Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Mar 26, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments are always welcome at:

Gotham Prep Episode 3: Abuse

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused," the red headed teen stated glumly.

"Don't blame yourself, Colin, it wasn't your fault," said Batman.

"I should have known they were just using me," said Colin.

"There was no way you could have known," said Batman.

"That guy, the one in the scarecrow mask, is he..." Colin began.

"No, he's not dead, but he'll be out of commission for a while," said Robin, "don't worry about him; if anyone ever had it coming, it was Scarecrow."

"What about the um, stuff he injected me with?" asked Colin.

"It's called Venom, we've seen it before, and it should be out of your system now," Batman explained.

"We're here," said Robin, as they pulled up in front of St. Aiden's Orphanage.

"Home again," Colin sighed, dejectedly.

"I'm sorry, Colin, but this is the only real place for you, at least for the time being," said Batman.

"I know, it's just, you know, lonely," said Colin.

"At least you've got Rory to keep you company," said Robin, handing the boy a scruffy teddy bear.

"Yeah," Colin sniffled, "thanks for saving him too, I know it's silly but..."

"Don't mention it," said Batman, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder, reassuringly.

"Well, I guess I better get going then," said Colin, looking up at the orphanage that had been his home away from foster homes for several years.

"It's going to be alright, Colin, we'll look in on you," Batman assured him.

"Yeah, sure," Colin sighed, then tucked Rory into his hoodie and began the long walk up the stone path to St. Aiden's.

Three weeks later...

Damian tossed and turned in his sleep. He hadn't had a nightmare like this since killing those bastards in that alley, but this was worse. He dreamed of the night he and Robbie had spent tied to chairs in a dark warehouse, their masked captors taunting and threatening them. This time, Batman and Robin didn't come to their rescue, this time Damian wasn't able to break one of their noses, there was no one to untie him and he wasn't able to slice off one of their ears with his butterfly knife. This time he watched as they tortured Robbie.

They started by breaking the boy's fingers and the small blond cried out in pain while Damian strained at his bonds. The masked men laughed at him, then they set about breaking Robbie's toes.

"Help me, Damian, please," Robbie pleaded.

"I can't, Robbie, I can't get loose, I'm sorry," Damian whimpered.

"Not so tough now, are you punk?" said the man in the black ski mask, he grabbed Robbie's arm, then took his hand and snapped his wrist like a chicken's neck.


"Damn you, leave him alone, you don't have to do this, I said I'd cooperate," Damian shouted.

The men just laughed.

"I swear to God, if you don't leave him alone, I'll kill every single one of you," Damian swore, "your mothers will scream in horror when they see what I do to you."

The men just continued to laugh, then one of them handed the man in black an ax.

"What are you going to do with that?" said Robbie and Damian, in unison.

The man in black raised the ax over his head and with one fell swoop he severed Robbie's neck, his blond head rolling around at Damian's feet.

"You just signed your death warrant," said Damian, tears filling his eyes.

"Think again tough guy, you're next," said the man in black.

Damian looked up and saw the ax bearing down, right between his eyes.

Robbie woke with a start; he'd never heard anything like the sounds that were coming from Damian's bed. He got up and walked to his roommate's side, Damian had kicked off his covers, his black hair was drenched and matted to his forehead, he was writhing as though in pain, moaning and whimpering like a wounded animal. Robbie didn't know what to do and before he could make a decision, Damian shot up in bed.

"NO!" Damian shouted, then panted to catch his breath.

"D-DW, are you alright?" asked Robbie.

Damian's head snapped to the left, his eyes locked on Robbie and then he threw his arms around him.

"Hey, it's ok?" said Robbie, putting his hands on Damian's shoulders, his roommate was shaking.

Damian pulled Robbie into bed with him, his arms never loosening around his friend.

"Uh, Damian," said Robbie.

"I don't want to talk about it, just go to sleep, ok?" Damian whispered.

"Ok," Robbie whispered back.

Now it was Robbie's turn to be scared. He didn't know what had come over Damian, obviously something had frightened him, and that frightened Robbie because Damian wasn't scared of anything. Robbie was also nervous about what might happen in the morning. He'd grown increasingly more attracted to his buddy, with his black hair, sparkling blue eyes and athletic body. Now, here he was, in Damian's bed, in Damian's arms and Damian himself in nothing but his briefs. Robbie didn't know what would happen if Damian woke and found him in his arms with an erection.

In that moment, Robbie decided that he didn't care. Damian was an odd duck, he'd never expressed any particular interest in girls, and he'd been totally oblivious to the signals Robbie had been sending him. He had Robbie's gaydar completely jammed and for the moment, Robbie decided to take advantage of the fact that the object of his desire was wrapped securely around him. Robbie stroked Damian's smooth arm and somehow managed to drift off to sleep.

In the morning, Damian was gone. Robbie stretched and climbed out of Damian's bed, he wasn't too concerned; Damian often woke early and went to run or swim laps. Robbie didn't see his roommate until first period and everything seemed normal, so he went about his usual day. For his part, Damian was trying to block last night's dream from his mind; he'd gotten up early and went to the pool, where he swam laps, until he was sufficiently numb.

It was the first Friday of the term that there wasn't a football game, Robbie went straight to his room after class and started in on some serious World of Warcraft playing. He figured he and Damian would grab dinner and hang out later, neither of them was going home that weekend. Robbie was so engrossed in his game that he never heard Damian come in and take off his clothes, then leave for the shower. He didn't hear him come back, didn't hear anything until Damian was finished dressing.

"Well, what do you think?" said Damian.

"Huh," said Robbie, engrossed in his game.

"Would you turn that thing off for a sec," Damian huffed.

"Ok, ok what is it?" asked Robbie as he logged out of his game and turned his chair.

Robbie's eyes almost popped out of his head. Damian was dressed in a black tuxedo; his short black hair was gelled and combed neatly. The tux hugged him just right, showing off his young, developing body but still leaving a little to the imagination.

"So, how do I look?" asked Damian.

Sexy, at least that's what Robbie was thinking, but he thought before saying it.

"You look great, I've never seen your hair combed before," Robbie giggled.

"Shut up," Damian snickered.

"What are you all dressed up for anyway?" asked Robbie.

"Tonight is the banquet for all of the students who won the Wayne Scholarship to attend school this year, fathers making me go," said Damian.

"Cool, can I give you a suggestion?"

"Sure," said Damian.

"Ditch the dress shoes, wear your red Converse," said Damian.

"My sneakers?" said Damian, crinkling his nose.

"Yeah, you're 14, not 40, it'll show people that you have a fun side," Robbie smiled.

"Ok, said Damian, as he sat down to change his shoes, "hey, you wanna come, it's just across campus, at the alumni center."

"Your dad won't mind?" asked Robbie.

"Greyson and Drake are coming, if he can bring his pets, then I can bring you," said Damian.

"Uh, thanks, I think," said Robbie.

"Come on, if you come at least I'll have someone to talk to," said Damian, his face almost pleading.

"Sure, sounds fun, not like I had plans," said Robbie.

Robbie didn't have a tuxedo but he did have a black suit. He quickly changed clothes and picked a nice, tasteful, blue bowtie to go with his outfit.

"Where did you get a tuxedo anyway?" asked Robbie, as he tied his tie.

"Alfred brought it over this afternoon," said Damian, "how come I'm wearing sneakers and you're wearing dress shoes?"

"Because, I'm me and you're, you know, you," said Robbie.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Damian.

"Well, you walk around with that scowl on your face most of the time, I think the sneakers make you seem more approachable, as for me, I just look good," Robbie smiled.

"Fair enough, come on, let's go," said Damian, rolling his eyes.

The Alumni Center at Gotham Prep was an imposing Gothic edifice that the school used for all manner of functions. There were conference rooms and offices for the alumni association but the main feature was the grand ballroom, where the banquet for the Wayne Scholars would be held. Damian was surprised by the scope of the event, the media was everywhere and as he and Robbie made their way into the building, Robbie pointed out some of the leading lights of Gotham City.

"Oh, look, there's the mayor, and that's Commissioner Gordon," said Robbie, pointing out the local officials.

"And that's Mary March, she's on the 6 o'clock news," said Robbie.

"Cool, let's find my father," said Damian.

Damian was slightly overwhelmed; his training having taught him to stick to the shadows, rather than the public eye. Having grown up away from Wayne Manor, he didn't realize that he had celebrity status, in Gotham City, simply by virtue of being born a Wayne. For the first time in his life, Damian was awestruck. Robbie had to suppress his giggles as he watched Damian wander about like a deer caught in headlights. Eventually, Robbie took Damian's hand and guided his roommate through the crowd, like a parent leading a small child.

"Hi Damian," said a familiar voice.

"Greyson, I'm glad to see you," said Damian, "um, where am I supposed to go?"

"Dad was wondering where you were, he sent me to find you, this way," Dick smiled.

There was a small reception for VIP's in a room off the main banquet hall. Dick led Damian and Robbie there, where they found Bruce, waiting with Tim.

"Hello father," Damian smiled.

"Hey kiddo, glad you could finally join us," said Bruce, "and I see you brought Robbie."

"You don't mind do you?" asked Damian.

"Not at all, it's nice to see you, Robbie, you're in fine form this evening," Bruce smiled.

"Hi Mr. Wayne," Robbie waved.

Just then, Tim grew tired of being ignored and cleared his throat to remind his little brother he was there.

"Ah, I'll have a mineral water, waiter, with a slice of lemon if you don't mind," Damian smirked.

"Smartass," Tim muttered.

"Oh, Drake, it's you," Damian grinned wickedly, "I didn't recognize you dressed like that, are you in training for your future career?"

"I could ask you the same thing, with the tux and the sneakers I'm guessing ventriloquists dummy?" Tim retorted.

"Will you two give it a rest, we're a family, let's put on a nice show for the public," said Dick.

"Dick's right, tonight's about the scholarship winners, I don't want you boys making a scene," said Bruce.

"Yes father," said Damian and Tim.

"Excuse me Mr. Wayne, they're ready to begin with the photos," said a female aide.

"Thank you Charlotte," said Bruce, "Robbie, we've got this little thing we have to do, why don't you mingle and enjoy yourself, Damian will meet up with you for dinner."

"Sure, I'll catch you later, DW," said Robbie.

Charlotte Ross was a public relations specialist at the Wayne Foundation, the charitable arm of Wayne Enterprises. She'd set up the reception and the banquet and when it was time for the photo shoot, with the various scholarship winners and important VIP's, she zeroed in on the youngest Wayne.

"Come here cutie," said Charlotte, as she positioned Damian in front of his father, then fixed his hair and straightened his bowtie.

Damian endured her preening with surprisingly good nature. Charlotte babied him like his mother and the boy fell right into her trap, she had kids of her own and knew exactly how to handle boys. He smiled on cue, and behaved like a proper little gentleman the entire time. It was a fast paced event, Charlotte would bring up one scholarship winner, the family would shake hands with him or her, then the picture would be taken and the next victim would be brought forward. Robbie watched from a distance, and when the Wayne's finished taking a picture with an incredibly cute red headed boy, Robbie swooped in.

"Hi, my name's Robbie," he stated, introducing himself to the red head.

"I'm Colin, are you one of the scholarship winner's too?" he asked.

"Nah, my friend brought me," said Robbie, nodding at Damian.

"You know Mr. Wayne's son?" asked Colin.

"Yeah, we're roommates," Robbie smiled.

"That's cool," said Colin, as he tugged uncomfortably at his bowtie.

"You wanna grab something to drink?" asked Robbie.

"Yeah, yeah that would be great," Colin smiled, glad to find someone friendly in this nest of strangers.

Robbie and Colin hit it off right away. Colin was a year older then Damian and Robbie, he'd been in school with them for nearly a month but they'd never met due to the different schedules for freshmen and sophomores. They talked about video games and music and were well on their way to a budding friendship, when Damian ambled over with Dick.

"Hey DW," said Robbie, "this is Colin."

"Hi," said Damian, still blinking from all the flashbulbs he'd been subjected to, "you were one of the winners, right?"

"Yeah," Colin blushed.

"Great, well, we have to take our seats for dinner, would you like to join us?" asked Damian, graciously.

"Oh, I was just going to sit in the back by myself," said Colin.

"Nonsense, any friend of Robbie's is a friend of mine, you can sit at our table," Damian smiled.

"Ok, great, thanks," Colin smiled back.

Damian was having fun, maybe that was the reason for his abnormally friendly demeanor, or maybe it was Colin. Damian sensed something about the red head, the same kind of thing he sensed from Robbie, he felt instantly comfortable with him and wanted to get to know him better. Damian led the way to their table, talking excitedly with Colin, Robbie brought up the rear with Dick, who would be joining them.

"Hey, I remember you, you're the kid that took our picture the day we dropped Damian off," said Dick.

"Uh, yeah, that was me," Robbie blushed, remembering what he'd said to Dick that day.

"And you guys are roommates now?" asked Dick.

"Yeah," Robbie replied.

"So you've lived with him for a few weeks, do you still stand by what you said that day?" Dick whispered with a wink.

"Yeah, he's still cute as hell and his bark isn't so bad if you just stand up to him," said Robbie, surprising himself with his bluntness.

"I'll have to keep that in mind," Dick smiled and patted Robbie on the back.

The boys took their seats with some of the other guests and enjoyed their dinner. Damian, Robbie and Dick chatted with Colin, who was only too happy to tell them about himself and his likes and interests. The one subject Colin deftly avoided was his background; he didn't know what these rich boys would think if they knew he'd been plucked from an orphanage in order to attend their school. Colin really hit it off with Damian and Robbie and by the end of the banquet it was agreed that he would come to their room the next day, to hang out, play some video games and screen some of Robbie's vast movie collection.

While the boys talked about video games, the adults at the table were more concerned with that nights top news story. A boy had been murdered, his body found near the narrows. This was the latest in a series of grizzly child murders and one of the main reasons Bruce Wayne was so keen to keep Damian and Robbie off the streets, not only were the police clueless in this case, so were Batman and Robin.

The boys slept soundly that night, for Damian, there were no nightmares. He'd had a great day, he'd insulted Tim, had a pretty woman fuss over him, gotten his picture taken and made a new friend. Robbie was also excited about the prospects of a relationship with Colin, he found the red headed boy to be shy yet charming and fun. Damian and Robbie were both very special in their own right and as such, they tended to be lonely. Robbie was brilliant, his IQ was off the charts and he was so eager to be "normal" that he often scared people off by trying too hard to fit in. Damian was used to being the alpha male, always in charge and used to having people fear him, school presented him with a different dynamic. Colin had easily disarmed both boys with his kind personality and they looked forward to getting to know him and expand their small circle.

Damian and Robbie enjoyed a typical Saturday morning, meaning they slept in until about 11 and called Colin, after they showered and dressed. Colin walked over from his dorm a few minutes later, with the laptop that came with his scholarship; Robbie was going to hook it up to his network so they could play World of Warcraft together. When Colin knocked on the door, Damian hopped up to answer it.

"Hi, come in," Damian smiled in greeting, "sorry about the mess, Robbie doesn't eat anything that doesn't come packaged to survive a nuclear explosion."

"Don't mind him, he doesn't know what he's missing," said Robbie.

"Dude, you have Zinger's!" Colin exclaimed, seeing the box on Robbie's desk.

"Sure, help yourself," said Robbie, tossing Colin the box.

"Sweet," Colin exclaimed.

"Yuck, don't eat that, they're full of preservatives and chemicals with..." Damian lectured.

Colin unwrapped a Zinger and when he saw an opening, stuffed it in Damian's mouth. Damian made a face but didn't spit the goodie out, he chewed slowly, until a smile formed on his face.

"Hey, this is good!" Damian exclaimed.

"How did you get him to try it, he never eats junk food," said Robbie.

"I just stuffed it in his mouth to shut him up," Colin giggled.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Robbie thought aloud.

"You've really never had junk food before?" asked Colin, turning back to Damian.

"Mommy says it's bad for you," said Damian.

"Mommy?" Colin snickered.

"Yeah, don't ask," Robbie chortled.

"But it tasted good, huh?" said Colin, turning again to Damian.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Wanna try something else?" asked Colin.

"Ok," Damian smiled.

Colin unwrapped a Hostess cupcake, broke it in half and fed it Damian, as if he were a puppy waiting for his treat.

"MMMM," Damian grinned.

"Good boy," Colin smiled and wiped Damian's chin.

Robbie was dumbfounded and a little jealous. How many of Damian's lectures on the evils of sugar had he been subjected to? But no, Colin comes in and his roomy was eating out of the palm of his hand, literally!

"Robbie, hey Robbie?" said Damian, snapping his roommate out of his trance.

"Huh, yeah, what?" Robbie spluttered.

"Do you have any more of these?" asked Damian, holding up the Zinger wrapper.

"Sure, I gotcha covered DW," Robbie smiled and opened his closet.

There were two shelves full of Zingers, cupcakes, Twinkies and Snowballs. There was also a full case of Mountain Dew, Robbie's energy burst of choice.

"Ohhh," said Damian, in awe as he studied the contents.

"Help yourself," Robbie giggled, "come on Colin, let's connect your computer."

After that, Robbie and Colin were totally immersed in their game. They played for hours, hunting trolls, telling jokes and giggling like old friends. Damian watched over their shoulders, offering his suggestions on how to take out this enemy or that, and to Robbie's surprise, most of his suggestions worked. He never doubted Damian's skills, he'd seen him in action, he was just surprised to find that they actually worked on a video game. As the hours passed, Damian began to grow quiet, when Robbie and Colin turned their attention back to him; they were surprised by what they found.

Damian lie on the ground in the fetal position, he'd taken his shirt off because he'd gotten too hot, his eyes were wide open, his brow was sweaty and he scratched at his ear like a crack addict. He was surrounded by empty boxes, dozens of empty snack wrappers and several empty cans of Mountain Dew.

"Uh, here, let me take that for you," said Robbie, moving to take the empty box Damian had pressed to his chest.

"MINE!" Damian shouted, snatching the box away and waving one of his butterfly knives at Robbie's intruding fingers.

"Whoa, where did that come from?" Colin giggled.

"You stop asking after a while, I think he pulls them from thin air," said Robbie, rolling his eyes.

"Awwww, it's empty," Damian whined, then threw the box on the floor, "you have more, right Robbie?"

Robbie was about to gesture at his closet and say duh, but when he looked, he discovered that all the boxes were empty.

"Holy shit DW, you ate everything!" Robbie exclaimed, "That was like, a month's supply."

"I-I couldn't help it, they were so good," Damian frowned.

"Jesus, and I thought ninja's were supposed to be disciplined," said Robbie.

"Ninja?" said Colin.

"I'm not a ninja, I'm an assassin..."

"Assassin?" said Colin.

"And I've never tried...oh...uh oh...I uh..." Damian spluttered, he was starting to turn green.

"Uh oh, here it comes," said Robbie, "get back Colin."

"Here what comes..." said Damian, just before he doubled over and threw up, everywhere.

It seemed to go on forever. Everything that Damian had eaten began a mad dash out of his stomach and onto the floor. Just when he thought he was finished he started again, after several false finishes and dry heaves, his stomach was finally empty.

"Whoa," said Damian, when he was done.

"That, is, a, lot, of, puke," said a stunned Robbie.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," said Colin, as he gently helped Damian to his feet.

"I threw up," Damian muttered pitifully.

"I know, it wasn't your fault," said Colin, patting him on the back.

"How do you figure that?" asked Robbie.

"We introduced a foreign substance into a sterile environment, we should have been more careful, I guess," said Colin.

"No one told him to eat everything!" said Robbie.

Colin and Robbie helped Damian down to the bathroom so he could rinse his mouth and wash his face. He stood there over the sink, splashing cold water over his face and Robbie couldn't help but notice that even when he felt like shit, Damian was still cute. He wanted to reach out to his friend, rub his back and tell him he was going to be alright, but Colin had beaten him to it. When he thought he couldn't stand to watch anymore, they finished and went back to their room, where Colin insisted on cleaning up the mess. With that done, they put Damian in his bed and went back to their game.

Damian fell into a deep sugar coma and ended up sleeping well into the night. Colin and Robbie returned to their game and it was after midnight when they finally shut it down.

"Wow, it's late, I better get back to my room," said Colin.

"You could just crash here," said Robbie.

"Gee, I don't know," said Colin, looking at his watch, he knew what would happen in about an hour.

"It's a long walk across campus and we're not supposed to be out after lights out, just sleep here, it'll be easier that way," said Robbie.

Colin didn't want to upset his new friend, he figured he could just get in bed and wait for Robbie to fall asleep; he'd slip out before he transformed and no one would be the wiser.

"Yeah, it is a long walk and I'm really tired, screw it, I'll crash here," said Colin, as he kicked off his sneakers and climbed into Damian's bed.

That wasn't exactly what Robbie had in mind. He was very jealous when Colin nudged Damian over and then slipped in beside him.

"Poor little guy," said Colin, as Damian groaned in his sleep, "Night Robbie."

"Yeah, night," Robbie huffed, and then turned out the light.

Robbie lie in bed, fuming, he was the one who should have been in Damian's bed, not Colin. Robbie was the one that Damian had reached for the other night, not Colin. He could have tossed and turned all night, but it was late and Damian had drunk all his Mountain Dew, eventually Robbie fell into a fitful sleep. It happened just in time for Colin, when Robbie started snoring; Colin felt the Venom surging through his veins. When the transformation was complete, there was no sign of the red headed boy, just a massive, muscle bound man with a mangled face, climbing out the third floor window.

Damian woke up around 4:00am; he'd slept for nearly 10 hours, while the sugar worked its way out of his system. Having never known that Colin had been in bed with him, Damian didn't sense anything out of the ordinary when he woke, other than the stiffness in his joints. Damian dressed in gym shorts and a t-shirt, threw on his running shoes and headed downstairs. Technically he wasn't supposed to be out, it was the middle of the night, after all, but anyone who might complain about his early morning run was sound asleep.

Damian ran for almost an hour, he ran a circuit of the school grounds and when he returned to his dorm building, he was sweaty and panting. It had been a good run and he was panting so hard that he almost missed the low groaning coming from the bushes under his window. Damian peered into the bushes and was shocked to find Colin lying there, his clothes in tatters, his face bruised and his body twisted. When Damian tried to rouse him, all the red head could do was groan. Damian used a simple fireman's carry to lift Colin, but the boy was heavy and awkward, Damian stumbled back to his room, but it was slow going. It was almost 5:30am when Damian dumped Colin in his bed and woke Robbie.

"Robbie, Robbie wake up," Damian whispered loudly.

"Shut up maw," Robbie groaned.

"ROBBIE," Damian barked.

"Alright, alright, I'm up, don't get your panties in a wad," Robbie huffed, "what is it?"

"What happened to Colin?" asked Damian.

"It was late so he just climbed into bed with you," Robbie complained.

"What?" said Damian, "I went for a run and found him under our window."

"He wasn't there when you got up?" asked Robbie, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"No, I was alone, I went for a run and found him when I got back," Damian explained.

"Holy crap, who beat the shit out of him?" asked Robbie, as he got up to examine Colin.

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out," said Damian, rolling his eyes.

The two friends sat on Robbie's bed and watched Colin. It was still very early, both were tired and before long, they fell asleep, slumped together, against the brick wall. Robbie woke when he heard Colin stirring, then shook Damian's shoulder.

"Oh, uh, morning," said Colin, when he noticed the other boys were awake.

"What happened to you last night?" asked Damian, getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" asked Colin, innocently.

"We went to bed and when Damian woke up, you were gone, then he found you under our window, beaten to shit," said Robbie.

"Oh, that, well, I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to get you guys in trouble with your dorm advisor so I thought I'd sneak out and go back to my room, I must have fallen when I went out the window," said Colin rationally.

"Yeah but you were a mess, now you look fine," said Damian.

"Ah, it couldn't have been that bad," said Colin.

"Dude, we should have taken you to the hospital, I feel bad that we didn't think to do that," said Robbie.

"But you're fine now, how did you do that?" asked Damian.

"I just have one of those constitutions I guess, anyway, I better get back," said Colin, getting quickly to his feet.

"I had a lot of fun with you guys, I hope we can hang out again sometime," said Colin, as he bolted for the door.

"Ok, that was weird," said Robbie, when the door closed.

"Totally," Damian agreed.

"Do you buy that falling out the window crap?" asked Robbie.

"Nope," Damian replied.

"Any idea what might have actually happened?"

"None, but we're going to find out," said Damian.

Colin walked quickly to his dorm room, which thankfully he had to himself. His face was healed but his clothes still looked like they'd been run through a cheese grater and he was eager to change before anyone saw him. He was also very tired from his night time activity and desperately wanted to get into bed. When he got into his room, Colin stripped down to his boxerbriefs, too tired to bother with pajamas; he pulled back his sheets and climbed into bed. Colin reached under his pillow and pulled Rory from his hiding place.

"What? Don't look at me like that, I'll explain later," Colin told the bear.

The red headed boy wrapped his arms around his teddy and was asleep in seconds. He was fortunate; he wasn't plagued by dreams of the horror of the night before.

At dinner that night, Damian and Robbie were still trying to rationalize what had happened with Colin but both of them came up short. There was nothing to explain their friend's strange behavior or his miraculous recovery.

"You're absolutely sure those wounds were from a fight?" asked Robbie, for the hundredth time.

"I'm positive, I've been in a few fights, you know," said Damian, sarcastically.

"Ok, you're right, you would know, but the wounds, maybe they looked worse because of the lighting or maybe it's his, I don't know, metabolism or something," said Robbie.

"No, I've seen wounds like that before, they don't just heal like that," said Damian, this time much more subdued.

As he sat there, drinking his milk, Damian saw himself at ten years old. He was a slight boy at 4'5" and 80 pounds, he was wearing a white gi with black pants and a black belt tied securely around his tiny waist. Mommy was there, he was holding her hand, as he always did when they were together, but something betrayed her usually cool demeanor, she looked nervous. There was a knock at the door and then the Sensei walked into the room.

"It is time, Mistress," said the old man, with a bow to Talia.

Damian dropped his mother's hand and started to walk towards the old teacher but Talia put her hands on his shoulders, stopping him in his tracks. She turned the boy around, tilted his face up and caressed his cheek while she stared into his innocent blue eyes. Damian looked back at her and he saw what he thought were tears in her eyes.

"What's the matter mommy?" he asked, a curious expression on his little face.

"Nothing sweetheart, I just wanted a look at my handsome boy," she smiled.

"Come Damian, it's time for your training," said the Sensei.

Damian turned to the old man and followed him out the door. As they walked down the hall, he heard the distinct sound of glass breaking, as though someone had smashed a vase against a wall. Damian looked up at his teacher but the old man just stared ahead.

They were staying in Germany at the time, at an ancient castle that the League of Shadows had purchased through a dummy corporation. The dungeon had been broken down into east and west wings, the west wing was converted into a state of the art dojo for the sole purpose of training the boy. The east wing was devoted to his grandfather's experiments and privileged and pampered though he was, Damian knew better then to ever go there unbidden.

Damian was only ten but he could already take on twenty Shadowmen and easily defeat them. That was how he trained; he ran through his forms, exercised with weapons and sparred with the Sensei. At the end of his training sessions, the Shadowmen would attack in groups of 2 or 3, sometimes 4, just to keep him on his toes.

Today was no different, the Shadowmen attacked and the boy disabled them with ease. The problem was, they didn't stop coming, 20 men turned into 25 then 30, more and more Shadowmen joined the melee as the boy grew tired. Damian was struggling, he'd never taken on so many before, his arms and legs were failing him, he couldn't move them fast enough to keep up and that's when it happened. A Shadowman struck Damian with a well placed roundhouse kick to the face. The boy went down in defeat but the Shadowmen didn't stop their assault. Damian lost count of how many punches and kicks he'd taken, that's when everything went black.

When Damian woke, he was in his bed; he couldn't open his eyes more than a few millimeters. He felt his face, his eyes were puffy and sore, his lips were split and there was a low, burning pain in his chest. There was light in the room and he could see a blurry image at the end of his bed but he couldn't make out who it was.

"Mommy?" said Damian.

"I'm here my brave little warrior," said Talia, taking his hand.

"What happened?" asked Damian.

"It's alright, you lost the fight," said Talia, gently.

"There were so many, I couldn't..." Damian sniffled.

"Don't cry my darling, it's all part of your training," Talia explained.

"But, why?" asked Damian, very confused.

"To make you strong," Talia sniffled.

"I don't understand," said Damian.

"You will someday, for now, you need your rest," said Talia, gently caressing his forehead, "Grandfather and I are very proud of you, but you must sleep now, Dami."

"Ok mommy," said Damian, agreeably.

Damian understood now. They were teaching him not to fear pain but to welcome it, make it an ally. There were situations in his future where he would have to endure pain in order to survive, in order to accomplish his mission. They had endeavored to make him strong and he was, but with each beating he'd taken, a small part of the innocent little boy he'd been was taken too.

Damian knew it caused his mother pain to see him hurt like that, he just wished he understood why she allowed it to happen. He understood the League's intensions, not Talia's. With the benefit of hindsight, he also knew that his father wouldn't have let that happen to him, Bruce would have taught him other ways to be strong.

"Hey, DW, check this out," said Robbie, interrupting Damian's memory.

"Huh, what?" asked Damian, as he snapped out of it.

Robbie handed him a copy of that evening's news paper.

"Another kid was killed last night," said Damian, as he read the headline.

"Yeah, you don't think..." Robbie began.

"You mean Colin?" said Damian, "I don't know, that's pretty farfetched."

"Yeah but..." Robbie started.

"Hi guys, mind if I join you?" said Colin.

"Oh, uh, sure," said Damian, as he and Robbie made room.

"What are you guys up to?" asked Colin.

"We were just talking about the news, another kid was murdered," said Robbie.

"I know," said Colin, a haunted look on his face, "it's terrible, just...terrible."

"So, uh, I'm sorry about this morning, I guess it was a little weird the way I left," said Colin.

"Uh, yeah, don't mention it," said Damian.

Robbie gave him a strange look, this was their opportunity to question their friend and get to the bottom of things. Damian knew that wasn't going to happen. Colin was hiding something and he wasn't just going to open up without a reason. Damian liked Colin, he knew Robbie did too and if their friend was in trouble and wouldn't tell them why, they would have to find out for themselves.

Damian and Robbie set up surveillance on Colin, his dorm was directly across the quad from theirs and they turned their window into a mini command post. Robbie "barrowed" some high powered binoculars from the Gotham Prep Audubon Society and the boys took turns keeping watch. They slept in shifts but spent most of their time exploring Damian's new found love of junk food, fortunately they were both brilliant students or their school work would have suffered.

Damian enjoyed the long hours he spent watching Colin's dorm. As long as he was awake, focused on the task at hand, he didn't have any of those weird and confusing dreams about his roommate. He knew there was something special about Robbie but it was something his training and his mother hadn't prepared him for, it left him very confused and as someone who was always in control, confusion was unacceptable. At least he didn't have to worry about it while he stood watch.

On the third night of surveillance, Damian spotted Colin climbing out of his dorm room window and heading into the shadows. Robbie was asleep in his desk chair, with his feet up on the desk, when Damian shook his shoulder.

"Got something?" asked Robbie with a yawn.

"Yeah, come on Gadget Boy, let's get going," said Damian.

"Dude, seriously, Gadget Boy?"

"Well, you are in fact a boy, and you handle the gadgets..." said Damian.

"Then by that logic I'm going to call you Angry Bird," Robbie retorted.

"I don't follow," said Damian.

"Well, your dad is Batman, your brothers are Nightwing and Robin, that makes you Angry Bird," Robbie smirked, "so which is it, red or blue?"

"Damn it, he's going to get away from us, come on, Robbie," said Damian.

"Sure DW, right behind you," Robbie smiled, enjoying his little victory.

Damian and Robbie climbed out their window, using Robbie's ubiquitous rope, then sprinted across the quad. Colin had a good lead but the boys were able to catch up without drawing attention to themselves. Their plan was simple, they would follow Colin and see where he disappeared to at night, if their friend was involved in something dangerous, they'd decide what to do then.

They followed Colin deeper and deeper into the heart of Gotham City, Colin walked with his head down and his hood up, almost as though he as hunched over, talking to something inside of it. When they reached the narrows, one of the most crime ridden parts of Gotham, they followed Colin down an alley and had to wait as he crossed a brightly lit street, lest they be detected. Colin crossed into another alley and Damian held Robbie back, they would have to wait for him to reach the end because if they followed now, they would be silhouetted against the darkness and would instantly be spotted.

Damian leaned against the wall of his alley and pulled out a small pair of night vision binoculars, they were part of his ninja kit but as they weren't dangerous, unlike the weapons he would have liked to have been carrying, his father had let him keep them. He was watching Colin, when Robbie started tugging on his sleeve.

"Damian," Robbie whimpered, "Damian."

"Hmm?" said Damian, while he concentrated on the target.

"Damian," Robbie whined again.

"What, what is it?" said Damian, growing annoyed as he turned to his friend.

Robbie's mouth was hanging open and flapping like a fish out of water while he pointed at a menacing bum with a broken beer bottle pointed at the boys.

"Oh, is that all?" asked Damian.

"Gimme your wallet kid, both of you," said the bum.

Damian let out a sigh, rolled his eyes and then stuck his fingers under the bum's chin and applied pressure. The bums eyelids fluttered and then he collapsed in a heap.

"Honestly, the nightlife in this city leaves so much to be desired," Damian sighed.

"Is he..." Robbie started to ask.

"Nah, he was harmless, but he'll have one hell of a headache when he wakes up," Damian smiled in the dark, "Shit, where did Colin go?"

While dealing with the bum, the boys had lost sight of their friend. Damian scanned the alley with his binoculars but there was no sign of the red head. The boys sprinted across the street and down the alley, when they came out on the opposite end, they searched up and down the street, there was no sign of Colin, just a large, muscle bound man in a hat and trench coat. Damian examined the man in the coat, he was impressed by his bulk but the hat hid his face, seeing nothing to indicate any sign of trouble, he assumed Colin had simply gotten away.

Damian and Robbie returned to school and climbed into bed. Colin had eluded them and it didn't really matter when he came back, they needed to catch him in the act, so to speak. That morning, at breakfast, Colin joined them at their table, he had bags under his hazel eyes and a band-aid on his chin.

"You look like death warmed over," said Robbie.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night," Colin yawned.

"What happened to your chin?" asked Damian.

"What this?" said Colin, pointing to the band-aid, "it's nothing, cut myself shaving."

Damian didn't buy that for a second, Colin's face was just as smooth as his and Robbie's, none of the boys would have to worry about shaving anytime soon. After that, the conversation turned to school and video games and Colin seemed to perk up a bit. Later that day, they met up for lunch and the band-aid was gone, along with any sign of injury. Damian and Robbie traded curious looks, there had been another child murder the night before, it had happened after they'd lost track of Colin. That night, they resumed their perch, overlooking Colin's dorm.

"What are you doing?" asked Robbie, he was into his second hour on watch, he was bored, and he thought he saw Damian sewing of all things.

"Just some sewing," Damian confirmed.

"You are full of surprises DW," Robbie laughed.

"What did I do now?" Damian frowned.

"Nothing, I just wouldn't have figured you for the sewing type," Robbie smiled.

"Mommy taught me," said Damian.

"Oh, does the League of Shadows make its money by hocking fake purses and stuff?" Robbie laughed.

Damian shot him a dirty look.

"Ok, ok, sorry," Robbie apologized.

"Mommy taught me to sew because it's a useful skill to have, you never know when you're going to need a disguise or have to dress a wound in the field," Damian explained.

"That's kinda cool," said Robbie, "I learned how to sew in the Boy Scouts, you know, patches and stuff."

"Boy Scouts, is that some kind of youth based paramilitary organization?" asked Damian.

"Uh, yeah, something like that," Robbie giggled, "what are you sewing anyway?"

"Our costumes," said Damian.

"You really think that's necessary?"

"We can't keep going out like we have been, if my father catches us again, we're dead meat," said Damian, "besides, I don't want to put my family at risk, well...maybe Drake."

"You're not just going to put on a Halloween mask and start wearing your briefs over your jeans, right?" asked Robbie.

"I'd hardly need to sew that, would I?" said Damian sarcastically.

"This is going to be epic, can I YouTube it?"

Damian just shot him another scowl.

"Ok, no YouTube," Robbie giggled.

An hour later, Damian was finished and eager to show off his handy-work to his partner.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Damian.

"Well, I think that, uh, that is a cape sewed to a hoodie," said Robbie.

"Yeah, intimidating, huh?" said Damian.

"Just out of curiosity, what if I say no?" said Robbie.

"Hmmm, I'd guess about 6 months in traction, couple years in rehab, you know, learning how to walk again," said Damian.

"Well then, looking good," Robbie laughed.

"I rather thought so, here's yours," said Damian.

"Seriously DW, you really want to go out like this, with capes attached to our sweatshirts?" asked Robbie.

"Of course, it's a great tactic, it conceals your body shape and makes it harder to hit you with bullets, throwing stars, the occasional pocket dog," said Damian, "my father wears one, so does Drake."

"Yeah, but theirs are bulletproof, these, they uh appear to have been your sheets," said Robbie.

"It was the only black material I could find," Damian admitted.

"Ok," said Robbie, dubiously.

"Look, let's just try it out, if it's that bad of an idea, we'll try something else," said Damian.

"Fair enough," Robbie agreed.

An hour later, the boys got a chance to field test Damian's costumes. Robbie was in front of the binoculars this time and when he spotted Colin climbing out of his window, it was his turn to wake Damian.

"Shake a leg DW," said Robbie.

"Colin's on the move?" Damian yawned.

"Yeah, we got action," Robbie confirmed.

They climbed out their window and proceeded across the quad, well, Damian did, until he realized Robbie wasn't beside him.

"Robbie, would you come on, we can't let him get away this time," Damian whispered loudly.

"Sorry, my cape got caught on a bush," Robbie grumped.

Once again, Colin led the boys into the deepest, darkest parts of Gotham City. He took them on a winding path through the slums of the narrows and arrived at the same alley in which they had lost him before. Damian started to sense that Colin knew he was being followed. This alley was perfect for someone conducting counter-surveillance, it would force anyone following you to reveal himself, or give you time to get away from a careful operative who didn't want to be silhouetted by the light.

Once again, Damian and Robbie's presence did not go unnoticed. Last night it had been the bum with the broken beer bottle, tonight it was a gang of teenagers who stumbled across the junior dynamic duo and couldn't contain their laughter at the boys in capes. The sudden laughter startled both Robbie and Damian, though Damian would never admit it.

"Don't you kiddies know that Halloween isn't until next month?" laughed a blond thug.

"Damn it, I told you we looked stupid," Robbie whispered to Damian.

If there was one thing that Damian couldn't stand, that challenged all of his self control, it was being laughed at. He grabbed Robbie by the collar and using his friend as a weapon, threw him at the blond thug. The thug tumbled on his back and Damian reached for Robbie's hand, pulling him back to his feet. Damian stepped between Robbie and the older boys, he kicked one in the groin, another in the stomach and the third, he blocked his punch and threw him over his shoulder. When the blond thug tried to get up, Damian rewarded him with a kick to the face that was sure to leave an imprint of his sneaker on the older boys forehead.

"There, who looks stupid now?" Damian smiled.

"We do," said Robbie, "they look unconscious."

"Alright, alright, capes were a bad idea," said Damian, he spun Robbie around, then ripped the cape from his hoodie, before tarring off his own.

"That came off surprisingly easy," said Robbie.

"Yeah well I said I could sew, I didn't say I was ever very good at it," Damian admitted, "now, where's Colin?"

"Sorry DW, I lost track of him when you threw me at that douche bag," said Robbie.

"Right, uh, sorry about that," Damian blushed.

They tried searching for Colin again but it was pointless. There was no sign of Colin just a large muscle bound man in a trench coat and fedora.

"Hey, Robbie, get a picture of that guy," said Damian.

"Why?" asked Robbie.

"Because, I saw him last night, call it a coincidence but don't you think it's weird that I've seen him two nights in a row?"

"It's a big city but it's not uncommon for people to stick to their neighborhoods, we were here last night at about the same time," Robbie reasoned.

"Yeah, but there's something funny about that guy, just get the picture, ok?" said Damian.

"Sure," said Robbie, snapping the photo and quickly concealing his iPhone back in his pocket, "now can we go home?"

"Yeah, there's nothing more we can do tonight."

The next few nights were quiet, Colin never left his dorm room and Damian slept through most of his watch, while Robbie worked on a project. Robbie had been inspired by Damian's attempt at costumes and though he wasn't trying to sew, he was working on a project that would be fitting for someone called Gadget Boy. Robbie was just finishing his project when Damian woke with a start, he was sitting in front of the long range binoculars when he shot out of his seat.

"Something wrong?" asked Robbie.

"It's nothing," said Damian, as he ran a hand over his face.

"Are you sure, I mean a few weeks ago you had that nightmare and..." Robbie began.

"I said it's nothing," Damian barked.

"Ok, it's not my business," said Robbie.

As Damian sat there, sleeping peacefully his mind was tormented by another horrifying dream. This time, he woke as Robbie's severed head rolled around at his feet. Damian had no idea what was causing the dreams or why he felt this compulsion to protect his friend but he was scared to death of letting anything happen to the blond.

"What are you working on anyway?" asked Damian, changing the subject.

"About time you asked, I've been working on it almost all week," said Robbie.

"So, what is it?" asked Damian, curiously.

"It's your utility belt," said Robbie, as he handed it over.

"Hmmm," said Damian.

Damian wasn't sure what to make of the belt, it wasn't anything special to look at really, just a plain black canvas belt with a dull brass buckle.

"Most of the features are hidden in the buckle," said Robbie, "It's got a grappling hook, attached to a high tinsel strength wire, fired by a gas powered micro capsule and a built in micro-taser."

"Wow, Robbie that's amazing," said Damian.

"It's not really, Wayne Enterprises already makes this stuff, I just came up with the idea of putting it in the belt buckle and built this prototype," said Robbie, modestly.

"Is this another one of your dad's inventions?" asked Damian.

"Yeap, pop thought it would be useful for soldiers, you know, an easily concealed weapon that might help them out if they were captured," Robbie explained.

"Whatever they're paying him, it isn't enough," said Damian, "I'll have to fix that."

"Sure, when you run Wayne Enterprises," Robbie smiled.

"Someday," Damian smiled back, "I can't wait to try this out."

"Well, looks like now is the time, look," said Robbie, gesturing to the window, Colin was walking across the quad.

"Alright, let's go," said Damian, as he took off his brown leather belt and replaced it with Robbie's black canvas one.

Colin led them on another trip through the maze that was Gotham City's seedy underbelly. When they reached the same alley where they had lost him on their previous outings, Damian was sure that Colin suspected he was being followed, the alley was just too good of a counter surveillance tool to be a coincidence. Damian was determined not to lose him this time, he and Robbie followed Colin straight into the alley, they hugged the wall and inched along, trying to keep their profiles as low as possible. Robbie and Damian where halfway down the alley, when Colin emerged into the light of the street.

"Stick close, he's not getting away this time," said Damian.

"DW, look!" Robbie exclaimed, his finger pointing toward Colin.

A Ford panel van had pulled up in front of the boy and two men were trying to wrestle him into the back. Damian and Robbie raced forward, closing the distance rapidly.

"Let him go," Damian shouted.

"Damian, Robbie!" Colin exclaimed.

One of the men punched Colin and either dazed him or knocked him unconscious, either way, his body slumped and he was thrown into the van.

"The belt, use the belt," said Robbie.

"Right," Damian agreed.

Damian flipped the cover off his belt buckle then used his hips to aim the taser at the man that was now slowly walking towards him. Damian had the buckle pointed at the man's chest when he fired, but the instant he depressed the trigger, it was obvious there was something wrong. Instead of firing the taser prong, the buckle electrocuted Damian. He felt 3 million volts passing through his body, the stun interrupted the neurological impulses that controlled his muscle movement. He fell to the ground in a twitching heap and wouldn't be any good to anyone for several minutes. Colin's attackers then turned their attention to Robbie.

"Uh, hi guys," Robbie muttered, backing into the wall.

"You want this one too?" said one of the men.

"Yeah, we'll take all three and call it a night," said his partner.

"Now guys, surely we can talk about this," said Robbie, but they didn't listen.

Robbie was thrown into the back of the van, one of the men picked up Damian and threw him in beside his friends. The boys hands were cuffed behind their backs and the men quickly searched them, taking their wallets, phones and watches and in so doing, they took Damian's only means of contacting Batman for help. The van sped off just as Colin was coming to.

"What are you guys doing here?" said Colin.

"We were following you, what are you doing out here?" said Robbie.

"I've been looking for them, I've been waiting for this," said Colin.

"What are you talking about?" said Robbie.

"Is Damian ok?" asked Colin.

Damian was still lying face down but at least he wasn't twitching anymore. The current had passed through his body and his muscles were starting to regain control, in a few minutes he'd be able to move again. Damian woke just as the van pulled up behind a building in the crappier part of town. The boys were pulled out of the van and quickly marched into the building, Damian only got a brief look at the alley but he was sure he'd seen it before.

The boys were led through a maze of hallways and then down a rickety staircase that ended at a steel door. The door was opened and they were led past several cells, each holding three or four boys. The children were all young, ranging in age from 8 to around 15. Damian, Robbie and Colin stared into their faces and saw the haunted look of children who had been horribly abused, reflected in their eyes. At the end of the line, Damian, Robbie and Colin where pushed into a cell, the door slammed shut behind them, they heard the men's retreating steps and then the slamming of the large steel door.

"What is this place?" said Robbie, once they were alone.

"It's a fight club," said Colin, "He has his henchmen pick up homeless street boys and bring them here, then people bet on the fights."

"Who is, he?" asked Damian.

"Victor Zsasz," said Colin.

"Oh my God," said Robbie.

"I've never heard of him," said Damian.

"You have, haven't you Robbie?" said Colin.

"Yeah, he was big news before you came here Damian," said Robbie.

"Ok, so who is he?" asked Damian.

"He used to be a big time businessman, he had his own international company, a huge fortune and an even bigger family fortune to fall back on. When he was young, like mid-twenties, his parents were killed and the guy sorta lost it. He started gambling, I mean really gambling, he was losing money everywhere, then one night he stumbled into Gotham Casino and lost it all to the Penguin," said Robbie.

"So we're dealing with some degenerate gambler, that doesn't sound so bad," said Damian.

"Tell him the rest," said Colin.

"After he lost everything, he tried to commit suicide, the story goes that he was going to jump from Gotham Bridge but some bum tried to rob him and assault him with a knife. Zsasz ended up killing the guy and I guess he liked it because he went on a killing spree, he even keeps track of all his kills by carving tally marks on his own body, they say he's covered with them," Robbie shivered.

"Sounds charming, why isn't this guy locked up?" asked Damian.

"He's some kind of evil genius, up there with the Joker and The Penguin, he's been put in Arkham Asylum, by Batman, several times but he's broken out just as often," said Robbie.

"Ok, this sounds bad, obviously we need to get out of here," said Damian.

"Yeah but how?" said Robbie.

"I don't know yet, this room seems to be completely sealed and that door looks like tempered steel, not to mention the door they brought us through," said Damian.

"Wait, DW, your watch," said Robbie.

"I thought about that but they must have taken it when I was passed out, it's gone," said Damian.

"Maybe we could use the belt," Robbie offered.

"Yeah, great idea, I'll just set it on shish kabob this time and save them the trouble of trying to kill me," said Damian.

"Hey I told you it was a prototype," said Robbie defensively.

"You said it had all been worked out by your dad and you just came up with putting it in the belt, did you even test it?" asked Damian.

"Of course I did."

"How many times?" asked Damian.

"Well, just that once," Robbie admitted.

"You mean when I used it to try and save our lives?"

"Sorry," Robbie muttered.

"Damn it Robbie," Damian swore.

"Will you two shut up about the belt," said Colin.

Damian and Robbie turned to Colin, they'd almost forgotten he was there and when they turned, he wasn't. In his place stood a hulking figure, covered in muscle and wearing the remains of Colin's jeans and hoodie. Damian recognized him immediately, it was the man they'd seen on the street after losing Colin in the alley.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you," said the man, seeing the looks on the boys faces.

"Who are you?" Damian demanded.

"It's me, it's Colin."

"I think it's time you tell us exactly how you factor into all of this," said Damian.

"I'm not sure I know where to begin," said Colin.

"You said this was some kind of fight club, start there and then we'll talk about, this," said Damian, gesturing at Colin's hulking frame.

"It is a fight club, look there are some things you guys don't know about my background," Colin began, "I've been in and out of foster homes and orphanages most of my life, I didn't tell you because I didn't know what you would think of me, I mean, you're both rich kids and sure you've been cool to me but I thought you might change your minds if you knew that no one wanted me."

"We wouldn't have done that," said Robbie.

"You say that like you're offended but it's happened to me before," said Colin.

"We can talk about that later guys, right now I think we have more pressing issues," said Damian, though he too felt a knot in his stomach, he felt sorry for Colin.

"When I was 9, my foster father used to beat me and one night I ran away. I didn't have any money or any food, that's when some of Zsasz henchmen picked me up. They brought me to a place like this, with other boys that they were keeping. They made us fight each other, sometimes boys were killed and they just threw them out like garbage. One day, it was my turn in the ring, I saw an opening, there was a fire exit that wasn't being guarded and I ran for it. They thought I was charging at my opponent and didn't realize what I was doing until I was already out the door. After that, the cops put me back in the orphanage," said Colin.

"That's terrible, I'm so sorry Colin," said Robbie.

"So when dead boys started popping up around Gotham City, you knew who was behind it?" said Damian.

"Yes," Colin admitted.

"The cops know Zsasz is behind it, they just haven't said anything in the press because they don't want to scare anyone by admitting that he's at large again," Colin explained.

"And you've been going out, night after night, looking for him?" said Damian.

"Yes, I've been coming down to the narrows, just walking the streets hoping they would find me," Colin admitted.

"Why didn't you just come here?" asked Damian.

"Because, this isn't where they had the fights before, if it was, the police would have just raided the place. I had to let them take me so I could find this place," said Colin.

"Ok, that brings us to my next question, after everything that happened to you, why would you come looking for Zsasz?" said Damian.

"I wanted to save the boys," said Colin, "Look at me, I didn't look like this before, I couldn't turn into this."

"What happened to you?" said Robbie.

"It started at the beginning of the summer, I was seeing this psychiatrist, Dr. Crane, who turned out to be..." Colin began.

"The Scarecrow," said Robbie.

"Who?" asked Damian.

"A bad guy, one of Gotham's real scumbags, he's a psychiatrist that uses mind control and chemical weapons," Robbie explained.

"God, sometimes I think my grandfather was right, maybe this city isn't worth saving," said Damian.

"Crane, he pumped me full of this stuff, they call it Venom and as you can see, it greatly enhances my strength and alters my appearance," said Colin.

"Isn't that what gave Bane his powers?" asked Robbie.

"Yes, only a more powerful version," said Colin, "Crane tried to use me to destroy Batman, I don't know why but he seemed drawn to me; that was all part of Crane's plan. Batman never explained it; I think it has something to do with his real identity."

Damian and Robbie traded a nervous look, each racking his brain to make sure he'd never said anything that might help Colin figure out the secret. It wasn't that they didn't trust him, they just didn't know if the revelation could be dangerous for Bruce or Colin.

"I don't understand, if this Venom is like a drug, why aren't you always like this or why hasn't it passed out of your system?" asked Damian.

"I wondered about that too but I can't exactly ask Dr. Crane," said Colin, "when he was giving me the full doses, I was insane with rage; the only thing that could control me was Rory."

"Who?" asked Damian and Robbie.

"My uh, teddy bear," Colin blushed, "Crane used something familiar, something I would recognize so that he could control me. After I went back to the orphanage, I went to pee one night and when I looked in the mirror, this is what I saw. As long as I have Rory with me, I can control myself and use the Venom to my advantage, when I realized that Zsasz was on the loose again, I thought I could use my new found strength to save the children and put him away."

"Where is Rory now?" asked Robbie.

"They took him, he's on that table over there with our wallets and watches," said Colin, "don't worry, as long as I can see him, I'm ok, I'm in control."

"Just how strong are you?" asked Damian.

"I've never really tested it, I mean, I don't know the limits but I've been able to lift up cars and stuff," said Colin.

"Wow," said Robbie.

"Do you think you can get us out of these handcuffs?" asked Damian.

"Sure, sorry, I should have thought of that," said Colin.

He had Damian and Robbie turn around and he pulled their handcuffs apart as easily as though he was popping the top on a soda can.

"Thanks, that's better," said Damian, "now, we know why we're all here, we need a plan to get out."

"I could rip the door off its hinges, there are 10 guards in the outer room there, it looks like they're just playing cards, I think I could take them," said Colin.

"You don't have any weapons, you could get hurt," said Robbie.

"That's another benefit of the Venom, I heal fast, as you noticed the night you found me outside your window," said Colin.

"No, we're in this together, we need a plan," said Damian.

"No, you two could get hurt," said Colin, "I'll protect you."

"Look Colin, you don't have all the facts either, I've had training, I'm a master assassin, we can take these guys together," said Damian.

"Assassin?" asked Colin.

"A story for another time, right now we need a plan to get the children out of here and get this fucker so he can't snatch any more off the street," said Damian.

"I think I have an idea," said Robbie.

Damian and Colin listened while Robbie outlined his plan. When he finished, all three boys were grinning. Colin went to stand in the dark corner, Damian lay down on his stomach and Robbie knelt over him.

"Are you ready?" asked Robbie.

"Not just yet, hold on," said Damian.

Damian used the jagged edge of his shredded handcuffs to slice open the tip of his finger, he took the blood that pooled at the tip of his digit and painted a mask around his eyes.

"DW, what the hell are you doing?" Robbie whispered.

"Fear, Robbie, is a powerful psychological weapon, we need every advantage we can get," said Damian, turning his face to show off his handy work, "what do you think?"

"Ok, that is a shit load more creepy then your hoodie cape," Robbie agreed.

"Good," Damian smiled, then put his head down, "all set."

At that, Robbie went to the cell door, he spotted the ten guards, they were a motley assortment of criminal scum, who sat playing cards under a dim light in the back of the main room.

"Hey, guard, somebody help, please," Robbie shouted.

"Quiet down over there kid or I'll beat you to death before you make it to the arena," said one of the guards.

"Please, something is wrong with this guy, I think he's dead," said Robbie.

"God damn it, Zsasz will have a fit if one of them dies, you know he likes to watch," said one of the guards, "Hank, you go check on the little bastard."

"Why is it I'm always checking on these little brats?" said Hank.

"Just fucking do it," said the man who was apparently his superior.

Hank got up and headed towards the cell, Robbie moved back into position, kneeling over Damian. Hank pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, then stepped into the cell.

"Ok kid, what's going on in here?" said Hank.

"He fell down, he won't get up," said Robbie.

Hank knelt beside the dark haired boy and with surprising gentleness, he rolled him on his back. When he saw Damian's bloody face, he reared back.

"What the fuck!" Hank exclaimed.

Damian's eyes popped open, making him look even more sinister behind his bloody mask. He reached up and jammed his fingers under Hanks chin, Hanks eyes fluttered and in a few seconds, he rolled over unconscious.

"Everything alright in there?" Hanks boss shouted from the card game.

"Uh, yeah, just kids Fuckin around," said Damian, perfectly mimicking Hanks voice.

"How did you do that?" asked Robbie.

Damian just winked at his partner, than searched Hank's body. He grabbed his keys and handed them to Robbie, he also found a collapsible baton, which he extended so he could use it like a sword. Then he turned to Colin.

"Ready big guy?" asked Damian.

Colin smiled wickedly, then picked Hank up like a rag doll and hurled him at his buddies.

"What the fuck!" one of the men shouted as Hank's body landed on their table, sending cards and poker chips flying in all directions.

"Good evening scumbags, we've had a lovely stay but my friends and I will be leaving now," said Damian, as he stepped into the light, letting the guards get a good look at his face.

Damian and Colin charged at the guards while Robbie worked his way down the cell block, freeing the boys. The guards had their hands full, Damian bashed at them with the baton, Colin threw them around like rag dolls or punched them with his fists that were the size of frozen turkeys. The guards didn't know what hit them. Robbie freed the last of the boys, there were twenty of them in all and they gathered at the steel door that was the final obstacle to their escape.

When there was nothing left of the guards but a heap of bloody and broken bodies, Damian and Colin high-fived each other then found the table that held their belongings. They didn't want to leave anything behind that would make it easier for these guys to find them again; Damian had already had a good lesson on that. Damian handed Rory to Colin then stuffed his wallet in his pocket and put on his watch, he was just stepping away from the table when one of the guards swung his own baton. The baton caught Damian right on the ankle and he yelped in pain. Colin saw the guard and kicked him, sending the man flying against the brick wall.

"Are you alright?" asked Colin, kneeling over Damian.

"It's not broken, I think he just sprained it but I can't walk on it," said Damian, he winced and fell back as he tried to stand.

"It's ok, I gotcha," said Colin, as he picked up his friend.

Colin and Damian joined Robbie and the boys at the steel door. Robbie couldn't figure out what was wrong, he tried every key but none of them would open the lock. The children were starting to panic and bang on the door with all their might.

"Everyone, stand back," Colin's voice boomed.

The room grew quiet and the children stepped away from the door just as the hulking figure commanded. Colin put Damian down and Robbie got under his friends arm to brace him so he wouldn't fall over.

"I'm got this," said Colin as he smashed the door.

It took a few minutes, the door was incredibly thick, but with one final kick, it tumbled to the floor. As the dust settled, a man in a leather jacket with a red mask and hood covering his face, stepped down from the staircase, coming towards the boys.

"Who are you?" Damian demanded.

"Easy baby brother, I'm here to help, I took care of the scum upstairs, I was just coming to get you kids," said the figure.

"You're The Red Hood!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Who are you?" asked Damian, in more of a confused tone this time.

"You, big guy, take the kids upstairs, lead them into the alley behind the building and wait for help, got it?" said the Red Hood.

Colin looked to Damian and Robbie, then to the Red Hood, he wasn't sure he should obey this guy or not.

"Move it!" The Red Hood bellowed.

That was enough for Colin, he and the children ran for the stairs, leaving Damian and Robbie alone with the Red Hood.

"Figured it out yet?" asked the Red Hood, once he was alone with the two boys.

"You're Jason Todd," said Damian.

"That's right, I heard you were the smart one in the family," said Jason, "I've been after Zsasz for a few weeks now, when I saw his thugs bringing you guys down here, I decided it was time to crash this party."

"How did you know who I was?" asked Damian.

"You look like the old man," said Jason.

"Did you get him, did you get Zsasz?" asked Damian.

"I took out 15 of his cronies and a few of his customers, he's out of business for a while but the bastard got away," Jason admitted, "I want you guys to join the others in the alley, call for help and get the children to safety, I'll take out this trash."

"You won't kill them," said Damian, more of an order then a question.

"They murder children, you want to let them live?" asked Jason.

"No, I want take a knife and slice them open then strangle them with their own intestines, but that's not our way, our way requires more discipline," said Damian.

"The old bat still preaching that old chestnut, huh?" asked Jason.

"Promise me you won't kill them," said Damian.

"Alright baby brother, you've got a deal, this time," said Jason, "get upstairs."

Robbie helped Damian to the top of the stairs, it was slow going, Damian had to hop most of the way, he couldn't put any weight on his ankle or he'd pull them both down. When they finally reached the alley, Damian knew why he recognized it, it was the alley behind Park Row, Zsasz had been using the Monarch Theater as his base of operation. Colin was waiting there but only a handful of children remained, they were street kids and once they were free, most of them ran for it rather then wait for cops to put them back in foster homes.

Robbie helped Damian sit on a milk crate, then started pacing up and down the alley. The full weight of what had happened finally hit him. He was a mixed bag of emotions, on the one hand he was frightened, he could have been killed, on the other, he'd helped to free boys who most certainly would have been killed if he and his friends hadn't been there to act. It was time to call for back up though, Robbie grabbed Damian's wrist and moved to activate the GPS tracker on his watch.

"No," said Damian, "not this time."

"But we need help," said Robbie.

"I know," said Damian, pulling out his cell phone.

"Who are you calling?" asked Robbie.

"Someone who won't spank me," Damian replied.

A few minutes later, Damian, Robbie and Colin were explaining themselves to Nightwing, Colin having returned to his normal state as a 15 year old red head.

"Alright, can you walk?" Nightwing asked Damian.

"It's not broken, just a sprain, I can walk with help," said Damian.

"Ok, good, can you guys give Damian and I a moment alone?" said Nightwing.

"Sure," the boys replied.

"So you met Jason," said Nightwing.

"Yeah, he took on Zsasz and his men while we were in the basement; he was coming to get us when Colin broke the door down," Damian explained.

"And he knew who you were?" asked Nightwing.

"He was rather more familiar then I would have liked, he called me baby brother, he said I looked like father," said Damian.

"Alright, I want you to go back to school with your friends, I'll see what Jason left us downstairs," said Nightwing.

"He said he wouldn't kill them," said Damian.

"Damian, the thing you have to learn about Jason is that he doesn't always do what he says he's going to do," Nightwing explained.

"He promised, I made him," said Damian, in his world, when someone gave you his word, he stuck to it.

"Ok, get back to school," said Nightwing.

"Um, I need you to promise me something to," said Damian.

"Sure, what do you need?" Nightwing smiled.

"Uh, don't tell father?" asked Damian.

"Alright, just this once I'll keep your secret but only because things turned out ok and I don't want you to get another spanking," Nightwing chuckled.

"Yeah, thanks, dick," said Damian.

"Hey, no real names in public," said Nightwing.

"Don't worry, I wasn't using your proper name," Damian smirked.

Damian put his arms around Robbie and Colin's shoulders, with their support he was able to hobble back to campus.

"Sorry I got you guys into this," said Colin.

"We're your friend's," Damian grunted, "if you'd told us what you were up to from the beginning, we could have handled it a little better."

"I didn't know that then," said Colin.

"Are we clear on it now?" asked Robbie.

"Yeah," Colin smiled.

"Good, you're a pretty useful guy to have around," said Damian.

"I'll help you guys with anything I can, but I want to spend as much time as I can helping kids like me," said Colin.

"We understand, don't we DW?" said Robbie.

"Of course, we all have our own reasons for doing what we do," Damian agreed.

"So how do you guys know Nightwing?" asked Colin.

"That's a long story..." Damian began, Colin had earned the right to know his secret.

Nightwing watched his little brother and his friends until they reached the end of the alley and turned onto the street. After that, he went into the basement of the Monarch Theater; he wasn't surprised by what he found.

A couple of days later, it was a beautiful fall morning at Wayne Manor. It was Saturday so Tim slept in, Bruce and Dick sat on the terrace drinking coffee and Damian, who was a quick healer, played with Titus on the south lawn, the limp from his injury hardly even noticeable.

"Everyone?" asked Bruce.

"Every single one, shot to death, execution style," said Dick, as he explained the fate of Zsasz henchmen.

"And you're sure it was..." Bruce started.

"Yeah, I'm sure, it was Jason," said Dick.

"Alright, I'll keep my eyes open," said Bruce.

"There's one more thing," Dick continued.


"You have to promise you won't get mad," said Dick.

"I already don't like where this is going..." said Bruce.

"Promise," said Dick.

"You boys, alright, I promise," said Bruce.

"Well, three of the kids I found at the scene..." Dick began.

"No," said Bruce.

"Uh, yeah," said Dick.

"Damian and his friends?" said Bruce.

"I told him I wouldn't tell you but I thought you needed to know," said Dick.

"Damn it, damn that boy," said Bruce, slamming his fist on the table, "I don't know what I'm going to do with that kid!"

"Hey, lighten up, he wasn't trying to cause trouble he was trying to help a friend and things got out of control, in the end, he saved himself and a bunch of innocent children," said Dick.

"He could have been hurt," said Bruce.

"Yeah, he could have but he wasn't," said Dick, he didn't need to explain Damian's slight limp, "he's trying very hard to be a good boy, for you. He even made Jason promise not to kill anyone, he doesn't know what happened after he left that basement."

"Really?" asked Bruce, more gently.

"Yeah, look, I know you're worried about him getting hurt but he's got a lot more training then any of the rest of us had when we became Robin. Sure, he's got that attitude but he's also got a good heart, Gotham needs people like him and I think you should take that under consideration," said Dick.

"Alright, I'll think about it and I won't tell him you told me, but Dick, if he confides in you and it's something that could get him hurt, I want you to tell me, ok?" said Bruce.

"I'm telling you this now, aren't I?" Dick retorted.

"Fair enough," said Bruce, as he clapped his oldest boy on the back.

Bruce and Dick talked for a few more minutes then they decided to grab a football and join Damian and Titus on the lawn. They found Damian standing on one leg, addressing his Great Dane forcefully.

"No Titus, like this, ok boy? Like a man," said Damian.

"What uh, what's that you're doing there, Damian?" asked Dick.

"What's it look like? Potty training," Damian explained.

"Oh son, what am I going to do with you," said Bruce as he and Dick laughed heartily.

Next: Chapter 4

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