Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Mar 28, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments are always welcome at:

Gotham Prep Episode 5: A Night at the Opera

"Victor Emmanuel has an amazing baritone, the acoustics at Cobblepot Hall should be perfect," said Damian.

"Uh huh," muttered Tim.

Damian was sitting on Drake's dresser, in his tuxedo, absentmindedly swinging his legs back and forth. It was Friday night and Bruce Wayne was taking his boys to a charity benefit, in honor of the United Nations Children's Fund, the UN General Secretary himself was attending. Damian was excited; he couldn't wait to go and had come to Drake's room in the hope of speeding him along.

"Pagliacci is the only Leoncavallo opera that anyone really performs anymore," Damian continued.

"Since when do you like opera anyway?" asked Tim.

"I've always loved the opera, Mommy took me when I was a child and it fascinated me, I love the music" Damian explained.

"That's funny," Tim chuckled, "when did she ever find the time, between your murder training and telling you how perfect you are?"

"My perfect genes aside, I suppose you could consider a night at the opera as training. An assassin must be comfortable rubbing elbows with high society, if he's to blend in and get close to his targets," said Damian.

"But you liked the music, you said so," Tim reminded.

"Yes, it speaks to my soul," Damian sighed.

"I wasn't aware that you had one," Tim chuckled.

"And what about you Drake, you hate the opera don't you, I bet if you had to choose between a night at the opera and watching some sporting event, you'd choose sports, wouldn't you?" said Damian.

"Hmpf," Tim grunted.

"So which would it be opera or a ball game?" Damian pressed.

"If it came down to a game or a night at the opera with you, I'd choose the game, in a heartbeat," Tim hissed.

"Typical American male, no appreciation for the fine arts," Damian scoffed.

"Whatever, Downton Abbey, isn't this opera about a clown?" said Tim, changing the subject.

"Downton Abbey is a place, not a person, you philistine. As for the opera, it's about a troop of traveling actors, Canio plays the role of Pagliaccio, who is, in fact, a clown," Damian explained.

"Uh huh and I thought you hated clowns," said Tim.

"Naturally, but you see, Canio's wife, Nedda, is an adulterous whore, in the end he kills her and he's left alone, shove that up your bulbous, honking nose, clown! "Damian exclaimed, "by the way, can you hurry up, some of us don't want to be late."

Tim had just gotten out of the shower when Damian came into his room. He'd taken his time getting dressed and noticed the curious way in which his little brother watched him put on his tuxedo, but he chalked that up to another of Damian's "charming," little quirks, he figured the brat was just looking for a soft spot to stick a knife. Now he was dressed and struggling with his bowtie, he hated the damn things and had enough trouble tying them when he concentrated, let alone when his brother was nagging at him.

"It would go much faster if you would shut up," said Tim.

Damian sat quietly for a moment but eventually his impatience got the better of him.

"If you'd like, I can tie that for you," Damian huffed.

"Sure, I'm going to give you access to my throat and a weapon to strangle me with," said Tim, "nice try."

"But this is so boring and forever taking," Damian whined, "I promise I won't do anything."

"You know what I want to hear," Tim smirked; he loved to make Damian squirm.

"Fine, I promise that I'll be a good little boy," Damian growled, a disgusted look on his face.

"That's better," smiled Tim.

The two boys met in the middle of the room and Tim bowed his neck slightly for his little brother to tie the bowtie.

"Lower," said Damian, as he fumbled his first attempt at a knot.

"Why aren't you taller, for someone with supposedly perfect genes you're kinda short for 14," Tim huffed.

Damian slipped his foot behind Tim's leg, and then pushed him backwards, he started to fall but Damian pulled on the loose ends of his tie and brought him forward. Tim landed on his knees in front of Damian, just as the younger boy had planned.

"Sorry Drake, one gangly monstrosity is enough for one family, wouldn't you agree?" Damian smirked, "besides, I rather like you like this, groveling on your knees."

"Brat," said Tim, as he reached around and smacked Damian in the back of the head.

Damian fumed and pulled Tim's tie tightly around his throat, cutting off his oxygen supply. Tim, not to be out done, reached out and tickled Damian's ribs, it was an indignity he particularly detested and after a few sharp laughs escaped his mouth, Damian let go of the tie. The two boys both panted for breath and that's when the wrestling match began. Damian jumped at Tim, Tim put the younger boy in a headlock and soon they were rolling around the bedroom floor, muttering curses at each other. Tim was bigger and heavier, he quickly maneuvered Damian on to his stomach and bent him over his knee.

"Drake, what are you doing, unhand me at once!" Damian ordered.

"You've had this coming since the day you got here," said Tim, as he smacked his brother on the rump.

"How dare you!" Damian roared.

Tim laughed manically, he wasn't hurting the boy, at least not his rump, but his ego was getting a thorough bruising. Tim was bringing his hand down again but stopped abruptly when the door opened and Bruce's towering figure stood over them.

"What's going on here?" asked Bruce, bemused at his discovery.

"Just a little tough love," Tim snickered

"Release me, Drake, I'm warning you," Damian threatened.

Tim let him go and both boys scrambled to their feet.

"Father, did you see what he was doing to me?" Damian complained.

"Yes Damian and I'm forced to ask, what were you doing to Tim that made him spank you?" asked Bruce.

"I was just helping Drake with his tie," said Damian, looking sheepishly down at his shoes.

"Uh huh, would you mind if I had a go?" asked Bruce.

Tim walked over to his tall father and Bruce pulled him in close. In a matter of seconds, he had the teenagers bowtie perfectly knotted.

"How's that?" asked Bruce.

"Perfect, thanks dad," Tim smiled.

"Alright, now can we get going please?" said Bruce.

"Sure, come on brat," said Tim, putting his arm around Damian's shoulder, "I told Amy we'd pick her up at 6:30."

"Oh, I almost forgot, she whose, how does it go Drake, nose sticks out like an indie rock band member at a private school?" Damian snickered.

"Dad," Tim whined.

"Damian," Bruce scolded.

"Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a twist, Drake, I'll be good," Damian grinned.

Normally Damian would have shrugged off Drake's offending arm but he was also in a hurry to get to the theater and he thought his father would appreciate the gesture. Besides, it wasn't that he hated Drake; he simply disliked him, even though he had enjoyed watching him dress. Damian and his big brother had been at each other's throats since the day they met and Damian hated to acknowledge that looking at Drake's naked body had filled him with the same warm feeling he got when he thought of Robbie. As for Tim, he put up with a lot of Damian's crap because he was Bruce's blood son and he loved Bruce, and though he hated to admit it, the little brat was cute in a tuxedo.

Alfred drove the Wayne's to the home of Tim's girlfriend, Amy Curtis, in the vintage Rolls Royce limousine that had belonged to Thomas and Martha Wayne. The regal automobile looked out of place in Amy's middle class neighborhood but Damian didn't bother with any jokes about her status. While he could be haughty and a real snob when he wanted, his friendship with Colin Wilkes had taught him to curb his condensations regarding other people's social status. Damian waited in the car while Drake collected his date and introduced Bruce to her parents, when they returned, Bruce climbed into the front seat with Alfred, leaving the kids alone in the back.

"Well, hello there," said Amy, when she found Damian in the back seat.

"Oh, right, uh, Amy, this is my little brother, Damian," said Tim, hoping that Damian would be polite.

"Charmed, I'm sure," said Damian, as he shook her hand coldly.

"Timothy, he doesn't look anything like a pit viper, he's adorable, just like a puppy," said Amy.

"Yeah, a Pit Bull puppy," Tim muttered under his breath.

Damian looked at his brother and his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow but he didn't say anything, just keep your mouth shut and get to the opera, he told himself. Damian couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable Drake looked with Amy, she had her arm wrapped around his and every time she touched him, he bristled. He could see why Drake liked her, she was pretty in a common way, blond and blue eyed, nicely built, and Damian wondered what was making Tim so nervous. Damian had only been romantically involved with Robbie for a couple of weeks but he was perfectly comfortable with him. More importantly, he was a little brother, he had a duty and at present, that duty was to make Drake as uncomfortable as possible. Call it payback for the spanking incident.

"I'm so glad you invited me tonight, Timothy, this is so exciting, I've never been to an opera before," Amy gushed.

"Yeah, it should be really nice, Damian says the acoustics in the hall are almost perfect," said Tim, glad for the break. Amy had spent most of the ride telling him how handsome he was in his tuxedo.

"You know Amy, Timothy tells me you're a big fan of poetry," said Damian, flashing an evil grin at Drake.

"Oh yes, it's so romantic," Amy sighed.

Tim sat in his seat and scowled at Damian, the look on his face clearly communicated, "you better not," but Damian paid it no heed.

"That's wonderful, Timothy has such a poetic soul, have you ever read any of his work?" asked Damian.

"No, I didn't know that you wrote poetry. Timothy, why didn't you ever say anything?" asked Amy.

"Uh, well, I uh," Tim stuttered.

"Oh dear, I've really stepped in it," said Damian, "You're so shy sometimes, Timothy, but you really should share your gift, especially that poem you wrote for Amy."

"You wrote me a poem?" Amy exclaimed.

"Uh, uh," stuttered Tim.

"Won't you recite some for us, it was so lovely," Damian grinned manically.

"I uh, don't remember it off the top of my head," Tim blushed.

"It was so moving, let me see if I can remember how it goes..." said Damian.

"Damian, don't," Tim threatened.

"She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes: thus mellowed to that tender light, which heaven to gaudy day denies," said Damian, cribbing lines from Lord Byron.

"Oh Timmy Bear, that's beautiful," said Amy, she threw her arms around him and kissed him hard on the cheek.

Tim glared at Damian, who had to suppress his glee. Before Damian could cause any more havoc in the back seat, they pulled up to Cobblepot Hall. Bruce hopped out of the car and Damian dashed to his side, least Drake get a hold of him when their father was distracted. Tim helped Amy out of the car, noticing that she was dazzled by the bright lights and flashing bulbs of the photographers.

"It's about time you got here, what was the hold up?" asked Dick, as he joined his family.

Dick Greyson-Wayne was Bruce's right hand man at Wayne Enterprises, he'd arrived early and had made the rounds among the VIP's but he knew they were all waiting to see Bruce. Bruce would be presenting a $10 million dollar check to the General Secretary, for the UN Children's Fund, on behalf of the Wayne Foundation, during the opera's intermission.

"The boys were dealing with a wardrobe malfunction," Bruce snickered.

"Honestly, sometimes you girls are like the little sisters I never had, always primping," Dick teased.

Tim quickly introduced his date to Dick, and then the family made their way up the long stone stairs that lead to the Hall's grand entrance. At the top of the stairs, Damian looked around and noticed that beyond the media horde, there were a couple of small groups of protesters. The UN had recently failed to come to terms on a treaty limiting world carbon emissions and it looked like a small contingent of the issues protagonists and antagonists had gathered to share their opinions with the General Secretary. Damian was pulled away from his examination of the crowd when Dick put a hand on his back and herded him inside.

Dick quickly conducted his family through security but Damian was unimpressed. As an acolyte of the League of Shadows, he'd been trained to spot the holes in any security system and he was sure that if he'd been assigned to take out the General Secretary, he'd be filling out his toe tag now. As soon as they passed through the metal detector, Bruce was swarmed by reporters and society singles hopping to land a date with Gotham's most eligible bachelor. Tim, in a hurry to get away from Damian, before he said something else to Amy, guided his date into the reception, but Damian wasn't interested, he pulled Dick aside.

"Greyson, this security is a joke, I could kill the General Secretary with a straw and some spit balls before any of these clowns even knew what happened," said Damian, gesturing at the agents of the Diplomatic Security Service, their metal detectors hadn't even picked up the two butterfly knives he was currently carrying.

"You really do have a charming outlook on life, little brother," Dick smiled.

"Mommy taught me to always be prepared, what if something happened? Wouldn't it look bad for dad, and our company, if a world leader was assassinated at a charity event we hosted?" said Damian.

"It would, I'll give you credit, you definitely have an eye for details but you're missing one," said Dick.

"No, no, I don't miss details, I'm telling you, this security setup is a joke," Damian bristled.

"I agree, good thing Batman, Robin and Nightwing are all in the audience, not to mention the police commissioner," Dick winked.

"Oh, oh I see, well played Greyson, well played," Damian smiled.

"Dick, there you are," called a woman's voice.

Dick and Damian turned and found a beautiful woman with flowing red hair and vibrant blue eyes rolling over to them in her little black dress and wheelchair.

"Hi Babs I'm so glad you made it," said Dick, just before he bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek.

"Someone had to accompany my father and this beats watching reruns of Smallville with my cat," she smiled.

"Damian, this is my girlfriend, Barbara Gordon, Babs, this is my baby brother, Damian," said Dick, he stood behind Damian and put his arms around the boy's shoulders, while making the introductions.

Damian was in awe of Barbara, she was beautiful but her beauty didn't really do much for him, he liked Robbie, even if he was just figuring out what gay was. What drew Damian to Barbara was her wheelchair, to his way of thinking; the handicapped were like children, innocent to the evils of the world. He was about to learn an important lesson about appearances.

"I'm not a baby, Greyson," Damian scoffed, and slapped Dick's hands away.

"Of course not, my bad," Dick grinned.

"It's nice to meet you Damian, Dick's told me so much about you," Barbara smiled.

Damian took the woman's hand and knelt down beside her chair, like an obedient pet. Dick was completely surprised; he'd never seen Damian do anything so submissive, it was almost sweet.

"What happened to you, how did you end up in this chair?" asked Damian, his expression almost childlike, as he stroked Barbara's hand with his thumb.

"Damian, don't be rude," Dick admonished.

"No it's quite alright," said Barbara, "I was shot in the line of duty, I'm a police officer."

"Don't be modest Babs," said Dick, "She's a highly decorated police officer, she was shot by the Joker."

"Well, I don't like to toot my own horn," Barbara smiled.

"How are you able to be a police officer if you can't walk?" asked Damian.

"I'm in technical support now," said Barbara, "I'm a computer expert and I oversee the department's IT section."

"You're amazing," said Damian, as he stood up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Well thank you Damian, that was very sweet," Barbara smiled, "I'll see you boys later, I see my father looking at a loss for words with the mayor's wife."

"She is wonderful," Damian exclaimed to Dick, once Barbara rolled away.

"I'm glad you approve, kiddo," Dick smiled.

"She fought the Joker, he shot her and she still fights crime, that's badass," said Damian.

"I'll be sure to tell her you think so," Dick chuckled "why don't you go grab a drink or something to eat, I need to introduce dad to the General Secretary."

"Yes, ok, you have work to do, I understand," said Damian, excusing himself to explore the hors de'oeuvres.

"Remember," said Dick, "I'll be with dad and the General Secretary, in the presidential box, you and Tim are in box 3, be good ok?"

"I'll be on my best behavior," Damian grinned.

"You know what I mean, leave Tim and his date alone," said Dick.

"I promise to behave," said Damian, though his fingers were crossed behind his back.

"You're a good boy, Damian, when you want to be," Dick smirked.

"Thank you Greyson, you're a good boy too," said Damian, returning the smirk.

It was still 20 minutes before the curtain was scheduled to go up so Damian grabbed some crab puffs and tried to hide in a corner and watch the other guests. That was easier said than done, Damian was still getting used to the celebrity status that being a Wayne afforded him in Gotham City, a group of eager young socialites surrounded him in the hopes that they might endear themselves to the boy and thus his wealthy and available father. Damian listened to the women babble as he ate his snack but he wasn't a great one for small talk, he found it was easier to dismiss the small group with a well aimed barb.

"So Damian, what's your father's relationship status these days, I'd love to have you all over to dinner sometime," said Ms. Vivian Vandercot.

"Single, and staying that way I'm afraid, he does tire of the silicon chest gang," said Damian, "although one of you could come in handy in case of a plane crash over water, any of you would do."


"Well, I never."

"All that money and such atrocious manners."

Once the ladies, affronted by Damian's accusations regarding their personal endowments, dispersed, he was free to people watch. His thoughts turned to Robbie and how much fun this event could have been if he'd been able to bring him along. Damian pulled out his phone and started taking pictures; he thought that if Robbie couldn't be here, he might enjoy looking at the photos. Damian accidently activated the photo recognition app that Robbie had designed but rather then turn it off; he used it as an instrument to learn more about all these strangers.

"Abby Hollingsworth, Director, Gotham Children's Museum," said the phone, as Damian snapped a photo of a rather severe, horse faced woman.

"Gabriel Ryan, Congressman, United States House of Representative, known alcoholic and letch," the phone went on.

"Good evening Mr. Wayne," said a deep voice.

Damian looked up and found the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Lucius Fox, walking up to him.

"Hi Mr. Fox, how are you?"

"I'm quite well, are you enjoying the festivities young man?" asked Fox.

"I can't wait for the show to start, it should be fantastic," Damian replied.

"You like the opera, do you?" asked Fox.

"Sure, I was raised on it, my mother loves the opera," said Damian.

"Excellent, it's nice to meet a young man with an interest in the fine arts," said Fox, "what's that you've got there?"

"Oh, just my iPhone, I was taking pictures for my friend, he invented this facial recognition application and I was testing it out," Damian explained.

"Interesting, would you mind showing me how it works?" asked Fox.

"No not at all," Damian replied.

He snapped several pictures and his phone identified each of the individuals and gave whatever personal information was available in the database.

"That's ingenious," Mr. Fox laughed, "you tell your friend he needs to come and talk to me sometime, we could use a man like him at the office."

"Thank you sir, I'll do that," said Damian, as he snapped one last picture.

Damian had taken a shot of a large group gathered near the bar, he was putting his phone away, while the facial recognition app was still running, that's when he heard something unexpected.

"Dr. Pamela Isley, AKA Poison Ivy, wanted, regard as extremely dangerous," said the phone.

"What was that?" asked Mr. Fox.

"Uh, nothing," said Damian, covering the speaker with his hand.

"Indeed, well, enjoy the opera Mr. Wayne," said Mr. Fox, taking his leave.

Alone again, Damian pulled out his phone and looked at his last picture; there were ten people in it, four men and six women. He ran the facial recognition app again and there was the name, Dr. Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy. The problem was that Robbie had designed the application for individuals, not groups, the phone listed everyone in the picture but there was no way to tell which of the six women was Dr. Isley. Damian pressed 2, the speed dial button designated for Robbie, then waited for the call to connect.

"Hi Boyfriend," Robbie giggled in greeting.

"Robbie, come on," Damian whined.

"Ok, ok, what's up DW?" asked Robbie.

"What are you doing?" asked Damian.

"You know, just hangin out, video games, Red Bull, Snowballs..." Robbie began.

"I get it, your usual Friday night," said Damian, "how quickly can you get to Cobblepot Hall?"

"I don't know, twenty minutes, why what's up?" asked Robbie.

"I can't talk about it over the phone, grab Colin and come to the will call window, I'll leave ticket's for you there, text me when you get in, and bring your laptop," said Damian.

"Ok, I'm on my way," said Robbie.

With the call concluded, Damian strode over to the ticket office and bought tickets for Robbie and Colin, with instructions for them to be left at will call. No sooner had he replaced his wallet in his pocket, the lights dimmed, alerting the guests to take their seats. He spotted Drake and Amy and joined them as they headed for their box seats.

"Hi ya Timothy," Damian smiled wickedly.

Drake rolled his eyes and led his date and his brother to their seats. The curtain rose and the prologue began with Tonio dressed as his comedy character, Taddeo, singing about humanity and the feelings of actors. Damian kept checking his watch, someone like Poison Ivy didn't just go out for a night at the opera, not an event like this, this event was ripe with targets. He needed Robbie, there was no way to determine which of the women from the photo was Poison Ivy without his technical support. He checked his watch again and fidgeted in his seat until he felt his phone vibrate in his breast pocket.

"Hey cutie, I'm here, meet me in the mezzanine level bathroom," read the text message.

Damian rolled his eyes in the dark, then got up and tried to slip out of the box unnoticed. He was almost there when Tim grabbed his wrist.

"Not so fast, where are you going?" Tim demanded.

"To take a leak, you wanna hold it for me?" Damian retorted.

Tim blushed and let go of his brother's wrist.

"Don't screw around, hurry back," said Tim.

"Why, don't you want some time alone with Amy?" asked Damian, "you know kissy, kissy, oh Timothy, you're so wonderful."

"Just hurry it up, ok?" Tim sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be quick," said Damian.

He almost felt bad for Drake, he couldn't' understand why he didn't want to be alone with the girl he'd invited. Damian thought taking Robbie to the opera would make a wonderful date, which reminded him, he needed to hurry down to the restroom. With all of the audience focused on the stage, the halls were quiet, Damian quickly reached the mezzanine level bathroom and slipped in quietly. The room was empty, he looked under the stalls for feet and didn't see any.

"Robbie, where are you," said Damian, in a loud whisper.

Damian heard a muffled giggle and started walking down the line of stalls, he was almost to the handicapped stall when Robbie jumped out and grabbed him. Robbie was dressed in his black suit and a bowtie, he looked amazing but Damian didn't get a chance to say so, Robbie planted his lips against his. This wasn't the time or place for a kiss and Damian tried to resist, but Robbie's touch was so gentle, it made him feel so good, he couldn't help but relax his lips and welcome the kiss with a gentle whimper.

Robbie loved that little noise. For all his bravado and tough guy act, Damian was still only a boy, just learning about his tender side. Robbie had discovered the little whimpering sound a few days after their first kiss, he'd surprised Damian then too and was rewarded with the cute little noise. When he pulled away, breaking the kiss, Robbie stood back and grinned at Damian, while he caught his breath.

"I wish you wouldn't just do that," Damian admonished, "Someone might have seen."

"Oh relax, all these geezers are too busy watching the show to care about us, besides, I heard you come in alone and I checked the room when I got here," Robbie explained.

"Why are you all dressed up?" asked Damian.

"Why wouldn't I be? You called and said to rush down to the opera, did you want me to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt for our date?" said Robbie.

"Date? No Robbie, I..." Damian began.

"Relax DW, I'm just messing with you, I just put this on so I'd blend in," said Robbie.

"Right, sorry, this you and me together, it's very new and very different for me," Damian explained.

"It's ok, I promise I won't do anything to out you if you're not ready, that would be a real dick move," said Robbie.

"Thanks," Damian blushed, "anyway, where's Colin?"

"I forgot it was his night to volunteer at the orphanage, I would have called him but I figured the kids needed him more than us," Robbie explained, "that ok?"

"Yeah its fine, it would have been pretty hard to keep Abuse hidden in here anyway," Damian agreed.

"So what am I doing here anyway?" asked Robbie.

"Did you have any problems getting through security?" asked Damian.

"Security, what security?" asked Robbie, a confused expression on his face.

"Exactly, the UN General Secretary is here and the security is a joke, I've only counted about ten DSS agents and a few cops, they didn't even find the butterfly knife I keep in my shoe, when I went through the metal detector," said Damian.

"Ok, so what's this got to do with us?" asked Robbie.

"I think the General Secretary might be in danger, I was taking pictures at the reception, before the opera started, and I had your facial rec app on, it picked up a wanted criminal, Poison Ivy," said Damian.

"Awesome, it works, did you tell your dad?" asked Robbie.

"No, there's a problem, a couple of problems actually. First, it was a group picture, six women and I don't know which one is Poison Ivy, and secondly, you know how my father feels about me getting involved in this kind of stuff, he'd have just gotten pissed," said Damian.

"Crap, I never thought of group shots, I figured we'd just zoom in on individuals we needed to ID," said Robbie.

"I would have but the group dispersed before I got the chance," Damian explained.

"Ok, but I still think you should have mentioned it to your dad," said Robbie.

"Look, if we can figure out what's going on, I'll tell him and let him handle it, but if I'm going to get in trouble over this, I'd at least like some useful information to give him," said Damian.

"Alright, that's fair, what do you want to do?" asked Robbie.

"Did you bring your laptop?"

"Don't leave home without it," Robbie smiled and gestured at the messenger bag he'd placed on the floor.

"Ok, can you break into the Gotham PD network and run this picture against their database, see if we can determine which of these women is Poison Ivy?" asked Damian, as he pulled out his phone and emailed the picture to Robbie.

"I can do that in my sleep," Robbie grinned, "got a place for me to work?"

"Consider this your corner office," said Damian, gesturing at the handicapped stall, "I have to get back to the opera before Drake gets suspicious."

"Didn't he bring his girlfriend, I figured they'd be busy making out," Robbie smiled.

"I don't know what his deal is, she's all over him and he looks like he wants to push her down and run home," said Damian.

"Alright, so you're going back to the opera while I sit in a toilet doing all the work, this is a crappy date, DW, pun intended," Robbie grinned.

"I told you it's not a date," said Damian, rolling his eyes.

"I know, I know, I'm just giving you a hard time, get going," said Robbie.

"Alright, text me as soon as you've got something," Damian instructed, then walked out of the room.

When Damian got back to his seat, he had to stifle his laughter. Drake's hair was disheveled, there was lipstick at the corner of his mouth, his bowtie was askew and he had a look on his face like he'd been hit by a bus. Amy was coiled around her arm, resting her head on his shoulder and purring like a kitten while she watched the action on stage. Canio was just warning the audience that he may play the role of the foolish husband on the stage but in real life he would not tolerate any man making advances on Nedda.

"What the hell took you so long," Tim whispered to Damian.

"I told you I really had to go," said Damian, "what happened to you?"

Tim looked over at his girlfriend, then back to his brother, before looking down at his shoes.

"Nothing," Tim grumped.

"Come here," said Damian.

Tim turned to his brother with a curious look, as Damian pulled a handkerchief from his inside pocket and gently dabbed the lipstick off of Tim's face. Tim was touched by the tender gesture, it was one of the things that annoyed him about Damian. Damian spent most of his time trying to get under Tim's skin, then he'd do something like this and totally confuse his brother. It was hard to be angry with someone when they made up for their bad behavior with innocent little gestures like this or the occasional hug.

"Is that better?" asked Damian.

"Yes thanks," Tim smiled weakly, then turned back to the stage.

For his part, Damian didn't know why he'd just done that. He liked to give Drake a hard time, it was so easy. He tried doing the same thing with Greyson but he was so easy going that most of Damian's barbs didn't stick. Damian assumed it was a family thing, he was allowed to make Drake miserable, but not anyone else. Though he didn't know what the problem with Tim and Amy was, it was obvious Drake was somehow hurting and Damian didn't want to kick him while he was down. Sure, he'd thought of plenty of zingers but in this case, he couldn't bring himself to use them.

Damian settled back in his seat and tried to enjoy the opera. He fidgeted a little when Canio appeared as Pagliaccio, he really did hate clowns, and let his eyes wonder over the audience. From his vantage point in his box seat, he had a great view of the theater and his eyes scanned the faces of the women. One of them was Poison Ivy and she wouldn't be watching the show, she'd be looking for an opportunity, a chink in the armor, where was she? On stage, Canio and Tonio had just interrupted Nedda's affair with Silvio. Silvio fled into the night as Nedda called after him, "I will always be yours!" just as Damian's pocket started to vibrate.

"BATHROOM, NOW!" Robbie's text ordered.

"Where are you..." Tim began, as Damian stood up again.

"I'm sorry, but I've gotta go again," said Damian.

"Damian," Tim groaned.

"I'm sorry," said Damian, sympathetically.

Once he'd escaped from the box, Damian ran down the stairs to Robbie's bathroom command center. He was out of breath when he burst through the door.

"What took you so long?" said Robbie.

"Drake," Damian panted.

"Oh, well come on, I've got something to show you," said Robbie.

Damian followed Robbie into the handicapped stall and found his laptop sitting on the baby changing table.

"Got something?" asked Damian.

"Of course, it took a while to cross reference your photo with the police department's database but I got her, feast your eyes on Poison Ivy," said Robbie, gesturing to the screen.

She was beautiful, her hair was red and it flowed like Barbara Gordon's but her eyes were green. She had a voluptuous body and wore a demure expression on her face, even in her mug shot. Now that he knew who she was, Damian would be able to spot her in a crowd.

"Great job, Backslash," said Damian, clapping Robbie on the back.

"Yeah well, finding her was the easy part, I read her file and we've got problems," said Robbie.

"Gimme the details," Damian ordered.

"She's a nut, an environmental extremist, you know like those guys that blow up research labs to free monkey's or put spikes in trees to kill loggers," Robbie began, "her most likely target is the UN General Secretary, the UN recently failed to come up with a treaty on carbon emissions, did you see the protesters out front?"

"Yes, they were there when we arrived," said Damian.

"Well, even money, she's here to either kill or kidnap the General Secretary," said Robbie.

"Ok, let's see, what should our next move be?" said Damian, almost to himself.

"DW, you said you'd tell your dad," Robbie reminded him.

"Yeah, you're right, I guess we're just not prepared to handle this on our own," Damian agreed, "What time is it?"

"It's 8:30," said Robbie, checking his watch.

"Ok, the first act is almost over, I'll approach father at intermission, before he makes the check presentation," said Damian.

"Good, in the mean time, take this and put it in your ear," said Robbie, handing him a small radio earpiece, "I stuck a pin hole camera in the reception hall, once the guests file in, I'll scan the room for Poison Ivy, if I find her, I'll radio you and you can tell your dad where she is."

"Ok, will you be able to hear me?" asked Damian.

"Of course, this is high tech stuff, Wayne Enterprises just sold a bunch of these to the army, for special-forces," Robbie winked.

"I'm so glad your dad brings his work home with him," Damian winked.

"Hey DW?" asked Robbie.


"We've got a couple of minutes before intermission, would it be ok if I kissed you again?" asked Robbie.

Damian looked around nervously, though obviously there was no one in the handicapped stall to see them.

"Ok," Damian nodded.

Robbie stepped up to Damian and put his hand on his cheek, the touch brought a small smile to Damian's face.

"You're so cute when you smile," said Robbie.

"Assassins aren't supposed to be cute," Damian smirked.

"But it's such a good disguise," said Robbie, "who would expect a cute boy with big blue eyes and a winning smile?"

"Robbie," Damian giggled.

"Shhh," said Robbie, as he ran his fingers through Damian's hair and brought their lips together.

The boys put their arms around each other and Damian submitted to Robbie's assault on his lips. Robbie was gay and openly so, though Damian hadn't known it until their first kiss. Robbie explained that he never lied about his sexuality to anyone who asked, but he also didn't talk about it all the time, he described himself as an "executive homosexual," not a flamer. Damian had never been trained to be gay, or straight even, he knew about sex from a biological standpoint but he'd never really grasped that it was supposed to feel good. Damian was supposed to be a leader, it was woven into the fabric of his DNA, it was in his breeding, but since that first kiss, he'd let Robbie take the lead in their relationship, as it related to sex, with the proviso that they take it slow.

Robbie kissed Damian for a long moment, then pushed his tongue forward. Damian accepted Robbie's tongue into his mouth and caressed it with his own then gently sucked on it as he'd been taught. He held tightly to Robbie's small frame and enjoyed the closeness, the feeling of Robbie's heart beating against his own. It was the closeness, the intimacy that Damian enjoyed most of all, mommy had always hugged him, made him feel special, but this was a new kind of love and he was unprepared for how good it made him feel. Eventually and with great regret, Damian had to push Robbie away, a couple of men had come into the restroom, intermission had begun.

"I'm sorry, I have to go find father," Damian apologized, and genuinely meant it.

"It's ok, we've got work to do, go get em baby," Robbie smiled and patted Damian on the butt.

With one final giggle, Damian slipped out of the handicapped stall and followed the men from the bathroom into the reception hall. The theater seated nearly 800 people and most of them were swarming around the food and drinks, others were gathered in knots of conversation and while Damian searched for Bruce, he could hear Robbie whispering into his earpiece.

"Did I tell you how cute you look in your tuxedo tonight?" said Robbie.

"Robbie stop it, I'm trying to concentrate," said Damian.

"That kiss was so hot, I love the way you suck on my tongue, my greedy little piglet," Robbie chortled.

"HAHAHAHA," Damian snorted, he'd burst into laughter and the crowd around him wondered what was so funny, he was, after all, alone.

"Gotcha," Robbie giggled.

"Damn it, quit doing that, you made me look like an idiot," said Damian, his giggling making it hard to sound angry, "besides, aren't you supposed to be looking for Poison Ivy?"

"Yeah, sorry, I couldn't help myself," said Robbie.

"It's ok, anyway, do you have a 20 on my father, I can't seem to find him," said Damian.

"Twenty?" asked Robbie.

"Location, do you see him anywhere?" said Damian, rolling his eyes for the benefit of a passing waiter.

"Oh, sorry, no," said Robbie.

"It's ok, I got him," said Damian, as he spotted his father's tall frame.

Bruce was standing near the entrance, chatting with Commissioner Gordon and his daughter, Barbara, Dick was right at his side. Damian went to his father and patiently waited for a lull in the conversation, before long, Barbara's cell phone started to ring.

"Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen," said Barbara.

"Father, may I speak with you and Grayson for a moment, please?" said Damian, politely.

"Damian, can't you see we're talking with Commissioner Gordon?" said Bruce.

"It's all right," said Barbara, as she wheeled herself back, "I need to talk to dad for a minute; some hacker broke into the police network."

"Oh, will you excuse us?" said the Commissioner.

"Of course Commissioner," said Bruce.

"Alright, what is it Damian?" asked Bruce, once Dick had led them to a quiet corner.

"Look, I wasn't trying to get into trouble or anything..." Damian began.

"Damian, what did you do now?" Bruce sighed.

"Nothing, it's just, well, I was taking pictures with my iPhone and I had Robbie's facial recognition app on and..." Damian continued.

"Facial recognition app? What is Robbie doing with..." said Dick.

"Story for another time, Greyson, Poison Ivy is here," said Damian.

"What, are you sure?" asked Bruce.

"I'm positive, I can ID her and I think she's here to kill or kidnap the General Secretary," Damian explained.

"Pamela's here?" asked Dick, somewhat dreamily.

"Uh yeah, Dr. Pamela Isely, you know, Poison Ivy," said Damian, somewhat confused by Dick's behavior.

"Do you know where she is, son?" asked Bruce.

"Not exactly, I haven't found her yet, she's among the audience," said Damian.

"Oh wonderful, I wonder if she's got a date," said Bruce, with that same dreamy look.

"What the hell?" asked Damian.

"Listen Dami, why don't you stay here and play with Dick and I'll see you after the show," said Bruce, tilting his head back and sniffing at the air as though it were perfumed.

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? Leave me to babysit and have Pamela all to yourself? No way," said Dick.

"Are you two out of your damned minds?" Damian exclaimed.

But they ignored him. Well, Bruce patted him on the head but then his father and his older brother dispersed into the crowd, each with the same dopey, drunken look on their face.

"Robbie, it's Damian, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I read you," said Robbie, "no sign of Poison Ivy yet, what did your dad say?"

"First off, make sure you disconnect from the police network, they know it's been hacked, and as for dad, well, I don't know exactly," said a confused Damian.

"How did you find that out?" said Robbie.

"I'll tell you later, just do it ok?" Damian exclaimed.

"Shit, ok, I'm out, sorry. I was in a hurry so I didn't use the usual protocols to hide my presence. Anyway, what do you mean you don't know?" asked Robbie.

"Well, I told father and Greyson what was going on and instead of acting like they wanted to catch her, well, it was weird, they didn't seem interested in that at all, they got this stupid look on their faces and..." Damian tried to explain.

"Hold on, I'm looking at her file, shit I missed something," said Robbie.

"What is it?" asked Damian, impatiently.

"Chemical weapons," said Robbie.

"What?" Damian demanded.

"Poison Ivy, she uses chemical weapons, evidently her body produces pheromones that make people susceptible to mind control," Robbie explained, "is anyone else acting funny?"

Damian looked around the room and noticed that most of the men wore the same dopey look that Bruce and Dick had worn, most of them except Drake. Damian spotted Tim near one of the drink tables and he still looked miserable.

"Yeah, Robbie, most of the men in the room look like they're high on something," Damian explained.

"How do you feel?" asked Robbie.

"I'm fine," said Damian.

"You don't feel distracted or disoriented, slow or unable to focus?" asked Robbie.

"No, I'm good, I don't think it's affecting me," said Damian.

"Maybe it doesn't work on gay guys," Robbie offered.

"I saw Drake, it doesn't look like it's working on him either," said Damian.

"Ever stop and think that's why he's not having much fun with his date?" said Robbie.

"Drake? You think he's..." Damian began.

"Subject for another date DW, I got a 20 on Poison Ivy, you're going to have to take her out," said Robbie.

"Where is she?" asked Damian.

"She's heading for the drink table, southwest corner of the room, shit the General Secretary is there, so is your dad," said Robbie.

Damian looked over and spotted the red headed woman, it was the same table where he'd seen Drake. Tim was still there but he didn't see her, didn't know what was going on. Poison Ivy was lurking near the table, there was a pyramid made of champagne glasses there and the General Secretary was just feet away. Damian moved as fast as he could without running but he wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do. He saw Poison Ivy release a few drops into the amber liquid, it seemed to flow throughout the pyramid and give off a flash of color that would have gone unnoticed, had he not been looking directly at it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I want to thank Bruce Wayne and the Wayne Foundation for their generous contribution of $10 million dollars to the United Nations Children's fund, won't you join me in a toast?" said the General Secretary, as he reached for a glass of champagne.

Damian didn't know what to do, he looked over at Drake and realized he didn't have a choice, he hip checked his brother, forcing him to tumble over and knock the champagne pyramid to the ground. Tim lie sprawled out on the floor, there was broken glass everywhere and the crowd burst into laughter as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Well that's alright," laughed the General Secretary, as he took a glass from a passing waiter instead, "To Bruce Wayne!"

As the audience raised their glasses, Tim was humiliated, people were still laughing and even Amy had pulled away, preferring to blend into the crowd, rather than face the embarrassment of being seen with him. Tim wiped a tear from his eye, then looked around for Damian. He knew there was only one person who would have done this to him and he'd spotted his little brother sneaking around the table just before the incident had taken place. Damian was scanning the crowd, he'd lost sight of Poison Ivy during the conflagration, and he didn't notice Tim until the older boy's hand clamped down on the scruff of his neck and he felt himself being forced towards the bathroom.

The Wayne brothers entered the bathroom but Tim didn't stop, he marched all the way to the back wall and forced Damian up against it, then drew his fist back.

"Look, Drake I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Damian pleaded.

"Fuck you Damian, you know I'm not having a great night, then you acted all nice so I'd let my guard down just so you could make me look like an asshole in front of the whole city," Tim shouted.

"It's not like that Drake, I know I don't have the best track record but..." Damian spluttered.

"I've put up with you, I've tried being nice to you, I don't know why you like Dick so much and hate me but I'm sick of it, you've had this coming for a long time, I'm going to kick your ass," said Drake.

Tim had his fingers around Damian's throat, pressing him against the wall. He drew back his fist and was about to strike the younger boy, when he heard a click and saw the door to the handicapped stall open.

"I'm sorry Tim, I can't let you do that, I can't let you hit him," said Robbie, as he stepped out of the stall and pressed his taser under Tim's armpit.

"Robbie, you're gonna tase me?" asked Tim, in a disappointed tone.

"I really don't want to, but I can't let you hurt Damian," said Robbie.

"He's got it coming," said Tim.

"Maybe so, but he's my friend," said Robbie.

"Drake, it's not what you think, just let me explain," said Damian.

"Alright, it looks like I don't have a choice," said Tim, as he released his brother from his grasp and took a step back.

"I'm sorry," Robbie repeated, as he slipped the taser back into his pocket.

"I'm not mad at you, you were just being his friend," said Tim, then he turned to Damian, "Ok, explain."

"Poison Ivy is here, I think she's trying to kill the General Secretary," said Damian.

"What? You saw her?" asked Tim.

"I picked her up in a group photo I shot with my iPhone, she got pinged by Robbie's facial recognition app and he cross referenced the photo with the police department's database," Damian explained, "it's her."

"We have to tell dad and Dick," said Tim.

"I tried that, I think she drugged them, everyone in fact. If you look at all the men here, they all look like they're drunk or something, everyone but the three of us," said Damian.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" asked Tim.

"I would have, I went to father and Grayson first, I would have come to you next but she made a move, she put something in the champagne," said Damian.

"I didn't see anything," said Tim.

"You would have but you were looking the wrong way," Damian explained, "I saw her slip something into the champagne, it flashed this weird color and then the General Secretary reached for a glass, that's when I pushed you."

"It sounds like Poison Ivy lives up to her name, I wonder why we haven't been affected by whatever chemical she's used on the rest of the men?" said Tim.

"It's probably because the three of us are..." Robbie began.

"That's not important right now, what is important is that we're not impaired and we have to come up with a plan before she makes another attempt on the General Secretary," Damian interrupted, and shot Robbie a dirty look.

"You think she will?" asked Tim.

"Drake, I was trained to be an assassin, she missed her target but she wasn't apprehended, if it was me, I'd take another run at it, I wouldn't just give up," said Damian.

"Alright, I'll concede that point, do you have a plan in mind?" asked Tim.

"We haven't gotten that far yet," said Damian, "I brought you up to speed on everything."

"Ok, I think I have an idea, can you two wait here for a minute?" said Tim.

"Yes," said Damian.

"I mean it, Damian, don't leave this room," said Tim.

"Don't worry about us, we'll wait," said Robbie.

Tim gave Damian a dubious look, but he had no choice but to trust his little brother.

"Wow, he's really upset," said Damian, once Tim was gone.

"Well, he has a point DW, you haven't really been nice to him and he's done a lot for you," said Robbie, "you know he probably saved your life when you had your appendix taken out."

"I know, I, I feel bad," Damian admitted.

"That's ok, that's a good thing," said Robbie.

"How do you figure that?"

"You're growing, Damian, the DW I met when school started wouldn't give a shit about Tim's feelings," Robbie explained.

"No, I guess not," Damian agreed, "but I'll have to deal with that later, for now, could you please not tell him you think he's gay, he's already upset, I don't want to make it worse."

"Right, I'm sorry about that, I really didn't think before I started to say that, you know how I am," Robbie blushed.

"What a shitty night, I love the opera, this was supposed to be fun," Damian sighed.

"Hey, the night is young, we found a bad guy and we're going to kick her ass, that'll make you feel better, right?

"Yeah, I guess so," Damian grinned.

While Damian and Robbie waited in the bathroom, Tim walked down to the holding area where all the limousines were parked while their well to do owners enjoyed the opera. The media that had gathered for the arrival of all the VIP's was gone and only a handful of protestors remained. Tim was still upset with Damian, he believed his little brother could have handled the situation differently and he was tired of being the constant target of his derision but he put his feelings aside for the moment, there would be time for that later. Tim saw Alfred chatting over coffee with some of the other chauffeurs, he snuck passed them and popped the trunk of the Rolls Royce with a spare key. When he returned to the bathroom, he was carrying a small black briefcase he'd extracted from the trunk.

"What's that?" asked Damian.

"Tools of the trade," said Tim, "come on, let's get going."

"Where are we going?" asked Robbie.

"Robbie, I want you to take this," said Tim, pulling a folded note from his breast pocket, he'd scribbled it before returning to the bathroom, "Find Barbara Gordon and give it to her, she'll know what to do."

"Ok, I'm on it," said Robbie, as he dashed out of the bathroom.

"What about me?" asked Damian.

"You come with me," said Tim.

Damian followed Tim up staircase after staircase, they followed a winding path and eventually reached the scaffolding and rafter work high above the concert hall. From their vantage point, Tim and Damian had a view of the stage and the audience below.

"What are we doing up here?" asked Damian.

"Well, Poison Ivy isn't going to bide her time in a bathroom like we were, she's probably trying to blend in with the audience," Tim explained.

"And from this vantage point, we should be able to spot her," said Damian.

"Exactly," said Tim.

Tim knelt on the grate and opened the case he'd brought along with him, he extracted a small package and handed it to Damian.

"What's this?" asked Damian.

"Rule number one, we always disguise our faces, you remember what happened when dad used your real name in that dive bar, bad things happen when we don't protect our real identities," Tim explained.

"This is your Robin mask," said Damian, as he pulled the mask from its protective covering.

"Actually, that one was Dick's, I've got Jason's too but I thought that one would fit you best," said Tim, as he pulled out his own mask and put it over his face.

"Thanks," said Damian.

The dark green mask activated as soon as it was in placed over Damian's face. Damian blinked a few times and realized that the mask was equipped with a heads up display featuring night, inferred, magnified and enhanced vision.

"This is cool, how do you select?" asked Damian.

"It works kind of like a mouse, pick the option you want then blink twice to select," Tim explained.

"Whoa, Robbie would shit himself if he could see this," said Damian, as he cycled through the different options.

"You can play with it later, right now we need to find Poison Ivy," said Tim, "try setting magnification at ten, scan the faces and see if you can spot her."

"Right, I'm on it," said Damian.

"Got anything?" said Tim, a few minutes later.

"Not so far, I see Amy though," said Damian.

Tim just let out a low sigh.

"Why don't you like her?" asked Damian.

"She's my girlfriend, of course I like her," said Tim.

"You haven't been acting like it, all night you've looked like a deer caught in headlights every time she pays any attention to you," said Damian.

"Well, that's really none of your business, is it?" said Tim.

"Sorry, I was just...wait a sec, I think I got her," said Damian.

"Where?" asked Tim.

"Left side, level 2, third box from the stage," said Damian.

"Got it, yeah that's her," Tim confirmed.

"Ok, so now what do we do?" asked Damian.

"Follow me," said Tim, picking up his case and racing along the scaffolding to the left side of the theater.

The private boxes at Cobblepot Hall were in three levels, each staggered a couple of feet back from the first. As a result of this architectural feature, Tim and Damian were now standing directly over Poison Ivy, they could see her red hair, it looked like a dot far below them.

"What's the plan?" asked Damian, as he looked over the guardrail and into the box below.

"I'm going to lower you over the side," said Tim.

"Come again?" said Damian.

Tim opened his case again and this time he extracted two pairs of dark green, armored gloves. He handed a pair of gloves to Damian, then pulled out a yellow utility belt and fastened it around his waist.

"This belt has a built in wench," said Tim, as he secured a line around Damian's waist, "I'm going to lower you over the side, you'll drop down on Poison Ivy, you grab her and I'll hoist you back up. It'll be so fast, no one will be the wiser."

"I like it," said Damian, as he climbed over the rail, then looked up at Tim, "you won't drop me as payback for what I did to you?"

"No Damian, I guess that's the difference between us, I wouldn't hurt you," said Tim.

"I'm sorry Drake," said Damian, feeling shame for how he'd treated Tim, deep in the pit of his stomach.

"Never mind that now, are you ready?" asked Tim.

Damian looked down then back up at Tim, he let out a deep breath, then nodded his head.


Damian dropped like a stone, it almost felt like free falling but Tim applied the brakes and slowed his descent. Damian landed on his feet like a cat, right in front of Poison Ivy.

"What the..." Poison Ivy began.

Before she could finish her sentence, Damian threw himself at her and wrapped his body around her. Tim watched the action below and when Damian had secured himself around their prisoner, he activated the wench and hauled them to the rafters at breakneck speed. When they reached the top, Damian pushed Poison Ivy over the rail, then climbed over his self. Damian didn't realize how tall the woman was until she got to her feet, he had to crane his neck to look up at her.

"Why Robin, you appear to have shrunk since our last encounter," said Poison Ivy, in her syrupy southern accent.

"He's new," said Tim, stepping out of the shadows.

"A new boy wonder, and such a handsome one," said Poison Ivy.

She smiled sweetly and reached out to stroke Damian's cheek. She ran her hand up and stroked the hair behind his ear, then she emitted a small cloud of perfumed chemicals from her wrist, right under his nose. Damian sniffed at the perfume, it smelled lovely but otherwise it had no effect on him.

"Nice try bitch but you're barking up the wrong tree," said Damian.

"That's no way to talk to a lady," she glowered at him.

"What are you doing here Ivy?" said Tim.

"Can't a girl enjoy an evening at the opera?"

"What did you put in the champagne?" asked Damian.

"Now, now little one, leave a woman her secrets," she smirked.

Tim realized that Poison Ivy wasn't about to give them any useful information, what was important was they had stopped her from carrying out her objective. He reached into his tuxedo and pulled out a zip tie, he secured Ivy's hands behind her back, then he and Damian led her down the back stairs and into an alley behind the theater. When they arrived, they found Robbie standing next to Barbara Gordon and her wheelchair and behind them, a black and white police car and two female officers.

"Barbara Gordon, fancy meeting you here," said Poison Ivy.

"Take her downtown," said Barbara, not bothering to acknowledge the greeting.

The officer's placed Poison Ivy in the back of their car, then the more senior of the two gestured at the two masked boys.

"What about them, lieutenant?" she asked.

"Since when do we trouble good samaritans?" asked Barbara.

The officer nodded her head, then climbed into the cruiser, once they'd driven down the alley and turned at the corner, Tim removed his mask and Damian followed suit.

"I thought we had to keep our faces hidden?" said Damian.

"Not from Barbara, she's family," Tim explained.

"I don't understand," said Damian.

"Damian, before the Joker shot me, I was Bat Girl," Barbara explained.

"I had no idea," Damian exclaimed.

"That's the point of a secret identity," Barbara smiled, "now days I still fight the good fight, only now I'm Oracle."

"Oracle, the computer genius that supports the super-hero's?" said Robbie, his eyes popping out of his head.

"If you know who I am, I'm willing to bet you're the little sneak that hacked my network down at the office this evening," said Barbara.

"At your service, Nerd Goddess," Robbie smiled and bowed theatrically.

"Good boy," Barbara laughed, and ruffled his hair, "now, keep your nose out of my network."

"I'm glad you got my note," Tim interrupted, "I didn't have a plan B, I'm not sure what we would have done had you not been here."

"Anytime red bird," said Barbara, "you know I can't say no to you Wayne boys."

"Thanks," Tim smiled, "we better get back to our seats before someone misses us."

"Yeah, I better get going to," said Robbie, "I don't want to have to climb up to our window in my suit."

After saying their goodbyes, Tim and Damian repacked the Robin masks and the utility belt, then Tim handed the case over to Damian. They retook their seats just in time for the final act. As soon as Tim sat down; Amy once again wrapped herself around him. When the opera ended, the boys met Bruce and Dick in the lobby, they still seemed to be under the effects of Poison Ivy's pheromones, but Tim assured Damian it would wear off.

That night, back in his bed at Wayne Manor, Damian tossed and turned. He couldn't get over the things that Drake had said to him, in the bathroom at Cobblepot Hall, the remarks stung because Damian knew he deserved everyone of them and he felt terrible, knowing that he'd wounded Tim so deeply. When he couldn't take it anymore, he climbed out of bed and padded across the hall to Drake's room, his Great Dane, Titus, was hot on his heels.

"Hey," said Damian, when he let himself into Tim's room.

Tim stood there in just his pajama bottoms, his lithe, muscular body on display. Damian took in the sight, he felt that familiar warm feeling he got from Robbie, but shook it off.

"Hey," Tim greeted in reply.

"Listen, I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that happened tonight," said Damian, as he moved in to hug his brother.

Tim surprised him by blocking the hug and gently but firmly pushing him away.

"No," said Tim.

"No, what do you mean no?" asked a confused Damian.

"I meant what I said in that bathroom, Damian, I'm tired of all the mean and hurtful things you're always saying or doing to me, I'm not going to let you just hug me and pretend all is forgiven," said Tim.

"You really are sensitive, aren't you?" said Damian.

"Sure, make fun of me, what else is new," said Tim.

"I'm not making fun of you," said Damian.

"You've given me nothing but grief from the day I met you, I've tried to be nice, I thought I could be a good brother to you, like Dick's been to me, but for whatever reason you like him and hate me," said Tim.

"I don't hate you," said Damian.

"You must, you're constantly threatening to kill me, you're always telling me how far beneath you I am, and tonight, you humiliated me in front of all of Gotham with that stunt with the champagne glasses," said Tim.

"But, I explained that, I had to do something," Damian exclaimed.

"Yeah and instead of taking the fall yourself, your first instinct was to push me, must have been quite a moment for you, you stopped Poison Ivy's plan and you made me look like an asshole," said Tim.

"I, I didn't think about it like that," Damian muttered.

"Whatever, could you get out of my room, please?" said Tim.

"No," Damian replied.

"No?" said Tim.

"No, not until I make this right, look Drake, er, Tim, the reason I pick on you all the time is because you make it so easy, you get so frustrated and upset. Dick, well he doesn't let my crap bother him so I don't waste my time on him," said Damian, "I didn't realize I was hurting your feelings, I thought I was just acting like a little brother is supposed to."

"Oh yeah? Do you remember the time you sent that knife whizzing past my head, I do, and all the death threats since then," said Tim.

"Ok, I admit it, in the beginning I may have been serious but that's only because I didn't know better, I'm really trying to be a better person," Damian pleaded.

"I don't know Damian, that all sounds nice but what's to stop you from just treating me like crap again if I forgive you?" asked Tim.

"I'm different now, and I think you're different, in fact, I think you might be very special," said Damian.

"Special how?" asked Tim.

"I'm not sure yet, I can't explain it, I just want to try and make things better between us," said Damian.

"Alright, if you're serious then I'll give you one more chance but this is the last one, Damian," said Tim.

"Can I give you a hug now, please?" asked Damian.

"If it means that much to you," said Tim.

Damian threw his arms around Tim and held him tight. Tim was reluctant, he'd fallen for this trick before but at the same time he was a sensitive and forgiving person. In the end, he gave Damian the benefit of the doubt and hugged him back.

"You saved my life Tim, I don't want to hurt you anymore," said Damian.

"So no more nasty remarks?" asked Tim.

"I'll be honest, I can't promise that, but I do promise that I'm just teasing you and not trying to hurt you," Damian admitted.

"Well, that sounds like the kind of relationship most of my friends have with their little brothers, I guess I can live with that," Tim smiled.

The brothers held their embrace for a long time, it was only when Titus snorted and turned to go back to Damian's room, and his nice warm bed, that Damian let Tim go. They said goodnight and each of them went to sleep hoping to turn a new page in their relationship.

On Sunday night, Damian found himself back in his dorm room at Gotham Prep. At lights out, he and Robbie stripped down to their underpants and climbed into bed, they made out for some time and when they stopped to catch their breath, Damian filled his boyfriend in on what happened with his brother.

"I'm glad he talked to you, he was so upset that night," said Robbie.

"He really was, I didn't know I had the capacity to hurt someone so much with words," said Damian.

"Everyone says words can't hurt but that's not true, words can be very hurtful," said Robbie.

"Why do you think he never said anything before?" asked Damian.

"You're his little brother, he probably felt like he had to put up with your crap."

"I guess so, I told him I thought he was special," said Damian.

"Not gay?" asked Robbie.

"I'm not sure if he is or not, I didn't want to offend him," Damian explained.

"He is cute," Robbie giggled.

"Oh yeah, starting to think you picked the wrong brother?" asked Damian, jokingly.

"Maybe, he is taller," Robbie laughed.

"I'll give you taller," Damian threatened, then pounced on Robbie and tickled him without mercy.

The boys rolled around in Damian's small twin bed, their bodies rubbing over and against each other, neither of them could help getting an erection, the problem arose when Robbie reached down and groped Damian.

"Robbie, hey," said Damian, as he rolled away.

"What's the matter?" asked Robbie.

"I, I thought we were going to take things slowly," said Damian.

"We have been and we will, I just wanted to touch you," said Robbie.

"No one's ever touched me there before," Damian blushed.

"Didn't it feel good?" asked Robbie.

"I don't know, you startled me, I couldn't really tell," said Damian.

"DW, you are so cute, do you trust me?" asked Robbie.

"Of course I do," said Damian.

"Then you know I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Damian admitted.

"Then I want you to lie on your back and let me show you something, ok?" said Robbie.

"Ok," said Damian, rolling on his back.

Robbie put his hand on Damian's chest and massaged the firm pectoral muscles under Damian's smooth skin. His hand moved lower, along the centerline of Damian's well defined abs, until it came to rest against the waistband of Damian's white Calvin Klein briefs. Robbie rubbed gently at the soft skin and then slipped his fingers into his lover's underpants. Damian winced when Robbie wrapped his fingers around his erection.

"It's alright," Robbie whispered.

"Yeah, I'm ok," said Damian.

Robbie stroked Damian's erection slowly, then released it and gave his balls a gentle squeeze. He pulled his hand out and then tucked the waistband of Damian's briefs under his balls. Robbie returned to stroking the 5 inch shaft, he rubbed his thumb over the spongey pink head. He looked up at Damian's face and saw him biting his lower lip and murmuring soft little noises while Robbie manipulated him. Robbie smiled at his cute friend and stroked him harder, milking him as if he were a little cow.

"Robbie, something's happening," Damian moaned.

"It's ok, just let it."

"No, I mean, I think I'm going to pee," said Damian.

"DW, you're not going to pee," Robbie giggled.

"Yeah but...ohhhhhh," moaned Damian as he came, his semen bubbling out across his lower belly.

"Wow, oh wow," Damian panted.

"That was your first orgasm, wasn't it?" said Robbie.

"Yeah," said Damian, still catching his breath.

"You're so cute," said Robbie, as he leaned down and kissed Damian on the forehead, "so you liked it?"

"It was better than Twinkies!" Damian exclaimed seriously.

"Oh DW, you have so much to learn," Robbie grinned.

Next: Chapter 6

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