxiate, now, do you want to waste that time whining or would you like to pay attention to what I have to say?" said Damian as calmly as if he were talking about his latest teeth cleaning.

Nolan looked at the smaller boy but said nothing as his face turned red and he struggled to focus his eyes.

"Now," said Damian, "Robbie Matthews is my best friend and a far better man then you could ever hope to be. If you ever call him, or anyone a faggot or a homo, I would suggest you immediately go into hiding because I will hunt you down and open your throat with a spoon. Do I make myself clear?"

Nolan couldn't speak, Damian's fingers were coiled around his windpipe like a vice. All he could do was nod his understanding.

"Good," said Damian, as he let Nolan go, "now get out of my site."

Nolan sucked in as much air as he could, took one last look at Damian and then ran for it. Damian smiled to himself then started to wash his hands, least Nolan's stink linger.

Robbie burst out of the bathroom and hugged Damian from behind so tightly that Damian thought his eyeballs were about to pop out of his head.

"Robbie, let me go," said Damian, struggling to breath.

"Sorry," said Robbie, as he released him, "I heard what you said to Johnson, I'm sorry I've been such an idiot, I'm sorry I got so jealous, it was stupid."

"Yeah, it was stupid but I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have let this linger I should have come and got you that first night you were at Colin's."

The boys hugged again and then Robbie noticed something he'd never seen before.

"Damian, your watch, it's glowing," said Robbie.

Damian looked at his wristwatch, the face was glowing red. It had never done that before, the only time Damian had seen anything like this had been when his father's watch glowed like this, when the Bat signal was in the air. When he looked up, he found Robbie staring at his own watch, it was glowing too.

"DW, what do we do?" asked Robbie.

"Do you have your phone?" asked Damian.

"No, I didn't think I'd need it here," said Robbie.

"Damn it, me either, let's grab Colin, see if he has his, then I'll call home,' said Damian.

The boys ran into Colin just as he was heading towards the bathroom. The three friends went out to the lobby, found a quiet place and then Damian dialed his father's cell phone. Bruce didn't answer, neither did Drake but Alfred picked up on the first ring.

"Master Damian?" said Alfred.

"Alfred, what's going on, I can't get ahold of Drake or father and my watch is flashing, is there some kind of emergency?" asked Damian.

"I'm afraid so sir, I'm parked out front, I would suggest you come out immediately," said Alfred.

Damian hung up the phone and bolted for the door, Robbie and Colin were right behind him.

"What did he say, what's going on?" asked Robbie.

"I don't know, but something's wrong," Damian stated.

The three boys found Alfred right in front of the alumni center, they hopped into the back of the Rolls Royce and he sped off before they finished buckling up.

"Alfred, what's happened?" asked Damian.

"I don't know sir, I've lost radio contact with Batman and Robin, I fear something terrible has happened," the butler explained.

"Where is Greyson?" asked Damian.

"I've spoken with Master Richard, he took Ms. Gordon to the country for the weekend, they're on their way back now but it'll be at least three hours," said Alfred.

"Do you know what father and Drake were working on tonight?"

"Yes sir, they were going to intercept that Chinese scientist with the nuclear reactor plans and stop him from selling to his client," said Alfred.

By this time they had pulled through the gates at Wayne Manor. Alfred led the boys down to the Batcave. Robbie set to work, on the computer, trying to find Batman and Robin, after a few minutes, he located the Batmobile at the docks.

"We have to go after them," said Damian.

"Are you sure that's wise sir, shouldn't we call the police or wait for Master Richard?" asked Alfred.

"You know there isn't time for that or you wouldn't have come to get me," said Damian.

"Yes, I suppose that's true," Alfred acquiesced.

"I'm coming with you," said Robbie.

"Like hell, I'm taking Colin, you stay here," Damian ordered.

"But..." Robbie protested.

"I'm not arguing with you, Colin will go as Abuse, if he gets hurt, he'll heal by morning and his strength might come in handy. You're more valuable to me here, on the computer, and...I just can't bear the thought of you getting hurt," Damian admitted.

"Ok," Robbie smiled shyly.

"So we're going?" said Colin.

"Do you have Rory?" asked Damian.

"Course, who did you think my date for the dance was?" Colin grinned, as he pulled the teddy bear from his tuxedo jacket.

"You'll need this sir," said Alfred, handing Damian a garment bag.

"What's this?" asked Damian.

"Your father thought you were ready, we've been working on this for when the time came," said Alfred.

Damian unzipped the bag and found his very own Robin uniform inside. It was the standard red Robin tunic but unlike Drake's uniform, it came with a black survival suit, a yellow para-cape for gliding, a black hood, green mask, boots and flexible gloves. Damian bolted for the locker room and quickly shed his tuxedo, he was pleased to find that his new uniform fit like a glove.

"You look amazing," said Robbie, when Damian rejoined them.

"Thanks," Damian smiled bashfully.

"I'm ready when you are," said a gruff voice.

Colin had transformed into the hulking figure of Abuse. The transformation had shredded most of his tuxedo, he was left in nothing but a bowtie and torn trousers.

"Take off the bowtie, it makes you look like a stripper," said Damian, "now, Alfred, do we have anything faster than the Rolls?"

"Well, there is the Red Bird, sir, can you ride a motorcycle?" asked Alfred.

Damian shot the butler a wicked grin and a moment later, he and Abuse were barreling out of the cave at top speed, Abuse screaming in terror as they went. Damian quickly discovered that his mask had many of the same features as the one's worn by his brother's before him, chief among them was a heads up display that was linked to the computer in the Batcave.

"Robin to Backslash, can you read me?" said Damian, using the alias Robbie preferred for covert work.

"I read you, Robin," said Backslash, Damian could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"I need directions to the docks," said Damian.

"Roger, I'm uploading it to your HUD now," Backslash confirmed.

When they reached the docks, Damian parked the Red Bird, Abuse hopped off and started kissing the ground.

"Oh don't be so theatrical, it wasn't that bad," said Damian.

Once the collected themselves, the boys took to the rooftops to search the myriad of warehouses, looking for the one that might hold Batman and Robin. After a few minutes, Damian spotted a building with lights coming from the skylights, he scanned the building with the thermal imaging system in his mask and discovered two men who appeared to be seated, their wrists bound. They were surrounded by at least 8 other men, though it was hard to tell exactly how many, the body's blurred when the men stood close together.

Damian and Abuse approached the building, they tiptoed across the rooftop and crouched at one of the skylights so they could peer inside. Batman and Robin were tied up, most of the men formed a circle around them, the leader paced just out of range of a kick from Batman. The only person Damian recognized was Mr. Wang.

"Who are these guys?" Abuse whispered.

"That's Lien's dad, I'm not sure about the rest, let me check," said Damian, as he activated the facial recognition software in his mask.

The mask examined each face, the only one it recognized was the leader, Carmine Falcone.

"Mafia," said Damian, "the big one, that's Carmine Falcone."

"I know him, they call him Carmine "The Roman," Falcone, he's the head of the biggest crime family in Gotham," said Abuse, "what do you think he's up to?"

"I don't know, and I don't care, he's got my family," said Damian.

"Right, what should we do?" said Abuse.

"Feeling strong tonight?" asked Damian, with a wicked grin.

Down below, Falcone was pacing in front of Batman, pleased with himself and his plan.

"Well, well, well, the Batman and his faithful sidekick," smiled Falcone.

"What do you want, Carmine," said Batman.

"What do I want? What I've always wanted," said Falcone.

"What do you need with a nuclear reactor, since when do you work with terrorists?" said Batman, ignoring the gangster.

"I don't give a damn about terrorists, but I knew you would, I used Wang here, I knew if I drew you the right picture, you'd come running," said Falcone.

"I'm sorry, he threatened my daughter," said Wang, he was terrified.

"That's alright Mr. Wang, he won't get away with it," said Batman.

"Ha, that's rather optimistic Batman, considering what I've always wanted is to see you dead," said Falcone, drawing a pistol from his coat.

Falcone never had the chance to level his pistol at Batman's chest, Abuse hit him with full force and dropped him to the floor. Damian slid down on a repelling line and quickly disarmed two gunmen. Falcone's remaining henchmen were too concerned with Abuse to see Damian untie his father and brother. Tim was free first, he raced to Abuse's aide, Damian and Batman set about dispatching the remaining henchmen, when they heard Falcone shout.

"BATMAN!" screamed Falcone.

Most of his henchmen were on the ground, nursing broken bones, but Falcone had his arm around Tim's throat and a gun pointed at his head. Colin moved in and tried to get close to the gangster.

"BACK OFF," shouted Falcone, "Back off or I'll blow his head off."

"Abuse, stand down," Batman ordered.

"Let the boy go Carmine," Batman stated, while Abuse backed away.

"Never, I'm going to kill you then he's next, or maybe I'll let you watch me do him first," said Falcone, as he cocked the hammer of his pistol.

Damian, with lightening quick reflexes, grabbed a Baterang from his belt, he threw it so fast that Falcone didn't see it until it was embedded in his hand. The gangster dropped his gun with a scream, while Tim broke free of the chokehold and ran towards his family. Falcone dove for his gun but a well placed kick to the face, from Batman, rendered him unconscious.

"I'm sorry Batman," said Mr. Wang, when the danger subsided, "I recently discovered that Falcone was responsible for my wife's death, he threatened my daughter, I didn't know what to do."

"I believe you Mr. Wang, go home," said Batman.

"Oh thank you, thank you," said Mr. Wang.

"Go now," said Batman, "he won't be a problem for you anymore but if you're still here when he wakes up, I can't promise anything."

Mr. Wang didn't need any further encouragement, he ran from the building and a moment later, his car could be heard peeling out of the parking lot.

"Robin, are you alright?" asked Batman, as he examined Tim for injuries.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to, er, Robin," Tim smiled.

"This could get confusing," said Bruce, then he turned to Damian, "good job son, let's go home."

Abuse was disappointed to learn that he wouldn't fit in the Batmobile and was forced to ride back to the cave with Damian on the Red Bird. The motorcycle peeled out of the warehouse parking area, Abuse screamed and Damian laughed manically. When they got home, Robbie hugged Damian and Colin, even Tim and Bruce. While everyone else was quick to go upstairs and celebrate, Bruce held Damian behind.

"So, Alfred gave you the uniform," said Bruce.

"He said you thought I was ready," said Damian.

"You are ready, you've been ready for a while, I just wanted to wait a little longer," said Bruce.

"But why?" asked Damian.

"I guess I just wanted my youngest to stay a boy a for a few more months," Bruce smiled.

"Oh," said Damian, "what happens now?"

"Tim is planning to move into an apartment with Conner when they go back to school in the fall, when he does, he wants to go out on his own, like Dick has as Nightwing," Bruce explained, "I'm going to need a new partner and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have then you."

"Thanks father, that means a lot to me," said Damian.

"You're welcome son, I'm very proud of you," said Bruce.

"Thanks," Damian beamed.

"Why don't you get changed and we'll go upstairs," said Bruce.

"Would you think less of me if I said I wanted to wear this for a while," Damian blushed.

"Not at all," Bruce smiled.

When they got upstairs, Alfred, Colin and Tim were making sandwiches with Dick and Barbara, who had finally arrived. They complimented Damian on how great he looked in his new Robin uniform, but he dismissed himself from the impromptu gathering, when he found out Robbie had gone up to his room. When Damian got upstairs, Robbie hugged him tight.

"I missed you this week," said Robbie.

"I missed you too," Damian replied.

"You look amazing in this uniform," Robbie complimented.

"Yeah, it makes me feel, I don't know, I like it," Damian smiled.

"You've earned it," said Robbie, giving him a kiss, "you know, I've never made love to a superhero before."

"I think we can remedy that," Damian grinned, and started to take his cape off.

"No, no," Robbie smiled wickedly, "leave the cape on."

"This is so bad," Damian giggled as he discarded the rest of his uniform, leaving the cape and mask in place.

"You love it," Robbie smirked.

"I love you," Damian smiled.

"And I love you, Robin."

Next: Chapter 9

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